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"o#$ %&een o' he (en n# e rth h)*her th n !! +re t)on$ ,ho h st )n # ys p st entere# pr y)n* )nto the Ch&r+h o' the -! +hern e ,e$ o''er)n* Thee ,)th th n.s*)()n* #&e (ener t)on$ '!ee ,)th ' )th n# +o/p&n+t)on &n#er Thy sh)n)n* (est/ent 'or ,e !)e )n # r.ness0 An# Tho& ,ho h st )n()n+)b!e po,er #ost set &s 'ree 'ro/ e(ery ''!)+t)on th t ,e / y +ry to Thee1 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 IKOS 1 Ar+h n*e!s n# n*e!s ,)th 3ohn the Forer&nner$ 3ohn the D)()ne n# the +ho)r o' !! the s )nts$ ,ere present ,)th Thee$ the)r %&een$ )n the Ch&r+h o' the -! +hern e n# he r)n* Thy /o()n* s&pp!)+ t)on 'or !! the ,or!#$ they +r)e# o&t ,)th ,on#er s 'o!!o,s1 H )!2 O pre-etern ! *oo# ,)!! o' "o# the F ther 4ho h s no be*)nn)n* o' # ys0 H )!2 t)/e!ess n# /ost p&re ,ho +ont )ne# "o# the Son0 H )!2 Tho& +hosen #,e!!)n*-p! +e o' "o# the !!-ho!y Sp)r)t0 H )!2 Tho& ne(er-+e s)n* ,on#er o' the n*e!)+ hosts on h)*h0 H )!2 Tho& !!-thre ten)n* terror o' the # r. 'or+es o' he!!0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho/ the / ny-eye# +her&b)/ /eet )n the )r0 H )!2 Tho& to ,ho/ the s)5-,)n*e# ser ph)/ s+r)be pr )ses0 H )!2 Tho& ,hose /ost pre+)o&s (e)! ,e born on e rth th n.'&!!y (ener te0 H )!2 O&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s 6e)!0 KONTAKION 7

S )nt An#re, ,)th Ep)ph n)os h ()n* seen Thee )ns)#e the Ch&r+h pr y)n* "o# )n the )r 'or !! Chr)st) ns$,!e#*e# Thee to be the Mother o' Chr)st o&r "o# 4ho s+en#e# )nto he (en n# ' !!)n* to the *ro&n# they 8oy'&!!y (ener te# Th)ne !!pre+)o&s (e)!$ +ry)n*1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS 70 Tho&$ O Theoto.os 6)r*)n rt .no,!e#*e &, b!e )n #e'ense o' Ortho#o5 peop!e0 There'ore o&r ene/)es .no, not ho, stron* )s the pr yer o' the Mother o' "o#1 ,h)!e ,e ,e!! , re o' Th)ne !!-/)*hty prote+t)on +ry to Thee ,)th ten#er 'ee!)n*1 H )!2 Most /er+)'&! Co/'orter o' !! the ''!)+te# n# he (y ! #en0 H )!2 ne(er s!eep)n* "&)#e o' !! those ,ho h (e str ye# n# *one b!)n#0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho by Thy s&pp!)+ t)on #ost s,)'t!y ppe se the ,r th o' "o# r)*ht!y po&re# o&t on &s0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho by n !!-po,er'&! behest #ost t /e o&r e()! p ss)ons0 H )!2 stron* , .er o' s!eep)n* +ons+)en+es0 H )!2 e sy o(er+o/er o' s)n'&! pr +t)+es0 H )!2 Tho& 'or ,hose s .e he!! *ro ns n# the sp)r)ts o' e()! tre/b!e0 H )!2 Tho& 'or ,hose s .e the * tes o' p r #)se re opene# to !!0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION 9 Po,er 'ro/ on h)*h o(ersh #o,s those ,ho r&n 'or re'&*e ,)th ' )th n# re(eren+e to Thy pre+)o&s prote+t)on1 'or to Thee !one$ O !! ho!y n# !! p&re on!y Mother o' "o# )s )t *)(en th t e(ery pet)t)on o' Th)ne be '&!')!!e#0 There'ore the ' )th'&! o' !! *es *!or)'y Thee n# Thy Son$ +ry)n*1 A!!e!&) 0

IKOS 9 O L #y$ h ()n* ne(er-' )!)n* ,e !th o' /er+y$ Tho& #ost stret+h the h n# o' he!p to !! the en#s o' the e rth1 n# #ost *)(e he !)n* to the s)+.$ re!)e' to the s&''er)n*$ s)*ht to the b!)n#$ n# to !! e(eryth)n* th t )s e5pe#)ent 'or the/ s they +ry !o&# )n th n.s*)()n*1 H )!2 )n#estr&+t)b!e 'ortress n# b&!, r. o' Ortho#o5 .)n*#o/s0 H )!2 pr)n+)p!e #orn/ent o' ho!y +h&r+hes n# !t rs0 H )!2 tr&est *& r# o' ho!y /on ster)es0 H )!2 ()*)! nt He!per o' sto&the rte# +)ty *o(ernors0 H )!2 &n+on:&er b!e Le #er o' Chr)st) n + pt )ns n# r/)es0 H )!2 ho!y /)rror o' 8&st)+e 'or 8&#*es ,ho t .e no br)bes0 H )!2 per'e+t .no,!e#*e 'or te +hers n# those ,ho br)n* &p +h)!#ren0 H )!2 -!ess)n* o' p)o&s ho/es n# ' /)!)es0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION ; O L #y$ Tho& #ost he!p &s he!# ' st by stor/ o' / ny ''!)+t)ons1 'or Tho& #ost st n# be'ore the !t r o' the Lor#$ !)'t)n* Th)ne h n#s n# pr y)n* th t the Lor# o' *!ory !oo. #o,n on o&r &n,orthy pr yer n# he r.en to the pet)t)ons o' those ,ho + !! &pon Thy ho!y N /e +ry)n* to Thy Son1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS ; The Lor# "o# he r# 3osh& $ son o' N&n$ pr y)n* n# He +o// n#e# the s&n to st n# st)!! &nt)! he #e'e t the ene/y0 The Lor# 3es&s no, he rs Thy s&pp!)+ t)on$ O +hosen #,e!!)n* o' the Ho!y Sp)r)t0 There'ore ,e s)nners$ p&tt)n* o&r tr&st )n Thy prote+t)on$ / .e bo!# to s y to Thee$ Mother o' "o#1

H )!2 Tho& ,ho rt !)t by the S&n o' the /)n# n# ,ho #ost en!)*hten &s ,)th the !)*ht th t ne(er sets0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho h st )!!&/)ne# the ,ho!e e rth by the br)*htness o' Thy /ost p&re so&!0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho h st / #e *! # the ,ho!e he (ens by the p&r)ty o' Thy bo#y0 H )!2 Prote+tor n# Pro()#er o' the ho!y /on ster)es o' Chr)st0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho rt the stren*th n# &n#erst n#)n* o' the p stors o' the Ch&r+h0 H )!2 "&)#e o' "o#-'e r)n* /on.s n# n&ns0 H )!2 &ntro&b!e# rest o' the p)o&s *e#0 H )!2 se+ret *! #ness o' p&re ()r*)ns n# ,)#o,s0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION < 4hen Moses ,ho s , "o# !)'te# h)s r/s ,h)!e the b tt!e ,)th A/ !e. r *e#$ Isr e! o(er+ /e n# ,hen he !et h)s h n#s ' !!$ A/ !e. , s ()+tor)o&s n# stren*thene# by those ,ho ho!# &p h)s r/s$ Isr e! #e'e te# the ene/y1 n# Tho&$ O Mother o' "o#$ h ()n* r )se# Th)ne h n#s )n s&pp!)+ t)on$ e(en tho&*h no / n ho!# the/ &p$ #ost !, ys +on:&er the ene/)es o' Chr)st n# rt n )n()n+)b!e sh)e!# 'or &s ,ho +ry1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS < The sse/b!)es o' s )nts ,hen they h # seen Thee )n the )r )ns)#e the +h&r+h o' the -! +hern e stret+h)n* Thy h n#s )n pr yer to Thy Son n# "o#$ s n* Thee son* )n th n.s*)()n* ,)th the r+h n*e!s n# n*e!s1 ,h)!e ,e$ o&r h n#s 'ort)')e# by Thee / #e stron*er th n the r/s o' Moses$ +ry !o&# ,)th +o/p&n+t)on1 H )!2 Tho& ,hose !o(e n# /er+y to, r#s &s !one ho!# &p Th)ne h n#s 'or &s0 H )!2 Tho& be'ore 4ho/ o&r ene/)es$ ()s)b!e n# )n()s)b!e$ + nnot st n#0

H )!2 Tho& ,ho #r)(est , y the # r. hor#es o' o&r p ss)ons n# !&sts0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho ho!#est )n Th)ne h n# ,)tho&t be)n* +ons&/e#$ the #)()ne ')re o' Chr)st n# ,ho ,)th )t #ost set &s )n o&r +o!#ness '! /e0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho +ro,nest ,)th ' )r +ro,n o' +h st)ty those ,ho ')*ht * )nst the '!esh0 H )!2 Tho& perpet& ! Con(erser ,)th those ,ho str)(e )n ' st)n* n# s)!ent pr yer0 H )!2 Tho& spee#y Co/'orter o' those ,ho ' !! 'ro/ #esp )r n# s #ness0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost by *r +e pro()#e &s ,)th h&/)!)ty n# p t)en+e0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION = S )nt Ro/ n the Me!o#)on$ ppe re# s n &n' )!)n* pro+! )/er o' Thy *r +e n# /er+y ,hen he h # re+e)(e# 'ro/ Thee )n #re / p per ro!! to s, !!o,1 'or thereby / #e ,)se$ he be* n to s)n* ,)th s.)!! )n Th)ne hono&r n# to ,r)te pr )ses 'or the s )nts$ + !!)n* o&t ,)th ' )th1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS = O 6)r*)n$ M )# o' "o#$ ,ho h st shone 'orth the D ,n 'ro/ the tr&e S&n o' r)*hteo&sness$ en!)*hten)n* !! ,)th the ,)s#o/ o' Thy "o# n# Son n# ,ho !e #est !! to .no,!e#*e o' the tr&th those ,ho +ry to Thee1 H )!2 Tho& ,ho h st *)(en b)rth to Chr)st )n the '!esh$ Po,er o' "o# n# ,)s#o/ o' "o#0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho h st +on'o&n#e# the 'oo!)sh ,)s#o/ o' th)s ,or!#$ n# ,ho h st *&)#e# those b!)n#e# by )t on the , y o' tr&th0 H )!2 Preser(er o' o&r ho!y ' )th n# te +her o' Ortho#o5 #o*/ 0 H )!2 Uprooter o' )/p)o&s heres)es n# +orr&pt)n* #)()s)ons0

H )!2 Tho& ,ho ,e!! .no,est se+ret n# &n'oreseen #)'')+&!t)es n# #ost te!! those ,ho/ )t )s proper bo&t the/0 H )!2 tho& ,ho p&ttest to sh /e ' !se seers n# ( )n #)()n)n*0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho )n the ho&r o' perp!e5)ty #ost p&t *oo# tho&*ht )n o&r he rts0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost t&rn &s 'ro/ per)!o&s p&rposes n# sense!ess #es)res0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION > The !!-see)n*$ !on*-s&''er)n* Lor#$ ,)sh)n* to / n)'est the &nse r+h b!e #eep o' H)s /er+)es n# !o(e 'or / n.)n#$ +hose Thee !one to be H)s Mother$ n# / #e Thee )nto n )n()n+)b!e #e'ense 'or H)s peop!e1 th t e(en tho&*h one o' the/ ppe r ,orthy o' +on#e/n t)on by the r)*hteo&s 8&#*e/ent o' "o#$ yet !! the /ore sh !! he be preser(e# 'or repent n+e by Thy /)*hty prote+t)on$ +ry)n*1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS > O Lor#$ Tho& h st sho,n )n Th)ne !!-p&re Mother$ ho, ,on#er'&! re Thy ,or.s ,hen Her /ost / r(e!!o&s (e)! , s re(e !e# )n Her h n# sh)n)n* br)*hter th n the r ys o' the s&n n# ,)th )t She prote+te# the peop!e )n the Ch&r+h o' -! +hern e1 'or he r)n* o' s&+h s)*n o' Her #e'ense$ he!# by 'e r n# 8oy$ !! s y1 H )!2 tho& (e)! not / #e by h n# o' / n th t )s spre # o(er the ,ho!e ,or!# !).e +!o&#0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost ho!# )n Th)ne h n#s the b nner o' Thy Son$ the pre-etern ! -)shop0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho h st thereby / #e / n)'est ne, /er+y n# ne, *r +e )n the Ortho#o5 Ch&r+h0 H )!2 p)!! r o' +!o&# ,ho prote+ts !! o' &s )n the ,or!# 'ro/ te/pt t)ons n# s+ n# !s0 H )!2 p)!! r o' ')re /)#st the # r.ness$ sho,)n* &s !! the p th o' s !( t)on0

H )!2 ()s)b!e stren*th o' / n)'est str)(ers 'or *o#!)ness0 H )!2 se+ret ")(er o' &n#erst n#)n* to the se+ret ser( nts o' "o# )n th)s ,or!#0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho !so !e (est not ,)tho&t Thy *r +e n# prote+t)on /e ,ho / str)ppe# o' !! *oo# ,or.s0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION ? An*e!s s n* Thy pr )ses ,hen Tho& #)#st ppe r )n ,on#ro&s ,)se 'ro/ he (en )n the Ch&r+h o' the -! +hern e n# post!es * (e Thee *!ory0 The +ho)r o' ho!y -)shops n# /on.s n# the b n# o' ho!y ,o/en e5to!!e# Thee$ the Forer&nner ,)th 3ohn the D)()ne (ener te# Thee$ n# the peop!e present )n the Ch&r+h +r)e# !o&# ,)th 8oy1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS ? The Lor# 4ho re)*ns o(er !! th)n*s bo(e n# be!o,$ ,hen He h # seen Thee$ H)s Mother$ st n#)n* )n the Ch&r+h n# pr y)n* ,)th ten#er 'ee!)n* to H)/$ s )#1 As.$ O /y Mother$ be+ &se I sh !! ne(er t&rn 'ro/ Thee b&t ,)!! '&!')! !! Thy pet)t)ons n# te +h !! to s)n* to Thee )n th n.s*)()n*1 H )!2 Ar. o' the ! , )n ,h)+h )s .ept the s n+t)')+ t)on o' !! / n.)n#0 H )!2 !!-ho!y 3 r )n ,h)+h the bre # o' etern ! !)'e )s preser(e# 'or those ,ho h&n*er 'or r)*hteo&sness0 H )!2 !!-*o!#en 6esse! )n ,h)+h the '!esh n# b!oo# o' the #)()ne L /b re prep re# 'or &s0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost re+e)(e )n Th)ne !!-po,er'&! r/s those 'ors .en by the phys)+) ns0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost r )se 'ro/ the)r be# o' s)+.ness those +r)pp!e# )n bo#y b&t not )n sp)r)t n# ' )th0

H )!2 Tho& ,ho *)(est ne, n# better &n#erst n#)n* to those ,ho re per)sh)n* 'ro/ )n')r/)ty o' /)n#0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost ,)se!y tr)p &s &p on the st&bborn p th o' s)n n# p ss)on0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost t&rn to /er+y the +r&e!ty o' o&r &nrepent nt he rts0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION @ The ,ho!e sse/b!y o' n*e!s o''ers Thee pr )ses$ Tho& tr&e Mother o' "o# n# De'en#er o' !! ,ho r&n to Thee$ .no,)n* ho, ,)th Th)ne &n' )!)n* prote+t)on Tho& #ost re8o)+e the r)*hteo&s$ prote+t n# #e!)(er the poor$ n# pr y 'or !! the ' )th'&! +ry)n*1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS @ The ,or#y or tors$ be+o/e s #&/b ')sh$ re t !oss s to ho, to pr )se s )s #&e$ the *re t 'e st o' Th)ne !!-pre+)o&s prote+t)on1 'or !! the th)n*s s )# by the/ bo&t Thee s&'')+e not to n&/ber Thy /er+)es !one0 An# ,e$ see)n* Thy *oo# ,or.s ,)tho&t n&/ber$ +ry ,)th *! #ness1 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost *& r# &s 'ro/ the #e #!y p! *&e )n ,h)+h !! per)sh0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost preser(e +)t)es n# ()!! *es 'ro/ s&##en e rth:& .es0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost !e # &s o&t ,)th Thy stron* r/ 'ro/ '!oo# n# #ro,n)n*0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho by the #e, o' Thy pr yers #ost #e!)(er &s 'ro/ the .)n#!)n* o' ')re0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost pro()#e * )nst h&n*er o' so&! n# bo#y by the -re # o' !)'e0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost !e # , y 'ro/ o&r he #s the b!o,s o' !)*htn)n* n# th&n#er0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost s (e &s 'ro/ the tt +.s o' str n*ers n# se+ret /&r#erers0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost *& r# &s ,)th pe +e n# !o(e * )nst ' /)!y :& rre!s n# the en/)t)es o' those o' o&r o,n b!oo#0

