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How to Build Your Course in Moodle

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

This tutorial will show you the basic functions of how to add and edit content to build your course in Moodle. To add or alter activities or resources, you will need to turn editing on and off with a button on the upper right corner of the screen. When you click Turn editing on, this will change the look of the page slightly and you will be able to see a variety of editing icons next to all editable objects in your course.

Part I. Adding Content Weekly Outline < Edit Summary In the middle of the screen, under each Weekly Outline, you will find a small ) for Edit Summary. Edit summary will allow you to add a brief notepad icon ( description of the weekly activities in your course. A course in Moodle is created by adding resources and activities. In order to add or alter resources and activities under each week, you will find Add

How to Build Your Course in Moodle a resource and Add an activity. In each weekly outline box, two Add boxes will be shown.

[Add a resource]
Resources are content: information the instructor wants to bring into the course. These can be prepared files uploaded to the course; pages edited directly in Moodle; or external websites made to appear as part of the course.

1. click the Add a resource

2. Insert a label will allow you to embed instructions or information in the course section.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

3. Compose a text page

a. type the title (name area) and summary

type the title here

type the summary here

b. type the full text (Compose a text)

type the full text here

c. select whether or not the content will be shown in the same window or in a new window

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

d. click Save changes and display or save changes and return to course

e. click Update this resource if you found errors or would like to update the content you just uploaded

4. Compose a Web page- Creating a web page in Moodle works exactly the same as a creating text page. Please follow the previous steps to create a web page.

5. Link to a file or website You can also add resources in electronic form by using this menu.

a. Type the title of the message as shown above in compose a text or web page.

b. In order to link to a file, click Choose or upload a file

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

c. and then click Upload a file

d. browse for file you would like to upload from your local computer. e. select the file name you wish to upload and click open.

f. click Choose under Action. Then, the file will be shown in the Location box.

g. When youre done uploading your file, please click Save changes and display or Save changes and return to course and you will be able to view the file you just uploaded to your course.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle i. link to a website as your course resource, once again type the title of the message as shown above in compose a text or web page. Next, type the URL for your chosen website in the Location box. You can also search for the URL by clicking Search for web pages. When you have finished adding the URL, please click Save changes and display or Save changes and return to course and ensure the website is displaying properly.

6. Display a directory will let your students see all the files in your course and select a file themselves.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

[Add an activity]
Next, well show you how to add activities to your course. There are a number of interactive learning activities that you may add to your course. In this tutorial, we will focus on a few critical functions you need to build your online course: In this section well cover Assignments and Forums. (Additional activities will be introduced in Moodle tutorial sections 3 as part of your Education Online faculty orientation.)

1. Assignments allows the instructor to specify a task that requires students to prepare digital content and submit it by uploading it to the Moodle server. Typical assignments include essays, projects, reports and so on.

a. Advanced uploading of files- This activity is useful when you want your students to turn in multiple files (Word Document, Excel Files, etc) as an assignment.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

General Options
Assignment name is required, but can be anything you like. Description - is also required and describes the assignment. It has full formatting using the toolbar (bold, underline, images, etc.).

Grade you can set the grade in the given ranges (from 1-100) or leave it as default.

Available from lets you pick the date that your students will begin to have access to this assignment. Due Date - sets the date the assignment is due. Prevent late submissions - if set to Yes then students can submit their assignment after the Due Date. Otherwise they will not be able to submit a late assignment.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle

Advanced Options
Advanced uploading of files- this box lets you customize uploading file functions to your course. We recommend that until you are comfortable with Moodle you leave this setting on the default. Maximum size lets you choose the maximum size of the files which will be uploaded Allow deleting - If enabled, students may delete uploaded files at any time before grading. Maximum number of uploaded files This is the maximum number of files each student may upload. This number is not shown to students, so its best to write the actual number of requested files in the assignment description.

Allow notes - If enabled, students may enter notes into a text area. It is similar to an online text assignment. This text box can be used for communication with the grading person, assignment progress description or any other written activity. Hide description before available date - If enabled, assignment description is hidden before the opening date.

Email alerts to teachers- If enabled, teachers are alerted with a short email whenever students add or update an assignment submission.

How to Build Your Course in Moodle Common settings The last two settings are common to all activities. Just keep in mind that these options will always be available to you in any activity that you create: Group mode - The group mode for each activity can be one of three levels: - No groups - there are no sub-groups - Separate groups - each group can only see their own group, others are invisible - Visible groups - each group works within their own group, but can see other groups

Visible If set to show, students will see the assignment. If not, the assignment will be hidden. This is useful if you want to prepare an assignment in advance (like a pop-quiz).


How to Build Your Course in Moodle Note: 1. When you finish configuring your assignment, click save changes and display. The assignment will be shown.

2. When you finish configuring your assignment, click save changes and return to course. You will return to the course homepage.


How to Build Your Course in Moodle 2. Forums are the spaces where most discussions take place. Forums can be structured in different ways, and can include peer ratings of each posting. The postings can be viewed in a variety for formats, and can include attachments.

By subscribing to a forum, participants will receive copies of each new posting in their email. As an instructor, you have the option to select subscriptions for all of the students.


How to Build Your Course in Moodle Part II. Editing content This part will show you common settings to edit your course.

As common module settings in the weekly outline area, the open eye indicates that the resource is visible. If you click on the eye, the color of the eye will be faded. Then the resource will be invisible (to students).

shows only one week for students and will show all the weeks.


How to Build Your Course in Moodle The Red X is used to indicate the option to delete resources and activities (with a warning).

These arrows move things up and down, and left and right and can be used for indentions of the listed texts.

-this icon lets you update the current contents.


How to Build Your Course in Moodle ** Icon summary:

Icon Effect Edit/ Update item See all weeks/topics See one week/topic

Icon Effect faded/Hide item Open/Show Item Help

Icon Effect Delete/Remove Indent/shift left or right


Effect Move (up/down) Move here

There are other functions Moodle provides to assist you in building your course. If you would like to know more about the other functions not explained in this tutorial, please consult the Education Online Staff.


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