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#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<DOS.h> int digitinbin(int number) { int i=0; int n=number; while(n!=0) { n=n/2; i++; } return i; } int bintodec(int *a,int d) { int num=0; for(int i=0;i<d;i++) { if(a[i]==1) num=num+pow(2,i); } return num; } int* dectobin(int n) { int *A=new int[32]; int i=0; int num=n; while(num!=0) { A[i]=num%2; num=num/2; i++; } return A; } int sender(int mess,int poly) { int k=0,num1; int d1=digitinbin(poly); mess=mess*pow(2,d1-1); int d2=digitinbin(mess); int *B=dectobin(mess); int counter=0; int times=d2-d1+1;

int *temp=new int[d1]; int a=pow(2,d1-1); while(counter<times) { int j=0; if(counter==0) { for(int i=times-counter-1;i<d2-counter;i++) { temp[j]=B[i]; j++; } num1=bintodec(temp,j); } int num2=poly; if(counter!=0) num1=k; if(num1>=a) k=num1^num2; else k=num1; if(d2-d1-counter-1>=0) { if(B[d2-d1-counter-1]==1) k=k*2+1; else k=k*2; } counter++; } return (k^mess); } void receiver(int mess,int poly) { int k=0,num1; int d1=digitinbin(poly); int d2=digitinbin(mess); int *B=dectobin(mess); int counter=0; int times=d2-d1+1; int *temp=new int[d1]; int a=pow(2,d1-1); while(counter<times) { int j=0; if(counter==0) { for(int i=times-counter-1;i<d2-counter;i++) { temp[j]=B[i]; j++; } num1=bintodec(temp,j);

} int num2=poly; if(counter!=0) num1=k; if(num1>=a) k=num1^num2; else k=num1; if(d2-d1-counter-1>=0) { if(B[d2-d1-counter-1]==1) k=k*2+1; else k=k*2; } counter++; } if(k==0) cout<<"MESSAGE TRANSMITTED SUCCESSFULLY\n"<<endl; else cout<<"ERROR IN TRANSMISSION\n"<<endl; } void main() { clrscr(); int message,genpoly,ch=1; cout<<"enter the number to be transmitted"<<endl; cin>>message; cout<<"Enter the generator polynomial number"<<endl; cin>>genpoly; int gp=sender(message,genpoly); while(ch==1 || ch==2) { cout<<"MENU"<<endl; cout<<"1-SUCCESSFUL TRANSMISSION"<<endl; cout<<"2-ERROR IN TRANSMISSION"<<endl; cout<<"PRESS ANY OTHER KEY TO EXIT"<<endl; cout<<"Enter your choice"<<endl; cin>>ch; if(ch==1) { cout<<"TRANSMITTING MESSAGE .......\n"<<endl; delay(5000); receiver(gp,genpoly); int *B=dectobin(message); int dig=digitinbin(message); cout<<"The transmitted message is "; for(int i=dig-1;i>=0;i--)

cout<<B[i]; cout<<"\n"<<endl; } else if(ch==2) { cout<<"TRANSMITTING MESSAGE .......\n"<<endl; delay(5000); receiver(gp+1,genpoly); cout<<endl; } } cout<<"PROGRAM ENDS"<<endl; getch(); } OUTPUT enter the number to be transmitted 729 Enter the generator polynomial number 19 MENU 1-SUCCESSFUL TRANSMISSION 2-ERROR IN TRANSMISSION PRESS ANY OTHER KEY TO EXIT Enter your choice 1 TRANSMITTING MESSAGE ....... MESSAGE TRANSMITTED SUCCESSFULLY The transmitted message is 1011011001 MENU 1-SUCCESSFUL TRANSMISSION 2-ERROR IN TRANSMISSION PRESS ANY OTHER KEY TO EXIT Enter your choice 2 TRANSMITTING MESSAGE ....... ERROR IN TRANSMISSION MENU 1-SUCCESSFUL TRANSMISSION 2-ERROR IN TRANSMISSION



