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Obama = arrogant warmonger Tonight, i watched Obama's speech from beginning to end.

He started out praising our military .. Discussing how to increase jobs in America (some good ideas) but.. Ended with focusing again on inane military causes, linking American destiny absurdly with Satanic Israel, and threatening Iran. IRAN IS A SOVEREIGN NATION LEAVE IRAN THE FUCK ALONE. Wake up Obama: regardless of our perceptions of of a foreign government, whether it be tyrannical or otherwise, we have no right to dictate nuclear (or other) policy to any sovereign nation. Wake the fuck up Obama. Now he's mixing working together with military actions.. He keeps using military endeavors as good examples of cooperation. It's blind patent insanity. Hugging the wounded senator is so obviously a media stunt. Declaring too late that banks and Wall Street will be accountable and never bailed out again is too late and duplicitous. All the 'double speak' against fraud and corporate greed was outweighed with unequivocal support for the MIC. He's absolutely insane and absolutely in the pockets of the MIC. Obama is an insane warmonger. He actually believes he's gonna get reelected? Yea, only by MIC supporters .. Not by anything else.. This election will only show/test one single thing: how much clout the MIC has in Washington. Can they supersede/override the clout of other interest groups? Forget the whole Washington farce; let's start a grass-roots movement to elect Terry Kincaid to public office.. He's the only public figure, other than Ron Paul, who has any integrity based on life-learned values. Screw Obama, screw Washington, screw the fucking MIC, screw the elite,.. One thing Terry said in a recent speech about constitutional overhaul was: no one would risk their life for him if he was falsely imprisoned.. If i had no son to consider, i'd gladly offer my life to defend his.. i'm not bullshitting.. Terry, you Rock. Stop the insane idiocy in Washington. Vote for people like Ron Paul and Terry Kincaid. Don't choose a lesser of evils. Boycott voting totally if no decent candidates appear. Write-in Terry Kincaid. Do whatever it takes to make fundamental change in American politics. Don't let the oligarchy win.. Don't let humanity be sucked into a collective cesspool. Strike while the tree is rotten. Push the swing while we have the momentum. Don't give up on true democracy. i know (yet again) i'm nobody.. i'm just a technician but.. If you deny above, you're just as insane as Obama is.. Just as much in the MIC pocket as Obama.. And just as Hell-bent on Armageddon as Obama seems to be.. Don't give in to your death-wish.. Open your heart to life. Open your heart to true progress.. Choose lasting peace! Pull the plug on the MIC! Vote for enduring peace!

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