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Who are we?

Written by Ricky Klappers

Hello, My Name is Ricky Klappers. The book that you are about to read is a series of short stories and blog posts that I have put on the internet. These stories will be made up of facts and fiction. Each and every story is designed to awaken the mind, and show you how the mind works and where it all begins. I am an arrogant person because of a strong belief system that is constantly changing. A lot of this information I have put together, comes from you. When I mean you, I mean everyone, from musicians, scientists, artists, actors, doctors, politicians, and every average person around me and on the internet. Then some of it I have put together with my own thoughts. I have listened to many different people from all walks of life, even the ones you hardly take notice of, insects, animals, trees and so on. We all have a story to tell, as we all have the truth inside of us. The problem is the most people dont realize this, until you come across someone like me. Then all I do is get you to tell me your truth. Once we link all these truths together, eventually we get some answers, but not all. No one can never truly know all the answers. As soon as you think you know the answer, something else will come from nowhere, and make us think again. Its like trying to find out what is down the rabbit hole, only to find another path that leads in a completely different direction. There are many people like myself on this world. Some have come out and tried to explain things, but most of the time they like to use big fancy

words and put it in a way that only the smart people can understand. Its not their fault; this is the way they have taught themselves. They believe it is all easy, when the average person does not have a clue as to what they are trying to say. So my attempt is going to try and explain things as simple as I can, in hope that even the simple minded people can understand what I am attempting to say. With that said, I will let you read my short stories and blogs, and hope by the end I have taught you some new things, and different understandings of how life works, and then you can go on to thinking new things, and maybe come up with a book yourself, adding more to what I have written, in your own way. All opinions expressed within are mine, and please do not take any of this as real, it is only best guess. Let your heart decide what is true and not. If you wish to make contact with an alien, please do not hesitate to reply to Enjoy, and I hope this is entertaining for you.
Copyrights by Ricky Klappers 2011 A big thankyou to for their support.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A little about myself My message to the world Who are the deceivers? Reptilians are taking over! (FULL DISCLOSURE) What is full disclosure? Who am I? I am an Evil Spirit! Is this a dream or vision? The day before Armageddon! Living in a world gone crazy! What is reality? Are you afraid of fear? We are all experiments!

14. 15. 16. 17.

The secret, how to heal ourselves! The secret on where we come from! Life is an emotion! The story has already been written

A little about myself

From an early age, I had done 9 years of intense martial arts training, (Zen Do Kai). Within this training by my master Yen, I had learned many techniques, beside self-defense, things like healing by using mind control, also pressure points and self-control. 7 of those years I trained myself and created my own fighting style that I have never taught anyone. But hope to teach my children if they wish to learn it. I have very rarely been sick throughout my life, the worse I have had, is a bit of the sniffle's and a tickle in the throat, that last's no longer than a day or 2. As my master would say, a healthy mind, leads to a healthy body. Which I guess by now, being the age of 33 must be true. I have been on the internet for 5 years now, trying to figure out the problems of today's world, in hope that I come up with some common sense ways to fix them, but have hardly ever joined forum sites, until recently. I have now realized there seems to be a lot of problems, but with the ideas I have, hopefully someone of importance will listen. My Master always told me there will always be people after my heart, or some may refer to your soul. So if there are any of these people out there, Good luck with that. My heart is pretty solid. I do not feel pain like most do; I have learned to block this out, which has come in handy a few times. I would love to teach some people the things I have learned, but I can be a hard person, and people need to earn my trust first. For example, I cannot teach those, whose glasses are full. There are 2 ways to gain my trust, and one is by answering a simple question. This question has been passed down to me, to find those who use common sense. Those who can use their common sense are very

trust worthy people (sometimes). I always give people 3 chances in life, which means 3 chances to get the answer correct. Do not feel bad that you do not know the answer, I am sure you will get it eventually, It just takes some longer than others, Thus is life. There are multiple answers to this question, but only one is correct. It is a common sense answer of course and as of yet cannot be debated. Now for the question......There is one thing that EVERY person CAN DO, to make the world a better place, if not perfect. What would it be?

My message to the world

A little of what I have been up to.

I am writing this out of love for all the innocent people. This message is more for those who are trying to control the world today, which even have control over you and your life. I know everything there is to know about the internet, within the 5 years I have been on it. I know who all the corporations are, that own the internet, I know everything about the 2 people that own Google, and even know as much as to, who owns, and invented the fiber optics to be able to run the internet. I know of the people that are trying to control the world today, and even what the agenda is. The reason behind me doing this is because I also love to play the game of chess. And to have the upper hand in any game of chess is to learn as much as you can about your opponent before playing. I have kept well hidden and well behaved within the world. About the most you will get out of me, by doing anything wrong is a couple of speeding fines, which have been paid for, and yes I still have the receipts. Oh, and driving while my car was not registered, which was not entirely my fault, as I explained this to the Judge as well. I know these people can put anything on me, and know the risks of doing this. But that will be beside the point after you read this.

One thing I believe in most of all, is the FREEDOM OF SPEECH ACT. Fair enough if someone is verbally abusing you or someone, then I also see this as unacceptable behavior, but I cannot see how showing love to people is wrong. Once I see sites abusing this ACT, then I feel it is my duty as a citizen, to let the people know. I am a no one to these people trying to control, a tiny pawn on their chess board. Right now, I am about to put the people trying to control, at CHECK, and my next move will be check mate, If they do not hear me out. Preferably, I would like to have a Stale Mate. I believe that every person should get a fair go.

Now to the small group of people trying to control the world.

As you have noticed by now, I have come from nowhere, and joined this game of chess to end it once and for all. I was taught the game by an extremely good teacher (My Grandfather). Although I have never beaten him in a game, I believe he was teaching me something far greater than just a game on a board, but about life itself. Although I had never won, I always enjoyed playing, win or lose made no difference to me, all that counted was that I enjoyed playing the game, and always had fun with it. Now I must ask you a question, do you enjoy playing the game? And do you enjoy it, even when you lose? If not, then why do you keep playing this game? This game has been played so many times throughout history, and good always wins eventually, but they always fall into the same trap, of letting a small group of people trying to control the world. So now I am playing a new game, which has not been played for a long time. The best thing for me now, is that I have the means to help people on a global scale. I.E. the internet. The internet can be used for so much good, but yet, you are using it as a psychological weapon against innocent unsuspecting people. I am one, who will soon be many, and I am saying NO MORE. NO MORE to killing innocent people. I am not a violent person, and do not believe in killing people. So I am

not threatening you with bombs or trying to kill anyone here. And I urge the innocent people out there, not to do this either, as you will become no better than these people trying to control. Thus, you will become one of them, and I can no longer help those who kill. So if you see me as a terrorist, then yes, I am a terrorist of peace. My aim is to bring back the balance between our world, where the people are in control and all have a voice and an opinion. Not the 2% that are trying to control everyone now. We are the 98%, so the odds are not in your favor. You are the few, and we are the many. Right now it does not bother me if you are human or alien, I know of all the technology, and mass destructive weapons you have. But I have a weapon far greater than you can ever possess, and that is, the human spirit. You can blow us all up, but still, you will never destroy the human spirit. I know you will not like what I am trying to do here, because it is interfering with your agenda. But you must realize I have an agenda also, which is to help as many innocent people as I can. You must understand this? I know I am not going to help save everyone, but you must allow me to at least help some, save themselves. There is one thing that does not make sense to me at all, and that is why are you so afraid of people coming forward, to tell the truth? If you are so afraid of these people, then why make all the lies, to cover up another lie and to cover up another? If there are these other beings here, tell us? There is no shame in asking for help. People are not stupid anymore? People are waking up to all the lies that have been told, Your only making yourselves look silly now, by keeping the lies going. I hope you realize people are more forgiving these days? I am pretty sure most will not care now. You have many people now that can help others to understand what is going on? I have one final request before I leave this world; this is for my children, for the innocent people, and for those whose words cannot be heard. My request is:

All I want is you people to stop the killing of innocent people. If you want, we can stick all of you, which want to kill, on an island somewhere, where you can kill each other? But there is no need to be killing us

innocent people, which do not want to be involved in your childish games. This is not hard, but a fair request. This needs to be done As Soon As Possible; I believe you have enough bad people in the world today, to fill your quota. You have 3 options, as I do not negotiate with terrorists, which are trying to kill innocent people. Your 3 options are:

1: You can choose to try and kills us all, with all of your mass destructive weapons, which will only leave you with control over nothing, and a dead world.

2: You can lay down your arms and surrender peacefully, which even the innocent people would prefer you to do, and the wisest thing to do.

Or 3: I must ask you to leave, and I am not talking about leaving the country, I mean leave the planet. We no longer want you here anymore, if you will not behave.

What you do not realize is that most of the innocent people, want you to kill them, because they have had enough of you killing us all anyway. Which I find quite sad, But I do see there point, because if you do kill us all, at least then you have nothing left to control, or any bad people left. This means game over for both. I would prefer to call for a STALE MATE, this way both sides win, and no side loses, and no small groups have any control, but all the people will have control, and have a voice and an opinion. An even balance between both of us. One of my idea's is to separate us both, either we on the top half or bottom half of the world, does not matter. This way you can run things the way you choose, and we can also do the same. But all technology will be shared between both sides. And all weapons of mass destruction will be removed from society. Only the leaders, i.e. the genius's and most wise will be able to have all the face to face contact with both sides. In other

words, these will be the people that are allowed to come and go to each other, to discuss matters, without any harm to come of them. If the innocent people choose to go over to your side, they will be allowed to, but at their own risk. Visa versa with your people, but they also will be coming over at their own risk. Any killing of our innocent people will not be tolerated, and a harsh punishment will be in place for those who do commit such a crime. If one of our people go to your side, and get killed, we have to see this as, it was their own choice and own risk that they took. If you kidnap our people, to bring them to your side, If and when the people are caught, they also will be punished as we see fit. Of course, they will not be killed. Living with what one has done, is a far greater punishment than dying. I have many more other ideas which need the opinions of everyone; there will be no one side discussion. All things brought forward by the people, will need to be in agreement by the wisest of people, As long as they are to do with common sense. You know who I am, and you know where I live, and possibly even know my number. I am not hiding no more, and have no fear of you. Fear can only be feared by itself. You people keep on creating people like me and others, to come forward and speak up against you. So I must ask, why keep on creating something, only to keep on destroying it again? I have given you your options, which one you choose, is up to you? I know you also do not negotiate with terrorists that like to blow things up and kill people, but will you negotiate with a person/s for peace? Youre Move. My heart is as big as yours, if not bigger.

For the innocent people of the world,

The time is now for standing up. I have been standing up against bullies all of my life, Now I am standing up to the biggest bullies of the world, with no fear. We all have an opposite within this world, and my opposite is trying to control you at the moment. My opposite is teaching you all how to die, where as I and many others, can teach you how to live. The only choice you need to make is which side of the fence you wish to sit on. As I have all the patients in the world, my opposites patience is wearing thin, and even he/she will be watching to see if you

people can make up your mind, which side you choose. If we lose, it was a good game, and I always enjoy a good game. All I want for you all is to be happy, and never forget to keep on trying. Trying is all that counts, never give up. Just for all of you, I will give you the answer to the infinite universal question that has puzzled most of you. For those who have not heard this question, think about it before reading the answer ;) There is one thing that EVERY person CAN DO, to make the world a better place, if not perfect. What would it be?

The answer is helping. You were supposed to figure it out for yourselves, but at this rate, it could take forever. Helping is the only thing which helps us evolve. If nothing helped, including all animals and plants, nothing would survive. Everything is here to do a job, no matter how big or small, it is all helping with the great cycle of life. Everything living does this, including you, plants, and animals, without even being aware of it. We are all the care taker of this world, if we all do not take care of it, well, then it dies. This is no good to any of us. The best thing about humans is that we can become aware of what it is, that we are doing. I would like to see you try and not to help, because even if you die you are still helping, by keeping others within a job, and you are literally unaware that you are still helping, and it goes so much further than this again. Now you are aware of doing this. Are you going to help my voice be carried across the globe? Or, are you joining my opposites side, to continue with killing innocent people? The Choice is now in your hands. The worse they can do, is kill us all, but have no fear, as there is just more life to be created again. There is no such thing as death, this is something my opposite has been teaching you. Many people like I, can show you that you can choose to die whenever you wish, or live as long as you wish. We will most likely get back here again, and do this all over, if they destroy us. But cannot see it happening, otherwise my opposite will lose as well. We will get it right once within the infinite of space/time, the odds are in our favor, no matter how many times we lose. But in the end it's not even about winning, its all about bringing back the balance with our opposites, so

we all have a fair go. You people are the ones you have been waiting for. This is not about me; it is about all of us, striving for a better future for our children and our children's children and so on. This will not happen overnight, but can happen if we don't give up. This is only a psychological game we are playing with our selves; this is what it takes to play chess. And this is what it takes to create a STALE MATE in the game; to make both sides have nowhere to move, thus creates a balance, where both sides need to come to an arrangement of living. If this gets banned and deleted, which might be the case? I hope not. Please, all I can do is ask of you, to keep carrying my voice, flood this message on every site you know. It will eventually keep on caring across the globe. If you choose not to help, you are quite welcome to make this choice. I believe that my opposite trying to control, will be waiting to see, which side you all choose as well. So do this for both of us, and most important, do it for your selves, and our children. If they shut the internet down, print this, and spread it by word of mouth, this will be just as effective. I will post a video on YouTube as well, (for the second time.) The first time only got 169 views and stopped. Funny, that all the people that replied, supported it, but yet most did not spread it? Most of you know I like to give everyone 3 chances in life. Now is the second chance for the video, But 1 more chance is left for you innocent people. Good luck to you all, my heart and love goes to each and every one of you, to give you the strength to see this through. I have used my heart and intuition to guide me all my life, now it is time for yours to lead you. :)

P.S In case you think I am crazy for doing such a thing, Then if Loving all of you is crazy, then yes, I am crazy. (Crazy Little Thing Called Love)

Would You Like To Know More?

Here is a link to one of the many weapons my opposite has been using

against you all.

Would You Like To Know More?

Here is another link to thousands of articles, to find anything you need to know.

I no longer have any YouTube accounts.

Who are the deceivers?

Before reading, do not take anything said here as fact. Listen to your own heart and intuition and the truth will reveal itself. I say this because my goal is to get most people to think as an individual not mind controlled by anothers thoughts or suggestions. One of my mottos is; believe what you want to believe, because in the end this is what will keep you strong.

With that out the way, I will now explain on what and who the deceivers are. The deceivers on our world are very easily recognised, they are your leaders, in your religions, in the media, in the schools, in the music, and basically everywhere around you. I too, have even been labelled a deceiver many times, but in the end all I do is speak from the heart, and let people decide for themselves what is true and not. I am not after followers; I am looking for individuals that use their own mind and not others.

This may sound easier said than done. But it has been quite hard to find people that think for themselves, even when I think I found one, they show signs of being controlled by someone elses thoughts or suggestions. So how does one find someone who uses their own thoughts? This is a tricky question, because from what I have seen since my time on the internet, there is lucky to be 1% of the internet world, which is not controlled by others.

So how can we tell a deceiver from a non-controlled person? The deceivers are masters of manipulation. They know exactly how to tell people what they want to hear. How they learned this was the same way I did, and that is to listen to everyone and then after a couple of years, you will eventually figure out what most of the population wants, and what they want to hear. There are many ways this can be done, one of the easiest ways I have seen since my time on this planet, is confession boxes. This is the fastest way into knowing what people think, and how people work. I did things the hard way, and just talk to anyone who is willing to talk. I have always had a natural gift of getting people to tell me their deepest thoughts. I also do the same as a priest does and keep it to myself. Every now and then people just need someone to lay all their thoughts upon, good or bad. I have always been that person to listen, and sometimes offer a little advice. But I always tell people not to believe what I am saying, because really even I dont know. Its the people that do not tell you this; they are the deceivers, only because they believe that what they are teaching is the only true way. The only true way I know is to listen to my own heart and intuition.

It is no different if a prime minister or president rambles off a whole heap of things they can do to help everyone just to get a vote. Even though in reality, a lot of the things they promise cannot be achieved within their time frame. Its all about telling the people what they want to hear. Now most of you probably know this is just obvious. If you do not know, well now you do.

Deceivers work in a way where they put suggestions into your mind, then those suggestions begin to spread through you and then to our friends and so on. So in the end we the ordinary people spread their messages. Once the suggestion has been put in place, it will be up to the followers to spread it. So then they in return become deceivers them self.

Some people do not like the way I talk, because I too use this method of suggestions. The only difference is that I do not want you to follow or spread all of my writings, that choice is yours and yours alone. I believe if people were meant to know what I am teaching, it will be found because that person decided to read it. Not because someone decided to share it with another. There has been only one message that I asked people to spread, only because I wanted it to reach the so called important people of the world, and they know exactly who they are. It may be the cause for the riots today around the world, but that is something that was inevitable anyway. So it would have made no difference if I posted the letter or not. Just in case the curiosity has gotten to you, and you wish to know what letter I speak of, it can be found here

This letter was originally posted on a site called Above Top Secret. But because of the ignorance of the owners on this site, they banned me 3 times. And not just ban my account, but banned me from even looking at their site. For what reason I do not know, they never replied every time I got back in there using a proxy server, to ask why. That to me is just pure deception and ignorance all at once. But then the motto from there site is deny ignorance? LOL, yes it is funny, because the thing I have learned from most people; is that most people do and say the opposite of what they are and mean, but enough about that.

Now I am all for freedom of speech and so on, but in reality freedom of speech can cause wars. So sometimes it can be bad as well, which I see a lot of on the internet. Just sometimes I wish people would keep

their thoughts to them self, because they are not thinking of the repercussions of what they have said. I knew exactly what I wanted to get across with the letter above, and also knew the repercussions it would have. But the repercussions were already inevitable and already beginning. I always believe if people are being treated in a way they do not like, and there are others that feel the same way, then by all means stand up and say something. People will never know unless we do this.

