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CMA1 Dynamic Behavior of Vessels 2012 Assignments

Class 4Marof: nautical, offshore & dredging

NBO: 1/30/2012

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Contents. 1 Getting started with Octopus-Office. .................................................................. 3 2 Heave. .......................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Heave defined. ......................................................................................... 4 2.2 Added mass. ............................................................................................ 4 2.3 Heave period. .......................................................................................... 5 3 Rolling. ......................................................................................................... 6 4 Pitch. ............................................................................................................ 7 5 Rules for the Assignments................................................................................ 8 5.1 Report. ................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Language. ............................................................................................... 8 5.3 Formulae................................................................................................. 8 5.4 Graphs.................................................................................................... 8 5.5 Tables..................................................................................................... 8 5.6 Illustrations. ............................................................................................ 8 5.7 Originality. .............................................................................................. 8 5.8 Checklist. ................................................................................................ 9 6 Literature. ..................................................................................................... 9 Assignments Assignment 1: Project. ....................................................................................................................... 3 Assignment 2: Vessel specifications................................................................................................ 3 Assignment 3: Creating a Hydrodynamic database..................................................................... 3 Assignment 4: Using a Hydrodynamic database. ......................................................................... 4 Assignment 5: Heave as a restorative motion.............................................................................. 4 Assignment 6: Added mass............................................................................................................... 4 Assignment 7: Heave period............................................................................................................. 5 Assignment 8: Maximum acceleration. ........................................................................................... 5 Assignment 9: Righting moment. .................................................................................................... 6 Assignment 10: Angular acceleration. ............................................................................................ 6 Assignment 11: Radius of gyration (ROG)..................................................................................... 6 Assignment 12: Added mass and ROG. .......................................................................................... 6 Assignment 13: accelerations on deck load. ................................................................................. 6 Assignment 14: Natural pitching period......................................................................................... 7 Assignment 15: Pitching in head seas. ........................................................................................... 7 Assignment 16: Slamming. ............................................................................................................... 7

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Getting started with Octopus-Office.

For the assignments you will use the office version of the Octopus software developed by Amarcon. The software used is version 6.1.6, the manual is dated September 2010. Assignment 1: Project. Create a project in Octopus-Office. Use the following project name: CMA1D_2012_yourname. During these assignments you will use an existing vessel. This vessel should be a container vessel. Assignment 2: Vessel specifications. a. Find a suitable vessel and state the specifications of your vessel in an annex. You should include a technical drawing of your vessel in which you can measure distances. b. Define your vessel in the 2D Hull Modeller. Use an existing hull from the database and resize the vessel dimensions to your vessel. Assignment 3: Creating a Hydrodynamic database. a. Create a Compiled Hydrodynamic Database (CHDB) of your vessel. b. The CHDB uses the so called strip theory. Explain in your own words the essence of the strip theory and why it is used? c. You will be asked to define different drafts. Explain which drafts you chose, based on available information. Hint: in the menu Create CHDB-file you are asked to browse for a CHDB-file at the bottom of the page. Here you can give in a dummy file, e.g. test.chdb.

Figure 1: Input of CHDB-dummy file.

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Assignment 4: Using a Hydrodynamic database. Once you have entered all your vessels specifications you should be able to retrieve the hydrodynamic database for all kinds of calculations. The aim of this assignment is to retrieve your database and find general information of your vessel. a. Retrieve your CHDB. Be aware that the manual wants you to add a CHDB, which you can do by right clicking the at the top of the project tree. See the manual for details. b. Check the geometry of your vessel. c. Calculate the displacement of your vessel for this specific situation and check the results with your vessel specifications. 2 Heave. Ship movements can be divided in translations and rotations. Heave is a translation, and the first restorative motion you will deal with. 2.1 Heave defined.

