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: DATE: 5 Excellent Improvement 4 - Very Good TECHNIQUES Preparation 1. Check for: Which activities will be required while you are in the clients room to determine which personal protective equipment is required. Arranging for the care of your other clients, if necessary. If special handing is indicated for removal of any specimens or other materials from the room. Which supplies are present within the clients room and which must be brought with you. 2. Assemble equipment and supplies: Gown Mask Eyewear Clean gloves Proper Disposable Container Donning Procedure Jan Mae R. Lee SCORE:

Donning and Removing Personal Protective Equipment 3 Good 2- Fair 1 Needs 0 Not Done 5 4 3 2 1 0 Comments

3. Remove or secure all loose

items, such as nametags or jewellery. 4. Perform hand hygiene. 5. Apply cap to head, being sure to tuck hair under the cap.

6. Don Facemask. Locate the top

edge of the mask. The mask usually has a narrow metal strip along the edge. 7. Hold the mask by the top two

strings or loops. Place the upper edge of the mask over the bridge of the nose, and tie the upper ties at the back of the head or secure the loops around the ears. Secure the lower edge of the mask under the chin, and tie the lower ties at the nape of the neck. 8. Don protective eyewear 9. Pick up a clean gown, and allow it to unfold in front of you without allowing it to touch any area soiled with body substances. 10. Slide the arms and the hands through the sleeves. 11. Fasten the ties at the neck to keep the gown in place. Have a co-worker hold or tie the waist tie of your gown. 12. Put the hands inside the shoulders of the gown, and work the arms partway into the sleeves without touching the outside of the gown. 13. Open the sterile glove inside the sterile wrapper while the hands are still covered by the sleeves. 14. With the dominant hand, pick up the opposite glove with the thumb and index finger, handling it through the sleeve. 15. Lay the glove on the opposite gown cuff, thumb side down, with the glove opening pointed toward the fingers. Position the dominant hand palm upward inside the sleeve. 16. Use the nondominant hand to grasp the cuff of the glove through the gown cuff, and firmly anchor it. With the dominant hand working through its sleeve, grasp the upper side of the gloves cuff, and stretch it over the cuff of the gown. 17. Place the fingers of the gloved hand under the cuff of the remaining glove. Extend the fingers into the glove as you pull the glove up over the cuff. Removing Procedure 18. Remove the first glove by

grasping it on its palmar surface just below the cuff, taking care to touch only glove to glove. Pull the first glove completely off by inverting or rolling the glove inside out. 19. Continue to hold the inverted removed glove by the fingers of the remaining gloved hand. Place the first two fingers of the hand inside the cuff of the second glove while the hands are covered under the sleeves. 20. Pull the second glove off to the fingers by turning it inside out. This pulls the first glove inside the second glove. Continue to remove the gloves, which are now inside-out, and dispose of them in the refuse container. 21. Have a co-worker hold or tie the waist tie of your gown, remove the gown, making sure not touching the contained part. Fold and roll gown down in front into a ball, so contaminated area is rolled into the center of gown. 22. Remove the mask, Untie the top strings, and while holding the ties securely, remove the mask from the face or If side loops are present, lift the side loops up and away from the ears and face. Discard disposable mask in the waste container. 23. Remove Cap and Eyewear, Discard disposable cap in the waste container. 24. Don Handwashing TOTAL Actual Score _____________ X 100 = __________ Total Highest Score Students Signature : Instructors Signature : Date: Date:

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