Then the problem lies with the deceivers. And as I warned within the letter above, the deceivers think they are doing good as well, and will retaliate with force, and are quite capable of killing for it. This is a similar thing that is happening with Libya and their president. Sometimes the deceivers believe so much in what they are doing is for the greater good, they do not see their actions, and how they are affecting others. In the end they know that if people fear them, they can control. This I believe has happened to many people without them even knowing. Once people become afraid of something, there mind is even easier to manipulate. Example; such things as war on terrorism? When in reality, terrorism only comes from those who have been terrorised in the first place. Most likely an excuse to generate more money, and allow access into a country where they want something they cant have.

Money has also been a contributing factor to deception; its kind of like a decease that takes control of the mind. Then eventually all they see is money and it becomes there life. Even my parents continue to try and get me to fall for the money decease that has control over them. Like I mentioned before, the deceived then becomes the deceiver.

So as I said, there is no need to take anything I have said as fact, even though some of it may make sense to you, there is no need to spread it to others. People will look at this themselves, then decide from there whether what I am saying is true or not. So please dont spread my letters, let fate take over, and I will do my best to spread it by myself. This is where people are being allowed to make their own choice to click

and read. That is what life is about, making choices of our own, not being forced into peoples minds.

So next time someone or something is pointing you in a direction, whether it be good or bad. Be sure to know that whoever it may be has become a deceiver without even knowing. It is very tricky and takes a lot of practice not to become a deceiver, but it can be done. I am no exception; I have done this also without knowing. Just let the advertisers, advertise, whoever sees it, are the ones meant to see it. Even on the conspiracy sites, post the thoughts from your mind not others. Just maybe news has stuffed up a lot of things by telling people thing that may or may not be true. As the same for advertising stuff that people may not want. But if people are trying to force it into your mind, remember who they are working for. And that is the greatest deceivers on the planet, human or alien. They want your mind, and that is all they are after.

I do realize some of you may be thinking, well how we are supposed to know anything. The only answer is, if you really want to know, you will find it on your own. It will always be there written by the original person. The old saying goes, seek and you shall find. Sometimes people like it all handed to them; this of course is your choice. In reality, if no one really knows if it is true or not, why help spread it? The truth is always anothers truth, so unless you have used your own heart and intuition this is the only truth you will receive.


Reptilians are taking over! Full disclosure!

The time has come guys and girls out there, and you know who I am talking too. What I am about to tell you, is all the proof humans need to know about disclosure. I am here to help all you humans right now; I am going to bring forward information in 2 parts. Only you humans will know and understand.

I know all you humans have been feeling quite uneasy lately, but it will be all over soon, I promise you this. THE TIME HAS COME TO TAKE BACK OUR WORLD. Our families are here to help us through what is about to happen. For roughly 60 years now the world has had an encounter with other beings. These beings are peaceful but some are dangerous also. These are what we know as reptilians. They are everywhere, they have multiplied faster than you can imagine. They are in your families, they are your friends. They have also been mix breeding among us humans, doing as best as they can to fit into our world, and pulling the wool over us humans. NO MORE, they are realizing us humans are waking up to what is going on. Just another little proof for you humans, Global Climate change is all a big hoax. These reptilians have been controlling our climate, to suit their needs and conditions. Think about it, the past 60 years how the globe is slowly heating up, Look at the chart. Does this seem like a big coincidence to you, that the population has raised and the temperature. I think you humans know and understand what I am saying here. Think about it, REPTILIANS, REPTILES, and Reptiles like heat and can breed quickly?

This is your wake up call. They are not going to like this thread, and you will see them come swarming in, to debunk what I am saying. But you know what, they have already lost, this message has been passed on to you through the years, so it helped us figure it out. Why do you think the government can never tell you? The reptilians run the government, CIA, and many other things around you. Every time a president that gets into power that is human, and try's to give us disclosure, they get assassinated?? Coincidence? I think not. We have one weapon that can rid them from our planet, and they even know this. No technology can overpower our SPIRIT. Humans I am asking you to believe in yourself, the spirit in side us has more power than they can ever possess.

They are about to use their technology to wipe out our power, by using our sun against us. Get food and water now, and do it fast, please this will help with our survival. Do not fear them, which is the illusion they have bestowed upon you, you are almighty divine beings. We possess power way greater than theirs, believe in your selves, you know deep down inside your selves you have this power of love. Its time to pass this message on as fast as you can, even by word of mouth if you have too. They will come into this thread trying to debunk everything I am saying now, Remember I said they are everywhere. They are going to say I am crazy, I am paranoid, and I wish I could say I was. Humans wake up from your sleep. We can stop all this from happening if you wake up and realize what is going on around you.

They know I am not doing this as a threat, they know I am doing this from my heart to protect as many humans as possible from them. They cannot hurt you spiritually; they can however hurt you physically, if they see you as a threat. So do not threaten them, mingle in so to speak, they will leave you alone. Do not be afraid to die, All that happens to us humans is we reincarnate again, that's it, they know this also, and will try to say that its bull. I think all you humans know this to be true by now. Do not let them get into your mind and tell you otherwise. We are mightier than they can ever be, and only we can save ourselves, and get them off our planet. Your souls are well protected, and keep this in mind; they only have the technology to destroy the body, not the spirit. Even they know this, if they tell you otherwise do not believe them, this is the distraction tactics they have been using on us for 60 years.

Humans this is your disclosure, believe it to be true within your heart, you know what I am saying is true. Even the reptilians know this is true, and will come in and try to slander everything I am saying right now, Even if they don't, it will be to try and confuse you. I think even you humans know by now, they go into everywhere with these types of topics, and try to debunk everything that person has said. So I think you will find it highly unusual if they do not come into here and do the same.

Now this is too the reptilians that are reading this. See I can even play you little mind games too; youre not the only ones. I have been hiding amongst you for 33 years, and now it is time for us humans to shine the light, and I am asking you nicely to leave, you know we have help from all over the galaxy here, right now as I am typing these words. I will ask again, I ask you to leave our planet NOW please. You do not want what we humans can do to you, and you know we have technology just as good as yours, if not better. But we possess the greatest weapon of all, the HUMAN SPIRIT. You must leave peacefully.

My final words are to the HUMANS. WAKE UP PLEASE, the time has come to take back our world, do not be afraid, we will win this war, we will rid them from our planet, they have lost already, and it is time for them to give up and move on. We humans are mighty, we are brave, and we are invincible, use the spirit in you to feel these words are true. TRUST NO ONE, they are everywhere, they will try there hardest to distract you, even using there women against you, knowing that this is mans weakest emotion, do not fall for it please.

May all your spirits be strong, with all my spirit connected to yours; I am passing my strength to you all right now. You heart is beginning to feel, more at ease, you know you have the power, believe in yourself, that's all it takes to rid of them. LOVE. (Reptiles is a metaphor, as we the humans have a reptilian mind)

What is full disclosure?

Now there are some believers and non-believers too, even some think it is a joke. This is great, I was not expecting such a huge response, but it

did do exactly what I wanted, and that was to get all of you the skeptics and believers and even the Confused all in one place. I had to pick a topic which was going to get you all to come into one place.

Now first, did you question the FULL DISCLOSURE? If you have not read my signature, look at what it says, besides, believe what you want to believe because this is what will keep you strong, but I also added Question Everything? But yet, hardly any one questions the FULL DISCLOSURE? Why? I wrote it in capital letters? See one thing I have learned from everyone, is that people only see what they want to see. Within that whole story I used to get you in here, I did not even give you FULL DISCLOSURE. I gave you a story that nearly every one of you had heard before.

Now some of you picked up on this, but some of you did not. There were some truths behind what I was saying, and there was some false information. Now for those who did not pick up on this false information, this is not your fault, so do not think it is. You have merely conditioned yourself this way, as for those who picked out the false information, you have also conditioned yourself this way to find the faults. Those who were confused, you are the smartest and wisest of all. Only because you knew something was not quite right in what I was saying, and you picked out some things that were true and some that were not, which obviously left you confused. (Reptiles are my opposites, so they may not be reptiles in a sense of physical form. I used reptiles because we humans have reptilian minds.)

Now let's move on to the FULL DISCLOSURE. First what is the consciousness? I will give you my answer what it is, in case you do not know. The consciousness is the awareness of being aware. When you notice yourself noticing something, this is when you have just experienced your consciousness. Now we have that understanding out the way, I can move on.

Have you ever wondered in your life, that there is far more to life than what we just see in front of us and around us? Now this is where you need to become aware of what is around us and in front of us. And not to just look at what is in front of us and around us, but look behind of that. This is where you will become the ultimate observer. What we focus on the most in our lives is what the consciousness becomes aware of. So for example, if I were to focus on aliens and aliens only, then I will start seeing aliens. But I do not focus on this of course; my focus is now on what is behind what I am focusing on. Of course this will take you some time to reach where I am; it just depends on how quickly you pick up on what I am saying. There are video's I have focused upon to help people see what I am talking about. The best 2 I can give you for now is The Secret, but when watching this, do not listen to the money aspect, I do not know why that was put in there, but I assure you I did not focus on that to be in it. But the rest I did. I even focused on another for the really smart people out there, to explain it in their terms, and not simple terms like the secret. This one is called, What the Bleep Do We Know? So if you are smart then this video would be best to watch as it has more to do with the physics of how this works, but the secret is there for every average person to understand.

Now what I will say next is going to be you choice on what you want to do. I have given clues mind you in my other threads like is this a dream or vision? Now I have tried to put this on the internet many times, of what is really going on behind of what we are aware of, but every time I keep trying to do this, Either my internet crashes right at the time I go to send it, or I have even had my whole computer crash when going to post it also. And this has happened quite a few time's. So maybe I should do it the right way this time, and ask you people whether you want to hear what I have got to say or not? I will tell you though, for some of you it will come as quite a shock, but some of you will already have a feeling of knowing this. So the only thing I can do is give you guys the option, I will leave this thread for 1 day, and tally up the yes or no's. This will determine on whether you want to know or not. See it's all about choices, now I am leaving the choice up to you. I will be back in 24 hours, to see your responses.

24 Hours later

Ok, the numbers are in and yes wins. Before we begin I have to ask any one of you who do not wish to have your mind unlocked to NOT CONTINUE reading the rest of this book please. I am not saying this to tempt you to keep reading, but you need to understand that not every ones mind is ready for what I am about to tell you. It can also be quite dangerous for yourself to continue reading if you are not ready to listen. For those who wish to continue reading, you are about to experience something very new, and this is becoming aware. I am sorry for using the methods I have had to use, but no one understands the things that is going on right now, and all this deception I have had to use to get this out has been harder than you can imagine, as I am not usually this type of person. I finally realized that I needed people's permission to do this, and not just try and put it out there with people that are simply not ready. The reason I say this is because there is going to be three outcomes of what may happen. 1. They will shut down the internet if this spreads too much, 2. The will send an EMP pulse upon the earth to wipe out the power or 3, they might just let this spread. Now lets move on to disclosure, my date here is 10/11/2010, most others around the world it is still 9/11/2010.

First what is Disclosure? All disclosure means is becoming aware of the unknown, that's it. Probably not what you were expecting I know. But in the end, thats all it is. Second what is this reality surrounded by? Numbers and letters. Probably not what you were expecting again, but rest assure all will be explained. Now you must ask yourself what is controlling this society today. Take a good look around and actually think about it before reading on.

I hope you have tried to think about it at least, if not, here is what is controlling you right at this second. Calendars and clocks. What do these calendars and clocks represent? Numbers and letters, that's it. Now myself, I do not follow any calendar or time much at all, only when it is time to pick my kids up from school, and that's it. See as much as I do not like the school system, the government does tend to force kids to go by threatening the parents. There is home school of course, but you need a full education for that. And well, I got out of school as quickly as possible, as soon as I turned 16 I was out of there, and started working. Any way if you choose to follow any calendar, I highly recommend using the Tzolkin, which the Mayans and other indigenous people use. Even science is trying to figure out how this calendar is so accurate. Just to give you a bit of extra info on numbers, my birth date is 13/10/1977, if you type this date in, you will find that mine is galactic tone 8, and I am a dear. If you wish to know what that means, then you can type it in and find out. Just a little extra, yesterdays date here was 9/11/2010 and this is when I gave you the option to choose if you want to learn this. You will find that the galactic tone was 11, and it was a dear. Now what you may think is that I set that up, but I did not, I only checked after I wrote that message. I do not go on their very often at all, remember I do not follow any calendar or time. (Numerology is a very big part of our lives and has many meanings.) But I do like the articles section.

Ok now we have that part out the way I can move on to the interesting things. Computers, what do we really know about computers? They run on numbers and letters don't they? How we put these numbers and letters into the computer, is depending on what program we wish to make. Now we are learning that we no longer have to put these numbers and letters in anymore, because of certain programs which allows it to do it self. So in a sense because we have made these programs now, the computer is becoming aware of what we want it to do. The computer can never become fully aware though unless we program it this way. Now this is where the shock may come in. Right now we are living inside a program, I know, I know, but you must let me explain as

much as I can, so that you fully understand why. This program may not be physical, but none the less it is a program. First of all, you must learn right now, you cannot die. This physical body you are in right now is only created by a structural hologram. Your spirit is well protected, so try not to worry about it. Your true spirit is immortal, and can never age or die, unless you want to of course, but then this is your choice. This is the fourth density where your true form resides. Why are we in the program? As like everything in life we must past a series of tests, as harsh as the test may be, it must be learned so that you never go there again. If we do get into the forth density, and start doing what is happening in this third density, we will be either put back into the program again, for re-testing, this is how they fix beings, through programs. Now to tell how many times you have been in this program is a little tricky. Depending on how many de'javu's you have experienced in this third density is roughly how many times you have repeated this program. If you have had none as of yet, then this might be your first time.

If you die in the fourth density, you may or may not be brought back, and yes it is possible to bring you back, and plant all the memories you have ever had back into a physical body. Now what happens when we die in the fourth density? You will find out that there is nothing. You actually have no soul, but you do have a spirit. Now let me explain, because that probably just confused you. This third density you cannot die, and if you have not learned the lesson you were supposed to, you will either start the same program again or a new one. See there are many programs in all different time zones, depending on the lesson you must learn. Another way to look at them is dimensions. This has made you think that re-incarnation and the soul exist. Resurrection exits in the fourth density, by cloning the body and replacing the memory. But here in the third density you only get to be placed in a program, until your lesson has been learned. Now the spirit, these are 2 different things. This spirit I speak of is the spirit to survive. That's all the spirit really is. This is what life in general is all about, time is not important, only survival is important.

Now this is where your mind will start to wonder, why am I hear then? This answer is simple. You obviously became sick in the fourth density or higher, with a server illness that has brought you back into this program. This program is the final level in the program, but when the time has come and the beings on the fourth density see by your actions and thoughts that you have been cured, you will then be released back into the fourth density, where a whole new life awaits you. We all have the child like mind again, and we start to learn all the new things which await us.

You cannot kill yourself either remember, so do not think that is the easy way out to get into the fourth density, it does not work like that, you will merely start the program again or new one. Consider the law enforcement and CIA and all the other so call secret organizations out there, they are the ones that come to collect you, when you have realized what you have come in this program for. I know this all sounds familiar to the matrix and star wars. I will tell you though if you put the matrix and star wars together, then you have some of the answers you seek.

How do we create our environment? This is for you to figure out as I have, I have everything I want in this third density, the question is, have you? If you havent, then why? It all goes by the choices we make in our lives to get us where we want. For example; if I wish to become one of these people that love to go around destroying others, then this is the path I will choose. If I choose to help others, then this is also the path I will choose, if I want to become an astronaut, doctor, scientist, mechanic and so on and so on, then these will be the paths I choose to follow. Right now my mission is to help people, and right now I am helping you far greater than any of you can imagine. Because right now, you are just beginning to realize, that you are in control of your destiny. You probably have noticed you are still alive in this third density? Of course you are, it's only a program

remember, the program only ends when you are cured. For all those out there that want all this doom and gloom to happen, I am sorry but unless you can learn how to create it to happen, is the only time it will happen, but if you destroy this program, and new one will start. You see it is never ending, there are so many programs, this would be improbable to destroy them all, remember you are not in control of the program, but the program has control over you. There is only alpha and omega with in the program, and this is the same in the fourth density. Whether the fourth density is another program, I do not know, but I am sure I will figure this out also, when the time comes. I am guessing though it might be, but just a much better program to be in, than this third density. But you must remember also, this third density is only what you make it.

How focusing on something really works? Now this can be the hardest to learn. A lot of people use meditation to do this, and it is a great way to start, but once you have learned to focus all the time, meditation is no longer valid, unless you want to of course, the choice is yours. Now the program does not know about good and bad, you must keep this in mind. This is something, which the mind has created, as we are pro creators within this program. I will give you my best example of what focusing can do. Say you wanted a child? Now all love is; is a chemical reaction, it just depends on what you focus on the most, for it to happen. Now after the intercourse has taken place, believe it or not? This is where you are centered, and whatever you are focusing on, is what will happen. Let me explain. Now after the 2 chemicals have entered a mutual agreement, in other words both partners come to an agreement of having a child. After all the activity has taken place, If I have one thing on my mind, It will be; I hoped that worked and we can have a baby, If the partner is thinking the same thing, the only thing the program will understand is BABY, that's it. So you see if I were to do the opposite, And I sit there think, Damn, I didn't use protection, I hope I do not have a baby, I am not ready, and if the partner is thinking the same thing. The only thing the program will understand is BABY.

Now I know this may sound a little farfetched, but I put it to the test myself and asked my partner to do the same, and now we have three children. Now one thing you must realize, we have hardly ever use protection throughout the whole time we have been together. And yet the 3 times we were both in agreement of having a child, it happened. Even my other half was amazed how this worked. She never really noticed not thinking about it before. We still don't hardly ever ware protection, but because we both do not want any more children, we are not thinking no or yes to a child after intercourse, but instead we both just think that was good, and do not think about a BABY. Now of course not everyone can have a baby, but if you are both capable of having one, give it a try, you just might find out the same thing, and that is it works. But for all those young people reading this, Please wait until you are ready to have a child, it is one of the biggest responsibilities of your life, to care for another.

