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Prof. Ph.D. D.Sc. Adam WINIEWSKI M.Sc.

Pawe PODGRZAK Military Institute of Armament Technology


In the article the results of the research of different precursors of the model of tandem shaped charge projectile were presented. They were connected with the precursors with the different liners: semi-spherical, conical, in the shape of section W and in the shape of EFP type. The warheads were filled with hexogen, hexoflen, octoflen and low-sensitive plastic explosive (LSPE).The destruction ability of reactive armour with the use of these warheads were tested. During the tests the mechanical destruction of reactive armours, the detonation of cassettes and also only small traces of damage were observed. The analysis of possibility to use the tested warheads in tandem projectile was carried out.

1. Introduction
The first warhead I (the precursor) in tandem bullet is usually the shaped charge or EFP (explosively formed projectile) which has to destroy the ERA (explosive reactive armour). It can be realized into two ways [13]: initiation the detonation of explosive in the reactive cassette, protecting the main armour or the penetrating the hole in the reactive cassette of the possibly large diameter without initiation of explosive. Several kinds of warheads with the use of different constructions of shaped charge liners and EFP, different kinds of used explosives and the different construction and materials of casings of warheads were examined in order to select the optimum warhead I of the tandem bullet. In all of the tests presented below the shaped charge jet or the EFP projectile penetrated the reactive cassette at an angle of 60 from normal to the surface of the cassette.

2. The warhead with the conical liner

In the first research the warheads made in the Institute of the Organic Industry Institute (OII) in Krupski Myn (Fig. 1) were used. Each warhead contained the different quantity of explosive (hexoflen or octoflen). Liners were conical in shapes of the angle of = 6090o and their thicknesses were 0,61 mm. They were made with the method of the pressing from the copper sheet or from the sinter. The casings of all warheads were made from the polyethylene. The parameters of shaped charge warheads used in these tests are presented in Table 1. 31

Table 1 Parameters of warheads used in the tests No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fig. 1. The shaped charge warhead with the conical liner (OII) Liner material Copper sinter (ECu) Copper sinter (ECu) Copper sinter (ECu) Copper sinter (ECu) Sheet Cu 0,6 mm Sheet Cu 0,7 mm Angle of Kind o the liner, , of explosive 60 60 75 75 90 90 hexoflen octoflen hexoflen octoflen hexoflen octoflen Explosive mass, m, g 18 19 20 21,5 23 25

The test consisted in the initiating of the warhead fastened to the stand, assuring the penetration of the shaped charge jet into the reactive cassette at an angle of = 60 from normal to the surface of the cassette. The cassette fastened to the distance stand, which height was equal the distance of the reactive armour from the main armour of the tank, was situated on the RHA armour (Fig. 2). The explosive in the warhead was initiated with the use of the ERG electric fuse. In these tests the ERAWA -2 reactive cassettes were used. The shaped charge jet of none of warheads did not cause the detonation of the ERAWA cassette, but it pierced the cassettes hollowing the crater in RHA (rolled homogeneous armour) with the depth of DP = 20 mm and with the sizes of the crater entrance of 1020 mm (Fig. 3).
2 1 3 4 1 6 5 2

Fig. 2. The test set to examine the destruction abilities of the ERAWA-2 cassette with the use of the warhead I: 1 - the wooden stand, 2 - the ERG electric fuse, 3 - the shaped charge warhead, 4 the ERAWA -2 reactive cassette, 5 - the support stand of the cassette, 6 RHA

Fig. 3. The result of the perforation of the ERAWA -2 reactive cassette with the use of the shaped charge jet of the warhead I: 1 - the crater entrance of the shaped charge jet into the ERAWA-2 cassette, 2 - the crater in RHA

The next warheads made in the HEIF firm were tested which were used in cassette ammunition. Fig. 4 shows the shaped charge warhead of the HEIF firm used to test the destruction of the ERAWA-2 cassettes. This warhead has a steel casing with the safety lock of the time fuse. The pull of the string causes the initiation of the delayer and after a several seconds it causes the initiation of the warhead. Table 2 presents the parameters of these warheads.


3 4 Fig. 4. The shaped charge warhead of the firm HEIF; 1 the string, 2 - the detonator, 3 - safety lock of the detonator, 4 - the shaped charge, 5 - the ballistic cap

Table 2. Parameters of warheads of the HEIF firm used in the tests Angle of Warhead diame- Kind of liner Kind No. o ter, d, mm material of explosive the liner, , 1 35 Cu 42 hexogen 2 42 Cu 42 hexogen 3 35 Cu 50 hexogen 4 34 Cu 42 hexogen