# # # # include include include include <iostream.h> <conio.h> <stdio.h> <string.h>

class router { private: char name[20]; int dist[10]; public: void get_r_table (int , int); friend void find_table (router *); }; void find_table (router *); int total_r;

int adj; char names[10][20]; char N[20]; void router :: get_r_table (int no , int flag) { if ( flag == 1 ) { cout << "Enter the name of the adjacent router " << no << " : "; gets (name); } else strcpy (name , N); cout << "Enter the distances of each router from this router :\n"; cout << "\tROUTER\tDISTANCE\n"; cout << "\t------\t--------\n"; for (int i = 0 ; i < total_r ; i++) { cout << "\t" << names[i] << "\t"; if ( strcmp ( names[i] , name ) == 0 ) { dist[i] = 0; cout << dist[i] << "\n"; } else cin >> dist[i]; } } void find_table(router *r) { cout << "Routing table for router " << N << " :-\n"; cout << "\tRouter\tDistance\n"; cout << "\t------\t--------\n"; for ( int i = 0 ; i < total_r ; i++ ) { int temp; if ( strcmp (N , names[i] ) == 0 ) temp = 0; else { temp = r[0].dist[i]; for ( int j = 1 ; j < adj + 1 ; j++ )

if ( r[j].dist[i] < temp && r[j].dist[i] != 0 ) temp = r[j].dist[i] + r[0].dist[j]; } r[0].dist[i] = temp; // r[0] contains data of the router whose routing table is to be found out } for ( i = 0 ; i < total_r ; i++ ) { cout << "\t" << names[i] << "\t"; cout << r[0].dist[i] << "\n"; } } void main() { router r[10]; clrscr(); cout << "Enter the total no of routers in the subnet [MAX 10] :- "; cin >> total_r; cout << "Enter the names of all the routers :-\n"; for (int i = 0 ; i < total_r ; i++) { cout << "\t" << i + 1 << " . "; gets (names[i]); } cout << "Enter the router whose routing table is to be found out : "; gets (N); cout << "Enter the no of routers adjacent to this router : "; cin >> adj; int flag = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < adj + 1; i++ ) { r[i].get_r_table (i , flag); flag = 1; } find_table (r); getch(); }

OUTPUT Enter the total no of routers in the subnet [MAX 10] :- 6 Enter the names of all the routers :1 . A 2 . B 3 . C 4 . D 5 . E 6 . F Enter the router whose routing table is to be found out : C Enter the no of routers adjacent to this router : 3 Enter the distances of each router from this router : ROUTER DISTANCE ------ -------A 11 B 6 C 0 D 3 E 5 F 6 Enter the name of the adjacent router 1 : B Enter the distances of each router from this router : ROUTER DISTANCE ------ -------A 5 B 0 C 8 D 12 E 6 F 2 Enter the name of the adjacent router 2 : D Enter the distances of each router from this router : ROUTER DISTANCE ------ -------A 16 B 12 C 6 D 0 E 9 F 10 Enter the name of the adjacent router 3 : E Enter the distances of each router from this router : ROUTER DISTANCE

------ -------A 7 B 6 C 3 D 9 E 0 F 1 Routing table for router C :Router Distance ------ -------A 10 B 6 C 0 D 3 E 5 F 4


# # # # # include include include include include <iostream.h> <conio.h> <stdlib.h> <time.h> <math.h>

# define TOT_FRAMES 500 # define FRAMES_SEND 10 class gobkn { private: int fr_send_at_instance; int arr[TOT_FRAMES]; int arr1[FRAMES_SEND]; int sw; int rw; // tells expected frame public: gobkn(); void input(); void sender(int); void reciever(int); }; gobkn :: gobkn() { sw = 0; rw = 0; } void gobkn :: input() { int n; // no of bits for the frame int m; // no of frames from n bits cout << "Enter the no of bits for the sequence no "; cin >> n; m = pow (2 , n); int t = 0;