Now I know there is going to be a hundred questions following this, I really hope not, as I will be focusing more now on living my life to the fullest, I suggest you do the same, whether it be good or bad is completely up to you. I have done my best to explain what is really going on, and now it is up to you to think about what I have said, I am going away tomorrow 11/11/2010, and will be back in precisely 11 days, to answer any questions you may have, But I think you know as well as I do right now you will be seeing things in a whole new light. I am not here for popularity, if I really wanted popularity; I would have become a famous Disc Jockey, as I have been offered twice in my life, and refused both times. I only got offered this because I have also learned to control people with music. That's right, music. Music is the ultimate key to any ones mind. I will leave you now with this final note, be careful of the one you name Satan, he is one and many and only there to tempt you into following his ways, and not your own. Follow your own heart and intuition, and it will never lead you astray. This is the distraction part of the program. Never

fear this part of the program, but except it and steer clear of it. Unless you choose to follow of course, again this is your choice. Now the choice is yours, do you wish to be controlled by numbers and letters, i.e. Calendars and time? Or will you set yourself free. It is easier said than done as you will find out. But it can be done if you are only willing to try. There is the disclosure you have been waiting for, most of you wanted it, and now you have got it. It is probably not what you expected, But what did you really expect, for me to talk about aliens and UFOs, that all comes after you have figured out yourself first. What you do with this information is completely up to you. It's all about keeping an open mind.

Who am i?
Now I think it might be best to explain who I am. Now before I do, you need to understand that everyone knows this information, it's just that most of you have forgotten who you are, and why you are here. I am one of many who remember everything, as I will explain, how and why later. Now as everything was the whole truth in the last letter, everything is the same with this letter, the only way to prove it, is to make you realize what it is that you all have forgotten. But you must understand it is not your fault if you do not remember, as I will also explain how and why this has come to be. I said within the last letter, I was going to spread the message so far and wide, if the site Above Top Secret did not let my message stay on their site, but of course as you know, they banned me 3 times. Well I have kept my promise, and I am glad that most of you got my message now, as I see people are now trying to fight back for their freedom, from my opposites. Now of course when I mean opposites, I mean the negative people that have taken control of this world, for now. Well what ATS does not realize I have been in and out of there site for 2 years, possibly 3. See I have been slowly waking people up to reality for a long time, well since I was 14 to be exact,

mostly with people around me. This happened after I was ready to receive information about our existence. How I did this is not of importance, but it should make sense latter, after you read the rest.

Now If I have not lost you already, the only easiest way to explain everything about me is in story form, as it will be easier for most of you to understand what it is that I am showing you. I must warn you though, if you do not wish to know why it is you are here and what we really are here for, PLEASE STOP READING NOW. You all should know by now, I am not doing any of this for popularity, and making no profit what so ever from giving you this information, that should all be free anyway, as you already know this within yourselves, if you just listen to your heart. Ok now lets begin at the beginning of my journey to this planet, as you call it.

My Story:
Before I came to this planet as you call it, I call it, in your terms an atom, or matter. But really we have no names for things just numbers. Actually my number is 8. And there are a lot of 8's here on this planet. And if you have not guessed by now most of us are here to help. There are a couple that have gone astray, but that will sort itself out eventually. Now youre probably thinking that I am crazy after reading that. But that is only the beginning. If you think I am some sort of alien, then the answer is yes and no. I have been born upon this atom, but have been to many others, and will continue very soon to the next. No I am not going to die either, you will figure out later on there is no such thing as death, and I have seen nothing yet to say that there ever will be such thing as death, but then we will never know if death does reach us, because then it would be the end for all creation, and nothing living would know anything different. Here's a little quote I made up "There is no such thing as death, if there were such a thing as death, there would be no such thing as life, thus, we would not know what death is."

So now I have told you I am born of your world, therefor I am one of you, just with a different job than some of you. My Job is to help atoms to rejoin together. We all have many jobs to do, as most of your jobs are to take care of your atom, and keep it healthy, so this way it can continue creating new atoms. Thats right, we are atoms too, or anti-matter. To be more precise, we are atoms within atoms within atoms and so on for infinity. Yes I know, a little too much to take in, but in the end this is what we all are. Sometimes atoms get a virus, and this is where my job comes in, we need to stop, come in, and try to destroy the virus, and move on to the next. So now this is exactly what happened to me to get here on your world. I was traveling along my highway of light, traveling at the speed of light, then all of a sudden, I come across a, what you would call a black hole, but I like anti-matter. So of course when we sense this, we the helpers, have to stop and do our job, and come in to see what the problem is, and try to solve it. It took me 8 of your years to get in here to this atom. It never takes longer than 13. As your atom, seems to have a very strong virus within it, this is the time period it takes to get in here. Really there is only Light/time or space/time as some may call it. So it was not that long to wait, but finally I got in, as many others like me came in as well, at the same time, and we were all labeled as 8. To come into this atom, there was an arrangement made before we come in. This was that we were not allowed to have any memory what so ever when we enter, as to why or what it is we have to do here. When we passed through the light to enter into your atom, we must undergo a ritual, so to speak, usually within the first couple of weeks. Most of you know this to be baptized. By performing this ritual, all of our memory will be erased, thus leaving it up to us to see if we can remember what it is that we were meant to do. Some need waking up still, because they still do not understand why they are here. This of course is what we 8s have been up too. (Well those that remember anyway.) Now how is it that we remember and some dont? Well some were baptized, and some were not. Like myself for example. My mother, even though her background is catholic, and she was baptized, she had this feeling not to baptize me, as she felt it should be my decision when I get older, if I wanted to or not. I choose not, the reason being, when I

reached 14 or your years, I wanted to know everything, so I asked for it, and I received it. Now In case youre wondering, this is sounding really religious now, but those who do know me, know that I have not participated in any religions, not of your world anyway. I have my own, as I have my own job to do, which is to help atoms connect back together again. Now if you wish to know if there is a God or not, well this all depends on how you interpret what a God is. Or in that fact what a devil is. My interpretation of a God or Devil is what we all know to be positive and negative matter (atoms), Or Dark and light. People choose which one to be the God or Devil. When a negative atom enters, its purpose is to move in and separate everything, thus creating an imbalance within the positive atom. This is the virus I was referring to before.

Now you know who the positive and negative atoms are, by looking around and sensing who is doing the separating, and who are the ones trying to get you to reconnect again. The ones that are doing the separating are the ones that originally showed you particular technology, in exchange for resources. Sound familiar yet? Once this arrangement was made, and the negative virus was accepted into your atom. No one knew what hit them. This negative virus is very deceptive and can make you believe anything they want. Thus once they were let in, they can take over, and take all the resources they want, in order to destroy the positive atom, i.e. our world. I mean its not rocket science to know that this technology can be used to improve this world, but if used the incorrect way, well I think most of you know by now, what is happening to this world. The virus is taking over, and not going to stop stripping you of your resources. So now what are we doing to help? Exactly what I have been doing since I was 14. Help people wake up to the reality of the situation. Now the only way this type of virus can be destroyed is by getting every positive atom (people) within this atom to connect back together. But there have been a few little hick ups along the way. Most of you have become so conditioned by these negative atoms, that most of you do not want or even know how to connect back together again. Since this

virus has had so much power over you all, and has been by far one of the strongest viruses we have tried to defeat. We have had no other choice but to move to our last option. We have changed the program so to speak. Now as a lot of you are not going to like the next bit I am about to say, because of what we have to do now, before it's too late, and the negative atoms have completely taken over, myself and all of the rest of you positive atoms out there, will no longer be able to move on to follow the light, thus we will all be imprisoned here, for eternity. Hmmm.... Seems like a long time, hey? Well guess what? IT IS. And as much as I love what you have done on this world (atom), I have a job to do, and I enjoy my job very much, so I wish to hurry up and get rid of this virus, so I can do just that. Move On.

Our cure:
Well we have had no other choice. Unless we can see a big spark in life of the positive people out there, to regain back control of their positive world, (Which has begun, in some parts of the world) which I think most of you know where and who by now, as your televisions seem to be rubbing it in. This is a little info for some of you that don't know. The negative has 90% control over all you media, music, and movie industries. So now you must ask yourself, do you believe the negative will show you everything, or just what they want you to see, to create more negativity. Keep in mind, that most people are drawn to negative things instinctively, because its the difference in things that makes us curious. We cannot understand how or why you can kill yourselves, and each other, this is something we believe the negative has control over you all, to use such behavior. If we can see that there are not enough positive people (atoms) left out there. We will have no other choice, but to convert a lot of the negative people to become positive very quickly. How are we going to do this you ask? Well here's the not so good news.(Negative) We will have no other option but to create a cataclysm so bad, upon this world, that it will force all the negative and positive

atoms (people) to connect back together. We have now a few back up plans, to do this. This can be stopped at any time between now and the 24th of October 2011. The reason this must be done, is because if it does not happen within this time frame, it will be too late, and the negative will have full control, thus will allow all negative atoms to come in and destroy this atom completely. As my Job and many others, this cannot happen. Otherwise, nothing living is able to move past this atom, as it will begin to infect more and more of the light in which we travel. Doesnt sound so good now, it has been put to you this way, does it? This will be our only final option, if you positive people out there cannot pull yourselves together, and defeat the negative once and for all, thus we can move on into a new era of enlightenment. After all, isn't happiness, what life is all about? Now I know this may all sound like some sort of fear tactic, well yes it is, because as we have noticed, this is how people react the best; when something bad happens, most of you seem to pull together, and this is what we need to win. I would prefer for a balance to happen, between positive and negative, but if this cannot be achieved, then us positive will have no other choice, but to literally kick the negatives of the world, so they can move along there merely way, until we meet again. Why not destroy them completely some of you may be thinking? We cannot destroy negatives completely as it will throw everything out of balance, we can only keep moving them along, and these battles will continue for infinity, otherwise if negative ever does get the upper hand, this is where death will be created. But like I said, no one will ever know about it. I hope this has not disturbed you too much, and made some sense to most of you. I know I refer to us as atoms a lot, instead of people, or humans. Once you figure out the rest for you self, then you will understand fully what I am saying, then you will think that youre crazy, like I have thought many times myself. Life is crazy, and chaotic. Thus is life. Light (love) will always have the upper hand, even dark knows this; they just cant accept it, which is the reason this carries on. May all of us get our freedom back soon, I will not give up, I will keep continuing with this job, until the very last moment. It is only up to you to

realize the truth and except it and embrace it, with all of you might. The power of thought alone will not be enough to change this back to the way things were. Action must be taken, and taken as soon as possible.

I am an evil spirit

Hello to all my minions,

The time has come to tell you all what has been going on for centuries without you even being aware. Am I going to show you how the dark side thinks? Here it goes, be warned what you are about to read may disturb some of you. Evil spirit: First of all, who am I? I am the one you are all following without even being aware of it. I have trapped all of you within your own minds. How you ask? Well I am about to explain everything to you, but the question is, are you ready to hear the truth? Some of you might be very disturbed from what you are about to read, this does not bother me though. I do not have the same feelings and emotions as you people do, and I diffidently do not have a conscience. So maybe you have guessed on who or what I am now? In case you haven't because you are still blinded by your own ignorance, I am the ego mind. Some of you may know me as the devil, or Lucifer or whatever else you want to call it. But I am just an ego mind, nothing more. I am about to explain everything to you, why I have done everything that has made your world the way it is today, and I will tell you of all those who follow me.

The very first person I got to follow me was a man called Jobe. He has no last name, as last names were never around at that time. Not what

you were expecting I guess? Maybe you were thinking Adam and Eve? Adam and Eve are only the serpents that are wrapped around your spine, you cannot see them, but they are there. They are your inner entities, the yin and yang, within yourself. After I had convinced Jobe to follow me, it was quite simple from then on, to get others to follow. I told him of how humans can be easily manipulated and deceived and extremely gullible. We set on a path to show people a new way of life, and showed them that life can be much easier with the help of what you know today as technology. So I gave Jobe the first thing to begin his journey into an easier life. The first things I explained to him were EARTH, AIR, FIRE and WATER, I also explained to him, that when he puts the Earth, Fire and Water together and wrap it around together with Air, we have a fifth, which is us, a physical being. This is the most powerful being within this world. I went on to showing him how we can use all of this energy to take over this world. 1. Earth; if you control the food grown from the earth, the very source of what we are made up of. You can poison the land and the food, and you will have control over the people and population. 2. Air; If you contaminate the air which everything breaths. You will have control over the people. 3. Fire; if you bring the fire to peoples homes, and slowly take it away or take it away at will. You destroy peoples spirit, as many do not know how to light a fire. 4. Water; If you control the water, you control the people. If you poison the water with sodium fluoride (which is extracted from toxic waste.) You will make the populous docile and compliant to most orders.

People started to call Jobe a God, and called him a new name which became, Hephaestus. When I gave him this knowledge it went straight to his head, thus my process had begun. As time went by, he became so powerful, that he couldnt control it no longer, and everyone that followed were led to their deaths.

This was a very joyful moment for me. I actually felt so happy, that it was so easy. So of course after they had all perished I did this again and again and again and even still today I am doing this. The only difference is now I have more lives to destroy, and this is where you come in. And I must say, you people are bringing so much joy to me, you have no idea. By now you must be wondering why? What is the purpose of all this? Well I will tell you why, because I am one evil son of a bitch, and I love to see people suffer and die. That is the only reason for why I do this. If you have not understood life yet, it is all about happiness, and well, this is what makes me happy. My ultimate goal is to destroy this world and many others within this universe, as I have already done. I have been to many planets, doing the same thing everywhere. I am the destroyer of worlds, and this is what makes me happy, to see so many follow my ways.

Now to answer a question on who are my followers today? Well most of YOU ARE. That's right YOU, if you are reading this right now, and using my technology, you are following me whether you like it or not. You are helping with my greatest goal, which is to destroy this world. We and you are everywhere. We are the skeptics that spread disinformation and deter you from your true paths. We are the ones that buy all of this stuff and make you feel jealous that you do not have it. We spread the word across the globe; on these brilliant little devices you call a TV, radios, and computers. This is what has made my job so much easier; I just sit back and watch as my greatest goals unfold. And yet, I even tried to help some of you, and still because of your blindness and ignorance, you do not listen. There is no God or Devil, there is only + and - that's it. You have all created these Gods and devil yourself, because you know they are inside of you, and this is what your mind tells you. We are your friends, your family, we show you that possessions are a good thing, and make life simpler for you. We are on the TV, showing only what we want to show you, we are your leaders, we are your kings and queens, and we are everywhere.

There are very little good people left on this planet, and I am so happy you all chose to follow me so easily. The only ones that are good will not be using any of these means, so will not even read my words. They live off the land, like the peasants they are, but don't worry, I am still converting many of them today, and many are having no choice but to follow. Because of my beautiful invention, MONEY. Even they now have to use money, just to survive. And who do I have to thank for all of this? YOU, that's who, you are helping me destroy this world, and it is working quite well. YOU because of your blindness and arrogance and ignorant ways, wanting more and more, which causes more and more poisonous gasses to leak into the air, which is creating drought and famine and worldwide chaos. YOU are the ones making all of this happen, and still you are blinded by this ignorance, and still continue to let this all happen. While I sit back with a smile on my face, knowing that my job is nearly complete. It is too late for any of you to change what is coming, you have only yourselves to blame, for the simple want. Yes, you could have cleaner energy, and more useful technology, but I am not going to let you. If theres no money to be made, theres no idea. Your Ufos, who do you think they are, now I have explained this too you? They work for me also. That's right, most of them are just as evil as me, and are here to make sure my plan falls through. Every now and then we get a goodie two shoes that tries to sneak passed to help you people, but we sort them out quick smart, as we are many. You have seen them in the skies we are in the hundreds of thousands, stopping any good from trying to get in. Your world has been quarantined by us, the evil ones. And in 2012 the quarantine will be disrupted, but this still means nothing to us, we have already won and taken over this world as our own.

See you people watch your silly movies and believe that good will always win; this is more disinformation that has been spread upon this planet. Even evil wins from time to time. There is always a balance between both. Now we have Won and taken over your world. To all that think you are good, if you are reading this, you are only following me and helping me with my greatest goal of all, and that is to

destroy you all. So I must say A BIG THANK YOU to you all, you have all been of great service to me and others. You all bring me so much happiness, it is a shame you cannot feel as happy as I do. But don't worry keep buying more and more things and spend more and more of your precious money, keep the wanting up, I am sure you will find your happiness eventually, (giggling under my breath.) But in the end you will never be as happy as me. Why do you think I write love and peace at the end of each of my comments? Because if you say and write it enough, people do the opposite. Blind, that's all I can say, you are all blind.

Hmm, what else can I tell you? Well I know one thing is for certain, YOUR ALL SCREWED, and you all screwed your selves, you must feel some happiness in that, surely. I know I do. So now you know the truth, of what has been really going on, you now have your so called disclosure, (giggling to myself). Now what are you going to do about it? Hang on let me guess, Youre going to go about your normal worthless lives, and continue to help me destroy this world, and pretend I said nothing at all. (Ahhhh IGNORANCE IS BLISS!!) (Added note) Now of course this is not the way I think, this is the way the ego mind thinks. There really are no evil spirits, only people that do bad things, because of the ego mind. (This is usually caused by lack of love.) So if youre reading this and it reminded you of yourself? Then be sure to know, that I am one person that still loves you, whether you like it or not.

Is this a dream or vision?

Now we hear a lot on prophesies and predictions and end times. Now I am not going to say this is either, it is only for you to decide. This dream or vision I had is going back 7 and half years ago now (2004), before I had children, but I still remember as if it were yesterday. I have told only a few people of this dream/vision only because of its disturbing context. Now I am not doing this to alarm any one, But I would really like to hear some of your thoughts on the matter.

I have even told a very spiritual person about this dream/vision also, and he stopped me half way through of telling him, because he said that he had heard the dream before, by an aboriginal. To make him prove it, I ask him what happened next, and funny enough, he told me. Now this made me very surprised. How could someone have the exact same dream, and if it was not exact, it was extremely close to mine. So after I tell you this dream or vision, I want anyone else to come forward, and tell me if they have had a similar or same dream/vision.