H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION 1A 4)sh)n* to s (e / n.)n# 'ro/ the error o' the ene/y$ the Lor# 4ho !o(es / n.)n# * (e &s on e rth Thee H)s Mother to be o&r he!p$ prote+t)on n# #e'ense$ 'or Thee to be the Co/'orter o' those th t sorro,$ the 3oy o' the ''!)+te#$ the De'en#er o' the )n8&re#$ n# to r )se !! 'ro/ the #epth o' s)n$ s)n*)n*1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS 1A BO K)n* o' he (en$B spo.e the !!-p&re %&een )n pr yer s She stoo# ,)th the n*e!s$ B#o Tho& ++ept e(ery / n pr y)n* to Thee n# + !!)n* &pon /y n /e 'or he!p$ th t he *o not , y 'ro/ /y ' +e e/pty n# &nhe r#0B He r)n* th)s /ost *oo# s&pp!)+ t)on$ the sse/b!)es o' the s )nts +r)e# )n th n.s*)()n*1 H )!2 Tho& ,ho +ro,nest ,)th b!esse# 'r&)ts the h&sb n#/en p&re )n h n# n# he rt0 H )!2 S&++o&r n# r)*hteo&s Re, r#er 'or !! those ,ho honest!y tr #e0 H )!2 Repro(er be'ore !! n t)ons o' those ,ho .eep not the)r o ths n# ,hose * )ns re &n8&st0 H )!2 &ne5pe+te# He!per o' those )n #)stress )n the)r tr (e!s by ! n# n# , ter0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho / .est *! # ,)th the 'r&)ts o' ' )th n# the sp)r)t +h)!#!ess +o&p!es0 H )!2 &nseen T&tor o' /other!ess orph ns0 H )!2 stron* De'en#er o' those )n + pt)()ty n# e5)!e0 H )!2 e(er-, t+h'&! "& r#) n o' those s)tt)n* )n bon#s n# pr)son0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION 11

He r)n* /ost /o()n* son* n# tten#)n* to Thy pr yer 'or &s$ ,e be* Thee$ O 6)r*)n Theoto.os$ !oo. not , y 'ro/ the (o)+es o' Thy ser( nts 'or ,e r&n to Thee )n ss &!ts n# ''!)+t)on n# )n o&r #)stress ,e po&r o&t o&r te rs be'ore Thee$ +ry)n*1 A!!e!&) 0 IKOS 11 See)n* Thee )n the )r )ns)#e the -! +hern e Ch&r+h b&rn)n* )n pr yer s + n#!e '! /e ,)th !)*ht$ I * (e (o)+e to*ether ,)th /&!t)t&#e o' peop!e there present1 ho, + n th)s be th t the Mother o' /y Lor# h s +o/e to /eC An# S )nt An#re, ,)th Ep)ph n)os pr ye# , r/!y to Thee$ +ry)n*1 H )!2 b&n# nt ")(er o' !! sp)r)t& ! n# bo#)!y *)'ts0 H )!2 tr&e A#(o+ te o' s)nners ,ho h (e st rte# to repent0 H )!2 perpet& ! Ch /p)on o' those ')*ht)n* ,)th ene/y p ss)ons n# )ntents0 H )!2 )n()s)b!e T /er o' +r&e! n# best) ! / sters0 H )!2 se+ret Rest n# Conso! t)on o' h&/b!e n# s&''er)n* ser( nts0 H )!2 /ost !on*e#-'or F&!')!!er o' b!esse# / rr) *es0 H )!2 s,)'t n# p )n!ess re!)e' o' /others )n +h)!#b)rth0 H )!2 o&r on!y He!p )n the ho&r o' #e th0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s 6e)!0 KONTAKION 17 As. Thy Son to *)(e &s #)()ne *r +eD stret+h to, r#s &s he!p)n* h n#D , r# o'' 'ro/ &s e(ery ene/y n# #(ers ry n# *)(e o&r !)(es pe +e th t ,e p r)sh not *r)e(o&s!y ,)tho&t repent n+e$ b&t ++ept &s$ O o&r Prote+tor$ )n the etern ! / ns)ons$ th t$ re8o)+)n* ,e / y +ry to Thee1 A!!e!&) 0

IKOS 17 S)n*)n* the pr )ses o' Thy /)*hty prote+t)on$ ,e pr )se Thee 'or Tho& rt to &s !! o&r ')r/ A#(o+ te n# ,e (ener te Thee ,ho #ost pr y 'or &s1 'or ,e be!)e(e n# ,e tr&st th t Tho& ,)!t be* o' Thy Son n# "o# etern ! n# te/por ! *oo# th)n*s 'or !! ,ho +ry th&s to Thee ,)th !o(e1 H )!2 stron* De'ense o' the ,ho!e )nh b)te# e rth0 H )!2 s n+t)')+ t)on o' !! the e rth!y n# he (en!y e!e/ents0 H )!2 Tho& -!ess)n* o' !! the se sons o' the ye r0 H )!2 Tho& Con:&eror o' !! ss &!ts n# te/pt t)ons th t +o/e 'ro/ the ,or!#$ the '!esh n# the #e()!0 H )!2 &nhope# 'or Re+on+)!) t)on o' those ,ho re t # **ers #r ,n0 H )!2 A/en#/ent ,)tho&t the)r .no,!e#*e o' &nrepent nt s)nners0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost not t&rn , y those #esp)se# n# 'ors .en by !!0 H )!2 Tho& ,ho #ost p!&+. 'ro/ the p)t o' #estr&+t)on those th t )n#ee# #esp )r0 H )!2 o&r 3oy$ prote+t &s 'ro/ e(ery )!! by Thy pre+)o&s (e)!0 KONTAKION 19 O !!-pr )se# Mother$ Most p&re L #y$ 6)r*)n$ Theoto.os$ to Thee #o I !)'t &p the eyes o' /y so&! n# bo#y$ to Thee #o I stret+h 'orth /y h n#s *ro,n 'eeb!e n# I +ry 'ro/ the #epth o' /y he rt1 !oo. #o,n on the ' )th n# h&/)!)ty o' /y so&!D she!ter /e ,)th Thy !/)*hty prote+t)on$ th t I be s (e# 'ro/ !! ss &!t n# #)stress$ n# )n the ho&r o' /y #e th$ be by /e$ O Tho& !!-b!esse#$ n# #e!)(er /e 'ro/ the tor/ent prep re# 'or /e be+ &se o' /y s)ns$ th t$ (ener t)n* Thee$ I / y e(er +ry1 A!!e!&) $ !!e!&) $ !!e!&) 0 ETh)s Kont .)on )s re # three t)/es0 Then ,e * )n re # n# s)n* I.os 1 n# Kont .)on 1$ 'o!!o,e# by t,o pr yers to the Ho!y 6)r*)n0F

F)rst Pr yer O !!-ho!y 6)r*)n$ Mother o' the Lor# o' the hosts on h)*h$ Tho& %&een o' he (en n# e rth n# !/)*hty De'en#er o' o&r +o&ntry$ ++ept 'ro/ &s Th)ne &n,orthy ser( nts th)s son* o' pr )se n# th n.s*)()n* n# br)n* o&r pr yer &p to the throne o' Thy "o# n# Son$ th t He be /er+)'&! to, r#s o&r &nr)*hteo&sness$ n# e5ten# H)s *r +e to those ,ho hono&r Thy n /e n# (ener te ,)th ' )th n# !o(e Thy ,on#er-,or.)n* ).on0 For ,e re not ,orthy to be 'or*)(en by H)/ h #st Tho&$ O L #y$ not / #e H)/ /er+)'&! to, r#s &s$ 'or !! th)n*s 'ro/ H)/ re poss)b!e to Thee0 There'ore ,e r&n to Thee s Tho& rt o&r s,)'t n# &n#o&bte# Prote+tor0 He r &s ,ho pr y to Thee1 o(ersh #o, &s ,)th Th)ne !/)*hty (e)! n# s. 'ro/ Thy "o# n# Son Ge ! n# ()*)! n+e 'or o&r shepher#s$ ,)s#o/ n# stren*th 'or the so&!s o' those ,ho *o(ern o&r +)t)es$ r)*hteo&sness n# )/p rt) !)ty 'or o&r 8&#*es$ &n#erst n#)n* n# h&/)!)ty 'or o&r !e #ers$ !o(e n# +on+or# 'or the / rr)e#$ obe#)en+e 'or o&r +h)!#ren$ p t)en+e 'or those ,ho h (e been o''en#e#$ the 'e r o' "o# 'or those th t o''en#$ sto&the rte#ness 'or the ''!)+te#$ restr )nt 'or those th t re8o)+e$ n# 'or !! o' &s the sp)r)t o' &n#erst n#)n* n# *o#!)ness$ the sp)r)t o' /er+y n# /ee.ness$ the sp)r)t o' +h st)ty n# tr&th0 Ye $ O !!-ho!y L #y$ be /er+)'&! to, r#s Thy 'eeb!e peop!e1 * ther to*ether the #)sperse#$ *&)#e on the r)*ht , y those th t h (e *one str y$ &pho!# o!# *e$ / .e the yo&n* p&re$ br)n* &p the +h)!#ren n# !oo. #o,n &pon !! o' &s ,)th the + re o' Thy /er+)'&! prote+t)on0 R )se &s 'ro/ the #epth o' s)n n# en!)*hten the eyes o' o&r he rts to see s !( t)on0 -e /er+)'&! to &s both here n# yon#er$ #&r)n* o&r , n#er)n* )n the ! n# o' th)s e rth n# t the L st 3&#*e/ent o' Thy Son1 n# / .e o&r ' thers n# brothers ,ho h (e #ep rte# th)s !)'e !)(e the etern ! !)'e ,)th the n*e!s n# !! the s )nts0 For Tho&$ O L #y$ rt the *!ory o' those )n he (en n# the tr&st o' those on e rth0 A'ter "o#$ Tho& rt the hope n# De'en#er o' !! ,ho '!ee to Thee ,)th ' )th0 4e then pr y to Thee n# to Thee s o&r !/)*hty He!per$ #o ,e +o//en# o&rse!(es n# one nother$ no, n# 'or e(er n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Se+on# Pr yer to O&r L #y O /y /ost b!esse# %&een$ /y !!-ho!y hope$ Re+e)(er o' orph ns n# De'en#er o' the str n*ers$ He!per o' those )n po(erty$ Prote+tor o' the s)+.$ beho!# /y #)stress$ beho!# /y ''!)+t)on0 On !! s)#es / I he!# by te/pt t)on$ n# there )s none to #e'en# /e0 He!p /e then s I / ,e .$ 'ee# /e s I / p)!*r)/$ *&)#e /e s I h (e str ye#$ he ! n# s (e /e s I !)e ,)tho&t hope0 For I h (e no other he!p$ nor #(o+ te nor +o/'orter$ s (e Thee$ O Mother o' !! the ''!)+te# n# he (y ! #en0 Loo. #o,n then on /e$ s)nner !y)n* )n s)+.ness$ n# prote+t /e ,)th Th)ne !!-ho!y 6e)!$ th t I be

#e!)(ere# 'ro/ !! the )!!s s&rro&n#)n* /e n# / y e(er pr )se Thy N /e th t !! /en s)n*0 A/en0 The En# n# "!ory to "o#0 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Trop r)on$ )n Tone I6 O(ersh #o,e# by Thy +o/)n*$ O Mother o' "o#$ ,e$ the r)*ht ' )th'&! peop!e$ +e!ebr te to# y ,)th sp!en#or$ n# * G)n* t Th)ne !!-pre+)o&s )/ *e$ ,e s y ,)th +o/p&n+t)on1 Co(er &s ,)th Thy pre+)o&s o/ophor)on$ n# #e!)(er &s 'ro/ !! e()!$ entre t)n* Thy Son$ Chr)st o&r "o#$ th t He s (e o&r so&!s0 CANON To our Lord Jesus Christ. Tone 2 Song 1. Eirmos: In the #eep o' o!# the )n')n)te Po,er o(er,he!/e# Ph ro hIs ,ho!e r/y0 -&t the In+ rn te 4or# nn)h)! te# pern)+)o&s s)n0 E5+ee#)n*!y *!or)o&s )s the Lor#$ 'or *!or)o&s!y h s He been *!or)')e#0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ !on*s&''er)n* 3es&s$ he ! the ,o&n#s o' /y so&!$ 3es&s$ n# / .e s,eet /y he rt$ O Most Mer+)'&! One$ I s. Thee$ 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ th t be)n* s (e# by Thee$ I / y *!or)'y Thee0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ 3es&s$ open to /e the #oor o' repent n+e$ O 3es&s$ Lo(er o' /en$ n# ++ept /e s I thro, /yse!' t Thy 'eet$ 3es&s$ /y S ()o&r$ n# 'er(ent!y )/p!ore the 'or*)(eness o' /y s)ns0

Sweetest Jesus, save us. S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ 3es&s$ sn t+h /e 'ro/ the h n# o' #e+e)t'&! s t n$ O 3es&s$ n# / .e /e st n# on the R)*ht o' Thy *!ory$ O 3es&s /y S ()o&rD 'ro/ the Le't #e!)(er /e0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O L #y ,ho bore 3es&s o&r "o#$ pr y 'or &s ,orth!ess s! (es$ th t by thy pr yers$ O )// +&! te one$ ,e ,ho re #e')!e# / y be #e!)(ere# 'ro/ tor/ent$ O spot!ess one$ n# en8oy e(er! st)n* *!ory0 Song 3. Eirmos : -y est b!)sh)n* /e on the ro+. o' ' )th$ Tho& h st *)(en /e po,er o(er /y ene/)es$ n# /y sp)r)t re8o)+es ,hen I s)n*1 There )s none ho!y s o&r "o# n# none r)*hteo&s b&t Thee$ O Lor#0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: O /y 3es&s$ Lo(er o' /en$ he r Thy s! (e + !!)n* ,)th +o/p&n+t)onD n# #e!)(er /e$ 3es&s$ 'ro/ +on#e/n t)on n# p&n)sh/ent$ O on!y P t)ent One$ s,eetest n# /ost /er+)'&! 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Re+e)(e Thy s! (e$ O /y 3es&s$ ,ho prostr tes h)/se!' ,)th te rs$ /y 3es&s$ n# #e!)(er /e$ O Lor#$ 'ro/ he!!$ s,eetest n# /ost /er+)'&! 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O /y 3es&s$ the t)/e Tho& * (est /e I h (e s:& n#ere# )n p ss)ons$ O /y 3es&s0 Re8e+t /e not$ O /y 3es&s$ b&t + !! /e$ I pr y$ O Lor#$ O S,eetest 3es&s$ n# s (e /e2 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O 6)r*)n ,ho * (est b)rth to /y 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to s (e /e 'ro/ he!!0 Tho& rt the on!y p troness o' the ''!)+te#$ O tho& ,ho rt '&!! o' #)()ne *r +e0 An# / .e /e ,orthy o' the !)'e th t )s 'ree 'ro/ o!# *e$ O !!-)nno+ent one0

Lor#$ h (e /er+y (thrice). "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t$ no, n# e(er$ n# to the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Sedalion ES)tt)n* hy/nF1 O 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ Tho& #)#st s (e the pro#)* !0 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ Tho& #)#st ++ept the h r!ot0 An# no, h (e /er+y on /e$ /ost /er+)'&! 3es&sD h (e +o/p ss)on n# s (e /e$ O 3es&s /y -ene' +tor$ s Tho& h #st +o/p ss)on on M n sseh$ /y 3es&s$ on!y Lo(er o' /en0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t$ no, n# e(er$ n# to the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: H ()n* thy )nter+ess)on$ O /ost p&re one$ n# #e!)(ere# by thy pr yers$ n# prote+te# by the Cross o' thy Son$ ,e #&!y #e(o&t!y / *n)'y thee0 Song . Eirmos: Fro/ ()r*)n #)#st Tho& +o/e$ not s n /b ss #or$ nor s n An*e!$ b&t the (ery Lor# H)/se!' )n+ rn te$ n# #)#st s (e /e$ the ,ho!e / n0 There'ore I +ry to Thee1 "!ory to Thy Po,er$ O Lor#0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: O /y 3es&s$ he ! the ,o&n#s o' /y so&!$ /y 3es&s$ I pr y$ n# sn t+h /e 'ro/ the h n# o' so&!-+orr&pt)n* s t n$ /y *r +)o&s 3es&s$ n# s (e /e0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O /y s,eetest 3es&s$ I h (e s)nne#0 My +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ s (e /e ,ho r&n to Thy prote+t)on$ n# / .e /e ,orthy o' Thy K)n*#o/$ O /ost p t)ent 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. No one h s s)nne# s I h (e s)nne#$ O /y 3es&s$ ,ret+he# s I /D b&t no, I bo, #o,n n# pr y1 S (e /e$ O /y 3es&s$ n# be:&e th /e$ /y 3es&s$ !)'e0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O !!-hy/ne# 6)r*)n ,ho bore the Lor# 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to #e!)(er 'ro/ tor/ent !! ,ho s)n* to thee n# + !! thee s&pre/e!y Mother o' "o#0

