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Connection Through Cuisine

The Miracle Of Spiritual Eating


INTRODUCTION The axiom, You are what you eat is only somewhat accurate. The real mystery and awesomeness lies beneath the spiritual intention of that all-too-famous phrase. In reality, You become One through what you eat. The concept of spiritual eating is one of the many subjects covered in detail within the pages of our upcoming new book, The Numerology Diet. While the concept of eating by the numbersliterallymay be new, bold, and exciting, the philosophy of spiritual eating can be traced back to the earliest human writings, as well as our most sacred traditions. The Essenes, a mystical sect of early Jewish spiritualists, believed that specific foods both connected and alienated you from God. Their traditions, passed down from sacred texts over generations, described specific foods to avoid, as well as foods that helped cleanse the soul. Before these holy texts were ever authored, Babylonian seers suggested that specific foods would not only heal the body physically, a fact most of us are keenly aware of today, but also restore us spiritually to the Divine. Likewise, the Rishis masters of India used food to induce spiritual guidance and accelerate healing. Those of us who live within the framework of eating for spiritual connection see miracles occur every single day of our lives. Unfortunately, we also see the pain and disconnect that occurs when one chooses to ignore the power of food and the relationship between the body and spirit. We see the onset of disease, the expulsion of energy and drive, and the aimlessness and apathy that a haphazard diet creates in the lives of countless millions. Today, we ask that you to meditate, as you read or listen to these words, upon your desire to connect to the Universe, the Infinite One, and your Highest Self. And, as you meditate, we ask you to consider one simple Universal Truth: The proper combination of foods is one of the most powerful ways of aligning you to your greatest purpose, as it connects you to The Source of All Light. THE DEATH OF DIETING As you meditate upon this truth, allow us to relieve you of the burden of dieting. Yes, we will be discussing the concept of eating specific foods to help you align with the vibration of the Universe. Yes, we will be covering foods you should consider avoiding. However, this is not dieting as you may have come to know it.

We firmly believe that the concept of prescribing one diet for everyone is the largest contributing factor to the abject failure of dieting, statistically speaking. Less than 5% of dieters, those who are following a rigid diet plan thats specific to an end purpose (like weight loss, for example) succeed for more than twelve weeks. Thats a 95% Universal rejection rate! Clearly, this approach is flawed at best, and destructive at worst. When we look beyond that twelve week mark, we find that long-term dietary success drops to less than 1%. Allow us to pose a simple question: Would you bet your life on something with less than a 1% chance of success? Of course not, you exclaim! My friend, unless you are eating spiritually, you are doing just that. The vast majority of disease is caused or exacerbated by poor nutrition habits. And, while spiritual eating will in fact lead you to a healthy, ideal body weight, what you truly desire is a connection to your Infinite Purpose. Thats what every human really wants, even if they are not consciously aware of it yet. Dieting, as we have come to understand the term, lets us down. Dieting fails us, and we often take on the guilt of that failure. The splendid news is that you can, and should, dismiss those feelings of guilt right now if you hold them. Forgive yourself for being tricked by the promises of a come hither diet. We admit, they can be seductiveand both Trent and I fell for them in the past. Fear not: Today you can release all guilt, fear, negativity, and feelings of disappointment as you embrace a far more powerful embodiment of dieting Spiritual Eating. EATING AS MEDITATION You are more than likely a highly evolved being. Most everyone who is interested in a topic such as this is already on the path to the greatest possible state of unity with the Universe. Therefore, we will assume as well that you understand the power of meditation. What you may not be aware of, however, is the awesome power of Meditative Meals. Meditative Meals is a concept Trent developed and will share in detail with the world in our upcoming book, The Numerology Diet. For you, and for now, we will cover the basics so you can begin your journey toward spiritual eating today. Meditative Meals allow you to powerfully achieve connection through cuisine. As you will soon discover in the sections ahead, eating according to your Numerological Path will easily solve the riddle of which foods you should consume, and which you should avoid. When our readers find out the foods that align them to Universal Vibration using The Numerology Diet principles, they are often surprised to discover the variety of foods they can and should consume. It is the furthest thing from a one-size-fits-all dietary approach, and weve already seen how that ideology is bound to let you down. However,