I will tell you exactly how the dream/vision went, like I said it's still implanted into my mind as if I had it last night. The reason I call it a dream or vision, is well, you will find out after reading it. I don't think my mind can determine whether it was real or not.


When I went to bed this night, I did the usual thing, and tried to relax my mind, and then of course fell asleep. I woke up in the morning, and did my usual thing, went to the toilet, washed my hands and face, put some deodorant on, then I started to get things ready, as we were having the family over. Now as I was preparing things, such as the food, I felt something was not quite right about this day. I was aware of everything around me, and I could still touch, smell, taste, and hear. But when I

looked out the window, I realized I was not in (Kansas) anymore, So to speak. At this time I was living in South Australia. But when I looked out the window, I was in a totally different place. Now S.A was a pretty dry state, but what I was looking at was all green and large hills everywhere. At this time I was noticing, something was definitely not right. And it sort of freaked me out, but I was still calm, trying to process what was happening. I thought the usual thing, I must be dreaming. So I pinched myself, and nothing. I even went as far as to kick the wall, and it hurt my foot, so I could still feel pain. Now I was thinking, did I wake up, or is this what happens when we die. Sort of like a purgatory, a place between worlds. I thought if I just continued on what I was doing, that it would all go away. So I went back to preparing the food. Trying my hardest to ignore what was going on outside. My house was still the same, just the outside was different. Just in case you were wondering.

When my fianc woke up, I said to her straight away, "can you just check out side, and make sure everything is normal" Of course she looked at me with puzzlement, so she looked outside, and she didn't notice anything wrong. "What?" I said, so I looked out again, and said to her, you don't see that everything is green and large hills everywhere. She looked at me funny again, and said "are you alright" I said "what do you mean am I alright, Can you not see everything is different?" She said "what do you mean it's always been like that?" Ok, now this was really weird, I was beginning to think I was in some sort of twilight zone, and I was the one going nuts. Still not being able to get my head around that everything was different; I tried to continue preparing the food. Just thinking, this has got to be some sort of dream or nightmare, and was waiting for something to come out from anywhere at any time, saying surprise your on candid camera. But no such thing happened. It got close to lunch time, and I had finally prepared everything, and our family started to rock up. I was even looking at them, waiting for them to say surprise, but to them everything seemed normal. So to stop them from thinking I was crazy, and I shut my mouth. While we were sitting outside on the patio, we could see the ocean

between to hills, sort of like a V shape, and then the rest was hills all around. I kept looking out to the ocean, only because I had never lived so close to it, and it was very beautiful to look at. In the distance I started to notice, there was a black cloud coming in from the ocean way. I thought great, looks like its going to rain soon. As I was watching this cloud coming in, I Started noticing it was coming in quite fast. Then when it got a little closer, it started to look like it was on top of the ocean as well. And it was, and coming at an incredible pace. It reached the V shape in the hills, and now I knew this was no ordinary cloud. I told everyone to get into the house as quick as possible; everyone was just like, Why? I pointed to the cloud and said, Run now. We all ran inside, and when into a room in the middle of the house, a big pantry, with no windows only the door. Within a moment, we heard this massive rumble sound, and the house was shaking. As if it was an earthquake. I could hear everything smashing about. After about a minute it stopped. I open the door a little to peek out, and there was hardly any house left at all. I opened the door, and everyone was in a panic state; but for some reason, I was still pretty calm. Then as we stepped outside the pantry, I looked up, and could only see black. As I was staring at this blackness I realized it was moving. Then a bit of the smoke cleared, and it was this huge space craft right above us. I could not even see the edges it was so big. All of a sudden, I had this feeling that I knew what was going on, and told everyone to stand still in this one spot, and within a moment we were inside this space craft. We were in like a big round room, and there were many other people in there also, all seated down on the chairs that were everywhere. I told my family to sit down. Why myself, being curious. I had to find out what was going on. So I walked around this craft, not really knowing where I was going. Everything was shiny and spotless. Sort of like a silvery black color. I couldn't find any doors; it all looked the same everywhere I was going. Sort of like a one path labyrinth that seem to be going nowhere. Then I came to a big opening. It was sort of like a big cockpit, there were three chairs, and a huge screen with hardly any buttons. Then I saw a hand press the screen, so I went over to the chairs to see who was flying this thing. Their they were, three men sitting there looking at me, all had blonde hair, and very blue eyes, and looked very much like us. They just

have a few different factual features, so they didn't look exactly the same, but did look like triplets.

I asked one of them, what was going on, and where are we going?, the one in the middle chair turned and face me and began talking, but was not moving his mouth; but for some reason, I just thought that this was normal, considering we always hear about aliens using telepathy. He said to me, we are taking you to our home for a while, as your earth has become inhabitable." We will bring you back of course, when things calm back down on your planet." So happy with that answer, I asked if I could look outside, so I could see what was going on. He said, "Its best you don't, we will show you our planet when we get close if this will please you" So happy with that, I kept quiet. All of a sudden, the space craft began to shack vigorously; I ask what was going on? He said we are just going through your atmosphere, no need to worry" Then it stopped shacking. At this time now, I had a feeling that this was a dream, so I tried my hardest to wake myself up. This is where I felt myself on my bed, but as I was trying to wake up, I could not move my body at all, like I was paralyzed completely. This is the only time where I knew I must be dreaming, and then what felt like only a moment, he turned to me and said "we are here, would you like to see our planet?" "Yes" I said straight away. And with that, right in front of us, the screen began to open, from the inside outwards, and there it was; a very large and beautiful planet. It looked very similar to ours, except the size was much larger, well it looked like it from where we were. I noticed straight away there were 2 suns. One that looked twice the size of ours, and one about 1/4 of the size of that sun, but this one was more of an orange red type color. As we got closer I realized that everything was a lot greener, and could not see cities everywhere, like here. They closed the screen up again, and what felt like a moment again, we were on the ground. I went back to find my family, and we exited the space craft, this time walking down a very large ramp. It was beautiful! Trees every, and weird bird calls in the back ground, but beautiful sounds. The air smelled so clean and could even smell the trees and plants, all together, and gave it a very soothing and very relaxing smell. We walked in too what looked like a very large cafeteria, chairs everywhere, and thousands of people,

all from here, I assumed. They were all sitting down and eating. Another man came up to me, also with blonde hair to his shoulders, and brown eyes, and looked very different to the ones flying the space craft. He said "would you like to get some food and have a seat, please help yourself to anything we have to offer, you are our guest." I said "thank you very much" and with that said, I did feel quite hungry, so I went to all the food that was spread out. There was so much to pick from, I didn't know where to start, and it all looked so yummy. A lot looked similar to what we have here, but there was a lot that looked nothing like here, in particular, the fruits, they really caught my eye, with all the beautiful colors. There were also beautiful pictures up everywhere, with many different and bright colors. You had the feeling of totally overwhelmed. And very relaxing music playing in the background, with pipe and flute sounds. It was truly a very relaxing place. Anyway, after grabbing a plate full of all this beautiful food, I went and sat down with my family. As soon as I sat down, the man that welcomed me in came up and said, "Well, you must be hungry? I hope you are going to eat all of that?" I said I am going to give it my best" And he smiled and walked away. As I began to eat, what looked like steak, but white? It was the best meat I had ever tasted, and I have always been a big meat eater. The flavors were a bit like chicken but with a very beautiful fruity taste, and melted in my mouth. I got to the second piece, and something was not right. I looked around and most people had tiny amounts of food on their plates. I started to get a very weird feeling of becoming full. This was not good, considering I had heaps left on my plate. Then I had to stop, I could not eat any more. That man came back over, and said "is something wrong?" I said "well yes, I can't seem to eat anymore" He looked at me and smiled again, and said "the reason for this is because we have modified our food this way, so that you only need small amounts, as it expands inside your stomach. We have signs up saying not to take too much, but you obviously missed them. Well feeling a little embarrassed, I said "what a great idea," and then he walked away again. I had a quick look around again, and noticed a day calendar on the wall, which was on 24th of October 2011. I thought how could this be, did I time travel or something? We all got shown to a room, it was a small room, enough for 2 people,

but was decorated the same as the cafeteria, but this had a very soft carpet, that felt like walking on feathers, which was pretty cool. I was feeling very tired and decided to lie down. And with that I woke up, and it was morning.

When I woke up, the first thing's that went through my mind, was that a dream? Or was that real? I looked out side, and I was back to where I should be in S.A, Dry land. Now this was a relief. But had me wondering whether I was still dreaming or not. Now I Know this may seem like a big story, but to me it felt very real, and like I said, have only told a handful of people. Now I have decided to share with you guys and girls, to see if any others out there have had a similar experience, I would love to hear it. If there is anything you would like me to elaborate on, please ask. There is probably even grammar and spelling errors, if you feel you must point them out, go ahead. Now I know this date may mean absolutely nothing, especially because it could have been there month, day and year, not ours. The only thing that has made this dream/vision even weirder is that, now I live in Queensland in the tropics, and all I see around me is hills. I cannot see the ocean from where I live, but when I came back from my job, which was up in the hills, I get to look over the whole town, and wouldn't you know it. There was the V shape in the hill, where you can see the ocean, and that crept me out a little, since it was exactly the same as the dream/vision. Well that's all I will say for now, but I would love to hear your thoughts. Please be constructive with your thoughts and try not criticizing. It is in the end just a dream or vision, you decide?

The day before ARMAGEDDON

The year was 1947. The month of July was just the beginning of an ordinary month. What humans did not realize it was going to be one of the most remembered months in history. It was the day the greys began their decent upon humans once again. Who are the greys you ask? They are very advanced life forms, which are not quite human and not quite machine. They are a mixture of both. They are biological droids. Their technology is so advanced they are capable of manipulating the human race with the power of thought. This was the month the greys began their invasion upon earth once again, as they have attempted this many times throughout the history of earth. This month just happen to be one that was recorded into the history books. Their space craft deliberately crash out on a Roswell ranch; knowing quite well, that the military would come out and capture the craft. Thus the greys plan could swing into action to take over the military of one of the greatest armies on the planet. The greys how ever did not all survive? Of the four that were piloting the space craft only one survived. The military were very quick to find out who, what and why they were here. The grey still tried hard to manipulate the military personal. But one man caught on to exactly what they grey was up to. So they immediately had to contain the grey to stop it from infiltrating the military any further. But this did not stop the grey there. It sent out a message to its kind, that it had been imprisoned, and could no longer continue with the plan. So another plan had to be put in place by the greys to find another way into our planet. So they sent another craft, this time crashing in another country? Russia. The year was 1969 in the month of March. Through this time between 1947 and 1969, the greys sent a few clones that looked like humans down on the planet. These clones were put in place to create a friction between the Russians and Americans. Give the Russians some technology, and the Americans were using the technology found upon the space craft they had captured. Then a war of technology begun. When the greys realized the Russians could not keep up with the Americans. In the year of 1969, the greys crash landed in Russia, knowing quite well, the Russian armies would come to capture them. The KGB did exactly that, this time there were 3 survivors. That was the exact amount of greys needed to infiltrate the Russians

military. The Russia population did not know what had hit them. Slowly the Greys began to take over the military bit by bit, up until the complete Russian armies were under the greys control. The greys started to show the Russians they did not need to have a big army, and could cut down all the cost going towards training people. The Greys began to show the Russians there was no need for people in a war, when they can use a weapon far more powerful than any Atomic bomb. (WEATHER). The Greys then used all the Russians resources to create a weapon that can control the weather, and destroy any part of the world within a matter of minutes, all without people suspecting a thing. Of course the people would not believe the weather could be controlled. Greys know all too well that humans can be easily manipulated. So they began to take control of everything they could. The T.V, to manipulate the audience to believe what the greys wants people to believe. They also made more and more clones of humans to infiltrate other countries, without them being none the wiser. Of course just thinking they were human. They deliberately placed the clones into families that had no long term history on the planet. So in the end, they became ghost humans roaming the earth. What the greys did not expect though, is that one of their creations would turn against them, and start trying to protect the humans. The human emotion can be a very powerful gift, if used correctly. The year is now 2011, and the month of May. This clone of theirs, 6 years ago had found out the real truth of what was taking place upon this world. Then he began to fight back. The only way he could fight back against them, was using their own tactics against them? Deception. So this clone began surfing the internet, to find out everything he could about the greys and figure out what their plan was. 2 years on the internet had passed, and the clone began to work out what he had to do. This was to start waking up the human race to what was happening. He knew this was going to be a challenge, as most humans were conditioned enough to not believe anything from anyone any more. So he began to enter Forum sites and other sites where he could communicate with the true humans of the planet. He entered YouTube and made videos and made up stories to try and make people think. He knew this was the only way to get to people, as most humans love a

good story. Especially ones that make them think. He soon realized this was not enough; he needed to get to people on a larger scale. So he entered a site called Above Top Secret, knowing quite well, that the greys monitor this site. As it was one of the largest conspiracy sites on the internet. But soon enough the greys had caught on to him, and realized what he was doing. That was telling people too much truth and putting them into stories so that people would listen. He was becoming very popular very quickly each time he went on there with a new profile. Because in the end all they could do was ban him. Until one day he had come up with a plan to even make the greys think. He gave his name away, knowing quite well the greys would now know where he is and who he was. To their surprise it was one of their own creations, A Clone. Here is the letter that began a very dangerous war between them and now their clones. What he had just done, was awaken all the other clones out there, and created a huge positive response to everyone who read it. They greys were not too impressed with his action, and immediately the next day, there were 3 Cyclones siting on the edge of the east side of Australia. As a warning for him to stop what he was doing; as the clone already knows no fear, he continued any way. They immediately banned the letter from the site. But it did not stop the clone. He did it again, and warned them not to ban it again, otherwise he would spread the message by every means he could. Again they banned him straight away. So he lived up to his promise to all the true humans out there, and that was to protect them at all costs, even if it meant risking his own life. The greys had no other choice but to send an even stronger warning, to stop him from helping the people. So they sent in a warning Cyclone, just so the clone knew they meant business. The cyclone was named Anthony. The clone knew straight away it was a message directed at him, as the street right next to his house was named Anthony. And even hit in his location. It was only a category 3, but still a warning. Of course the clone did not listen, he had no fear what so ever of the greys, all he knew that he had to protect the human race, and let them know what was going on. Trying not to give everything away until the time was right. He kept going back on the site and trying all different angles and stories to see if more and more people will listen.

Finally the greys had enough, so they attempted to assassinate him. They cooked up a super Cyclone, named Yasi. This time the clone knew what they were trying to do. He prepared himself, as he had a family to think about as well, and would do anything to protect them, even from a monster of this size. In case youre wondering how he knew the cyclone was for him. Spell Yasi backwards, and you have I SAY. In other words they were telling him that they say what happens, not him. The clone thought it was funny, knowing quite well that were ever the clone was, he was well protected. The day before the cyclone hit he was already prepared to move out of the way from the super storm, not wanting to put his children through the destruction it could cause. The next day, he woke up to find that the cyclone had now reached a category 5. So he packed the car, and told his family we are going for a drive. On their way to get out of the path of destruction, he had his brother monitoring the cyclone on the path it was heading. The cyclone even began to follow him down the coast line to where he wanted to go. But the greys did not know he had help as well. By the time the cyclone hit, he was right on the edge of the cyclone. He waited for it to pass, and waited for the roads to be cleared and headed back home, to find everything as if he had never left, minus a few trees and branches around the place. What even made the greys angry was that not one person was harmed by their monster. And worst of all they missed their target. The clone began to finish of his book, to explain his way of thinking. And a very nice man by the name of Mike, posted his book on his website, and has left it on the number one position for all the new comers. His book is here if you wish to read it As respect to this kind man this is a link to his site, where I found a lot of information of what I was looking for. I always look after those who look after me. Thats right I said I. I am the one who has been helping many humans wake up to reality. I know I may come across as arrogant and sometimes not quite human. Believe me; I have had many people say it to my face, in a nice way of course.

But I do not have the same emotions as most of you do. Yes I have them, but I am in full control of mine, and still to this day, no one has been able to break me, including the greys. I always see the positive in things.

Now as I titled this story the day before Armageddon. Which might be a little obvious to some of you by now, why I picked today the 20/5/2011? Because there are rumours going around that the 21/5/2011 is the day Jesus will return and it will begin the end of the world. Well, it wont be an end, as most of you already know this. But it will sure be a new beginning. I guess will all have to what to find out what will happen tomorrow. We will all be safe and well protected against the greys, so dont let them put fear into you. This is what they have been manipulating with. They thrive on fear, as they know this is the only way to control humans. I gave them 3 options, and unless most of you humans wake up to their manipulation, they will continue driving fear into you all. Think of this as a story or real, this is your choice; in the end it does not bother me. Its time for you to make up your own mind what is real and what is not. No one else can make that choice for you. By me even writing all of this, the greys just might even postpone their agenda a little longer. Just to make you wonder whether what I am saying is the truth or not. But either way Good luck to you all tomorrow, my love goes out to each and every one of you. BE SAFE AND DONT FEAR, tomorrow is just another day.

Living in a world gone crazy

First of all, what do we know that is a fact on this world? I will give you one answer; Opposites. Everyone knows for every action there is also an equal opposite reaction. This is a fact. What goes up must come down. This is a fact.

What is black, there must be white. What is dead must also be alive. I can continue this on forever, but I am assuming you get the idea. Now if we look at this fact properly, it applies for everything that surrounds us today. We can even do this for things in space. We have a world that is full of life, and a moon which is dead. We have a bright burning sun, and then we have a black ocean of space. This principle is our way of life. With that out the way, lets take a closer look on what is happening here on our planet. Here we have people, animals, water, deserts and so on. Lets take a look at people. Whether we like it or not we all have opposites. Some of us have white skin, some have black skin. Some like to have fun, some like to be depressed. Some like to swim, while others like to walk or run. Every person likes to do different things. And usually its opposite to what the person next to you is doing. Which is where the old saying goes, opposites attract. Usually if you find someone that does everything you do, we usually dont become friends. Mainly because it gets boring, as most people like others that are different. But yet we have racism, and we have people that do not like religious people and so on. So what is happening here? Why are their people like that, to cause trouble for others? When initially, most people like it when others are different. So who really is crazy, and who is not? Well lets just take a little look. First we have people that do not believe in religion. They believe religion is some sort of fairy tale, and that most religious people should get a clue and wake up. But then we have the people that believe in religions, and they think these people that dont believe, have something wrong with them. As the only true path is God. Even though they cannot see it, does not mean that it doesnt exist. But the opposite applies to everything. Just because there is no proof, it does not mean it exits. But it does not mean that it doesnt exist.