Song !. Eirmos: O Tho& 4ho rt the L)*ht o' those !y)n* )n # r.ness$ n# the s !( t)on o' the hope!ess$ O Chr)st /y S ()o&r$ I r)se e r!y to pr y to Thee$ O K)n* o' Pe +e0 En!)*hten /e ,)th Thy r #) n+e$ 'or I .no, no other "o# th n Thee0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: O /y 3es&s$ Tho& rt the !)*ht o' /y /)n# n# the s !( t)on o' /y #esp )r)n* so&!$ /y 3es&s$ /y S ()o&r2 De!)(er /e ,ho +ry to Thee$ 'ro/ tor/ent n# he!!0 S (e /e$ O Chr)st$ /y 3es&s$ ,ret+he# s I /0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Co/p!ete!y + st #o,n to sh /e'&! p ss)ons$ /y 3es&s$ I no, +ry1 Stret+h #o,n to /e$ /y 3es&s$ he!p)n* h n#$ n# p!&+. /e o&t s I +ry1 s (e /e$ O Chr)st$ /y 3es&s$ ,ret+he# s I /0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. C rry)n* bo&t /)n# #e')!e#$ I + !! to Thee$ O 3es&s1 +!e nse /e 'ro/ the #)rt o' s)n$ n# re#ee/ /e ,ho s!)ppe# #o,n to the #epths o' ()+e thro&*h )*nor n+e$ n# s (e /e$ O S ()o&r$ /y 3es&s$ I pr y0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O M )#en Mother o' "o# ,ho bore 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to s (e !! Ortho#o5 /on.s n# peop!e$ n# to #e!)(er 'ro/ he!! those ,ho +ry1 4e .no, no stron*er )nter+ess)on th n th)ne0 Song ". Eirmos : 4h)r!e# bo&t )n the byss o' s)n$ I ppe ! to the &n' tho/ b!e byss o' Thy +o/p ss)on1 R )se /e &p 'ro/ +orr&pt)on$ O "o#0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: O /ost /er+)'&! Chr)st$ /y 3es&s$ ++ept /e ,ho +on'ess /y s)ns$ O Lor#$ n# s (e /e$ O 3es&s$ n# sn t+h /e$ O 3es&s$ 'ro/ +orr&pt)on0

Sweetest Jesus, save us. O /y 3es&s$ no one e!se h s been so #)sso!&te s I$ ,ret+he# s I /$ O 3es&s Lo(er o' /en$ b&t s (e /e$ O 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O /y 3es&s$ I h (e s&rp sse# ,)th /y p ss)ons the h r!ot n# the pro#)* !$ M n sseh n# the p&b!)+ n$ O /y 3es&s$ n# the robber n# the N)ne()tes$ O 3es&s0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O tho& ,ho +on+e)(e#st /y 3es&s Chr)st$ O on!y &n#e')!e# n# )// +&! te 6)r*)n$ +!e nse /e #e')!e# s I /$ e(en no, by hyssop o' thy pr yers0 Lor# h (e /er+y (thrice). "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t$ no, n# e(er$ n# to the *es o' *es0 A/en0 #ontakion: S,eetest 3es&s$ L)*ht o' the ,or!#$ en!)*hten the eyes o' /y so&!$ O Son o' "o#$ ,)th the #)()ne ()s)on o' Thy sp!en#o&r$ th t I / y pr )se Thee$ the &n, n)n* L)*ht0 Song $. Eirmos: 4hen the *o!#en )#o! , s ,orsh)ppe# )n the p! )n o' D&r $ Thy three +h)!#ren #esp)se# the *o#!ess or#er0 Thro,n )nto the ')re$ they ,ere be#e,e# n# s n*1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: O Chr)st 3es&s$ no one on e rth h s e(er s)nne# s I h (e s)nne#$ O /y 3es&s$ ,ret+he# n# #)sso!&te s I /0 -&t I +ry to Thee$ /y 3es&s$ h (e +o/p ss)on on /e s I s)n*1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O Chr)st 3es&s$ n )! /e #o,n ,)th the 'e r o' Thee$ I pr y$ O /y 3es&s$ n# *&)#e /e to Thy + !/ h (en$ O /y +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ th t s (e# by Thee I / y s)n* to Thee1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0

Sweetest Jesus, save us. O Chr)st 3es&s$ ten tho&s n# t)/es I pro/)se# Thee repent n+e$ /y 3es&s$ b&t ,ret+h th t I /$ I #e+e)(e# Thee0 There'ore I +ry to Thee$ /y 3es&s1 En!)*hten /y st)!! &n'ee!)n* so&!$ O Chr)st$ ,ho rt the "o# o' o&r ' thers0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O tho& ,ho * (est b)rth to 3es&s Chr)st ,on#ro&s!y n# bo(e n t&re$ O !! - )nno+ent one$ )/p!ore H)/$ O M )#en$ to 'or*)(e /e !! the s)ns th t I h (e +o//)tte# * )nst /y n t&re$ th t s (e# I / y +ry1 -!esse# rt tho& ,ho #)#st +on+e)(e "o# )n the '!esh0 Song %. Eirmos: S)n* o' the +ts o' "o# 4ho #es+en#e# )nto the ')ery '&rn +e ,)th the Hebre, +h)!#ren n# +h n*e# the '! /e )nto #e,$ n# e5 !t H)/ s Lor# thro&*ho&t !! *es0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: I )/p!ore Thee$ O /y 3es&s1 s Tho& #)#st re#ee/ the h r!ot 'ro/ / ny s)ns$ !).e,)se re#ee/ /e$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s$ n# +!e nse /y 'o&! so&!$ O /y 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O 3es&s$ h ()n* y)e!#e# to #&/b n# )rr t)on ! p!e s&res$ I h (e be+o/e #&/b n# )rr t)on !$ O /y 3es&s$ n# ,ret+h th t I /$ I h (e tr&!y be+o/e p)t)'&!!y !).e the n)/ !s$ O S ()o&r0 There'ore$ O 3es&s$ #e!)(er /e 'ro/ #&/bness n# n)/ !)ty0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. O 3es&s$ I 'e!! )nto the h n#s o' so&!-+orr&pt)n* th)e(es ,ho h (e no, str)ppe# /e o' /y #)()ne!y ,o(en * r/ent$ O /y 3es&s$ n# I / !y)n* !! br&)se# n# ,o&n#e#0 O /y Chr)st$ po&r on /e o)! n# ,)ne0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O M ry$ Mother o' "o#$ ,ho )ne'' b!y bore the Chr)st$ /y 3es&s n# "o#$ )/p!ore H)/ !, ys to s (e 'ro/ # n*ers thy ser( nts n# thy s)n*ers$ O +h ste 6)r*)n2

Song &. Eirmos: "o# the 4or#$ "o# o' "o#$ 4ho by )ne'' b!e ,)s#o/ + /e to +re te A# / ne, 'ter h)s *r)e(o&s ' !! to +orr&pt)on thro&*h e t)n* n# 4ho too. '!esh beyon# !! te!!)n* 'ro/ the Ho!y 6)r*)n 'or o&r s .e - H)/ ,e ' )th'&! ,)th one ++or# / *n)'y )n son*0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Troparia: I h (e s&rp sse#$ O /y 3es&s$ M n sseh n# the p&b!)+ n$ the h r!ot n# the pro#)* !$ O +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ n# the robber$ O /y 3es&s$ thro&*h !! /y sh /e'&! n# per(erse #ee#s$ O 3es&s$ b&t o&t,)t /e$ /y 3es&s$ n# s (e /e2 Sweetest Jesus, save us. My 3es&s$ I h (e o&t#one by /y p)t)'&! p ss)ons$ ,ret+he# s I /$ !! 4ho h (e s)nne# 'ro/ A# /$ O 3es&s$ be'ore the L , n# )n the L ,$ /y 3es&s$ n# 'ter the L , n# "r +eD b&t s (e /e by Thy 8&#*/ents$ /y 3es&s0 Sweetest Jesus, save us. Let /e not be #)(or+e# 'ro/ Thy )ne'' b!e *!ory$ /y 3es&s$ n# !et /e not be ss)*ne# to the Le't H n#$ s,eetest 3es&sD b&t set /e on the R)*ht H n# ,)th Thy sheep n# *)(e /e rest$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s$ )n Thy #)()ne +o/p ss)on0 Most Holy Mother of God save us. Theotokion: O Mother o' "o# ,ho bore 3es&s$ on!y I// +&! te 6)r*)n M ry$ )n(o.e H)/$ O p&re one$ s thy Son n# Cre tor$ to #e!)(er !! ,ho resort to thee 'ro/ te/pt t)ons$ # n*ers n# '&t&re ')re0 E'apostelarion: O 3es&s$ ")(er o' 4)s#o/ n# Un#erst n#)n*$ Fee#er o' be** rs$ Prote+tor o' Orph ns$ He !er o' the s)+.$ he ! n# )!!&/)ne /y he rt$ O 3es&s$ +o(ere# ,)th the ,o&n#s o' s)n n# +orr&pt)on o' p ss)ons$ n# s (e /e0 O 3es&s2 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t$ no, n# e(er$ n# to the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: En!)*hten /y /)n# n# tr ns')*&re /y he rt$ O 6)r*)n$ ,)th the r #) n+e o' the L)*ht ,h)+h shone thro&*h thee$ #)spe!!)n* the # r.ness o' s)n n# #)sso!()n* the *!oo/ o' /y )n#o!en+e0

(ra)er to Jesus Christ. O Lor# n# M ster$ 3es&s Chr)st$ /y "o#$ thro&*h Thy )ne'' b!e !o(e 'or /en Tho& , st ,r ppe# )n '!esh$ t the en# o' the *es$ 'ro/ the E(er6)r*)n M ry0 4e *!or)'y Thy s ()n* pro()#en+e n# + re 'or &s$ Thy ser( nts$ O Lor#0 4e pr )se Thee thro&*h 4ho/ ,e h (e !e rne# to .no, the F ther0 4e b!ess Thee thro&*h 4ho/ the Ho!y Sp)r)t + /e )nto the ,or!#0 4e bo, to Thy /ost Ho!y Mother ,ho ser(e# 'or the #re # /ystery o' Thy In+ rn t)on0 4e pr )se the An*e!)+ Cho)r s the ser( nts n# s)n*ers o' Thy M 8esty0 4e be t)'y S )nt 3ohn the Forer&nner ,ho b pt)Ge# Thee$ O Lor#0 4e hono&r !so the Prophets ,ho nno&n+e# Thee0 4e *!or)'y Thy Ho!y Apost!es0 4e +e!ebr te the M rtyrs0 4e pr )se Thy Pr)ests0 4e (ener te Thy S )nts n# s)n* to !! the 3&st0 4e$ Thy ser( nts$ o''er to Thee$ o&r !!-*enero&s "o#$ th)s +o&nt!ess n# &n&tter b!e D)()ne Cho)r s )nter+essors$ n# pr y1 "r nt &s the 'or*)(eness o' o&r s)ns 'or the s .e o' !! Thy S )nts$ b&t espe+) !!y 'or the s .e o' Thy ho!y *eneros)ty$ 'or Tho& rt b!esse# 'or e(er0 A/en0

Canons o* the Lord+ the Theotokos+ and the ,uardian Angel+ arranged to -e .hanted together /the Translation is *rom the Ne0 Jordan1ille (ra)er -ook2.


Eirmos: In the #eep o' o!# the )n')n)te Po,er o(er,he!/e# Ph r ohIs ,ho!e r/y0 -&t the )n+ rn te 4or# nn)h)! te# pern)+)o&s s)n0 E5+ee#)n*!y *!or)o&s )s the Lor#$ 'or *!or)o&s!y h th he been *!or)')e#0 To our Lord Jesus Christ: O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 Troparia: S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ !on*-s&''er)n* 3es&s$ he ! the ,o&n#s o' /y so&!$ 3es&s$ n# / .e s,eet /y he rt$ O "re t!y-Mer+)'&! One$ I pr y Thee$ 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ th t be)n* s (e# by Thee$ I / y / *n)'y Thee0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ 3es&s$ open to /e the #oor o' repent n+e$ O 3es&s$ Lo(er o' / n.)n#$ n# ++ept /e$ O 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ s I ' !! #o,n be'ore Thee n# 'er(ent!y )/p!ore the 'or*)(eness o' /y s)ns0

O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 S,eetest 3es&s Chr)st$ 3es&s$ sn t+h /e 'ro/ the h n# o' #e+e)t'&! -e!) !$ O 3es&s$ n# / .e /e st n# t the r)*ht o' Thy *!ory$ O 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ #e!)(er)n* /e 'ro/ the !ot o' those on the !e't0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O L #y ,ho * (est b)rth to 3es&s o&r "o#$ pr y 'or &s ,orth!ess s! (es$ th t by thy pr yers$ O )// +&! te one$ ,e ,ho re #e')!e# / y be #e!)(ere# 'ro/ tor/ent$ O spot!ess one$ n# en8oy e(er! st)n* *!ory0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 D)stresse# by / ny te/pt t)ons$ I '!ee to thee$ see.)n* s !( t)on0 O Mother o' the 4or#$ n# 6)r*)n$ 'ro/ or#e !s n# ''!)+t)ons #e!)(er /e0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O&tb&rsts o' p ss)ons tro&b!e /e n# ')!! /y so&! ,)th *re t #espon#en+y0 C !/ )t$ O M )#en$ by the pe +e o' thy Son n# "o#$ O !! b! /e!ess one0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I )/p!ore thee ,ho * (est b)rth to the S ()o&r n# "o#$ O 6)r*)n$ to #e!)(er /e 'ro/ per)!s0 For to thee I no, '!ee$ !)'t)n* &p /y /)n# n# so&!0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 S)+. )n bo#y n# so&!$ (o&+hs 'e /e the #)()ne ()s)t t)on$ n# thy + re$ O tho& ,ho !one rt the Mother o' "o#$ 'or tho& rt *oo# n# the Mother o' the "oo#0 To the ,uardian Angel: O 3es&s0 Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on&s0 6o&+hs 'e /e$ Thy ser( nt$ O S ()o&r$ ,orth)!y to s)n* son* n# to pr )se the '!esh!ess An*e!$ /y *&)#e n# *& r#) n0

Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 I ! y !one )n 'o!!y n# )#!eness$ O /y *&)#e n# *& r#) nD 'ors .e not /e ,ho / per)sh)n*0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t1 D)re+t /y /)n# by thy pr yer to '&!')! the +o// n#/ents o' "o#$ th t I / y re+e)(e 'ro/ "o# re/)ss)on o' s)ns$ n# te +h /e to h te !! ,)+.e#ness$ I pr y thee0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: 4)th /y *& r#) n n*e!$ O 6)r*)n$ pr y 'or /e thy ser( nt to the -o&nt)'&! One$ n# te +h /e to '&!')!! the +o// n#/ents o' thy Son n# /y Cre tor0 O3E 3 Eirmos: -y est b!)sh)n* /e on the ro+. o' ' )th$ Tho& h st en! r*e# /y /o&th o(er /)ne ene/)es$ n# /y sp)r)t re8o)+eth ,hen I s)n*1 There )s none ho!y s o&r "o#$ n# none r)*hteo&s bes)#e Thee$ O Lor#0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 Troparia: He r.en$ O /y 3es&s$ Lo(er o' / n.)n#$ &nto Thy ser( nt + !!)n* ,)th +o/p&n+t)onD n# #e!)(er /e$ O 3es&s$ 'ro/ +on#e/n t)on n# tor/ent$ O on!y !on*-s&''er)n* s,eetest 3es&s$ p!enteo&s )n /er+y0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 Re+e)(e Thy ser( nt$ O /y 3es&s$ ,ho ' !!eth #o,n ,)th te rs$ O /y 3es&s$ n# s (e /e s one repent nt$ O /y 3es&s$ #e!)(er)n* /e 'ro/ "ehenn $ O M ster$ s,eetest 3es&s$ p!enteo&s )n /er+y0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O /y 3es&s$ the t)/e Tho& * (est /e I h (e s:& n#ere# )n p ss)ons$ O /y 3es&s0 Re8e+t /e not$ O /y 3es&s$ b&t + !! /e$ I pr y$ O M ster$ S,eetest 3es&s$ n# s (e /e2

