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November 2008

IOP Executive Election Voter Information Guide

(ordered by office and last name)

President and Vice-President

Mary Cox and Jon Gould 1
Tejas Sathian and Elsa 2

Sarah Hinkfuss 3
Andrew McCarthy 4
Will Ruben 5
Tarun Singh 6

Communications Director
Amy Beeson 7
Tarun Singh 6

With election-related questions or concerns, please

don’t hesitate to contact
The IOP has changed both our lives. It’s a place where we’ve met friends and mentors,
discovered new interests, and been inspired to try to make a difference through politics.
We’re running because we believe we have the ideas, energy, and experience to ensure
that everyone has these opportunities and more.
Please feel free to e-mail us with any questions! MaryCox@fas and Gould@fas
We will be your advocates for ideas that excite and inspire We will improve opportunities for IOPers to engage with
you. We will listen to your thoughts and work to come up each other socially and substantively across programs. We
with exciting ideas of our own. Key initiatives include: understand that the greatest resource at the IOP is the
students, and will work to capitalize on this through:
•A Washington J-Term leadership program anticipating the
new University calendar •A new IOP Member-at-Large designation to empower
•IOP TV, an online program non-chairs and create an IOP community beyond
featuring interviews and individual programs
student punditry •A greater variety of
•Active partnerships with IOP-wide social events
policy makers, media such as mixers, pub
outlets, and others in trivia, and movie nights
Washington •Improved collaboration
between IOP Programs
•Expanded opportunities
for internships and careers on projects which share
in public service common ground


We will work to bridge the We will lead an open and
divide between political collaborative executive
action and community team that works to bring
service through: the IOP community
together and include
•Reinvigorated IOP Days all IOP members in the
of Service to bring us together in a way that only shared organization’s leadership. We will:
actions toward a common goal can
•Be present and visible, making ourselves available to
•A student Director of Service to act as an ambassador to students across the IOP
PBHA and the Harvard service community at large.
•Host IOP-wide general meetings that foster community
• A culture that values service programs (CIVICS, and encourage a sense of common purpose
Citizenship, and CAC) and better integrates them into the
IOP, in particular merging service with policy dialogue and •Better communication through a Google calendar with all
advocacy IOP events and a weekly student newsletter

“I’ve worked with Mary and “The only people “I know Mary and Jon very
Jon and seen the great work I love more than well and have always been
they have done at the IOP. the tourists able to count on them to get
They always work to ensure everyone’s taking my picture are something done. I look forward to
voices are heard, regardless of political Jon and Mary!” watching them improve the IOP.”
persuasion.” - HRC Pres. Colin Motley - John Harvard - Dems Pres. Jarret Zafran


Tejas Sathian and Elsa Paparemborde
President and Vice-President
We want to make the IOP a place where you can engage in
and practice politics and public service, not just learn about
them. After two and a half years at the IOP, we believe that
with a pragmatic and creative approach, we can make these
goals a reality over the coming year.

Tapping into the IOP Network

We plan to formalize and strengthen the IOP’s network of students, alumni, and former Fellows and
Directors. We believe that sustained dialogue with these constituencies will allow us to more effectively
pursue the IOP’s fundamental goals and build a stronger sense of community by fostering lasting ties to
the organization. We will:
• Build a database of IOP contacts that is accessible and searchable online
• Expand on current mentoring efforts by matching students with alumni mentors

Improving student access to public service internships and careers

Following on the heels of a historic presidential campaign, now is a crucial time to increase the number
of students who enter the public sector during and after their time at Harvard. We plan to:
• Reach out to alumni and past fellows to set up more summer and term-time internship
opportunities for IOP students
• Push for hiring a new IOP staff member to assist with career advising
• Use the new IOP network as a resource for career advising

Expanding the IOP’s presence in Washington, DC

The IOP has an incredible array of connections in our nation’s capital. It’s time we started utilizing
them more effectively. We will:
• Formalize and restructure the summer program so that activities more effectively complement
the internship experience
• Work to institute an IOP program in Washington during the new January term and involve
students in structuring and planning this new initiative
• Collaborate with College administrators to discuss the possibility of a term-time program in

Fostering more effective campus and community advocacy

We will expand the IOP’s efforts to engage students with political issues affecting the campus and local
community. We envision an IOP that helps groups, both on and off campus, translate community
engagement into politics and ideas into actions. We will:
• Assist political groups on campus with advocacy efforts
• Collaborate with service organizations on community service projects

Making the IOP a nationwide hub for student political engagement

We intend to further develop the IOP’s national programs to more effectively export our successes
here to our partner schools across the country. We will:
• Host nationwide conferences on issues that impact young people
• Improve dialogue with political organizations at other college campuses
What’s the COLOR of Money?

