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* pitch -Highness or lowness of sound - determinded by by the speed of the sounds vibration - Note- a specific pitch * Melody - a succession

of pitches, silences, and rhythm that is reognized as a cohernt unit * Swing Eighth Notes - An unequal pair of eighth notes - The first note is longer than the second - usually the first note is 2/3 if the beat - the second note is emphasized - Track 3 * Legato - notes(sounds) that are connected, without silences in-between - Track 7 * Staccato - notes(sounds) that are separated ( with silence in between) * Polyrhythm - Multiple rhythms occurring togethr - Can occur in melody, backup instruments, or in a drummers rhythmic patterns - Example two against three or four against three - track 9 * Scales - a sequnece of notes moving up or down - Many variations of scales used in jazz - also called "modes" * Harmony - Simultaneous sounding of 2 or more pitches * Tonality - a feeling that music must end on a certain note - music that follows that feeling is :tonal" - "atonal" defies that feeling * consonance - a state of harmonic rest * dissonace - a state of harmonic tension * Tone color(timbre) - The part of music that allows you to distinguish sounds of instumnet or player -or - The sound of a particular instrument or player - Jazz player to to create a personal sound > pianists with touch > Guitarist with picks, strings, amps > Tumpet& trombones with mouthpieces, instumnets, blowing techniques > Saxophonists with reeds, instruments, blowing techniques * instumentation - Instumnets chosen for piece or performance - Typical instumnets of jazz: * Brass

- Trumpet & Trombone - Typical instuments of jazz: * woodwinds _ Clarinet, Saxes * Rhythm Section - Piano,guitar, banjo/string, bass/tuba, drums/percussions * Orchestration - the way a composer or arranger uses the available instruments in a piece * Texture - the way multiple lines of music are presented: * unison or monophonic- all playing the same melody * Counterpoint or polyphonic- 2 or more melodies occurring at the same time - Homophony: melody with accompainment - Chordal hoimophony * Blue Notes - Multiple definitions: * #1 Chromotic; lowering the 3rd note (mi) and the 7th (Ti) of the major scale. The notes are lowered in pitch to the next lower sounding key on the piano. Modern blue notes include a lowered 5th (sol) * Blue notes _ #2 Neutral Thirds; a note that is in between the keys of the piano ( in the cracks). Reproducible on other instumnets. _ May be a clash between african truning practice on European instruments * Chords sounding 3 or more notes together Chord changes or progressions Cadence= a feeling of resolution * chord Voicing Distributing the notes in different locations on the piano of between different insturments Form: - Repetion (AA) Contrast (A B) Variation ( A1 A2 or A A') Chorus once through a song form Jazz songs are often 8,12,16,24,32 bars or measures in length Compostion every detail of song worked out in advance Improvisation- Spontaneously Notated tradition- notes preserved by being written out aural tradition- passed from player to player by ear and memorized The blues can be a sad feeling a rhymed poetic form slow funky music a specific chord progression Blue Poetry three lines first and second are the same

Blues Chord progressions a twelve measure form three chords Thirty two bar AABA form four sections of eight measures The A sections are the same B section is called : Bridge, release, inside or channel A break in the mood of A sections In a different key (tonal center) a launching pad for improvisation AABA (cont.) can be other symmetrical lengths ( 16 measures, 64 measures) Can be asymmetric ABAC(AB) is another common form Verse ( Introduction) slower rubato ( with an unsteady beat) a lead into chorus may have dissimilar chord progressions different key ( tonal center) not repeated Chorus Section repeated for improvisation Modal( Scale) Forms Extended repetiotion of one or two chords improvised portion of tune is often based on a single mode Choice of modes include exotic sounds (Indian, Middle Eastern, or other non Do Re Mi sounds) Turnaround ( or turnabout or turnback) a cycle of chords that return to the starting point often used at the end of an eight bar phrase before the phrase repeats( AA of AABA) Call & Response - musical dialogue between 2 instruments or groups of instruments Coda - Ending section of a piece Origins (1900-1914) Black americans at the turn of the centur Reconstruction 1865-77 Repulican Feds took steps to guarantee former slaves full benefits of equal treatment Abolished slavery Granted citizenship & right to vote - Legally marry for first time -Participate in political process -Own property

Northern officials filled leadership void in south Blacks held offic for first time Us senate house lieutenant, governors, speakers, supreme court justices

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