O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 Theotokion: O 6)r*)n ,ho * (est b)rth to /y 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to #e!)(er /e 'ro/ "ehenn 0 Tho& !one rt the prote+tress o' the ''!)+te#$ O tho& ,ho rt '&!! o' D)()ne *r +e0 An# (o&+hs 'e /e the !)'e th t *eth not$ O !!-b! /e!ess one0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I h (e +hosen thee to be the prote+t)on n# )nter+ess)on o' /y !)'e$ O 6)r*)n$ Mother o' "o#0 "&)#e /e to thy h (en$ O + &se o' !! b!ess)n*s$ O s&pport o' the ' )th'&!$ O on!y !!-! &#e# one0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I pr y thee$ O 6)r*)n$ to #)spe! the t&/&!t o' /y so&! n# the stor/ o' /y *r)e'D 'or tho&$ O -r)#e o' "o#$ h st *)(en b)rth to Chr)st$ the Pr)n+e o' Pe +e$ O on!y )// +&! te one0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 S)n+e tho& bro&*htest 'orth H)/ ,ho )s the -ene' +tor n# C &se o' *oo#$ 'ro/ the ,e !th o' thy !o()n*-.)n#ness #o tho& po&r 'orth on !!D 'or tho& + nst #o !! th)n*s$ be)n* one /)*hty )n po,er$ 'or tho& * (est b)rth to Chr)stD b!esse# o' "o# rt tho&0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I / tort&re# by *r)e(o&s s)+.nesses n# /orb)# p ss)ons1 O 6)r*)n$ he!p /e2 For I .no, thee to be the )ne5h &st)b!e$ &n' )!)n* tre s&ry o' he !)n*s$ O !!b! /e!ess one0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 A!! /y tho&*hts n# /y so&! I h (e +o//)tte# to thee$ O /y *& r#) nD #o tho& #e!)(er /e 'ro/ !! tt +.s o' the ene/y0

Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 The ene/y tro&b!eth n# tr /p!eth on /e$ n# te +heth /e !, ys to #o h)s ,)!!$ b&t #o tho&$ O /y *&)#e$ 'ors .e not /e ,ho / per)sh)n*0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t0 "r nt /e to s)n* ,)th th n.s*)()n* n# 'er(o&r to /y Cre tor n# "o#$ n# to thee /y *oo# n*e! *& r#) n1 O /y #e!)(erer$ res+&e /e 'ro/ 'oes th t tro&b!e /e0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: He !$ O )// +&! te one$ the /ost p )n'&! ,o&n#s o' /y so&!$ n# #r)(e , y the ene/)es e(er ')*ht)n* * )nst /e0 Lor# h re /er+y (thrice) 0 Sedalen: O 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ Tho& #)#st s (e the pro#)* !0 3es&s /y S ()o&r$ Tho& #)#st ++ept the h r!ot0 An# no, h (e /er+y on /e$ O 3es&s p!enteo&s )n /er+yD h (e +o/p ss)on n# s (e /e$ O 3es&s /y -ene' +tor$ s Tho& h #st +o/p ss)on on M n sseh$ /y 3es&s$ on!y Lo(er o' / n.)n#0 #ontakion: H (e +o/p ss)on on /e$ O ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y *& r#) n$ n# !e (e /e not$ )/p&re s I /$ b&t )rr #) te /e ,)th the D)()ne L)*ht$ n# / .e /e ,orthy o' the he (en!y .)n*#o/0 Ekos: "r nt /y so&!$ h&/)!) te# by / ny te/pt t)ons$ the )ne'' b!e he (en!y *!ory$ O ho!y )nter+essor n# s)n*er ,)th the +ho)rs o' the '!esh!ess hosts o' "o#0 H (e /er+y n# .eep /e$ n# )!!&/)ne /y so&! ,)th *oo# tho&*hts$ th t I / y be enr)+he# by thy *!ory$ O /y An*e!$ s&b#&e /y 'oes ,ho ,)sh /e e()!$ n# / .e /e ,orthy o' the he (en!y .)n*#o/0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t0 Sedalen: Fro/ the !o(e o' /y so&! I +ry to thee$ O *& r#) n o' /y so&!$ /y /ost ho!y An*e!2 Prote+t n# *& r# /e !, ys 'ro/ the h&nt)n* o' the e()! one$ n# *&)#e /e to the he (en!y !)'e$ te +h)n* n# en!)*hten)n* n# stren*then)n* /e0

-oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: O prote+t)on o' Chr)st) ns th t + nnot be p&t to sh /e$ O /e#) t)on &nto the Cre tor &n' )!)n*$ #)s# )n not the s&pp!) nt (o)+es o' s)nnersD b&t be tho& :&)+.$ O *oo# one$ to he!p &s ,ho )n ' )th +ry &nto thee1 H sten to )nter+ess)on n# spee# tho& to / .e s&pp!)+ t)on$ tho& ,ho #ost e(er prote+t$ O Theoto.os$ the/ th t hono&r thee0 O3E Eirmos: Fro/ ()r*)n #)#st Tho& +o/e$ not s n /b ss #or$ nor s n An*e!$ h&t the (ery Lor# H)/se!' )n+ rn te$ n# #)#st s (e /e$ the ,ho!e / n0 4here'ore I +ry to Thee1 "!ory to Thy po,er$ O Lor#0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 He !$ O /y 3es&s$ the ,o&n#s o' /y so&!$ O /y 3es&s$ I pr y$ n# sn t+h /e 'ro/ the h n# o' so&!-+orr&pt)n* -e!) !$ O /y +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ n# s (e /e0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 I h (e s)nne#$ O /y s,eetest 3es&sD O +o/p ss)on te one$ O /y 3es&s$ s (e /e ,ho '!ee to Thy prote+t)on$ O !on*-s&''er)n* 3es&s$ n# (o&+hs 'e /e Thy .)n*#o/0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 No one h th s)nne#$ O /y 3es&s$ s h (e I$ the ,ret+he# oneD b&t no, I ' !! #o,n pr y)n*1 S (e /e$ O /y 3es&s$ n# *r nt /e !)'e$ O /y 3es&s0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O !!-hy/ne# one$ ,ho * (est b)rth to the Lor# 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to #e!)(er 'ro/ tor/ent !! ,ho hy/n thee n# + !! thee tr&!y the Theoto.os0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0

O tho& ,ho * (est b)rth to the Lor# P)!ot$ st)!! the stor/ o' /y s)ns$ n# the t&r/o)! o' /y p ss)ons$ O -r)#e o' "o#0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I + !! &pon the byss o' thy +o/p ss)on *r nt )t /e$ 'or tho& #)#st *)(e b)rth to the .)n#he rte# One n# S ()o&r o' !! th t hy/n thee0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 4h)!e #e!)*ht)n* )n thy *)'ts$ O /ost-p&re one$ ,e s)n* to thee$ .no,)n* thee to be the Mother o' "o#0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 As I !)e on the be# o' /y p )n n# s)+.ness$ #o tho& he!p /e$ 'or tho& rt !o(er o' *oo#ness$ O on!y E(er-6)r*)n Theoto.os0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 H ()n* thee$ O !!-hy/ne# one$ s o&r hope n# s&pport n# &nsh . b!e , !! o' s !( t)on$ ,e re #e!)(ere# 'ro/ e(ery #(ers)ty0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 Pr y to "o# the Lo(er o' / n.)n#$ n# 'ors .e /e not$ O /y *& r#) n$ b&t e(er .eep /y !)'e )n pe +e$ n# *r nt /e the )n()n+)b!e s !( t)on0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 As the #e'en#er n# *& r#) n o' /y !)'e I re+e)(e# thee 'ro/ "o#$ O An*e!0 I pr y thee$ O ho!y one$ 'ree /e 'ro/ !! h r/0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t0 C!e nse /y 'o&!ness by thy ho!)ness$ O /y *& r#) n$ n# / y I be #r ,n 'ro/ the !e't s)#e by thy pr yers$ n# be+o/e p rt .er o' *!ory0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en son* o' th n.s*)()n*

Perp!e5)ty +on'ronteth /e 'ro/ the e()! s&rro&n#)n* /e$ O /ost p&re one$ b&t #e!)(er /e 'ro/ )t spee#)!y$ 'or I '!ee on!y to thee0 O3E ! Eirmos: O Tho& 4ho rt the L)*ht o' those !y)n* )n # r.ness$ n# the s !( t)on o' the #esp r)n*$ O Chr)st /y S ()o&r$ I r)se e r!y to pr y to Thee$ O K)n* o' Pe +e0 En!)*hten /e ,)th Thy r #) n+e$ 'or I .no, none other "o# bes)#e Thee0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 Tho& rt the !)*ht o' /y /)n#$ O /y 3es&sD Tho& rt the s !( t)on o' /y #esp )r)n* so&!$ O S ()o&r0 O /y 3es&s$ #o Tho& #e!)(er /e 'ro/ tor/ent n# "ehenn $ s I +ry1 S (e /e$ the ,ret+he# one$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 Utter!y + st #o,n to sh /e'&! p ss)ons$ O /y 3es&s$ I no, +ry1 Stret+h #o,n to /e he!p)n* h n#$ O /y 3es&s$ n# p!&+. /e o&t s I +ry1 S (e /e$ the ,ret+he# one$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 C r()n* bo&t /)n# #e')!e#$ I + !! to Thee$ O 3es&s1 C!e nse /e 'ro/ the #)rt o' s)n$ n# re#ee/ /e ,ho s!)ppe# #o,n to the #epths o' e()! thro&*h )*nor n+e$ n# s (e /e$ O S ()o&r /y 3es&s$ I pr y0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O M )#en Mother o' "o#$ ,ho * (est b)rth to 3es&s$ )/p!ore H)/ to s (e !! Ortho#o5 /on st)+s n# ! )ty$ n# to #e!)(er 'ro/ "ehenn those ,ho +ry1 -es)#e thee ,e .no, no +ert )n prote+t)on0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 F)!! /y he rt ,)th *! #ness$ O p&re one$ by *)()n* /e th)ne )n+orr&pt)b!e 8oy$ O tho& ,ho #)#st be r the C &se o' *! #ness0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0

De!)(er &s 'ro/ # n*ers$ O p&re Theoto.os$ ,ho #)#st *)(e b)rth to Etern ! Re#e/pt)on n# the Pe +e th t #oth s&rp ss !! &n#erst n#)n*0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 D)spe! the # r.ness o' /y s)ns$ O -r)#e o' "o#$ by the r #) n+e o' thy sp!en#o&r$ 'or tho& h st *)(en b)rth to the D)()ne n# Pre-etern ! L)*ht0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 He !$ O p&re one$ the )n')r/)ty o' /y so&!$ ,hen tho& h st #ee/e# /e ,orthy o' thy ()s)t t)on$ n# *r nt /e he !th by th)ne )nter+ess)ons0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 As tho& h st bo!#ness to, r# "o#$ O /y ho!y *& r#) n$ pr y H)/ to #e!)(er /e 'ro/ the e()!s th t ''!)+t /e0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 O r #) nt !)*ht$ / .e r #) nt /y so&!$ EF /y *&)#e n# *& r#) n An*e!$ *)(en /e by "o#0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t0 Keep /e , .e ,ho s!eep 'ro/ the b&r#en o' /y s)ns$ O An*e! o' "o#$ n# by thy pr yers r )se /e &p to *!or)'y H)/0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 O L #y M ry$ Theoto.os &n,e##e#$ O hope o' the ' )th'&!$ s&b#&e the tt +.s o' the ene/y$ n# *! ##en the/ th t hy/n thee0 O3E " Eirmos: 4h)r!e# bo&t )n the byss o' s)n$ I ppe ! to the &n' tho/ b!e byss o' Thy +o/p ss)on1 Fro/ +orr&pt)on r )se /e &p$ O "o#0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0

O /y 3es&s Chr)st p!enteo&s )n /er+y$ ++ept /e ,ho +on'ess /y s)ns$ O M ster$ n# s (e /e$ O 3es&s$ n# sn t+h /e 'ro/ +orr&pt)on$ O 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O /y 3es&s$ no one e!se h th been so pro#)* ! s I$ the ,ret+he# one$ O 3es&s Lo(er o' / n.)n#$ b&t #o Tho& Thyse!' s (e /e$ O 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O /y 3es&s$ ,)th /y p ss)ons I h (e s&rp sse# the h r!ot n# the pro#)* !$ M n sseh n# the p&b!)+ n$ O /y 3es&s$ n# the robber n# the N)ne()tes$ O 3es&s0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O tho& ,ho #)#st *)(e b)rth to /y 3es&s Chr)st$ O on!y &n#e')!e# n# )// +&! te 6)r*)n1 C!e nse /e no,$ the #e')!e# one$ by the hyssop o' th)ne )nter+ess)ons0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O 6)r*)n$ )/p!ore thy Son n# Lor# 4ho 'ro/ #e th n# +orr&pt)on h th s (e# /y n t&re$ + pt&re# by +orr&pt)on n# #e th$ by *)()n* H)/se!' to #e th$ to #e!)(er /e 'ro/ the ene/)esI ,)+.e#ness0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 I .no, thee s the )nter+essor n# s 'est *& r#) n o' /y !)'e$ O 6)r*)n$ ,ho p&ttest stop to the s, r/ o' te/pt t)ons n# #r)(est , y the #e/on)+ ss &!tD n# I pr y !, ys1 Fro/ the +orr&pt)on o' /y p ss)ons$ #e!)(er /e0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 4e h (e thee s , !! o' re'&*e n# the per'e+t s !( t)on o' o&r so&!s n# re!e se 'ro/ o&r ''!)+t)ons$ O M )#en$ n# ,e e(er re8o)+e )n thy !)*ht0 O So(ere)*n L #y$ s (e &s no, 'ro/ p ss)ons n# # n*ers0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0

No, I !)e on be# o' )n')r/)t)es$ n# there )s no he !)n* 'or /y '!eshD b&t I pr y to thee$ O *oo# one ,ho * (est b)rth to "o# n# the S ()o&r o' the ,or!# n# the He !er o' s)+.nesses1 Fro/ the +orr&pt)on o' )!!ness r )se /e &p0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 De!)(er /e 'ro/ e(ery /)s'ort&ne n# s (e /e 'ro/ sorro,$ I pr y$ O ho!y An*e!$ *)(en to /e s /y *oo# *& r#) n by "o#0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 En!)*hten /y /)n#$ O *oo# one$ n# )!!&/)ne /e$ I pr y thee$ O ho!y An*e!$ n# te +h /e to th)n. !, ys pro')t b!y0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t1 C !/ /y he rt 'ro/ present #)st&rb n+e$ n# stren*then /e to be ()*)! nt )n *oo#$ O /y *& r#) n$ n# *&)#e /e /)r +&!o&s!y )n :&)etness o' !)'e0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 The Theotokion: The 4or# o' "o# #,e!t )n thee$ O Theoto.os$ n# sho,e# thee to /en s the he (en!y ! ##er0 For by thee the Most H)*h #es+en#e# to &s0 Then we say The Akathist to Sweetest Jesus which follows, or The Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, which follows it. If there e a !reat feast, and it have its own Akathist, we "ay say that Akathist instead. Akathist to our S0eetest Lord Jesus Christ #ontakion 1 O Ch /p)on Le #er n# Lor#$ 6 n:&)sher o' h #es$ I$ Thy +re t&re n# ser( nt$ o''er Thee son*s o' pr )se$ 'or Tho& h st #e!)(ere# /e 'ro/ etern ! #e thD b&t s Tho& h st &n&tter b!e !o()n*-.)n#ness$ 'ree /e 'ro/ e(ery # n*er$ s I +ry1 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2

Ekos 1 Cre tor o' An*e!s n# Lor# o' Hosts2 As o' o!# Tho& #)#st open e r n# ton*&e to the #e ' n# #&/b$ !).e,)se open no, /y perp!e5e# /)n# n# ton*&e to the pr )se o' Thy Most Ho!y N /e$ th t I / y +ry to Thee1 3es&s$ Most 4on#er'&!$ An*e!sI Aston)sh/ent2 3es&s$ Most Po,er'&!$ Fore' thersI De!)(er n+e2 3es&s$ Most S,eet$ P tr) r+hsI E5 !t t)on2 3es&s$ Most "!or)o&s$ K)n*sI Stron*ho!#2 3es&s$ Most -e!o(e#$ ProphetsI F&!')!!/ent2 3es&s$ Most M r(e!o&s$ M rtyrsI Stren*th2 3es&s$ Most Pe +e'&!$ Mon.sI 3oy2 3es&s$ Most "r +)o&s$ PresbytersI S,eetness2 3es&s$ Most Mer+)'&!$ F stersI Abst)nen+e2 3es&s$ Most Ten#er$ S )ntsI Re8o)+)n*2 3es&s$ Most Hono&r b!e$ 6)r*)nsI Ch st)ty2 3es&s$ E(er! st)n*$ S)nnersI S !( t)on2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 2 As ,hen see)n* the ,)#o, ,eep)n* b)tter!y$ O Lor#$ Tho& , st /o(e# ,)th p)ty$ n# #)#st r )se her son 'ro/ the #e # s he , s be)n* + rr)e# to b&r) !$ !).e,)se h (e p)ty on /e$ O Lo(er o' / n.)n#$ n# r )se /y so&!$ #e #ene# by s)ns$ s I +ry1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 2