Before the accelerations caused by the heave motion can be calculated, a description of the heave motion is necessary. Basically heave is a translation which can be described with a differential equation. Assignment 5: Heave as a restorative motion. a. Explain why heave is a restorative motion. b. A ship has a natural heave period. Which variables determine this period and why? Restorative motions are often compared with a mass-damper-spring (MDS) system. The equation is a so called Differential Equation (DE), which has a general form:
a x + b x + c x = d sin( t )
.. .

c. What is the specific DE for the heave motion and explain the coefficients. d. What changes in this DE if there is no dampening? Explain why. 2.2 Added mass.

The vertical movement of your vessel creates a so called added mass. In the assignment below you will look into the effect of added mass in the Heave motion. Assignment 6: Added mass. a. What is added mass? b. Calculate the access buoyancy of your vessel for a downward displacement of 1 m . Make clear what variables you use and why. c. d. e. f. g. What is the beam to draft ratio of your vessel? What is the meaning of this number in practice? What is virtual mass? Calculate the virtual mass for this situation. The heave motion generates forces on your cargo. What is the effect of the added mass on these forces.

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Heave period.
f = m a = m x k x m x+ k x = 0
.. ..

In the MDS-system with zero dampening, you could define the movement as:

A solution for this DE can be found to look at the vertical movement of the heave, which is in fact a sinusoid: x = A sin( t )
x = A cos( t ) x = A 2 sin( t )
.. .. .

It can be proved that the maximum acceleration is equal to: x = A 2 = A Assignment 7: Heave period.

k . m

a. Calculate the period of the DE: m x + k x = 0 . b. Which variables determine the period in the DE, and explain how these two variables influence the heave period? Based on this DE for a MDS-system it is possible to determine a formula for the natural heave period for a vessel. c. What is the formula for the natural heave period? Explain the influence of the variables. h. Calculate the heave period of your vessel. Assignment 8: Maximum acceleration. The acceleration of the vessel causes forces on the ships cargo. A good understanding of what causes higher accelerations is necessary for deck officers. a. Which variables cause higher accelerations due to heave movement? You should be able to calculate the accelerations in a simple way, in order to validate calculations by computers. One way to calculate the acceleration is by using: x = A 2 b. What is the meaning of the variables A and ? c. Explain how you determine A if you are at sea. d. It is not possible to measure . What can you measure instead? Explain how you calculate . e. Calculate the vertical acceleration due to heave for your vessel in a realistic situation.

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3 Rolling. Rolling is a restorative motion (rotation) in which the righting moment is approximately proportional to the inclined angle to the waterline for small angles. Assignment 9: Righting moment. a. Explain what causes the righting moment for rolling. b. Why is the righting moment approximately equal to the ships inclined angle for small angles? Rotations can be described by the following DE:
I + N + GM = M0 sin( t ) .
.. .

Assignment 10: Angular acceleration. a. Explain the variables in the DE.

.. g GM b. Prove that the angular acceleration is equal to: = . 2 R c. What happens to the angular acceleration if GM increases? d. What is the influence of the Radius of Gyration on the angular acceleration? e. How can you change your Radius of Gyration in order to diminish your angular acceleration?

Assignment 11: Radius of gyration (ROG). The radius of gyration of a cylinder approaches the ROG of a vessel. a. Prove that the ROG of a cylinder is equal to: R =
B2 = 0, 35 B . Explain your 8

steps. A vessel with cargo can be approximated with two cylinders. The cargo can be describes a solid cylinder and the ships hull as a hollow cylinder with a thin hull. 1 of the loaded mass. What is the ratio for hull and b. Assume that the hull is about 4 cargo masses? c. What is the combined ROG of ship and cargo? d. Calculate the ROG of your vessel for a specific load condition. Assignment 12: Added mass and ROG. A cylinder rolling in the water experiences almost no resistance. A box-shaped vessel though does experience resistance due to its shape. a. Explain why a rolling box-shaped hull with a beam to draft ratio of 2:1 experiences almost no added mass? As a rule of thumb increasing the solid mass ROG by 25% gives a good approximation for the added mass effect in a normal shaped hull. b. Calculate the rolling radius of gyration allowing for 25% added mass. c. Calculate the natural roll period based on this ROG. Assignment 13: accelerations on deck load. For this assignment you take a specific loading condition of your vessel. Calculate the natural roll period. a. Choose a specific deck load (on deck), which is as far as possible outward from the roll axis. Make a drawing of the situation. b. The Center of rotation is equal to the rolling axis of the cylinder approximating your vessel. Hint: use the ROG of assignment 11: ROG. c. What is the distance (range) from the rolling axis to the COG of the deck load? d. Calculate the accelerations on this deck load for a roll angle of 6 degrees.

