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ISO Requirements

Are there ongoing activities or existing approach? Yes No

With existing documentation? Yes No

Fully compliant? y/n

Remarks/To dos

(4.1) Has the following general requirements been established? Documented EMS in accordance with ISO 14001:2004 standard Scope of EMS x x n

y y

n y

There is no basis for which an EMS be established. An initial Environmental Review must be conducted as a basis for establishing the current position of the company with regards to the environment. This must cover the ff: identification of environmental aspects, identification of applicable environmental laws and regulations, including PCA environmental regulations, if any; examination of existing environmental management practices and procedures, and evaluation of previous emergency situations and accidents. Scope: Main office and/excluding Project Sites Environmental policy to be established. Note: may be established in isolation or integration with the existing quality policy.

(4.2) Has Top Management defined the environmental policy? Is the policy appropriate to the nature, scale and environmental impacts of the company activities and services? i.e. EMS scope is clearly identifiable Does it include commitment of top management to comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements? Does it include commitment to prevent pollution and to continually improve?


x x

x x

n n

-do-doy The following can be the venues for communicating the policy: New employee orientation Regular tool box meeting. As such, constant reminders on environmental procedures must be evident in the agenda and minutes of meeting Bulletin boards, websites, desktops and other regular meetings For sub-contractors, in lieu of the environmental policy, environmental procedures such as waste segregation/collection after work may be cascaded as a means to establish their involvement in the company s environmental programs

Communicated to persons working for, on or on behalf of, the organization including subcontractors working at an organization s facility?

n y

Is it available to the public?

The company website and brochures may be used to communicate environmental policy to the public/stakeholders

4.3 Planning (4.3.1) Has a procedure to determine Environmental aspects (e.g. aspect-impact assessment) been established and implemented? (4.3.2) Has a procedure been established to identify and have access to legal and other requirements x x x x n n Establish and implement procedure for Aspect-Impact Assessment. The assessment will facilitate the identification of those significant aspects that will have an impact to the environment Establish and implement procedure for Legal and Other Requirements y must be set as the primary source of environmental law and regulations

ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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ISO Requirements

Are there ongoing activities or existing approach? Yes No

With existing documentation? Yes No

Fully compliant? y/n

Remarks/To dos

y determine how these requirements apply to environmental aspects

A thorough review of existing environmental laws must be done to determine which requirements apply to the organization and be integrated in the AspectImpact Assessment. The following needs to be complied with by the company: o Environmental Compliance Certificate/Certificate of Non-Coverage o Appointment of Pollution Control Officer o LLDA Clearance Exemption

(4.3.3) Has the following been documented and implemented: environmental objectives and targets x x n Not yet established. Set of objectives and targets maybe integrated with the quality objectives of each department. y environmental programmes x x n y y Are objectives and targets measurable and consistent with the environmental policy? (4.4) Implementation and operation (4.4.1) Has Top Management provided the necessary resources to implement EMS? Have roles, responsibilities and authorities been defined, documented and communicated to facilitate effective EMS? Has Top Management appointed a Management representative? (4.4.2) Competence, training and awareness Has the company identified the training needs associated with environmental aspects and EMS? Has the company provided the necessary trainings and other interventions? Has the company established a procedure to make the persons working for or on its behalf aware of the ff: o Environmental policy and procedures x x x x x x x x n n n n Not yet established. Training needs must be established after conducting the Aspectimpact Assessment Not yet established Not yet established. A procedure and other training materials and guidelines must be established to ascertain awareness of company personnel on would-be EMS requirements Training Materials may include: 5S of good housekeeping; energy conservation guideline/signages; safety signages; New employee orientation pamphlet; x x x x x x n n n Aspect-impact Assessment must be initialized to determine the necessary resources Organizational Structure for EMS will be established during the EMS training/workshops Existing QMR can be appointed as the EMR x x n Existing environmental program is mainly waste management: collection of recyclable wastes/scraps from project sites. Appropriate objectives and targets are not yet established so as to measure the effectiveness of this program. Other environmental programs include: energy conservation, 5S program, safety

Not yet established.

ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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ISO Requirements

Are there ongoing activities or existing approach? Yes No

With existing documentation? Yes No

Fully compliant? y/n

Remarks/To dos

environmental policy, etc.

o o

Environmental Aspects-impacts Environmental benefits of improved performance Roles and responsibilities Potential consequences of departure from procedures

x x x x

x x x x

n n n n

provide area where results of aspect-impact assessment can be displayed provide area where performance monitoring can be displayed like savings through waste management, energy conservation, lost man-hrs etc. organizational structures accident signages

o o

(4.4.3) Communication Has the company established the Internal Communication among various levels Has the company established the External Communication with interested parties x x x x n n Internal environmental communication process may be integrated with QMS Not yet established. External Communication must include coordination with relevant environmental agencies/regulatory bodies for necessary updates and customer requirements on the implementation of EMS.

