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Ismael Melendez, Jr. Univ.

1301 MW Spring 2012 Chapter 1 Review The Road to Autonomous Learning: I Don't Know Where I'm Going, But I'm Making Good Time. The books goes more into detail about the quality works which is made up of the people we most want to be with, the things we most want to own or experience, the ideas or systems of beliefs that govern much of our behavior. The book discusses how our quality world is usually created by people we know, and when we reach adulthood there comes a realization that our quality world is not congruent with reality world. In the first case study we meet Anna who is a good student and very thorough in many aspect of he college life, her friends fall prey to procrastination though. The second case study is of Jesse the high school star football player with a sports scholarship, sports was his life, but life is not about sports, he had trouble settling into college life and made decision congruent with his situation Improving our quality world; reflections is an important step in improving our quality world. The author introduces the four major arenas of life which are Relationships, Work, Belief, and Service. We are asked to reflect on these pinnacles of our life which greatly influence our quality world. Academic Transformation refers to our individual journey to become a successful learner. There are steps that have been developed for this academic transformation which are, access you current academic transformation, set short term long term goals based on your values, create a list of immediate objectives and an action plan to meet them, work to accomplish you objectives, evaluate your progress, make adjustments as needed and repeat.

Chapter 1 Review


Ismael Melendez, Jr. Univ. 1301 MW Spring 2012 Autonomous Learning is an education theory which sees learners as creators of their own learning environment, as individuals who are capable of being autonomous and taking their own decision about their education. A college or University education is an autonomous form of education, a complete paradox from grade school in which usually is teacher-directed learning. Autonomous education helps develop self-consciousness, independence and helps develop and identify our persona. Autonomous learners; must have an idea of what they are capable of doing (understand our own learning strengths and weakness) , as learner must be ethical in our academics, we should set appropriate goals, use effective learning strategies, manage behaviors, use appropriate resources.

Chapter 1 Review


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