$$$$ iiss G
N The IOP Treasurer sits on the Hi guys,
GRANTS Board, the body
charged with distributing the money that I use the ‘color of money’
the IOP has designated for other groups. motif to express my vision
As Treasurer, I would expand current for the role of the IOP
publicity efforts by engaging in a financial Treasurer within the
DIALOGUE with other organizations Executive Team. Money
before, during and after the grant process. because it’s what the
I would work with staff to make in-kind Treasurer is associated
assistance a SYSTEMATIC consideration. with; colors because I
envision the role as more
than what may meet the
$$$$ iiss C
ONN I envision the IOP as an
organization that is
recognized for meaningfully contributing
Don’t take me at my word:
to the undergraduate community and that
look to the IOP Forum
reflects the DIVERSITY, inclusiveness and
Program, the place where I
PASSION of the student body. The IOP
have spent most of my
can welcome those students who are
time, and talk with the
currently only in service, pre-professional
students and staff with
and cultural and racial groups by
whom I’ve worked. Ask me
articulating a CONSISTENT and CLEAR
about my experience.
message. As Treasurer, I would build on
the RELATIONSHIPS that I have
If my ideas have caught
developed with leaders of undergraduate
your eye, or if you think I’m
organizations as Forum Chair.
crazy, please get in touch
$$$$ iiss R
D,, W
TEE,, aanndd B
UEE so we can continue this
The IOP Treasurer has the most
flexibility of the Executive Team to Looking forward to hearing
LEVERAGE RESOURCES to support from you!
program chairs and participants with:
• Day-to-day activities, Best,
• Events, and Sarah
• Long-term goals. hinkfuss@fas

I’m Sarah Hinkfuss.

I seek your support in becoming the next IOP Treasurer.
Andrew J. McCarthy for IOP Treasurer

Hey everyone! I’m Andrew McCarthy and I’m currently the co-chair of the CIVICS Program. The IOP has
been an integral part of my life for the past two years and I am deeply committed to serving the
organization as Treasurer. The IOP is a phenomenal organization and I intend to help it reach its maximum
potential as Treasurer. I promise I’m a nice guy, despite the fact that I look like a giant tool in my photo—
that “no, really, don’t you think I belong on Entourage?” look is totally a joke.
My plans as Treasurer include:

Publicizing the IOP’s Activities and Available Resources

• Meeting with student group leaders to publicize the IOP grant
application process
• Finalizing a financial aid program for students whose financial needs
prevent them from participating in IOP programs
• Taking careful notes at SAC meetings and making the minutes
available to the IOP at large
• Finding a long-term solution to funding IOP Parties
• Advocating for student political groups in need of IOP funding
• Reviewing monthly expense reports and working closely with IOP Staff and SAC members to allocate
the student budget
• Making expense reimbursement forms available online

Developing a Term-Time Internships Program in the Boston Area

• Working with local and state-level governmental institutions to create term-time internships for
Harvard undergraduates
• Giving Harvard students real experience in government and public service during the semester while
engaging them in community issues

Fostering a Stronger Relationship between the IOP and PBHA

• Developing internship opportunities with the institutions with which PBHA programs work
• Working closely with IOP-PBHA liaisons to develop events among both organizations’ programs
• I have considerable experience with PBHA as current chair of the only joint IOP-PBHA program

Creating a More Cohesive IOP Community

• The Treasurer is the de facto Fun Czar of the IOP—I will work to create a variety of social events
which build community within the IOP such as IOP-wide Pub Trivia Nights, inter-program
competitive events, and the IOP = Iota Omicron Pi Toga Party
• Retaining IOP members who participate in high turnover programs (e.g., Fellows and Study Groups
and the Forum) by reaching out to them in January and encouraging their interest in other programs
• Organizing staff-student luncheons twice a semester

Expanding the IOP’s Presence in the Harvard Community

• Organizing small programs for those with a casual interest in politics who want to learn more about
politics and issues—for example dinner discussions with faculty or IOP fellows in dining halls
• Holding events such as lectures and workshops in the Houses
• FELLOWS PROGRAM – I am a three-time liaison and have been on the
Fellows Selection Committee all of my semesters at Harvard.
• SPECIAL EVENTS – Currently on SPEV. Helped to organized the Election
101 Pizza and Politics series and am currently working on the Campaign
Managers Conference website. DC Trip 2008 participant.
• CAMPUS VOICES – Helped with issue-coverage of the election and reported
from the Republican and Democratic National Conventions.
• INTERNSHIPS – Received an IOP stipend freshman year and was an
“employer” for IOP stipend recipients last summer.
• HPR & NATIONAL CAMPAIGN – Have written for the HPR and was
involved in H-Vote my freshman year.


• In charge of the committee that interviews and
recommends applicants for the IOP Fellowship.
• Actively involved in the recruiting process for IOP Fellows,
including soliciting recommendations from other student
groups – groups that I would work with as Treasurer.
• Work closely with the IOP staff, including Bill Purcell and
Cathy McLaughlin.

