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Role of Hr manger in todays IT environment

Presented to A.ahmad
Section: A Presented by:

Hira Saeed


Faculty of Management Sciences

University of Central Punjab

Role of a HR Manager in todays IT environment

A managers paradigms are the mind-sets reflecting the knowledge, beliefs, perceptions, and assumptions about the world in which he or she functions, e.g., hard work brings success. Human resource paradigms are the eyeglasses through which managers see people and their ability to contribute to the business. Managers incorporate their paradigms into the business' culture. Each business culture reflects its uniqueness, i.e., its values, beliefs, jargon, norms, and traditions. By changing its paradigms, the management team can change the business culture and the environment within which its people are functioning.A paradigm that views workers as caring and dedicated to the business will lead to managers trusting them and asking for their input on important decisions.The result is a trusting culture and mutual respect. Together, paradigms about people and the business culture determine the environment within which people do their jobs. A positive human resource environment reduces risk and increases the business ability to handle the risk that does exist.

The Changing Human Resources Role

The role of the HR professional is changing. In the past, HR managers were often viewed as the systematizing, policing arm of executive management. Their role was more closely aligned with personnel and administration functions that were viewed by the organization as paperwork. When you consider that the initial HR function, in many companies, comes out of the administration or finance department because hiring employees, paying employees, and dealing with benefits were the organization's first HR needs, this is not surprising. In this role, the HR professional served executive agendas well, but was frequently viewed as a road block by much of the rest of the organization. While some need for this role occasionally remains you wouldnt want every manager putting his own spin on a sexual harassment policy, as an example much of the HR role is transforming itself.

New HR Manager Role

The role of the HR manager must parallel the needs of his or her changing organization. Successful organizations are becoming more adaptable, resilient, quick to change direction, and customer-centered. Within this environment, the HR professional, who is considered necessary by line managers, is a strategic partner, an employee sponsor or advocate and a change mentor.

At the same time, especially the HR Generalist, still has responsibility for employee benefits administration, often payroll, and employee paperwork, especially in the absence of an HR Assistant. Depending on the size of the organization, the HR manager has responsibility for all of the functions that deal with the needs and activities of the organization's people including these areas of responsibility.

Recruiting. Hiring. Training. Organization Development. Communication. Performance Management. Coaching. Policy Recommendation. Salary and Benefits. Team Building. Employee Relations. Leadership.

The Future HR Manager in my view Looking into the scenario of the day, the role of HR Manager has been going through unprecedented change which is a phenomenon that demands an attention of all HR Managers and doyens of the day. The impact of Global village and an Open Economy is so fashioned that, it has made us think of how we should be in order to succeed as professionals in the field. Ten years back if you talked to anybody about HR they would just look down upon the importance of it at macro level whereas now the changing facets of business has all of us thinking about how to handle our profession in such a way that we bear the fruits for the organization at the end of the day. Hence in my view the future HR Managers will have to be: Business Oriented 1.Concerned single mindedly with the goals and mission of the organization. 2. Business Partner 3.Shareholder of the dreams of the founders. Research Driven 1.Use research as strategic tool to enhance the output of Human Resources. 2. Use research to motivate and develop competencies of people.

Process Sensitive 1.Aware of the way the tasks are allocated 2.Aware of the people processes and their strengths and weaknesses 3.Aware of the norm values and other internal processes 4.Sensitive to process dynamics System Driven 1.Highly Systemic believes in system as strengths 2.Understand the limits of system, especially people system and at the same time, appreciates their utility. 3. Sees system as simplifiers of life and enhancers of organization effectiveness 4.Thinks in a positive way about system and their usage as controllers of costs and overheads Strategic Thinker 1.Aware of company strategy 2.Participates in strategy formulation 3.Is farsighted and not myopic 4.Aware of best practices in different functions and of different companies globally in related business Good Human being 1.Shows respect for Human dimension of the business 2.Has positive view of people 3.Empathizes with others 4.People person with character 5.Sees people as providing competitive advantage Value Driven 1.Respects the values to utmost level Change Manager 1.Should be aware of the dynamics of change 2.Should know change management 3.Should have diagnostic skills 4.Should be aware of various OD intervention 5.Should have leadership qualities Focus on Issues 1.Should be focused on issues rather than general things Move away from Recruitment and retention1.Should not be spending undue time in recruitment and compensation surveys 2.Should not do these at the cost of other activities

Focus on value addition and people utilization 1.Aware of the many facts of intellectual capital 2.focuses attention on building human capital 3.Designs interventions to enhance intellectual capital 4.Designs intervention to retain intellectual capital All in all, HR Professional will have to keep the spirits up in order to learn, unlearn and relearn many new things as per the need of an hour otherwise doing justice to profession will be only mirage.

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