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PROJECT FULFILLMENT RUBRIC Project: ___________________________________

CRITERIA 1 Event/Project was very disorganized and filled with major problems. Event did not follow proposal. No schedule was followed.

Assessed by: _______________________

Members: ____________________________________________________________
3 Event/Project was mostly organized and ran with a few small bumps. Event followed most of the proposal. Schedule was mostly adhered to with some unnecessary changes made. Most members carried out assigned or agreed-upon responsibilities for event. Good effort was put in by members. Most required materials were present. 4 Event/ Project was very organized and ran smoothly with little or no problems. Event followed the proposal. Schedule was adhered to changed were made only if beneficially necessary. All members carried out assigned or agreed-upon responsibilities for event. Excellent effort was put in by members. All required materials were present. SCORE




Few or no members carried out assigned or agreed-upon responsibilities for event. Little or no effort was put in by members. Important required materials were missing, impeding the event.. No goals as outlined in proposal and within groups control were achieved. Teacher needed to step-in as the project was not student-led. Group demonstrated no problem-solving skills and relied on others to provide solutions. Event did not have appropriate activities and did not consider audience. Event did not promote intended awareness. Event was not wellreceived.

2 Event/Project was somewhat disorganized and encountered some problems. Event followed only part of the proposal. Schedule was hardly adhered to and unnecessary changes made. Some members carried out assigned or agreed-upon responsibilities for event. Some effort was put in by members. Only important required materials were present

Few goals as outlined in proposal and within groups control were achieved.

Most goals as outlined in proposal and within groups control were achieved.

All goals as outlined in proposal and within groups control were achieved.


Project required teacher to step in occasionally to help with leadership. Group required others or teacher to help with problemsolving skills (if necessary).


Event had some appropriate activities and audience was taken somewhat into account. Event promoted some intended awareness. Event was mostly wellreceived.

Most of the project was student-led and required little unnecessary teacherinvolvement. Group lacked confidence in problem-solving skills and looked for approval before implementing them. Event had mostly appropriate activities and audience was generally taken into account. Event promoted intended awareness. Event was well-received.

Entire project was studentled and required no unnecessary teacherinvolvement. Group demonstrated appropriate and strong problem-solving skills. Event had appropriate activities and reflected careful consideration of the audience. Event achieved intended awareness. Event exceptionally received.


Praises What worked well? Suggestions What changes could be made to make this event/project even better?

Total: /20 x2= /40

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