fr_send_at_instance = (m / 2); for (int i = 0 ; i < TOT_FRAMES ; i++) { arr[i] = t; t = (t + 1) % m; } sender(m); } void gobkn :: sender(int m) { int j = 0; for (int i = sw ; i < sw + fr_send_at_instance ; i++) { arr1[j] = arr[i]; j++; } for (i = 0 ; i < j ; i++) cout << " SENDER : Frame " << arr1[i] << " is sent\n"; reciever (m); } void gobkn :: reciever(int m) { time_t t; int f; int f1; int a1; char ch; srand((unsigned) time(&t)); f = rand() % 10; // if = 5 frame is discarded for some reason // else they are correctly recieved if (f != 5) { for (int i = 0 ; i < fr_send_at_instance ; i++) { if (rw == arr1[i]) {

cout << "RECIEVER : Frame " << arr1[i] << " recieved correctly\n"; rw = (rw + 1) % m; } else cout << "RECIEVER : Duplicate frame " << arr1[i] << " discarded\n"; } a1 = rand() % 15; // if a1 belongs to 0 to 3 then // all ack after this (incl this one) lost // else // all recieved if (a1 >= 0 && a1 <= 3) { cout << "(Acknowledgement " << arr1[a1] << " & all after this lost)\n"; sw = arr1[a1]; } else sw = (sw + fr_send_at_instance) % m; } else { f1 = rand() % fr_send_at_instance; // f1 gives index of the frame being lost for (int i = 0 ; i < f1 ; i++) { if (rw == arr1[i]) { cout << " RECIEVER : Frame " << arr1[i] << " recieved correctly\n"; rw = (rw + 1) % m; } else cout << " RECIEVER : Duplicate frame " << arr1[i] << " discarded\n"; } int ld = rand() % 2; // ld == 0 frame damaged // else frame lost if (ld == 0)

cout << " RECIEVER : Frame " << arr1[f1] << " damaged\n"; else cout << " " lost)\n"; for (i = f1 + 1 ; i < fr_send_at_instance ; i++) cout << " RECIEVER : Frame " << arr1[i] << " discarded\n"; cout << " (SENDER TIMEOUTS --> RESEND THE FRAME)\n"; sw = arr1[f1]; } cout << "Want to continue..."; cin >> ch; if (ch == 'y') sender(m); else exit(0); } void main() { clrscr(); gobkn gb; gb.input(); getch(); } (Frame " << arr1[f1] <<

Enter the SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER no of bits for the sequence no 4 : Frame 0 is sent : Frame 1 is sent : Frame 2 is sent : Frame 3 is sent : Frame 4 is sent : Frame 5 is sent : Frame 6 is sent : Frame 7 is sent

RECIEVER : Frame 0 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 1 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 2 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 3 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 4 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 5 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 6 recieved RECIEVER : Frame 7 recieved Want to continue...n

correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly correctly


# # # # # include include include include include <iostream.h> <conio.h> <stdlib.h> <time.h> <math.h>

# define TOT_FRAMES 500 # define FRAMES_SEND 10 class sel_repeat { private: int fr_send_at_instance; int arr[TOT_FRAMES];

int send[FRAMES_SEND]; int rcvd[FRAMES_SEND]; char rcvd_ack[FRAMES_SEND]; int sw; int rw; // tells expected frame public: void input(); void sender(int); void reciever(int); }; void sel_repeat :: input() { int n; // no of bits for the frame int m; // no of frames from n bits cout << "Enter the no of bits for the sequence number "; cin >> n; m = pow (2 , n); int t = 0; fr_send_at_instance = (m / 2); for (int i = 0 ; i < TOT_FRAMES ; i++) { arr[i] = t; t = (t + 1) % m; } for (i = 0 ; i < fr_send_at_instance ; i++) { send[i] = arr[i]; rcvd[i] = arr[i]; rcvd_ack[i] = 'n'; } rw = sw = fr_send_at_instance; sender(m); } void sel_repeat :: sender(int m) { for (int i = 0 ; i < fr_send_at_instance ; i++) { if ( rcvd_ack[i] == 'n' )

cout << " SENDER is sent\n"; } reciever (m); } void sel_repeat :: reciever(int m) { time_t t; int f; int f1; int a1; char ch; srand((unsigned) time(&t));