See.)n* to &n#erst n# the )n+o/prehens)b!e$ Ph)!)p s.e#1 BLor#$ sho, &s the F ther$B n# Tho& #)#st ns,er h)/1 BH (e I been so !on* ,)th yo& n# yet h st tho& not .no,n th t I / )n the F ther n# the F ther )n MeCB L).e,)se$ O In+on+e)( b!e One$ ,)th 'e r I +ry to Thee1 3es&s$ Etern ! "o#2 3es&s$ A!!-Po,er'&! K)n*2 3es&s$ Lon*-s&''er)n* M ster2 3es&s$ A!!-Mer+)'&! S ()o&r2 3es&s$ /y *r +)o&s "& r#) n2 3es&s$ +!e nse /y s)ns2 3es&s$ t .e , y /)ne )n):&)t)es2 3es&s$ p r#on /)ne &nr)*hteo&sness2 3es&s$ /y Hope$ 'ors .e /e not2 3es&s$ /y He!per$ re8e+t /e not2 3es&s$ /y Cre tor$ 'or*et /e not2 3es&s$ /y Shepher#$ #estroy /e not2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 3 Tho& 4ho #)#st en#&e ,)th po,er 'ro/ on h)*h Th)ne Apost!es ,ho t rr)e# )n 3er&s !e/$ O 3es&s$ +!othe !so /e$ str)ppe# b re o' !! *oo# ,or.$ ,)th the , r/th o' Thy Ho!y Sp)r)t$ n# *r nt th t ,)th !o(e I / y s)n* to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 3

In the b&n# n+e o' Thy /er+y$ O 3es&s$ Tho& h st + !!e# p&b!)+ ns n# s)nners n# )n')#e!s0 No, #)s# )n /e not ,ho / !).e the/$ b&t s pre+)o&s /yrrh ++ept th)s son*1 3es&s$ In()n+)b!e Po,er2 3es&s$ In')n)te Mer+y2 3es&s$ R #) nt -e &ty2 3es&s$ Unspe . b!e Lo(e2 3es&s$ Son o' the L)()n* "o#2 3es&s$ h (e /er+y on /e$ s)nner2 3es&s$ he r /e ,ho , s +on+e)(e# )n )n):&)ty2 3es&s$ +!e nse /e ,ho , s born )n s)n2 3es&s$ te +h /e ,ho / ,orth!ess2 3es&s$ en!)*hten /y # r.ness2 3es&s$ p&r)'y /e ,ho / &n+!e n2 3es&s$ restore /e$ pro#)* !2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion H ()n* n )nter)or stor/ o' #o&bt)n* tho&*hts$ Peter , s s)n.)n*0 -&t beho!#)n* Thee$ O 3es&s$ )n the '!esh , !.)n* on the , ters$ he +on'esse# Thee to be the tr&e "o#D n# re+e)()n* the h n# o' s !( t)on$ he +r)e#1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 4hen the b!)n# / n he r# Thee$ O Lor#$ p ss)n* by on the , y$ he +r)e#1 B3es&s$ Son o' D ()#$ h (e /er+y on /e2B An# Tho& #)#st + !! h)/ n# open

h)s eyes0 L).e,)se en!)*hten the sp)r)t& ! eyes o' /y he rt ,)th Thy !o(e s I +ry to Thee n# s y1 3es&s$ Cre tor o' those on h)*h2 3es&s$ Re#ee/er o' those be!o,2 3es&s$ 6 n:&)sher o' the po,ers o' he!!2 3es&s$ A#orner o' e(ery +re t&re2 3es&s$ Co/'orter o' /y so&!2 3es&s$ En!)*htener o' /y /)n#2 3es&s$ "! #ness o' /y he rt2 3es&s$ He !th o' /y bo#y2 3es&s$ /y S ()o&r$ s (e /e2 3es&s$ /y L)*ht$ en!)*hten /e2 3es&s$ #e!)(er /e 'ro/ !! tor/ents2 3es&s$ s (e /e #esp)te /)ne &n,orth)ness2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion ! As o' o!# Tho& #)#st re#ee/ &s 'ro/ the +&rse o' the ! , by Thy D)()ne!y-she# -!oo#$ O 3es&s$ !).e,)se res+&e /e 'ro/ the sn res )n ,h)+h the serpent h th ent n*!e# &s thro&*h the p ss)ons o' the '!esh$ thro&*h !&st'&! s&**est)ons n# e()! #espon#en+y$ s ,e +ry to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos ! See)n* the Cre tor )n h&/ n 'or/ n# .no,)n* H)/ to be the)r Lor#$ the Hebre, +h)!#ren so&*ht to p!e se H)/ ,)th br n+hes$ +ry)n*1 Hos nn 2 -&t ,e o''er Thee son*$ s y)n*1

3es&s$ T&e "o#2 3es&s$ Son o' D ()#2 3es&s$ "!or)o&s K)n*2 3es&s$ Inno+ent L /b2 3es&s$ 4on#er'&! Shepher#2 3es&s$ "& r#) n o' /)ne )n' n+y2 3es&s$ No&r)sher o' /y yo&th2 3es&s$ Pr )se o' /)ne o!# *e2 3es&s$ /y Hope t #e th2 3es&s$ /y L)'e 'ter #e th2 3es&s$ /y Co/'ort t Thy 3&#*/ent2 3es&s$ /y Des)re$ !et /e not then be sh /e#2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion " In '&!')!!/ent o' the ,or#s n# /ess *e o' the )nsp)re# Prophets$ O 3es&s$ Tho& #)#st ppe r on e rth$ n# Tho& 4ho rt &n+ont )n b!e #)#st #,e!! ,)th /en0 Then+e'orth$ be)n* he !e# thro&*h Thy ,o&n#s$ ,e !e rne# to s)n*1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos " 4hen the !)*ht o' Thy tr&th # ,ne# on the ,or!#$ #e()!)sh #e!&s)on , s #r)(en , yD 'or the )#o!s$ O o&r S ()o&r$ h (e ' !!en$ &n b!e to en#&re Thy stren*th0 -&t ,e ,ho h (e re+e)(e# s !( t)on$ +ry to Thee1 3es&s$ the Tr&th$ #)spe!!)n* ' !sehoo#2 3es&s$ the !)*ht bo(e !! !)*hts2

3es&s$ the K)n*$ s&rp ss)n* !! )n stren*th2 3es&s$ "o#$ +onst nt )n /er+y2 3es&s$ -re # o' L)'e$ ')!! /e ,ho / h&n*ry2 3es&s$ So&r+e o' Kno,!e#*e$ re'resh /e ,ho / th)rsty2 3es&s$ " r/ent o' "! #ness$ +!othe /y n .e#ness2 3es&s$ 6e)! o' 3oy$ +o(er /)ne &n,orth)ness2 3es&s$ ")(er to those ,ho s.$ *)(e /e sorro, 'or /y s)ns2 3es&s$ F)n#er o' those ,ho see.$ ')n# /y so&!2 3es&s$ Opener to those ,ho .no+.$ open /y ,ret+he# he rt2 3es&s$ Re#ee/er o' s)nners$ , sh , y /y s)ns2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion $ Des)r)n* to &n(e)! the /ystery h)##en 'ro/ the *es$ Tho& , st !e# s sheep to the s! &*hter$ O 3es&s$ n# s ! /b be'ore )ts she rer0 -&t s "o# Tho& #)#st r)se 'ro/ the #e # n# #)#st s+en# ,)th *!ory to He (en$ n# !on* ,)th Thyse!' Tho& #)#st r )se &s ,ho +ry1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos $ The Cre tor h th sho,n &s / r(e!o&s Cre t&re$ 4ho too. '!esh ,)tho&t see# 'ro/ 6)r*)n$ rose 'ro/ the to/b ,)tho&t bre .)n* the se !$ n# entere# bo#)!y the Apost!esI roo/ ,hen the #oors ,ere sh&t0 There'ore$ / r(e!!)n* t th)s ,e s)n*1 3es&s$ Un+ont )n b!e 4or#2 3es&s$ Ins+r&t b!e Inte!!)*en+e2 3es&s$ In+o/prehens)b!e Po,er2

3es&s$ In+on+e)( b!e 4)s#o/2 3es&s$ Un#ep)+t b!e De)ty2 3es&s$ -o&n#!ess Do/)n)on2 3es&s$ In()n+)b!e K)n*#o/2 3es&s$ Unen#)n* So(ere)*nty2 3es&s$ S&pre/e Stren*th2 3es&s$ Etern ! Po,er2 3es&s$ /y Cre tor$ h (e +o/p ss)on on /e2 3es&s$ /y S ()o&r$ s (e /e2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion % See)n* "o# ,on#ro&s!y )n+ rn te$ !et &s sh&n the ( )n ,or!# n# set o&r /)n# on th)n*s #)()neD 'or "o# #es+en#e# to e rth to r )se to he (en &s ,ho +ry to H)/1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos % -e)n* both be!o, n# bo(e$ Tho& #)#st ne(er ' !ter$ O Tho& )//e s&r b!e One$ ,hen Tho& #)#st (o!&nt r)!y s&''er 'or &s$ n# by Thy #e th o&r #e th #)#st p&t to #e th$ n# by Thy Res&rre+t)on #)#st *r nt !)'e to those ,ho s)n*1 3es&s$ S,eetness o' the he rt2 3es&s$ Stren*th o' the bo#y2 3es&s$ P&r)ty o' the so&!2 3es&s$ -r)*htness o' the /)n#2 3es&s$ "! #ness o' the +ons+)en+e2

3es&s$ S&re Hope2 3es&s$ Me/ory Etern !2 3es&s$ H)*h Pr )se2 3es&s$ /y /ost e5 !te# "!ory2 3es&s$ /y Des)re$ re8e+t /e not2 3es&s$ /y Shepher#$ re+o(er /e2 3es&s$ /y S ()o&r$ s (e /e2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion & The An*e!)+ Hosts )n He (en *!or)'y &n+e s)n*!y Thy /ost ho!y N /e$ O 3es&s$ +ry)n*$ Ho!y$ Ho!y$ Ho!y2 -&t ,e s)nners on e rth$ ,)th o&r 'r )! (o)+es +ry1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos & 4e see /ost e!o:&ent or tors (o)+e!ess s ')sh ,hen they /&st spe . o' Thee$ O 3es&s o&r S ()o&r0 For )t )s beyon# the)r po,er to te!! ho, Tho& rt both per'e+t / n n# )//&t b!e "o# t the s /e t)/e0 -&t ,e$ / r(e!!)n* t th)s Mystery$ +ry ' )th'&!!y 1 3es&s$ Etern ! "o#2 3es&s$ K)n* o' K)n*s2 3es&s$ Lor# o' Lor#s2 3es&s$ 3&#*e o' the !)()n* n# the #e #2 3es&s$ Hope o' the hope!ess2 3es&s$ Co/'orter o' the /o&rn'&!2

3es&s$ "!ory o' the poor2 3es&s$ +on#e/n /e not ++or#)n* to /y #ee#s2 3es&s$ +!e nse /e ++or#)n* to Thy /er+y2 3es&s$ t .e 'ro/ /e #espon#en+y2 3es&s$ en!)*hten the tho&*hts o' /y he rt2 3es&s$ / .e /e e(er /)n#'&! o' #e th2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 14 4)sh)n* to s (e the ,or!#$ O S&nr)se o' the E st$ Tho& #)#st +o/e to the # r. O++)#ent o' o&r n t&re$ n# #)#st h&/b!e Thyse!' e(en to the po)nt o' #e th0 There'ore Thy N /e )s e5 !te# bo(e e(ery n /e$ n# 'ro/ !! the tr)bes o' he (en n# e rth$ Tho& #ost he r1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 14 K)n* Etern !$ Co/'orter$ tr&e Chr)st2 C!e nse &s 'ro/ e(ery st )n s Tho& #)#st +!e nse the Ten Lepers$ n# he ! &s s Tho& #)#st he ! the *ree#y so&! o' J ++h e&s the p&b!)+ n$ th t ,e / y +ry to Thee ,)th +o/p&n+t)on n# s y1 3es&s$ Tre s&ry In+orr&pt)b!e2 3es&s$ Un' )!)n* 4e !th2 3es&s$ Stron* Foo#2 3es&s$ Ine5h &st)b!e Dr)n.2 3es&s$ " r/ent o' the poor2 3es&s$ De'en#er o' ,)#o,s2 3es&s$ Prote+tor o' orph ns2

3es&s$ He!per o' to)!ers2 3es&s$ "&)#e o' p)!*r)/s2 3es&s$ P)!ot o' (oy *ers2 3es&s$ C !/er o' te/pests2 3es&s$ "o#$ r )se /e ,ho / ' !!en2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 11 Ten#erest son*s I$ tho&*h &n,orthy$ o''er to Thee$ n# !).e the ,o/ n o' C n n$ I +ry to Thee1 O 3es&s$ h (e /er+y on /e2 For )t )s not /y # &*hter$ b&t /y '!esh ()o!ent!y possesse# ,)th p ss)ons n# b&rn)n* ,)th '&ry0 So *r nt he !)n* to /e ,ho +ry to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 11 H ()n* pre()o&s!y perse+&te# Thee 4ho rt the L)*ht th t en!)*hteneth the/ th t re )n the # r.ness o' )*nor n+e$ P &! e5per)en+e# the po,er o' the (o)+e o' #)()ne en!)*hten/ent$ n# &n#erstoo# the s,)'tness o' the so&!Is +on(ers)on to "o#0 L).e,)se$ en!)*hten the # r. eye o' /y so&!$ s I +ry1 3es&s$ /y /ost /)*hty K)n*2 3es&s$ /y /ost po,er'&! "o#2 3es&s$ /)ne I//ort ! Lor#2 3es&s$ /y /ost *!or)o&s Cre tor2 3es&s$ /y /ost .)n# Te +her n# "&)#e2 3es&s$ /y /ost +o/p ss)on te Shepher#2 3es&s$ /y /ost *r +)o&s M ster2 3es&s$ /y /ost /er+)'&! S ()o&r2

3es&s$ en!)*hten /y senses # r.ene# by p ss)ons2 3es&s$ he ! /y bo#y s+ bbe# ,)th s)ns2 3es&s$ +!e nse /y /)n# 'ro/ ( )n tho&*hts2 3es&s$ .eep /y he rt 'ro/ e()!2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 12 "r nt /e Thy *r +e$ O 3es&s$ Abso!(er o' !! #ebts$ n# re+e)(e /e ,ho / repent)n*$ s Tho& #)#st re+e)(e Peter ,ho #en)e# Thee$ n# + !! /e ,ho / #o,n+ st$ s o' o!# Tho& #)#st + !! P &! ,ho perse+&te# Thee$ n# he r /e +ry)n* to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 12 Pr )s)n* Th)ne )n+ rn t)on$ ,e !! *!or)'y Thee n#$ ,)th Tho/ s$ ,e be!)e(e th t Tho& rt o&r Lor# n# "o#$ s)tt)n* ,)th the F ther n# +o/)n* to 8&#*e the !)()n* n# the #e #0 "r nt th t then I / y st n# on Thy r)*ht h n#$ ,ho no, +ry1 3es&s$ Etern ! K)n*$ h (e /er+y on /e2 3es&s$ s,eet-s+ente# F!o,er$ / .e /e 'r *r nt2 3es&s$ be!o(e# 4 r/th$ / .e /e , r/2 3es&s$ Etern ! Te/p!e$ she!ter /e2 3es&s$ " r/ent o' L)*ht$ #orn /e2 3es&s$ Pe r! o' *re t pr)+e$ be / on /e2 3es&s$ pre+)o&s Stone$ )!!&/)ne /e2 3es&s$ S&n o' R)*hteo&sness$ sh)ne on /e2 3es&s$ ho!y L)*ht$ / .e /e r #) nt2

3es&s$ #e!)(er /e 'ro/ s)+.ness o' so&! n# bo#y2 3es&s$ res+&e /e 'ro/ the h n#s o' the #(ers ry2 3es&s$ s (e /e 'ro/ the &n:&en+h b!e ')re n# 'ro/ the other etern ! tor/ents2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 13 O /ost s,eet n# /ost +o/p ss)on te 3es&s2 Re+e)(e no, th)s o&r s/ !! s&pp!)+ t)on$ s Tho& #)#st re+e)(e the ,)#o,Is t,o /)tes$ n# .eep Th)ne )nher)t n+e 'ro/ !! ene/)es$ ()s)b!e n# )n()s)b!e$ 'ro/ 'ore)*n )n( s)on$ 'ro/ #)se se n# h&n*er$ 'ro/ !! tr)b&! t)ons n# /ort ! ,o&n#s$ n# res+&e 'ro/ the tor/ent to +o/e !! th t +ry to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 (Thrice) This #ontakion is said Thrice, and $kos % and #ontakion % are read a!ain. Ekos 1 Cre tor o' An*e!s n# Lor# o' Hosts2 As o' o!# Tho& #)#st open e r n# ton*&e to the #e ' n# #&/b$ !).e,)se open no, /y perp!e5e# /)n# n# ton*&e to the pr )se o' Thy Most Ho!y N /e$ th t I / y +ry to Thee1 3es&s$ Most-4on#er'&!$ An*e!sI Aston)sh/ent2 3es&s$ Most-Po,er'&!$ Fore' thersI De!)(er n+e2 3es&s$ Most S,eet$ P tr) r+hsI E5 !t t)on2 3es&s$ Most-"!or)o&s$ K)n*sI Stron*ho!#2 3es&s$ Most--e!o(e# ProphetsI F&!')!!/ent2 3es&s$ Most-M r(e!!o&s$ M rtyrsI Stren*th2 3es&s$ Most Pe +e'&!$ Mon.sI 3oy2 3es&s$ Most "r +)o&s$ PresbytersI S,eetness2 3es&s$ Most Mer+)'&!$ F stersI Abst)nen+e2

