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But only a DIAL in comes from at her receiver, TONEshock, as wethe phone. She is still staring f^ EXT. THE MOONLIT PATIO CUT BACK TO:

Dr. Lecter sighs, sets his phone down, then rises. Popping an orange section into his mouth, he turns towards the brightly lit house. Stepping delicately over the sprawled body of a uniformed security guard, he walks in through open french doors. CUT TO: INT. A BOOKLINED STUDY In a swivel chair, amidst the wreckage of his papers and books, is the bound, writhing figure of Dr. Frederick Chilton. His screams are muffled by tape, but he stares at Lecter like a rabbit trapped in headlights. DR. LECTER considers him for'a genial .... . u . then k n i f e . Hi. eyes are ? w m n g ? * '
raises th

* " t t l e pen-

.... L DR. LECTER oell, Dr. Chilton, shall we begin?


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