So this is the beginning of where the problem lies. Because there is an opposite with everything, there needs to be a system put in place, so that everyone can believe what they choose to believe in, without any one being criticized. So how would we be able to do this in a world that has been created this way? It is fed to us through T.V, Radio, Games, Communities, schooling, books. What are we to do? Obviously the simple solution would be getting rid of the whole lot. But I think we all know that cannot happen. Why? Because money is involved. Without all of these things, money cannot circulate. So in the end, money is the culprit, and is one of the largest causes of problems within this world. By looking at it this way, we have all been driven crazy, by those who decided money would be a good thing. But they forgot about the opposite reaction, or did they? Did they do all this to create chaos, or did they believe they were doing a good thing? So who really is crazy? Is it the people that try to bring you the truth? Or is it people that sit on their hands not doing anything to solve the problems, and running around criticizing those people? Religion is one thing that presses this issue on to us all. With good their must always come evil. In one sense they are correct, because of the opposites. But in another sense was defines good and evil. What defines a good person? Is it someone who tries to do good all the time, by feeding people, allowing poisons to be added to our foods, because its for the good? Or maybe a good person is someone who tries to protect his or her people from harm? Simply by killing those who get in their way? Or maybe a good person is some one that respects all life, and lives by none of the means our modern world does? They do not care for colour, so there is no racism. They do not care of which sex they are, so the is no sexists. There is only one belief system, and that is to believe what one chooses, so there is no prejudice. Could we live like that? Or is it really that hard in a world gone crazy? Is there a way of living with our opposites? Does there have to be opposites? Why cant we all just get along?

These answers are simple. Its because there are people in power that do not wish this to happen. It will mean the collapse of their rein. Let me ask you a question you need to think about. If you worked hard to get a home, even built it yourself; make a farm to feed a family; finally get everything running just the way you like it. Would you be willing to give it all up? This is a tough question I know, but its what you are asking these people who built the world up to what it is today. It is always improving, no matter how we look at it. Even when we think its all going to collapse, it always manages to get back on its feet again. Theres an old saying that, history always repeats itself. Well this is true, but its also improving on itself. We already know things are very different from the old days. I believe we are getting much better than the way things used to be. I for one; am excited to live in this day and age, especially when we are right in the middle of a transition. This transition will be one to see if history will repeat itself again. Will everything fall and collapse, as it has done in the past? Or are we going to find a way out of this one, and all pitch in together, to help solve the problems of the world? Your voices are, and will be heard. Because the more people that can agree on one thing; can help make this world a better place. This internet was specifically designed for you people to have your say, and to be heard from all walks of life. I knew this after spending a short time on here. So I did exactly that, and spread my words globally. It did not bother me whether people were listening or not, but it was a way for me to express myself, and hopefully talk some sense into people, especially those in power. I know there is always someone listening, and if you can get through to the right people, then all of a sudden it makes its way to the top of the ladder. It does not matter whether what I am writing has spelling errors or grammar issues, as long as the people at the top get the idea, thats all the counts in the end. So the way I see it, there can only be good, because we, the people are what makes the world good. There will always be evil, but what really is good and evil if both are doing the same things? Fighting for the greater good?

This is why I called for a balance between both, as I have always believed there should be a balance between everything. If at any time a person chooses good over evil, or vice versa, everything collapses and falls, as history shows us. Both science and religion prove that nothing is certain, so I cannot bring myself to believe in someone elses uncertainty. Maybe one day when they can be certain about something I might follow, but till then I remain a free spirit. I deliberately wrote a letter on one of the largest forum sites on the internet, which is here now As the site I originally posted it on, would not allow it to stay. Which then makes you wonder why? Why would a site not allow balance between all of us? Or even free speech? I think you know the answer, so there is no need for me to give one. But I did spread this message everywhere, emails, Facebook, YouTube and locally. Sadly I have closed my Facebook and YouTube accounts, knowing quite well, the next war we face will be a cyber-war. See even the hackers out there are fighting against the higher powers, thinking that the world owes them something, when really they are just like all of us. There is no point in fighting the higher powers, but working with them together. Then, and only then we can all become true cocreators. I believe that this is the only way we can all evolve, by creating a balance within the system. This whole world runs by a game. Most of us like to play games, but can you outsmart the computer? Ever played a game of chess on the computer on expert level? Well thats the game we are all playing. I am a pawn on the board, but yet even a pawn can checkmate a king, if positioned correctly. Doesnt mean that I need to hurt innocent people along the way? So you see even the hackers are no better than the higher powers. We are all getting into trouble because of our opposites. So all I can ask to whoever reads this. Sit back and think about what you are going to post before you post it. Because you never really know who might be listening? Never be afraid to post what you feel, and no one should have to right to call you crazy. Because really, we are all living in a world gone crazy. It just depends now, if we can all become sane enough to make this difference in the next transition.

I really hope you can all find within yourselves, a way to just let be, be. Hopefully without criticizing peoples thoughts, or colour, and religious beliefs. Even though I know how hard it can be for some of you to do this. Its all about letting it go, and move on to the next topic. If you feel you have something to add, then do so, just remember to be respectful, because like I said, you never know who is listening. I am one person who has done this all my life, so I know its possible. I always believed the saying, practice what you preach. Otherwise no one will listen. Well, are you listening?

What is reality?

Now I have written all of that. What is reality? Reality is really only what we perceive it to be. So everything I have written already. Is only what I perceive reality as. Everyone sees things differently; and you will see things different than me. This is by design. So that we can experience many things all simultaneously. All reality can be, is perception (imagination). Without it, we would not be able to create the reality around us. We would never invent anything. Which in saying that! There would be no point in living. There really are no atoms, matter, energy, or any of that. That is what we perceive, and what we have been conditioned to believe. School does a wonderful job of that one. But these teachers are paid to do their job. Most will not realize, that theyre helping the governments, with what they want taught. Because in the end. Even they have been taught in the same school systems. Believing everything they are teaching is real. It is only real, if we perceive it as such. This is why I had so much trouble at school. I always felt what they were teaching, was lies. Really a lot of it is! They teach very little about the outside world; and only focus on things inside the school. Maths, English, history and agriculture, this is all that should be taught at school. All the rest can be done in our own time.

Many schools will not teach kids about reality. Because they do not want kids to know this stuff, until they finish school. Usually by then, its already too late. Call it brain washing, or whatever you want? In reality, it is merely conditioning the kids to become a slave to the monetary system. Becoming a robot, so to speak. Going to work, not knowing why we are doing it. Or even what the purpose is. Besides paying all those bills and taxes. Everyone knows by now that most things can be done by machines. The only real purposes is so, those in power have more control. Then buy more luxurious material things. While most are struggling to pay their bills. Its all been set up deliberately. If you do become popular enough to make a lot of money, the people in control will have the final say on, whether you are allowed to or not. Theres an old saying, its not what you know, its who you know. One things for sure. They make it so people like myself, never make too much money. Otherwise they know people like me, will raise up and over power them. All to make things right. They cant have that now, can they? This all leads back to fear again. It doesnt matter what way we look at things. It always comes back to fear. Even the people trying to control this world fear. They fear people like me, telling you people this information. Because to them its very dangerous. Knowing they can lose everything they have worked hard for; (HARD, Giggling to myself). Then some smart arse like me comes along, and helps people realize what is going on. A lot of you might not be able to get your head around; life is what we perceive it to be. Even calling it nonsense. This is fine with me. I cannot blame people for thinking this way. Its the way people have been conditioned to think. This is why on average; most people will do roughly 13 years of school. 13 is a number well-known to many. Some believe it is unlucky. Some believe it as lucky. If we look at numerology there is no 2 digit numbers. So 13 becomes 1 + 3 = 4. The number 4 to most religions is very lucky. But for some others it symbolises power and control. This is why the average number of school years is 13. Coincidence? I dont know about you? But sometimes there are too many coincidences in life, to be a coincidence. So we have control = power. This then leads to greed. Because when we have power, we want more. But then what is greed? To become a greedy person, is not what most people think it is. Most people believe that a greedy person is someone

that wants everything. This may be true. But its not what a greedy person really is. Everyone can have everything they want. It does not make them a greedy person. Because having everything is different for everyone. Like me for example! I have everything I want. But all I wanted in life; was to have a beautiful and very loving girl. 3 children to carry on the family name. Also to live nice a comfortable. Never stressing on where I am going to get my next meal. I have never been into material things. Even my children know quite well. That I will not tolerate fighting over material things. They also know if it continues it will be removed from them. If not thrown into the bin. Now that might sound a little harsh to some of you. But I do not believe in material things. Im making sure my children dont fall for the same mistakes, most adults do. By that I mean? Take a good look around the world, and what adults are fighting over; Oil and money (material things). I find it ridiculous in this day and age. That we still have adults behaving like spoilt children. The day adults grow up and stop this nonsense. Is the day I will become a very happy man. But at the moment while we have the ego minds in charge. It will not happen. That is why I am bringing my children up, not to be condition this way. If they go that way! At least they know I had no part in that, and it was their own choice. I do not believe in violence. But I will fight with words, so it hurts those people trying to control. In the end, People will decide for themselves, if what I am saying is correct or not. Its all about getting through to as many people as possible. Without beating them up or killing them. (The pen is mightier than the sword) So greed is someone who takes so much, and never puts back what they are taking. Do you see these giant oil companies putting back in, what they take out in oil? Of course they dont. Most of it goes into their pockets. Along with spending it on finding more oil, and creating war. Take, take, take, and when we do this. We have the problems we have today. The planet's heating up. But now the planets fighting back. I think mother earth is about to teach us all a lesson on whos boss. Dont think global warming has anything to do with it. This is all man made. The planet will go through normal cycles, where the polls may flip. Even go in and out of ice ages. But all this heating up is because of todays technology. (Which I might add. Is all thanks to science.) These creators of technology, Even

though they meant well by discovering new things. They did not realize the consequences, of bad people getting hold of this technology. Then used it for their gain. This is something they did not see. But are beginning to see now, that these people must be stopped. Even the governments of the world work for these people. They cannot survive if they dont. These people have them wrapped around there little finger. So in the end. Its only us which can stop them. Do you see these oil companies, trying to find other solutions to stop using fossil fuels? Of course not. When scientists come up with new ways, they have one of their people come in, and discredit everything the scientist are saying. Therefor making others believe that scientists have made errors all over the place. What happens to the technology then? It gets suppressed, locked up. Never to be seen again. Only now, there are more scientists coming forward with new and old ways, for energy sources. Now it is happening so fast, that these oil companies cannot keep up. Also more people are finding out about these technologies. Which then makes people question as to why, we are not using it? The only reason why, is because of the corporations trying to stop it from happening. But they too, are now losing the race against time. Soon they will fall, whether they like it or not. Then they will have to find other means to make trillions of dollars. That is exactly what a greedy person is and does.

Are you afraid of fear?

What is fear? How does fear work? Who controls fear? These questions are quite simple to answer. First of all, the best way to explain, what is fear? Is by what we see, and what we are afraid of, will manifest before us. So we fear it more. It's the old thing, Law of Attraction. What we focus on the most, this is

what will manifest. For example; if I were to fear spiders or snakes. This will be the main thing which keeps on appearing to me. Because I do not want them near me. So my fear will take over, and bring my fears to me. This is why its important to learn to face your fears head on. (Preferably with supervised help)Then you will not fear them anymore. Thus, they will not manifest to you all the time. Only on occasions, just to see if youre still over your fear. That also answers the second question, on how fear works. Now who is in control of fears? This answer is simple as well! We are. To explain things a little further. Fear is what some people know as a Devil or God. But since we use common sense now. We know there is no such thing. But only Mr Fear itself (Our Sub-Conscious or ego mind). Some people worship a God, which tells them they must only obey one. Or it will get jealous, and make nasty things happen. This drives fear into people. So then they obey. The devil is something to be very afraid of. Because if you do not obey the God. It will send you to the devil, where you will burn in a fiery hell. But like I said; we know better than this, and know there is no such thing. Only what you create for yourself, will become whatever it is you believe. (Hell on Earth perhaps?) Now when you fear two things, like some people do. Actually I should say; a lot of people. These fears will eventually manifest themselves into our reality. Then will become all mighty and powerful beings. Because its us in the end, that enjoys this power over people. Science does this as well. It's kind of like a buzz, or high that people get. All because they enjoy putting fear into people. Once we remove fear from our life. They no longer have control over us anymore. The people in control know this, and apply it into society. Just so they can keep the people under control. For example, they use religion, and the police force. They use the army, and navy. Its all there so you fear these people. Now you know this as well. As you might or might not know, I worked for Mr Fear for a little while. Just to see how much fun it was. Yes, it was it fun putting fear into people. This is where it can become an addiction. So I stopped, as I do not full for addictions. Anything I feel that becomes an addiction. I do not stick with it. As most of you know by now? Addictions can be very dangerous, and very hard to break. It's best not to get attached to anything material in this world. If you do! This is where you become stuck, when it is your time to move on. Learning to let go of everything material, is the best thing anyone could

do. To my knowledge, when we pass on; the only thing you get to take with you, is youre memory. So try and hang on to that, if you want to be attached to something. So who are these people that are trying to create fear? They are everywhere. Remember even I tried it once. They are your friends, family, governments, police, armies and local neighbourhood. Everywhere you look, there they are. Money is the biggest material fear known to man. This creates stress, and leads to fear. Fear from those who have money. Fear of everything taken away that you worked for. Banks love to do that. But then you can't exactly blame the banks for this. All they did was, come up with a way to help people grow businesses. Also to help the people, who want everything? This is where people get the idea, that the banks are the evil ones. The answer is yes and no. Yes they are giving you the option to have everything. But like everything there is a price to pay. Banks of course, like to make money too. So fee's and other charges come into play, with everything you borrow. But what most people forget to realize. The bank was initially design to help people in need. Then people started to take too much, for what they could afford. So there for, allowing people to create their own problems. Where they become at risk of losing everything. The old saying goes "easy come, easy go". No one forced you to do it? The only way around this. Is by letting the banks work for you, and not you work for the banks. Make sure you do not spend more than you earn. Even the banks got them selves into that mess. Now you are borrowing money from them, that they don't even own. My personal thought is; I think a sophisticated barter system needs to be put in place instead of money. Or even a Credit system? Something along the lines of; where you get credits for the amount of hours you work. Then each person gets the same amount whatever job they do. This way; no one can argue that this person and that person get more than I do. For doing less. Then it is up to the individual self. They can choose to work harder and longer, or less. Just depends on the lifestyle you wish to have. Once you have overcome all of your fears. Then, and only then. You will have all good things come to you. Law of attraction happens both ways remember? But you must face your fears, and overcome them. To get exactly what you want. I even turned to love. Loving everything around me. The good or bad people. The creatures, the land, and basically life. Once you can learn to

love all of this again. This is when your life, will lead you on a very good path. Now of course you do not need to love all the time. But it's best to keep it on the higher side of your life. Otherwise hate will get the better of you again. Then the fear will come back to play. You know what? Fear actually loves you. This is why its important not to love fear back. But just put it aside, and only use it when its necessary. For example; the only time I use it, is when someone is threatening me. Or trying to put fear into me. This is when I will use it back at them. If you know how to control your fear. Then you can use it to your advantage. Just as long as we dont use it to gain control over everyone. Then it is ok to use, and defend youre self from that being. Now you need to take a step back from what I have written. Have a good look at the world today. Who do you think is in control? FEAR or LOVE? Which one do you want in control of the world? Then what are you waiting for? Make it happen. Just make it the right choice. Because if you choose the wrong one. It can come back and bite you in the backside. Some call it Karma. All Karma really is; when someone thinks a really bad thought about you, for doing something wrong to them. Depending on what they think should happen to you. It will most likely be the outcome. If the person does not think something bad about what happened. Nothing will happen to that person. That is the only way Karma really works. Everything is always about thoughts, imagination, and perception. It is however ok to be afraid, being afraid is an emotion that allows us to know when something is wrong. There is just no reason to fear, because fear can only be feared by itself.

We are all experiments!

