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General Assembl

Governor's Bill No. 24
Februar Session, 2012

LCO N. 1


Referred to Committee on Education

Introduced b:


Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembl convened:
Section 1. Section 10-262f of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is
substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
Whenever used in this section and sections 10-262h to 10-262j, inclusive, as amended b this act:
(1)"Adjusted equalied net grand list" means the equalied net grand list of a town multiplied b its income
adjustment factor.
(2)"Base aid ratio" means one minus the ratio of a town's wealth to the state guaranteed wealth level, provided
(A) for the fiscal ears ending June 30, 2008, to June 30, 2012, inclusive, no town's aid ratio shall be less than
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nine one-hundredths, except Ior towns which rank Irom one to twenty when all towns are ranked in descending
order Irom one to one hundred sixty-nine based on the ratio oI the number oI children below poverty to the
number oI children age Iive to seventeen, inclusive, the town's aid ratio shall not be less than thirteen one-
hundredths when based on data used to determine the grants pursuant to section 10-262h, as amended by this
act, Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2008, and (B) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and each Iiscal
year thereaIter, no town's aid ratio shall be less than zero, except Ior towns designated as a conditional Iunding
district, the town's aid ratio shall not be less than twenty one-hundredths.
(3) "Income adjustment Iactor" means the average oI a town's per capita income divided by the per capita
income oI the town with the highest per capita income in the state and a town's median household income divided
by the median household income oI the town with the highest median household income in the state.
(4) "Median household income" Ior each town means (A) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2012, that
enumerated in the most recent Iederal decennial census oI population or that enumerated in the current
population report series issued by the United States Department oI Commerce, Bureau oI the Census, whichever
is more recent and available on January Iirst oI the Iiscal year two years prior to the Iiscal year in which payment
is to be made pursuant to section 10-262i, as amended by this act, and (B) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30,
2013, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, that enumerated by the Department oI Economic and Community
Development available on July Iirst oI the Iiscal year prior to the Iiscal year in which the grant is to be paid, such
number to be certiIied and submitted annually by the Commissioner oI Economic and Community Development
to the Commissioner oI Education on or beIore August Iirst oI the Iiscal year prior to the Iiscal year in which the
grant is to be paid.
(5) "Supplemental aid Iactor" means Ior each town the average oI its percentage oI children eligible under the
temporary Iamily assistance program and its grant mastery percentage.
(6) "Percentage oI children eligible under the temporary Iamily assistance program" means the town's number oI
children under the temporary Iamily assistance program divided by the number oI children age Iive to seventeen,
inclusive, in the town.
(7) "Average mastery percentage" means Ior each school year the average oI the three most recent mastery
percentages available on December Iirst oI the school year.
(8) "Equalized net grand list", Ior purposes oI calculating the amount oI grant to which any town is entitled in
accordance with section 10-262h, as amended by this act, means the average oI the net grand lists oI the town
upon which taxes were levied Ior the general expenses oI the town two, three and Iour years prior to the Iiscal
year in which such grant is to be paid, provided such net grand lists are equalized in accordance with section 10-
(9) "Foundation" means (A) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1990, three thousand nine hundred eighteen
dollars, (B) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1991, Iour thousand one hundred ninety-two dollars, (C) Ior the
Iiscal year ending June 30, 1992, Iour thousand Iour hundred eighty-six dollars, (D) Ior the Iiscal years ending
June 30, 1993, June 30, 1994, and June 30, 1995, Iour thousand eight hundred dollars, (E) Ior the Iiscal years
ending June 30, 1996, June 30, 1997, and June 30, 1998, Iive thousand seven hundred eleven dollars, (F) Ior
the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1999, Iive thousand seven hundred seventy-Iive dollars, (G) Ior the Iiscal years
ending June 30, 2000, to June 30, 2007, inclusive, Iive thousand eight hundred ninety-one dollars, [and (H) Ior
the Iiscal years ending June 30, 2008, to June 30, [2013 2012, inclusive, nine thousand six hundred eighty-
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seven dollars, and (I) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, twelve thousand
(10)"Number oI children age Iive to seventeen, inclusive" means that enumerated in the most recent Iederal
decennial census oI population or enumerated in the current population report series issued by the United States
Department oI Commerce, Bureau oI the Census, whichever is more recent and available on January Iirst oI the
Iiscal year two years prior to the Iiscal year in which payment is to be made pursuant to section 10-262i, as
amended by this act.
(11)"Supplemental aid ratio" means .04 times the supplemental aid Iactor oI a town divided by the highest
supplemental aid Iactor when all towns are ranked Irom low to high, provided any town whose percentage oI
children eligible under the temporary Iamily assistance program exceeds twenty-Iive shall have a supplemental aid
ratio oI .04.
(12)"Grant mastery percentage" means (A) Ior the school year ending June 30, 1989, average mastery
percentage, and (B) Ior the school years ending June 30, 1990, through the school year ending June 30, 1995,
the average mastery percentage plus the mastery improvement bonus, and (C) Ior each school year thereaIter,
the average mastery percentage.
(13)"Mastery count" oI a town means Ior each school year the grant mastery percentage oI the town multiplied
by the number oI resident students.
(14)"Mastery improvement bonus" means Ior each school year through the school year ending June 30, 1995,
seventy-Iive per cent oI the diIIerence between (A) the grant mastery percentage Ior the previous school year,
and (B) the average mastery percentage Ior the school year, but not less than zero.
(15)"Mastery percentage" oI a town Ior any school year means, using the mastery test data oI record Ior the
examination administered in such year, the number obtained by dividing (A) the total number oI valid tests with
scores below the state-wide standard Ior remedial assistance as determined by the Department oI Education in
each subject oI the examinations pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) oI subsection (a) oI section 10-14n taken
by resident students, by (B) the total number oI such valid tests taken by such students.
(16)"Mastery test data oI record" means (A) Ior any examination administered prior to the 2005-2006 school
year, the data oI record on the April thirtieth subsequent to the administration oI the examinations pursuant to
subdivisions (1) and (2) oI subsection (a) oI section 10-14n, except that school districts may, not later than the
March Iirst Iollowing the administration oI an examination, Iile a request with the Department oI Education Ior an
adjustment oI the mastery test data Irom such examination, and (B) Ior examinations administered in the 2005-
2006 school year and each school year thereaIter, the data oI record on the December thirty-Iirst subsequent to
the administration oI the examinations pursuant to subdivisions (1) and (2) oI subsection (c) oI section 10-14n, or
such data adjusted by the Department oI Education pursuant to a request by a local or regional board oI
education Ior an adjustment oI the mastery test data Irom such examination Iiled with the department not later
than the November thirtieth Iollowing the administration oI the examination.
(17)"Number oI children under the temporary Iamily assistance program" means the number obtained by adding
together the unduplicated aggregate number oI children Iive to eighteen years oI age eligible to receive beneIits
under the temporary Iamily assistance program or its predecessor Iederal program, as appropriate, in October
and May oI each Iiscal year, and dividing by two, such number to be certiIied and submitted annually, no later
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ha he fi da f J f he cceedig fica ea, he Ciie f Edcai b he Ciie f
Scia Seice.
(18)"Pe caia ice" f each ea ha eeaed i he ece fedea deceia ce f
ai ha eeaed i he ce ai e eie ied b he Uied Sae Deae f
Cece, Bea f he Ce, hichee i e ece ad aaiabe Jaa fi f he fica ea
ea i he fica ea i hich ae i be ade a eci 10-262i, a aeded b hi
(19)"Regia b" ea, f a hich i a ebe f a egia ch diic ad ha de h
aed ch egia ch diic, a a ea e hded da f each ch de eed i he
egia ch diic Ocbe fi he f ch da iediae ecedig ch dae f he ch
ea i he fica ea i hich he ga i be aid iied b he ai f he be f gade,
idegae gade ee, icie, i he egia ch diic hiee.
(20)"Rega ga eedie" ea (A) a ce edcaia eedie e (B) eedie f
(i) ecia edcai ga a beci (h) f eci 10-76f, (ii) i aai eigibe f
eibee a eci 10-266, (iii) ad ad caia bidig eedie, ad eie
heie ed b a ae ga a chae 173, icdig deb eice, (i) heah eice f
bic ch chide, () ad edcai, (C) eedie diec aibabe (i) ae ga eceied
b behaf f ch diic ece ga f he caegie f eedie ied i baagah (B)(i)
(B)(), icie, f hi bdiii ad ece ga eceied a eci 10-262i, a aeded b
hi ac, ad eci 10-262c f he geea ae, eii f 1958, eied Jaa 1, 1987, ad ece
ga eceied a chae 173, (ii) fedea ga eceied b behaf f ch diic ece f
ad edcai ad fedea iac aid, ad (iii) ecei f he eai f chid ii eice ad de
aciiie eice, (D) eedie f fd f iae ad he ce, ad (E) ii eceied acc
f eide de. The f Wdc a icde a a f he ce eee f i bic
ch f each ch ea he a eeded f ce eee i ha ea b Wdc Acade
f ice f i ede fd ecei f aid acade f a ceified aee f ch ce
eee. The f Wichee a icde a a f he ce eee f i bic ch f each
ch ea he a eeded f ce eee i ha ea b he Gibe Sch f ice f i
ede fd ecei f aid ch f a ceified aee f ch ce eee.
(21)"Rega ga eedie e eed de" ea, i a ea, he ega ga eedie f a
f ch ea diided b he be f a eed de i he f ch ch ea, ided f
hich ae ebe f a idegae gade ee, icie, egia ch diic ad f ch
egia ch diic, "ega ga eedie e eed de" ea, i a ea, he ega ga
eedie f ch egia ch diic diided b he f he be f a eed de i a ch
ebe .
(22)"Reide de" ea he be f i f he eed i bic ch a he eee f he
Ocbe fi he f ch da iediae ecedig ch dae, ided he be ha be
deceaed b he Deae f Edcai f faie c ih he ii f eci 10-16 ad ha
be iceaed b e e-hded-eighieh f each f-ie eiae ch da i he ch ea
iediae ecedig ch dae f a ea fie h f aca ch i ece f e hded eigh da
ad ie hded h f aca ch ad be iceaed b he f-ie eiae be f ch i
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attending the summer sessions immediately preceding such date at the expense oI the town; "enrolled" shall
include pupils who are scheduled Ior vacation on the above date and who are expected to return to school as
scheduled. Pupils participating in the program established pursuant to section 10-266aa shall be counted in
accordance with the provisions oI subsection (h) oI section 10-266aa.
(23) "Schools" means nursery schools, kindergarten and grades one to twelve, inclusive.
(24) "State guaranteed wealth level" means (A) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1990, 1.8335 times the town
wealth oI the town with the median wealth as calculated using the data oI record on December Iirst oI the Iiscal
year prior to the year in which the grant is to be paid pursuant to section 10-262i, as amended by this act, (B)
Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 1991, and 1992, 1.6651 times the town wealth oI the town with such median
wealth, (C) Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 1993, June 30, 1994, and June 30, 1995, 1.5361 times the town
wealth oI the town with the median wealth, (D) Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 1996, to June 30, 2007,
inclusive, 1.55 times the town wealth oI the town with the median wealth, and (E) Ior the Iiscal year ending June
30, 2008, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, 1.75 times the town wealth oI the town with the median wealth.
(25) "Total need students" means the sum oI (A) the number oI resident students oI the town Ior the school year,
(B) (i) Ior any school year commencing prior to July 1, 1998, one-quarter the number oI children under the
temporary Iamily assistance program Ior the prior Iiscal year, and (ii) Ior the school years commencing July 1,
1998, to July 1, 2006, inclusive, one-quarter the number oI children under the temporary Iamily assistance
program Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1997, (C) Ior school years commencing July 1, 1995, to July 1,
2006, inclusive, one-quarter oI the mastery count Ior the school year, (D) Ior school years commencing July 1,
1995, to July 1, 2006, inclusive, ten per cent oI the number oI eligible children, as deIined in subdivision (1) oI
section 10-17e, Ior whom the board oI education is not required to provide a program pursuant to section 10-
17I, (E) Ior the school [year years commencing July 1, 2007, [and each school year thereaIter, to July 1, 2011,
inclusive, IiIteen per cent oI the number oI eligible students, as deIined in subdivision (1) oI section 10-17e, Ior
whom the board oI education is not required to provide a program pursuant to section 10-17I, [and (F) Ior the
school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year thereaIter, IiIteen per cent oI the number oI eligible
students, as deIined in subdivision (1) oI section 10-17e, (G) Ior the school [year years commencing July 1,
2007, [and each school year thereaIter to July 1, 2011, inclusive, thirty-three per cent oI the number oI children
below the level oI poverty, and (H) Ior the school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year
thereaIter, thirty-three per cent oI the number oI children in poverty.
(26) "Town wealth" means the average oI a town's adjusted equalized net grand list divided by its total need
students Ior the Iiscal year prior to the year in which the grant is to be paid and its adjusted equalized net grand
list divided by its population.
(27) "Population" oI a town means that enumerated in the most recent Iederal decennial census oI population or
that enumerated in the current population report series issued by the United States Department oI Commerce,
Bureau oI the Census available on January Iirst oI the Iiscal year two years prior to the Iiscal year in which a
grant is to be paid, whichever is most recent; except that any town whose enumerated population residing in state
and Iederal institutions within such town and attributed to such town by the census exceeds Iorty per cent oI such
"population" shall have its population adjusted as Iollows: Persons who are incarcerated or in custodial situations,
including, but not limited to jails, prisons, hospitals or training schools or persons who reside in dormitory
Iacilities in schools, colleges, universities or on military bases shall not be counted in the "population" oI a town.
(28) "Base revenue" Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1995, means the sum oI the grant entitlements Ior the
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fica ea edig Je 30, 1995, f a a eci 10-262h, a aeded b hi ac, ad beci
(a) f eci 10-76g, icdig i ia hae, baed ee, f he eee aid a
eci 10-76g, he egia diic f hich he i a ebe, ad f each fica ea heeafe ea
he a f each ' eiee a eci 10-262h, a aeded b hi ac, i i dei
ee, a deeied a bdiii (6) f beci (a) f eci 10-262h, a aeded b hi
ac, ece ha f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003, each ' eiee ha be deeied ih
ig he adje ade he ei ea' ga a baagah (M) f bdiii (6) f
beci (a) f eci 10-262h, a aeded b hi ac, ece ha f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2004,
each ' eiee ha be deeied ih ig he adje ade he ei ea' ga
a baagah (N) f bdiii (6) f beci (a) f eci 10-262h, a aeded b hi ac.
(29)"Dei" ea he ai f a diided b he ae ie f a .
(30)"Dei aid ai" ea he dc f (A) he dei f a diided b he dei f he i he
ae ih he highe dei, ad (B) .006273.
(31)"Mae ga iee c" ea he dc f (A) he diffeece beee he eceage f
ae-ide ae eaiai ce, a bdiii (1) ad (2) f beci (a) f eci 10-14,
a abe he ae ga ee f he ece ceed ch ea ad he eceage f ch ce
f he i ch ea, ad (B) he eide de f he , e, hichee i geae.
(32)"Tage aid" ea he f (A) he dc f a ' bae aid ai, he fdai ee ad he '
a eed de f he fica ea i he ea i hich he ga i be aid, (B) he dc f a
' eea aid ai, he fdai ee ad he f he i f i a eed de c
decibed i baagah (B) ad (C) f bdiii (25) f hi eci f he fica ea i he fica
ea i hich he ga i be aid, ad he adje i eide de c decibed i bdiii
(22) f hi eci eaie egh f ch ea ad e ch ei, ad (C) he ' egia
(33)"F fded ga" ea he f (A) he dc f a ' bae aid ai, he fdai ee ad
he ' a eed de f he fica ea i he ea i hich he ga i be aid, ad (B) he
' egia b.
(34)"Nbe f chide be he ee f e" ea he be f chide, age fie eeee,
icie, i faiie i e, a deeied de Pa A f Tie I f he N Chid Lef Behid Ac, P.L. 107-
110. The c f ebe f egia ch diic ha be he f ' iiia deeiai
de Tie I ad he iae hae f he egia diic deeiai baed ebe ee i he
egia diic.
(35)"Ce ga eedie" ea (A) a ce edcaia eedie e (B) eedie f
(i) ad ad caia bidig eedie, ad eie heie ed b a ae ga a
chae 173, icdig deb eice, (ii) heah eice f bic ch chide, ad (iii) ad edcai,
(C) eedie diec aibabe (i) ae ga eceied b behaf f ch diic ece ga
f he caegie f eedie ied i baagah (B)(i) (B)(iii), icie, f hi bdiii ad
ece ga eceied a eci 10-262i, a aeded b hi ac, ad eci 10-262c f he geea
ae, eii f 1958, eied Jaa 1, 1987, ad ece ga eceied a chae 173, (ii)
fedea ga eceied b behaf f ch diic ece f ad edcai ad fedea iac aid, ad
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(iii) receipts Irom the operation oI child nutrition services and student activities services, (D) expenditures oI
Iunds Irom private and other sources, and (E) tuition received on account oI nonresident students. The town oI
Woodstock may include as part oI the current expenses oI its public schools Ior each school year the amount
expended Ior current expenses in that year by Woodstock Academy Irom income Irom its endowment Iunds
upon receipt Irom said academy oI a certiIied statement oI such current expenses. The town oI Winchester may
include as part oI the current expenses oI its public school Ior each school year the amount expended Ior current
expenses in that year by the Gilbert School Irom income Irom its endowment Iunds upon receipt Irom said school
oI a certiIied statement oI such current expenses.
(36)"Current program expenditures per resident student" means, in any year, the current program expenditures
oI a town Ior such year divided by the number oI resident students in the town Ior such school year.
(37)"Base aid" means (A) Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 2008, and June 30, 2009, the amount oI the grant
pursuant to section 10-262h, as amended by this act, that a town was eligible to receive Ior the Iiscal year ending
June 30, 2007, and (B) Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, the amount oI
the grant pursuant to subsection (d) oI section 10-262h, as amended by this act, that a town was eligible to
receive Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2012.
(38) "Number oI children in poverty" means the number oI children, ages Iive to seventeen, inclusive, in Iamilies
whose incomes are at or below one hundred eighty-Iive per cent oI the Iederal poverty level, such number to be
certiIied and submitted annually by the Commissioner oI Social Services to the Commissioner oI Education, on
or beIore July Iirst oI the Iollowing Iiscal year.
(39) "District perIormance index" means the number obtained when using the mastery test data oI record by (A)
weighting the perIormance in each subject area as Iollows: (i) Zero Ior below basic, (ii) twenty-Iive per cent Ior
basic, (iii) IiIty per cent Ior proIicient, (iv) seventy-Iive per cent Ior goal, and (v) one hundred per cent Ior
advanced, and (B) adding such results and dividing by the number oI subject areas.
(40) "Conditional Iunding district" means a school district that is in a town that is among the towns with the lowest
district perIormance indexes. For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, the number oI conditional Iunding districts
shall not exceed thirty school districts. Any school district designated as a conditional Iunding district shall be so
designated Ior a period oI Iive years, except the Commissioner oI Education may remove such designation Irom
a school district prior to July Iirst oI the Iiscal year Iollowing a determination by the commissioner that such
school district is in violation oI the provisions oI subdivision (7) oI subsection (g) oI section 10-262i, as amended
by this act. On or beIore June 30, 2016, the Department oI Education shall determine iI there are any additional
conditional Iunding districts.
(41) "Local Iunding percentage" means that Ior the Iiscal year two years prior to the Iiscal year in which the grant
is to be paid pursuant to section 10-262i, as amended by this act, the number obtained by dividing (A) total
current educational expenditures less (i) expenditures Ior (I) land and capital building expenditures, and
equipment otherwise supported by a state grant pursuant to chapter 173, including debt service, (II) health
services Ior nonpublic school children, and (III) adult education, (ii) expenditures directly attributable to (I) state
grants received by or on behalI oI school districts, except those grants Ior the categories oI expenditures
described in subparagraphs (A)(i)(I) to (A)(i)(III), inclusive, oI this subdivision, and except grants received
pursuant to chapter 173, (II) Iederal grants received by or on behalI oI local or regional boards oI education,
except those grants Ior adult education and Iederal impact aid, and (III) receipts Irom the operation oI child
nutrition services and student activities services, (iii) expenditures oI Iunds Irom private and other sources, and
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(i) ii eceied acc f eide de, b (B) a ce edcaia eedie e
eedie f (i) ad ad caia bidig eedie, ad eie heie ed b a ae ga
a chae 173, icdig deb eice, (ii) heah eice f bic ch chide, ad (iii) ad
(42) "Mii ca fdig eceage" ea (A) f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, e e ce,
(B) f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2014, e- ad e-haf e ce, (C) f he fica ea edig
Je 30, 2015, e-fie e ce, ad (D) f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2016, ad each fica ea
heeafe, hi e ce.
Sec. 2. Sbdiii (6) f beci (a) f eci 10-262h f he 2012 ee he geea ae i
eeaed ad he fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(6)F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1996, ad each fica ea heeafe, a ga i a a ea he
a f i age aid a decibed i bdiii (32) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, ece ha
ch a ha be caed i accdace ih he fig: (A) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1996,
Je 30, 1997, Je 30, 1998, ad Je 30, 1999, f each , he ai eceage iceae e i
ei ea' bae eee ha be he dc f fie e ce ad he ai f he eah f he aed
e hded fif-hid he a ae aed i decedig de each ' eah, ided
ha eceie a iceae geae ha fie e ce. (B) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2000, Je 30, 2001,
Je 30, 2002, Je 30, 2003, ad Je 30, 2004, f each , he ai eceage iceae e i
ei ea' bae eee ha be he dc f i e ce ad he ai f he eah f he aed
e hded fif-hid he a ae aed i decedig de each ' eah, ided
ha eceie a iceae geae ha i e ce. (C) N ch ca ha be ed f he fica ea edig Je
30, 2005, a fica ea heeafe. (D) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1996, f each , he
ai eceage edci f i ei ea' bae eee ha be ea he dc f hee e
ce ad he ai f each ' eah he eah f he aed eeeeh he a ae aed
i decedig de, ided ' ga ha be edced b e ha hee e ce. (E) F he fica
ea edig Je 30, 1997, Je 30, 1998, ad Je 30, 1999, f each , he ai eceage
edci f i ei ea' bae eee ha be ea he dc f fie e ce ad he ai f each
' eah he eah f he aed eeeeh he a ae aed i decedig de,
ided ' ga ha be edced b e ha fie e ce. (F) F he fica ea edig Je 30,
2000, ad each fica ea heeafe, ' ga ha be e ha he ga i eceied f he i fica
ea. (G) F each fica ea i he fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, ece f he fica ea edig Je
30, 2004, i addii he a deeied a hi bdiii, a ha be eigibe f a dei
ee if he dei f he i geae ha he aeage dei f a i he ae. The dei
ee ha be deeied b iig he dei aid ai f he b he fdai ee ad he
' a eed de f he i fica ea ided, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2000, ad each
fica ea heeafe, ' dei ee ha be e ha he dei ee ch eceied
f he i fica ea. (H) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1997, he ga deeied i accdace ih
hi bdiii f a aed e f- he a ae aed i decedig de accdig
eah ha be fhe edced b e ad -hdedh f a e ce ad ch ga f a he
ha be fhe edced b fif-i-hdedh f a e ce. (I) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1998, ad
each fica ea heeafe, he ch diic i a ii ch diic ha eceie a ga a
hi bdiii i a a ha i e ha he a eceied de ch ga f he i fica ea. (J)
F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2000, ad each fica ea hgh he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003,
9/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
he ch diic i a ii ch diic ha eceie a ga a hi bdiii ha
ide a a f aid e eide de ha i e ha he a f aid e eide de ided
de he ga eceied f he i fica ea. (K) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 1998, ad each fica
ea heeafe, he ch diic i a ii ch diic ha eceie a ga a hi
bdiii i a a ha i e ha ee e ce f he f (i) he dc f a ' bae aid ai,
he fdai ee ad he ' a eed de f he fica ea i he ea i hich he ga i
be aid, (ii) he dc f a ' eea aid ai, he fdai ee ad he f he i f i
a eed de c decibed i baagah (B) ad (C) f bdiii (25) f eci 10-262f, a
aeded b hi ac, f he fica ea i he fica ea i hich he ga i be aid, ad he
adje i eide de c decibed i bdiii (22) f aid eci 10-262f, a aeded b
hi ac, eaie egh f ch ea ad e ch ei, ad (iii) he ' egia b. (L) F
he fica ea edig Je 30, 2000, ad each fica ea heeafe, he ch diic i a
aiia ch diic ha eceie a ga a hi bdiii i a a ha i e ha f e
ce f he f (i) he dc f a ' bae aid ai, he fdai ee ad he ' a eed
de f he fica ea i he fica ea i hich he ga i be aid, (ii) he dc f a '
eea aid ai, he fdai ee ad he f he i f i a eed de c decibed
i baagah (B) ad (C) f bdiii (25) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, f he fica ea
i he fica ea i hich he ga i be aid, ad he adje i eide de c decibed
i bdiii (22) f aid eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, eaie egh f ch ea ad e
ch ei, ad (iii) he ' egia b. (M) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2002, (i) each
he age aid i caed a hi bdiii ha eceie a ga ha icde a aa hae f
e-fie ii da baed he diffeece beee i age aid ad he a f he ga deeied
ih he ca, ad (ii) a ha eceie a ga ha i a ea 1.68 e ce geae ha he ga he
eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2001. (N) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003, (i) each
he age aid i caed a hi bdiii ha eceie a aa hae f fif ii da baed
he diffeece beee i age aid ad he a f he ga deeied ih he ca, ad (ii) each
ha eceie a ga ha i a ea 1.2 e ce e ha i bae eee, a defied i bdiii (28) f
eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac. (O) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003, each ha eceie a
ga ha i a ea ea he ga i eceied f he i fica ea. (P) F he fica ea edig Je 30,
2004, (i) each he age aid i caed a hi bdiii ha eceie a ga ha icde a
aa hae f fif ii da baed he diffeece beee i age aid ad he a f he ga
deeied ih he ca, (ii) each ' ga icdig he ca ee ha be edced b hee e ce,
(iii) he f Bidge, Hafd ad Ne Hae ha each eceie a ga ha i ea he ga ch
eceied f he i fica ea e ii da, (i) he decibed i cae (i) f hi
baagah ha eceie a ga ha icde a aa hae f hee ii da baed he ae
aa bai a ed i aid cae (i), () he ch diic ae ii ch diic a
beci (a) f eci 10-266, a aeded b hi ac, aiia ch diic a eci 10-
263c h ae eigibe f ga de eci 10-276a 10-263d f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2002,
Je 30, 2004, icie, ha eceie ga ha ae a ea ea he ga he eceied f he i
fica ea, (i) eceiig fd de cae (iii) f hi baagah ha eceie a aa hae f
a eaiig fd baed hei ga deeied de hi baagah. (Q) F he fica ea edig Je
30, 2005, (i) ha eceie a ga a hi baagah i a a ha i e ha i e
ce f he a deeied a he ei baagah f hi bdiii, (ii) ihadig he
ii f baagah (B) f hi bdiii, each ha eceie a ga ha i ea he a he
eceied f he i fica ea iceaed b e-hee ad e-ee hdedh e ce f he
10/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
diffeece beee he ga a cacaed a hi bdiii ad he a he eceied f
he i fica ea, (iii) he ch diic i a ii ch diic a beci (a) f
eci 10-266, a aeded b hi ac, ha eceie a ga a hi bdiii ha i e ha hee
hded ee da e eide de, ad (i) each ha eceie a ga ha i a ea he geae f
he a f he ga i eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003, he a f he ga i eceied
f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2004, iceaed b ee-eh e ce, ece ha he f Wichee
ha eceie e ha i fied eiee f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003. (R) Nihadig he
ii f hi bdiii, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2006, ad Je 30, 2007, each ha
eceie a ga ha i ea he a f he ga he eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2005,
iceaed b e ce he a ecified i eci 33 f bic ac 05-245, ided f he fica
ea edig Je 30, 2007, ha eceie a ga i a a ha i e ha i e ce f he
a f i age aid a decibed i bdiii (32) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac. (S) F he
fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, a ga i a a ea he f (i) he ' bae aid, ad (ii)
eeee ad hi-e e-hdedh e ce f he diffeece beee he ' f fded ga a
decibed i bdiii (33) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, ad i bae aid, ece ha ch e
ce ha be adjed f a ha ha eceie a ga ha i e ha he a f he ga
he eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2007, iceaed b f ad f-eh e ce. (T) F
he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, a ga i a a ea he f (i) he ' bae aid, ad (ii)
e- ad e-hdedh e ce f he diffeece beee he f fded ga a decibed i
aid bdiii (33) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, ad i bae aid, ece ha ch e ce ha
be adjed f a ha ha eceie a ga ha i e ha he a f he ga he
eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, iceaed b f ad f-eh e ce. (U) F he fica
ea edig Je 30, 2013, a ga i a a ea he f (i) he ' bae aid, ad (ii) e ad
f-e e-hdedh e ce f he diffeece beee he f fded ga a decibed i aid
bdiii (33) f eci 10-262f , a aeded b hi ac, ad i bae aid, ece ha f cdiia fdig
diic, a ga i a a ea he f (I) he ' bae aid, ad (II) ad f-ee e-
hdedh e ce f he diffeece beee he f fded ga a decibed i aid bdiii (33) f
eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, ad i bae aid, ided ha f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013,
ha eceie a ga ha i e ha he a f he ga eceied f he fica ea edig Je 30,
Sec. 3. Sbeci (d) f eci 10-262h f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(d) (1) Nihadig he ii f hi eci, f he fica [ea ea edig Je 30, 2012, [ad Je
30, 2013, each ha eceie a eaiai aid ga i a a ided f i bdiii (2) f hi
(2) Eaiai aid ga a.