theres more to the picture than eating specific foods and avoiding othersyou must learn to think of eating as another form of meditation. Once you do this, eating will become far more of a conscious and Divine act, as opposed to a task, or simply fueling the machine. Your body is not a machine. Your body is a Divine Temple. You simply cannot fuel it as if you were putting gasoline in your car, which is exactly how the vast majority of us on Earth approach the Divine Union of Food and Spirit. We urge you to accept this as fact, and ask that you now embrace a higher ideal for your own journey to Universal Truth. In case youre curious, there is ample science to support the concept of Meditative Meals. One such study involved performing a simple breathing meditation five minutes before eating, and again five minutes after. Researchers at Temple University discovered that the subjects who combined this meditation with their meals produced 22% more alphaamylase, an enzyme that helps you break down both carbohydrates and B vitamins in your food. In short, their digestion improved significantly, and the nutrients consumed were assimilated more readily to avoid fat storage and promote greater energy. This technique of simple meditation, whether by breathing slowly in for a count of six, holding for a count of six, and exhaling for a count of six, or by chanting a mantra prior to meals, can result in superior energy levels, greater weight loss, and improved health. However, when combined with eating meditatively, these benefits radically increase. What do we mean by the phrase eating meditatively? The concept is both simple and elegant, as is the practical application. We ask that you consume your first ten bites of food in total silence. We discovered that requesting total silence during meals, while improving ones spiritual connection, impeded family connection time. We were able to reduce the time to ten simple bites, while still achieving the goal of eating meditatively. During these ten silent bites, chew your food twenty times before swallowing. During this period of mastication, repeat this phrase in your mind: Divine One, I thank youI love youI see you. I ask that through this food I be connected to You, and to my Ideal Self. Picture each bite and each swallow as light entering your Temple, and as a gift to the God or Goddess that is your Ideal Self, given from the Source of All. This simple starter technique, combined with pre and post-meal meditation for ten total minutes, will result in a life-altering experience, as well as giving you a burst of the most amazing energy imaginable.

EATING BY THE NUMBERS Now that youve seen the benefits of spiritual eating, lets close our discussion, for the moment, by exploring Numerology as the foundation for your spiritual eating journey. As we have already covered, there are numerous spiritual paths guided by food that have existed for millennia. We wish to honor each of these paths fully, and we thank The Source for their enlightenment over the ages. That said, Trent and I believe the most accurate, easy, and expedient method of achieving spirituality through the use of food, and all the body benefits it gives, comes to you through applying the art and science of Numerology. Numerology allows you to know specifically the foods you should consume, the foods you should avoid, and exactly how your Life Path reacts to specific dietary strategies. Believe it or not, everyone on earth is not meant to be a vegan, a vegetarian, or a meateater. Well-intentioned people who espouse these wonderful systems of eating for everyone are erring on the side of dogma, as well as violating some of Numerologys proven strategies for optimizing your connection to The Source and the highest Universal Vibration possible. Also, using the principles of Numerology allows you to enjoy far greater diversity in the foods you consume. When you combine the spiritual aspects of growth and Divinity with the practical aspects of enjoyment and flexibility, you have the ideal nutrition plan! We designed The Numerology Diet for individuals, both male and female, and of all ages, who wanted a greater connection to Source and to their Divine Self. So, imagine our amazement when simply eating by the numbers, as we lovingly refer to it, produced other amazing results, such as: Weight loss, or achieving your ideal weight Greater health and energy Relief from chronic illness Increased sexual drive and appetite Renewed enthusiasm for your life Markedly increased mental functions And more! We realized that alignment to Universal Vibration was more quickly achieved when consuming what we refer to as High Vibe Foods. These are foods that ideally align with your Life Path. Yes, thats rightfoods have specific Numerological values! Once this alignment occurs, the body naturally corrects itself and restores itself back to your most ideal state of being. That means optimal health, ideal weight, and Source-fed energy. This Special Report is far too short to go into the details of The Numerology Diet, but fear not: Just for accepting this report as a gift, you have been placed on the notify immediately list. That means you will be the first to gain access to The Numerology Diet

when it debuts! And, as our gift to you, we will be granting you a substantial discount from our retail off-the-shelf price as well. Trent and I look forward to sharing all the amazing benefits of The Numerology Diet with you very soon. Until then, please apply our Connection Through Cuisine tips to your daily path. We know that you will experience an immediate boost in energy, connection, and joy. Namaste! Melissa Madigan Trent Tyler Creators of The Numerology Diet

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