: Frame " << send[i] << "

for (int i = 0 ; i < fr_send_at_instance ; i++) { if (rcvd_ack[i] == 'n') { f = rand() % 10; // if = 5 frame is discarded for some reason // else frame is correctly recieved if (f != 5) { for (int j = 0 ; j < fr_send_at_instance ; j++) if (rcvd[j] == send[i]) { cout << "RECIEVER : Frame " << rcvd[j] << " recieved correctly\n"; rcvd[j] = arr[rw]; rw = (rw + 1) % m; break; } if (j == fr_send_at_instance) cout << "RECIEVER : Duplicate frame " << send[i] << " discarded\n"; a1 = rand() % 5; // if a1 == 3 then ack is lost // else recieved if (a1 == 3)

{ cout << "(Acknowledgement " << send[i] << " lost)\n"; cout << " (SENDER TIMEOUTS --> RESEND THE FRAME)\n"; rcvd_ack[i] = 'n'; } else { cout << "(Acknowledgement " << send[i] << " recieved)\n"; rcvd_ack[i] = 'p'; } } else { int ld = rand() % 2; // if = 0 then frame damaged // else frame lost if (ld == 0) { cout << "RECIEVER : Frame " << send[i] << " is damaged\n"; cout << "RECIEVER : Negative acknowledgement " << send[i] << " sent\n"; } else { cout << "RECIEVER : Frame " << send[i] << " is lost\n"; cout << " (SENDER TIMEOUTS --> RESEND THE FRAME)\n"; } rcvd_ack[i] = 'n'; } } } for ( int j = 0 ; j < fr_send_at_instance ; j++) { if (rcvd_ack[j] == 'n') break; } i = 0 ; for (int k = j ; k < fr_send_at_instance ; k++)

{ send[i] = send[k]; if (rcvd_ack[k] == 'n') rcvd_ack[i] = 'n'; else rcvd_ack[i] = 'p'; i++; } if ( i != fr_send_at_instance ) { for ( int k = i ; k < fr_send_at_instance ; k++) { send[k] = arr[sw]; sw = (sw + 1) % m; rcvd_ack[k] = 'n'; } } cout << "Want to continue..."; cin >> ch; cout << "\n"; if (ch == 'y') sender(m); else exit(0); } void main() { clrscr(); sel_repeat sr; sr.input(); getch(); }

Enter the SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER SENDER no of bits : Frame 24 : Frame 32 : Frame 32 : Frame 27 : Frame 28 : Frame 29 : Frame 30 for the sequence number 6 is sent is sent is sent is sent is sent is sent is sent

SENDER : Frame 31 is sent RECIEVER : Frame 24 is lost (SENDER TIMEOUTS --> RESEND THE FRAME) RECIEVER : Frame 32 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 32 recieved) RECIEVER : Frame 33 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 34 recieved) RECIEVER : Frame 27 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 34 recieved) RECIEVER : Frame 28 is damaged RECIEVER : Negative acknowledgement 28 sent RECIEVER : Frame 29 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 35 recieved) RECIEVER : Frame 30 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 36 lost) (SENDER TIMEOUTS --> RESEND THE FRAME) RECIEVER : Frame 31 recieved correctly (Acknowledgement 37 recieved) Want to continue...n