T1 T Ga f Fica Yea [Ga f Fica Yea

2012 [2013
11/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T4 Andover 2,330,856 [2,330,856
T5 Ansonia 15,031,668 [15,031,668
T6 Ashford 3,896,069 [3,896,069
T7 Avon 1,232,688 [1,232,688
T8 Barkhamsted 1,615,872 [1,615,872
T9 Beacon Falls 4,044,804 [4,044,804
T10 Berlin 6,169,410 [6,169,410
T11 Bethan 2,030,845 [2,030,845
T12 Bethel 8,157,837 [8,157,837
T13 Bethlehem 1,318,171 [1,318,171
T14 Bloomfield 5,410,345 [5,410,345
T15 Bolton 3,015,660 [3,015,660
T16 Borah 1,229,255 [1,229,255
T17 Branford 1,759,095 [1,759,095
T18 Bridgeport 164,195,344 [164,195,344
T19 Bridgewater 137,292 [137,292
12/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T20 Bristol 41,657,314 [41,657,314
T21 Brookfield 1,530,693 [1,530,693
T22 Brookln 6,978,295 [6,978,295
T23 Burlington 4,295,578 [4,295,578
T24 Canaan 207,146 [207,146
T25 Canterbur 4,733,625 [4,733,625
T26 Canton 3,348,790 [3,348,790
T27 Chaplin 1,880,888 [1,880,888
T28 Cheshire 9,298,837 [9,298,837
T29 Chester 665,733 [665,733
T30 Clinton 6,465,651 [6,465,651
T31 Colchester 13,547,231 [13,547,231
T32 Colebrook 495,044 [495,044
T33 Columbia 2,550,037 [2,550,037
T34 Cornwall 85,322 [85,322
T35 Coventr 8,845,691 [8,845,691
13/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T36 Cromwell 4,313,692 [4,313,692
T37 Danbur 22,857,956 [22,857,956
T38 Darien 1,616,006 [1,616,006
T39 Deep River 1,687,351 [1,687,351
T40 Derb 6,865,689 [6,865,689
T41 Durham 3,954,812 [3,954,812
T42 Eastford 1,109,873 [1,109,873
T43 East Granb 1,301,142 [1,301,142
T44 East Haddam 3,718,223 [3,718,223
T45 East Hampton 7,595,720 [7,595,720
T46 East Hartford 41,710,817 [41,710,817
T47 East Haven 18,764,125 [18,764,125
T48 East Lme 7,100,611 [7,100,611
T49 Easton 593,868 [593,868
T50 East Windsor 5,482,135 [5,482,135
T51 Ellington 9,504,917 [9,504,917
14/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T52 Enfield 28,380,144 [28,380,144
T53 Esse 389,697 [389,697
T54 Fairfield 3,590,008 [3,590,008
T55 Farmington 1,611,013 [1,611,013
T56 Franklin 941,077 [941,077
T57 Glastonbur 6,201,152 [6,201,152
T58 Goshen 218,188 [218,188
T59 Granb 5,394,276 [5,394,276
T60 Greenich 3,418,642 [3,418,642
T61 Grisold 10,735,024 [10,735,024
T62 Groton 25,374,989 [25,374,989
T63 Guilford 3,058,981 [3,058,981
T64 Haddam 1,728,610 [1,728,610
T65 Hamden 23,030,761 [23,030,761
T66 Hampton 1,337,582 [1,337,582
T67 Hartford 187,974,890 [187,974,890
T68 Hartland 1,350,837 [1,350,837
15/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T69 Harwinton 2,728,401 [2,728,401
T70 Hebron 6,872,931 [6,872,931
T71 Kent 167,342 [167,342
T72 Killingl 15,245,633 [15,245,633
T73 Killingworth 2,227,467 [2,227,467
T74 Lebanon 5,467,634 [5,467,634
T75 Ledard 12,030,465 [12,030,465
T76 Lisbon 3,899,238 [3,899,238
T77 Litchfield 1,479,851 [1,479,851
T78 Lme 145,556 [145,556
T79 Madison 1,576,061 [1,576,061
T80 Manchester 30,619,100 [30,619,100
T81 Mansfield 10,070,677 [10,070,677
T82 Marlborough 3,124,421 [3,124,421
T83 Meriden 53,783,711 [53,783,711
T84 Middlebur 684,186 [684,186
16/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T85 Middlefield 2,100,239 [2,100,239
T86 Middleon 16,652,386 [16,652,386
T87 Milfod 10,728,519 [10,728,519
T88 Monoe 6,572,118 [6,572,118
T89 Monille 12,549,431 [12,549,431
T90 Moi 657,975 [657,975
T91 Nagack 29,211,401 [29,211,401
T92 Ne Biain 73,929,296 [73,929,296
T93 Ne Canaan 1,495,604 [1,495,604
T94 Ne Faifield 4,414,083 [4,414,083
T95 Ne Hafod 3,143,902 [3,143,902
T96 Ne Haen 142,509,525 [142,509,525
T97 Neingon 12,632,615 [12,632,615
T98 Ne London 22,940,565 [22,940,565
T99 Ne Milfod 11,939,587 [11,939,587
T100 Neon 4,309,646 [4,309,646
T101 Nofolk 381,414 [381,414
17/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T102 Noh Banfod 8,117,122 [8,117,122
T103 Noh Canaan 2,064,592 [2,064,592
T104 Noh Haen 3,174,940 [3,174,940
T105 Noh Soningon 2,892,440 [2,892,440
T106 Noalk 10,095,131 [10,095,131
T107 Noich 32,316,543 [32,316,543
T108 Old Lme 605,586 [605,586
T109 Old Sabook 652,677 [652,677
T110 Oange 1,055,910 [1,055,910
T111 Ofod 4,606,861 [4,606,861
T112 Plainfield 15,353,204 [15,353,204
T113 Plainille 10,161,853 [10,161,853
T114 Plmoh 9,743,272 [9,743,272
T115 Pomfe 3,092,817 [3,092,817
T116 Poland 4,272,257 [4,272,257
T117 Peon 3,057,025 [3,057,025
18/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T118 Prospect 5,319,201 [5,319,201
T119 Putnam 8,071,851 [8,071,851
T120 Redding 687,733 [687,733
T121 Ridgefield 2,063,814 [2,063,814
T122 Rock Hill 3,355,227 [3,355,227
T123 Robur 158,114 [158,114
T124 Salem 3,099,694 [3,099,694
T125 Salisbur 187,266 [187,266
T126 Scotland 1,444,458 [1,444,458
T127 Semour 9,836,508 [9,836,508
T128 Sharon 145,798 [145,798
T129 Shelton 4,975,852 [4,975,852
T130 Sherman 244,327 [244,327
T131 Simsbur 5,367,517 [5,367,517
T132 Somers 5,918,636 [5,918,636
T133 Southbur 2,422,233 [2,422,233
19/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T134 Sohingon 19,839,108 [19,839,108
T135 Soh Windo 12,858,826 [12,858,826
T136 Spage 2,600,651 [2,600,651
T137 Saffod 9,809,424 [9,809,424
T138 Samfod 7,978,877 [7,978,877
T139 Seling 3,166,394 [3,166,394
T140 Soningon 2,061,204 [2,061,204
T141 Safod 20,495,602 [20,495,602
T142 Sffield 6,082,494 [6,082,494
T143 Thomaon 5,630,307 [5,630,307
T144 Thompon 7,608,489 [7,608,489
T145 Tolland 10,759,283 [10,759,283
T146 Toingon 23,933,343 [23,933,343
T147 Tmbll 3,031,988 [3,031,988
T148 Union 239,576 [239,576
T149 Venon 17,645,165 [17,645,165
20/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T150 Voluntown 2,536,177 [2,536,177
T151 Wallingford 21,440,233 [21,440,233
T152 Warren 99,777 [99,777
T153 Washington 240,147 [240,147
T154 Waterbur 113,617,182 [113,617,182
T155 Waterford 1,445,404 [1,445,404
T156 Watertown 11,749,383 [11,749,383
T157 Westbrook 427,677 [427,677
T158 West Hartford 16,076,120 [16,076,120
T159 West Haven 41,399,303 [41,399,303
T160 Weston 948,564 [948,564
T161 Westport 1,988,255 [1,988,255
T162 Wethersfield 8,018,422 [8,018,422
T163 Willington 3,676,637 [3,676,637
T164 Wilton 1,557,195 [1,557,195
T165 Winchester 7,823,991 [7,823,991
T166 Windham 24,169,717 [24,169,717
21/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
T167 Windo 11,547,663 [11,547,663]
T168 Windo Lock 4,652,368 [4,652,368
T169 Wolco 13,539,371 [13,539,371
T170 Woodbidge 721,370 [721,370
T171 Woodb 876,018 [876,018
T172 Woodock 5,390,055 [5,390,055
Sec. 4. Sbecion (f) and (g) of ecion 10-262i of he 2012 pplemen o he geneal ae ae epealed
and he folloing i bied in lie heeof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(f) (1) Ecep a oheie poided nde he poiion of bdiiion (3) and (4) of hi becion, fo he
fical ea ending Jne 30, 2012, he bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion hall be no le han he bdgeed
appopiaion fo edcaion fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2011, pl an edcion made pan o
ecion 19 of pblic ac 09-1 of he Jne 19 pecial eion, ecep ha (A) fo he fical ea ending Jne 30,
2012, an diic ih a nmbe of eiden den fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2011, ha i loe
han ch diic' nmbe of eiden den fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2010, ma edce ch
diic' bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion b he diffeence in nmbe of eiden den fo ch chool
ea mliplied b hee hoand, poided ch edcion hall no eceed one-half of one pe cen of he
diic' bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2011, and (B) fo he fical
ea ending Jne 30, 2012, an diic ha (i) doe no mainain a high chool and pa iion o anohe chool
diic pan o ecion 10-33 fo eiden den o aend high chool in anohe diic, and (ii) he
nmbe of eiden den aending high chool fo ch diic fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2011,
i loe han ch diic' nmbe of eiden den aending high chool fo he chool ea commencing
Jl 1, 2010, ma edce ch diic' bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion b he diffeence in nmbe of
eiden den aending high chool fo ch chool ea mliplied b he iion paid pe den pan o
ecion 10-33, poided ch edcion hall no eceed one-half of one pe cen of he diic' bdgeed
appopiaion fo edcaion fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2011.
(2) Ecep a oheie poided nde he poiion of bdiiion (3) [and (4) o (5), inclie, of hi
becion, fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2013, he bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion hall be no le
han he bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2012, ecep ha (A) fo he
fical ea ending Jne 30, 2013, an diic ih a nmbe of eiden den fo he chool ea commencing
Jl 1, 2012, ha i loe han ch diic' nmbe of eiden den fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1,
2011, ma edce ch diic' bdgeed appopiaion fo edcaion b he diffeence in nmbe of eiden
den fo ch chool ea mliplied b hee hoand, poided ch edcion hall no eceed one-half of
22/95 .cga.ct.go/2012/TOB/S/2012SB-00024-R00-SB.htm
e e ce f he diic' bdgeed aiai f edcai f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012, ad
(B) f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, a diic ha [(i) de aiai a high ch ad a ii
ahe ch diic a eci 10-33 f eide de aed high ch i ahe diic,
ad (ii) he be f eide de aedig high ch f ch diic f he ch ea cecig
J 1, 2012, i e ha ch diic' be f eide de aedig high ch f he ch ea
cecig J 1, 2011, a edce ch diic' bdgeed aiai f edcai b he diffeece i
be f eide de aedig high ch f ch ch ea iied b he ii aid e de
a eci 10-33 eaie e ad dceabe aig hgh iceaed iadiic efficiecie
hgh egia cabai a edce ch diic' bdgeed aiai f edcai a a
deeied b he Ciie f Edcai, ided ch edci ha eceed [e-haf f e e
ce f he diic' bdgeed aiai f edcai f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012.
(3) The Ciie f Edcai a ei a diic edce i bdgeed aiai f edcai f
he fica ea edig [Je 30, 2012, Je 30, 2013, i a a deeied b he ciie if ch
diic ha eae ceaed eai ad ced e e ch i he diic de deciig
ee a ch ced ch ch i he fica ea edig [Je 30, 2011, Je 30, 2012, Je 30,
2013, ad ca cea deae ad dce he aig aciaed ih he ced ch ch.
(4) [N Ece a heie ided i bdiii (5) f hi beci, ha be eigibe edce i
bdgeed aiai f edcai f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012, ad Je 30, 2013, a
hi beci if (A) he ch diic f he i i i hid ea e f beig ideified a i eed f
iee a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, ad (i) ha faied ae adeae ea
ge i aheaic eadig a he he diic ee, (ii) ha aified he eiee f adeae
ea ge i aheaic eadig a Seci 1111(b)(2)(I) f Sba 1 f Pa A f Tie I f
he N Chid Lef Behid Ac, P.L. 107-110, a aeded f ie ie, (B) he ch diic f he
(i) ha bee ideified a i eed f iee a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, ad
(ii) ha a e ae geae ha e e ce. F e f hi baagah, "e ae" ea he
ie f he be f eaed chide age fie eeee, icie, i faiie i e i a ch
diic, diided b he a ch age ai f ch ch diic baed he 2009 ai eiae
dced b he Bea f Ce f he Uied Sae Deae f Cece.
(5) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, he bdgeed aiai f a deigaed a a cdiia
fdig diic, a defied i bdiii (40) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, ha be e ha
he f (A) he bdgeed aiai f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012, ad (B) he a
ecea ee he ii ca fdig eceage, a defied i bdiii (42) f eci 10-262f, a
aeded b hi ac, ece he ciie a ei a deigaed a a cdiia fdig diic
edce i bdgeed aiai f edcai if ch ca deae ha i ca cibi f he
fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, ha iceaed he caed he ca cibi ed i deeiig i
ca fdig eceage, a defied i bdiii (41) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac.
(g) (1) Ece a ided f i bdiii (2), (3) ad (4) f hi beci, f he fica ea edig Je
30, 2008, Je 30, 2012, icie, he eceage f he iceae i aid a hi eci aicabe
de beci (d) f hi eci ha be he aeage f he e f (A) (i) a ' ce ga
eedie e eide de a bdiii (36) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac,
baced f he highe ce ga eedie e eide de i hi ae, (ii) diided b he
diffeece beee he highe ce ga eedie e eide de i hi ae ad he e
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ce ga eedie e eide de i hi ae, (iii) iied b hi e ce, (i) fif
eceage i, (B) (i) a ' eah a bdiii (26) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi
ac, baced f he eah f he ih he highe eah f a i hi ae, (ii) diided b he
diffeece beee he eah f he ih he highe eah f a i hi ae ad he eah f he
ih he e eah f a i hi ae, (iii) iied b hi e ce, (i) fif eceage
i, ad (C) (i) a ' ga ae eceage a bdiii (12) f eci 10-262f, a
aeded b hi ac, baced f e, baced f e i he ga ae eceage f he
ih he highe ga ae eceage i hi ae, (ii) diided b he diffeece beee e i he ga
ae eceage f he ih he highe ga ae eceage i hi ae ad e i he ga
ae eceage f he ih he e ga ae eceage i hi ae, (iii) iied b hi e
ce, (i) fif eceage i.
(2)F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, a he ch diic i i i hid ea e f beig
ideified a i eed f iee a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, ad ha faied
ae adeae ea ge i aheaic eadig a he he diic ee, he eceage deeied
a bdiii (1) f hi beci f ch ha be iceaed b a addiia e eceage
(3)F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2010, a he ch diic i i i hid ea e f beig
ideified a i eed f iee a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, ad ha faied
ae adeae ea ge i aheaic eadig a he he diic ee, he eceage f he
iceae i aid a hi eci aicabe de beci (d) f hi eci ha be he eceage f
he iceae deeied de bdiii (1) f hi beci f ch , e eceage i,
eigh e ce, hichee i geae.
(4)Nihadig he ii f hi eci, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, ad each fica ea
heeafe, a ha (A) i a ebe f a egia ch diic ha ee gade ee ee,
icie, gade ie ee, icie, (B) aiae a ea he ii eceage f iceae i aid
a he ii f hi eci, ad (C) ha a edced aee f he ei fica ea f
de eed i ch egia ch diic, ecdig deb eice f ch de, ha be cideed
be i ciace ih he ii f hi eci.
(5)Nihadig a ii f he geea ae, chae, ecia ac he e diace,
befe Seebe 15, 2007, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, a a ee he Ciie f
Edcai defe a i f he ' iceae i aid e he i fica ea a hi eci be
eeded i he bee fica ea. If he ciie ae ch ee, he defeed a ha be
cedied he iceae i aid f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, ahe ha he fica ea edig Je 30,
2008. Sch fd ha be eeded i he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, i accdace ih he ii f
hi eci. I cae ha a be aed defe iceae i aid eied be e f edcai a a
e f faie ae adeae ea ge i accdace ih he ii f bdiii (2) ad (3)
f hi beci.
(6) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, ad each fica ea heeafe, he Ce ha ihhd a
iceae i aid ha a deigaed a a cdiia fdig diic, a defied i bdiii (40) f eci
10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, i heie eigibe eceie a eci 10-262h, a aeded b
hi ac. Sch fd ha be afeed he Ciie f Edcai ad ha be eeded b he
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commissioner on behalI oI such town. Such Iunds shall be used to implement the provisions oI subdivision (7) oI
this subsection and to oIIset such other local education costs that the commissioner deems appropriate to achieve
school improvements. Such Iunds shall be paid by the commissioner to the local or regional board oI education
Ior such conditional Iunding district upon condition that such Iunds shall be expended in accordance with the
directives oI the commissioner and the agreed upon plans approved through subdivision (7) oI this subsection.
(7) (A) The local or regional board oI education Ior a town designated as a conditional Iunding district, as
deIined in subdivision (40) oI section 10-262I, as amended by this act, may apply to the Commissioner oI
Education Ior a conditional grant, at such time and in such manner as the commissioner prescribes. Such grant
shall not exceed the increase in aid pursuant to subdivision (6) oI this section. In order to be eligible to receive
such grant, such local or regional board oI education shall submit a plan that may include, but not be limited to,
the Iollowing categories: (i) A tiered system oI interventions Ior the schools under the jurisdiction oI such board
based on the needs oI such schools, (ii) a plan to strengthen the Ioundational programs in reading to ensure
reading mastery in grades kindergarten to three, inclusive, with a Iocus on standards and instruction, proper use
oI data, intervention strategies, current inIormation Ior teachers, parental engagement, and teacher proIessional
development, (iii) additional learning time, including extending the school day or school year, programming
administered by school personnel or external partners, (iv) talent strategy that includes, but is not limited to,
teacher and school leader recruitment and assignment, career ladder policies that draw upon the teacher
evaluation guidelines issued by the Department oI Education, pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this
act, and adopted locally. Such talent strategy may include provisions that demonstrate increased ability to attract,
retain, promote and bolster the perIormance oI staII in accordance with perIormance evaluation Iindings and, in
the case oI new personnel, other indicators oI eIIectiveness, (v) training Ior school leaders and other staII on new
teacher evaluation models, (vi) provisions Ior the cooperation and coordination with early childhood education
providers to ensure alignment with district expectations Ior student entry into kindergarten, (vii) provisions Ior the
cooperation and coordination with other governmental and community programs to ensure that students receive
adequate support and wraparound services, including community school models, and (viii) any additional
categories or goals as determined by the commissioner.
(B) The plan described in subparagraph (A) oI this subdivision shall demonstrate collaboration with key
stakeholders, as identiIied by the commissioner, with the goal oI achieving eIIiciencies, and the alignment oI intent
and practice oI current programs with conditional programs identiIied in this subsection.
(C) The State Board oI Education may develop guidelines and criteria, or adopt regulations, in accordance with
the provisions oI chapter 54, Ior the administration oI the conditional grant program described in this subdivision.
(D) Any grants awarded under this subdivision shall be Ior a period oI Iive years, except the commissioner may
terminate such conditional grant award Ior Iailure to comply with the provisions oI this subdivision. The
commissioner may renew such conditional grant iI the local or regional board oI education receiving such
conditional grant provides evidence that the school district oI such board is achieving stated objectives and
perIormance targets.
(E) Grants awarded pursuant to this subdivision shall be expended Ior educational purposes only and shall not be
used to supplant Iederal, state or local Iunding Ior educational purposes.
(F) Any unexpended Iunds awarded pursuant to this subdivision shall be available Ior redistribution Ior purposes
pursuant to this subdivision or the provisions oI section 5 oI this act.
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(G) The ca egia bad f edcai aaded a cdiia ga de hi bdiii ha bi a
eedie e he ciie ch f ad i ch ae a eeed b he ciie. The
ciie ha deeie if (i) he ca egia bad f edcai ha efd (I) a eeded fd
a he ce f he ga f hich he ga a aaded, ad (II) a a eeded i accdace
ih he aed ga aicai, (ii) he ciie ha edce he ga aad i a bee ea
a a ea a a ha he ciie deeie i f ciace ih he ii f
hi bdiii, ad eie he ca egia bad f edcai a ch a.
Sec. 5. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) The Deae f Edcai ha adiie, ihi aaiabe
aiai, a ceiie ga ga ai ca ad egia ch bad f edcai i iig
de eface hgh he aegie decibed i bdiii (7) f beci (g) f eci 10-262i f
he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac. Sch aa ceiie ga ha be e ha fie hded
had da.
(b) A ca egia bad f edcai a a he deae f a ceiie ga a ch ie ad
i ch ae a he Ciie f Edcai ecibe. A ca egia bad f edcai f a
deigaed a a cdiia fdig diic, a defied i bdiii (40) f eci 10-262f f he geea
ae, a aeded b hi ac, ha cie ih he ii f bdiii (7) f beci (g) f eci
10-262i f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, ha be eigibe eceie a ceiie ga aad
de hi eci. A ca egia bad f edcai ha ha bee deigaed a a cdiia fdig
diic a a a f ch ceiie ga. I aadig ch ceiie ga, he deae ha gie
efeece cdiia fdig diic.
(c) The deae a dee gideie ad ga cieia a i dee ecea adiie he ceiie
ga ga de hi eci.
(d) A ca egia bad f edcai ha ha eceied a ceiie ga aad de hi eci ha
bi a eedie e he deae ch f ad i ch ae a ecibed b he
deae. The deae ha deeie if (1) he ca egia bad f edcai ha efd (A) a
eeded fd a he ce f he ga f hich he ga a aaded, (B) a a
eeded i accdace ih he aed ga aicai, (2) he deae ha edce he ga aad
a bee ea a a ha he deae deeie i f ciace ih he ii f
hi eci, ad eie he ca egia bad f edcai a ch a.
(e) The deae a acce iae dai f e f he ceiie ga ga, ided ch
dai ha i a ii he ce f ga ga a hi eci.
Sec. 6. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) The Deae f Edcai ha adiie a ga ga i
accdace ih he ii f beci (d) f eci 10-223e f he geea ae, a aeded b hi
(b) The Deae f Edcai a dee gideie ad ga cieia a i dee ecea adiie
he ga de hi eci.
(c) A eeded fd aiaed f e f hi eci ha be aaiabe f ediibi f
e a hi eci.
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(d) A ca egia bad f edcai ha ha eceied a ga aad de hi eci ha bi a
eedie e he deae ch f ad i ch ae a ecibed b he deae. The
deae ha deeie if (1) he ca egia bad f edcai ha efd (A) a eeded fd
a he ce f he ga f hich he ga a aaded, (B) a a eeded i accdace
ih he aed ga aicai, (2) he deae ha edce he ga aad a bee ea
a a ha he deae deeie i f ciace ih he ii f hi eci, ad eie he
ca egia bad f edcai a ch a.
Sec. 7. Seci 10-66ee f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he fig i
bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) F he e f edcai eaiai aid de eci 10-262h a de eed (1) i a ca chae
ch ha be cideed a de eed i he ch diic i hich ch de eide, ad (2) i a ae
chae ch ha be cideed a de eed i he ch diic i hich ch de eide.
(b) (1) The ca bad f edcai f he ch diic i hich a de eed i a ca chae ch
eide ha a, aa, i accdace ih i chae, he fica ahi f he chae ch f each
ch de he a ecified i i chae, icdig he eaabe ecia edcai c f de
eiig ecia edcai. The bad f edcai ha be eigibe f eibee f ch ecia edcai
c a eci 10-76g.
(2) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, ad each fica ea heeafe, he ca egia bad f
edcai f he ch diic i hich a de eed i a ae chae ch eide ha a, aa,
ch ae chae ch e had da f each de eed Ocbe fi f he ce ch
ea. If a ch bad f edcai fai a ch ii, he Ciie f Edcai a ihhd f
ch bad' a aabe de eci 10-262i, a aeded b hi ac, i a a
eceed he a f he aid ii he chae ch ad a ch e he fica age f he
chae ch a a eea ga.
(c) (1) The ae ha a i accdace ih hi beci, he fica ahi f a ae chae ch f
each de eed i ch ch, f he fica ea edig [Je 30, 2006, ee had i hded
e-fie da, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2007, eigh had da, f he fica ea edig
Je 30, 2008, eigh had i hded fif da, f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, Je 30,
2011, icie, ie had hee hded da, ad f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012, ad each
fica ea heeafe, ie had f hded da Je 30, 2013, ad each fica ea heeafe, eee
had da. Sch ae ha be ade a f: Te-fie e ce f he a ae ha J
fifeeh ad Seebe fifeeh baed eiaed de ee Ma fi, ad e-fie e ce f
he a ae ha Jaa fifeeh ad he eaiig a ae ha Ai fifeeh, each baed
de ee Ocbe fi. [If he a a aiaed f ga a hi bdiii
eceed eigh had i hded fif da e de f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2008, ad eceed
ie had hee hded da f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2009, he a f ch ga aabe
e de ha be iceaed iae, ece ha ch e de iceae ha eceed ee
da. A a f ch aiai eaiig afe ch e de iceae a be ed b he
Deae f Edcai f eea ga iediic age ch a bdiii (2) f
beci (c) f eci 10-264l, a f a i f he adi eied a eci 10-66ll, a
f eee iced b he Deae f Edcai ee he cii f a chae ch hee
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required by a court oI competent jurisdiction and, in consultation with the Secretary oI the OIIice oI Policy and
Management, to pay expenses incurred in the creation oI a school pursuant to section 10-74g. For the Iiscal year
ending June 30, 2005, such increase shall be limited to one hundred ten dollars per student.
(2) In the case oI a student identiIied as requiring special education, the school district in which the student
resides shall: (A) Hold the planning and placement team meeting Ior such student and shall invite representatives
Irom the charter school to participate in such meeting; and (B) pay the state charter school, on a quarterly basis,
an amount equal to the diIIerence between the reasonable cost oI educating such student and the sum oI the
amount received by the state charter school Ior such student pursuant to subdivision (1) oI this subsection and
amounts received Irom other state, Iederal, local or private sources calculated on a per pupil basis. Such school
district shall be eligible Ior reimbursement pursuant to section 10-76g. The charter school a student requiring
special education attends shall be responsible Ior ensuring that such student receives the services mandated by
the student's individualized education program whether such services are provided by the charter school or by
the school district in which the student resides.