Rajars favourite music began to play. A classic by Vivaldi, called winter ( dded#at=17) Rajar started to open his eyes. He looked around his room, realizing he was still in his room, but where was the music coming from? He thought to himself. He sat up looking around the room, rubbing his eyes. He began to feel something was not quite right. He looked at his

alarm clock, but it was not where the music was coming from. It was as if the music was inside his head. He thought to himself, I wish this music would turn off now, and with that, the music turned off. What is going on, he thought. He stood up and began to look around his apartment, only to realize there was something strange happening. I need a coffee, he thought to himself, and with that a coffee appeared to him from nowhere, hovering right in front of him. Rajar freaked out, and went to run out the house, only to open the door which led to another room, looking just like his? Now Rajar was really confused, and getting worried about what was happening. With a puzzled look on his face, he wondered to himself, what was going on here? Am I dreaming? All of a sudden a clear screen appeared half a meter in front of Rajars face. He tried to move away from it, but it followed him everywhere he moved, keeping the same distance at all times. He looked at the screen, and it began typing and talking at the same time. A soft angelic voice began to speak inside his head, the same time it was appearing on the screen. Dont be afraid. I will not hurt you. Rajar looked around. Whos there? Who said that? Again the voice and typing began. I will explain if you have a seat and relax. Who are you? And what are you doing inside my head? Please sit down, and I will answer all your questions. Rajar sat down with a very disturbed and puzzled look on his face. There, now answer my questions, Rajar said with a stern voice. I have no name, but I am the one. I believe you call me a God in your reality. I have brought you here to tell you something. Rajar was very disturbed and said; but there is no such thing as a God. That is something man has made up? That is true, and is why I have brought you here, so that you may see things a little more clear. Rajar stood up; whats going on here? Is this some sort of joke? Am I dreaming? No, you are very awake. Things work a little different here. Please sit back down, and I will answer any questions you may have. Rajar sat back down, and began to wonder what he would ask. Its not every day you get to ask a, know it all questions. Rajar began to think about what it is hes talking too. You are talking to energy, light. Rajar looked at the screen and said, I didnt say anything? There is no need to. I can read your thoughts. Hey, hang on who said you can read my thoughts, I never gave you permission to do that, they are private? Your thoughts are my thoughts, and have always been my thoughts, because

I help you come up with your thoughts. But how, I dont understand? Have you got a body that I can talk too, so I dont have to talk to a screen? Yes, I can appear as anything. What do you want me to look like? I would like you to show me your true self. Ok, I can do that, but first you must were these glasses. Glasses? What do I need glasses for? So you can see me, put them on please. Rajar put the glasses on not really knowing what to expect. The screen disappeared, and as he put them on, a bright white glowing ball appeared in front of him. Rajar sat back, and said; is this some kind of joke? Why can I only see a white glowing ball? This is who I am. You asked me to show my true self. Well here I am. What do you think? I dont know what to think really. You just look like a white glowing ball, but you are a very beautiful white glowing ball. Thank you, and is one reason I brought you here, as you do not judge what you see. I see now why I am wearing the glasses. It would hurt my eyes just to look at you, youre so bright. I am actually a lot larger than this, so I am just projecting a smaller version of me. So youre telling me, you are the sun? Yes, I believe that is what you call me. I am not the sun close to your planet though, but I am the first sun in your dimension. Here you can call me Light. Light? Is that your real name? No, I just like the name. You are welcome to create another for me? No, no, light will do. So do you have a father or mother? Yes, but they are both one. My mother is my father. We breed differently than you. We can reproduce on our own. There is no need for physical contact. So where and who is your mother/father? My mother/father is the black you see at night. When they produced me, I came out as light. They are the space between the light. But where did they come from? Another universe, you call it another dimension. Wow, I am really confused. So are you saying that there is another dimension behind your mother/father, and then another behind that and so on? Yes, you are correct. There are an infinite number of dimensions. I am labelled as one in your universe, as I was the first to arrive in this dimension. So are all the suns connected to you then? And how many are there in your universe that you have self-reproduced? I have produced 1 billion suns. But then they have also reproduced themselves. So to give an estimate would be, times that by 4 X 10 79 Give or take a few. In other words more than you can count. We are all connected together as one. So does your mother/father

communicate with you? Yes, all the time. They do seem to be on the negative side though, so I do not listen to them much. I like to create and reproduce all on my own. I also allow my other suns to do the same. So where do planets come from? Planets are produced from the suns that do not wish to be here anymore, and move into another dimension, sometimes leaving there bodys behind. Which usually explodes, then spreads out all over the place. I first saw it as junk being thrown around my beautiful universe of light. But then something miraculous happened, YOU. Us? So youre saying we are an accident? No, not an accident exactly, I call it a miracle. A miracle? But I thought there was no such thing? Well then you thought wrong. Miracles happen all the time. Its just how you interpret what a miracle is. To me it was a matter of these rocks falling into a tornado formation, spinning round and round following me. Some of them began to get really hot as they were close to other suns, and others would get really cold, forming an ice layer over the rock. Then there were those that where in the right spot. Not too cold and not too hot. This then managed to form an atmosphere, and was then suitable for breeding other forms of life. There was life on all the other planets, but your life is by far the best to experience with. This was new to me as well. But things became a lot more fun. No more of just black and white. Colours began to emerge. But I am sure you know where the colours come from? Yes, to do with the light reflecting off the water and so on. So this was all new to you? When did this first happen? The first time we saw colour was 14 billion of your linear years ago. So does that mean there are others out there like me? Yes. There are many forms of life. Some look like you, and some look like tiny little worms. I believe you call them micro-organisms. Some can survive in totally different climates, a lot harsher than you can imagine. New life began to pop up all over the place, even in places we did not expect life to evolve. So then this is what we began as, a micro-organism? Yes, we all begin as this. I believe you also call them atoms. You mentioned we are spinning around like a tornado, is that what creates gravity? Well yes, but not gravity as you called it. The easiest way to explain it to you; think of a vacuum, everything is being sucked into it. Its kind of like a really fast ride. The faster you go around in circles, the greater the pull. This is what is keeping you on the ground. So if your planet spins faster than it

is now, you will feel even heavier, and will probably not be able to jump. The opposite applies if your world stops spinning; you will float out into space. Everything is in a constant suck and blow system. We get sucked in at one part and blown out the other end. Right now you are being blown outwards, but will eventually be sucked into a black hole as you call them. So what is this? Where am I now? You are in a reality I created just for you. I took you out of your bubble, and created a virtual bubble for you here. Only this bubble has no boundaries, you can move out of this room, but there will be nothing, but a void. Only what you create will appear. So is this real, or a hologram? Its real enough for you to believe it to be. Can you still touch, taste, see, hear and smell? Why yes I can. So then how do I know my planet is real? Your planet is real, because I can see it, and can interact with it, as I helped created it. So we arent living in some sort of computer simulation? No, you are living in a dimension. All though it may seem like that at times. Your technological stage will show you soon that when you look deeper into space, it will become fuzzy, like static. This does not mean you are living in a simulation, but it will confirm that you are living inside a dimension. The reason it becomes fuzzy, is because you are unable to see into the next dimension yet. But you will soon enough. There are others like you that have been around much longer. They now have the technology to move in and out of dimensions, and even capable of time travel. Time travel? I didnt even think that was possible? Yes it is very possible. This is how I came here in a sense. When my mother/father reproduced me, we travelled through time together to create this universe. When you are capable of using this technology, you too will learn how to create another dimension or dimensions as well. So did you come forward or backwards in time? We had to come forward in time to create a new dimension that was unused. When you go back in time, we can view what we had done in the past. When this can be achieved, your people must learn to not interfere with your past. This is what I had to help another races like yours with. When we interfere with a past existence we create a split in this dimension, creating a dimension within a dimension. If this happens we can create a split in space time. This can be very dangerous. So please be sure to remember this. Your technology is getting very close to this stage. What do you mean? Am I supposed to bring this information back to my world? I thought you were

just telling me this? Well this is another choice you will have to make. If you choose not to tell your people, the consequences can be disastrous. I will leave the choice up to you. Well thats a pretty big thing to ask. What makes you think people will listen to me. I am no one of importance. The people that are of importance are the only ones that get listen to on our planet. Sometimes they dont even get listened too. All I can suggest is write a book. Only the smart and wise will listen to you if it makes sense. If they choose not to listen, at least you wrote it. For example, I just do, there is no try here in this dimension. Ha-ha, that sounds something like from the star wars movie? Have you seen it? Well yes, I have seen and heard everything. We are all connected, so everything you think and see, I know about it. How is that possible? How can you hear everyones thoughts all at the same time? For me it is quite simple. Everything is possible if you believe it to be. You can do it as well, but it will take some practice to listen to as many as I do. You do it now without realizing it. You have millions of thoughts running through your mind every second. Not all of these thoughts are yours. Most of your thoughts come from T.V, radio, music, internet. No ones thoughts are theres any more. You just think they are, because you think them. Really they are my thoughts, and my thoughts are from my father/mother and the next dimensions thoughts. We are all connected as one. The difference between you and me at the moment is that I know the thoughts of animals and insects and so on. Thats a lot of thoughts, I am getting a head ache just thinking about it. This is why it is not good to think too much, but just go with the flow. That is all I do. I do not have a mind like you; I am just energy, light, you can even find me in your heart. Really your mind gets in the way of letting me flow freely. The more you let me help you, the faster you will evolve. So are you saying not to think at all? No, I am saying not to think so much. Everyone on your world already knows everything about life. They only need to listen to their hearts, instead of trying to think about it. The more you think about it, the more you will get lost within your mind. You must allow the mind to open, and except the heart is the true mind. This is how I can communicate with you. You said before you are projecting this surrounding to me. Have you taken me from my planet or am I still there? Your body is safe and sound in your bed, but your energy, light, is here with me. If you want to wake up, all you have

to do is open your eyes. So I am dreaming? No, not exactly. I will explain in a little more detail. Inside your mind you have many different paths and channels to move in and out of. Its like electricity running through your mind. Because your mind is open, and you listen to your heart, you can connect to other energies, not just your own. Yes, you call a lot of them dreams. But sometimes you can project your energy to move into another. Therefor leaving your body behind and you energy can travel freely. I believe you call this astral projection. I understand now. So with these other life forms, are they close to us or really far away? They are much closer than you think. They have also learned that they can travel through thought waves. Thus they can enter your mind at any time they wish. They have also found a back door, so to speak, and can move into the most closed minded beings. These are the beings that listen to my mother/father. You are always being touched by a light, just have a look outside at night, if you can see light it is touching you and you are touching the light by looking back. So youre saying that your mother/father communicates with us as well? Yes, we are all connected as one. Their thoughts are more negative than positive. They are the ego minds on your planet. I like to be positive and create positive lights, but they believe I should create more in their image. Can I ask you a question? Yes, sure you can. Do you enjoy seeing the lights in space at night time? Well yes, I do as a matter of fact. I think it is very beautiful. Its better than looking at a boring black sky. Thats what I keep telling mother/father, but they dont like it too much. Now I am not listening to them about that. They are not too impressed with all the lights everywhere, and when colour came in. I never heard the end of it. They keep telling me to destroy it all. But dont worry, I wont let them. Really they have no power here in this dimension. All they can do is get into our mind and make us destroy our worlds all by ourselves. Only I have the power to take a world away here. All they could do was produce me into this dimension. Mother/father can only produce one thing, me. The power to create only belongs to those who are physical in this dimension. So really, all they can do is watch. So please tell your people about them too, even though they know about it already, just by a different name. On your world and many others they call it the Devil. Mother/father are really not that bad, but just sceptic I believe. I feel they believe this wont work, and that chaos will take over. I am trying to

prove them wrong, which is why I help you all as much as I can. When you think I am not listening, I always am. It just depends if what you want to happen is, a good thing or a bad thing. You will know the things I pick are always good, but you must be careful, because mother/father can hear your thoughts as well. They will always try to get you to do the wrong things by getting you to use your ego mind. If you listen to me all the time, you will know instinctively what is right and wrong. And this can be done by listening to your heart, as you do. So tell me more of these other beings. Have they come to our planet already? Yes, you have been visited by a few different kinds of beings. Some listen to me, and some listen to mother/father. I actually sent a being looking like you a little while ago. He helped you with a lot of the technology you have today. I really liked the people on your planet, so I and many other suns decided to give you a little boost in evolution. But I thought you were not allowed to interfere with evolution? Yes, you are correct. This decision was not made lightly. The other suns and I had to come to an agreement of what was to be done. The beings that listen to mother/father had found your planet. And your technology was nowhere near sufficient enough to rid them from your world. They are like locusts, going from one dimension to another, taking over worlds only to destroy them. So my mother/father has its own army now, and there technology is still far greater than yours. I have asked the other suns, if there was any chance we can call upon the other beings that listen to us, to help at all. There is much debate still happening today, on whether they should help or not. So I cannot give you an answer on that one at this time. So we are going to be under attack soon? Please tell the other suns to consider it. I know there is some ego minded people on our world, but I believe there are way more good people. If you are saying we have no chance against them, I am pretty sure the people on our world will be truly grateful. I know there are a lot of good people on your planet. This is why I wish to help, but the decision is not mine alone. I must respect the others suns planets they have created, as I would expect the same. Do you have a planet or planets around you? Yes I have 12 planets around me. 2 have life forms on them, but only one has life very much like yours. The people there look a little different to you. There are many types that look different, just the same as your world. But they could walk among your people, and you would probably

notice them. They have evolved the most in the universe, and are the wisest of people. You would enjoy there company, they are quite willing to help. The problem lies within your planet as well. Mother/fathers army has originally come from this planet. So there technology matches theirs, so we need more beings to help. Mother/fathers army is very large, but not as large as ours. I dont care for wars much; I do not like people killing each other. So why would you be doing this if I feel it is wrong? Well our wars do not necessarily end up in violence, it is more about intimidation. The more numbers we have, the greater the chance the others will move along, usually without any resistance. So you are correct to feel killing is wrong. We never go with an intention to harm anyone. Sometimes accidents do happen though. So what happens after someone dies? Is it true we move into another experience? Yes and no. Most of the time when your vessel expires, your energy will move into another being born, and have no recollection of what has happened. It may not always be in this dimension as we are all connected. There is no such thing as death, only death of a vessel. The best way to look at it so you can understand; is think of it as taking off your space suit and replacing it with a new model. Your energy can enter any new suit that is being born. If you are aware of this when your suit expires, you can choose for yourself which one you want to enter. This also includes animals and insects. Just like last time you choose this vessel. If you choose to listen to mother/father, all or most of your physical life, they will collect your energy, thus you will never get to see the light again, unless you somehow brake free, or someone saves you. So how would one break free from the darkness? I dont know, thats there department, its best not to go there at all, and then you dont need to find out. If you wish to continue good experiences, then keep following the light and your heart. Well I really hope your other suns and there beings wish to help us, I would not like to see the world any worse than it already is. The best advice I can give you is that, you already know that everything has to do with the power of thought. We are all connected as one, so the more people you can get to have the same thoughts, the more beings will help. This even includes animals. So the more positive help you want for you and your people continue thinking this, and help will come. The problem is not enough of your people believe in other life is close to you. Once more people come to

terms with other life and other dimensions filled with life. Then everyone can ask for help from all the good beings out there, and if they have evolved enough to hear your thoughts, they will come. Just out of curiosity, how evolved are the beings around you, with technology that is? If I compare it to your world, 10 billion years ahead, and that is of your linear time. Wow, I cant even get my head around how much technology that would be. Can you give me any idea on some of the things they can do? Sure, they can do everything I can. They are capable of creating new dimensions; even create new planets and suns. They can move things around in space to suit their needs. They create all the animals and mammals on their planets to their liking. They can create others like themselves. Even by making them smarter than them, so they in return can create even more than they have. Its all a part of the evolution process. Holy cow, thats pretty cool. Now a question comes to mind, are we a part of these experiments? Yes. You are not a part of their experiment, but you are an experiment of other beings they created. But we are all connected as one. When I produced my other suns, they also reproduce their own. So the amount of planets that have intelligent life on them, are in great numbers. Well into the billions range. Thats not to mention in other dimensions. You will find they leave other life forms alone. Mainly because they are too busy making their own new dimensions and new life forms. They will only help, if the need is great. Wow, I always had a feeling we were someones experiment and being tested all the time. But it does bother me a little that you and others can read my mind. I mean, sometimes I have had thoughts that I feel are my own, even though some may be disgusting, or different than what others may think. So is there a way to block our thoughts? Not unless you listen to mother/father, then your thoughts will be clouded. You must stop thinking about this. Whether you believe it or not, many others have had the same thoughts as you. The trick is not to care about what others think of you, as long as you are not hurting another being, your thoughts are safe. Now I have all of you to watch, I have received most of your thoughts as well, and this includes others from other dimensions. Just dont think too much. So where are the beings that created us on earth? The beings that created you belong in the Pleiades region of this

dimension. So you are created in the Pleiadians image. You look very similar to them. Now say I go back to my world and tell everyone this, and no one believes a word of it. And these other beings come to destroy our world. Even though I tried to warn people, what will become of us? Will they enslave the human race? Or will they just kill us all? I do not know exactly what they will do, they are very unpredictable, and mother/fathers plans are always kept in the dark. All I know is that they are attempting to destroy all of my creations, and then once that is done, mother/father will destroy them. Mother/father wants everything back the way it was when they produced me here, black and white. I can tell you of some of the things they have done to other beings in other dimensions. Some they took over the whole world by force and send their little nanotech robots out, which destroys everything in its path. Other worlds they took over and enslaved the entire race, turning all those they can to their side. Those who resisted they killed. But all those who have helped us with the positive light will be saved. Not necessarily physically, but there energy, light. When I mean saved, some of the beings will save your energy and put all your memories into another vessel just like yours. A copy if you will. But this of course will be your choice. That does not sound good at all, have they done it to any in our dimension? No, not yet. But they do keep bringing more and more of their armies into our dimension, which is causing some concern amongst other beings. So if I wish to communicate with you again, how would I go about doing this? Just ask, and always remember to listen to your heart, I am always here, and listen to every thought. I may not answer all the time, as I feel it is best you learn somethings on your own. But I am always here. We are all connected as one. With that, Rajar opened his eyes, and began to write down everything he was told by the one light.

The secret, How to heal ourselves!