3es&s$ Most Ten#er$ S )ntsI Re8o)+)n*2 3es&s$ Most Hono&r b!e$ 6)r*)nsI Ch st)ty2 3es&s$ E(er! st)n*$ S)nnersI S !( t)on2 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 #ontakion 1 O Ch /p)on Le #er n# Lor#$ 6 n:&)sher o' h #es$ I$ Thy +re t&re n# ser( nt$ o''er Thee son*s o' pr )se$ 'or Tho& h st #e!)(ere# /e 'ro/ etern ! #e thD b&t s Tho& h st &n&tter b!e !o()n* .)n#ness$ 'ree /e 'ro/ e(ery # n*er$ s I +ry1 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on /e2 Akathist to our most 5ol) Lad) Theotokos #ontakion 1 To Thee the Ch /p)on Le #er$ ,e$ thy ser( nts #e#)+ te 'e st o' ()+tory n# o' th n.s*)()n* s ones res+&e# o&t o' s&''er)n*s$ O Theoto.osD b&t s tho& rt one ,)th /)*ht ,h)+h )s )n()n+)b!e$ 'ro/ !! # n*ers th t + n be #o tho& #e!)(er &s$ th t ,e / y +ry to thee1 KL@DRe8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 Ekos 1 An Ar+h n*e! , s sent 'ro/ He (en to s y to the Theoto.os1 Re8o)+e2 An# see)n* Thee$ O Lor#$ t .)n* ho!y 'or/$ he , s / Ge# n# ,)th h)s bo#)!ess (o)+e he stoo# +ry)n* to her s&+h th)n*s s these1 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ 8oy ,)!! '! sh 'orth2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ the +&rse ,)!! +e se2 Re8o)+e$ re()( ! o' ' !!en A# /2 Re8o)+e$ re#e/pt)on o' the te rs o' E(e2 Re8o)+e$ he)*ht h r# to +!)/b 'or h&/ n tho&*hts2

Re8o)+e$ #epth h r# to +onte/p! te e(en 'or the eyes o' An*e!s2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& rt the K)n*Is throne2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& be rest H)/ 4ho be reth !!2 Re8o)+e$ st r th t + &sest the S&n to ppe r2 Re8o)+e$ ,o/b o' the #)()ne )n+ rn t)on2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ +re t)on be+o/eth ne,2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ ,e ,orsh)p the Cre tor2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 2 A, re th t she , s !)()n* )n +h st)ty$ the ho!y 6)r*)n s )# bo!#!y to " br)e!1 BThy *!or)o&s (o)+e )s h r# 'or /y so&! to ++ept0 Ho, )s )t tho& spe .est o' the b)rth 'ro/ see#!ess +on+ept)onCB An# she +r)e#1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 2 See.)n* to .no, ,h t + nnot be &n#erstoo#$ the 6)r*)n +r)e# to the /)n)ster)n* sp)r)t1 BTe!! /e$ ho, + n son be born 'ro/ +h ste ,o/bCB Then he spo.e to her )n 'e r$ on!y +ry)n* !o&# th&s1 Re8o)+e$ )n)t) te o' "o#Is )ne'' b!e ,)!!2 Re8o)+e$ ss&r n+e o' those ,ho pr y )n s)!en+e2 Re8o)+e$ pre!&#e o' Chr)stIs /)r +!es2 Re8o)+e$ +ro,n o' H)s #o*/ s2 Re8o)+e$ he (en!y ! ##er by ,h)+h "o# + /e #o,n2 Re8o)+e$ br)#*e th t +on(eyest &s 'ro/ e rth to he (en2 Re8o)+e$ ,on#er o' n*e!s b! Ge# bro #2

Re8o)+e$ ,o&n# o' #e/ons be, )!e# ' r2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho )ne'' b!y * (est b)rth to the L)*ht2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st re(e ! thy se+ret to none2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho s&rp ssest the .no,!e#*e o' the ,)se2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho *)(est !)*ht to the /)n#s o' the ' )th'&!2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 3 The po,er o' the Most H)*h then o(ersh #o,e# the 6)r*)n 'or +on+ept)on$ n# sho,e# her 'r&)t'&! ,o/b s s,eet /e #o, to !! ,ho ,)sh to re p s !( t)on$ s they s)n*1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 3 H ()n* re+e)(e# "o# )nto her ,o/b$ the 6)r*)n h stene# to E!)G beth ,hose &nborn b be t on+e re+o*n)Ge# her e/br +e$ re8o)+e#$ n# ,)th !e ps o' 8oy s son*s$ +r)e# to the Theoto.os1 Re8o)+e$ b&# o' n &n#y)n* Spro&t2 Re8o)+e$ 'r&)t o' see#!ess * )n2 Re8o)+e$ ! bo&rer th t ! bo&rest 'or the Lo(er o' / n.)n#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho *)(est b)rth to the P! nter o' o&r !)'e2 Re8o)+e$ +orn! n# y)e!#)n* r)+h +rop o' /er+)es2 Re8o)+e$ t b!e be r)n* ,e !th o' 'or*)(eness2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho re()(est the * r#en o' #e!)*ht2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho prep rest h (en 'or so&!s2 Re8o)+e$ ++ept b!e )n+ense o' )nter+ess)on2

Re8o)+e$ p&r)')+ t)on o' !! the ,or!#2 Re8o)+e$ ' (o&r o' "o# to /ort !s2 Re8o)+e$ ++ess o' /ort !s to "o#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion S&st )n)n* 'ro/ ,)th)n stor/ o' #o&bt'&! tho&*hts$ the +h ste 3oseph , s tro&b!e#0 For .no,)n* thee to h (e no h&sb n#$ he s&spe+te# se+ret &n)on$ O b! /e!ess one0 -&t ,hen he !e rne# th t thy +on+ept)on , s o' the Ho!y Sp)r)t$ he e5+! )/e#1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos The shepher#s he r# An*e!s + ro!!)n* Chr)stIs )n+ rn te Presen+e$ n# r&nn)n* !).e sheep to the)r shepher#$ they behe!# H)/ s n )nno+ent L /b 4h)+h h # been p st&re# )n M ryIs ,o/b$ n# s)n*)n* to her$ they s )#1 Re8o)+e$ /other o' the L /b n# the Shepher#2 Re8o)+e$ 'o!# o' sp)r)t& ! sheep2 Re8o)+e$ #e'ense * )nst )n()s)b!e ene/)es2 Re8o)+e$ .ey to the * tes o' P r #)se2 Re8o)+e$ 'or the th)n*s o' He (en re8o)+e ,)th the e rth2 Re8o)+e$ 'or the th)n*s o' e rth 8o)n +hor&s ,)th the He (ens2 Re8o)+e$ ne(er-s)!ent (o)+e o' the Apost!es2 Re8o)+e$ )n()n+)b!e +o&r *e o' the / rtyrs2 Re8o)+e$ ')r/ s&pport o' ' )th2 Re8o)+e$ r #) nt b! Ge o' *r +e2

Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ he!! , s str)ppe# b re2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ ,e re +!othe# ,)th *!ory Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion ! H ()n* s)*hte# the #)()ne!y /o()n* st r$ the 4)se Men 'o!!o,e# )ts !)*ht n# he!# )t s ! /p by ,h)+h they so&*ht po,er'&! K)n*0 An# s they ppro +he# the Un ppro +h b!e$ they re8o)+e# n# sho&te# to H)/1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos ! The sons o' the Ch !#ees s , )n the h n#s o' the 6)r*)n H)/ 4ho ,)th H)s h n# / #e / n0 An# .no,)n* H)/ to be the Lor# !tho&*h He h # t .en the 'or/ o' ser( nt$ they h stene# to ,orsh)p H)/ ,)th the)r *)'ts n# +r)e# to her ,ho )s b!esse#1 Re8o)+e$ /other o' the ne(er-sett)n* St r2 Re8o)+e$ # ,n o' the /yst)+ D y2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st e5t)n*&)sh the '&rn +e o' error2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st en!)*hten the )n)t) tes o' the Tr)n)ty2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st b n)sh 'ro/ po,er the )nh&/ n tyr nt2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st sho,n &s Chr)st s the Lor# n# Lo(er o' / n.)n#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho re#ee/est 'ro/ p * n ,orsh)p2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #ost #r * 'ro/ the /)re o' ,or.s2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st stoppe# the ,orsh)p o' ')re2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st :&en+he# the '! /e o' the p ss)ons2 Re8o)+e$ *&)#e o' the ' )th'&! to +h st)ty2

Re8o)+e$ 8oy o' !! *ener t)ons2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2

#ontakion " T&rne# "o#-be r)n* her !#s$ the 4)se Men ret&rne# to - by!on0 They '&!')!!e# Thy prophe+y n# to !! pre +he# Thee s the Chr)st$ n# they !e't Hero# s b bb!er ,ho +o&!# not s)n*1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos " -y sh)n)n* )n E*ypt the !)*ht o' tr&th$ Tho& #)#st #)spe! the # r.ness o' ' !sehoo#$ O S ()o&r0 For &n b!e to en#&re Thy stren*th$ )ts )#o!s 'e!!D n# those th t ,ere 'ree# 'ro/ the)r spe!! +r)e# to the Theoto.os1 Re8o)+e$ &p!)'t)n* o' /en2 Re8o)+e$ #o,n' !! o' #e/ons2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st tr /p!e# on the #e!&s)on o' error2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st e5pose# the 'r &# o' )#o!s2 Re8o)+e$ se th t h st #ro,ne# the sp)r)t& ! Ph r oh2 Re8o)+e$ ro+. th t h st re'reshe# those th)rst)n* 'or L)'e2 Re8o)+e$ p)!! r o' ')re *&)#)n* those )n # r.ness2 Re8o)+e$ she!ter o' the ,or!# bro #er th n +!o&#2 Re8o)+e$ s&sten n+e rep! +)n* M nn 2 Re8o)+e$ /)n)ster o' ho!y #e!)*ht2 Re8o)+e$ ! n# o' pro/)se2 Re8o)+e$ tho& 'ro/ ,ho/ '!o,eth /)!. n# honey2

Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion $ 4hen S)/eon , s bo&t to #ep rt th)s !)'e o' #e!&s)on$ Tho& , st bro&*ht s - be to h)/$ b&t he re+o*n)Ge# Thee s !so per'e+t "o#1 4here'ore / r(e!!)n* t Th)ne )ne'' b!e ,)s#o/$ he +r)e#1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos $ The Cre tor sho,e# &s ne, +re t)on ,hen He ppe re# to &s ,ho + /e 'ro/ H)/0 For He spr n* 'ro/ see#!ess ,o/b n# .ept )t +h ste s )t , s$ th t see)n* the /)r +!e ,e /)*ht s)n* to her$ +ry)n* o&t1 Re8o)+e$ '!o,er o' )n+orr&pt)on2 Re8o)+e$ +ro,n o' +ont)nen+e2 Re8o)+e$ '! sh)n* sy/bo! o' the res&rre+t)on2 Re8o)+e$ /)rror o' the !)'e o' the An*e!s2 Re8o)+e$ tree o' L)*ht-be r)n* Fr&)t ,hereby the ' )th'&! re no&r)she#2 Re8o)+e$ tree o' *oo#!y sh #e by ,h)+h / ny re she!tere#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& th t h st + rr)e# )n thy ,o/b the Re#ee/er o' + pt)(es2 Re8o)+e$ tho& th t * (est b)rth to the "&)#e o' those str y2 Re8o)+e$ p!e #er be'ore the 3&st 3&#*e2 Re8o)+e$ 'or*)(eness o' / ny s)ns2 Re8o)+e$ robe o' bo!#ness 'or the n .e#2 Re8o)+e$ !o(e th t ( n:&)shest !! #es)re2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion %

H ()n* behe!# str n*e n t)()ty$ !et &s estr n*e o&rse!(es 'ro/ the ,or!# n# tr nsport o&r /)n#s to He (en0 For the Most H)*h "o# ppe re# on e rth s !o,!y / n$ be+ &se He ,)she# to #r , to the he)*hts the/ th t +ry to H)/1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos % 4ho!!y present , s the )n')n)te 4or# /on* those here be!o,$ yet )n no , y bsent ro/ those on h)*hD 'or th)s , s #)()ne +on#es+ens)on n# not +h n*e o' p! +e0 An# H)s b)rth ( s 'ro/ "o#-possesse# 6)r*)n ,ho he r# ,or#s !).e these1 Re8o)+e$ +ont )ner o' the &n+ont )n b!e "o#2 Re8o)+e$ #oor o' so!e/n /ystery2 Re8o)+e$ #o&bt'&! report o' &nbe!)e(ers2 Re8o)+e$ reno,ne# bo st o' the ' )th'&!2 Re8o)+e$ !!-ho!y +h r)ot o' H)/ 4ho r)#eth &pon the Cher&b)/2 Re8o)+e$ !!-*!or)o&s te/p!e o' H)/ 4ho )s bo(e the Ser ph)/2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st &n)te# oppos)tes2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho h st 8o)ne# ()r*)n)ty n# /otherhoo#0 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ s)n h th been bso!(e#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ P r #)se )s opene#2 Re8o)+e$ .ey to the K)n*#o/ o' Chr)st2 Re8o)+e$ hope o' etern ! b!ess)n*s2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion &

A!! n*e!-.)n# , s / Ge# t the *re t +t o' Th)ne )n+ rn t)onD 'or they s , the )n ++ess)b!e "o# s / n ++ess)b!e to !!$ b)#)n* ,)th &s n# he r)n* 'ro/ !!1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos & 4e see /ost e!o:&ent or tors /&te s ')sh be'ore thee$ O Theoto.os0 For they # re not s.1 Ho, + nst tho& be r +h)!# n# yet re/ )n 6)r*)nC -&t ,e / r(e! t the /ystery$ n# +ry ,)th ' )th1 Re8o)+e$ re+ept +!e o' the 4)s#o/ o' "o#2 Re8o)+e$ tre s&ry o' H)s Pro()#en+e2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho sho,est ph)!osophers to be 'oo!s2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho +onstr )nest the !e rne# to s)!en+e2 Re8o)+e$ 'or the +!e(er +r)t)+s h (e / #e 'oo!s o' the/se!(es2 Re8o)+e$ 'or the ,r)ters o' /yths h (e #)e# o&t2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st bre . the ,ebs o' the Athen) ns2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st ')!! the nets o' the ')sher/en2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #r ,est &s 'ro/ the #epths o' )*nor n+e2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho en!)*htenest / ny ,)th .no,!e#*e2 Re8o)+e$ sh)p o' those ,ho ,)sh to be s (e#2 Re8o)+e$ h (en 'or s )!ors on the se o' !)'e2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 14 4)sh)n* to s (e the ,or!#$ He th t )s the A#orner o' !! + /e to )t ++or#)n* to H)s O,n pro/)seD n# He th t$ s "o#$ )s the Shepher#$ 'or o&r s .e ppe re# &nto &s s / n1 'or !).e + !!)n* &nto !).e$ s "o# He he reth1 A!!e!&) 2

Ekos 14 Tho& rt b&!, r. to ()r*)ns n# to !! th t '!ee to thee$ O 6)r*)n Theoto.osD 'or the M .er o' he (en n# e rth prep re# thee$ O /ost p&re one$ #,e!!)n* )n thy ,o/b$ n# te +h)n* !! to + !! to thee1 Re8o)+e$ p)!! r o' ()r*)n)ty2 Re8o)+e$ * te o' s !( t)on2 Re8o)+e$ 'o&n#er o' sp)r)t& ! )nstr&+t)on2 Re8o)+e$ #)spenser o' #)()ne *oo#2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& #)#st re*ener te those +on+e)(e# )n sh /e2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& * (est &n#erst n#)n* to those robbe# o' the)r senses2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #)#st 'o)! the +orr&pter o' /)n#s2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho * (est b)rth to the So,er o' +h st)ty2 Re8o)+e$ br)#e+h /ber o' see#!ess / rr) *e2 Re8o)+e$ tho& ,ho #ost ,e# the ' )th'&! to the Lor#2 Re8o)+e$ *oo# 'oster-/other o' ()r*)ns2 Re8o)+e$ betrother o' ho!y so&!s2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 11 E(ery hy/n )s #e'e te# th t tr)eth to e/br +e the /&!t)t&#e o' Thy / ny /er+)es0 For )' ,e sho&!# o''er to Thee$ O Ho!y K)n*$ son*s n&/ber!ess s the s n#$ ,e sho&!# st)!! h (e #one noth)n* ,orthy o' ,h t Tho& h st *)(en to &s ,ho sho&t to Thee1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 11