(d) On or beIore October IiIteenth oI the Iiscal years beginning July 1, 2001, and July 1, 2002, the
Commissioner oI Education shall determine iI the enrollment in the program Ior the Iiscal year is below the
number oI students Ior which Iunds were appropriated. II the commissioner determines that the enrollment is
below such number, the additional Iunds shall [not lapse but shall be used by the commissioner Ior (1) grants Ior
interdistrict cooperative programs pursuant to section 10-74d, (2) grants Ior open choice programs pursuant to
section 10-266aa, or (3) grants Ior interdistrict magnet schools pursuant to section 10-264.
(e) Notwithstanding any provision oI the general statutes to the contrary, iI at the end oI a Iiscal year amounts
received by a state charter school, pursuant to subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI this section, are unexpended,
the charter school (1) may use, Ior the expenses oI the charter school Ior the Iollowing Iiscal year, up to ten per
cent oI such amounts, and (2) may (A) create a reserve Iund to Iinance a speciIic capital or equipment purchase
or another speciIied project as may be approved by the commissioner, and (B) deposit into such Iund up to Iive
per cent oI such amounts.
(I) The local or regional board oI education oI the school district in which the charter school is located shall
provide transportation services Ior students oI the charter school who reside in such school district pursuant to
section 10-273a unless the charter school makes other arrangements Ior such transportation. Any local or
regional board oI education may provide transportation services to a student attending a charter school outside
oI the district in which the student resides and, iI it elects to provide such transportation, shall be reimbursed
pursuant to section 10-266m Ior the reasonable costs oI such transportation. Any local or regional board oI
education providing transportation services under this subsection may suspend such services in accordance with
the provisions oI section 10-233c. The parent or guardian oI any student denied the transportation services
required to be provided pursuant to this subsection may appeal such denial in the manner provided in sections
10-186 and 10-187.
(g) Charter schools shall be eligible to the same extent as boards oI education Ior any grant Ior special education,
competitive state grants and grants pursuant to sections 10-17g and 10-266w.
(h) II the commissioner Iinds that any charter school uses a grant under this section Ior a purpose that is
inconsistent with the provisions oI this part, the commissioner may require repayment oI such grant to the state.
(i) Charter schools shall receive, in accordance with Iederal law and regulations, any Iederal Iunds available Ior
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the education oI any pupils attending public schools.
(j)The governing council oI a charter school may (1) contract or enter into other agreements Ior purposes oI
administrative or other support services, transportation, plant services or leasing Iacilities or equipment, and (2)
receive and expend private Iunds or public Iunds, including Iunds Irom local or regional boards oI education and
Iunds received by local charter schools Ior out-oI-district students, Ior school purposes.
(k)II in any Iiscal year, more than one new state or local charter school is approved pursuant to section 10-66bb
and is awaiting Iunding pursuant to the provisions oI this section, the State Board oI Education shall determine
which school is Iunded Iirst based on a consideration oI the Iollowing Iactors in order oI importance as Iollows:
(1) The quality oI the proposed program as measured against the criteria required in the charter school
application process pursuant to section 10-66bb, (2) whether the applicant has a demonstrated record oI
academic success by students, (3) whether the school is located in a school district with a demonstrated need Ior
student improvement, and (4) whether the applicant has plans concerning the preparedness oI Iacilities, staIIing
and outreach to students.
(l)Within available appropriations, the state may provide a grant in an amount not to exceed seventy-Iive
thousand dollars to any newly approved state charter school that assists the state in meeting the goals oI the
2008 stipulation and order Ior Milo SheII, et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., as determined by the Commissioner
oI Education, Ior start-up costs associated with the new charter school program.
(m)Charter schools may, to the same extent as local and regional boards oI education, enter into cooperative
arrangements as described in section 10-158a, provided such arrangements are approved by the Commissioner
oI Education. Any state charter school participating in a cooperative arrangement under this subsection shall
maintain its status as a state charter school and not be excused Irom any obligations pursuant to sections 10-
66aa to 10-66ll, inclusive.
(n) Grant Iunding pursuant to this section shall be considered an education equalization aid grant under section
10-262h, as amended by this act.
Sec. 8. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) Notwithstanding the provisions oI sections 10-66aa to 10-66mm,
inclusive, oI the general statutes, or any other provision oI the general statutes to the contrary, the State Board oI
Education may approve, upon the request oI an applicant Ior a local charter school to be established on or aIter
July 1, 2012, any one or more oI the Iollowing items described in subdivisions (1) to (3), inclusive, oI this
subsection, provided such applicant satisIies the conditions set Iorth in subsection (b) oI this section:
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions oI section 10-153d oI the general statutes, as amended by this act, or any
other provision oI the general statutes to the contrary, the State Board oI Education may limit the scope oI
collective bargaining Ior school proIessionals and persons holding charter school educator permits, as described
in section 10-66dd oI the general statutes, to be employed by the local charter school to the Iollowing: (A)
Salaries, (B) leave time, (C) vacation, and (D) insurance beneIits;
(2) For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, the State Board oI Education may
approve, within available appropriations, a grant to the local charter school in an amount not to exceed three
thousand dollars Ior each student enrolled in such a local charter school. The State Board oI Education shall
make determinations regarding the number oI students enrolled in the local charter school Ior the purposes oI this
subsection in accordance with the provisions oI subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI section 10-66ee oI the
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general statutes, as amended by this act, and shall make any grant payments awarded pursuant to this subdivision
in the manner set Iorth in said subdivision. For purposes oI this subdivision, such grant shall be an education
equalization aid grant under section 10-262h oI the general statutes, as amended by this act; or
(3) (A) For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, the State Board oI Education
may approve, within available appropriations, a grant oI up to Iive hundred thousand dollars to the local charter
school applicant in order to assist with start-up costs associated with establishment oI the local charter school.
For purposes oI this subdivision, such grant shall be an education equalization aid grant under section 10-262h oI
the general statutes, as amended by this act.
(B) The grant program shall be subject to the Iollowing conditions: (i) Grant applications shall be submitted to the
State Board oI Education at such time and on such Iorms as the State Board oI Education prescribes, and (ii)
each local charter school applicant receiving a grant award shall submit, at such time and in such Iorm as the
Commissioner oI Education prescribes, any reports and Iinancial statements required by the State Board oI
Education. II the State Board oI Education Iinds that any grant awarded pursuant to this subdivision is being used
Ior purposes that are not in conIormity with the purposes oI this subdivision, the State Board oI Education may
require repayment oI the grant to the state.
(C) Any unexpended Iunds appropriated to the Department oI Education Ior purposes oI this subdivision shall be
available Ior redistribution Ior purposes oI this subdivision.
(D) The department may develop guidelines and grant criteria as it deems necessary to administer the grant
program under this subdivision.
(b) In order to be eligible Ior consideration under the provisions oI subsection (a) oI this section, an applicant Ior
a local charter school to be established on or aIter July 1, 2012, shall satisIy one oI the Iollowing conditions: (1)
The applicant has high quality, Ieasible strategies or a record oI success in serving students Irom among the
Iollowing populations: (A) Students with histories oI low academic perIormance, (B) students who receive Iree
or reduced priced school lunches, (C) students with histories oI behavioral and social diIIiculties, (D) students
eligible Ior special education services, or (E) students who are English language learners; or (2) the applicant has
a high quality, Ieasible plan Ior turning around existing schools that have demonstrated consistently substandard
student perIormance, or a record oI success in turning around such schools. The State Board oI Education shall
determine whether such applicant satisIies the provisions oI subdivision (1) or (2) oI this subsection.
Sec. 9. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) The local or regional board oI education Ior a local charter school
shall be responsible Ior the Iinancial support oI such local charter school at a level that is at least equal to the
product oI (1) the per pupil cost Ior the prior Iiscal year, less the per pupil grant provided pursuant to subdivision
(2) oI subsection (c) oI section 10-66ee oI the general statutes, as amended by this act, Ior the current Iiscal
year, and (2) the number oI students attending such local charter school in the current Iiscal year.
(b) As used in this section, "per pupil cost" means, Ior a local or regional board oI education, the quotient oI the
net current expenditures, as deIined in subdivision (3) oI section 10-261 oI the general statutes, divided by the
average daily membership, as deIined in subdivision (2) oI section 10-261 oI the general statutes, oI such local or
regional board oI education.
Sec. 10. (NEW) (Effective from passage) (a) The Department oI Education shall develop and implement a
uniIorm system oI accounting Ior school expenditures that includes a chart oI accounts Ior each local and regional
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bad f edcai, egia edcaia eice cee, ae chae ch ad he egia caia-echica
ch e. Seec eae ha be eied a he idiida ch ee, a deeied b he deae.
(b) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2014, each ca egia bad f edcai, egia edcaia
eice cee, ae chae ch ad he egia caia-echica ch e ha iee ch
if e f accig ad be bjec he ii f eci 10-227 f he geea ae.
(c) The Office f Pic ad Maagee a aa adi he cha f acc f a ca egia
bad f edcai, egia edcaia eice cee, ae chae ch he egia caia-echica
ch e.
Sec. 11. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) A ed i hi eci:
(1) "Pe i c" ea, f a ca egia bad f edcai, he ie f he e ce
eedie, a defied i bdiii (3) f eci 10-261 f he geea ae, diided b he aeage dai
ebehi, a defied i bdiii (2) f eci 10-261 f he geea ae, f ch ca egia
bad f edcai.
(2) "Sae aeage e i c" ea he ie f he f he e ce eedie, a defied i
eci 10-261 f he geea ae, f a ca ad egia bad f edcai, diided b he f he
aeage dai ebehi, a defied i eci 10-261 f he geea ae, f a ca ad egia bad f
(3) "Sa diic" ea a ca egia bad f edcai ih a aeage dai ebehi, a defied
i eci 10-261 f he geea ae, f e ha e had i.
(4) "Sa diic edci eceage" ea ha f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2016, ad each fica ea
heeafe, (A) f he fi fica ea i hich he e i c f he ca egia bad f edcai f
he i fica ea eceed he ae aeage e i c f he i fica ea b a ea e eceage
i, e e ce, (B) f he ecd cecie fica ea i hich he e i c f he ca egia
bad f edcai f he i fica ea eceed he ae aeage e i c f he i fica ea
b a ea e e ce, e e ce, (C) f he hid cecie fica ea i hich he e i c f he
ca egia bad f edcai f he i fica ea eceed he ae aeage e i c f he
i fica ea b a ea e e ce, hi e ce, (D) f he fh cecie fica ea i hich he e
i c f he ca egia bad f edcai f he i fica ea eceed he ae aeage e
i c f he i fica ea b a ea e e ce, f e ce, (E) f he fifh cecie fica ea
i hich he e i c f he ca egia bad f edcai f he i fica ea eceed he ae
aeage e i c f he i fica ea b a ea e e ce, fif e ce.
(b) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2016, ad each fica ea heeafe, f a a diic i hich he
e i c f he i fica ea eceed he ae aeage e i c f he i fica ea, hee ha
be a aee eaig he dc f (A) e had da f each aeage dai ebehi f he
i fica ea, ad (B) he a diic eceage. Sch aee a be dedced f he aid eceied
a eci 10-262h f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, a he ae edcai ga
aaded ch a diic, a ecibed b he Deae f Edcai.
(c) The Deae f Edcai ha ide, ihi aaiabe aiai, fdig a diic
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eff eaie ch diic cidai.
(d) O befe Ocbe 1, 2016, ad aa heeafe, he Ciie f Edcai ha bi
ecedai iceiie a diic cidai egadig (1) he egia b ii decibed
i bdiii (19) f eci 10-262f f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, (2) he effec f egia
diic ad ceaie aagee, a decibed i eci 10-158a f he geea ae, b
ii a he eae ae eibee, ad (3) he ii bdge eiee, decibed i
beci (f) f eci 10-262i f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, he ji adig ciee
f he Geea Aeb haig cgiace f ae eaig edcai.
Sec. 12. Sbeci (b) f eci 10-65 f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(b) Each ca egia bad f edcai aiaiig a agica ciece ad echg edcai
cee ha ide iie f i de e i e e ch cee i a be ha i a ea
ea he be ecified i a ie ageee ih each ch cee cee, i he abece f
ch a ageee, a be ha i a ea ea he aeage be f i de ha he bad f
edcai eed i each ch cee cee dig he ei hee ch ea, ided, i addii
ch be, each ch bad f edcai ha ide iie f i de e i he ih gade
i a be ha i a ea ea he be ecified i a ie ageee ih each ch cee
cee, i he abece f ch a ageee, a be ha i a ea ea he aeage be f de
ha he bad f edcai eed i he ih gade i each ch cee cee dig he ei hee
ch ea. If a ca egia bad f edcai ided iie f de e i e ha
e cee f he ch ea cecig J 1, 2007, ch bad f edcai ha cie ide ch
iie de i accdace ih hi beci. The bad f edcai eaig a agica
ciece ad echg edcai cee a chage, bjec he ii f eci 10-65b, ii f a
ch ea i a a eceed [eigh- ad fie-eh i-i ad i-eh e ce f he
fdai ee a bdiii (9) f eci 10-262f, a aeded b hi ac, e de f he fica
ea i hich he ii i aid, ece ha ch bad a chage ii f (1) de eed de
haed-ie aagee a aa bai, ad (2) ecia edcai de hich ha eceed he
aca c f edcaig ch de i he a eceied a bdiii (2) f beci (a)
f hi eci ad beci (c) f hi eci. A ii aid b ch bad f ecia edcai de i
ece f he ii aid f -ecia-edcai de ha be eibed a eci 10-76g.
Sec. 13. Sbeci (c) f eci 10-264l f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(c) (1) The ai a each iediic age ch ga, ece he decibed i baagah
(A) (F), icie, f bdiii (3) f hi beci, ha be eigibe eceie e eed de h i
a eide f he eaig he age ch ha be (A) i had iee da f he fica ea
edig Je 30, 2008, [ad (B) i had ee hded hi da f he fica ea edig Je 30,
2009, Je 30, [2013 2012, icie, ad (C) ee had f hded f da f he fica ea
edig Je 30, 2013, ad each fica ea heeafe. The e i ga f each eed de h i a
eide f he eaig he age ch ga ha be hee had da f he fica ea
edig Je 30, 2008, ad each fica ea heeafe.
(2) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2003, ad each fica ea heeafe, he ciie a, ihi
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aailable appopiaion, poide pplemenal gan fo he ppoe of enhancing edcaional pogam in
ch inediic magne chool, a he commiione deemine. Sch gan hall be made afe he
commiione ha condced a compehenie financial eie and appoed he oal opeaing bdge fo ch
chool, inclding all eene and ependie eimae.
(3) (A) Ecep a oheie poided in bpaagaph (C) o (F), inclie, of hi bdiiion, each inediic
magne chool opeaed b a egional edcaional eice cene ha enoll le han fif-fie pe cen of he
chool' den fom a ingle on hall eceie a pe ppil gan in he amon of (i) i hoand o hnded
fif dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2006, (ii) i hoand fie hnded dolla fo he fical ea
ending Jne 30, 2007, (iii) een hoand i dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2008, [and (i) een
hoand i hnded en dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2009, [and each fical ea heeafe o
Jne 30, 2012, inclie, and () eigh hoand one hnded eigh dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30,
2013, and each fical ea heeafe.
(B) Ecep a oheie poided in bpaagaph (C) o (F), inclie, of hi bdiiion, each inediic
magne chool opeaed b a egional edcaional eice cene ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen of he
chool' den fom a ingle on hall eceie a pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i no a eiden
of he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen of he chool' den in he amon of (i) i hoand
ieen dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2008, [and (ii) i hoand een hnded hi dolla fo he
fical ea ending Jne 30, 2009, [and each fical ea heeafe o Jne 30, 2012, inclie, and (iii) een
hoand fo hnded fo dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2013, and each fical ea heeafe. The
pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i a eiden of he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen of
he chool' den hall be hee hoand dolla.
(C) Each inediic magne chool opeaed b a egional edcaional eice cene ha began opeaion fo
he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 1998, and ha fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2008, enolled a
lea fif-fie pe cen, b no moe han een pe cen of he chool' den fom a ingle on hall
eceie a pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i a eiden of he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe
cen, b no moe han een pe cen of he chool' den in he amon of fo hoand eigh hnded
nine-fo dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2010, and fo hoand o hnded i-hee dolla
fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2011, and a pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i no a eiden of
he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen, b no moe han een pe cen of he chool' den in he
amon of i hoand een hnded hi dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2010, and Jne 30,
(D) Each inediic magne chool opeaed b a egional edcaional eice cene ha began opeaion fo
he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2001, and ha fo he chool ea commencing Jl 1, 2008, enolled a
lea fif-fie pe cen, b no moe han eigh pe cen of he chool' den fom a ingle on hall eceie
a pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i a eiden of he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen,
b no moe han eigh pe cen of he chool' den in he amon of fo hoand o hnded fif dolla
fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2010, and hee hoand eigh hnded hi-hee dolla fo he fical ea
ending Jne 30, 2011, Jne 30, 2012, and Jne 30, 2013, and a pe ppil gan fo each enolled den ho i
no a eiden of he diic ha enoll a lea fif-fie pe cen, b no moe han eigh pe cen of he chool'
den in he amon of i hoand een hnded hi dolla fo he fical ea ending Jne 30, 2010,
Jne 30, 2011, Jne 30, 2012, and Jne 30, 2013, inclie.
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(E)Each interdistrict magnet school operated by (i) a regional educational service center, (ii) the Board oI
Trustees oI the Community-Technical Colleges on behalI oI a regional community-technical college, (iii) the
Board oI Trustees oI the Connecticut State University System on behalI oI a state university, (iv) the Board oI
Trustees Ior The University oI Connecticut on behalI oI the university, (v) the board oI governors Ior an
independent college or university, as deIined in section 10a-37, or the equivalent oI such a board, on behalI oI
the independent college or university, (vi) cooperative arrangements pursuant to section 10-158a, and (vii) any
other third-party not-Ior-proIit corporation approved by the commissioner that enrolls less than sixty per cent oI
its students Irom HartIord pursuant to the 2008 stipulation and order Ior Milo SheII, et al. v. William A. O'Neill,
et al., shall receive a per pupil grant in the amount oI (I) nine thousand six hundred ninety-Iive dollars Ior the Iiscal
year ending June 30, 2010, and (II) ten thousand Iour hundred Iorty-three dollars Ior the Iiscal years ending June
30, 2011, to June 30, 2013, inclusive.
(F)Each interdistrict magnet school operated by the HartIord school district, pursuant to the 2008 stipulation
and order Ior Milo SheII, et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., shall receive a per pupil grant Ior each enrolled
student who is not a resident oI the district in the amount oI (i) twelve thousand dollars Ior the Iiscal year ending
June 30, 2010, and (ii) thirteen thousand IiIty-Iour dollars Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 2011, to June 30,
2013, inclusive.
(G)In addition to the grants described in subparagraph (F) oI this subdivision, Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30,
2010, the commissioner may, subject to the approval oI the Secretary oI the OIIice oI Policy and Management
and the Finance Advisory Committee, established pursuant to section 4-93, provide supplemental grants to the
HartIord school district oI up to one thousand IiIty-Iour dollars Ior each student enrolled at an interdistrict magnet
school operated by the HartIord school district who is not a resident oI such district.
(4)The amounts oI the grants determined pursuant to this subsection shall be proportionately adjusted, iI
necessary, within available appropriations, and in no case shall any grant pursuant to this section exceed the
reasonable operating budget oI the interdistrict magnet school program, less revenues Irom other sources. Any
interdistrict magnet school program operating less than Iull-time, but at least halI-time, shall be eligible to receive
a grant equal to sixty-Iive per cent oI the grant amount determined pursuant to this subsection.
(5)Within available appropriations, the commissioner may make grants to the Iollowing entities that operate an
interdistrict magnet school that assists the state in meeting the goals oI the 2008 stipulation and order Ior Milo
SheII, et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., as determined by the commissioner and that provide academic support
programs and summer school educational programs approved by the commissioner to students participating in
such interdistrict magnet school program: (A) Regional educational service centers, (B) local and regional boards
oI education, (C) the Board oI Trustees oI the Community-Technical Colleges on behalI oI a regional
community-technical college, (D) the Board oI Trustees oI the Connecticut State University System on behalI oI
a state university, (E) the Board oI Trustees Ior The University oI Connecticut on behalI oI the university, (F) the
board oI governors Ior an independent college or university, as deIined in section 10a-37, or the equivalent oI
such a board, on behalI oI the independent college or university, (G) cooperative arrangements pursuant to
section 10-158a, and (H) any other third-party not-Ior-proIit corporation approved by the commissioner.
(6)Within available appropriations, the Commissioner oI Education may make grants, in an amount not to
exceed seventy-Iive thousand dollars, Ior start-up costs associated with the development oI new interdistrict
magnet school programs that assist the state in meeting the goals oI the 2008 stipulation and order Ior Milo SheII,
et al. v. William A. O'Neill, et al., as determined by the commissioner, to the Iollowing entities that develop such
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a program: (A) Regional educational service centers, (B) local and regional boards oI education, (C) the Board
oI Trustees oI the Community-Technical Colleges on behalI oI a regional community-technical college, (D) the
Board oI Trustees oI the Connecticut State University System on behalI oI a state university, (E) the Board oI
Trustees Ior The University oI Connecticut on behalI oI the university, (F) the board oI governors Ior an
independent college or university, as deIined in section 10a-37, or the equivalent oI such a board, on behalI oI
the independent college or university, (G) cooperative arrangements pursuant to section 10-158a, and (H) any
other third-party not-Ior-proIit corporation approved by the commissioner.
Sec. 14. Section 10-266p oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The State Board oI Education shall administer a priority school district grant program to assist certain school
districts to improve student achievement and enhance educational opportunities. The grant program shall include
the priority school district portions oI the grant programs established pursuant to sections 10-16p, 10-265I, 10-
265m and 10-266t. The grant program and its component parts shall be Ior school districts in (1) the eight towns
in the state with the largest population, based on the most recent Iederal decennial census, (2) towns which rank
Ior the Iirst Iiscal year oI each biennium Irom one to eleven when all towns are ranked in descending order Irom
one to one hundred sixty-nine based on the number oI children under the temporary Iamily assistance program,
as deIined in subdivision (17) oI section 10-262I, as amended by this act, plus the mastery count oI the town, as
deIined in subdivision (13) oI section 10-262I, as amended by this act, and (3) towns which rank Ior the Iirst
Iiscal year oI each biennium one to eleven when all towns are ranked in descending order Irom one to one
hundred sixty-nine based on the ratio oI the number oI children under the temporary Iamily assistance program as
so deIined to the resident students oI such town, as deIined in subdivision (22) oI section 10-262I, as amended
by this act, plus the grant mastery percentage oI the town, as deIined in subdivision (12) oI section 10-262I, as
amended by this act. The State Board oI Education shall utilize the categorical grant program established under
this section and sections 10-266q and 10-266r and other educational resources oI the state to work
cooperatively with such school districts during any school year to improve their educational programs or to
provide early childhood education or early reading intervention programs. The component parts oI the grant shall
be allocated according to the provisions oI sections 10-16p, 10-265I, 10-265m and 10-266t. Subject to the
provisions oI subsection (c) oI section 10-276a, the State Board oI Education shall allocate one million dollars to
each oI the eight towns described in subdivision (1) oI this subsection and Iive hundred thousand dollars to each
oI the towns described in subdivisions (2) and (3) oI this subsection, except the towns described in subdivision
(1) oI this subsection shall not receive any additional allocation iI they are also described in subdivision (2) or (3)
oI this subsection.
(b)Notwithstanding the provisions oI subsection (a) oI this section, any town which received a grant pursuant to
this section Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1999, and which does not qualiIy Ior a grant pursuant to
subsection (a) oI this section Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2000, shall receive grants Ior the Iiscal years
ending June 30, 2000, June 30, 2001, and June 30, 2002, in amounts determined in accordance with this
subsection. (1) For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2000, in an amount equal to the diIIerence between (A) the
amount oI the grant such town received pursuant to this section Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1999, and (B)
an amount equal to twenty-Iive per cent oI the diIIerence between (i) the amount oI the grant such town received
pursuant to this section Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1999, and (ii) the amount oI the grants received by
transitional school districts pursuant to section 10-263c. (2) For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2001, in an
amount equal to the diIIerence between (A) the amount oI the grant such town received pursuant to this section
Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 1999, and (B) an amount equal to IiIty per cent oI the diIIerence between (i)
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he a f he ga ch eceied a hi eci f he fica ea edig Je 30, 1999, ad
(ii) he a f he ga eceied b aiia ch diic a eci 10-263c. (3) F he
fica ea edig Je 30, 2002, i a a ea he diffeece beee (A) he a f he ga ch
eceied a hi eci f he fica ea edig Je 30, 1999, ad (B) a a ea
ee-fie e ce f he diffeece beee (i) he a f he ga ch eceied a hi
eci f he fica ea edig Je 30, 1999, ad (ii) he a f he ga eceied b aiia ch
diic a eci 10-263c.
(c)I addii he a acaed a beci (a) f hi eci, f he fica ea edig Je
30, 1997, ad each fica ea heeafe, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha acae (1) ee hded fif
had da each hich a f e hee, icie, i ai a bdiii (1)
f aid beci (a) ad hee hded hi-f had da each hich a f f eigh,
icie, i ai a aid bdiii ad (2) e hded eigh had da each f he
decibed i bdiii (2) ad (3) f aid beci (a), ece ha he decibed i bdiii
(1) f aid beci (a) ha eceie a addiia acai a bdiii (2) f hi beci
if he ae a decibed i bdiii (2) (3) f aid beci (a).
(d)I addii he a acaed a beci (a) ad (c) f hi eci, he Sae Bad f
Edcai ha acae a hae, i he ae i a he a a acaed a aid
beci, f ii fie hded had da f he fica ea edig Je 30, 1998, ad hee
ii da f he fica ea edig Je 30, 1999, ad each fica ea heeafe, each f he
eceiig a ga a hi eci.
(e)I addii he a acaed a beci (a), (c) ad (d) f hi eci, f he fica ea
edig Je 30, 2005, ad each fica ea heeafe, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha acae (1) e ii
fie hded had da he hich a e i ai a bdiii (1) f aid
beci (a), (2) e ii da each hich a f f, icie, i ai
a aid bdiii (1), (3) i hded had da he hich a fie i ai
a aid bdiii (1), (4) fie hded had da each hich a f i eigh,
icie, i ai a aid bdiii (1), ad (5) hded fif had da each f he
decibed i bdiii (2) ad (3) f aid beci (a), ece ha he decibed i bdiii
(1) f aid beci (a) ha eceie a addiia acai a bdiii (5) f hi beci
if he ae a decibed i bdiii (2) (3) f aid beci (a).
(f)I addii he a acaed i beci (a), ad beci (c) (e), icie, f hi eci, f
he fica ea edig Je 30, 2006, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha acae ii hi-ie had
i hded eigh-i da he ha a e hee, icie, i ai a bdiii
(1) f aid beci (a), ad f he fica ea edig Je 30, 2007, Je 30, 2013, he Sae Bad f
Edcai ha acae ii i hded e had ee hded ie-eigh da he ha
a e hee, icie, i ai a bdiii (1) f aid beci (a).
(g)I addii he a acaed i beci (a) ad beci (c) (f), icie, f hi eci, f
he fica ea edig Je 30, 2012, ad each fica ea heeafe, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha acae
hee ii hded iee had ie hded eigh da a f: Each ii ch diic ha
eceie a acai baed he ai f he a i i eigibe eceie a beci (a) ad
beci (c) (f), icie, f hi eci he a a a ii ch diic ae eigibe eceie
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pursuant to said subsection (a) and said subsections (c) to (I), inclusive. For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2013,
the State Board oI Education shall allocate two million nine hundred twenty-nine thousand three hundred sixty-
Iour dollars as Iollows: Each priority school district shall receive an allocation based on the ratio oI the amount it
is eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) oI this section and subsections (c) to (I), inclusive, oI this section
to the total amount all priority school districts are eligible to receive pursuant to subsection (a) oI this section and
subsections (c) to (I), inclusive, oI this section.
