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I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.

Similarly, I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. Hippocrates, 400 B.C., Greece . . . .The father of medicine knew abortion is wrong- how far we've strayed from the principle of "first do no harm". Many Americans have allowed themselves to become convinced that an unborn baby is not a life, or had no moral compass to begin with and never gave it much thought. Liberals will tell you it's about a woman's right to choose, yet they never talk about her right to choose adoption. It seems the only "choice" for them is for the woman to have an abortion. On this 39th anniversary of roe v wade, we as americans should reflect on the effects of this inhumane decision. My generation has lost many potential friends and spouses because they were killed in the womb. If abortion continues at the current rate, we will have a greatly skewed ratio of too many elderly as the baby boomer population ages compared to the much smaller number of younger people that now exists. There simply won't be enough of the younger generation to take care of the older generation. If you don't wanna hear the moral argument against abortion, at least think of the economic argument. It's cultural suicide to kill your own babies and not have larger families to compensate for it. We're seeing the effects of this in Europe already as countries such as Italy are basically begging their women to have more babies and giving them rewards to do so. We also won't be able to compete with the growing nations like China, India, and others if our population declines. The economic impact of this would be disastrous and it should be no surprise that that's exactly what we're seeing in Europe. The question comes down to this: do you believe that an unborn baby is a human life? The science is unquestionably clear, the answer is yes. Then the question becomes, do you believe murder is wrong, since abortion is an act of killing a human life. I think all sane people would say yes it s wrong. Therefore by simple deductive reasoning we can decisively say that abortion is wrong. If you believe that the answer to the first question is no and that negatives everything else, please look at the above article which clearly shows the answer is yes. Now we have to answer the question of what our policy should be for breaking a new law that would make abortions illegal. It is my view that the doctors should take the brunt of the punishment because with knowledge comes responsibility. The institutions or organizations that enable these doctors under the new law must also be punished. Doctors should know better than anyone else that the unborn baby they re aborting is a new human life and they are therefore violating the Hippocratic oath since they are doing much more than harm. Likewise they also should know of the devastating physical and emotional toll abortion has on the mother. We know that babies have fully functioning neural pathways for feeling pain at 20 weeks old and have electrical activity and waves in their brain just like adults do. We also know that many women are emotionally scarred years after having an abortion. They have much higher rates of PTSD, psychiatric illness, and suicide than women who haven t had abortions. There are many more problems that occur later in life for women who have abortions which are covered in this article To either not become aware of these things or worse, to know them and still perform abortions is unconscionable. The new law should clearly state that doctors who perform abortions should be fined and risk going to jail in some cases.

But reducing abortions in this country will take much more than simply making them illegal. We ve developed, as Pope John Paul 2 said, a culture of death . We have to change that back to the way it used to be in america, which was a culture of life. The culture has to change, especially within minority communities where there are extremely high percentages of abortions, out of wedlock births, and single parent mothers. The government does have a role in this, because it can create programs that incentivizes and rewards marriage and abstinence. It s also the message it sends to our young women. By making birth control free for all women the Obama administration is sending the signal that it doesn t matter what your behavior is, as long as you use birth control everything will be ok. This is promoting promiscuity, not virtue. We need to promote virtue, and it starts with us, but the government needs to do it too. We have to promote abstinence and marriage, because as Rick Santorum says, all the statistics show that waiting til marriage to have sex and having a household with two stable parents is the best predictor of economic stability. These families have a much lower unemployment rate and are significantly less likely to be living in poverty than families with either a single parent or one with parents who had children out of wedlock. We have to create state laws that give pregnant women more services, more options, and much more information about what abortion does to both the mother and child. I believe if most of the pregnant mothers who have had abortions really knew about the biological aspects of the life of their unborn baby and the statistics of the effects abortion has on the mother they would ve had second thoughts about getting the abortion. Finally, we have to answer the question of should there be exceptions for abortion to be allowed in cases of rape and incest? To answer this question logically we have to get past the emotion that words like rape and incest invoke. For many people who haven t studied this issue and don t have an informed opinion, those words will trigger an emotional response that will lead them to say it should be allowed because we have to have compassion for the woman who is the victim of such horrible things. They would be right that we should have compassion for them, but letting them have an abortion is not compassionate in any way. As I described above, there are many horrible consequences of having an abortion for a mother, and this holds true in cases of rape and incest as well, maybe even more so because of the degree of desperation, sadness, and anger present in the victims. This is another example of the fact that two wrongs never make a right. Doing the right thing is never easy and in this case it s extremely hard. But a life produced by rape or incest is a life nonetheless, and it s value is not decreased in any way by the conditions of its creation. There have been amazing people who were born from a rape or incest, and future people like them shouldn t be punished because of the horrible actions of a man taking advantage of a woman. The logic is simple, if you believe that abortion is murder, then it s murder in all cases, including rape and incest, or the life of the mother. Only God has the right to take lives because only God created lives, not us. Just like it isn t right to kill one adult to save another, it isn t right to kill an unborn baby to save a mother when many times both of them can be saved using modern technology. There are absolute truths in this world, or things that are true regardless of whether or not anyone believes them to be true. The fact that killing of the unborn is horribly wrong is one of these truths, and it is unchangeable regardless of the situation to which it s applied.

