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Theme: Investigating The Living Things. Learning Area : 1.

Interactions among living things Weeks Learning objective Pupils State that some animals live in groups State that some animals live in solitary Give examples of animals live in groups Give examples of animals that live in solitary Explain why animals live in groups Explain why animals live in solitary State cooperation is a form of interaction among animals 1.2 3 Understanding that competition is a Pupils form of interaction among living State that living things things interact with one another in the environment SPS: Observing Making Inferences Communicating Learning outcome SPS/MS SPS: Observing Classifying Making inferences Communicating MS:Vocabulary/CCTS/SANV Solitary menyendiri Safety keselamatan Cooperation bekerjasama Competition persaingan CCTS: Grouping and classifying Comparing and contrasting Attributing Making conclusion SANV: Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment

1.1 Understanding that some animals live in groups and others live in solitary

Interaction interaksi Competition persaingan Limited resources sumber terhad Territory wilayah

Theme: Investigating The Living Things. Learning Area : 1. Interactions among living things Weeks Learning objective Learning outcome SPS MS Draw specimens and apparatus Handle specimens correctly and carefully Clean science apparatus Vocabulary Breeding pembiakan Mate pasangan Defend mempertahankan Space ruang Shelter tempat perlindungan CCTS Generating ideas Relating Comparing and contrasting SANV Being thankful to God Being cooperative 1.3 5 Understanding the responsibility of human beings in protecting endangered species Pupils Give examples of extinct animal Give examples of endangered animal Give examples of endangered plant 2 Observing Predicting Making Inferences Communicating MS Rafflesia bunga pakma Hornbill burung enggang Conservation pemuliharaan Protection


State that the competition is a form of interaction List the factors that animals compete for Give reasons why animals compete List factors that plants compete for Give reasons why plants Understanding that competition is a compete with each other form of interaction among living things

Explain why certain animals or plants are facing the threat of extinction Suggest way to prevent animals and plants from extinction

perlindungan Endangered terancam Extinct pupus Excessive berleluasa Threat ancaman Logging pembalakan Consume menggunakan Enforcement penguatkuasaan CCTS Grouping and classifying Attributing Relating SANV Having an interest and curiosity towards the environment Appreciating the balance of nature Being kind-hearted and caring

Theme: Investigating The Living Things. Learning Area : 1. Interactions among living things Weeks Learning objective Pupils Give examples of environmental destruction caused by human Explain how human activities cause environmental destruction. Predict what will happen to the Earth if human activities are not controlled. Learning outcome SPS Predicting Classifying Observing Making Inferences Making Hypothesis MS Draw specimen and apparatus Vocabulary Balance of nature keseimbangan alam Illegal logingpembalakan haram Illegal huntingpemburuan haram Landslide-tanah runtuh Flash flood- banjir kilat Pollutionpencemaran Erosion-hakisan Disaster-bencana Destructionkemusnahan SANV Being thankful to God Being cooperative

7 1.4 Knowing the impact of human activities on environment

Theme : Investigating Force and Energy Learning Area : 1. Force Weeks Learning objective Pupils 1.1 Understanding that push and pull are forces State that push and pull are forces State that force cannot be seen but its effects can be observed Observing Communicating Classifying Making Inferences MS Use and handle science apparatus and substances Learning outcome SPS Vocabulary Pull-tarikan Push-tolakan Force-daya palm-tapak tangan CCTS Grouping and classifying Making conclusion SANV Having interest and curiosity towards the environment Being cooperative Speed-kelajuan Stationary-pegun Moving-bergerak Twist-pulas Press-tekan CCTS Comparing and contrasting Grouping and classifying Making conclusion SANV

1.2 Understanding the effects of a force Pupils 9 State that a force can move a stationary object. State that a force can change the motion of an object State that a force can change the shape of an object 5

Observing Communicating Experimenting Predicting Controlling Variables MS Use and handle science apparatus and substances Handle specimens correctly and carefully Draw specimens and apparatus

Being cooperative Being honest and accurate in recording and validating data. Being fair and just

Theme : Investigating Force and Energy Learning Area : 1. Force Weeks Learning objective 1.3. Analyzing friction Learning outcome Pupils State that friction is a type of force Describe the effects of friction Describe ways to reduce friction Describe easy to increase friction State the advantages of friction State the disadvantages of friction Conclude that friction occurs when two surfaces are in contact Design a fair test to find 6 SPS Observing Communicating Making inferences MS Use and handle science apparatus and substances Vocabulary Friction-geseran Aerodynamic opposebertentangan Effect-kesan Reduce-kurangkan Increasemenambahkan Surfaces in contactpermukaan yang bersentuhan CCTS Analyzing Relating Comparing and contrasting SANV Realizing the science is a means