(h) Notwithstanding the provisions oI this section, Ior the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2008, and Ior each Iiscal
year thereaIter, no town receiving a grant pursuant to this section shall receive a grant that is in an amount that is
less than one hundred IiIty dollars per pupil. For the purposes oI this subsection, the amount oI the grant on a per
pupil basis shall be determined by dividing the total amount that a town receives Ior a grant under this section by
the number oI resident students, as deIined in subdivision (22) oI section 10-262I, as amended by this act, oI the
local or regional school district Ior which the town receives a grant under this section.
[(i) In addition to the amounts allocated in subsection (a) and subsections (c) to (h), inclusive, oI this section, Ior
the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2008, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, the State Board oI Education shall allocate
six hundred IiIty thousand dollars to the town ranked sixth when all towns are ranked Irom highest to lowest in
population, based on the most recent Iederal decennial census.
Sec. 15. Subdivision (4) oI subsection (e) oI section 10-76d oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is
repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(4) Notwithstanding any other provision oI this section, the Department oI Mental Health and Addiction Services
shall provide regular education and special education and related services to eligible residents in Iacilities
operated by the department who are eighteen to twenty-one years oI age. In the case oI a resident who requires
special education, the department shall provide the requisite identiIication and evaluation oI such resident in
accordance with the provisions oI this section. The department shall be Iinancially responsible Ior the provision oI
educational services to eligible residents. The Departments oI Mental Health and Addiction Services, Children
and Families and Education shall develop and implement an interagency agreement which speciIies the role oI
each agency in ensuring the provision oI appropriate education services to eligible residents in accordance with
this section. The [State Board oI Education shall pay to the Department oI Mental Health and Addiction
Services shall be responsible Ior one hundred per cent oI the reasonable costs oI such educational services
provided to eligible residents oI such Iacilities. [Payment shall be made by the board as Iollows: Eighty-Iive per
cent oI the estimated cost in July and the adjusted balance in May.
Sec. 16. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) For the school year commencing July 1, 2012, and each school
year thereaIter, a local or regional board oI education may submit a request to the Department oI Education, in a
manner prescribed by the department, to use student perIormance data Irom any charter school located in the
school district oI such local or regional board oI education. Such data shall be used Ior the exclusive purpose oI
calculating the school district's perIormance in accordance with the state-wide perIormance management and
support plan prepared pursuant to subsection (a) oI section 10-223e oI the general statutes, as amended by this
(b) The State Board oI Education shall issue guidelines regarding the required elements oI, and the standards
governing review oI, any such request, including the submission requirements regarding cooperation oI the
sending school district with the receiving school's program or operation.
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Sec. 17. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) Thee i eabihed a Cecic aac he be eache
chahi ga adiieed b he Office f Fiacia ad Acadeic Affai f Highe Edcai, i
cai ih he Deae f Edcai.
(b) The ga ha, ihi aaiabe aiai, ide ga de h deae eea
acadeic achieee, a eideced b he eae hich a icde, b be iied , gade i
aeage, ce eceied eaiai cdced a eci 10-145f f he geea ae, a
aeded b hi ac, ad a cie be eed b a ca egia bad f edcai i (1) a ch
diic ideified a a ii ch diic a eci 10-266 f he geea ae, a aeded b
hi ac, (2) a ch deigaed a a ciie' e ch a eci 10-223e f he
geea ae, a aeded b hi ac.
(c) A de eigibe f a ga de aid ga ha (1) be eed i a eache edcai ga dig
ch de' ei ea a a f-ea bic iii f highe edcai a ideede cege
iei, a defied i eci 10a-37 f he geea ae, (2) cee he eiee f ch a eache
edcai ga a a gadae de f e ea, (3) be eed i a aeae e ceificai
ga adiieed hgh he Office f Fiacia ad Acadeic Affai f Highe Edcai. N de
ha eceie e ha e ga de aid ga. A ga aaded a de ha eceed fie
had da.
(d) A de h i aaded a ga de hi eci, ad h ha a ageee f ee ih a ca
egia bad f edcai f a ch diic ideified a a ii ch diic a eci 10-
266 f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, f a ch deigaed a a ciie' e
ch a eci 10-223e f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, gadai, ha be
eigibe f eibee f fedea ae edcaia a a ai f had fie hded
da e ea f f ea ha ch de i eed.
(e) Nihadig he ii f beci (c) ad (d) f hi eci, he cbied da ae f ga
ad a eibee aaded a hi eci ha eceed fifee had da e de.
(f) The Office f Fiacia ad Acadeic Affai f Highe Edcai a e e ce f he fd
aiaed f e f hi eci f ga adiiai.
Sec. 18. Seci 10-223e f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he fig i
bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) [I cface ih he N Chid Lef Behid Ac, P.L. 107-110, he Ciie The Deae f
Edcai ha eae a ae-ide [edcai accabii eface aagee ad a,
cie ih fedea a ad egai. Sch a ha (1) ideif [he ch ad diic i eed f
iee, [eie he deee ad ieeai f iee a ad iie ead ad
ceece (2) caif ch i fie eface caegie, be efeed eica a hi
eci, f hich caeg fie eee he e efig ch, ad (3) ideif a caeg f ch
ih efig bg f de hich ha be deigaed a fc ch. Cieia a icde
eae f de achieee ad gh i aggegae de achieee f de bg e
ie, icdig a eid f ie i J 1, 2012.
[(b) Pbic ch ideified b he Sae Bad f Edcai a eci 10-223b f he geea
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statutes, revision oI 1958, revised to January 1, 2001, as schools in need oI improvement shall: (1) Continue to
be identiIied as schools in need oI improvement, and continue to operate under school improvement plans
developed pursuant to said section 10-223b through June 30, 2004; (2) on or beIore February 1, 2003, be
evaluated by the local board oI education and determined to be making suIIicient or insuIIicient progress; (3) iI
Iound to be making insuIIicient progress by a local board oI education, be subject to a new remediation and
organization plan developed by the local board oI education; (4) continue to be eligible Ior available Iederal or
state aid; (5) beginning in February, 2003, be monitored by the Department oI Education Ior adequate yearly
progress, as deIined in the state accountability plan prepared in accordance with subsection (a) oI this section;
and (6) be subject to rewards and consequences as deIined in said plan.
(b) (1) For those schools classiIied as category three schools, the department may require such schools to (A)
develop and implement plans consistent with this section and Iederal law to elevate the school Irom low achieving
status, and (B) be the subject oI actions as deIined in the state-wide perIormance management and support plan,
described in subsection (a) oI this section.
(2) For those schools classiIied as category three schools, the department may require the local or regional
board oI education Ior such schools to collaborate with the regional educational service center that serves the
area in which such schools are located to develop plans to ensure such schools provide early education
opportunities, summer school, extended school day or year programming, weekend classes, tutorial assistance to
their students or proIessional development to their administrators, principals, teachers and paraproIessional
teacher aides. In requiring any educational program authorized by this subdivision, the Commissioner oI
Education may limit the oIIering oI such program to the subgroup oI students that have Iailed to reach
perIormance benchmarks or those in transitional or milestone grades or those who are otherwise at substantial
risk oI educational Iailure.
(c) (1) Any [school or school district identiIied as in need oI improvement, [pursuant to subsection (a) oI this
section and requiring corrective action pursuant to the requirements oI the No Child LeIt Behind Act, P.L. 107-
110, school classiIied as a category Iour or Iive school, or school designated as a Iocus school shall be
designated and listed as [a low achieving [school or school district and shall be subject to intensiIied supervision
and direction by the State Board oI Education.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision oI this title or any regulation adopted pursuant to said statutes, except as
provided in subdivision (3) oI this subsection, in carrying out the provisions oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection,
the State Board oI Education shall take any oI the Iollowing actions to improve student perIormance oI the
school, school district, a particular school in the district or among student subgroups, and remove the school or
district Irom the list oI schools or districts designated and listed as a low achieving school or district pursuant to
said subdivision (1), and to address other needs oI the school or district: (A) Require an operations audit to
identiIy possible programmatic savings and an instructional audit to identiIy any deIicits in curriculum and
instruction or in the learning environment oI the school or district; (B) require the local or regional board oI
education Ior such school or district to use state and Iederal Iunds Ior critical needs, as directed by the State
Board oI Education; (C) provide incentives to attract highly qualiIied teachers and principals; (D) direct the
transIer and assignment oI teachers and principals; (E) require additional training and technical assistance Ior
parents and guardians oI children attending the school or a school in the district and Ior teachers, principals, and
central oIIice staII members hired by the district; (F) require the local or regional board oI education Ior the
school or district to implement model curriculum, including, but not limited to, recommended textbooks, materials
and supplies approved by the Department oI Education; (G) identiIy schools Ior reconstitution, as may be
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haed i b he ciie, a ae ca chae ch, ch eabihed a eci 10-74g,
iai ch eabihed a eci 10-74h, ch baed he de f ch
iee, f aagee b a ei he ha he ca egia bad f edcai f he diic i
hich he ch i caed; (H) diec he ca egia bad f edcai f he ch diic
dee ad iee a a addeig defici i achieee ad i he eaig eie a
eceded i he icia adi; (I) aig a echica aiace ea he ch diic gide
ch diic iiiaie ad e ge he Ciie f Edcai; (J) eabih icia ad
eaig eie becha f he ch diic ee a i gee ad ea f he i
f achieig ch diic; (K) ide fdig a iae diic a diic deigaed a a
achieig ch diic ha de i a achieig diic a aed bic ch i a eighbig
diic; (L) diec he eabihe f eaig acadeie ihi ch ha eie ci iig f
de eface b eache g; (M) eie ca ad egia bad f edcai (i) deg
aiig ie hei eaia efficiec ad effeciee a eade f hei diic' iee a,
ad (ii) bi a aa aci a he Ciie f Edcai iig h, he ad i ha ae
hei effeciee ha be ied; [ (N) eie he aie f (i) a eiede, aed b he
Ciie f Edcai, (ii) a ecia ae, eeced b he ciie, he ahi i cie
ih he ii f eci 138 f bic ac 11-61, ad he e ha be f e fica ea, ece ha
he Sae Bad f Edcai a eed ch eid; (O) a cbiai f he aci decibed i hi
bdiii iia, ce eaed aci.
(3) If a diecie f he Sae Bad f Edcai a baagah (C), (D), (E), (G) (L) f
bdiii (2) f hi beci a diecie iee a a a baagah (H) f aid
bdiii affec ig cdii, he iac f ch diecie ha be [caied cecie
bagaied i accdace ih he ii f eci 10-153a 10-153, icie.
[(4) The Ce ha, a he ii f eci 10-262i, ihhd a ga fd ha a i
heie eied aiae a ca egia bad f edcai de acadeic achieee i
he ch diic a eci 10-262h. Said fd ha be afeed he Deae f Edcai
ad ha be eeded b he deae behaf f he ideified ch diic. Said fd ha be ed
iee he ii f bdiii (2) f hi beci ad ffe ch he ca edcai c ha
he Ciie f Edcai dee aiae achiee ch iee. Thee fd ha be
aaded b he ciie he ca egia bad f edcai f ch ideified ch diic
cdii ha aid fd ha be e i accdace ih he diecie f he ciie.
(d) The Sae Bad f Edcai ha i he ge f each ch diic deigaed a a
achieig ch diic a bdiii (1) f beci (c) f hi eci ad ide ice he
ca egia bad f edcai f each ch ch diic f he ch diic' ge ad
eeig he becha eabihed b he Sae Bad f Edcai a beci (c) f hi eci. If
a diic fai ae acceabe ge ad eeig ch becha eabihed b he Sae Bad f
Edcai ad fai ae adeae ea ge a he eiee f he N Chid Lef Behid
Ac, P.L. 107-110, f cecie ea hie deigaed a a achieig ch diic, he Sae
Bad f Edcai, afe cai ih he Ge ad chief eeced fficia fficia f he diic, a
(1) ee ha he Geea Aeb eac egiai ahiig ha c f he diic be eaiged he
Sae Bad f Edcai he ahied ei, (2) ihadig he ii f chae 146, a
ecia ac, chae diace, ga he Ciie f Edcai he ahi ecie he ca
egia bad f edcai f ch ch diic i accdace ih he ii f beci (h) f hi
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(e) Any school district or elementary school aIter two successive years oI Iailing to make adequate yearly
progress shall be designated as a low achieving school district or school and shall be evaluated by the
Commissioner oI Education. AIter such evaluation, the commissioner may require that such school district or
school provide Iull-day kindergarten classes, summer school, extended school day, weekend classes, tutorial
assistance to its students or proIessional development to its administrators, principals, teachers and
paraproIessional teacher aides iI (1) on any subpart oI the third grade state-wide mastery examination, thirty per
cent or more oI the students in any subgroup, as deIined by the No Child LeIt Behind Act, P.L. 107-110, do not
achieve the level oI proIiciency or higher, or (2) the commissioner determines that it would be in the best
educational interests oI the school or the school district to have any oI these programs. In ordering any
educational program authorized by this subsection, the commissioner may limit the oIIering oI the program to the
subgroup oI students that have Iailed to achieve proIiciency as determined by this subsection, those in particular
grades or those who are otherwise at substantial risk oI educational Iailure. The costs oI instituting the ordered
educational programs shall be borne by the identiIied low achieving school district or the school district in which
an identiIied low achieving school is located. The commissioner shall not order an educational program that costs
more to implement than the total increase in the amount oI the grant that a town receives pursuant to section 10-
262i in any Iiscal year above the prior Iiscal year.
(I) The Commissioner oI Education shall conduct a study, within the limits oI the capacity oI the Department oI
Education to perIorm such study, oI academic achievement oI individual students over time as measured by
perIormance on the state-wide mastery examination in grades three to eight, inclusive. II this study evidences a
pattern oI continuous and substantial growth in educational perIormance on said examinations Ior individual
students, then the commissioner may determine that the school district or elementary school shall not be subject
to the requirements oI subsection (e) oI this section, but shall still comply with the requirements oI the No Child
LeIt Behind Act, P.L. 107-110, iI applicable.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision oI the general statutes to the contrary, the Commissioner oI Education, in
accordance with the provisions oI section 10-4, may take any oI the Iollowing actions to improve low achieving
(1) IdentiIy the low achieving schools classiIied as category Iour or Iive schools that are the lowest perIorming
schools in the state and require highly intensive oversight, support and direction at the school level or at particular
grade levels within the school, including approaches that involve phasing in grades over time, to improve student
achievement to an acceptable level. For the school year commencing July 1, 2012, the commissioner shall
identiIy such schools by July 15, 2012. For each school year thereaIter, the department shall identiIy such
schools by January Iirst oI the prior school year;
(2) Designate, with the approval oI the State Board oI Education, the schools identiIied in subdivision (1) oI this
subsection as commissioner's network schools;
(3) Assume responsibility Ior implementing the educational interests oI the state in accordance with section 10-4
Irom the local or regional board oI education, to the extent and in the manner the department determines
necessary, to bring student achievement to an acceptable level and elevate the commissioner's network school
Irom low achieving status;
(4) Issue a directive detailing the extent to which the commissioner shall assume responsibility Ior implementing
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the educational interests oI the state Ior the commissioner's network school, including a statement oI the duties
the commissioner will assume on behalI oI the local or regional board oI education. The local or regional board
oI education shall retain responsibility Ior otherwise implementing the educational interests oI the state and
IulIilling any other duties set Iorth in this title;
(5) Select a school turnaround model Ior each commissioner's network school, which shall be implemented at the
school level or at particular grade levels within the school, to improve student achievement to an acceptable level
and remove the school Irom low achieving status;
(6) (A) Notwithstanding the provisions oI sections 4-98, 4-212 to 4-219, inclusive, 4a-51, 4a-57 and 10-220,
require the local or regional board oI education Ior a school designated as a commissioner's network school to
enter into a turnaround agreement with the department regarding all aspects oI school operation and
management, without limitation;
(B) Notwithstanding the provisions oI sections 4-98, 4-212 to 4-219, inclusive, 4a-51, 4a-57 and 10-220,
operate the commissioner's network school through the department or designate any other entity to operate the
commissioner's network school;
(C) II the commissioner implements the provisions oI subparagraph (A) oI this subdivision, the department shall
enter into a turnaround agreement with the local or regional board oI education. Such turnaround agreement shall
include, but not be limited to, the Iollowing elements: (i) The model oI school turnaround to be implemented, (ii) a
plan Ior the operation oI the commissioner's network school and the monitoring and oversight oI such school by
the department, (iii) annual measurable benchmarks Ior progress toward the goal oI removing the school Irom
low achieving status, and (iv) other provisions required by the model oI school turnaround or identiIied by the
department. Such turnaround agreement shall be executed not later than one hundred twenty days Irom the date
the school is designated as a commissioner's network school, except that Ior schools identiIied as commissioner
network schools Ior the school year commencing July 1, 2012, the turnaround agreement shall be executed by
August 1, 2012. II the local or regional board oI education and department cannot agree on the terms oI the
turnaround agreement during the negotiation period, the commissioner may implement the provisions oI
subparagraph (B) oI this subdivision;
(7) Require the implementation oI speciIic operating and working conditions in a commissioner's network school;
(8) Publish a list oI school turnaround models that may be implemented in commissioner's network schools;
(9) Employ teachers and administrators in commissioner's network schools subject to the Iollowing conditions:
(A) The commissioner shall develop criteria to identiIy exemplary teachers and administrators, based on
perIormance evaluations conducted pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this act, and other available
measures, and provide incentives, including, but not limited to, Iinancial incentives and enhanced career ladder
and career advancement opportunities to encourage such teachers and administrators to work and excel in
commissioner's network schools.
(B) Any teacher or administrator assigned to a school prior to its designation as a commissioner's network
school (i) may apply Ior a position in such school aIter such school has been designated as a commissioner's
network school, and (ii) iI electing not to apply Ior or iI not selected Ior a position in the commissioner's network
school, shall be assigned or transIerred to an available position at another school under the jurisdiction oI the
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local or regional board oI education Ior which such teacher or administrator is assigned, which may include
special teaching positions that provide coverage Ior teachers participating in proIessional development and other
related activities in accordance with subparagraph (F) oI this subdivision, based on consideration oI perIormance
evaluations, employment qualiIications, special skills or expertise and the needs oI the school district, provided
any such assignment or transIer shall not be on the basis oI seniority or tenure, unless all considerations are
otherwise equal.
(C) No teacher or administrator shall be employed in a commissioner's network school without the mutual
consent oI the teacher or administrator and the department, or its designee as identiIied pursuant to subparagraph
(B) oI subdivision (6) oI this subsection, regardless oI the seniority or tenure status oI the teacher or administrator
or any agreement to the contrary.
(D) When selecting applicants Ior positions in a commissioner's network school, the department, or its designee
as identiIied pursuant to subparagraph (B) oI subdivision (6) oI this subsection, shall give priority to candidates
who are employed in the local or regional board oI education in which the commissioner's network school is
located and who are determined to be qualiIied by the department, or its designee, Ior a position in the school.
(E) Any teacher or administrator selected to work in a commissioner's network school shall (i) be considered an
employee oI the local or regional board oI education in which the commissioner's network school is located
during the period in which such teacher or administrator is assigned to such commissioner's network school, (ii)
be assigned to such commissioner's network school Ior a term oI two years, which may be renewed only by
mutual consent, (iii) be entitled to a leave oI absence without pay Irom the local or regional board oI education in
which such teacher or administrator was employed immediately prior to the assignment in the commissioner's
network school, so that such teacher or administrator may be assigned to a commissioner's network school,
provided, at any time aIter the completion oI such teacher's or administrator's assignment in the commissioner's
network school, such teacher or administrator may return to the position in which such teacher or administrator
was previously employed, or a comparable position, and such leave oI absence shall not be deemed to be an
interruption oI service Ior purposes oI seniority, teachers' retirement credit or attaining tenure, (iv) be
compensated and entitled to beneIits and leave under the provisions oI the collective bargaining agreement
between the exclusive bargaining unit Ior teachers pursuant to section 10-153b and the local or regional board oI
education Ior the school district in which the commissioner's network school is located, (v) be eligible to receive
incentives, established by the department pursuant to subparagraph (A) oI this subdivision, during the period in
which the teacher or administrator is assigned to the commissioner's network school, provided the provision and
receipt oI such incentives shall not be subject to collective bargaining, in accordance with the provisions oI
subparagraph (F) oI this subdivision, and (vi) be permitted to use total compensation, including the salary and
any Iinancial incentives received pursuant to subparagraph (A) oI this subdivision, in calculating the average
annual salary, pursuant to section 10-183b, as amended by this act, Ior such teacher or administrator.
(F) The provisions oI sections 10-153a to 10-153n, inclusive, shall not apply to any teacher or administrator
who is assigned to a commissioner's network school, except (i) that such teacher or administrator shall, Ior the
purposes oI ratiIication oI an agreement only, be permitted to vote as a member oI the teacher or administrator
bargaining unit, as appropriate, Ior the local or regional board oI education in which the commissioner's network
school is located, and (ii) insoIar as any such provisions protect any entitlement oI such teacher or administrator
to beneIits or leave accumulated or accrued prior to the teacher or administrator being employed in a
commissioner's network school. The provision oI any Iinancial or other incentives, including, but not limited to,
compensation or the availability oI proIessional coverage positions, shall not be subject to collective bargaining
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pan o ecion 10-153a o 10-153n, inclie. A commiee compied of hee epeenaie fom he
depamen, appoined b he commiione, and one membe fom (I) he Connecic Edcaion Aociaion,
(II) he Ameican Fedeaion of Teache-Connecic, and (III) he Connecic Fedeaion of School
Adminiao hall adie he depamen on he deelopmen and implemenaion of incenie fo eache and
adminiao aigned o commiione' neok chool o an pofeional coeage poiion fo eache
and adminiao ho do no appl fo o ae no eleced o ok in commiione' neok chool;
(10) The amon of local fnding, opeaional ppo and eoce fo an commiione' neok chool
ding an fical ea hall no be le han he pio fical ea and hall popoionall eflec an inceae in
fnding fo he local o egional boad of edcaion oe he pio fical ea. The depamen hall condc an
adi of he local o egional boad of edcaion o ene ha ch boad i in compliance ih he poiion of
hi bdiiion. If he depamen deemine ha a local o egional boad of edcaion i in iolaion of he
poiion of hi bdiiion, he depamen hall noif ch boad of ch iolaion and poide ch boad an
opponi o compl. If ch boad fail o compl afe ch noice and opponi, he Commiione of
Edcaion ma ihhold fom ch boad' on o on a m paable nde ecion 10-262i, a amended b
hi ac, in he amon necea o compl ih hi bdiiion and hall ene ha ch fnd ae ed o
poide fnding, ppo o eoce o he commiione' neok chool;
(11) Annall ealae he commiione' neok chool o deemine hehe ch chool ha made
accepable poge oad binging den achieemen o accepable leel, a deemined b he
depamen, and emoing ch chool fom lo achieing a. If he commiione deemine ha he chool
ha no made accepable poge o he model of chool naond i no ccefl, he commiione ma
ode (A) an acion necea o ene compliance ih o pecific pefomance of a naond ageemen be
aken, (B) he chool be phaed o of opeaion, (C) he opeaion of he chool be aigned o a ne eni o
he depamen, (D) an naond ageemen be eied in accodance ih he commiione' diecie, o
(E) an combinaion of ch ode;
(12) Commiione' neok chool hall emain in he commiione' neok fo a minimm of hee ea.
Afe he hid ea, he commiione' ealaion, condced pan o bdiiion (11) of hi becion,
hall deemine hehe ch chool i pepaed o ei he commiione' neok. In deemining hehe a
chool hold ei he commiione' neok, he commiione hall conide hehe he local o egional
boad of edcaion ha he capaci o ene ha he chool ill mainain o impoe i pefomance. If he
commiione deemine ha he chool i ead o ei he commiione' neok, he local o egional boad
of edcaion in hich he commiione' neok chool i locaed hall deelop, in conlaion ih he
depamen, a plan, bjec o he appoal b he commiione, fo he aniion of he chool back o fll
conol b he local o egional boad of edcaion;
(13) Waie an le adoped b aid boad ha inhibi o hinde he abili of he depamen, o i deignee
a idenified pan o bpaagaph (B) of bdiiion (6) of hi becion, o effeciel implemen he
poiion of hi becion in a commiione' neok chool.
(e) (1) The Sae Boad of Edcaion hall adminie he commiione' neok of chool and pplemen he
capaci of local and egional boad of edcaion o implemen effecie chool and diic efom.
(2) Noihanding an poiion of he geneal ae o he cona, fnd hall be poided o
commiione' neok chool (A) o ai ih he implemenaion of naond model, (B) fo opeaional
co of ch chool, and (C) fo addiional compenaion and ohe financial incenie fo eache and
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administrators assigned to a commissioner's network school.
(I) The Department oI Education shall develop a comprehensive plan to encourage exemplary teachers and
administrators, as identiIied by perIormance evaluations, conducted pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by
this act, and other measures, to work in the state's lowest perIorming schools and school districts and enhance
the education proIession's career ladder in such schools. Said plan shall be approved by the State Board oI
Education. The State Board oI Education shall provide Iunding to develop and implement said plan and shall
adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions oI chapter 54, or issue orders, as appropriate, to ensure that
the plan is implemented. Said plan shall:
(1) Encourage individuals to pursue and maintain careers in education in such schools and school districts;
(2) IdentiIy proIessional and Iinancial incentives, including, but not limited to, salary increases, signing bonuses,
stipends, housing subsidies and housing opportunities that will encourage exemplary teachers and administrators
to work in and remain in such schools and school districts; and
(3) Expand the capacity oI nonproIit and private organizations currently working in the state to stimulate teacher
and administrator leadership and career advancement opportunities in such schools and school districts, and
enable other such organizations to do the same.
(g)(1)(A)Except as provided in subparagraph (C) oI this subdivision, on and aIter July 1, 2010, the local or
regional board oI education Ior a school that has been identiIied as in need oI improvement pursuant to
subsection (a) oI this section may establish, in accordance with the provisions oI this subsection, a school
governance council Ior each school so identiIied.
(B)Except as provided in subparagraph (C) oI this subdivision, on and aIter July 1, 2010, the local or regional
board oI education Ior a school that has been designated as a low achieving school, pursuant to subdivision (1)
oI subsection (c) oI this section, due to such school Iailing to make adequate yearly progress in mathematics and
reading at the whole school level shall establish, in accordance with the provisions oI this subsection, a school
governance council Ior each school so designated.
(C)The provisions oI subparagraphs (A) and (B) oI this subdivision shall not apply to a school described in said
subparagraphs iI (i) such school consists oI a single grade level, or (ii) such school is under the jurisdiction oI a
local or regional board oI education that has adopted a similar school governance council model on or beIore
July 1, 2011, that consists oI parents, teachers Irom each grade level or subject area, administrators and
paraproIessionals and such school governance council model is being administered at such school at the time
such school is so identiIied as in need oI improvement or so designated as a low achieving school.
(2)(A)The school governance council Ior high schools shall consist oI (i) seven members who shall be parents
or guardians oI students attending the school, (ii) two members who shall be community leaders within the school
district, (iii) Iive members who shall be teachers at the school, (iv) one nonvoting member who is the principal oI
the school, or his or her designee, and (v) two nonvoting student members who shall be students at the school.
The parent or guardian members shall be elected by the parents or guardians oI students attending the school,
provided, Ior purposes oI the election, each household with a student attending the school shall have one vote.
The community leader members shall be elected by the parent or guardian members and teacher members oI the
school governance council. The teacher members shall be elected by the teachers oI the school. The nonvoting
student members shall be elected by the student body oI the school.
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(B)The school governance council Ior elementary and middle schools shall consist oI (i) seven members who
shall be parents or guardians oI students attending the school, (ii) two members who shall be community leaders
within the school district, (iii) Iive members who shall be teachers at the school, and (iv) one nonvoting member
who is the principal oI the school, or his or her designee. The parent or guardian members shall be elected by the
parents or guardians oI students attending the school, provided, Ior purposes oI the election, each household
with a student attending the school shall have one vote. The community leader members shall be elected by the
parent or guardian members and teacher members oI the school governance council. The teacher members shall
be elected by the teachers oI the school.
(C)Terms oI voting members elected pursuant to this subdivision shall be Ior two years and no members shall
serve more than two terms on the council. The nonvoting student members shall serve one year and no student
member shall serve more than two terms on the council.