(4.4.4) Does EMS documentation include: environmental policy, objectives and targets description of the scope of the environmental management system description of the main elements of the EMS and their interaction, and reference to related documents other documents x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x n n n n n n n n n Existing QMS procedures need to be reviewed to identify which portions need revision to include the requirements of EMS. The existing document control system can be used for EMS. Policies and procedures need to be revised to cover the requirements below An EMS Manual must be established to adhere to this requirement. The existing Quality Manual maybe revised to cover EMS requirements.

(4.4.5) Has the following been established in a procedure? (Control of Documents) approval of documents for adequacy prior to issue review and update as necessary and reapprove documents identification of changes and current revision status of documents relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use (i.e. distribution)

ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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ISO Requirements

Are there ongoing activities or existing approach? Yes No

With existing documentation? Yes No x x

Fully compliant? y/n

Remarks/To dos

Control of documents from external origin (e.g. laws, regulations, etc.) Identification of obsolete documents

x x

n n

(4.4.6) Has the following been established for necessary control of operations associated with significant environmental aspects? Documented procedures Operating criteria x x x x x x x x x x x x x x n n n n n n n Establish Emergency Preparedness and Response procedure The existing Potential Problem Analysis can be used to identify potential environmental accidents Include in the responsibility of the PCO the proper recording of emergency situations and subsequent mitigations must establish a policy on post-accident evaluation of the procedure must establish a policy on the frequency of drills and necessary documents such as evacuation routes w/ assembly points; drill must also include potential releases of freons from their storage tanks Part of operations needing control can be determined through Aspect-Impact Assessment

(4.4.7) Has the company developed an Emergency preparedness and response procedure to include the ff: procedure(s) to identify potential emergency situations and potential accidents response to actual emergency situations and accidents and mitigation to associated adverse environmental impacts periodic review of emergency preparedness and response procedure periodic test of emergency preparedness and response procedure

4.5 Checking (4.5.1) Has the company established the procedure to monitor and measure key characteristics of operations (e.g. emissions, wastes generated, regulatory compliance etc.) Has the company established the calibration of measuring and monitoring equipment? (4.5.2) Has the company established the procedure for periodic evaluation of compliance with applicable legal and other requirements? Has the company established the records of the results of the periodic evaluation? (4.5.3) Has the company established the procedure for dealing with actual and potential nonconformities and for taking corrective action and preventive action. x Waste monitoring being backloaded from project sites needs improvement like proper accounting of incoming and outgoing scrap volumes

x x x

x x x x n n n Evaluation procedure needs to be established such as Registry of Required Reports and Permits Include in the responsibility of the PCO the records keeping of the Registry Corrective action procedure and Potential Problem Analysis from the existing QMS can be used to comply with this requirement of ISO 14001

ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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ISO Requirements

Are there ongoing activities or existing approach? Yes No

With existing documentation? Yes No x x x x x

Fully compliant? y/n

Remarks/To dos

(4.5.4) Has the company established the procedure for the identification, storage, protection, retrieval, retention and disposal of records. (4.5.5) Has the company established the procedure for Internal audit including the ff: conduct of internal audit at planned intervals audit programme internal audit procedure availability of internal EMS auditors

x x x x x x x

n n The existing Internal Audit system can be used to comply the requirements of ISO 14001 Subsequent IQA activities must include EMS yearly IQA plan must be revised to include areas where EMS implementations must be verified including the PCO existing IQA procedure must be revised to include requirement for EMS n n The existing IQA Team needs to undergo Internal EMS Audit training The existing Management Review system for QMS can be used as the common venue for reviewing the EMS.

x x

(4.6) Has the company established a management review for EMS at planned intervals to include the ff: review inputs: results of internal audits and evaluations of compliance with legal requirements and with other requirements communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints, the environmental performance of the organization, the extent to which objectives and targets have been met, status of corrective and preventive actions, follow-up actions from previous management reviews, changing circumstances, including developments in legal and other requirements related to its environmental aspects, and recommendations for improvement. Review output: decisions and actions related to possible changes to environmental policy, objectives, targets and other elements of the EMS Total Compliance %Compliance

the existing management review must include agenda to cover the stated review inputs

the minutes of meeting must include actions that will improve the environmental performance of the company particularly in the areas of objectives and targets and compliance with legal requirements, i.e. to maintain 0 violation on regulatory requirements

17/58 29%

41/58 71%

3/58 5%

55/58 95%

0//58 0% All yes and compliance columns must reach 100% by the end of target period of completion

ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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ISO 14001 EMS Gap Analysis

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