4e see the Ho!y 6)r*)n s '! /)n* tor+h ppe r)n* to those )n # r.ness0 For h ()n* .)n#!e# the I// ter) ! L)*ht$ she *&)#eth !! to #)()ne .no,!e#*e$ she )!!&/)neth o&r /)n#s ,)th r #) n+e n# )s hono&re# by o&r sho&t)n* these pr )ses1 Re8o)+e$ r y o' the noet)+ S&n2 Re8o)+e$ r #) n+e o' the &nsett)n* L)*ht2 Re8o)+e$ !)*htn)n* th t en!)*htenest o&r so&!s2 Re8o)+e$ th&n#er th t terr)')est o&r ene/)es2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& #)#st + &se the re'&!*ent L)*ht to # ,n2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& #)#st + &se the r)(er o' / ny-stre /s to *&sh 'orth2 Re8o)+e$ !)()n* )/ *e o' the 'ont2 Re8o)+e$ re/o(er o' the st )n o' s)n2 Re8o)+e$ ! (er th t , shest the +ons+)en+e +!e n2 Re8o)+e$ +&p th t #r ,est &p 8oy2 Re8o)+e$ ro/ o' the 'r *r n+e o' Chr)st2 Re8o)+e$ !)'e o' /yst)+ ! 'est)()ty2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 12 4hen He 4ho 'or*)(eth !! /en the)r p st #ebts ,)she# to restore &s to ' (o&r$ o' H)s o,n ,)!! He + /e to #,e!! /on* those ,ho h # ' !!en 'ro/ H)s *r +eD n# h ()n* torn &p the re+or# o' the)r s)ns$ He he reth 'ro/ !!1 A!!e!&) 2 Ekos 12

4h)!e s)n*)n* to thy Ch)!#$ ,e !! pr )se thee s !)()n* te/p!e$ O Theoto.os For the Lor# 4ho ho!#eth !! th)n*s )n H)s h n# #,e!t )n thy ,o/b$ n# He s n+t)')e# n# *!or)')e# thee$ n# t &*ht !! to +ry to thee1 Re8o)+e$ t bern +!e o' "o# the 4or#2 Re8o)+e$ s )nt *re ter th n the s )nts2 Re8o)+e$ r. / #e *o!#en by the Sp)r)t2 Re8o)+e$ )ne5h &st)b!e tre s&ry o' L)'e2 Re8o)+e$ pre+)o&s #) #e/ o' p)o&s .)n*s2 Re8o)+e$ pre+)o&s bo st o' #e(ote# pr)ests2 Re8o)+e$ &nsh . b!e to,er o' the Ch&r+h2 Re8o)+e$ )n()o! b!e , !! o' the K)n*#o/2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ ()+tor)es re obt )ne#2 Re8o)+e$ tho& be'ore ,ho/ 'oes ' !! prostr te2 Re8o)+e$ he !)n* o' /y bo#y2 Re8o)+e$ s !( t)on o' /y so&!2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 13 O !!-pr )se# Mother ,ho #)#st be r the 4or# ho!)est o' !! the S )nts$ ++ept no, o&r o''er)n*$ n# #e!)(er &s 'ro/ !! /)s'ort&ne$ n# res+&e 'ro/ the tor/ent to +o/e those th t +ry to thee1 A!!e!&) 2 (Thrice) This #ontakion is said thrice. And $kos % and #ontakion % are read a!ain. Ekos 1

An Ar+h n*e! , s sent 'ro/ He (en to s y to the Theoto.os1 Re8o)+e2 An# see)n* Thee$ O Lor#$ t .)n* bo#)!y 'or/$ he , s / Ge# n# ,)th h)s bo#)!ess (o)+e he stoo# +ry)n* to her s&+h th)n*s s these1 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ 8oy ,)!! '! sh 'orth2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ the +&rse ,)!! +e se2 Re8o)+e$ re()( ! o' ' !!en A# /2 Re8o)+e$ re#e/pt)on o' the te rs o' E(e2 Re8o)+e$ he)*ht h r# to +!)/b 'or h&/ n tho&*hts2 Re8o)+e$ #epth h r# to +onte/p! te e(en 'or the eyes o' An*e!s2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& rt the K)n*Is throne2 Re8o)+e$ 'or tho& be rest H)/ 4ho be reth !!2 Re8o)+e$ st r th t + &sest the S&n to ppe r2 Re8o)+e$ ,o/b o' the #)()ne )n+ rn t)on2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ +re t)on be+o/eth ne,2 Re8o)+e$ tho& thro&*h ,ho/ ,e ,orsh)p the Cre tor2 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 #ontakion 1 To Thee the Ch /p)on Le #er$ ,e$ thy ser( nts #e#)+ te 'e st o' ()+tory n# o' th n.s*)()n* s ones res+&e# o&t o' s&''er)n*s$ O Theoto.os1 b&t s tho& rt one ,)th /)*ht ,h)+h )s )n()n+)b!e$ 'ro/ !! # n*ers th t + n be #o tho& #e!)(er &s$ th t ,e / y +ry to thee1 Re8o)+e$ tho& -r)#e &n,e##e#2 O3E $

Eirmos: 4hen the *o!#en )/ *e , s ,orsh)ppe# )n the p! )n o' D&r $ Thy three +h)!#ren #esp)se# the *o#!ess or#er0 Thro,n )nto the ')re$ they ,ere be#e,e# n# s n*1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O Chr)st 3es&s$ no one on e rth h th e(er s)nne#$ O /y 3es&s$ s I$ the ,ret+he# one n# pro#)* !$ h (e s)nne#0 4here'ore$ I +ry to Thee$ /y 3es&s$ h (e +o/p ss)on on /e s I s)n*1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O Chr)st 3es&s$ I +ry1 N )! /e #o,n ,)th the 'e r o' Thee$ O /y 3es&s$ n# p)!ot /e to Thy + !/ h (en no,$ O /y +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ th t s one s (e# I / y s)n* to Thee1 -!esse# rt Tho&$ O "o# o' o&r ' thers0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O Chr)st 3es&s$ ten tho&s n# t)/es h (e I$ the p ss)on te one$ pro/)se# Thee repent n+e$ O /y 3es&s$ b&t ,ret+h th t I /$ I #e+e)(e# Thee0 4here'ore$ I +ry to Thee$ /y 3es&s1 En!)*hten /y so&! ,h)+h re/ )neth &n'ee!)n*1 O Chr)st$ the "o# o' o&r ' thers$ b!esse# rt Tho&0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O tho& ,ho * (est b)rth to 3es&s ,eso/e!y n# bo(e n t&re$ O !!-b! /e!ess one$ )/p!ore H)/$ O M )#en$ to 'or*)(e /e !! the s)ns th t I h (e +o//)tte# * )nst /y n t&re$ th t s one s (e# I / y +ry1 -!esse# rt tho& ,ho #)#st *)(e b)rth to "o# )n the '!esh0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 H ()n* ,)!!e# to ++o/p!)sh o&r s !( t)on$ Tho& #)#st #,e!! )n the ,o/b o' the 6)r*)n$ O S ()o&r$ n# #)#st re(e ! her to the ,or!# s the /e#) tress1 O "o# o' o&r ' thers$ b!esse# rt Tho&0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0

O p&re /other ,ho #)#st be r the Lo(er o' Mer+y$ )/p!ore H)/ to #e!)(er 'ro/ s)ns n# 'ro/ #e')!e/ents o' the so&! the/ th t ,)th ' )th +ry1 O "o# o' o&r ' thers$ b!esse# rt Tho&0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 Tho& h st sho,n her ,ho * (e b)rth to Thee to be tre s&ry o' s !( t)on$ 'o&nt )n o' )n+orr&pt)on$ to,er o' s 'ety$ n# #oor o' repent n+e to the/ th t +ry1 O "o# o' o&r ' thers$ b!esse# rt Tho&0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O Mother o' "o#$ *r nt he !)n* 'or the ,e .ness o' o&r bo#)es n# 'or the s)+.ness o' o&r so&!s to those th t ,)th !o(e ppe ! to thy prote+t)on$ O 6)r*)n$ ,ho 'or &s * (est b)rth to Chr)st the S ()o&r0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 -e /er+)'&! to /e n# pr y to "o#$ O An*e! o' the Lor#$ 'or I h (e thee s /y #e'en#er 'or the ,ho!e o' /y !)'e$ the *&)#e n# *& r#) n$ *)(en /e by "o# 'ore(er0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 Let not /y s)n'&! p)!*r)/ so&!$ *)(en thee b! /e!ess by "o#$ be s! )n by robbers$ O Ho!y An*e!$ b&t !e # )t to the , y o' repent n+e0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t1 My ,ho!e so&! )s #)s*r +e# by e()! tho&*hts n# +ts$ b&t / .e h ste$ O /y *&)#e$ n# *r nt /e he !)n* ,)th *oo# tho&*hts$ th t I / y !, ys 'o!!o, the r)*ht , y0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en To Jesus: F)!! ,)th ,)s#o/ n# #)()ne stren*th !! th t +ry ,)th ' )th$ thro&*h the Mother o' "o#$ to Thee$ O Person ! 4)s#o/ o' the H)*hest1 O "o# o' o&r ' thers$ b!esse# rt Tho&0

O3E % Eirmos: O ye ,or.s$ pr )se the Lor# "o#$ 4ho #es+en#e# )nto the ')ery '&rn +e ,)th the Hebre, +h)!#ren n# +h n*e# the '! /e )nto #e,$ n# s&pre/e!y e5 !t H)/ &nto !! *es0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 I )/p!ore Thee$ O /y 3es&s1 As Tho& #)#st re#ee/ the h r!ot 'ro/ / ny s)ns$ O /y 3es&s$ !).e,)se re#ee/ /e$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s$ n# +!e nse /y 'o&! so&!$ O /y 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O 3es&s$ h ()n* y)e!#e# to )rr t)on ! p!e s&res$ I h (e be+o/e )rr t)on !$ O /y 3es&sD n# ,ret+h th t I /$ I h (e tr&!y be+o/e !).e &nto the be sts$ O S ()o&r0 4here'ore$ O 3es&s$ #e!)(er /e 'ro/ )rr t)on !)ty0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 H ()n* ' !!en$ O 3es&s$ )nto the h n#s o' so&!-+orr&pt)n* th)e(es$ I h (e been str)ppe# no, o' /y #)()ne!y-,o(en * r/ent$ O /y 3es&s$ n# I / !y)n* !! br&)se# ,)th ,o&n#s0 O /y Chr)st$ #o tho& po&r on /e o)! n# ,)ne0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 O Theoto.os M ry$ ,ho )ne'' b!y #)#st + rry the Chr)st$ /y 3es&s n# "o#1 #o tho& e(er )/p!ore H)/ to s (e 'ro/ per)!s thy ser( nts n# the/ th t pr )se thee$ O 6)r*)n ,ho .ne,est not ,e#!o+.0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 D)s# )n not$ O 6)r*)n$ those ,ho nee# thy he!p n# ,ho hy/n thee n# s&pre/e!y e5 !t thee$ O M )#en$ &nto the *es0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 Tho& he !est the p )ns o' /y bo#y n# the )n')r/)t)es o' /y so&!$ O 6)r*)n$ th t I / y *!or)'y thee$ O p&re one$ &nto the *es0

O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 Tho& po&rest ,e !th o' he !)n*$ O 6)r*)n$ on those ,ho ,)th ' )th hy/n thee n# s&pre/e!y e5 !t th)ne )ne'' b!e +h)!#be r)n*0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 Tho& #r)(est , y the ss &!ts o' te/pt t)ons n# the tt +.s o' the p ss)ons$ O 6)r*)nD ,here'ore ,e hy/n thee &nto the *es0 To the ,uardian Angel: Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 O *r +)o&s An*e!$ sent by "o#$ stren*then the !)'e o' thy ser( nt n# 'ors .e /e not &nto the *es0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 O *oo# An*e!$ *&)#e n# *& r#) n o' /y so&!$ O /ost b!esse# one$ I hy/n thee &nto the *es0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t1 -e /y (e)! n# ()sor )n the 3&#*/ent D y o' !! /en$ ,hen !! #ee#s$ *oo# n# e()!$ ,)!! be tr)e# by ')re0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: -e the he!p n# pe +e o' thy ser( nt$ O E(er-6)r*)n Theoto.os$ n# !e (e /e not bere't o' thy prote+t)on0 O3E & Eirmos: "o# the 4or#$ 4ho + /e 'orth 'ro/ "o#$ n# 4ho by )ne'' b!e ,)s#o/ + /e to rene, A# / 'ter h)s *r)e(o&s ' )! to +orr&pt)on thro&*h e t)n*$ n# 4ho )ne'' b!y too. '!esh 'ro/ the ho!y 6)r*)n 'or o&r s .e$ H)/ #o ,e the ' )th'&! ,)th one ++or# / *n)'y ,)th hy/ns0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0

I h (e s&rp sse#$ O /y 3es&s$ M n sseh n# the p&b!)+ n$ the h r!ot n# the pro#)* !$ O +o/p ss)on te 3es&s$ n# the robber$ O /y 3es&s$ thro&*h !! /y sh /e'&! n# &nsee/!y #ee#s$ O 3es&sD b&t #o Tho& 'orest !! /e$ O /y 3es&s$ n# s (e /e0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 -y /y p ss)ons$ O /y 3es&s$ h (e I$ the ,ret+he# one$ s&rp sse# !! those 'ro/ A# / ,ho h (e s)nne# both be'ore the L , n# )n the L ,$ O 3es&s$ n# 'ter the L , n# "r +e$ O /y 3es&s0 h&t by Thy 8&#*/ents s (e /e$ O /y 3es&s0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 M y I not be p rte# 'ro/ Th)ne )ne'' b!e *!ory$ /y 3es&s$ nor / y the port)on on the !e't ' !! to /e$ O s,eetest 3es&sD b&t set /e on the r)*ht h n# ,)th Thy sheep n# *)(e /e rest$ O Chr)st /y 3es&s$ s)n+e Tho& rt +o/p ss)on te0 O s,eetest 3es&s$ s (e &s0 O Theoto.os$ ,ho #)#st + rry 3es&s$ O on!y &n,e##e# 6)r*)n M ry ,ho .ne,est not ,e#!o+.$ O p&re one )n(o.e H)/$ thy Son n# Cre tor$ to be *r +)o&s &nto &s th t ,e ,ho h (e re+o&rse to thee / y be #e!)(ere# 'ro/ te/pt t)ons n# per)!s$ n# 'ro/ the ')re th t )s to +o/e0 To the Theotokos: O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 T&rn not , y 'ro/ the torrent o' /y te rs$ O 6)r*)n$ ,ho #)#st *)(e b)rth to Chr)st 4ho #r)e# !! te rs 'ro/ e(ery ' +e0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 F)!! /y he rt ,)th 8oy$ O 6)r*)n$ ,ho #)#st re+e)(e the F&!!ness o' 3oy n# b n)sh the *r)e' o' s)n0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 -e the h (en n# /e#) t)on n# the &nsh . b!e , !!$ the re'&*e n# the prote+t)on n# the *! #ness$ O 6)r*)n$ o' !! th t '!ee to thee 'or re'&*e0