(D)(i)Except Ior those schools described in subparagraph (C) oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection, schools that
have been designated as a low achieving school pursuant to subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI this section due
to such school Iailing to make adequate yearly progress in mathematics and reading at the whole school level
prior to July 1, 2010, and are among the lowest Iive per cent oI schools in the state based on achievement shall
establish a school governance council Ior the school not later than January 15, 2011.
(ii)Except Ior those schools described in subparagraph (C) oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection, schools that
have been designated as a low achieving school, pursuant to subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI this section, due
to such school Iailing to make adequate yearly progress in mathematics and reading at the whole school level
prior to July 1, 2010, but are not among the lowest Iive per cent oI schools in the state based on achievement,
shall establish a school governance council Ior the school not later than November 1, 2011.
(3)The school governance council shall have the Iollowing responsibilities: (A) Analyzing school achievement
data and school needs relative to the improvement plan Ior the school prepared pursuant to this section; (B)
reviewing the Iiscal objectives oI the draIt budget Ior the school and providing advice to the principal oI the
school beIore such school's budget is submitted to the superintendent oI schools Ior the district; (C) participating
in the hiring process oI the school principal or other administrators oI the school by conducting interviews oI
candidates and reporting on such interviews to the superintendent oI schools Ior the school district and the local
and regional board oI education; (D) assisting the principal oI the school in making programmatic and operational
changes Ior improving the school's achievement, including program changes, adjusting school hours and days oI
operation, and enrollment goals Ior the school; (E) working with the school administration to develop and
approve a school compact Ior parents, legal guardians and students that includes an outline oI the criteria and
responsibilities Ior enrollment and school membership consistent with the school's goals and academic Iocus, and
the ways that parents and school personnel can build a partnership to improve student learning; (F) developing
and approving a written parent involvement policy that outlines the role oI parents and legal guardians in the
school; (G) utilizing records relating to inIormation about parents and guardians oI students maintained by the
local or regional board oI education Ior the sole purpose oI the election described in subdivision (2) oI this
subsection. Such inIormation shall be conIidential and shall only be disclosed as provided in this subparagraph
and shall not be Iurther disclosed; and (H) iI the council determines it necessary and subject to the provisions oI
subdivision (8) oI this subsection recommending reconstitution oI the school in accordance with the provisions oI
subdivision (6) oI this subsection.
(4)The school governance council or a similar school governance council model, described in subparagraph (C)
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oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection, at a school that has been identiIied as in need oI improvement pursuant to
subsection (a) oI this section may: (A) In those schools that require an improvement plan, review the annual draIt
report detailing the goals set Iorth in the state accountability plan prepared in accordance with subsection (a) oI
this section and provide advice to the principal oI the school prior to submission oI the report to the
superintendent oI schools; (B) in those schools where an improvement plan becomes required pursuant to
subsection (a) oI this section, assist the principal oI the school in developing such plan prior to its submission to
the superintendent oI schools; (C) work with the principal oI the school to develop, conduct and report the
results oI an annual survey oI parents, guardians and teachers on issues related to the school climate and
conditions; and (D) provide advice on any other major policy matters aIIecting the school to the principal oI the
school, except on any matters relating to provisions oI any collective bargaining agreement between the exclusive
bargaining unit Ior teachers pursuant to section 10-153b and local or regional boards oI education.
(5)The local or regional board oI education shall provide appropriate training and instruction to members oI the
school governance council or a similar school governance council model, described in subparagraph (C) oI
subdivision (1) oI this subsection, at a school that has been identiIied as in need oI improvement pursuant to
subsection (a) oI this section to aid them in the execution oI their duties.
(6)(A)The school governance council or a similar school governance council model, described in subparagraph
(C) oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection, at a school that has been designated as a low achieving school, pursuant
to subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI this section may, by an aIIirmative vote oI the council, recommend the
reconstitution oI the school into one oI the Iollowing models: (i) The turnaround model, as described in the
Federal Register oI December 10, 2009; (ii) the restart model, as described in the Federal Register oI December
10, 2009; (iii) the transIormation model, as described in the Federal Register oI December 10, 2009; (iv) any
other model that may be developed by Iederal law; (v) a CommPACT school, pursuant to section 10-74g; or
(vi) an innovation school, pursuant to section 10-74h. Not later than ten days aIter the school governance council
inIorms the local or regional board oI education oI its recommendation Ior the school, such board shall hold a
public hearing to discuss such vote oI the school governance council and shall, at the next regularly scheduled
meeting oI such board or ten days aIter such public hearing, whichever is later, conduct a vote to accept the
model recommended by the school governance council, select an alternative model described in this subdivision
or maintain the current school status. II the board selects an alternative model, the board shall meet with such
school governance council to discuss an agreement on which alternative to adopt not later than ten days aIter
such vote oI the board. II no such agreement can be achieved, not later than Iorty-Iive days aIter the last such
meeting between the board and the school governance council, the Commissioner oI Education shall decide
which oI the alternatives to implement. II the board votes to maintain the current school status, not later than
Iorty-Iive days aIter such vote oI the board, the Commissioner oI Education shall decide whether to implement
the model recommended by the school governance council or to maintain the current school status. II the Iinal
decision pursuant to this subdivision is adoption oI a model, the local or regional board oI education shall
implement such model during the subsequent school year in conIormance with the general statutes and applicable
regulations, and the provisions speciIied in Iederal regulations and guidelines Ior schools subject to restructuring
pursuant to Section 1116(b)(8) oI the No Child LeIt Behind Act, P.L. 107-110 or any other applicable Iederal
laws or regulations.
(B)Any school governance council Ior a school or any similar school governance council model, described in
subparagraph (C) oI subdivision (1) oI this subsection, at a school that has been identiIied as in need oI
improvement pursuant to subsection (a) oI this section may recommend reconstitution, pursuant to subparagraph
(H) oI subdivision (3) oI this subsection, during the third year aIter such school governance council or such
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iia ch geace cci de a eabihed if he ch f ch geace cci ha
ecied a a e f eceiig a ch iee ga a Seci 1003(g) f Tie I f he
Eeea ad Secda Edcai Ac, 20 USC 6301 e e., ch ecii a iiiaed b a
ce he ha he ch geace cci.
(7) A ch geace cci a iia ch geace cci de, decibed i baagah (C)
f bdiii (1) f hi beci, a a ch ha ha bee ideified a i eed f iee a
beci (a) f hi eci ha be cideed a ce f aea iee f e f fedea
fdig a Seci 1118 f he N Chid Lef Behid Ac, P.L. 107-110.
(8) The Deae f Edcai ha a e ha e-fie ch e ch ea ecie
a hi beci. The deae ha if ch diic ad ch geace cci he hi
ii ha bee eached. F e f hi bdiii, a ecii ha be ced ad hi ii
ecei b he deae f ificai f a fia decii egadig ecii b he ca egia bad
f edcai.
(h) The Sae Bad f Edcai a ahie he Ciie f Edcai ecie, [a f a eid
f ie ecified b he Sae Bad f Edcai, a achieig ca egia bad f edcai [a
bdiii (2) f beci (d) f hi eci f a eid f e ha fie ea. The bad ha
ga ch ahi he ciie e he bad ha eied he ca egia bad f edcai
cee he aiig decibed i baagah (M) f bdiii (2) f beci (c) f hi eci. hich
he Sae Bad f Edcai deeie ha faied fficie ie de achieee deie ieie
eii ad dieci ided a beci (c) f hi eci. A ch aci ae afe
J 1, 2010, ha be aid ihadig a i eiee f aiig f ebe f a ca egia
bad befe ch ecii i ahied. U ch ahiai b he bad, he ciie ha
eiae he eiig ca egia bad f edcai ad ai he ebe f a e ca egia
bad f edcai f he ch diic. Sch aied ebe a icde ebe f he bad f
edcai ha a eiaed. The e f he ebe f he e bad f edcai ha be hee ea.
The Deae f Edcai ha ffe aiig he ebe f he e bad f edcai. The e bad
f edcai ha aa e he ciie egadig he diic' ge ad eeig he
becha eabihed b he Sae Bad f Edcai a beci (c) f hi eci ad aig
[adeae ea fficie ge ad ea f he ch diic f achieig a, a defied
i he ae accabii a eaed i accdace ih beci (a) f hi eci. If he diic fai
h adeae iee, a deeied b he Sae Bad f Edcai, afe hee ea, he
ciie a eai he ebe f he e bad f edcai ai e ebe ch
bad f edcai f e f ea.
Sec. 19. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) O befe Mach 31, 2013, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha
dee ad a aee f cege eadie be adiieed de i gade eee ad a a f
f de i gade ee h ae fd be ead f cege a a e f ch aee.
Sec. 20. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) F he fica ea edig Je 30, 2013, he Ciie f
Edcai ha eabih, ihi aaiabe aiai, a ceiie c-haig ga ca ad egia
bad f edcai, iciaiie ad -f-fi gaiai ha ae ee f aai de Seci
501(c)(3) f he Iea Reee Cde f 1986, a bee cedig iea eee cde f he
Uied Sae, a f ie ie aeded, f a ga ide aiig ad aiace he cege
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aicai ce ecage de a , e i ad gadae f cege. Sch ga ha
ide de ih he fedea de aid aicai ad aicai cege ad ieiie, ad ha
ce he c f a fee aciaed ih he aicai a cege iei. Aicai f ga fd
a hi eci ha be a f aed b he ciie ad ha be bied ae ha
Je fi f he fica ea iediae i he fica ea i hich ch ga ha be aid.
(b) I de aif f fdig a hi eci, ca ad egia bad f edcai, iciaiie
ad -f-fi gaiai ha ae ee f aai de Seci 501(c)(3) f he Iea Reee
Cde f 1986, a bee cedig iea eee cde f he Uied Sae, a f ie ie
aeded, ha agee ide achig fd ea he a f he ga aad. Sch achig
cibi a icde e f bic iae ce. Pbic cibi a be ade b he
iciai i hich he bad f edcai -f-fi gaiai i caed hgh ga fd eceied
a eci 10-262h f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac.
(c) A ga fd i ece f he c f ga eai a be ed ffe cege aicai fee f
de h deae a eed f aiace, eceed e-fie e ce f he ga.
Sec. 21. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) The Deae f Edcai ha, ihi aaiabe
aiai, eabih a i ga ga f he ch ea cecig J 1, 2012, f he ca
egia bad f edcai eaig a iai ch, eabihed a eci 10-74h f he
geea ae, ai he ae i eeig he ga f he 2008 iai ad de f Mi Sheff, e a. .
Wiia A. O'Nei, e a.
(b) Aicai f iai ch ga aaded a hi eci ha be bied aa he
Ciie f Edcai a ch ie ad i ch ae a he ciie ecibe. I deeiig
hehe a aicai ha be aed ad fd aaded a hi eci, he ciie ha
cide, b ch cideai ha be iied : (1) Whehe he ga ide a edced acia
iai edcaia ga, (2) hehe he ga ffeed b he ch i ie iceae de
achieee, (3) hehe he ga ffeed b he ch i ie ad i adee iac ee i
a ga aead ffeed b a eiig iediic age ch, egia caia-echica ch,
egia agica ciece ad echg edcai cee i he egi, ad (4) he ed eaig
bdge ad he ce f fdig f he iai ch.
(c) (1) Each ca egia bad f edcai eaig a iai ch ai he ae i eeig he
ga f he 2008 iai ad de f Mi Sheff, e a. . Wiia A. O'Nei, e a., ha be eigibe f a
e i ga a f: (A) A iai ch ide f Hafd ha e a ea e-fie e ce
f i de f Hafd ha be eigibe eceie a e i ga f f had da f each
Hafd eide de eed i he ch, ad (B) a iai ch eaed i Hafd ha e a
ea e-fie e ce ii de ha be eigibe eceie a e i ga f f had
da f each -f-diic de eed i he ch.
(2) The ca egia bad f edcai eaig a iai ch a hi beci ha a
-f-diic de eed i ch ch cie aed ch i ch diic i he gadae
f high ch, a eci 10-266aa f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, egade f
ha gade ae ffeed a he iai ch.
(d) I he cae f a -f-diic de h eie ecia edcai ad eaed eice, he edig
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diic ha a he eceiig diic a a ea he diffeece beee he eaabe c f idig
ch ecia edcai ad eaed eice ch de ad he a eceied b he eceiig diic
a beci (c) f hi eci. The edig diic ha be eigibe f eibee a
eci 10-76g f he geea ae.
(e) The ciie a, ihi aaiabe aiai, ide eaig ga f he e f
ehacig edcaia ga i ch iai ch, i a a hded fif had
da i a fica ea.
(f) A ca egia bad f edcai eaig a iai ch ha e a ea e-fie e ce
f i de f Hafd, a Hafd iai ch ha e a ea e-fie e ce
ii de, ai he ae i eeig he ga f he 2008 iai ad de f Mi Sheff, e
a. . Wiia A. O'Nei, e a., a be eigibe f eibee a eci 10-285a f he geea
ae ad he eceage deeied f hi eci ha be iceaed b e eceage i, b ha
eceed ie-fie e ce f he eaabe c f a caia eedie f he eai, aeai
eai f he ch faciiie f gaaic e, icdig a eedie f he chae f
eie. T be eigibe f eibee de hi beci, he jec ha ee he eiee f a
ch bidig jec eabihed i chae 173 f he geea ae.
Sec. 22. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) The Ciie f Edcai a ide, ihi aaiabe
aiai, ga f echica aiace ad egia ceai a ca egia bad
f edcai ha dee a a iee igifica c-aig aegie hie iae aiaiig
iig he ai f edcai i he diic.
Sec. 23. Sbeci (g) f eci 10-266aa f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(g) (1) Ece a ided i bdiii (2) f hi beci, he Deae f Edcai ha ide, ihi
aaiabe aiai, a aa ga he ca egia bad f edcai f each eceiig diic i
a a eceed had fie hded da f each -f-diic de h aed ch i
he eceiig diic de he ga.
(2) F he fica ea edig Je 30, [2012 2013, ad each fica ea heeafe, he deae ha
ide, ihi aaiabe aiai, a aa ga he ca egia bad f edcai f each
eceiig diic [i a a ea (A) hee if e f he fig cdii ae e (A) Thee had
da f each -f-diic de h aed ch i he eceiig diic de he ga if he
be f ch -f-diic de i e ha e ce f he a de ai f ch eceiig
diic, (B) f had da f each -f-diic de h aed ch i he eceiig diic
de he ga if he be f ch -f-diic de i geae ha ea e ce b e
ha hee e ce f he a de ai f ch eceiig diic, [ad (C) i had da f
each -f-diic de h aed ch i he eceiig diic de he ga if he be f ch
-f-diic de i geae ha ea hee e ce f he a de ai f ch eceiig
diic, (D) i had da f each -f-diic de h aed ch i he eceiig diic
de he ga if he Ciie f Edcai deeie ha he eceiig diic ha a ee f
geae ha f had de ad ha iceaed he be f de i he ga b a ea fif e
ce Ocbe 1, 2012.
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(3) Each hich eceie fd a hi beci ha ae ch fd aaiabe i ca
egia bad f edcai i ee a he ca aiai, he ae fedea ga he
eee hich he ca egia bad f edcai i eied.
Sec. 24. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) The Deae f Edcai ha ceae a ga a
he Cecic Sch Leadehi Acade ide edcaia aagee ad feia deee
gaig ch eade h ae ceified eache adiia f eache adiia i a
aeaie e ceificai ga. Paiciai i he Cecic Sch Leadehi Acade ha be
b aicai, bied i a f ad ae ecibed b he deae, f ch eade f ch
ch diic deigaed a achieig ch ch diic.
(b) The Deae f Edcai ha, ihi aaiabe aiai, ide ga he Cecic Sch
Leadehi Acade. The Cecic Sch Leadehi Acade a chage ii ca egia
bad f edcai a idiida aiciaig i he ga a beci (a) f hi eci.
Sec. 25. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) The Deae f Edcai a ide eea ch ih
ead hich a, a he ciie' dicei, icde bic ecgii, fiacia aad, ad ehaced
a eaia feibii. The deae, i deigee a ideified a baagah (B) f
bdiii (6) f beci (d) f eci 10-223e f he geea ae, a aeded b hi ac, a acce
iae dai f he e f hi eci.
Sec. 26. Seci 10-144 f he geea ae i eeaed ad he fig i bied i ie heef
(Effective Jul 1, 2013):
A ed i eci 10-145 10-158a, icie:
(1) "Eiae" ea aificai eaab caabe he ecifica ied a eied f
(2) "Iiia edca ceificae" ea a icee each ied afe J 1, [1989 2013, a e h
ha ccef e he eaai ad eigibii eiee ecified b he Sae Bad f Edcai f
eace i a begiig edca ga. Sch ceificae ha eie afe fie ea eig i a bic ch
iae ecia edcai facii ad a be eeded f hee ea, a aa bai, b aicai
he Sae Bad f Edcai i de ee he eiee f he feia edca ceificae. The
Sae Bad f Edcai ha ee ch ceificae if ch e i eig i a bic ch iae
ecia edcai facii dig ch eid;
(3) "Begiig edca ga" ea he ad adad ga eabihed b he Sae Bad f
Edcai f hde f iiia edca ceificae. The ga ha be deiged ie he ai f he
fi ch ea f eachig ad deeie hehe hde f iiia edca ceificae hae achieed he
ee f ceec, a defied b aid bad, eie he [iia feia edca ceificae;
[(4) "Piia eachig ceificae" "iia ceificae" ea a icee each dig he iia
ceificai eid, ied i J 1, 1989, a e h ee i f he eaai eiee f
he Sae Bad f Edcai;
(5) "Piia edca ceificae" ea a icee each, ied afe J 1, 1989, a e h
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(A) ha ccef ceed a begiig edca ga, if hee i ch a ga f ch e'
ceificai edee aea, ad e ha e ch ea f ccef eachig i a bic ch, (B)
ha ceed a ea hee ea f ccef eachig i a bic bic ch aed b he Sae
Bad f Edcai aiae geig bd i ahe ae ihi e ea i aicai f ch
iia edca ceificae (C) ha ccef agh ih a iia eachig ceificae f he ea
iediae ecedig aicai f ch iia edca ceificae a a eee f a ca egia
bad f edcai facii aed f ecia edcai b he Sae Bad f Edcai;
(6) "Sadad eachig ceificae" "adad ceificae" ea a icee each ied i J 1, 1989,
e h ha ccef ceed e ha hee ch ea f aifac eachig eeiece ad
ffied he eiee hie hdig a iia ceificae i eiae;
[(7) (4) "Pfeia edca ceificae" ea a icee each ied afe J 1, [1989 2013,
iiia a e h ha (A) ccef ceed a begiig edca ga, if hee i ch a ga
f ch e' ceificai edee aea, (B) aaied ee, a defied i eci 10-151, a aeded
b hi ac, ad (C) ceed e ha hee ch ea f eachig i a bic ch, iae ecia
edcai facii aed b he Sae Bad f Edcai bic ch aed b he Sae Bad
f Edcai hie hdig [a iia edca iia eachig a iiia edca ceificae. [ad ha
ccef ceed fee ha hi eee h f cedi bed a bache' degee. Said
ceificae ha be cied ee fie ea afe iace [he ccef cei f ciig
edcai, i accdace ih beci (i) f eci 10-145b, dig each cceie fie-ea eid. The
ccef cei f ciig edcai i ha be eied f ceified eee f ca ad
egia bad f edcai ie aeai b (i) he eiede f ch, he eiede'
deigee, i he ch diic ch e i eed, (ii) i he cae f a iae ecia edcai facii,
f he ei age f ch e ha ch e ha bee deeied effecie b eceiig e
ha hee ficie eea eaai, a cbiai heef, hgh he eache eaai e
aed i accdace ih beci (a) f eci 10-151b, a aeded b hi ac, (iii) i he cae f a
bic ch, he eiae f e ha hee ficie eea eaai, a cbiai
heef, a deeied b he Deae f Edcai, dig he ecedig fie-ea eid. If ch e ha
fee ha hee ficie eea eaai dig he ecedig fie-ea eid, aid ceificae ha
be eeed b he deae if ch e ha ccef ceed hi e eee h f
gadae cedi bed a bache' degee i a eaai-ifed ce f d f a ga aed
b he Sae Bad f Edcai ad he eiede f ch, he eiede' deigee, i he
ch diic ch e i eed ide a ie eaai he deae f eeaig
cicace jifig ciai f he ceificae. If ch e ca ide ch ie eaai
f he eiede, he eiede' deigee, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha ie a iiia
edca ceificae;
[(8) "Tea ie-da ceificae" ea a icee each ied afe J 1, 1988, a e
he ee f a ca egia bad f edcai a beci (c) f eci 10-145b. Each
ch ceificae a be eied ce he ee f a ca egia bad f edcai dig he 1988-
1989 ch ea ad eiace ha be effecie i J 1, 1989. A ii f he eiace f
ch ceificae afe aid ch ea ha be a egai aded b he Sae Bad f Edcai;
(5) "Mae edca ceificae" ea a icee each ied afe J 1, 2013, a e h (A)
ha aaied ee, a eci 10-151, a aeded b hi ac, (B) ha ceed e ha fie
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years oI teaching in a public school or private special education Iacility approved by the State Board oI
Education, (C) holds a master's degree in an evaluation-inIormed course oI study Irom a program approved by
the State Board oI Education or Irom a college or university accredited by the Board oI Regents Ior Higher
Education or the State Board oI Education or regionally accredited, and (D) has not less than three exemplary
evaluations in the preceding Iive years through a teacher evaluation program pursuant to section 10-151b, as
amended by this act. Said certiIicate shall be renewed every Iive years aIter issuance upon the demonstration that
such person has received not less than three exemplary evaluations during the period such person has held such
master educator certiIicate;
[(9) (6) "One year" means one school year.
Sec. 27. Subsection (e) oI section 10-145a oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(e) On and aIter July 1, [1998 2013, any candidate in a program oI teacher preparation leading to proIessional
certiIication shall be encouraged to complete a computer and other inIormation technology skills component oI
such program, as applied to student learning and classroom instruction, communications and data management.
Sec. 28. Section 10-145b oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) [The Except as otherwise provided in subsection (c) oI this section, the State Board oI Education, upon
receipt oI a proper application, shall issue an initial educator certiIicate to any person who has graduated (1)
Irom a Iour-year baccalaureate program or a master's program oI teacher education as approved by [said state
board the State Board oI Education, or (2) Irom a Iour-year baccalaureate program or master's program
approved by [said state board the State Board oI Education or Irom a college or university accredited by the
[board oI regents Board oI Regents Ior Higher Education or the State Board oI Education or regionally
accredited, provided such person has taken such teacher training equivalents as the State Board oI Education
shall require and, unless such equivalents are taken at institutions outside oI this state, as the [board oI regents
Board oI Regents Ior Higher Education or the State Board oI Education shall accredit. In addition, on and aIter
July 1, 1993, each applicant shall have completed a subject area major as deIined by the State Board oI
Education, except as provided in section 10-145l. Each such initial educator certiIicate shall be valid Ior [three
Iive years, and may be extended Ior up to three years, on an annual basis, by application to the State Board oI
Education, in order to meet the requirements Ior the proIessional educator certiIicate, except as provided in
subsection (c) oI this section, [and may be extended by the Commissioner oI Education Ior an additional year
Ior good cause upon the request oI the superintendent in whose school district such person is employed or upon
the request oI the assessment team reviewing such person's perIormance. The State Board oI Education shall
renew such certiIicate iI such person is not serving in a public school or private special education Iacility during
such period.
(b) During the period oI employment in a public school, a person holding an initial educator certiIicate shall (1) be
under the supervision oI the superintendent oI schools or oI a principal, administrator or supervisor designated by
such superintendent who shall regularly observe, guide and evaluate the perIormance oI assigned duties by such
holder oI an initial certiIicate, and (2) participate in a beginning educator program iI there is such a program Ior
such person's certiIication endorsement area.
(c) (1) [The II an applicant does not satisIy the requirements described in subsections (a) and (b) oI this section,
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the State Board oI Education [, upon request oI a local or regional board oI education, shall issue [a temporary
ninety-day an initial educator certiIicate to any applicant in the certiIication endorsement areas oI elementary
education, middle grades education, secondary academic subjects, special subjects or Iields, special education,
early childhood education and administration and supervision when the Iollowing conditions are met:
[(A) The employing agent oI a board oI education makes a written request Ior the issuance oI such certiIicate
and attests to the existence oI a special plan Ior supervision oI temporary ninety-day certiIicate holders;
[(B) (A) The applicant meets the Iollowing requirements, except as otherwise provided in subparagraph [(C)
(B) oI this subdivision:
(i) Holds a bachelor's degree Irom an institution oI higher education accredited by the Board oI Regents Ior
Higher Education, the State Board oI Education or regionally accredited with a major either in or closely related
to the certiIication endorsement area in which [the requesting board oI education is placing the applicant such
applicant will be placed or, in the case oI secondary or special subject or Iield endorsement area, possesses at
least the minimum total number oI semester hours oI credit required Ior the content area, except as provided in
section 10-145;
(ii) Has met the requirements pursuant to subsection (b) oI section 10-145I, as amended by this act;
(iii) Presents a written application on such Iorms as the Commissioner oI Education shall prescribe;
(iv) Has successIully completed an alternate route to certiIication program provided by the Board oI Regents Ior
Higher Education or public or independent institutions oI higher education, regional educational service centers or
private teacher or administrator training organizations and approved by the State Board oI Education;
(v) Possesses an undergraduate college overall grade point average oI at least ["B" "B plus" or, iI the applicant
has completed at least twenty-Iour hours oI graduate credit, possesses a graduate grade point average oI at least
["B" "B plus"; and
(vi) Presents supporting evidence oI appropriate experience working with children; and
[(C) (B) The Commissioner oI Education may waive the requirements oI subparagraphs [(B)(v) or (B)(vi) (A)
(v) or (A)(vi), or both, oI this subdivision upon a showing oI good cause.
[(2) A person serving under a temporary ninety-day certiIicate shall participate in a beginning support and
assessment program pursuant to section 10-220a which is speciIically designed by the state Department oI
Education Ior holders oI temporary ninety-day certiIicates.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions oI subsection (a) oI this section to the contrary, on and aIter July 1, 1989, the
State Board oI Education, upon receipt oI a proper application, shall issue an initial educator certiIicate, which
shall be valid Ior three years, to any person who has taught successIully while holding a temporary ninety-day
certiIicate and meets the requirements pursuant to regulations adopted pursuant to section 10-145d.
(d) In order to be eligible to obtain [a provisional teaching certiIicate, a provisional educator certiIicate or an
initial educator certiIicate, each person shall be required to complete a course oI study in special education
[comprised oI not Iewer than thirty-six hours, which shall include an understanding oI the growth and
development oI exceptional children, including handicapped and giIted and talented children and children who
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a eie ecia edcai, ad ehd f ideifig, aig f ad ig effecie ih ecia
eed chide i a ega ca. Nihadig he ii f hi beci he ca, each
aica f ch ceificae h ha e a eiee f ceificai ece he cei f he ce
i ecia edcai ha be eied a ceificae (1) f a eid eceed e ea, ided he
aica ceed a eache eaai ga eihe i he ae i J 1, 1987, ide he ae,
ceed he ecea cbiai f feia eeiece ce a eied b he Sae
Bad f Edcai (2) f a eid eceed ea if he aica aie f ceificai i a aea
f hich a bache' degee i eied.
[(e) O ad afe J 1, 1989, he Sae Bad f Edcai, ecei f a e aicai, ha ie a
iia edca ceificae a e h (1) ha ccef ceed a begiig edca ga
ad e ch ea f ccef eachig a aeed b he eiede, he eiede' deigee,
i he ca egia ch diic ch e a eed, (2) ha ceed a ea hee ea f
ccef eachig i a bic ch i ahe ae a bic ch aed b he Sae Bad f
Edcai aiae geig bd i ahe ae ihi e ea i aicai f ch
iia edca ceificae, a aeed b he eiede, he eiede' deigee, i he
ch diic ch e a eed, b he eiig age f he bic ch i hich ch
e a eed, ad ha e eaai ad eigibii eiee f a iiia edca ceificae,
(3) ha ccef agh ih a iia eachig ceificae f he ea iediae ecedig a
aicai f a iia edca ceificae a a eee f a ca egia bad f edcai
facii aed f ecia edcai b he Sae Bad f Edcai.
