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LECTURE MATERIAL 1. Definition of anatomy. Types of anatomy. 2. Methods and principles of anatomical investigation. 3. Major periods of development of anatomy.

Outstanding antique medics. 4. Outstanding medieval anatomists. 5. Contribution of N.I.Pirogov and P.F. Lesgaft to anatomy and medicine. 6. Representatives of Ukranian anatomical schools (Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv). 7. Representatives of Crimean anatomical school. 8. Axes, planes, and lines of human body. 9. Topographical regions of human body. 10. Human age periodization. 11. Anomalies of development: aetiology, classifications. 12. Functions of skeleton. Classification of bones. Parts of skeleton. 13. Anatomical and histological structure of bone. 14. Osteogenesis (pre- and postnatal). Growth of bone. Bone remodeling. Osteoporosis. Anomalies of bones. 15. Phylo- and ontogenesis of skull. Anomalies of skull. 16. Types of skull. Age-related and sexual differences. Methods of cranial examination. 17. Methods of skeletal examination. 18. X-ray of skull. 19. X-ray of bones of upper limb. 20. X-ray of bones of lower limb. 21. X-ray of bones of trunk. 22. Classification of uninterrupted articulations. 23. Classification of interrupted articulations by structure and function. 24. Structure of synovial joint. Obligate and accessory structures. 25. Ontogenesis of muscles. Anomalies of muscles. Age-related features. Types of muscular tissue. 26. Classification of muscles. Muscle as an organ. The work of muscles. 27. Types of constitution, their characteristic. OSTEOLOGY 1. Structure of typical vertebra. 2. Distinctive features of cervical and lumbar vertebrae. 3. Structure of first and second cervical vertebrae. 4. Distinctive features of thoracic vertebrae. 5. Structure of sacrum. 6. Structure of sternum. 7. Classification of ribs. Features of XI and XII ribs. 8. Structure of rib. 9. Features of structure of I rib. 10. Structure of clavicle. 11. Structure of scapula. 12. Structure of humerus. 13. Structure of ulna. 14. Structure of radius. 15. Parts of hand. Structure of bones of hand. 16. Name and show all tubercles on bones of upper limb. 17. Name and show all processes on bones of upper limb. 18. Name and show all grooves and fossa on bones of upper limb. 19. Name and show articular surfaces on clavicle, scapula, and humerus. 20. Name and show articular surfaces on bones of forearm.

21. Structure of ilium. 22. Structure of ischium and pubic bone. 23. Structure of femur. 24. Structure of tibia. 25. Structure of fibula and patella. 26. Parts of foot. Structure of calcaneus. 27. Parts of foot. Structure of talus. 28. Structure of distal tarsal, metatarsal bones, phalanges of toes. 29. Name and show all lines of bones of lower limb. 30. Name and show articular surfaces on hip bone and femur. 31. Name and show articular surfaces on bones of leg. 32. Name and show articular surfaces on bones of foot. CRANIOLOGY 1. Parts of skull. Bones of each part. 2. Structure of occipital bone. 3. Parts of sphenoid bone. Structure of body and lesser wings. 4. Parts of sphenoid bone. Structure of greater wings and pterygoid process. 5. Parts of temporal bone. Structure of squamous and tympanic parts. 6. Parts of temporal bone. Structure of petrous part. 7. Canals of temporal bone. 8. Tympanic cavity. 9. Structure of parietal bone. 10. Structure of frontal bone. 11. Structure of ethmoid bone. 12. Parts of maxilla. Structure of body. 13. Parts of maxilla. Structure of processes. 14. Small bones of facial skull. 15. Structure of palatine and zygomatic bones. 16. Structure of mandible. 17. Structure of orbital walls. 18. Communications of orbit. 19. Temporal and infratemporal fossae. Borders and communications. 20. Pterygo-palatine fossa. Walls and communications. 21. Structure of skull cap. 22. Structure of hard palate. 23. Structure of middle and posterior compartment of external cranial base. 24. Borders, walls, and communications of anterior cranial fossa. 25. Borders, walls, and communications of middle cranial fossa. 26. Borders, walls, and communications of posterior cranial fossa. 27. Structure of walls of nasal cavity. 28. Communications of nasal cavity. Paranasal sinuses, their communications with nasal cavity. 29. Name and show grooves of dura matter sinuses. 30. Name and show which articulate with occipital bone, maxilla. 31. Name and show which articulate with temporal and lacrimal bones. 32. Name and show which articulate with sphenoid and nasal bones. 33. Name and show which articulate with parietal and palatine bones. 34. Name and show which articulate with ethmoid and zygomatic bones. 35. Name and show which articulate with vomer and inferior nasal concha. 36. Name and show foramina of cranial base. 37. Name and show canals of skull. 38. Name and show fossa and fissures of skull.