Q5. Stop and Wait Protocol

#include #include #include #include <conio.h> <dos.h> <stdio.h> <stdlib.h>

#define TIMEOUT 5 #define MAX_SEQ 1 #define TOT_PACKETS 8 #define inc(k) if(k<MAX_SEQ) k++; else k=0; typedef struct { int data; }packet; typedef struct { int kind; int seq; int ack; packet info; int err; }frame; frame DATA; typedef enum{frame_arrival,err,timeout,no_event} event_type; void void void void void void void void from_network_layer(packet *); to_network_layer(packet *); to_physical_layer(frame *); from_physical_layer(frame *); wait_for_event_sender(event_type *); wait_for_event_reciever(event_type *); reciever(); sender();

int i=1; //Data to be sent by sender char turn; //r , s int DISCONNECT=0; / *__________________________________________________________ ________________*/ void main()

{ clrscr(); randomize(); while(!DISCONNECT) { sender(); delay(400); reciever(); } getch(); } / *__________________________________________________________ ________________*/ void sender() { static int frame_to_send=0; static frame s; packet buffer; event_type event; static int flag=0; if(flag==0) { from_network_layer(&buffer); = buffer; s.seq = frame_to_send; printf("SENDER : Info = %d Seq No = %d ",,s.seq); turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); flag = 1; } wait_for_event_sender(&event); if(turn=='s') { if(event==frame_arrival) { from_network_layer(&buffer); inc(frame_to_send); = buffer; s.seq = frame_to_send; printf("SENDER : Info = %d Seq No = %d ",,s.seq); turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); } if(event==timeout) {

printf("SENDER : Resending Frame turn = 'r'; to_physical_layer(&s); } }


} / *__________________________________________________________ ________________*/ void reciever() { static int frame_expected=0; frame r,s; event_type event; wait_for_event_reciever(&event); if(turn=='r') { if(event==frame_arrival) { from_physical_layer(&r); if(r.seq==frame_expected) { to_network_layer(&; inc(frame_expected); } else printf("RECIEVER : Acknowledgement Resent\n"); turn = 's'; to_physical_layer(&s); } if(event==err) { printf("RECIEVER : Garbled Frame\n"); turn = 's'; //if frame not recieved } //sender shold send it again } } / *__________________________________________________________ ________________*/ void from_network_layer(packet *buffer) { (*buffer).data = i; i++; }

/ *__________________________________________________________ _________________*/ void to_physical_layer(frame *s) { // 0 means error s->err = random(4); //non zero means no error DATA = *s; //probability of error = 1/4 } / *__________________________________________________________ _________________*/ void to_network_layer(packet *buffer) { printf("RECIEVER :Packet %d recieved , Ack Sent\n", (*buffer).data); if(i>TOT_PACKETS) //if all packets recieved then disconnect { DISCONNECT = 1; printf("\nDISCONNECTED"); } } / *__________________________________________________________ _________________*/ void from_physical_layer(frame *buffer) { *buffer = DATA; } / *__________________________________________________________ _________________*/ void wait_for_event_sender(event_type * e) { static int timer=0; if(turn=='s') { timer++; if(timer==TIMEOUT) { *e = timeout; printf("SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT\n"); timer = 0; return; } if(DATA.err==0) *e = err; else

{ timer = 0; *e = frame_arrival; } } } / *__________________________________________________________ __________________*/ void wait_for_event_reciever(event_type * e) { if(turn=='r') { if(DATA.err==0) *e = err; else *e = frame_arrival; } }

SENDER : Info = 1 Seq No = 0 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame Acknowledgement Resent SENDER : Info = 2 Seq No = 1 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 3 Seq No = 0 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame Acknowledgement Resent SENDER : Info = 4 Seq No = 1 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 5 Seq No = 0 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 6 Seq No = 1 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 7 Seq No = 0 recieved , Ack Sent SENDER : Info = 8 Seq No = 1 Frame SENDER : Ack not recieved=> TIMEOUT SENDER : Resending Frame recieved , Ack Sent DISCONNECTED RECIEVER :Packet 1


RECIEVER :Packet 8

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