(f) A e hdig a adad eae ceificae J 1, 1989, ha be eigibe eceie
aicai a feia edca ceificae eace aid adad eae ceificae. O ad afe J
1, 1989, adad ad eae ceificae ha ge be aid.
[(g) (e) O afe J 1, 1989, ad i J 1, [2016 2013, aif f a feia edca
ceificae, a e h hd ha hed [a iia a iiia edca ceificae de [beci (e)
beci (a) (c) f hi eci ha hae ceed [hi cedi h f ce bed he
baccaaeae degee. I i ecea ha ch ce be ae f a ae' degee ad ch
a icde gadae degadae ce. O ad afe J 1, 2016, aif f a feia edca
ceificae, a e h hd ha hed a iia edca ceificae de beci (d) f hi eci
ha hae ceed hi cedi h f gadae ce a a egia accedied iii f highe
edcai a begiig edca ga ad ha hae aaied ee, a eci 10-151, a aeded
b hi ac.
[(h) (f) (1) Ue heie ided i egai aded de eci 10-145d, i e ha hee ea
e ha [eigh fie ea afe he iace f [a iia a iiia edca ceificae a
[beci (e) beci (a) (c) f hi eci ad he aee f he eiede, he
eiede' deigee, i he ch diic ch ceificae hde a eed, he ei
age f a bic ch aed b he Sae Bad f Edcai, i he ch ch ceificae hde
a eed, ha he [iia iiia edca ceificae hde ad ch eiede, ch
eiede' deigee, ei age hae a deeied aed a idiida ga
[a bdiii (2) f beci (g) f hi eci ad he aee f ch eiede,
ch eiede' deigee, ei age ha ch ceificae hde ha a ecd f [ceec
effeciee i he dichage f ch ceificae hde' die dig [ch iia eid, he ae bad
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period that such person held an initial educator certiIicate, the State Board oI Education, upon receipt oI a
proper application, shall issue such certiIicate holder a proIessional educator certiIicate. A signed
recommendation Irom the superintendent oI schools, or the superintendent's designee, Ior the local or regional
board oI education or Irom the supervisory agent oI a [nonpublic school private special education Iacility
approved by the State Board oI Education shall be evidence oI [competency eIIectiveness. Such
recommendation shall state that the person who holds or has held [a provisional an initial educator certiIicate has
successIully completed at least three school years oI [satisIactory eIIective teaching Ior one or more local or
regional boards oI education or such [nonpublic schools private special education Iacility and has attained tenure
pursuant to section 10-151, as amended by this act. [Each applicant Ior a certiIicate pursuant to this subsection
shall provide to the Department oI Education, in such manner and Iorm as prescribed by the commissioner,
evidence that the applicant has successIully completed coursework pursuant to subsection (g) oI this section, as
(2) Upon receipt oI a proper application, the State Board oI Education shall issue to a teacher Irom another
state, territory or possession oI the United States or the District oI Columbia or the Commonwealth oI Puerto
Rico who [(A) is nationally board certiIied by an organization deemed appropriate by the Commissioner oI
Education to issue such certiIications, and (B) has taught under an appropriate certiIicate in another state,
territory or possession oI the United States or the District oI Columbia or the Commonwealth oI Puerto Rico Ior
a minimum oI [three years one year in the preceding [ten Iive years [(i) a provisional an initial educator
certiIicate with the appropriate endorsement. [, or (ii) iI such teacher has, prior to July 1, 2016, completed thirty
credit hours oI undergraduate or graduate coursework beyond the baccalaureate degree, and on and aIter July
1, 2016, completed thirty credit hours oI graduate coursework, a proIessional educator certiIicate with the
appropriate endorsement, subject to the provisions oI subsection (j) oI this section relating to denial oI
applications Ior certiIication. Applicants Irom another state, territory or possession oI the United States or the
District oI Columbia or the Commonwealth oI Puerto Rico who have taught under an appropriate certiIicate Ior
three or more years shall be exempt Irom completing the beginning educator program based upon such teaching
experience. An applicant Irom this state with three or more years oI teaching experience in the past ten years
shall be exempt Irom completing the beginning educator program based upon such teaching experience.
[(i) (g) (1) For certiIied employees oI local and regional boards oI education or nonpublic schools, except as
provided in this subdivision, each proIessional educator certiIicate shall be valid Ior Iive years and continued
every Iive years thereaIter upon [the successIul completion oI proIessional development activities which shall
consist oI not less than ninety hours oI continuing education, as determined by the employing local or regional
board oI education or the employing supervisory agent oI a nonpublic school approved by the State Board oI
Education in accordance with this section, or documented completion oI a national board certiIication assessment
in the appropriate endorsement area, during each successive Iive-year period. (A) Such continuing education
completed by certiIied employees with an early childhood nursery through grade three or an elementary
endorsement who hold a position requiring such an endorsement shall include at least IiIteen hours oI training in
the teaching oI reading and reading readiness and assessment oI reading perIormance, including methods oI
teaching language skills necessary Ior reading, reading comprehension skills, phonics and the structure oI the
English language during each Iive-year period. (B) Such continuing education requirement completed by certiIied
employees with elementary, middle grades or secondary academic endorsements who hold a position requiring
such an endorsement shall include at least IiIteen hours oI training in the use oI computers in the classroom during
each Iive-year period unless such employees are able to demonstrate technology competency, in a manner
determined by their local or regional board oI education, based on state-wide standards Ior teacher competency
in the use oI technology Ior instructional purposes adopted pursuant to section 4d-85. (C) Such continuing
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education completed by (i) the superintendent oI schools, and (ii) employees employed in positions requiring an
intermediate administrator or supervisory certiIicate, or the equivalent thereoI, and whose administrative or
supervisory duties equal at least IiIty per cent oI their assigned time, shall include at least IiIteen hours oI training
in the evaluation oI teachers pursuant to section 10-151b during each Iive-year period. (D) In the case oI
certiIied employees with a bilingual education endorsement who hold positions requiring such an endorsement (i)
in an elementary school and who do not hold an endorsement in elementary education, such continuing education
taken on or aIter July 1, 1999, shall only count toward the ninety-hour requirement iI it is in language arts,
reading and mathematics, and (ii) in a middle or secondary school and who do not hold an endorsement in the
subject area they teach, such continuing education taken on or aIter July 1, 1999, shall only count toward the
ninety-hour requirement iI it is in such subject area or areas. On and aIter July 1, 2011, such continuing education
shall be as determined by the local or regional board oI education in Iull consideration oI the provisions oI this
section and the priorities and needs related to student outcomes as determined by the State Board oI Education.
During each Iive-year period in which a proIessional educator certiIicate is valid, a holder oI such certiIicate who
has not completed the ninety hours oI continuing education required pursuant to this subdivision, and who has not
been employed while holding such certiIicate by a local or regional board oI education Ior all or part oI the Iive-
year period, shall, upon application, be reissued such certiIicate Ior Iive years minus any period oI time such
holder was employed while holding such certiIicate by a local or regional board oI education, provided there
shall be only one such reissuance during each Iive-year period in which such certiIicate is valid. A certiIied
employee oI a local or regional board oI education who is a member oI the General Assembly and who has not
completed the ninety hours oI continuing education required pursuant to this subdivision Ior continuation oI a
certiIicate, upon application, shall be reissued a proIessional educator certiIicate Ior a period oI time equal to six
months Ior each year the employee served in the General Assembly during the previous Iive years. Continuing
education hours completed during the previous Iive years shall be applied toward such ninety-hour requirement
which shall be completed during the reissuance period in order Ior such employee to be eligible to have a
certiIicate continued. The cost oI the proIessional development activities required under this subsection Ior
certiIied employees oI local or regional boards oI education shall be shared by the state and local or regional
boards oI education, except Ior those activities identiIied by the State Board oI Education as the responsibility oI
the certiIicate holder written attestation Irom the superintendent oI schools, or the superintendent's designee, in
whose school district such certiIied employee is employed, or in the case oI a private special education Iacility,
Irom the supervisory agent oI such certiIied employee that such certiIied employee has been determined eIIective
during the period in which such certiIied employee has held a proIessional educator certiIicate through a teacher
evaluation program pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this act.
(2) (A) All certiIied employees shall participate in a program oI proIessional development, as described in this
subdivision. Each local and regional board oI education shall make available, annually, at no cost to its certiIied
employees, a program oI proIessional development that is not Iewer than eighteen hours [oI proIessional
development activities Ior continuing education credit in length, oI which no more than six hours shall consist oI a
large group instructional setting. Such activities may be made available by a board oI education directly, through
a regional educational service center or cooperative arrangement with another board oI education or through
arrangements with any continuing education provider approved by the [State Board Commissioner oI
Education. [Local and regional boards oI education shall grant continuing education credit Ior proIessional
development activities which the certiIied employees oI the board oI education are required to attend,
proIessional development activities oIIered in accordance with the plan developed pursuant to subsection (b) oI
section 10-220a, or proIessional development activities which the board may approve Ior any individual certiIied
employee. Each board oI education shall determine the speciIic proIessional development activities to be
ProIessional development opportunities may be (i) made available with the advice and assistance oI the teachers
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eed b ch bad, icdig eeeaie f he ecie bagaiig i f ch eache a
eci 10-153b, ad ad afe J 1, 2011, i f cideai f iiie ad eed eaed de
ce a deeied b he Sae Bad f Edcai, ad (ii) ed a a i ie eache
acice baed geea e ad fidig f eache eaai eed b he eiede f
ch, he eiede' deigee. Pfeia deee ceed b he eiede f ch
ad adiia, a defied i eci 10-144e, ha icde a ea fifee h f aiig i he eaai
ad f eache de he eache eaai ga a eci 10-151b, a aeded b hi
ac, dig each fie-ea eid. The ie ad cai f he ii f ch aciiie ha be i accdace
ih eihe a ageee beee he bad f edcai ad he ecie bagaiig i a aid
eci 10-153b , i he abece f ch ageee he ee ch ageee de ide f he
ie ad cai f a ch aciiie, i accdace ih a deeiai b he bad f edcai.
[(2) (B) Each ca ad egia bad f edcai ei age f a bic ch aed b he
Sae Bad f Edcai ha ae he ae Deae f Edcai, i ch f ad a ch ie a he
ciie ha ecibe, ha feia deee aciiie [f hich ciig edcai cedi i
gaed b he bad eied b hi bdiii: [(A) (i) Ae aed i ee ideified eed, [(B) (ii)
ae ided b aified icia ee, a aiae, [(C) (iii) hae he eiee f
aiciai i he acii haed ih aicia befe he cecee f he acii, [(D) (i) ae
eaaed i e f i effeciee ad i cibi he aaie f ch diic-ide ga, ad
[(E) () ae dceed i accdace ih cede eabihed b he Sae Bad f Edcai. [A he
ed f each fie-ea eid each feia edca ha ae he ae Deae f Edcai, i ch
f ad a ch ie a he ciie ha ecibe, ha he feia edca ha ccef
ceed ie h f ciig edcai.
[(3) (C) I he ee ha he ae Deae f Edcai ifie he ca egia bad f edcai ha
he ii f [bdiii (2) f hi beci baagah (B) f hi bdiii hae bee e ad
ha ecific cecie aci i ecea, he ca egia bad f edcai ha ae ch cecie
aci iediae. [The deae ha iaidae ciig edcai cedi aaded i ch
(D) The Deae f Edcai ha cdc adi f he feia deee ga ided b
ca ad egia bad f edcai eied b hi bdiii. If he Sae Bad f Edcai deeie,
baed ch adi, ha a ca egia bad f edcai i i ciace ih a ii f hi
bdiii, he Sae Bad f Edcai a eie he ca egia bad f edcai ffei f he
a hich i aid ch bad f edcai f he Sae Tea a a be deeied b he
Sae Bad f Edcai. The a ffeied ha be ihhed f a ga ae, a deeied b he
Ciie f Edcai, dig he fica ea fig he fica ea i hich ciace i deeied
a hi bdiii. Nihadig he ea ii f hi bdiii, he Sae Bad f
Edcai a aie ch ffeie if he bad deeie ha he faie f he ca egia bad f
edcai c ih ch a ii a de cicace bed i c.
(E) F e f hi bdiii, ch ga f feia deee ha (i) be a ceheie,
aied ad ieie aach iig eache ad adiia effeciee i aiig de
achieee, (ii) fe cecie eibii f ied de eface, ad (iii) be cied f
feia eaig ha (I) i aiged ih ig ae de acadeic achieee adad, (II) i
cdced ag edca a he ch ad faciiaed b icia, cache, e, ae eache
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other lead teachers, and (III) occurs Irequently on an individual basis or among groups oI teachers in a job-
embedded process oI continuous improvement.
(h) Upon receipt oI a proper application, the State Board oI Education shall issue a master educator certiIicate to
a person who has (A) attained tenure, pursuant to section 10-151, as amended by this act, (B) completed not
less than Iive years oI teaching in a public school or private special education Iacility approved by the State
Board oI Education, (C) holds a master's degree in an evaluation-inIormed course oI study Irom a program
approved by the State Board oI Education or Irom a college or university accredited by the Board oI Regents
Ior Higher Education or the State Board oI Education or regionally accredited, and (D) has a demonstrated
record oI exemplary practice as demonstrated by a minimum oI three exemplary evaluations in the preceding Iive
years as determined through the teacher evaluation program pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this
act. Said certiIicate shall be continued every Iive years aIter issuance upon the demonstration that such person
has received not less than three exemplary evaluations during the period such person has held such master
educator certiIicate.
[(j) (i) (1) The State Board oI Education may revoke any certiIicate, authorization or permit issued pursuant to
sections 10-144o to 10-149, inclusive, as amended by this act, Ior any oI the Iollowing reasons: (A) The holder
oI the certiIicate, authorization or permit obtained such certiIicate, authorization or permit through Iraud or
misrepresentation oI a material Iact; (B) the holder has persistently neglected to perIorm the duties Ior which the
certiIicate, authorization or permit was granted; (C) the holder is proIessionally unIit to perIorm the duties Ior
which the certiIicate, authorization or permit was granted; (D) the holder is convicted in a court oI law oI a crime
involving moral turpitude or oI any other crime oI such nature that in the opinion oI the board continued holding
oI a certiIicate, authorization or permit by the person would impair the standing oI certiIicates, authorizations or
permits issued by the board; or (E) other due and suIIicient cause. The State Board oI Education shall revoke
any certiIicate, authorization or permit issued pursuant to said sections iI the holder is Iound to have intentionally
disclosed speciIic questions or answers to students or otherwise improperly breached the security oI any
administration oI a state-wide examination pursuant to section 10-14n. In any revocation proceeding pursuant to
this section, the State Board oI Education shall have the burden oI establishing the reason Ior such revocation by
a preponderance oI the evidence. Revocation shall be in accordance with procedures established by the State
Board oI Education pursuant to chapter 54.
(2) When the Commissioner oI Education is notiIied, pursuant to section 10-149a or 17a-101i, as amended by
this act, that a person holding a certiIicate, authorization or permit issued by the State Board oI Education under
the provisions oI sections 10-144o to 10-149, inclusive, as amended by this act, has been convicted oI (A) a
capital Ielony, pursuant to section 53a-54b, (B) arson murder, pursuant to section 53a-54d, (C) a class A
Ielony, (D) a class B Ielony, except a violation oI section 53a-122, 53a-252 or 53a-291, (E) a crime involving
an act oI child abuse or neglect as described in section 46b-120, or (F) a violation oI section 53-21, 53-37a,
53a-60b, 53a-60c, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b, 53a-73a, 53a-88, 53a-90a, 53a-99, 53a-103a, 53a-181c,
53a-191, 53a-196, 53a-196c, 53a-216, 53a-217b or 21a-278 or subsection (a) oI section 21a-277, any
certiIicate, permit or authorization issued by the State Board oI Education and held by such person shall be
deemed revoked and the commissioner shall notiIy such person oI such revocation, provided such person may
request reconsideration pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Board oI Education, in accordance with the
provisions oI chapter 54. As part oI such reconsideration process, the board shall make the initial determination
as to whether to uphold or overturn the revocation. The commissioner shall make the Iinal determination as to
whether to uphold or overturn the revocation.
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(3) The State Board oI Education may deny an application Ior a certiIicate, authorization or permit Ior any oI the
Iollowing reasons: (A) The applicant seeks to obtain a certiIicate, authorization or permit through Iraud or
misrepresentation oI a material Iact; (B) the applicant has been convicted in a court oI law oI a crime involving
moral turpitude or oI any other crime oI such nature that in the opinion oI the board issuance oI a certiIicate,
authorization or permit would impair the standing oI certiIicates, authorizations or permits issued by the board; or
(C) other due and suIIicient cause. Any applicant denied a certiIicate, authorization or permit shall be notiIied in
writing oI the reasons Ior denial. Any applicant denied a certiIicate, authorization or permit may request a review
oI such denial by the State Board oI Education.
(4) A person whose certiIicate, permit or authorization has been revoked may not be employed in a public
school during the period oI revocation.
(5) Any local or regional board oI education or private special education Iacility approved by the commissioner
shall report to the commissioner when an employee, who holds a certiIicate, permit or authorization, is dismissed
pursuant to subdivision (3) oI subsection (d) oI section 10-151, as amended by this act.
[(k) (j) Not later than thirty days aIter receipt oI notiIication, any initial educator certiIicate holder who is not
granted a [provisional educator certiIicate, or any provisional educator certiIicate holder who is not granted a
proIessional educator certiIicate, or any proIessional educator certiIicate holder who is not granted a
continuation, under the provisions oI sections 10-145a to 10-145d, inclusive, as amended by this act, and 10-
146b, may appeal to the State Board oI Education Ior reconsideration. Said board shall review the records oI
the appropriate certiIication period, and, iI a hearing is requested in writing, hold such hearing not later than sixty
days aIter such request and render a written decision not later than thirty days aIter the conclusion oI such
hearing. Any teacher aggrieved by the decision oI said board may appeal Irom such decision in accordance with
the provisions oI section 4-183 and such appeal shall be privileged with respect to assignment oI such appeal.
[(l) (k) For the purposes oI this section "supervisory agent" means the superintendent oI schools or the principal,
administrator or supervisor designated by such superintendent to provide direct supervision to a provisional
certiIicate holder.
[(m) (l) Upon application to the State Board oI Education Ior the issuance oI any certiIicate in accordance with
this section and section 10-145d there shall be paid to the board by or on behalI oI the applicant a nonreturnable
Iee oI two hundred dollars in the case oI an applicant Ior an initial educator certiIicate, two hundred [IiIty dollars
in the case oI an applicant Ior a provisional educator certiIicate and three hundred seventy-Iive dollars in the
case oI an applicant Ior a proIessional educator certiIicate and two hundred dollars in the case oI an applicant Ior
a master educator certiIicate, except that applicants Ior certiIicates Ior teaching adult education programs
mandated under subdivision (1) oI subsection (a) oI section 10-69 shall pay a Iee oI one hundred dollars;
persons eligible Ior a certiIicate or endorsement Ior which the Iee is less than that applied Ior shall receive an
appropriate reIund; persons not eligible Ior any certiIicate shall receive a reIund oI the application Iee minus IiIty
dollars; and persons holding standard or permanent certiIicates on July 1, 1989, who apply Ior proIessional
certiIicates to replace the standard or permanent certiIicates, shall not be required to pay such a Iee. Upon
application to the State Board oI Education Ior the issuance oI a subject area endorsement there shall be paid to
the board by or on behalI oI such applicant a nonreturnable Iee oI one hundred dollars. With each request Ior a
duplicate copy oI any such certiIicate or endorsement there shall be paid to the board a nonreturnable Iee oI IiIty
dollars. The Commissioner oI Education may, upon request by the applicant, waive any Iee required under this
subsection iI the commissioner determines that the applicant is unable to pay such Iee due to extenuating
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Sec. 29. Seci 10-151 f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he fig i
bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) F he e f hi eci:
(1) "Bad f edcai" ea a ca egia bad f edcai, a ceaie aagee ciee
eabihed a eci 10-158a, he bad f ee f a icaed eded high ch
acade aed a eci 10-34, hich i caed i hi ae;
(2) "Teache" icde each ceified feia eee be he a f eiede eed b a
bad f edcai f a ea [ie da e ea i a ii eiig a ceificae ied b he Sae
Bad f Edcai ad h eceie a aig f deeig bee a eaai cdced a he
eache eaai gideie decibed i eci 10-151b, a aeded b hi ac;
(3) "Ci ee" ea ha ie dig hich he eache i eed ih a bea i
ee a a eache f he ae bad f edcai;
(4) "F-ie ee" ea a eache' ee i a ii a a aa ae f fif e ce e
f he aa ae f ch eache i ch ii if ch ii ee f-ie;
(5) "Pa-ie ee" ea a eache' ee i a ii a a aa ae f e ha fif e ce
f he aa ae f ch eache i ch ii, if ch ii ee f-ie;
(6) "Tee" ea:
[(A) The cei f hi ch h f f-ie ci ee f he ae bad f edcai
f eache iiia hied i J 1, 1996; ad f ch ch h f eache iiia hied
afe aid dae ided he eiede ffe he eache a cac e f he fig ch ea.
(A) Tha a eache ha eceied (i) eea aig a eaai cdced a eci 10-
151b, a aeded b hi ac, dig a eid f hi ch h f f-ie ci ee f he
ae bad f edcai, ided he eiede f ch i he ch diic ch eache i
eed ffe he eache a cac e f he fig ch ea, (ii) he eache ha eceied a
cbiai f hee ficie eea aig dig a eid f fif ch h f f-ie ci
ee f he ae bad f edcai. F e f cacaig ci ee ad
ee, he fig ha a: (i) F a eache h ha aaied ee, ch h f a-ie
ci ee b ch eache ha ea e ch h f f-ie ci ee ece,
f a eache eed i a a-ie ii a a aa ae f e ha e-fie e ce f he aa ae
f a eache i ch ii, if ch ii ee f-ie, hee ch h f a-ie ci
ee ha ea e ch h f f-ie ci ee; (ii) a eache h ha aaied
ee ha c aff ie ad ee, ece ha if ch eache i eeed b he ae bad f
edcai ihi fie caeda ea f he aff, ch eache a c he ei ci ee
iediae i he aff ad ee; (iii) a eache h ha aaied ee ha c
ahied eae ie ad ee if ch ie eceed ie de ch da i a e ch ea,
ided he de ch da ed ha ea b ch eache ha c ad ee ad ha be
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computed on the basis oI eighteen student school days or the greater Iraction thereoI equaling one school month;
and (iv) Ior a teacher who has not attained tenure and who is employed by a local or regional board oI education
that enters into a cooperative arrangement pursuant to section 10-158a, such teacher may count the previous
continuous employment with such board immediately prior to such cooperative arrangement towards tenure.
(B) For a teacher who has attained tenure prior to layoII, tenure shall resume iI such teacher is reemployed by
the same board oI education within Iive calendar years oI the layoII.
(C) Except as provided in subparagraphs (B) [, and (D) [and (E) oI this subdivision, any teacher who has
attained tenure with any one board oI education and whose employment with such board ends Ior any reason
and who is reemployed by such board or is subsequently employed by any other board or any teacher who was
issued an initial educator certiIicate as a result oI such teacher's proIessional educator certiIicate not being
renewed, shall attain tenure [aIter completion oI twenty iI such teacher, during a period oI thirty school months
oI continuous employment, receives at least two proIicient or exemplary ratings on an evaluation conducted
pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this act, in the year prior to the completion oI such thirty school
months oI continuous employment. The provisions oI this subparagraph shall not apply iI, (i) prior to completion
oI the [twentieth thirtieth school month Iollowing commencement oI employment by such board such teacher has
been notiIied in writing that his or her contract will not be renewed Ior the Iollowing school year, [or (ii) Ior a
period oI Iive or more calendar years immediately prior to such subsequent employment, such teacher has not
been employed by any board oI education, or (iii) the superintendent oI schools in whose school district such
teacher is employed awards tenure to such teacher prior to such teacher receiving two proIicient or exemplary
ratings on an evaluation conducted pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by this act.
[(D) Any certiIied teacher or administrator employed by a local or regional board oI education Ior a school
district identiIied as a priority school district pursuant to section 10-266p may attain tenure aIter ten months oI
employment in such priority school district, iI such certiIied teacher or administrator previously attained tenure
with another local or regional board oI education in this state or another state.
[(E) (D) For a teacher who has attained tenure and is employed by a local or regional board oI education that
enters into a cooperative arrangement pursuant to section 10-158a, such teacher shall not experience a break in
continuous employment Ior purposes oI tenure as a result oI such cooperative arrangement.
(7) "School month" means any calendar month other than July or August in which a teacher is employed as a
teacher at least one-halI oI the student school days.
(b) [Any The local or regional board oI education [may shall authorize the superintendent oI schools Ior the
school district to employ teachers. [Any superintendent not authorized to employ teachers shall submit to the
board oI education nominations Ior teachers Ior each oI the schools in the town or towns in such superintendent's
jurisdiction and, Irom the persons so nominated, teachers may be employed. Such board shall accept or reject
such nominations within thirty-Iive days Irom their submission. Any such board oI education may request the
superintendent to submit multiple nominations oI qualiIied candidates, iI more than one candidate is available Ior
nomination, Ior any supervisory or administrative position, in which case the superintendent shall submit such a
list and may place the candidates on such list in the order in which such superintendent recommends such
candidates. II such board rejects such nominations, the superintendent shall submit to such board other
nominations and such board may employ teachers Irom the persons so nominated and shall accept or reject such
nominations within one month Irom their submission. Whenever [a the superintendent oI schools oIIers a
teacher who has not attained tenure a contract to return Ior another year oI employment, such oIIer shall be
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baed a aig f deeig bee, a deeied b ecd f eaai cdced a
[beci (a) f eci 10-151b, a aeded b hi ac. The cac f ee f a eache ha be i
(c) [The U he ecedai f he eiede f ch, he cac f ee f a eache
h ha aaied ee a be eiaed a a ie, i accdace ih he ii f beci (e) f
hi eci, f a f he ea eeaed i bdiii (1) (6), icie, f beci (d) f hi
eci; heie he cac f ch eache ha be cied i he e ch ea e ch eache
eceie ie ice b [Ma Je fi i e ch ea ha ch cac i be eeed f he
fig ea. U he eache' ie ee, a ice f eea eiai ha be eeed
[ihi ae ha ee da afe ecei f he ee b a aee f he ea ea f ch
eea eiai. Sch eache, ie ee fied ih he bad f edcai [ihi ae
ha e da afe he ecei f ice f eiai, [ eea ha be eied a heaig, [ece
a ided i hi beci, (1) befe he bad, (2) if idicaed i ch ee ad if deigaed b he
bad, befe [a iaia heaig ae eabihed ad cdced i accdace ih he ii f
beci (d) f hi eci, (3) if he aie a agee befe a ige iaia heaig ffice che
b he eache ad he eiede i accdace ih he ii f beci (d) f hi eci. Sch
heaig ha cece ihi fifee da afe ecei f ch ee e he aie a agee a
eei eceed fifee da. The iaia heaig [ae ffice a bciee f he bad f
edcai, if he bad f edcai deigae a bciee f hee e bad ebe cdc
heaig, ha bi ie fidig ad ecedai he bad f fia diii ae ha hi
da f he ee f a heaig. The eache ha hae he igh aea ih ce f he eache' chice
a he heaig. A eache h ha aaied ee ha be eied a heaig cceig eea if
he ea f ch eea i eihe eiiai f ii f ii ahe eache. The bad
f edcai [ha ecid a eea decii if he bad he iaia heaig ffice ha affi he
ecedai f eiai b he eiede f ch e he bad he iaia heaig ffice
fid ch decii be abia ad caici. [A ch eache he cac i eiaed f he
ea eeaed i bdiii (3) ad (4) f beci (d) f hi eci ha hae he igh aea i
accdace ih he ii f beci (e) f hi eci.