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4 Pitch. Pitching contributes in a significant way to the accelerations on the bow and stern of a vessel. In order to calculate the accelerations you need the pitching amplitude and the pitching period of the vessel.
2 RLv The undamped pitching period is equal to: Tp = 2 g GML

in seconds. In this

equation RLv is the dynamic pitching radius of gyration and GML the longitudinal GM. Assignment 14: Natural pitching period. a. Determine the GML of your vessel. b. Determine the RLv of your vessel. c. Calculate the natural pitching period of your vessel. d. Assume your vessel to be a solid floating box. Calculate the natural pitching period of this floating box, with the same dimensions as your vessel. e. Comment the differences in pitching time. If your vessel is steaming into head seas, relatively heavy pitching can occur. This may lead to damage on the bow. Assignment 15: Pitching in head seas. a. What can be said about the wave period in relation to the ships length if the trim tends to follow quite close behind the wave profile? Explain why. b. In which situations the pitch motion can be quite violent, although the angular trim angles are relatively small? How do seafarers call this situation? c. What is slamming and when does it occur? Assignment 16: Slamming. Make a table (in Excel) in which you calculate the encountered wave period and height for ship speeds from 4 to maximum sea speed for your vessel.

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CMA1D 5 Rules for the Assignments.



These assignments are practical tasks about the DP theory in the lectures. You have to complete these tasks in order to pass this module. You write your assignments in an editor and collect them in a report. This report is hand them over as a *.pdf file by mail. 5.1 Report.

Your report is subject to a set of rules. This is done because you have to learn to work within a certain predefined approach to a problem. In your future jobs you will discover that shipping companies have their own style and formats. You will have to use them in order to communicate effectively within your company. The report should contain at least: o Short title. o Name, studentnumber and e-mail adres of the writers. o Date of writing. o Executive summary. o Page numbers. o Chapter and paragraph numbering. o Contents. o Notes and references to professional reading. o Appendices. Think thoroughly about the lay-out of your report. It will safe you a lot of time. Besides that the look of a report is increasingly important. 5.2 Language.

Your report will be written in English. 5.3 Formulae.

Calculations and formulae will be made with an equation editor. 5.4 Graphs.

Graphs should be numbered consecutively and go with a short title and a short description. Every graph has a description of the units along the axis. 5.5 Tables.

Tables should be numbered consecutively and go with a short title and a short description. 5.6 Illustrations.

Drawings, pictures, etc. should be referred to as figures and numbered using figure number 1, number 2. The first number is the chapter in which the figure can be found, the second number is the number of the picture in that chapter. The report should contain a numbered list with pictures. 5.7 Originality.

It is important that you write you own English. You will need this training in writing English, because you will most likely have to write English reports in future jobs. Copied text is allowed, but only quoted in cursive font and referring to the source using a footnote 1 . Your report can be checked on writing by other authors. Therefore you should present you final report digitally in *.pdf and *.doc.

Use footnotes to refer to the source.

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CMA1D 5.8 Checklist.



Before o o o o

you present your report go through the following checklist: Are your answers clear and understandable at a level of a senior DP officer? Is the report written in a logic and friendly lay-out? Did you tackle all points mentioned in the assignments? Did you use the equations editor where maths and calculations are involved?

6 Literature. [1] Clark, I.C., Ship dynamic for Mariners, (2005). The Nautical Institute. ISBN1 870077 68 7 [2] DP Lessons Learned from Transocean: DP Process Control. [3] OCTOPUS Office 6 User manual. Version 6.0.1 from September 2010. [4]

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