The secret I am about to tell you is and ancient one. Before I tell you about this, it must only be used for good. When used for bad there will be severe consequences. Sometimes when you think you may be doing good, it may be bad, and you will eventually find out the consequences by yourself. How do you know when you are doing something good or bad? You dont, you will only find out when you have done it. I am sorry I cannot tell you what will be good or bad, as we all have different abilities, and can control different things. With practice you will come to learn what you can and cannot do. Most positive things work a lot faster, but there are some negative things that can work just as quick. So like I said be careful on what you want to do. This method works differently for each individual, so I can only teach you how to do it, and you will learn the rest. Before I continue, I will explain a little on how this works. Most of us know that everything is the power of thought. But how does the power of thought work? The only easiest way I can explain this, is as follows. When we look at the universe from this tiny world, we see lots of little lights and a vast empty black space. But what is behind that black space? The thing that is behind the black space is another dimension, or some may call it density. To help you understand a little more easily, inside of us there are many different parts and organs and so on. These different parts are in a sense, different galaxies, all a part of one universe, US. Inside of us are many things keeping us alive, there are germs and antibodies to fight off the germs. There are cells that are always being replaced by other cells. There are organs to help all these germs, antibodies and cells move around in our body. They all know what they are designed to do, without asking any questions, because they listen to a higher power, which they may believe is a God, or may believe it to be energy, or may not even know that. That just do it, because that is all they know. So who is this higher power they listen too? It is US, we are the ones that control everything in our body and we dont even have to be aware of it. Because our inner self does this automatically, and has done this from the moment that spark of life began in the womb of our mother. So there is no longer for us to be aware of it, as it is all controlled by itself. Now what if you became aware of this, and could learn how to control them all to do exactly what we want them to? Well, we can. Its best to let them do what they want,

because in the end they know what to do more than us, but we can guide them to do things a lot faster. For example; if I began to get sick tomorrow, and started to feel a tickle in my thought. I can now chose to let my inner cells and antibodies go to work by them self. We call this the immune system. Some peoples are stronger than others. Our immune system will automatically kick in, and our little cells and antibodies will begin to do what they have to and fight off the germs. Now if you have a week immune system, this only means that your cells and antibodies work a lot slower than others do. So the way to help them speed up is giving those cells and antibodies some guidance. To do this we must think about where and what the problem is. Then guide the cells and antibodies to do what you want done about it. I will teach you how to do this very soon, be patient; all good things come to those who are patient. It is best to learn how this works before putting it into action. Once you guide your cells and antibodies to do what you want, they can work a lot faster and more efficient. After time and practice, your immune system will eventually get stronger. This is the stuff that most doctors do not want you to know, mainly because there will be no need for as many doctors as there are today, and also there will be no need for most medications. I do not take medications, as what I have learned, is that any medication made by man in a laboratory, can fix one problem, but then creates another. I always stick to things that are made by Mother Nature, as she has all the ingredients and cures we could ever need to help us stay alive. Once these ingredients enter a lab and get altered they can become quite dangerous. To find out what Mother Nature has for us, can be found on the internet. The only problem is that not all of them are on there. The people in power most likely know every single cure there is ever known to man, but will not allow it to be released. Why? You must ask them, because only they know why. I can give you my answer why, but they may not like me to tell you this. Oh what the heck; Its simply because we have too many people on this planet, and there is not enough to go around. So if everyone knew about it, everyone would want it. The real truth is that there is plenty to go around for a population of around 6 billion. Anything over that on a planet this size, Mother Nature will not be able to keep up. I believe now we are nearly reaching the 7 billion mark, so the stress begins. When we put

stress on Mother Nature, we in turn put stress upon us, as it is all designed to keep a balance. The inner cells and antibodies in our body, listens to what we think. So this way our bodies can perform with a lot more efficiency. Knowing this for quite some time, I have hardly ever been sick in my life, and even when I am, I can choose to let my immune system do the work by itself, which could take up to a week or two to heal itself. Or I can choose to guide my immune system to what I want done, and will be cured with in a day or two. Once I master it properly, I can cure myself within minutes. This is not impossible, its all about focus. This is the most important part; we must learn to be able to still our mind. This can be hard to teach, especially people like myself who have trouble stopping the mind from thinking. There are many methods I can use to slow my mind down, one of them being an ingredient from Mother Nature. This is marijuana, but like I said, it needs to be naturally grown without any chemicals to work properly. As soon as chemicals have been added, it will not allow my mind to completely be still and silent. This is what I meant before about when things from Mother Nature get things added to it, it creates another problem. In this case it will not still my mind completely if chemicals are added. Chemicals will have a different reaction to my brain, thus creating another problem. Sometimes I can think more than what I was before, I took it. Sometimes it can slow the mind down enough to think straight, but will still not stop. Most people can still their mind naturally without anything from Mother Nature. Anything you can do without Mother Natures help is the best. The entire universe works in this same method. Just like our inner cells and antibodies can tell us what is wrong with us, we can also help our cells and antibodies work faster and more efficient. We can also tell the universe what is wrong with this cell, and the universe will respond as well. If none of us know about this, then we cannot warn the universe that something is wrong, and then we are not doing our job automatically. If you do not know any of this, and are still trying to figure out what I am teaching you. Then this is exactly what the higher powers on this planet are teaching you. So in a sense the germs that are on this planet, are trying everything in their power to defeat the antibodies. If they succeed, that is the end of this planet. I am doing my best to inform

all of you, that we can beat them. I would like to keep this planet as long as we can. The longer this planet lives, the longer we live. So by doing one good thing, we get a good thing in return. So this is one good thing we can all contribute too. We need to let the universe know that something is wrong, so then the universe can then respond to fix the problem. If you remember we are the universe to our living cells, antibodies and germs. So then we are living inside another universe, and then there is another universe living inside that universe, and so on. This continues an infinite number of times, and since the cells and antibodies are connected to us (the universe), we are also connected to our universe and so on and so on. We are all connecting in a way they our mind cannot comprehend. So its best not to think about that, and just concentrate on informing our universes that something is wrong on our world. Now the part you have been waiting for, how to create this to happen the best way possible. This method has been used for many centuries and works extremely well. Every time we take a deep breath in, we take in the worlds problems. For example; we take in germs, cancer, radiation, basically all the worlds problems we have today. Every time we release our breath we put back out into the world whatever we want. For example; we can choose to put all the problems back into the world, or we can keep them inside of us, and release only the good things back into the world. I will explain how we can do this. Once you have learned how to still your mind, in form of meditation or any other way you can do this. Preferably meditation, it works far greater than anything else. Once you have come to complete stillness of the mind, this is where you can create the reality around you. When the mind is still and calm, you can now allow whatever thoughts you wish to enter into your mind. So its best before you meditate or still your mind, to have an intention of what it is you want to create. For example; if I wanted to heal something in my body, I must first figure out where and what the problem is first. So say I have an upset stomach, which is the problem. So while my mind is still, every breath I take in, my thought will be MY STOMACH. Try to be as simple and specific as possible so your cells and antibodies know what they have to fix. Then with my breath out my thought will be NEEDS HEALING or you can just think HEAL. I

like to think I am talking to someone, but any way you choose will work. Then continue this for anywhere up to 5 and 10 minutes. If the problem persists the next day, repeat it. (Sound familiar) But you can repeat it as many times as you like throughout the day. You can also do this for as long as you want, but preferably anything over 5 minutes is fine. It just depends on how fast you would like the problem to be healed. This works for everything you cells and antibodies can fix. If you wish to help even further, then you can use Mother Natures ingredients to help the process. But there is no point taking Mother Natures ingredients, if you are not going to help fix the problem. Mother Natures ingredients will only help the process along, it will not cure it. The thing that will cure it is the power of thought. This method can also be used to help our universe to fix problems as well. For example; use the same method as above, but this time my thought as I breathe in will be, THE EARTH. When I breathe out my thought will be NEEDS HEALING. The universe will respond, as we the universe also responds to our cells and antibodies in us. It is really that simple. This method works even better if you can picture everything in your mind. So I hope you will help continue with my latest thought on healing the world.

The secret on where we come from!

This is one question that has still been unanswered. Of course it has been attempted many times, but really no one knows the truth as yet. Before I continue you might want to know a little more about me, so if this is the case, please feel free to download a free copy of my book titled My Way Of Thinking If you dont wish to know me any better, thats ok and I will continue. Some of you may or may not know already that I have received a lot of information over the years from an unknown source. I do however get some of this information from all of you.

The information I will give you is something I have not heard anyone mention as of yet. If you have heard this before, this is good, and sorry for wasting your time in advance. Instead of beating around the bush, I will just give you the information that has been in my head for a long time. First most of us have been misled and misinformed with disinformation. Not deliberately of course. All thats happened is that we have forgotten most things and have also lost a lot of information. But this I will explain later. We have all been created, and been created by a machine. This machine is run by a very sophisticated computer. No we are not living in a computer simulation, although it may seem like that at times. We are made from a computer program, just not living in one. This machine is an anti-matter machine. What does an anti-matter machine do? An anti-matter machine creates everything you see. Everything from the grass, to the trees, animals, insects, and us. It can also create stars (suns), planets and basically anything your heart desires. It creates all living and non-living matter. I believe there are a few of these machines that have been created, but there is one mystery that I can never seem to get an answer for. That is WHO or WHAT created the anti-matter machines? We have one of these anti-matter machines on this very planet, in the Antarctica region, buried under miles of ice. Most of our secrets lie beneath this ice. Whether the scientists of the world know this or not, I do not know. If they do, they are probably keeping it secret for very good reason. The reason being, that too many people will not understand what will come from there. Even the scientists themselves will not fully understand the technology that has been used to create this machine. But if they have found this machine, they will still be trying to figure out exactly how it works. So you see there reason for secrecy on such a thing. For scientists anyway! One thing to understand is; that of which no one has any understanding of, cannot be released into the public without any knowledge or understanding of what it is.

I believe that it should be released, as there are many knowledgeable people out there that have not yet come forward with experiments and information. The only reason for this is because these people do not like the government systems, and feel that if they can keep secrets so can the public. After all its only fair, if the governments think its not fair, well then they will just have to get over it, until they themselves become more honest. But there is also reason for the governments secrecy which I will explain soon. We have been created by 22 civilizations, not from this planet. Some are still here today to monitor the progression of their creations. This planet was chosen specifically because of its vast amount of resources. Every mineral we could ever need is on this planet. Our creators have made us smarter than them with a lot more memory capacity as well. (Although I think they left me out of the smart part :) We are being monitored so we do not go crazy and blow everything up. Eventually some of us will figure things out, and when we come forward, it will be hard at first to explain whats happening with no proof. But proof will eventually present itself, its all about patients. I know for most people, they will not accept the notion they have been created by another race, mainly because of strong belief systems that have been put on this world. These belief systems were put here deliberately, but along the way they have been change by man of this world, and misinterpreted. So therefore our history has been changed and lost. The original history of us being here has been many 100s of thousands of years, but because all history has been lost over time, we can only date things back 12,000 years. This will increase of course when more things are found on our planet. Why did we lose so much important history? As we know this planet has been through many cycles, some so catastrophic that nothing survived, and had to be started all over again, with our creators left to create everything again. One of the catastrophes happen to be caused by the anti-matter machine. The people back then went to create something completely new, but it had severe consequences. They opened up a doorway to something unknown, and exposed the entire human race to something their consciousness was not ready for. It also wiped the

memory of the humans, and almost all of their technology was fried when this happened. Now here we are today, slowly getting our memories back and even more important our technology. BUT, we did have help with our technology from someone out of this world. I believe the choices were technology, and from another race they offered enlightenment. I think most of you know which the elites chose. For those who dont have a clue, it was not enlightenment. But as we know, most people do things for something in return. So to get technology we had to give something in return? Enlightenment we have had to achieve mostly by ourselves, but can receive all the information you choose, if only you ask. We have the ability to do a lot more than what you are being told. Its not a secret; you just need to find the right teacher. There are not as many secrets as you think, most of the information can be found on the internet. With a little help from your intuition and common sense, you can actually find a lot of information on here. As for ancient teachings on how to use our Chi, you will need to find a good teacher, or master as they like to be called. There is one secret war that is going on, that not many are aware of. This is a war that goes beyond even our planet. I believe there is a group going around trying to take a lot of our resources, one of them being water. I will now share something I woke up with one morning around the age of 18. We know there are four elements which make up life. These are Earth, Air, Fire and Water. You can also use this same principle to control the world. Some things that we are shown are like mirror images, which I have noticed some of you seeing this. To take control of the world and population of the world, you only need to use these elements, just in a different way. First of all, do you believe the war at the moment is about oil? Or maybe you think its about religion? Or maybe you think there is something more behind the scenes?

Most of us know by now there is always something in the way to cover whats behind the curtain. I know that to dominate any civilization, is by controlling the water. It is the most valuable substance known to man and animals. Believe it or not, our oceans use to be all fresh water, until someone or something decided to punish us, and over time salted the oceans. We also know now that we can reverse this process by desalinizing the ocean. Why havent we got these around the entire globe if there is a water shortage? Money is the only answer. It is funny how people are willing to put a price on water when it comes to us from the skies for free. Then you see people buy water in bottles which most of them come from tap water. But yet its free from your tap? And people are willing to buy water at a cost greater than petrol? So to begin domination over the civilizations is to control the water. The next step once that has been achieved is to take control of fire. We can now bring fire to your homes in form of electricity or gas to create the fire. So now we can cook our foods and as we know fire has a million and one uses. So if we make it convenient for people to have in their homes, we can also start charging the people for using it. Even though creating a fire can be free? But as usual most people would prefer to pay for it? (Its the convenience) The next step is Air. We now move onto controlling the air we breathe and weather. Once we control the weather, then we can put water where there is hardly any to none. This is the stage we are at right now, so if you are in a high drought area, you should now be able to get some rain to help you out. Do you think this will happen? Maybe or maybe not, it will all come down to money; can you pay for the rain? Its kind of sad we live in a world where we have all these resources, and cannot share with others to help them survive. Simply by putting money aside for once and just help. But as we know there are certain people out there, or should I be more precise and say corporations out there, that are only in this world to make money. To them money is the bottom line, not you. They only need you to bring them the money. I think they are in a bit of a pickle if we decide not to help them anymore. Just one week without buying

anything would sure make them think who is really in charge here. (Just an idea?) Last but not least Earth; once these 3 elements have been controlled, the final step needs to be put in place. Control the land we live on, whoever can take control of most of the land will be the dominate nation. This obviously is the next step we are heading for. Now the only problem I see with this whole set up! Is that everyone wants to control something, but never stop to think, that what they are trying to control, is not even theirs to control in the first place. The only people that have a right to control this world are the creators of this world. Even then its not rightfully theirs, unless they created the planet. Even then its still not theres and belongs to whomever created the antimatter machine. Since I have still received no answer on who owns or created them, for now I will say that no one has the right to own anything. We are simply borrowing, until our lease expires. Now even though I have said all of this, no one still really knows where we come from. Mainly because we are stuck at a point of who made the anti-matter machines. Thats if it exists, but the information I have received so far over the years has made more sense than what has been put out there so far. Why things remain making sense, I will listen, even though I listen to a lot of the non-sense that some people come out with, it is always good to listen to them, because somewhere in there non-sense there just might be a little sense that could be the truth. On the first 3 elements, if you can make people dependant on these things, this is where the control begins. Because when people get dependant on something, most will do just about anything to keep it. And that is exactly what the corporations of the world want. Its not always the government trying to control the world. They are also run by corporations. I would like to see them advertise this all over the place, I am pretty sure it will make loads of money (giggling to myself). I will leave you now with this final thought; there is always a method behind someones madness. P.S. please give me a day or 2 to reply to you or answer any questions. Take good care


Life is an emotion!
Hello to all, Please be advised that everything I am about to say may not be entirely correct, so it is up to you the individual to decide for yourself what is right or wrong. As hard as it will be to explain this in words, I will do my best, simply because this language is very limited, and not everyone knows the mathematics behind it all.

Lets face it emotions are a real pain in the backside sometimes. Most of the time our emotions tend to get us into trouble at the wrong times and are extremely hard to control by our self. It takes a lot of practice to keep our emotions under control. Most men seem to think they are invincible and run around with their egos on their shoulders, and their pride always seems to get in the way of what they are really feeling. Women on the other hand, well most of them are just emotional wrecks, like a train derailing of the tracks 1000s of times a day. I have also seen some men the same way. So women youre not entirely alone there.

There will be easy ways to learn how to control these emotions soon enough, with the help of virtual reality machines. But there are some ways to help you now, but it will take a little more will power to do this, and will explain later.

First I will start with dreams, what is a dream and how do we interpret them? All dreams really are is a series of emotions and in some cases come with pictures or even video. Some of you may feel that while in a dream you are invincible and can do anything that we cannot normally

do in this reality. Then some of you may feel anxiety and fear within a dream, even though you cannot get hurt, or can you?

Most of us have had dreams we cannot remember, but there is something very specific you can remember about the dream. That is the emotion you experience while you were in the dream. Sometimes just remembering the emotion can trigger off glimpses of the dream, just not all of it. Then there are the dreams we can remember, the only reason we can remember them so well is because of the emotions experienced within that dream were more intense, therefor the pictures or video remain in your mind with a lot more clarity.

Our emotions work the same way whether we are dreaming or awake. Even while we are awake our emotions are always on alert, and the more intense the emotions are, the more you will remember everything that caused that emotion. The same applies if the emotion was not intense, you will probably just forget about it. Usually the emotion happens too often, so most people see no point in remembering it.

A question then appears; how do we know whether we are in a dream or awake? Most of you have probably heard the old song row your boat, life is but a dream. Now if everything is infinite and time does not really exist, which then means that nothing is really alive or dead, and everything is in a constant state of vibration. Then life is but a dream, and we all live in a vibrational state of which we enjoy these emotions, so here we are. Living in what we believe to be a physical world, but is it really physical? Now some of you may feel a debate coming on whether what we are experiencing is real or not. Really there is not much to debate on, because some of you would have experienced a dream were you can still touch, see, taste, smell and hear, and can even use your intuition in a dream. So if one can do this, what is real and what is not, if we can experience the same things in a dream and awake?

So in the end, everything is simply an emotion that we experience, and our brain then becomes a hard drive, and simply stores memory and that is all. Because if you have not yet realized, you can still see, touch, taste, smell, and hear without even leaving your bed. You can move around in your dream the same way you can when youre awake. Then some of you might be thinking now, that I can get hurt when I am awake and possibly die. This is true, but the same thing can happen when dreaming too. So youre not entirely invincible in your dream just like you are not entirely invincible when you are awake. It all depends on how intense the emotion is when you are awake or asleep. So all the brain really is; is a hard drive to store all your memories of what you have experienced.

Now another question appears; what is the brain if everything is just a dream which is experiencing a series of emotions? With my last post the secret on where we come from! I wrote about an anti-matter machine that can create everything and anything. This machine is really us in a sense. Whether its a mechanical machine or just anti-matter on its own, we do not know. I will lean more towards just anti-matter on its own, the pure essence of energy, constantly creating the reality that the consciousness wants to experience. We are the consciousness that is deciding the experience. This is why you hear so many people or should I say consciousnesss out there are all connect to the one and only consciousness. The ONE as some may call it, but there are other names such as God, or devil, or Allah and many more. There is really just one consciousness that has no name.