Let me be clear, I am well aware of how hard it is for some mothers to keep and raise a child, especially when they re alone, poor, and have many problems of their own. I am in no way saying all mothers who have had or even thought of having an abortion are selfish, although our society has become much more selfish overall and has influenced many of us to put ourselves first over others. What I m saying is that many of them see abortion as an easy way out, but it s not. They have the option of giving their child up for adoption. But more importantly, they need to think about the consequences of their actions before they do them. You can t expect to be very sexually active at a young age and not wind up pregnant at some point without a father who loves you and the child since a man who wants to have sex with you before marriage is not a man who is likely to stick around, much less provide for a family. So we need to be there for them when they re young girls and provide them with an alternate vision for their lives, one that will let them be proud of what they ve done and happy in the future. I m also not letting men off easy here. If anything I blame men more than the women. Many men these days are not men, but overgrown boys with no sense of responsibility or purpose. They take advantage of many young women with no self esteem or sense of identity because so many women haven t been affirmed by their parents, partly due to the reasons I described above and the 50% divorce rate and decline of our morals. When they aren t affirmed they look for love from anyone who will give it, and they get confused and believe that a man wanting to have sex with you is his way of showing he loves you. In reality that s just his way of pleasing himself and using you. This first part is bad enough, but then they leave the woman and let her handle all the consequences of their mutual decision. The men don t have to deal with the tough choices that follow like what to do with the baby and then raising the baby if they decide to keep it. I have a good perspective about this because I am the product of an out of wedlock birth and have been raised by a single mother. My dad left my twin brother and I when we were born and never looked back. Neither of us have ever seen him and hardly know anything about him. My mom was left with the task of raising us and she did the best she could although she had many problems of her own. Did keeping my brother and I make my mom s life a lot harder and more stressful? Of course it did. Do either of us regret it? Of course not. If you ever get into a debate with a liberal on this topic ask them if they wish their mother had the right to choose abortion when they were pregnant with them. I have, and they either change the topic or say it s a stupid question, because they have no answer to it. They can be supportive of abortion in theory, but as with atheists who have never been close to good Christians or been in desperate need of God s help, when they have to apply their position on a personal level they can t do it, if they value their life that is. This tells you everything you need to know about modern liberal/progressive and in some cases libertarian philosophy. They say we should be able to do whatever we want and families don t matter, it s the government that will take care of us. This is what I call a consequence-free position. It s easy to say, and to make conservatives look like we want to take away people s freedoms and choices, but the reality is very different. When you see the results of liberal policies, it shows that they d rather not deal with the consequences of those actions and the policies that support them because they are disastrous for individuals, families, and the nation. In reality, when you live a life that s centered on yourself and your pleasures, you become a slave to sin, whereas when you live a life devoted God and helping others, you become truly

free and at peace with yourself. This leads to less crime, promiscuity, hatred, corruption, and much more things that made America great long ago and can make it great again. So don t ever let a liberal fool you or tell you that conservatives don t have compassion for women because they don t want women to have sexual freedom and reproductive choice. We have MORE compassion than liberals because we re advocating what s truly best for the woman and our future generations, which is to respect and protect life at all stages. Any child who grows up without a father or in a broken family like I did will tell you the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s was a disaster, and we re just starting to pay the consequences for it. We want women to have more freedom in society- at work, at home, in government, etc. But what liberals want is license, which is having the ability to do whatever you want without thinking about the consequences of your actions. Conservatives want freedom, which is doing what we ought to do with the resources and abilities we ve been given. It s doing not just what is best for us and makes us happy, but what is best for our families, community, and nation. As GK Chesterton once said, The act of defending any of the cardinal virtues has today all the exhilaration of a vice. You don t have to be a conservative to defend life, you just have to be someone who knows that without respect for the weakest among us, we all become weak. It s now countercultural to be pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, and my generation, at least the ones who have been raised with values, gets that. In my view this isn t necessarily a bad thing for us, because it gives us the opportunity to defend and therefore strengthen our own beliefs and the beliefs of others. When the darkness is darker than ever, the light of our witness and faith shines brighter than ever for everyone to see, and this is the case in modern America. This is our test to determine if we really mean it when we say we re pro-life and if we re ready to fight for our beliefs and stand strong in the face of adversity and challenges from the secular culture. I believe the pro-life movement will pass this test, and in the process we ll reawaken in Americans minds the values of our founding fathers and the sacredness of all life. On this 39th anniversary of Roe v Wade, let s reflect on our own lives and the fact that we re alive. Life is a gift, so let s stop destroying it and start appreciating it.

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