Explosive mass, m, g 28,5 36 24 43

The warheads, prepared as in Fig.5, were used in the tests. In this case the wooden holders were the elements which assure the suitable angle of penetration of the shaped charge jet into the cassette. The warheads were glued into the wooden holders and next the wooden holders were glued to the frontal plates of the ERAWA2 cassettes.
Fig. 5. Shaped charge warheads made in HEIF before the initiation; 1 the string, 2 - the detonator, 3 - protections of the detonator, 4 - the shaped charge in the wooden holder, 5 - the ERAWA-2 cassette

4 5 4 1 2 3 5

Following tests were carried out with the use of conical warheads initiated with the detonating fuse which was initiated with the ERG detonator. In these tests the polystyrene stands instead wooden stands were used (Fig. 6) to minimalize the influence of the casing on the detonative wave of the warhead. Similarly as casings, polystyrene stands assured the penetration of the shaped charge jet at an angle of =60 from normal to the surface of the cassette and they were glued to the cassettes, and the cassettes were placed on stands assuring the suitable stand off (focusing length) SO.
3 4 4 1 2 5 5 6 6 1 2

Fig. 6. Sets of warheads I to destruct the ERAWA-2 cassettes prepared to the initiation: 1 - the ERG electric fuse, 2 - the detonating fuse, 3 - the warhead of the HEIF firm, 4 - the polystyrene stand of the warhead, 5 - the ERAWA -2 reactive cassette, 6 - the polystyrene stand of the cassette


All warheads of the HEIF firm initiated the ERAWA-2 cassettes but did not cause the forming of the crater in RHA.

3. The warhead with the liner

In the next tests the warheads (Fig. 7) made by OII Department in Krupski Myn were used. The warheads contained 20 g octoflen. The liners were semi-spherical in shape with the thickness of 1 mm and with the mass of 13,714,9 g. They were made with the method of the pressing from the copper plate and their casings, as well as casings of warheads with conical liners, were made from the polyethylene. The test stand was the same as in Fig. 2.

1 Fig. 7. The warhead with the semi-sphere liner produced by OII the Department in Krupski Myn: 1 - the casing from the polyethylene, 2 - the copper semi-sphere liner, 3 - explosive

3 2

Jets of warheads with semi-sphere liners, similarly to warheads with conical liners produced by OII did not initiate the explosive in the ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2 cassettes. The jets of warheads pierced the cassettes hollowing craters in RHA with the depth of 725 mm.

4. The warhead with the liner of the W shape section

Next tests referred to warheads with liners of W shape section (Fig. 8a). These liners were made in the Department of Support of Designing, Producing and Exploitation of Military University of Technology [4]. The powder metallurgy technology and the precise machining were used to produce the liners with the diameter of 45 mm. Both kinds of reactive cassettes: ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2 were fired. Warheads were filled with the use of 27 g low-sensitive plastic explosive (LSPE), which measured detonation speed D = 7500 m/s and thicknesses =1.65 g/cm3. Filled warheads were checked with the use of X-ray apparatus (Fig. 8b) in order to eliminate micro-shrinkages, air bubbles and explosive heterogeneity.


a 1 3

b 1 4 2 3 Fig. 8. The warhead with the liner of W shape section: a - the section, b - the X-ray photograph, 1 - the duralumin casing, 2 - the liner, 3 - the explosive, 4 - the packing ring

Figures 9a and 9b present the way of preparing and setting of warheads on the stand. Two stand off values SO: 42 mm (Fig. 9.a) and 120 mm (Fig. 9b) were used. Explosive of warheads, because of its low sensibility was initiated with the use of the electric-training fuse and the PB-1 initiator. None of initiated warheads caused the detonation of the cassette and the perforation of its upper plate. The unformed jet caused only small cavities with traces of copper with the depth of 13 mm. The same cassettes, which were not destroyed, were used in next tests. Figures 9c and 9d present the test results, in which SO=42 mm, (the cassette in Fig. 9d was fired twice), and Fig. 9e - the test result, when SO =120 mm.
a b

Fig. 9. The efficiency test of the warhead of the W type: and, b - the warhead on the stand prepared to detonation, c, d, e -- traces on the upper plate of the ERAWA-2 cassette after the detonation of the warhead

Two tests were carried out with warheads (and with the same duralumin casings) in which the liners were turned 180o in cutting plane along the axis (the liner of M type became), and every warhead contained 85 g of LSPE (Fig. 10).