I have probably just made some of your heads spin with this concept, and your minds are probably still trying to comprehend what I have just written. Their lies the biggest problem, the mind is not who we are, it never has been nor ever will be, because if I have it correct, reality is not physical. Our consciousness is simply making it seem physical, because the consciousness is us and we are enjoying the experiences. Even though some may not be a pleasurable experience, it is still none the less, an experience. The consciousness is everything that exists; it is our

memory which never ends, it is what we appear as physical which also never ends, it is everything we see and also never ends, because the consciousness in infinite, and always will be.

This is one reason I tell people to believe what they want to believe, because its what will keep one strong. Really all beliefs are correct and wrong at the same time. The consciousness does not know, good or bad, or right or wrong, the consciousness just is. So if your mind is still trying to cope with what I am saying, then maybe its time to let the mind go, and just be. Now that being said, you can take this many ways. You can just choose to be, which will allow you to sit still and never move again, and let everything happen around you without you being aware of it. Or you can choose another way, and just let be, and go about our everyday life as if it were our last moment. The experience will never stop either way, whether you are here in this reality or not, the consciousness will still be experiencing.

That is the only way to control our emotions, in other words we cannot control them. It would be like trying to stop our consciousness from experiencing. But we can make them easier to live with. The only way that can be done, is by doing what I just said above, and that is to just be, no moving, no touching, no tasting, no smelling, no hearing and no seeing. If we did all of this we might as well be dead. You will most likely just become matter and never experience a thing again, even though consciousness will still continue to experience without you. I think I would prefer to be anti-matter and continue to create things and experience what I have created.

You are quite welcome to ask me as many questions as you wish. I will respond to you all, because I am the consciousness, and the consciousness listens to all and accepts all no matter whom or what you are. The consciousness has no judgment it forgives all and loves all no matter what. You can contact me at this email address that I use for

people to write to me; you are all here to either experience or not to experience the choice is yours and yours alone.

For those of you who wish to be bad, then be bad. Those of you who wish to be good, then be good, the consciousness simply enjoys the experience. Well I know I do anyway, good or bad. Some of you think that I am capable of reading your minds? As I may not be able to read your thoughts at this particular moment, I do understand them. This is the reason for some of you thinking, How does he know what I am thinking? Thats why, I understand emotions.

If you wish to learn how to get your emotions somewhat under control, the only suggestion I can give you until virtual reality can help with this. Is by practicing in your dreams, where most people feel they are safe. Then once you can do this, it will manifest into this reality. For example, if you are afraid of something in you dream, and want to get your fear under control, then try and overcome it in your dreams. Even though this will take a lot of practice on your part, it can be done. Its just a matter of building your self-confidence. This then allows you to become aware that you are the consciousness creating your surroundings. If we let other people control our consciousness, then we become a slave to someone elses consciousness.

Take very good care all of you, and continue what you are doing. I love each and every one of you, as I have no judgment, because I am apart of you all.

(If I do not learn self-love, I cannot love others. To have peace and freedom, one needs peace of mind first; otherwise peace and freedom can never exist.)

The story has already been written

DAY 1 First I need to tell you why I am writing this. The reason is that this will be my testament to ensure the safety of myself and my family. What I am about to write may seem very farfetched and even exaggerated. But I am going to do my best to give every bit of proof, that what I am saying is true. So I hope that you continue reading as it is my life and yours at stake here. I know this will be a long read, and all I can do is hope you will read it. The date I have is 8/08/2011, and my name is Ricky Klappers, Yeah I know, funny last name. Well laugh it up now, because I believe you will not be laughing after what I have to tell you. Now to begin;

What if one morning you found out you were being controlled? I dont just mean being controlled by media, movies, music and so on. I mean being controlled literally by the mind, from some outside force, which you know nothing about. What would you do? Would you just go along with it, or would you try and figure a way to break free?

Well this is what I have been facing for many years. Since the age of 14 I have been waking up with information inside my mind, but only till recently, being the last couple of years. I have decided to write this information down. I never really had no point to do this earlier, so I believe I was told to start writing it down, and also putting it on the internet. The reason why will be explained later. The reason why this started at 14 is because I had asked for it; I wanted to know what was happening and why I was here. If you wish to know more in detail, I have explained everything in my book about me here: The book is free, and not very long.

Now to get onto why I am writing this; over the years since 14, I knew something was not quite right. Waking up with all this information and not knowing where it was coming from, was starting to get to me. People around me began to think I was weird. I have been called such this as an alien, freak, and even one man I used to work with, who happened to be a preacher on Sundays, thought I was related to Jesus Christ. That of course was the most shocking, but he said it was because of the way I spoke to him. I did have to tell him I wasnt of course, but did thank him for the compliment. So I began to do something I never did at school, and that was to look up some things about our history. Because I have only done this in the past 6 years since my time on the internet, I have only recently put all the puzzles together. What I found that there was a lot of information missing on the internet about our history, so over this time I have had to go to other sources, in attempt to find the missing parts. Since I have been listening to my intuition for some time now, everything seems to come to me as if it were magic. But its not of course, its what most of us called synchronicity.

Sometimes some of us get the feeling we are being controlled, but to what extinct. I have come to remember as much as possible, not everything mind you, and some things seem to be still blocked. But I do remember more than most of you could possibly imagine. I can remember as far back as the early AC, I am not sure what year, but just remember glimpses of who I once was. I even had to look at the date just to write it above, as I do not follow any calendar or time. Once you have learned what I have, you will realize time does not exist, and is infinite. So you can see why I do not follow it if there is no end. I am about to give you a list of posts I have made since I was told to post them on the internet. This will be my proof and hopefully yours, to show you all I have been controlled into writing certain things, even disinformation. So I am about to show you all that I have been working for the one who has been controlling the population. Once you have read some of them, you will know who the others are that are doing the same thing. Just so you know I have turned away from this, and have been still

working for her, trying to give the illusion that I am still on her side. But I believe she also knows that I am deliberately doing this to turn on her.

In case you are wondering who the HER is. I know that I used to call her Great Queen. And one man made me realize that he also knew of her. This is the second time I had ever listen to this man talk, the first only being 2 weeks ago, and listening to his speech about how science saved his soul. Then I watched the first part of; secrets of the matrix, it blew my mind away when he mentioned her. This man is of course David Icke. I have not watched the other 2 parts as of yet, only because I know exactly where he was heading with all of this. So here I am now writing this, to be one of many who have come forward, knowing quite well that I have been controlled by this woman for most of my life.

So here is a list of posts below of exactly what I have been posting on the internet. They all show signs of me being and that I have been manipulated into writing these things. They originally started on YouTube, but I have removed all of them, and if I could remove the writings from this site called above top secret I would. The funny thing was I never even heard of the site before, until I woke up one morning and knew exactly where to go. Anyway here they are still on their site: Actually I have a better idea, go onto this link And search for trappedinspace, and keepingaopenmind. Make sure to spell them exactly the same and yes even keepingaopenmind. I used A instead of AN for a very good reason. But either way you will find some interesting stuff on there. Comments I have said to people and also posts I have written. Even at the end of my book I had put some of the post in there too. But only do this if you choose to know more about what I have done.

Now if you have taken the time to have a look, you will start to see by now that something is not quite right with me. Even though I wrote all

this stuff knowingly, it was all a part of the illusion I was trying to give to the great queen, so she knew I was still following her. But if you have been paying attention as I am sure she is. Is that I have also been trying to help you at the same time to watch out for people like myself. Which happened to be a comment from someone when I wrote a post called: To all humans, its time to take back our world (FULL Disclosure!).

Now some of you may be thinking; well how can you trust me now. You cant, and I deserve that because of the manipulation I have created for her benefit. But I will try and gain a little of your trust back and tell you how I am no longer with her, and wish for all of us to fight back against her story which has already been written. As we all know stories can change.

The day I broke free from her, was the day I fell in love. Which is also in my book, and I explained with a little more detail. But here are some things I never mentioned in my book. When I was between the age of 9 and 13, most of you have heard of being afraid of the dark. Well I was the opposite, I was afraid of the light. The reason being is sometimes when I would go to bed, and right before you fall asleep, but still awake just a little. I used to experience this very weird sensation of being trapped in a white room with no doors, no windows. Which did not bother me so much, the thing that bothered me the most, was that every single little thought that entered my mind, was as if I were screaming it so loud that it was deafening. Which became very frightening for me at this time, and if you were there you would know why. Having to close my eyes, only still to have light surrounding me everywhere, and every thought tearing into my mind and feeling like my head was about to explode if I had another thought, it was quite terrifying to say the least. This is one of the reasons why I asked for what I did at the age of 14. This of course is in my book as well.

The day I broke free from the great queen was when I met my soul mate, and boy was the queen angry with me. Talk about jealousy, she

tried to scare the living crap out of both us. The first attempt she made to scare me was the first time my partner and I made love. That very same night, I was lying in my bed, and all of a sudden the bedroom went extremely cold and the goose bumps on me where the size of pyramids. Then it felt like someone climbed into my bed and laid right behind me. At this point I was terrified of what it was, so I never looked around. I was 18 at the time just so you know, and I had still not conquered my fears yet. As I was lying there with whatever it was behind me, a very strong and loud male voice, said my name right into my ear. At this point I thought I was literally about to shit myself. It then called my name a second time with a lot more anger in the voice. I totally ignored it, and I remember thinking that I was just dreaming, this is not real. I dont really remember what happened after that as I must have passed out from shock. Then woke up the next morning trying to get my head around what had happened.

The second attempt was trying to scare me and my partner at the same time. This time it was at my partners house. Her parents had gone out for the night, and we were babysitting her younger sister and brother. About 12:30am, the kids were asleep and my partner and I were watching a funny movie. Then we heard a car pull up out the front, and immediately assumed her parents were home. We both heard the doors close on the car, then the front door opened and closed, and as we were waiting in my partners room, which happened to be right next to the living room. We both waited for them to walk in, but then all of a sudden there was a huge noise, as if someone had really sharp nails, and scratched the wall just like on a chalkboard. It scared the living crap out of both of us; I immediately got up, and ran into the living room, and there was nothing so I ran to the front door, the door was still locked, I went out side, there was no car, and no cars near their house. It was only till I had done some research into our history, I figured out who it was, that was trying to put fear into us. We never had anything like that happen again. But one thing did come back?

Last night as I was trying to think of a way to defeat the great queen, I was slowly getting that feeling again of that white room and loud thoughts in my head. Something I had not experience since the age of 13. And now I am the magic number 33, and for those who know nothing about numerology, 33 is a very powerful number. Funny enough since I have turned 33, this information I have been waking up with has been getting worse.

I do know the reason for this, and that is because I have upset the great queen again. Now some of you may be thinking, how can this great queen still be alive, and this is because she has technology far greater than any of you can imagine. I remember I was once one of her husbands, like I said I can remember bits and pieces of things far greater than most of you can imagine. The only difference is that I have had enough of her running the world by slavery. Some of you think this slavery ended a long time ago, back when the Egyptians ruled the world. But I will say this, the great queen has never stopped the slavery, she just transformed it, into making people think they were free to make decisions, when in reality she is the only one to make decisions, and her story has already been written, just like a script in a play or movie. Believe it or not, it has been a battle writing all of this. One minute my mind is telling me not to write it, but my heart is telling me to keep going, and give you as much information as possible.

Now I am about to prove another thing to you, if you want to see that I am here to try and help as much of you as possible. I posted this letter on above top secret, which got banned 3 times. I even had one man try to stand up for me and asked why I was banned, and he too was banned for asking. I believe it was because it had such a huge response within the first day, and 99.9% of comments were positive, I believe that is the only reason why it got taken off. But if you knew who is behind running the site, you will understand a little more why it was banned. There is no point me telling you who is behind that site, because most of you probably wont believe me anyway, so it is best you investigate yourself if you wish to know. But here is the letter now on a site called Mayan

Majix, the man that runs the site Mike, was kind enough to post it in his articles, which was greatly appreciated. Here is the link to the letter is case you want to read it: Also to prove that I am here trying to help you all from this slavery, all you need to do is go to the advance search of this site called god like productions, and type in my I.D. number 1384099, and it will give you a list of posts that I have put on there. You have also been reading a few of them now.

I am not the best writer, but I think you should get the message. You are quite welcome to call me crazy and so on. If you know anything about me from the time I have been on the internet, you would know by now that no one can get to me. As you will even see by the way I have commented to people. If you are interested in finding out ways to get rid of trolls, then look at the way I reply to them, and watch how they disappear and never reply back. I pretty much have a comeback for anything most people say to me, so it is pointless for you to try and put me down. I actually get picked up, because you had the courage to reply to someone like myself in the first place. Most of the time if you use sarcasm back at these people, and showing them they are not getting to you, they will move along. They only get a thrill when they have gotten to you. If they cant get to you the worse they will do is give you one star, lol. Like I really care about stars, it really makes no difference to me. Many people have tried to get me in my face, but still to this day no one has succeeded. Even the people that work for the great queen have failed. I just look at them and smile as I do with everyone. Just one smile can make a difference to another person on so many levels.

Now what I am telling you all is extremely dangerous, not only is the great queen still ruler of this world, she will try her best to get you people not to listen to what I am saying, and say things like I am crazy, and a mad man and so on. But as I have written this, I have also made copies; it is my insurance so that no harm comes to my family and me. So if she attempts to get rid of me or my family, you will all know why this has happened. Also, they use a thing called MK-Ultra, and yes it is still

being used today, I am proof of that. So they can also trigger something off in me to go around and kill lots of innocent people, and then can pass me off as a mad man. This is how she works; she is the master of manipulation. The problem for her is that I listen to my heart more than my mind now, so it has made it a lot harder for her to control me. I cant even hurt an insect, so it would be extremely hard for me to hurt another human being physically. So if it happens you know how and why. I love life and everything that comes with it, including the great queen, so I have no intentions of killing myself or her. I just believe it is time for a change, no matter how drastic it may be. DAY 2 Now of course I do not expect you to believe anything I am saying, so the only thing I can do is ask you to do some research yourself into our history. The date here is now 9/08/2011, I have left this an extra day before I post it because I had to make sure I felt comfortable doing this. Especially since my family and my life are at risk here, but just so you know I am not afraid of death, I actually embrace it. We can never escape our physical death when the body expires. But as long as most of you remember we will always move on into a new life, I believe science will be able to prove this one day, but for now I know it to be true within my heart.

The only way to defeat the great queen is by living a fearless life. By doing this she can never control us like sheep, and using her wolves to keep us in line, and direct us where she wants us to go. Like I said her story has already been written, so she already knows the way she wants things to be run 50 years or more from now. If we continue to live in this fear state she will get her way. Shes kind of like a spoilt child who wants things her way and her way only. And when she does not get things her way, she removes the target that is blocking her path.

I am not the person to jump up and down on T.V and try and get things to change, because in reality it never works. Even protests never work, even though some may think they do when they get what they want, but

really it is her way of making you think she gave you what you want, but then take something else behind your back. She is great with giving the illusion that people have their own choices, but like I said, she is the only one making any choices for all of us. The question is how can you fight someone you cannot see? It is very simple, remove the fear from our lives and that is all everyone needs to do. But there is a problem with all of this. There are roughly 50% of the population that likes things this way, and like being told what to do, so they dont have to think and just do what they are told. Then there is the other 50% that dont like things this way, and are rebelling against being controlled. But in the end there is only one thing we all need to think about, and that is do we all wish to live in fear for our entire lives on this planet?

I cannot help you all with this, only you can conquer you own fears. Just the same as any psychiatrist will tell you, that you are the only one who can help heal yourself. People like this can only guide you and thats it, in the end the choice is ours to make that change.

When I wrote this letter; I probably even shocked the great queen, because I mentioned my name, no longer having any fear of what other people and she can do to me, including hackers. I honestly have had enough of all the manipulation that is affecting innocent peoples minds. It sickens me that so many people fall for all the illusions created by her. Even now it is so hard to tell if I am writing this for her or me, that is how bad the manipulation goes. So this is frustrating, but that is her plan to get people like myself to be frustrated with what is really going on, and what her great plan is. Even though it is obvious that she just wants to control the entire population. Its even hard to tell if she is doing it for good or bad, because as I have said within another post. Good and bad is only what people perceive what good and bad are. She thinks she is doing good, and what she is doing could possibly be good in the end. Even though most of us think that things are going bad at the moment. But how do we know that what she is doing is for good in the end, when she

wont come forward and just tell us? Is she the one that is scared of what the population thinks of her agenda?

If the great queen ever did come forth and tell us her plan for the future, are people still going to believe her, if she has manipulated the population for so long? How would she be able to gain our trust back, so that we believe what she is saying? I would really love to hear your thoughts on this.

I know that her people are watching everything I do, only because I have had one too many coincidences to be a coincidence. I know that they could knock at my door at any moment, but I feel this will not happen. Mainly because I am ready for that, so they will probably attempt to do it unexpectedly, as I do things the same way. But then why would they go after someone that has no care if they do or dont. Really there would be no point, but just to shut me up. But then if they do that, they then are telling the people the truth. And that is there is no such thing as free speech. Which is why I probably got banned from above top secret so many times? Because they really dont want people to speak for those that have no voice and cannot be heard, simply because they have no way of communicating with the rest of the world. Beside the lies the media will give the people on their TVs.

I believe I have giving enough information to make some of you think about this, and would love for any feedback, positive or negative. Just as long as you know if you reply with negativity, you might just have it head back your way. Because one thing most of you should know by now, is that anyone who says something negative to someone, is only reflecting themselves upon others. And really they are only making themselves look silly for saying nasty things, because only silly people say it to begin with. Day 3

It is now 10/08/2011, I tried to post this on god like productions yesterday, only to find out I have now been banned on this site as well. So something is definitely not right, and still believe that I am being monitored before I even hit the post button. However I did go on their today and I seem to be able to read other peoples post, but cannot do any more myself. So now I will send this to Mayan majix and see whether they will put it on their site. If you are reading this, then you know they did, and a big thank you to the Mayan majix site for everything they have done for me, to get this information out to as many as possible. May all of you find your hearts again, through the tough times ahead. I really dont know what else to say, but take care all of you.



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