(d) The cac f ee f a eache h ha aaied ee ha be cied f ch ea
ch ea, ece ha i a be eiaed a a ie f e e f he fig ea: (1)
[Iefficiec iceece, ided, if a eache i ified afe J 1, 2000, ha eiai i de
cideai de iceece, he deeiai f iceece i baed eaai f he eache
ig eache eaai gideie eabihed a eci 10-151b Ieffeciee, a decibed i
beci (e) f hi eci; (2) ibdiai agai eaabe e f he bad f edcai; (3) a
icdc; (4) diabii, a h b cee edica eidece; (5) eiiai f he ii hich he
eache a aied f a ii ahe eache, if he ii ei hich ch eache
a be aied if aified, ided ch eache, if aified, ha be aied a ii hed b a
eache h ha aaied ee, ad ided fhe ha deeiai f he idiida cac
cac f ee be eiaed ha be ade i accdace ih eihe (A) a ii f a aff
cede ageed b he bad f edcai ad he ecie eee' eeeaie gaiai,
(B) i he abece f ch ageee, a ie ic f he bad f edcai; (6) he de ad fficie
cae, ch a feiai, hich a icde iai f he cde f feia eibii f
edca. Nhig i hi eci i a he eci f he geea ae f a ecia ac ha
ecde a bad f edcai f aig a ageee ih a ecie bagaiig eeeaie hich
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cai a eca ii. Pi eiaig a cac, he eiede ha gie he eache cceed a
ie ice ha eiai f ch eache' cac i de cideai ad, ie ee fied b
ch eache ih he eiede, ihi ee da afe ecei f ch ice, ha ihi he e
cceedig ee da gie ch eache a aee i iig f he ea heef. Wihi e da afe
ecei f ie ice b he eiede ha cac eiai i de cideai, ch eache a
fie ih he ca egia bad f edcai a ie ee f a heaig. A bad f edcai a
deigae a bciee f hee e bad ebe cdc heaig ad bi ie fidig ad
ecedai he bad f fia diii i he cae f eache he cac ae eiaed. Sch
heaig ha cece [ihi ae ha fifee da afe ecei f ch ee, e he aie
a agee a eei, eceed fifee da (A) befe he bad f edcai a bciee
f he bad, (B) if idicaed i ch ee if deigaed b he bad [befe a iaia heaig ae,
(C) if he aie a agee, befe a ige iaia heaig ffice che b he eache ad he
eiede. The heaig ha be iied eigh h f eidece ad ei, ece he bad,
bciee f he bad iaia heaig ffice a eed he ie eid f eidece ad ei a
he heaig he gd cae i h. If he aie ae abe agee he chice f a heaig ffice
[ihi ae ha fie da afe [hei he decii e a heaig ffice, he heaig [ha be hed befe
he bad ae, a he cae a be. The iaia heaig ae ha ci f hee ebe aied a
f: The eiede ha ai e ae ebe, he eache ha ai e ae ebe, ad
he ae ebe ha che a hid, h ha ee a chaie. If he ae ebe ae
abe agee he chice f a hid ae ebe ihi fie da afe he decii e a heaig
ae, he hid ae ebe ffice ha be eeced ih he aiace f he Aeica Abiai
Aciai he a ageed gaiai eciaiig i jdicia abiai ad ediai eice
ig i eedied eeci ce ad i accdace ih i e f eeci f a ea abia i
gieace abiai. If he [hid ae ebe heaig ffice i eeced ih he aiace f ch
aciai ihi fie da, he heaig ha be hed befe he bad f edcai a bciee f he
bad. [Wihi ee-fie N ae ha hi da afe ecei f he ee f a heaig, he [iaia
heaig ae, bciee f he bad heaig ffice, e he aie a agee a eei
eceed fifee da, ha bi ie fidig ad a ecedai he bad f edcai a [he
diii f he chage agai hehe he cac f he eache hd be eiaed ad ha ed a c
f ch fidig ad ecedai he eache. The bad f edcai ha gie he eache cceed i
ie decii [ihi ae ha fifee da f ecei f he ie ecedai f he [iaia
heaig ae, bciee heaig ffice. Each a ha [a he fee f he ae ebe eeced b i
ad ha hae ea he fee f he [hid ae ebe heaig ffice ad a he c icidea he
heaig. If he heaig i befe he bad f edcai, he bad ha ede i decii ihi fifee da afe
he ce f ch heaig ad ha ed a c f i decii he eache. The heaig ha be bic if he
eache ee he bad, bciee [, heaig ffice [ ae deigae. The eache
cceed ha hae he igh aea ih ce a he heaig, hehe bic iae. A c f a
aci f he ceedig f he heaig ha be fihed b he bad f edcai, ie ee b
he eache ihi fifee da afe he bad' decii, ided he eache ha ae he c f a ch
c. Nhig heei caied ha deie a bad f edcai eiede f he e ed a
eache f d iediae he ei icdc i chaged ih ejdice he igh f he eache
a heie ided i hi eci.
(e) (1) A eache ha be deigaed a ieffecie if ch eache (A) ha aaied ee aaied ee
ad h, a a ie, i aed a be adad, baed a eaai f he eache cdced a
eci 10-151b, a aeded b hi ac, (B) ha aaied ee ad h i aed a deeig f
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more consecutive years, based on an evaluation oI the teacher conducted pursuant to section 10-151b, as
amended by this act. The contract oI any teacher designated as ineIIective may be terminated at any time in
accordance with the provisions oI this subsection.
(2) Prior to terminating the contract oI a teacher who has been designated as ineIIective, the superintendent oI
schools in whose school district such teacher is employed shall provide written notice to such teacher that such
teacher's contract in being considered Ior termination due to ineIIectiveness, pursuant to this section. Not later
than twenty days aIter such teacher has received such written notice that such teacher's contract may be
terminated, such teacher may submit a written request Ior a hearing with the local or regional board oI education
that employs such teacher. For any teacher who has not attained tenure, such hearing shall be beIore the board
oI education, except such board may designate a subcommittee oI three or more board members or an impartial
hearing oIIicer to conduct the hearing. For any teacher who has attained tenure, such hearing shall be beIore a
single impartial hearing oIIicer chosen by the teacher and the superintendent oI schools not later than Iive days
aIter such teacher's request Ior a hearing. II such teacher and such superintendent are unable to agree upon the
choice oI the impartial hearing oIIicer, such hearing oIIicer shall be selected with the assistance oI the American
Arbitration Association or other mutually agreed upon organization specializing in judicial arbitration and
mediation services using its expedited selection process and in accordance with its rules Ior selection oI a neutral
arbitrator in grievance arbitration.
(3) Such hearing shall (A) be limited to the question oI whether the ratings oI the teacher were determined in
accordance with the evaluation procedures described in section 10-151b, as amended by this act, (B) be limited
to eight hours oI evidence and testimony, except the board, subcommittee oI the board or impartial hearing
oIIicer may extend the time period Ior evidence and testimony at the hearing when good cause is shown, (C)
commence not later than IiIteen days aIter the local or regional board oI education receives the written request
Ior a hearing Irom the teacher, unless the parties mutually agree to an extension not to exceed IiIteen days.
(4) Not later than IiIteen days aIter the commencement oI the hearing, the local or regional board oI education,
subcommittee oI the board or impartial hearing oIIicer shall make a written Iinding and decision, and may
terminate the contract oI a teacher upon a Iinding that the rating oI the teacher was determined in accordance
with the evaluation procedures described in section 10-151b, as amended by this act.
[(e) (I) Any teacher aggrieved by the decision oI a board oI education aIter a hearing as provided in subsection
(d) oI this section may appeal thereIrom, within thirty days oI such decision, to the Superior Court. Such appeal
shall be made returnable to said court in the same manner as is prescribed Ior civil actions brought to said court.
Any such appeal shall be a privileged case to be heard by the court as soon aIter the return day as is practicable.
The board oI education shall Iile with the court a copy oI the complete transcript oI the proceedings oI the
hearing and the minutes oI board oI education meetings relating to such termination, including the vote oI the
board on the termination, together with such other documents, or certiIied copies thereoI, as shall constitute the
record oI the case. The court, upon such appeal, shall review the proceedings oI such hearing. The court, upon
such appeal and hearing thereon, may aIIirm or reverse the decision appealed Irom in accordance with
subsection (j) oI section 4-183. Costs shall not be allowed against the board oI education unless it appears to the
court that it acted with gross negligence or in bad Iaith or with malice in making the decision appealed Irom.
Sec. 30. Section 10-151b oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The superintendent oI each local or regional board oI education shall continuously evaluate or cause to be
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evaluated each teacher, in accordance with guidelines established by the State Board oI Education, pursuant to
subsection (c) oI this section, and such other guidelines as may be established by mutual agreement between the
local or regional board oI education and the teachers' representative chosen pursuant to section 10-153b. An
evaluation pursuant to this subsection shall include, but need not be limited to, strengths, areas needing
improvement, strategies Ior improvement and multiple indicators oI student academic growth. Claims oI Iailure to
Iollow the established procedures oI such evaluation programs shall be subject to the grievance procedure in
collective bargaining agreements negotiated subsequent to July 1, 2004. The superintendent shall report the
status oI teacher evaluations to the local or regional board oI education on or beIore June Iirst oI each year. For
purposes oI this section, the term "teacher" shall include each proIessional employee oI a board oI education,
below the rank oI superintendent, who holds a certiIicate or permit issued by the State Board oI Education.
(b) Each local and regional board oI education shall develop and implement teacher evaluation programs
consistent with guidelines established by the State Board oI Education, pursuant to subsection (c) oI this section,
and consistent with the plan developed in accordance with the provisions oI subsection (b) oI section 10-220a.
(c) On or beIore July 1, 2012, the State Board oI Education shall adopt, in consultation with the PerIormance
Evaluation Advisory Council established pursuant to section 10-151d, guidelines Ior a model teacher evaluation
program. Such guidelines shall [provide guidance on use Iour designators when evaluating teacher perIormance:
Developing, proIicient, exemplary and below standard. Such guidelines shall require the use oI multiple indicators
oI student academic growth in teacher evaluations. Such guidelines shall include, but not be limited to: (1)
Methods Ior assessing student academic growth; (2) a consideration oI control Iactors tracked by the state-wide
public school inIormation system, pursuant to subsection (c) oI section 10-10a, that may inIluence teacher
perIormance ratings, including, but not limited to, student characteristics, student attendance and student mobility;
and (3) minimum requirements Ior teacher evaluation instruments and procedures.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision oI sections 10-153a to 10-153n, inclusive, progression through the steps on
the teacher salary schedule shall be based on eIIective practice. For purposes oI this subsection, "eIIective
practice" means (1) Ior any teacher holding an initial educator certiIicate, a rating oI developing, proIicient or
exemplary under the evaluation system adopted pursuant to subsection (c) oI this section, and (2) Ior any teacher
holding a proIessional educator certiIicate or a master educator certiIicate, a rating oI proIicient or exemplary
under such evaluation system.
Sec. 31. Section 10-153d oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) Within thirty days prior to the date on which the local or regional board oI education is to commence
negotiations pursuant to this section, such board oI education shall meet and conIer with the board oI Iinance in
each town or city having a board oI Iinance, with the board oI selectmen in each town having no board oI Iinance
and otherwise with the authority making appropriations therein. A member oI such board oI Iinance, such board
oI selectmen, or such other authority making appropriations, shall be permitted to be present during negotiations
pursuant to this section and shall provide such Iiscal inIormation as may be requested by the board oI education.
(b) The local or regional board oI education and the organization designated or elected as the exclusive
representative Ior the appropriate unit, through designated oIIicials or their representatives, shall have the duty to
negotiate with respect to salaries, hours and other conditions oI employment about which either party wishes to
negotiate, including additional compensation Ior teachers holding a master educator certiIicate, or additional
compensation Ior teachers holding any certiIicate issued pursuant to section 10-145b, as amended by this act,
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who are rated exemplary on perIormance evaluations conducted pursuant to section 10-151b, as amended by
this act, or who improve in their perIormance ratings on such perIormance evaluations. For purposes oI this
subsection and sections 10-153a, 10-153b and 10-153e to 10-153g, inclusive, (1) "hours" shall not include the
length oI the student school year, the scheduling oI the student school year, the length oI the student school day,
the length and number oI parent-teacher conIerences and the scheduling oI the student school day, except Ior the
length and the scheduling oI teacher lunch periods and teacher preparation periods and (2) "other conditions oI
employment" shall not include the establishment or provisions oI any retirement incentive plan authorized by
section 10-183jj. Such negotiations shall commence not less than two hundred ten days prior to the budget
submission date. Any local board oI education shall Iile Iorthwith a signed copy oI any contract with the town
clerk and with the Commissioner oI Education. Any regional board oI education shall Iile Iorthwith a signed copy
oI any such contract with the town clerk in each member town and with the Commissioner oI Education. Upon
receipt oI a signed copy oI such contract the clerk oI such town shall give public notice oI such Iiling. The terms
oI such contract shall be binding on the legislative body oI the local or regional school district, unless such body
rejects such contract at a regular or special meeting called and convened Ior such purpose within thirty days oI
the Iiling oI the contract. II a vote on such contract is petitioned Ior in accordance with the provisions oI section
7-7, in order to reject such contract, a minimum number oI those persons eligible to vote equal to IiIteen per cent
oI the electors oI such local or regional school district shall be required to participate in the voting and a majority
oI those voting shall be required to reject. Any regional board oI education shall call a district meeting to consider
such contract within such thirty-day period iI the chieI executive oIIicer oI any member town so requests in
writing within IiIteen days oI the receipt oI the signed copy oI the contract by the town clerk in such town. The
body charged with making annual appropriations in any school district shall appropriate to the board oI
education whatever Iunds are required to implement the terms oI any contract not rejected pursuant to this
section. All organizations seeking to represent members oI the teaching proIession shall be accorded equal
treatment with respect to access to teachers, principals, members oI the board oI education, records, mail boxes
and school Iacilities and, in the absence oI any recognition or certiIication as the exclusive representative as
provided by section 10-153b, participation in discussions with respect to salaries, hours and other conditions oI
(c)II the legislative body rejects the contract pursuant to the provisions oI subsection (b) oI this section, the
parties shall commence the arbitration process, in accordance with the provisions oI subsection (c) oI section 10-
153I, on the IiIth day next Iollowing the rejection which, Ior the purposes oI this procedure, shall serve as the
equivalent oI the one hundred thirty-IiIth day prior to the budget submission date, provided, iI requested by either
party, the parties shall mediate the contract dispute prior to the initial arbitration hearing. The parties shall meet
with a mediator mutually selected by them, provided such parties shall inIorm the commissioner oI the name oI
such mediator. II the parties are unable to mutually select a mediator, then the parties shall meet with the
commissioner or the commissioner's agent or a mediator designated by said commissioner. Mediators shall be
chosen Irom a panel oI mediators selected by the State Board oI Education or Irom outside such panel iI
mutually agreed by the parties. Such mediators shall receive a per diem Iee determined on the basis oI the
prevailing rate Ior such services, and the parties shall share equally in the cost oI such mediation. In any civil or
criminal case, any proceeding preliminary thereto, or in any legislative or administrative proceeding, a mediator
shall not disclose any conIidential communication made to such mediator in the course oI mediation unless the
party making such communication waives such privilege. The parties shall provide such inIormation as the
commissioner may require. The commissioner may recommend a basis Ior settlement but such recommendations
shall not be binding upon the parties.
(d) Through negotiations Ior collective bargaining agreements eIIective July 1, 2014, local and regional boards oI
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education subject to statutory provisions on conditional Iunding shall establish new salary schedules that align
with the initial, proIessional and master certiIicate levels in lieu oI diIIerentiation based on degree status or similar
provisions. Through negotiations Ior collective bargaining agreements eIIective July 1, 2015, and thereaIter, all
other local and regional boards oI education shall establish new salary schedules that align with the initial,
proIessional and master certiIicate levels. Negotiations under this subsection shall be conducted in accordance
with the provisions oI this section, except that such negotiations shall be conducted in accordance with
subsection (e) oI section 10-153I iI the local or regional board oI education and the exclusive bargaining
representative Ior teachers would not otherwise be in negotiations in accordance with this section.
Sec. 32. Subdivision (26) oI section 10-183b oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(26) "Teacher" means (A) any teacher, permanent substitute teacher, principal, assistant principal, supervisor,
assistant superintendent or superintendent employed by the public schools in a proIessional capacity while
possessing a certiIicate or permit issued by the State Board oI Education, provided on and aIter July 1, 1975,
such certiIicate shall be Ior the position in which the person is then employed, except as provided Ior in section
10-183qq, (B) certiIied personnel who provide health and welIare services Ior children in nonproIit schools, as
provided in section 10-217a, under an oral or written agreement, (C) any person who is engaged in teaching or
supervising schools Ior adults iI the annual salary paid Ior such service is equal to or greater than the minimum
salary paid Ior a regular, Iull-time teaching position in the day schools in the town where such service is rendered,
(D) a member oI the proIessional staII oI the State Board oI Education or oI the Board oI Regents Ior Higher
Education or any oI the constituent units, [and (E) a member oI the staII oI the State Education Resource Center
established pursuant to section 10-4q employed in a proIessional capacity while possessing a certiIicate or
permit issued by the State Board oI Education, and (F) a superintendent employed by a local or regional board
oI education on or aIter July 1, 2007, pursuant to subsection (c) oI section 10-157, as amended by this act. A
"permanent substitute teacher" is one who serves as such Ior at least ten months during any school year.
Sec. 33. Subsections (b) and (c) oI section 10-157 oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes are repealed
and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(b) A local or regional board oI education may appoint as acting superintendent a person who is or is not
properly certiIied [Ior a speciIied period oI time, not to exceed ninety days, with the approval oI the
Commissioner oI Education. A request Ior such approval shall include the period oI time Ior which such person is
to be employed in the role oI acting superintendent, and a plan Ior the supervision and support oI such person.
Such acting superintendent shall assume all duties oI the superintendent Ior the time speciIied, provided such
period oI time may be extended with the approval oI the commissioner, which [he the commissioner shall grant
Ior good cause shown.
(c) The commissioner may, upon request oI an employing local or regional board oI education, grant a waiver oI
certiIication to a person (1) who has successIully completed at least three years oI experience as a certiIied
administrator with a superintendent certiIicate issued by another state in a public school in another state during
the ten-year period prior to the date oI application, or (2) who the commissioner deems to be exceptionally
qualiIied Ior the position oI superintendent. [In order Ior the commissioner to Iind a person exceptionally
qualiIied, such person shall (A) be an acting superintendent pursuant to subsection (b) oI this section, (B) have
worked as a superintendent in another state Ior no Iewer than IiIteen years, and (C) be certiIied or have been
certiIied as a superintendent by such other state.
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Sec. 34. Seci 10-65a f he geea ae i eeaed ad he fig i bied i ie heef
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Each ca ad egia bad f edcai hich eae a agica ciece ad echg edcai
cee ha eabih ad iee a fie-ea a iceae acia ad ehic diei a ch cee. The
a ha eaab efec he acia ad ehic diei f he aea f he ae i hich he cee i caed.
(b) Each ca ad egia bad f edcai hich eae a agica ciece ad echg edcai
cee ha cdc a aa d aceai he edcaia ad caia aciiie i hich gadae f
ch cee ae egaged fie ea afe gadai ad ha bi he d he Sae Bad f Edcai.
(c) The Deae f Edcai ha, ihi aaiabe aiai, ffe ceiie ga egia
agica ciece ad echg edcai cee dee a (1) iceae he ee f de
h eide i a ii ch diic a eci 10-266, a aeded b hi ac, ad (2) iceae
ea de ee a agica ciece ad echg edcai cee.
Sec. 35. Sbeci (b) f eci 10-16bb f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(b) The cdiaed e f ea cae ad edcai ad chid deee ha (1) ceae a ified e f
eig eiee f he ga decibed i bdiii (1) f beci (b) f eci 10-16cc, f
he e f cecig he daa eee ecea ef ai aee ad gidia aai;
(2) cae ad aae he daa ceced a eig eiee ceaed de bdiii (1) f
hi beci ih he daa ceced i he ae-ide bic ch ifai e, a eci 10-
10a, f ai-ee aai f chide ad faiie; (3) dee ad dae aiae ea eaig
adad ad aee f chide f bih fie ea f age, icie, ha ae age ad
deeea aiae ad ha ae aiged ih eiig eaig adad a f J 1, 2013, ad
aee f de i gade idegae ee, icie; (4) cia i ad eaae a
ea chidhd edcai ad chid cae ga ad eice, fcig ga ce i aifig he
heah, afe, deeea ad edcaia eed f a chide; (5) dee idica ha ae aegie
deiged eghe he fai hgh aea iee i a chid' deee ad edcai, icdig
chide ih ecia eed; (6) iceae he aaiabii f ea chidhd edcai ad chid cae ga ad
eice ad ecage he ide f ch ga ad eice gehe ceae ie i
ha a faiie aiciae i ga ha ee he aica eed f each fai; (7) ide
ifai ad echica aiace e eeig ea chidhd edcai ad chid cae ga ad
eice; (8) ai ae agecie ad iciaiie i baiig aaiabe fedea fdig f ea chidhd
edcai ad chid cae ga ad eice; (9) ide echica aiace ad cai iceed
ide f ea chidhd edcai ad chid cae ga ad eice ad ai a eia ide f
ch ga ad eice i baiig he ecea icee ad ceificai; (10) [ceae, iee ad
aiai a icae he ai aig ad iee e deeed b he Deae f Edcai
ha ce he-baed, cee-baed ad ch-baed ea chid cae ad eaig; (11) aiai a e f
accediai faciiai ai ea chidhd edcai ad chid cae ga ad eice i achieig
aia adad ad ga iee; (12) ceae aehi beee ae agecie ad hiahic
gaiai ai i he ieeai f he cdiaed e f ea cae ad edcai ad chid
deee; (13) aig he e' ic ad ga ga ih he f he Ea Chidhd Edcai
Cabie, a eci 10-16, ad he Head Sa adi ciee, a eci 10-16; (14)
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ensure a coordinated and comprehensive state-wide system oI proIessional development Ior providers oI early
childhood education and child care programs and services; (15) develop Iamily-centered services that assist
Iamilies in their communities; (16) provide Iamilies with opportunities Ior choice in services including quality child
care; (17) integrate early childhood education and special education services; (18) emphasize targeted research-
based interventions; (19) organize services into a coherent system; (20) coordinate a comprehensive and
accessible delivery system Ior early childhood education and child care services; (21) Iocus on perIormance
measures to ensure that services are accountable, eIIective and accessible to the consumer; (22) promote
universal access to early childhood care and education; (23) ensure nonduplication oI monitoring and evaluation;
(24) encourage, promote and coordinate Iunding Ior the establishment and administration oI local and regional
early childhood councils that implement local and regional birth-to-eight systems; and (25) perIorm any other
activities that will assist in the provision oI early childhood education and child care programs and services.
Sec. 36. Section 10-220d oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
Each local and regional board oI education shall provide Iull access to [regional vocational-technical technical
high schools, regional agricultural science and technology education centers, interdistrict magnet schools, charter
schools and interdistrict student attendance programs Ior the recruitment oI students attending the schools under
the board's jurisdiction, provided such recruitment is not Ior the purpose oI interscholastic athletic competition.
Each local and regional board oI education shall provide inIormation relating to technical high schools, regional
agricultural science and technology education centers, interdistrict magnet schools, charter schools and
interdistrict student attendance programs on the board's web site. Each local and regional board oI education
shall inIorm students and parents oI students in middle and high schools within such board's jurisdiction oI the
availability oI (1) vocational, technical and technological education and training at [regional vocational-technical
technical high schools, and (2) agricultural science and technology education at regional agricultural science and
technology education centers.
Sec. 37. Section 10-145I oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) No person shall be Iormally admitted to a State Board oI Education approved teacher preparation program
until such person has achieved satisIactory scores on the state reading, writing and mathematics competency
examination prescribed by and administered under the direction oI the State Board oI Education, or has qualiIied
Ior a waiver oI such test based on criteria established by the State Board oI Education.
(b) (1) Any person who does not hold a valid certiIicate pursuant to section 10-145b, as amended by this act,
shall (A) achieve satisIactory scores on the state reading, writing and mathematics competency examination
prescribed by and administered under the direction oI the State Board oI Education, or qualiIy Ior a waiver oI
such test based on criteria approved by the State Board oI Education, and (B) achieve a satisIactory evaluation
on the appropriate State Board oI Education approved subject area assessment in order to be eligible Ior a
certiIicate pursuant to said section unless such assessment has not been approved by the State Board oI
Education at the time oI application, in which case the applicant shall not be denied a certiIicate solely because oI
the lack oI an evaluation on such assessment. A person who holds a valid school administrator certiIicate in
another state that is at least equivalent to an initial educator certiIicate, pursuant to section 10-145b, as amended
by this act, as determined by the State Board oI Education, and has successIully completed three years oI
experience as a school administrator in a public school in another state or in a nonpublic school approved by the
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appropriate state board oI education during the ten-year period prior to the date oI application Ior a certiIicate in
a school administration endorsement area shall not be required to meet the state reading, writing and mathematics
competency examination.
(2) Any person applying Ior an additional certiIication endorsement shall achieve a satisIactory evaluation on the
appropriate State Board oI Education approved subject area assessment in order to be eligible Ior such
additional endorsement, unless such assessment has not been approved by the State Board oI Education at the
time oI application, in which case the applicant shall not be denied the additional endorsement solely because oI
the lack oI an evaluation on such assessment.
(3) On and aIter July 1, 1992, any teacher who held a valid teaching certiIicate but whose certiIicate lapsed and
who had completed all requirements Ior the issuance oI a new certiIicate pursuant to section 10-145b, as
amended by this act, except Ior Iiling an application Ior such certiIicate, prior to the date on which the lapse
occurred, may Iile, within one year oI the date on which the lapse occurred, an application with the
Commissioner oI Education Ior the issuance oI such certiIicate. Upon the Iiling oI such an application, the
commissioner may grant such certiIicate and such certiIicate shall be retroactive to the date on which the lapse
occurred, provided the commissioner Iinds that the lapse oI the certiIicate occurred as a result oI a hardship or
extenuating circumstances beyond the control oI the applicant. II such teacher has attained tenure and is
reemployed by the same board oI education in any equivalent unIilled position Ior which the person is qualiIied as
a result oI the issuance oI a certiIicate pursuant to this subdivision, the lapse period shall not constitute a break in
employment Ior such person reemployed and shall be used Ior the purpose oI calculating continuous employment
pursuant to section 10-151, as amended by this act. II such teacher has not attained tenure, the time unemployed
due to the lapse oI a certiIicate shall not be counted toward tenure, except that iI such teacher is reemployed by
the same board oI education as a result oI the issuance oI a certiIicate pursuant to this subdivision, such teacher
may count the previous continuous employment immediately prior to the lapse towards tenure. Using inIormation
provided by the Teachers' Retirement Board, the Department oI Education shall annually notiIy each local or
regional board oI education oI the name oI each teacher employed by such board oI education whose
provisional certiIicate will expire during the period oI twelve months Iollowing such notice. Upon receipt oI such
notice the superintendent oI each local and regional board oI education shall notiIy each such teacher in writing,
at such teacher's last known address, that the teacher's provisional certiIicate will expire.
(4) Notwithstanding the provisions oI this subsection to the contrary, to be eligible Ior a certiIicate to teach
subjects Ior which a bachelor's degree is not required, any applicant who is otherwise eligible Ior certiIication in
such endorsement areas shall be entitled to a certiIicate without having met the requirements oI the competency
examination and subject area assessment pursuant to this subsection Ior a period not to exceed two years,
except that Ior a certiIicate to teach skilled trades or trade-related or occupational subjects, the commissioner
may waive the requirement that the applicant take the competency examination. The commissioner may, upon the
showing oI good cause, extend the certiIicate.
(5) On and aIter July 1, 2011, any person applying Ior a certiIication in the endorsement area oI elementary
education shall achieve a satisIactory evaluation on the appropriate State Board oI Education approved
mathematics assessment in order to be eligible Ior such elementary education endorsement.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions oI this section and section 10-145b, as amended by this act, the Iollowing
persons shall be eligible Ior a nonrenewable [temporary initial educator certiIicate: (1) A person who has resided
in a state other than Connecticut during the year immediately preceding application Ior certiIication in Connecticut
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and meets the requirements Ior certiIication, excluding successIul completion oI the competency examination and
subject matter assessment, iI such person holds current teacher certiIication in a state other than Connecticut and
has completed at least one year oI successIul teaching in another state in a public school or a nonpublic school
approved by the appropriate state board oI education, (2) a person who has graduated Irom a teacher
preparation program at a college or university outside oI the state and regionally accredited, and meets the
requirements Ior certiIication, excluding successIul completion oI the competency examination and subject matter
assessment, and (3) a person hired by a charter school aIter July Iirst in any school year Ior a teaching position
that school year, provided the person hired aIter said date could reasonably be expected to complete the
requirements prescribed in subparagraphs [(B) (A) and [(C) (B) oI subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI section
10-145b, as amended by this act. The nonrenewable [temporary initial educator certiIicate shall be valid Ior one
year Irom the date it is issued.