1 4 3 2

Fig. 10. The scheme of the warhead with the liner of the M type: 1 - the duralumin casing, 2 - the liner of the M type, 3 - explosive, 4 - the packing ring

Fig. 11. The warhead with the liner of the M type on the test stand

Two different results of the test were received. During the first test the ERAWA-1 cassette were destroyed mechanically. The jet from the liner and the detonation products following it caused the break of rivets holding the cover of the cassette and the throw out of explosive (without its detonation) outside the cassette. The penetration trace of the jet on the bottom surface of the cassette plate was also observed. The crater measurements were: 155 mm and the 3 mm depth. During the second test the ERAWA-1 cassette detonated (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. The result of the fire: a - the ERAWA-1 cassette destroyed mechanically, b - the trace on the RHA after the ERAWA-1 cassette detonation

5. The EFP warhead The test of the warhead with the EFP liner (Fig. 13a) was carried out. The warhead, similarly as warheads of the W type, consisted of the duralumin casing, the liner and the packing ring. The warhead contained 32 g of LSPE and it was checked with the use of X-ray apparatus (Fig. 13c) in order to eliminate micro-shrinkages, air bubbles and explosive heterogeneity.
a b 1 4 2 2 3 4 1 3

Fig. 13. The warhead EFP: a - the liner, b - the section, c - the X-ray photograph: 1 - the duralumin casing, 2 - the liner, 3 - LSPE, 4 - the packing ring


The warhead was initiated using the ERG electric fuse and the PB-1 initiator. The Fig. 14a and 14b present the warhead on the test stand prepared to detonation, and Fig. 14c shows the result of the test. The EFP projectile did not pierce the upper plate of the ERAWA-2 cassette and did not initiate the material inside it. The cavity depth in the upper plate of the cassette was 3 mm.
a b c

Fig. 14. The test of the EFP warhead efficiency: a, b - the warhead on the test stand prepared to initiation, c - the trace on the upper plate of the ERAWA-2 cassette after initiation of the warhead

6. Conclusions
On the basis of the investigations, which were carried out, the following conclusions can be stated: 1. Among shaped charge warheads with the conical or spherical liners, manufactured by Organic Industry Institute (OII) in Krupski Myn, the warhead I for tandem projectile, which will destroy ERAWA-1 and ERAWA-2 reactive cassettes mechanically, can be chosen. Shaped charge jets of warheads filled octoflen or hexoflen (1825 g) with the conical liners of 6090 did not initiate the detonation of explosive of the cassettes hollowing in the RHA (after the perforation of the cassette) the craters of the 20 mm average depth and with the sizes of entrance ~1020 mm. This crater can be too small for the warhead II jet which would not be able to run by it without the initiation of the cassette explosive. 2. Among warheads of shaped charge manufactured by the HEIF firm the warhead I to tandem projectile can be chosen and the warhead will initiate the explosive of the ERAWA -1 and ERAWA-2 reactive cassettes. In this case the special attention to correct choice of the delay time of the initiation of the warhead II should be paid in order this warhead should not to be destroyed with the plates of the cassettes, driven with the detonation products. 3. The tests of warheads with the liner of W type filled with 27 g of LSPE did not give satisfactory effects. During the detonation of the warhead the jet from the liner caused only shallow destructions on the surface of the ERAWA-1 cassette. Probably it is possible to obtain better results optimizing the shape of the casing and using greater mass of explosive of the warhead. 4. It is necessary to examine greater number of warheads with the liner of M type to qualify univocally the required mass of the explosive and obtain the initiation or the lack of initiation of the explosive of the ERAWA-1 cassette. 5. It seems to be perspective in tandem projectile to use the warhead, in which the jet and the detonation products, following it, will destroy the cassette without


causing the explosive initiation inside it, similarly as it took place during the test of the warhead with the liner of M type.


1. Kupidura Z., Kupidura P.: The shaped charge ammunition with multi-warheads. Military Technological Review and Logistic 2, 1997. 2. Janiszewski J., Kupidura P.: Research of shaped charges with not cone-shaped liners. The doctoral thesis, Military Technical University, 2000. 3. Winiewski A., Wodarczyk E., Kostrow R., Milewski E., Miszczak M., wierczyski R., Szymanowski J., Podgrzak P., Jarzemski J.: The work out of theoretical bases and technological constructions of the model of the two-warhead shaped charge projectile, intended to the deterioration of protected armours with reactive cassettes. The report of the research project No. 0 T00A 038 19, Military Institute of Armament Technology, Zielonka, 2003, not published. 4. Wodarczyk E. and other: The work out of the technology of the making of the W type liners and their precise turning out on the numeric machine tool. Military Technical University, 2004, not published. Badania prekursorw modelu tandemowego pocisku kumulacyjnego Streszczenie W artykule przedstawiono wyniki bada rnych prekursorw modelu tandemowego pocisku kumulacyjnego. Dotyczyy one prekursorw z wkadk psferyczn, stokow, o przekroju W i EFP. Gowice elaborowane byy heksogenem, heksoflenem, oktoflenem oraz niskowraliwym plastycznym materiaem wybuchowym (PMW). Sprawdzano zdolno niszczenia pancerza reaktywnego z uyciem tych gowic. Podczas bada obserwowano mechaniczne niszczenie kaset reaktywnych, detonacje kaset, a take zaledwie niewielkie lady uszkodzenia. Dokonano analizy moliwoci zastosowania testowanych gowic w pocisku tandemowym.


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