39. Name and show tubers and notches of skull. ARTHROSYNDESMOLOGY 1. Uninterrupted connections of vertebral column. 2. Connections of vertebral bodies. 3. Connections of vertebral processes. 4. Atlanto-occipital joint. 5. Connections between first and second cervical vertebrae. 6. Connections of ribs with sternum. Classification of ribs. 7. Connections of ribs with vertebrae. 8. Thoracic cage as a whole. Shapes of thoracic cage. 9. Vertebral column as a whole: parts, curvatures, movements. 10. Uninterrupted connections of cranial bones. 11. Temporo-mandibular joint. 12. Connections of bones of shoulder girdle. 13. Shoulder joint. 14. Elbow joint. 15. Radio-carpal joint. 16. Characteristic of joints of hand. 17. Carpo-metacarpal joint of thumb. 18. Ilio-sacral joint. 19. Uninterrupted and semiinterrupted connections of pelvis. 20. Structure of pelvis: parts, walls, apertures. 21. Measurements of female pelvis. Axis of pelvis. Inclination of pelvis. 22. Structure of hip joint. 23. Functional characteristic of hip joint. 24. Knee joint: articular surfaces, attachment of capsule, intraarticular elements. Auxillary elements of knee joint. 25. Ligaments of knee joint and its functional characteristic. 26. Ankle joint. 27. Characteristic of joints of foot. 28. Foot as a whole: arches, tightenings. MYOLOGY 1. Classification of muscles of the back. Fascias of the back. 2. Superficial muscles of the back. Lumbar triangle. 3. Deep muscles of the back. 4. Classification of muscles of the chest, their function. 5. Superficial muscles of the chest. 6. Deep muscles of the chest. Fascias of the chest. 8. Diaphragm. Weak points of diaphragm. 9. Muscles of abdomen. Prelum abdominale. Arcuate line. Linea alba. 10. Topographic regions of anterior abdominal wall. Rectus abdominis muscle sheath. 11. Inguinal canal. Straight and oblique inguinal hernia. 12. Classification of muscles of the neck. Regions of the neck. 13. Superficial muscles of the neck. Triangles of anterior cervical region. 14. Middle muscles of the neck. Triangles of lateral cervical region. 15. Deep muscles of the neck. Spatium antescalenum and interscalenum. 16. Cervical fascias. Interfascial spaces of the neck. 17. Muscles of mastication. 18. Classification of muscles of facial expression. Their peculiarities.

19. Muscles of the skull cap, the circumorbital and nasal muscles. 20. Muscles around the mouth. 21. Classification of muscles of shoulder girdle. Triangles of anterior axillary wall. 22. Posterior muscles of shoulder girdle. Openings of posterior axillary wall. 23. Classification of muscles of arm. Anterior muscles of arm. Bicipital grooves. Humeromuscular canal. 24. Classification of muscles of arm. Posterior muscles of arm. Walls of axillary cavity. 25. Classification of muscles of forearm. 26. Anterior muscles of forearm. Grooves of forearm. 27. Posterior muscles of forearm. Cubital fossa. 28. Classification of muscles of hand. 29. Osteo-fibrous canals of wrist. Their contents. 30. Fascias of upper limb and tendon sheaths. 31. Classification of muscles of pelvic girdle, their functions. 32. Anterior muscles of pelvic girdle. Lacuna musculorum and vasorum. 33. Posterior muscles of pelvic girdle. Obturator canal, supra- and infrapiriform foramina. 34. Classification of muscles of thigh, their functions. 35. Anterior muscles of thigh. Femoral triangle. Femoral canal. 36. Posterior muscles of thigh, their function. 37. Medial muscles of thigh. Adductor canal. 38. Popliteal fossa, pes anserinus profundus and superficialis. 39. Classification of muscles of leg, their function. 40. Anterior and lateral muscles of leg. Canals of leg. 41. Posterior muscles of leg, their topographic formations. 42. Classification of muscles of foot, their function. Grooves of foot. 43. Fascias of lower limb. INTEGRATIVE QUESTIONS 1. Functional characteristic of temporo-mandibular joint and muscles providing movements in it. 2. Functional characteristic of atlanto-occipital joint and muscles providing movements in it. 3. Functional characteristic of atlanto-axial joints and muscles providing movements in them. 4. Functional characteristic of shoulder joint and muscles providing movements in it. 5. Functional characteristic of elbow joint and muscles providing movements in it. 6. Functional characteristic of radio-carpal joint and muscles providing movements in it. 7. Functional characteristic of joints of fingers and muscles providing movements in them. 8. Functional characteristic of carpo-metacarpal joint of thumb and muscles providing movements in it. 9. Functional characteristic of hip joint and muscles providing movements in it. 10. Functional characteristic of knee joint and muscles providing movements in it. 11. Functional characteristic of ankle joint and muscles providing movements in it. 12. Functional characteristic of joints of toes and muscles providing movements in them. 13. Functional characteristic of costo-vertebral joints and muscles of expiration. 14. Functional characteristic of connections between ribs and sternum and muscles of inspiration. 15. Movements of vertebral column and muscles providing them. 16. Functional characteristic of sterno-clavicular and acromio-clavicular joints and muscles providing movements of bones of shoulder girdle.

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