O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 4)th the r ys o' thy !)*ht$ O 6)r*)n$ en!)*hten those th t ,)th tr&e ' )th +on'ess thee to be the Theoto.os$ n# b n)sh the # r.ness o' )*nor n+e0 O /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ s (e &s0 In the p! +e o' s&''er)n*$ O 6)r*)n$ he ! /e$ h&/b!e# by )n')r/)ty$ tr ns'or/ /e 'ro/ s)+.ness to he !th0 To the ,uardian Angel: O 3es&s$ Son o' "o#$ h (e /er+y on &s0 H (e /er+y on /e$ O /y on!y S ()o&r$ 'or Tho& rt /er+)'&! n# .)n#-he rte#$ n# / .e /e /e/ber o' the Cho)rs o' the R)*hteo&s0 Ho!y An*e! o' the Lor#$ /y "& r#) n$ pr y to "o# 'or /e0 "r nt /e e(er to th)n. n# #o on!y ,h t )s &se'&!$ O An*e! o' the Lor#$ th t I / y be b! /e!ess n# stron* )n )n')r/)ty0 "!ory to the F ther$ n# to the Son$ n# to the Ho!y Sp)r)t1 H ()n* bo!#ness to, r#s the He (en!y K)n*$ #o tho&$ ,)th the other n*e!s$ entre t H)/ to h (e /er+y on /e the ,ret+he# one0 -oth no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 Theotokion: O 6)r*)n ,ho h st *re t bo!#ness to, r#s H)/ 4ho too. '!esh o' thee$ #e!)(er /e 'ro/ 'etters n# *r nt /e 'or*)(eness n# s !( t)on thro&*h thy pr yers0 (ra)er to Our Lord JES6S C578ST O Lor# n# M ster$ 3es&s Chr)st$ /y "o#$ thro&*h th)ne )ne'' b!e !o(e 'or / n.)n# Tho& , st ,r ppe# )n '!esh$ t the en# o' the *es$ 'ro/ the E(er6)r*)n M ry0 I *!or)'y Thy s ()n* pro()#en+e n# + re 'or /e$ Thy ser( nt$ O M ster0 I pr )se Thee$ 'or thro&*h Thee$ I h (e !e rne# to .no, the F ther0 I n#

b!ess Thee thro&*h 4ho/ the Ho!y Sp)r)t + /e )nto the ,or!#0 I bo, to Thy /ost p&re Mother ,ho ser(e# 'or the #re # /ystery o' Th)ne In+ rn t)on0 I pr )se the n*e!)+ +ho)r s the ser( nts n# s)n*ers o' Thy / 8esty0 I b!ess S )nt 3ohn the Forer&nner ,ho b pt)Ge# Thee$ O Lor#0 I hono&r !so the prophets ,ho nno&n+e# Thee0 I *!or)'y Thy ho!y post!es0 I +e!ebr te the / rtyrs0 I *!or)'y Thy pr)ests0 I (ener te Thy s )nts n# pr )se !! Thy r)*hteo&s ones0 Th)s s&+h +o&nt!ess n# &n&tter b!e #)()ne +ho)r$ I thy ser( nt$ )n pr yer o''er to Thee$ O !!-+o/p ss)on te "o#0 4here'ore$ I s. the 'or*)(eness o' /y s)ns$ ,h)+h #o Tho& *r nt /e 'or the s .e o' !! Thy s )nts$ b&t espe+) !!y 'or the s .e o' Thy ho!y +o/p ss)on$ 'or b!esse# rt Tho& &nto the *es0 A/en0 (ra)er to the 9ost 5ol) Theotokos: A++ept 'ro/ &s th)ne &n,orthy ser( nts$ O !!-po,er'&!-'or-*oo#$ )// +&! te0 So(ere)*n L #y$ Mother o' "o#$ these hono&r b!e *)'ts$ ,h)+h + n be o''ere# on!y to thee$ ,ho rt the one +hosen o&t o' !! *ener t)ons$ n# ,ho h st be+o/e h)*her th n !! +re t)on$ he (en!y n# e rth!y0 For thro&*h thee the Lor# o' hosts , s ,)th &s$ n# thro&*h thee ,e + /e to .no, the Son o' "o#$ n# ,ere *r nte# H)s ho!y -o#y n# /ost p&re -!oo#0 4here'ore tho& rt b!esse# by !! *ener t)ons$ the F (o&r)te o' "o#$ /ore r #) nt th n the Cher&b)/$ n# /ore hono&r b!e th n the Ser ph)/0 An# no,$ O !!-hy/ne#$ /ost ho!y Theoto.os$ +e se not to pr y 'or &s th)ne &n,orthy ser( nts$ to be #e!)(ere# 'ro/ e(ery sn re o' the s&bt!e one$ n# 'ro/ !! besett)n* s)ns$ n# preser(e &s &nh r/e# 'ro/ e(ery po)sono&s te/pt t)on o' the #e()!0 -&t by thy pr yers preser(e &s &nto the en# &n+on#e/ne#D 'or s (e# by thy he!p n# prote+t)on$ ,e sen# &p *!ory$ pr )se$ th n.s*)()n* n# ,orsh)p 'or !!$ to the One "o# )n Tr)n)ty n# Cre tor o' !!$ no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0 (ra)er to the 5ol) ,uardian Angel Ho!y An*e! o' Chr)st$ I ' !! #o,n n# pr y to thee$ /y ho!y "& r#) n$ *)(en /e 'ro/ ho!y - pt)s/ 'or the prote+t)on o' /y s)n'&! bo#y n# so&!0 -y /y ! G)ness n# b # h b)ts$ I h (e n*ere# thy /ost p&re !)*ht$ n# h (e #r)(en thee , y 'ro/ /e by !! /y sh /e'&! #ee#s$ !)es$ s! n#er$ en(y$ +on#e/n t)on$ s+orn$ #)sobe#)en+e$ h tre# o' brother$ *r&#*es$ ( r)+e$ #&!tery$ n*er$

/e nness$ *ree#$ *!&ttony$ #r&n.enness$ !o:& +)ty$ ne* t)(e n# e()! tho&*hts$ pro&# , ys$ h ()n* se!'-,)!! )n !! the #es)res o' the '!esh0 O /y e()! ,)!!$ ,h)+h e(en the #&/b n)/ !s #o not 'o!!o,2 Ho, + nst tho& !oo. t /e or ppro +h /e2 4)th ,h t eyes$ O An*e! o' Chr)st$ ,)!t tho& !oo. t /e so b #!y sn re# )n ()!e #ee#sC Ho, + n I s. 'or*)(eness 'or /y b)tter$ e()! n# ,)+.e# #ee#s$ )nto ,h)+h I ' !! e(ery # y n# n)*ht$ n# e(ery ho&rC -&t ' !!)n* #o,n$ I pr y to thee$ O /y ho!y "& r#) n1 p)ty /e$ thy s)n'&! n# &n,orthy ser( nt (&a"e) 0 -e /y he!per n# prote+tor * )nst /y ,)+.e# ene/y$ by thy ho!y pr yers$ n# / .e /e p rt .er o' the K)n*#o/ o' "o# ,)th !! the S )nts$ !, ys$ no, n# e(er$ n# &nto the *es o' *es0 A/en0
Kontakion 1 Plagal of Fourth Tone
To You, the Champion Leader and Lord, the Vanquisher of Hades, I, Your creature and servant, offer a song of praise, for You have delivered me from eternal death. But as You have ineffable loving !indness, deliver me from all dangers, that I ma" cr" to You# $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Eikos 1
Creator of 'ngels and Lord of Hosts, as of old You opened the ear and tongue of him that (as deaf and dumb, so no( open m" perple)ed mind and tongue to praise Your most hol" *ame, that I ma" cr" to You# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, most (onderful, 'stonishment of 'ngels. most po(erful, +eliverance of ,orefathers. most s(eet, -)ultation of .atriarchs. most glorious, +ominion of !ings. most desired, ,ulfillment of .rophets. most praised, %teadfastness of /art"rs. most gladsome, Comfort of monastics. most compassionate, %(eetness of presb"ters. most merciful, 'bstinence of fasters. most tender, 0o" of the righteous. most pure, %obriet" of virgins. pre eternal, %alvation of sinners. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 2
%eeing the (ido( (eeping bitterl", 1 Lord, You (ere moved (ith compassion, and raised up her son as he (as being carried to burial2 li!e(ise have compassion on me, 1 ,riend of man, and raise up m" soul (hich has been slain b" sins, as I cr" aloud#


Eikos 2
%ee!ing to !no( !no(ledge un!no(n .hilip as!ed# Lord, sho( us the ,ather2 and You ans(ered him# Have I been (ith "ou so long, and "et "ou have not !no(n that I am in the ,ather, and the ,ather in /e3 Therefore, 1 4nsearchable 1ne, (ith fear I cr" to You# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, &od before the ages. 5ing almight". /aster long suffering. %aviour most merciful. m" &uardian most !ind. be gracious unto m" sins. ta!e a(a" m" iniquities. pardon m" unrighteousness. m" Hope, forsa!e me not. m" Helper, re0ect me not. m" Creator, forget me not. m" %hepherd, lose me not. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 3
You endued (ith po(er from on high Your 'postles (ho tarried in $erusalem, 1 $esus. Clothe also me also, (ho am stripped bare of ever" good (or!, (ith the (armth of Your Hol" %pirit, and grant that (ith love I ma" chant to You# 'lleluia.

Eikos 3
In the abundance of Your merc", 1 compassionate $esus, You have called publicans and sinners and unbelievers. *o( despise not me (ho am li!e them, but accept this h"mn as precious m"rrh# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, invincible .o(er. unending /erc". radiant Beaut". unspea!able Love. %on of the living &od. have merc" on me, a sinner. hear me (ho (as conceived in iniquit". cleanse me (ho (as born in sin. teach me (ho am foolish. enlighten me (ho am dar!ened. purif" me (ho am defiled. restore me, the prodigal. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 4
Having a tempest of doubting thoughts (ithin, .eter (as sin!ing. But beholding You, 1 $esus, bearing flesh and (al!ing on the (aters, he !ne( You to be the true &od2 and receiving the hand of salvation, he cried# 'lleluia.

Eikos 4
6hen the blind man heard You, 1 Lord, passing b", he cried# $esus, %on of +avid, have merc" on me7 'nd You called him and open his e"es. Therefore, b" Your merc" enlighten the spiritual e"es of m" heart as I cr" to You and sa"# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, Creator of those on high. 8edeemer of those belo(. Vanquisher of the nethermost po(ers. 'dorner of ever" creature. Comforter of m" soul. -nlightener of m" mind. &ladness of m" heart. Health of m" bod". m" %aviour, save me. m" Light, enlighten me. from all torment deliver me. save me (ho am un(orth". $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 5
's of old You redeemed us from the curse of the la( b" Your divinel" shed blood, 1 $esus, li!e(ise rescue us from the snares that the serpent has entangled us through the passions of the flesh, through lustful incitement and perilous letharg", as (e cr" to You# 'lleluia.

Eikos 5
Beholding in human form Him 6ho b" His hand fashioned man, "et understanding Him to be their /aster, the children of the Hebre(s hurried (ith boughs to do homage, cr"ing# Hosanna7 But (e offer You a h"mn of praise, sa"ing# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, true &od. %on of +avid. glorious 5ing. innocent Lamb. %hepherd most marvelous. .rotector of mine infanc". &uide of m" "outh.

$esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus,

Boast of mine old age. m" Hope at death. m" Life after death. m" Comfort at Your 0udgment. m" +esire, let me not then be ashamed. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 6
,ulfilling the (ords and proclamations of the &od bearing .rophets, 1 $esus, You appeared on earth, and You 6ho are uncontainable d(elled among men. Therefore, being healed b" Your (ounds, (e learned to chant# 'lleluia.

Eikos 6
6hen the light of Your truth shone in the (orld, devilish delusion (as driven a(a"2 for the idols, 1 our %aviour, have fallen, unable to endure Your po(er. But (e (ho have received salvation cr" to You# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, Truth dispelling falsehood. Light transcending ever" light. 5ing surpassing all in strength. &od constant in merc". Bread of life, fill me (ho am hungr". 6ell spring of !no(ledge, refresh me (ho am thirst". &arment of gladness, clothe me (ho am na!ed. Haven of 0o", shelter me (ho am un(orth". &iver to those (ho as!, grant me mourning for m" sins. ,inder of those (ho see!, find m" soul. 1pener to those (ho !noc!, open m" hardened heart. 8edeemer of sinners, (ash a(a" m" sins. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 7
+esiring to unveil the m"ster" hidden from all ages, You (ere led as a sheep to the slaughter, 1 $esus, as a voiceless lamb before its shearer. But as &od, You rose from the dead and ascended (ith glor" to Heaven, and together (ith Yourself, raise us up (ho cr"# 'lleluia.

Eikos 7
*e( (as the creation (hich the Creator revealed to us (hen He appeared, for (ithout seed He too! flesh of a Virgin and rose from the tomb (ithout brea!ing the seal of either, and bodil" entered to the 'postles (hilst the doors (ere shut. Therefore, marveling at this (e chant#

$esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus,

6ord uncontainable. Intelligence unfathomed. .o(er incomprehensible. 6isdom immeasurable. +ivinit" undepictable. +ominion unbounded. 5ingdom invincible. %overeignt" unending. %trength sublime. 'uthorit" everlasting. m" Creator, fashion me ane(. m" %aviour, save me. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 8
%eeing the strange Incarnation of &od, let us alienate ourselves from this vain (orld and raise our mind to things divine. To this end &od descended to earth, that He might raise to Heaven us (ho cr" to Him# 'lleluia.

Eikos 8
6holl" present (ith those belo(, "et in no (a" separated from those above, (as the 4ncircumscribed 1ne, (hen of His o(n (ill He suffered for us2 b" His death, our death He put to death, and b" His 8esurrection, He granted life to us (ho chant to Him such (ords as these# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, %(eetness of m" heart. %trength of m" bod". Light of m" soul. Liveliness of m" mind. &ladness of m" conscience. Hope une)celled. 8emembrance everlasting. .raise most e)alted. m" &lor" most sublime. m" +esire, re0ect me not. m" %hepherd, see! me out. m" %aviour, save me. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 9
'll the orders of 'ngels in Heaven unceasingl" glorif" Your most hol" *ame, 1 $esus, cr"ing# Hol", Hol", Hol"7 But (e sinners on earth, (ith our tongues of cla", chant# 'lleluia.

Eikos 9
6e behold the most eloquent orators mute as fish before You, 1 $esus our %aviour, for the" are at a loss to e)plain ho( You are both perfect man and immutable &od. But as for us, marveling at this m"ster", (e cr" (ith faith# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, &od of gods. 5ing of !ings. Lord of lords. 0udge of the living and the dead. Hope of the despairing. Comfort of the mourning. .rovision of the poor. condemn me not according to m" deeds. cleanse me according to Your merc". dispel m" despondenc". enlighten the thoughts of m" heart. ma!e me ever mindful of death. $esus. %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 10
6ishing to save the (orld, 1 +a"spring of the 1rient, You came to the dar! 1ccident of our nature and humbled Yourself even to death. Therefore, Your *ame is e)alted above ever" name, and from all created beings of Heaven and earth, You hear# 'lleluia.

Eikos 10
/a!e Your hol" 'ngels a rampart for us, 1 Christ, ,ather of the age to come, and cleanse us from ever" stain, as You cleansed the ten lepers2 and heal us, as Your healed the covetous soul of 9acchaeus the publican, that (e ma" cr" to You (ith compunction and sa"# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, Treasure unfailing. 6ealth ine)pendable. ,ood most substantial. +rin! ine)haustible. 8aiment of the poor. +efender of (ido(s. .rotector of orphans. Champion of those in hardships. Companion of those (ho 0ourne". .ilot of vo"agers. Calm Haven of the tempest tossed. raise me (ho am fallen. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 11
' most contrite h"mn do I, the un(orth" one, offer You, and li!e the Canaanite (oman, I cr" to You# 1 $esus, have merc" on me7 ,or not a daughter, but a flesh have I (hich is violentl" possessed b" the passions and troubled (ith anger. &rant healing to me, (ho cries aloud to You# 'lleluia.

Eikos 11
You, the brilliant Beacon light shining to those in the dar!ness of ignorance, did .aul once persecute2 but, illumined b" Your light and perceiving the po(er of Your divinel" (ise voice, the fur" of his soul (as eased. In li!e manner, enlighten the e"es of m" dar!ened soul as I cr" such things as these# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, m" 5ing supremel" po(erful. m" &od omnipotent. m" Lord immortal. m" Creator most glorious. m" &uide supreme in goodness. m" %hepherd most compassionate. m" /aster rich in merc". m" %aviour, ,riend of man. enlighten m" senses, dar!ened b" passions. heal m" bod", (ounded b" sins. cleanse m" mind from vain thoughts. preserve m" heart from evil desires. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 12
&rant me Your grace, 1 $esus, ,orgiver of ever" debt, and receive me (ho repents, as You received .eter (ho denied You2 and call me (ho am do(ncast, as of old You called .aul (ho persecuted You2 and hear me as I cr" to You# 'lleluia.

Eikos 12
6hilst h"mning Your Incarnation, (e all praise You, and (ith Thomas (e believe that You are our Lord and &od, 6ho sits (ith the ,ather, and shall come to 0udge the living and the dead. &rant that I ma" then stand at Your right hand, (ho no( cr"# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, 5ing of peace, besto( Your peace upon me. s(eet scented ,lo(er, ma!e me fragrant. longed for 6armth, (arm me. eternal Temple, shelter me. splendid &arment, adorn me. .earl of great price, enrich me. precious %tone, illumine me.

$esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus,

%un of 8ighteousness, shine on me. hol" Light, ma!e me radiant. deliver me from infirmit" of soul and bod". rescue me from the hands of the adversar". save me from the everlasting torments. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Kontakion 13
1 most s(eet and tender loving $esus, receive this our small supplication, as You received the (ido(:s mite2 and preserve Your inheritance from all enemies, visible and invisible, from invasion of aliens, from disease and famine, from all tribulations and mortal (ounds, and deliver from future torments all (ho cr" to You# 'lleluia.

Kontakion 1 Repeated (3 times)

To You, the Champion Leader and Lord, the Conqueror of Hades, I, Your creature and servant, offer a song of praise, for You have delivered me from eternal death. But as You have ineffable loving !indness, deliver me from all dangers that can be, that I ma" cr" to You# $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

Eikos 1 Repeated
Creator of 'ngels and Lord of Hosts, as of old You opened the ear and tongue of him that (as deaf and dumb, so no( open m" perple)ed mind and tongue to praise Your most hol" *ame, that I ma" cr" to You# $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, $esus, most (onderful, 'stonishment of 'ngels. most po(erful, +eliverance of ,orefathers. most s(eet, -)ultation of .atriarchs. most glorious, +ominion of !ings. most desired, ,ulfillment of .rophets. most praised, %teadfastness of /art"rs. most gladsome, Comfort of monastics. most compassionate, %(eetness of presb"ters. most merciful, 'bstinence of fasters. most tender, 0o" of the righteous. most pure, %obriet" of virgins. pre eternal, %alvation of sinners. $esus, %on of &od, have merc" on me.

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