Predicting Observing MS Use and handle science apparatus and substances

out how different types of surfaces affect the distance a trolley moves by deciding what to change, what to keep the same and what to measure Theme : Investigating Force and Energy Learning Area : 2. Movement Weeks Learning objective Pupils State that an object which moves faster travels a longer distance in a given time State that an object which moves faster takes a shorter time to travel a given distance State what speed is Solve problems using the formula Experimenting Controlling variables Predicting Communicating Using space- time relationship Measuring and using numbers Defining operationally Interpreting data MS Use and handle science apparatus and substances Clean science apparatus Store science apparatus Learning outcome SPS

to understand nature Being flexible and open minded Being thankful to God

Vocabulary CCTS Comparing and contrasting Sequencing Making conclusions SCNV Being systematic Being cooperative Appreciating the contribution of science and technology

12 2.1 Understanding speed

Theme : Investigating Materials Learning Area : 1. Food preservation Weeks Learning objective Learning outcome Pupils Describe what spoilt food is Identify characteristic of spoilt food State that microorganisms can spoil food State the conditions for microorganisms to grow Pupils Describe ways to preserve food. Give examples of food for each type of food preservation Give reasons why each way of food preservation is used SPS Observing Making inferences Experimenting Communicating Classifying Predicting MS: Draw specimens and apparatus Observing Communicating Making inferences Experimenting Vocabulary Medium - keadaan


1.1 Understanding food spoilage


1.2 Synthesizing the concept of food preservation

Drying pengeringan Pickling penjerukan Heating-pemanasan Vacuum packingpembungkusan vakum Coolongpendinginan Freezingpenyejukbekuan Bottlingpembotolan Canningpengetinan Smoking-

pengasapan Salting-pengasinan 1.3 Realizing the importance of preserving food Theme : Investigating Materials Learning Area : 2. Waste management Weeks Learning objective 2.1 Understanding the effects of improper disposal of waste on the environment Pupils 15 Identify types of waste in the environment Identify sources of waste State the improper ways of waste disposal State the proper ways of waste disposal Learning outcome SPS Observing Classifying Communicating Vocabulary Harmful effectskesan buruk Waste disposalpembuangan bahan buangan CCTS: Attributing Grouping & classifying Making conclusion Pupils Give reasons why we need to preserve food Making inferences

16 Describe the harmful effects of improper waste disposal Describe how waste is disposed in a local area Suggest ways to improve waste disposal 9

Theme : Investigating Materials Learning Area : 2. Waste management Weeks Learning objective Learning outcome Pupils State the certain waste can decay Give examples of waste can decay Give examples of waste that do not decay State that microorganisms can cause waste materials to decay 18 State the advantages of waste decaying State the disadvantages of waste decaying Predict what will happen to human and the environment if waste do not decay SPS Observing Classifying Communicating Predicting Making inferences Vocabulary Decay-reput Harmfulmerbahaya Separate-asingkan


2.2 Understanding that some waste can decay


Theme : Investigating The Earth and Universe Learning Area : 1. Eclipses Weeks Learning objective Pupils 19 1.1 Understanding the eclipses of the moon State what eclipses of the moon is State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipses of the moon Explain why eclipses of the moon occurs Observing Communicating Predicting Making inferences Defining Operationally Learning outcome SPS Vocabulary Eclipsegerhana Positionkedudukan Partial eclipsegerhana separa Total eclipsegerhana penuh

20 1.2 Understanding the eclipses of the sun Pupils

State what eclipses of the sun is State the position of the Moon, the Earth and the Sun during the eclipses of the sun Explain why eclipses of the sun occurs Predict the scenario on the Earth during the eclipses of the sun

Observing Communicating Predicting Making inferences Defining Operationally


Theme : Investigating Technology Learning Area: 1. Machine Weeks Learning objective Learning outcome SPS Vocabulary Lid-penutup Wheel and axle-roda da gander Lever-tuas Wedge-baji Pulley-takal Gear-gear Inclined planesatahcondong Screw-skru Wheel barrowkereta sorong



Understanding simple machines

Pupils Observing Explain what simple Communicating machine is Classifying State types of simple machines Give an example for each type of simple machine


1.2 Analyzing a complex machine



Appreciating the invention of machines that make life easier

Pupils Identify simple machines in a complex machine Conclude that a complex machine is made up of more than one simple machine Give examples of complex machines Pupils Predict how life is without machines Explain how machines can make our life easier Design a machine to solve a problem 12

Experimenting Observing Making inferences

Communicating Observing Predicting Making inferences Experimenting

Encourage pupils to reuse materials and recycle materials


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