• A MORE ACCESSIBLE GRANTS PROCESS – I will move the application
truly online (not just downloadable) and therefore will be able to make it
much more accessible on the IOP’s website. I will hold information
sessions and send email reminders about the process.
I will be more proactive in reaching out to student groups and campus
leaders who are good candidates for IOP grants.
social events and continue to seek funding for those that have been
• A VALUABLE VOICE ON THE EXECUTIVE TEAM – I will continue to attend
the meetings of many IOP programs and will serve as their liaison to the
Executive Team. I will take my role on the Executive Team seriously and
look forward to working with the IOP staff and the new President and Vice
President – whomever is elected.
• AND MORE…Feel free to email me at
Like many of you who will be voting in the upcoming IOP SAC elections, the IOP has meant a great deal
to me, and frankly, it was the reason why I chose Harvard over other schools. The IOP has played a
significant role in my Harvard experience, as I’m sure it has in yours, and that’s why I am running for
treasurer, in order to improve on that experience to accentuate the IOP’s role as the central hub of all
things political.

To make this goal possible, my agenda would focus on three major categories:
Improving Financial Policies
Being treasurer I would expand the Grants process by which student organizations can get funding for
events that promote a better understanding of politics and public service. It is unfortunate that so many
student organizations are unaware of this process by which they can get funding from the IOP. Further, I
would do a better job of making it known that the IOP is funding events such as the Dems and
Republicans’ trips during campaign season- this type of funding exemplifies what the IOP is about and
students should associate the IOP with such programs. Further, being the current chair of Internships I
have seen the program expand from 40 Director’s Internships to 50 and have seen the funding expand to
$4,000 for each Director’s Internship. While I am excited to welcome this expansion, as treasurer I would
try to ensure that Internship and Stipend funding accounts for the cost of living differences in different
areas. $4000 goes a lot further in New Mexico than New York and the IOP’s policies ought to account for
that in order to make it easier for students to spend the summer enjoying their internship.

Improving the IOP Environment

Too often students associate the IOP as being a group of elitist individuals who lack approachability and
as an institution that is hard to get involved in. This is a particularly salient concern when speaking to
freshman whose involvement at the IOP dies down as the year progresses. However, there are a few
things that can be done to eliminate this image, which is for the most part, over-exaggerated. As treasurer
I would continue the current SAC team’s policies of holding more social events such as parties, but would
also expand the events to include more low-key events such as IOP outings in the Boston area, the IOP
movie nights, and ice cream socials. I also feel that the mentorship program started by the current SAC
executive team ought to be expanded to include more events throughout the year. Other simple changes
which such as an online feedback form, inviting visiting Professors to special study groups, taking
advantage of MIT and BU resources would help make the IOP experience that much better. I also feel it
would be helpful to expand on working with other student groups, as internships chair I was able to get
the Democrats and Republicans to share internship information with the IOP. As such, I would push for a
program in which one or two student groups were invited to at least 1 SAC meeting a semester to discuss
how the IOP can collaborate with them. I feel that these simple changes would add to the moral of the
IOP student body and help greatly with freshman retention.

Student Staff Relationships

Having worked with the staff as a forum lead, forum usher, citizenship tutor, and internships chair, I am
convinced that the staff at the IOP is what makes this place as valuable as it is. Being on the SAC exec
team I would set aside time for each program to meet with its staff member, outside of the IOP, whether it
be a picnic or some other outing to foster a better staff student relationship. I would also promote staff-
student activities such as softball games and basketball games, so both students and staff can take time off
from the Harvard environment and just get to know each other better. I feel this would help relieve some
stress and tension as well as provide the IOP with some well needed bonding time. This would help
students understand the staff on a more personal level and thus help get beyond the simple worker/student
relationship that sometimes makes the interaction seem too mundane.

These are just a few of the policies that I would implement if I had the privilege to serve as a part the
SAC exec team, and I look forward to any feedback that any of you have,
Tarun (You can always email me at
communications director
If elected to serve as your Communications Director, I will:

Be proactive in outreach to pre-frosh, freshmen and potential

new members throughout the year, presenting the IOP as a unified
organization of varied programs with a strong, shared mission, a
wealth of resources, and a wide range of approaches to facilitating
engagement in politics and public service.

Keep you up-to-date with one comprehensive list of what’s going

on at the IOP in any given week.

Work to improve internal communication and cohesion at the

IOP, and actively explore possibilities for greater collaboration
between programs.

Engage with other student groups at Harvard that could enrich

the IOP and stand to benefit from collaboration, especially campus
political groups and service organizations such as PBHA.

Be a voice on the Exec Team for bridging the gap between

community service and public service, enhancing the IOP’s own
sense of community, and continually expanding opportunities for
student involvement, drawing on my past involvement in diverse
IOP programs (Citizenship Tutoring, Fellows and Study Groups,
and National Campaign).

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