[(d) Any person who is Iirst issued a certiIicate valid aIter July 1, 1989, or who is reissued a certiIicate aIter July
1, 1989, shall, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, be required to achieve a satisIactory evaluation
on a proIessional knowledge clinical assessment not later than the end oI the second year oI teaching in a public
school iI hired prior to January Iirst or, iI hired on or aIter January Iirst, not later than the end oI the second Iull
school year oI teaching Iollowing the year in which such person was hired in order to retain the certiIicate. The
commissioner (1) may waive the requirement that such satisIactory evaluation on a proIessional knowledge
clinical assessment be achieved upon a determination that such assessment is not valid Ior the person's teaching
assignment, or (2) upon a showing oI good cause, may extend the time limit Ior the assessment Ior a period oI
time not exceeding two years. The requirement oI a clinical assessment shall not apply to any such person who
has completed at least three years oI successIul teaching in a public school or a nonpublic school approved by
the appropriate state board oI education during the ten years immediately preceding the date oI application or
who successIully taught with a provisional teaching certiIicate during the year immediately preceding an
application Ior a provisional educator certiIicate as an employee oI a local or regional board oI education or
Iacility approved Ior special education by the State Board oI Education. Notwithstanding the provisions oI this
subsection, the State Board oI Education may reissue an initial educator certiIicate to a person who held such
certiIicate and did not achieve a satisIactory evaluation on a proIessional knowledge clinical assessment provided
the person submits evidence demonstrating signiIicant intervening study and experience, in accordance with
standards established by the State Board oI Education.
[(e) (d) The board shall, by regulation, set all Iees to be charged to each person who applies to take the State
Board oI Education administered competency examination, the subject area assessment or the proIessional
knowledge clinical assessment, which shall be not less than seventy-Iive dollars Ior the competency examination
and subject area assessment Ior the elementary level. Notwithstanding the provisions oI this section to the
contrary, the Commissioner oI Education may waive any Iee under this section due to a candidate's inability to
[(I) (e) Notwithstanding the provisions oI this section, any person who holds a valid teaching certiIicate that is at
least equivalent to an initial educator certiIicate, as determined by the State Board oI Education, and such
certiIicate is issued by a state other than Connecticut in the subject area or endorsement area Ior which such
person is seeking certiIication in Connecticut shall not be required to successIully complete the competency
examination and subject matter assessment pursuant to this section, iI such person has either (1) successIully
completed at least three years oI teaching experience in the subject area Ior which such person is seeking
certiIication in Connecticut in the past ten years in a public school or a nonpublic school approved by the
appropriate state board oI education in such other state, or (2) holds a master's degree or higher in the subject
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area Ior which such person is seeking certiIication in Connecticut.
Sec. 38. Subsection (c) oI section 10-145h oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in
lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(c) On and aIter July 1, 2000, the State Board oI Education shall require bilingual education teachers [holding
provisional educator certiIicates to meet the requirements oI this subsection in order to qualiIy Ior a proIessional
educator certiIicate to teach bilingual education. (1) Such bilingual education teachers who teach on the
elementary level shall take IiIteen credit hours in bilingual education and IiIteen credit hours in language arts,
reading and mathematics. (2) Such bilingual education teachers who teach on the middle or secondary level shall
take IiIteen credit hours in bilingual education and IiIteen credit hours in the subject matter that they teach. Such
proIessional educator certiIicate shall be valid Ior bilingual education and the grade level and content area oI
Sec. 39. Subdivision (1) oI subsection (b) oI section 10-145o oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is
repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(1) The Department oI Education shall (A) develop a statement Ior the teacher education and mentoring program
that includes the state's goals Ior state-wide teacher induction, mentoring, proIessional development and
evaluation, using state-wide data and national research Iindings; (B) distribute state Iunding to local and regional
school districts to assist with implementation oI district teacher education and mentoring plans; (C) manage and
make accessible to local and regional school districts the data systems needed to document that teachers and
mentors have satisIactorily completed the instructional modules; (D) monitor district implementation oI the
teacher education and mentoring program to ensure Iidelity to the program's plan and goals, including random
district audits and observations by state personnel; (E) issue [provisional proIessional educator certiIicates to
teachers that have satisIactorily completed the induction program and have received the required evaluation
ratings pursuant to section 10-145b, as amended by this act; (F) develop guidelines Ior the creation and
approval oI district teacher education and mentoring plans, based on input and recommendations Irom
stakeholder groups; and (G) oversee an outside evaluation oI the teacher education and mentoring program
every three to Iive years;
Sec. 40. Subdivision (3) oI subsection (e) oI section 10-145o oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is
repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(3) Upon successIul completion oI the instructional modules and Iinal review by the coordinating committee, the
superintendent oI the school district shall submit the names oI the beginning teachers [eligible Ior receipt oI a
provisional educator certiIicate who have successIully completed such instructional modules to the State Board
oI Education.
Sec. 41. Subsection (I) oI section 10-145o oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(I) Local and regional boards oI education, in cooperation with the Department oI Education, institutions oI
higher education and regional educational service centers, shall recruit mentors Ior their teacher education and
mentoring program. Those persons eligible to serve as mentors Ior such programs shall hold a [provisional
educator certiIicate or a proIessional educator certiIicate or a master educator certiIicate and have at least three
years teaching experience in Connecticut, including at least one year oI experience in the district in which they are
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presently employed. Retired certiIied teachers may also serve as mentors, provided they successIully complete a
mentor training program oIIered by a regional educational service center. Each mentor shall be assigned two
beginning teachers, except that in certain circumstances, a mentor may be assigned three beginning teachers.
Such assignment shall be reIlected in each district's three-year plan. Each mentor shall provide IiIty contact hours
to each beginning teacher during the program, with the expectation oI approximately ten contact hours per
module. Mentors shall receive a minimum oI a Iive-hundred-dollar annual stipend Ior each beginning teacher
assigned to such mentor Irom the local or regional board oI education Ior participation in the teacher education
and mentoring program. Such stipend shall be included in a person's total earnings Ior purposes oI retirement.
Sec. 42. Subsection (a) oI section 10-146b oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in
lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) Any person who holds a provisional educator or provisional teaching certiIicate issued prior to July 1, 2013,
or held such certiIicate within one year oI application Ior extension oI such certiIicate and is unable to complete
the requirements Ior a proIessional educator certiIicate within the period required, or any person who holds a
proIessional educator certiIicate or held such certiIicate within one year oI application Ior extension oI such
certiIicate and is unable to complete the requirements Ior continuation oI such proIessional educator certiIicate
within the period required may appeal to the commissioner Ior an extension oI the applicable period Ior good
cause. II the commissioner Iinds a hardship exists in the case oI such person or Iinds an emergency situation
because oI a shortage oI certiIied teachers in the school district where such person is employed, the
commissioner may extend such certiIicate Ior no more than twenty-Iour months, eIIective as oI or retroactive to
the expiration date oI such certiIicate, provided not more than one extension shall be granted to such person and,
provided Iurther, the record oI such person is satisIactory under the provisions oI sections 10-145a to 10-145d,
inclusive, as amended by this act, and this section. For the purposes oI section 10-151, as amended by this act,
any lapse period pursuant to this section shall not constitute a break in employment Ior such person iI
reemployed and shall be used Ior the purpose oI calculating continuous employment.
Sec. 43. Subdivision (2) oI subsection (b) oI section 10-66dd oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is
repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(2) Subject to the provisions oI subdivision (5) oI this subsection, at least one-halI oI the persons providing
instruction or pupil services in a charter school shall possess the proper certiIicate other than [(A) a certiIicate
issued pursuant to subdivision (1) oI subsection (c) oI section 10-145b, or (B) a temporary an initial educator
certiIicate issued pursuant to subsection (c) oI section 10-145I, as amended by this act, on the day the school
begins operation and the remaining persons shall possess a certiIicate issued pursuant to said subdivision (1) or
such temporary certiIicate on such day.
Sec. 44. Subsection (a) oI section 10-145a oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(a) The State Board oI Education may, in accordance with section 10-19 and such regulations and qualiIications
as it prescribes, issue certiIicates oI qualiIication to teach, to administer, to supervise or to serve in other
positions requiring certiIication pursuant to regulations adopted by the State Board oI Education in any public
school in the state and may revoke the same. Any such regulations shall provide that the qualiIications to maintain
any administrator, supervisor or special service certiIicate shall incorporate the [continuing education
proIessional development provisions oI subsection [(i) (g) oI section 10-145b, as amended by this act. The
certiIicates oI qualiIication issued under this section shall be accepted by boards oI education in lieu oI any other
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certificate, provided additional qualifications ma be required b a board of education, in which case the state
certificate shall be accepted for such subjects as it includes.
Sec. 45. Subsection (c) of section 10-149b of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in
lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(c) The State Board of Education ma revoke the coaching permit, in accordance with the provisions of
subsection [(j) (i) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act, of an coach found to be in violation of this
Sec. 46. Subsection (b) of section 10-149c of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in
lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(b) The State Board of Education ma revoke the coaching permit, in accordance with the provisions of
subsection [(j) (i) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act, of an coach found to be in violation of this
Sec. 47. Subsections (e) to (g), inclusive, of section 10-221d of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes are
repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(e) The State Board of Education shall submit, periodicall, a database of applicants for an initial issuance of
certificate, authoriation or permit pursuant to sections 10-144o to 10-149, inclusive, as amended b this act, to
the State Police Bureau of Identification. The State Police Bureau of Identification shall conduct a state criminal
histor records check against such database and notif the State Board of Education of an such applicant who
has a criminal conviction. The State Board of Education shall not issue a certificate, authoriation or permit until it
receives and evaluates the results of such check and ma den an application in accordance with the provisions
of subsection [(j) (i) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act.
(f) The State Board of Education shall submit, periodicall, a database of all persons who hold certificates,
authoriations or permits to the State Police Bureau of Identification. The State Police Bureau of Identification
shall conduct a state criminal histor records check against such database and shall notif the State Board of
Education of an such person who has a criminal conviction. The State Board of Education ma revoke the
certificate, authoriation or permit of such person in accordance with the provisions of subsection [(j) (i) of
section 10-145b, as amended b this act.
(g) The State Board of Education shall require each applicant seeking an initial issuance or renewal of a
certificate, authoriation or permit pursuant to sections 10-144o to 10-149, inclusive, as amended b this act, to
submit to a records check of the Department of Children and Families child abuse and neglect registr
established pursuant to section 17a-101k. If notification is received that the applicant is listed as a perpetrator of
abuse or neglect on the Department of Children and Families child abuse and neglect registr, the board shall
den an application for the certificate, authoriation or permit in accordance with the provisions of subsection
[(j) (i) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act, or ma revoke the certificate, authoriation or permit in
accordance with the provisions of said subsection [(j) (i).
Sec. 48. Subsection (a) of section 17a-101i of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
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(a) Notwithstanding an provision of the general statutes, after an investigation has been completed and the
Commissioner of Children and Families, based upon the results of the investigation, (1) has reasonable cause to
believe that a child has been abused or neglected b a school emploee, as defined in section 53a-65, who has
been entrusted with the care of a child and who holds a certificate, permit or authoriation issued b the State
Board of Education, or (2) has recommended that such emploee be placed on the Department of Children and
Families child abuse and neglect registr established pursuant to section 17a-101k, the commissioner shall, not
later than five working das after such finding, notif the emploing superintendent and the Commissioner of
Education of such finding and shall provide records, whether or not created b the department, concerning such
investigation to the superintendent and the Commissioner of Education. The superintendent shall suspend such
school emploee. The Commissioner of Children and Families shall provide such notice whether or not the child
was a student in the emploing school or school district. Such suspension shall be with pa and shall not result in
the diminution or termination of benefits to such emploee. Not later than sevent-two hours after such
suspension the superintendent shall notif the local or regional board of education and the Commissioner of
Education, or the commissioner's representative, of the reasons for and conditions of the suspension. The
superintendent shall disclose such records to the Commissioner of Education and the local or regional board of
education or its attorne for purposes of review of emploment status or the status of such emploee's certificate,
permit or authoriation. The suspension of a school emploee emploed in a position requiring a certificate shall
remain in effect until the board of education acts pursuant to the provisions of section 10-151, as amended b
this act. If the contract of emploment of such certified school emploee is terminated, or such certified school
emploee resigns such emploment, the superintendent shall notif the Commissioner of Education, or the
commissioner's representative, within sevent-two hours after such termination or resignation. Upon receipt of
such notice from the superintendent, the Commissioner of Education ma commence certification revocation
proceedings pursuant to the provisions of subsection [(j) (i) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act.
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1-210 and 1-211, information received b the Commissioner of
Education, or the commissioner's representative, pursuant to this section shall be confidential subject to
regulations adopted b the State Board of Education under section 10-145g.
Sec. 49. Subsection (d) of section 20-195u of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in
lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2013):
(d) A person licensed pursuant to this chapter who holds a professional educator certificate that is endorsed for
school social work and issued b the State Board of Education pursuant to sections 10-144o to 10-149,
inclusive, as amended b this act, ma satisf the [continuing education requirements contained in this section b
successfull completing professional development [activities requirements pursuant to [subdivision (1) of
subsection [(l) (g) of section 10-145b, as amended b this act. [provided the number of continuing education
hours completed b such person is equal to the number of hours per registration period required b this section.
Sec. 50. Section 10-74f of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
Each local or regional board of education with jurisdiction over an elementar or middle school that fails to
[make adequate earl progress based on whole school academic achievement meet accountabilit benchmarks
in mathematics, reading, or both, as determined under the state-wide [accountabilit performance management
and support plan adopted under section 10-223e, as amended b this act, [for two consecutive ears and is
classified as a categor three school, ma reorganie such school to provide that:
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(1) (A) The school be organized in academies, each containing a maximum oI one hundred seventy-Iive students
divided into diIIerent classes based on grade. (B) Each academy include all grade levels at the school. (C)
Students be randomly assigned to academies. (D) The academies have diIIerent themes but the curriculum be the
same in all.
(2) (A) The school principal appoint a teacher as team leader Ior each academy based on evaluations pursuant
to section 10-151b, as amended by this act. (B) Team leaders not be teacher supervisors, but be literacy,
mathematics or science specialists. (C) Team leaders work with the school's regular classroom teachers to: (i)
Plan lessons; (ii) look at student data; (iii) work with small groups oI students; (iv) provide model lessons; and (v)
plan school and academy-wide activities.
(3) Each class in each academy have a ninety-minute mathematics block and a two-hour literacy block every
(4) Each student in the school have an individual education plan that incorporates the student's personal reading
plan iI the student is required to have a reading plan pursuant to section 10-265g or 10-265l, provided any child
with an individual educational program developed pursuant to section 10-76d, as amended by this act, Iollows
such program.
(5) All teachers in the school oI the same grade level meet weekly to plan lessons.
(6) Teachers meet daily in teams based on grade level to plan lessons.
(7) Teachers meet once a week with the team leader and the school principal to look at student work and data,
evaluate instruction and make adjustments and changes in instruction.
(8) Students receive regular assessments, including short assessment tests every two weeks, that evaluate short-
term progress and district-wide assessment tests every six weeks that evaluate a student's progress toward long-
term objectives.
(9) Any child who is Ialling behind based on assessments conducted under subdivision (8) oI this section be the
subject oI a meeting with teachers, school principal and parents.
Sec. 51. Subsection (a) oI section 10-223I oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in
lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) For the Iiscal years ending June 30, 2008, to June 30, 2013, inclusive, there shall be a pilot program
concerning [the determination oI adequate yearly progress accountability determination Ior the school districts
Ior Bridgeport, HartIord and New Haven. Under the program, the Department oI Education shall determine [the
adequate yearly progress whether accountability benchmarks, as [deIined described in the [state accountability
state-wide perIormance management and support plan prepared in accordance with subsection (a) oI section
10-223e, as amended by this act, Ior each district have been met with data Irom each school under the
jurisdiction oI the board oI education Ior such district and data Irom any state charter school, as deIined in
subdivision (3) oI section 10-66aa, located in such district, provided the local board oI education Ior such district
and the charter school reach mutual agreement Ior the inclusion oI the data Irom the charter schools and the
terms oI such agreement are approved by the State Board oI Education.
Sec. 52. Section 10-66bb oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is
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bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) O ad afe J 1, 1997, he Sae Bad f Edcai a ga chae f ca ad ae chae
ch i accdace ih hi eci.
(b) A e, aciai, cai, gaiai he ei, bic ideede iii f highe
edcai, ca egia bad f edcai e bad f edcai ceaie, egia
edcaia eice cee a a he Ciie f Edcai, a ch ie ad i ch ae a he
ciie ecibe, eabih a chae ch, ided bic eeea ecda ch
a be eabihed a a chae ch ad ae g f ae idig he ici a
eabih a chae ch f ch ici.
(c) [The O ad afe J 1, 2012, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha eie, aa, a aicai ad
ga chae, i accdace ih [beci beci (e) ad (f) f hi eci, f a ca ae chae
ch caed i a ha ha e e ch ha hae bee deigaed a a ciie' e
ch, a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, a he ie f ch aicai, a ha ha
bee deigaed a a achieig ch diic, a eci 10-223e, a aeded b hi ac, a he
ie f ch aicai. (1) Ece a ided f i bdiii (2) f hi beci, ae chae ch
ha e (A) (i) e ha hded fif de, (ii) i he cae f a idegae gade eigh,
icie, ch, e ha hee hded de, (B) e-fie e ce f he ee f he ch
diic i hich he ae chae ch i be caed, hichee i e. (2) I he cae f a ae chae
ch fd b he Sae Bad f Edcai hae a deaed ecd f achieee, aid bad ha,
aicai b ch ch aid bad, aie he ii f bdiii (1) f hi beci f ch
ch. (3) The Sae Bad f Edcai ha gie efeece aica f chae ch (A) he
ia e i he eabihe f edcai ga deiged ee e e f he fig
de ai: (i) Sde ih a hi f acadeic eface, (ii) de h eceie fee
edced iced che a fedea a ad egai, (iii) de ih a hi f behaia ad
cia difficie, (i) de ideified a eiig ecia edcai, () de h ae Egih agage
eae; (B) he ia e i ie he acadeic eface f a eiig ch ha ha
cie deaed badad acadeic eface, a deeied b he Ciie f
Edcai; (C) ha i ee de h eide i a ii ch diic a eci 10-266, a
aeded b hi ac; [ (D) ha i ee de h eide i a diic i hich ee-fie e ce
e f he eed de ae ebe f acia ehic iiie; [ad aica f ae chae
ch ha (E) ha deae high cedibe ad ecific aegie aac, e ad eai de f
ag he fig ai: (i) Sde ih a hi f acadeic eface, (ii) de h
eceie fee edced iced che a fedea a ad egai, (iii) de ih a hi f
behaia ad cia difficie, (i) de ideified a eiig ecia edcai, () de h ae
Egih agage eae; (F) ha, i he cae f a aica f a ae chae ch, ch ae chae
ch i be caed a a -ie ha ae iii f highe edcai. I deeiig hehe ga a
chae, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha cide he effec f he ed chae ch he edci f
acia, ehic ad ecic iai i he egi i hich i i be caed, he egia diibi f chae
ch i he ae ad he eia f e-cceai f chae ch ihi a ch diic i
cig ch diic.
(d) Aicai a hi eci ha icde a decii f: (1) The ii, e ad a
eciaied fc f he ed chae ch; (2) he iee i he ci f he eabihe f he
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charter school; (3) the school governance and procedures Ior the establishment oI a governing council that (A)
includes (i) teachers and parents and guardians oI students enrolled in the school, and (ii) the chairperson oI the
local or regional board oI education oI the town in which the charter school is located and which has jurisdiction
over a school that resembles the approximate grade conIiguration oI the charter school, or the designee oI such
chairperson, provided such designee is a member oI the board oI education or the superintendent oI schools Ior
the school district, and (B) is responsible Ior the oversight oI charter school operations, provided no member or
employee oI the governing council may have a personal or Iinancial interest in the assets, real or personal, oI the
school; (4) the Iinancial plan Ior operation oI the school, provided no application Iees or other Iees Ior
attendance, except as provided in this section, may be charged; (5) the educational program, instructional
methodology and services to be oIIered to students; (6) the number and qualiIications oI teachers and
administrators to be employed in the school; (7) the organization oI the school in terms oI the ages or grades to
be taught and the total estimated enrollment oI the school; (8) the student admission criteria and procedures to
(A) ensure eIIective public inIormation, (B) ensure open access on a space available basis, (C) promote a
diverse student body, and (D) ensure that the school complies with the provisions oI section 10-15c and that it
does not discriminate on the basis oI disability, athletic perIormance or proIiciency in the English language,
provided the school may limit enrollment to a particular grade level or specialized educational Iocus and, iI there
is not space available Ior all students seeking enrollment, the school may give preIerence to siblings but shall
otherwise determine enrollment by a lottery, except the State Board oI Education may waive the requirements
Ior such enrollment lottery pursuant to subsection (j) oI this section; (9) a means to assess student perIormance
that includes participation in state-wide mastery examinations pursuant to chapter 163c; (10) procedures Ior
teacher evaluation and proIessional development Ior teachers and administrators; (11) the provision oI school
Iacilities, pupil transportation and student health and welIare services; (12) procedures to encourage involvement
by parents and guardians oI enrolled students in student learning, school activities and school decision-making;
(13) procedures to document eIIorts to increase the racial and ethnic diversity oI staII; [and (14) a Iive-year plan
to sustain the maintenance and operation oI the school; and (15) a student recruitment and retention plan that
shall include, but not be limited to, a clear description oI a plan and the capacity oI the school to attract, enroll
and retain students Irom among the Iollowing populations: (A) Students with a history oI low academic
perIormance, (B) students who receive Iree or reduced priced lunches pursuant to Iederal law and regulations,
(C) students with a history oI behavioral and social diIIiculties, (D) students identiIied as requiring special
education, or (E) students who are English language learners. Subject to the provisions oI subsection (b) oI
section 10-66dd, an application may include, or a charter school may Iile, requests to waive provisions oI the
general statutes and regulations not required by sections 10-66aa to 10-66II, inclusive, as amended by this act,
and which are within the jurisdiction oI the State Board oI Education.
(e) An application Ior the establishment oI a local charter school shall be submitted to the local or regional board
oI education oI the school district in which the local charter school is to be located Ior approval pursuant to this
subsection. The local or regional board oI education shall: (1) Review the application; (2) hold a public hearing in
the school district on such application; (3) survey teachers and parents in the school district to determine iI there
is suIIicient interest in the establishment and operation oI the local charter school; and (4) vote on a complete
application not later than sixty days aIter the date oI receipt oI such application. Such board oI education may
approve the application by a majority vote oI the members oI the board present and voting at a regular or special
meeting oI the board called Ior such purpose. II the application is approved, the board shall Iorward the
application to the State Board oI Education. The State Board oI Education shall vote on the application not later
than seventy-Iive days aIter the date oI receipt oI such application. Subject to the provisions oI subsection (c) oI
this section, the State Board oI Education may approve the application and grant the charter Ior the local charter
school or reject such application by a majority vote oI the members oI the state board present and voting at a
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ega ecia eeig f he ae bad caed f ch e. The Sae Bad f Edcai a
cdii he eig f ch ch he ch' eeig ceai cdii deeied b he Ciie
f Edcai be ecea ad a ahie he ciie eeae he chae he he ciie
deeie ch cdii ae e. The ae bad a ga he chae f he ca chae ch f a
eid f ie f fie ea ad a a he aica dea i eig f a eid f e
ch ea i de f he aica f eae ide aiae icia eice.
(f) A aicai f he eabihe f a ae chae ch ha be (1) bied he Sae Bad f
Edcai f aa i accdace ih he ii f hi beci, ad (2) fied ih he ca
egia bad f edcai i he ch diic i hich he chae ch i be caed. The ae bad
ha: (A) Reie ch aicai; (B) hd a bic heaig ch aicai i he ch diic i hich
ch ae chae ch i be caed; (C) ici ad eie ce he aicai f he ca
egia bad f edcai f he ch diic i hich ch chae ch i be caed ad f he ca
egia bad f edcai f ch diic ha ae cig he diic i hich ch ch i be
caed; ad (D) e a cee aicai ae ha ie da afe he dae f ecei f ch
aicai. The Sae Bad f Edcai a ae a aicai ad ga he chae f he ae chae
ch b a aji e f he ebe f he ae bad ee ad ig a a ega ecia eeig f
he ae bad caed f ch e. The Sae Bad f Edcai a cdii he eig f ch ch
he ch' eeig ceai cdii deeied b he Ciie f Edcai be ecea ad
a ahie he ciie eeae he chae he he ciie deeie ch cdii ae
e. Chae ha be gaed f a eid f ie f fie ea ad a a he aica dea i
eig f a eid f e ch ea i de f he aica f eae ide aiae
icia eice.
(g) Chae a be eeed, aicai, i accdace ih he ii f hi eci f he gaig
f ch chae. U aicai f ch eea, he Sae Bad f Edcai a cii a
ideede aaia f he eface f he chae ch ha icde, b i iied , a eaai
f he ch' ciace ih he ii f hi eci. The Sae Bad f Edcai ha cide he
e f a ch aaia i deeiig hehe ee ch chae. The Sae Bad f Edcai a
de a aicai f he eea f a chae if (1) de ge ha bee fficie deaed, a
deeied b he ciie, (2) he geig cci ha bee fficie eibe f he eai
f he ch ha ied e bic fd i a ae ha i deiea he edcaia iee f
he de aedig he chae ch, [ (3) he ch ha bee i ciace ih aicabe a ad
egai, (4) he eff f he ch hae bee ifficie effecie aac, e ad eai de
f ag he fig ai: (A) Sde ih a hi f acadeic eface, (B) de
h eceie fee edced iced che a fedea a ad egai, (C) de ih a hi f
behaia ad cia difficie, (D) de ideified a eiig ecia edcai, (E) de h ae
Egih agage eae. If he Sae Bad f Edcai de ee a chae, i ha if he geig
cci f he chae ch f he ea f ch eea.
(h) The Ciie f Edcai a a a ie ace a chae ch bai if (1) he ch ha
faied (A) adeae deae de ge, a deeied b he ciie, (B) c ih he
e f i chae ih aicabe a ad egai, (C) achiee eaabe ge i edcig acia,
ehic ad ecic iai, (D) aiai i ecaia a, (2) he geig cci ha
deaed a iabii ide effecie eadehi eee he eai f he chae ch ha
eed ha bic fd ae eeded de i a ae eied b a. If a chae ch i aced
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probation, the commissioner shall provide written notice to the charter school oI the reasons Ior such placement,
not later than Iive days aIter the placement, and shall require the charter school to Iile with the Department oI
Education a corrective action plan acceptable to the commissioner not later than thirty-Iive days Irom the date oI
such placement. The charter school shall implement a corrective action plan accepted by the commissioner not
later than thirty days aIter the date oI such acceptance. The commissioner may impose any additional terms oI
probation on the school that the commissioner deems necessary to protect the educational or Iinancial interests oI
the state. The charter school shall comply with any such additional terms not later than thirty days aIter the date
oI their imposition. The commissioner shall determine the length oI time oI the probationary period, which may be
up to one year, provided the commissioner may extend such period, Ior up to one additional year, iI the
commissioner deems it necessary. In the event that the charter school does not Iile or implement the corrective
action plan within the required time period or does not comply with any additional terms within the required time
period, the Commissioner oI Education may withhold grant Iunds Irom the school until the plan is Iully
implemented or the school complies with the terms oI probation, provided the commissioner may extend the time
period Ior such implementation and compliance Ior good cause shown. Whenever a charter school is placed on
probation, the commissioner shall notiIy the parents or guardians oI students attending the school oI the
probationary status oI the school and the reasons Ior such status. During the term oI probation, the commissioner
may require the school to Iile interim reports concerning any matter the commissioner deems relevant to the
probationary status oI the school, including Iinancial reports or statements. No charter school on probation may
increase its student enrollment or engage in the recruitment oI new students without the consent oI the
(i)The State Board oI Education may revoke a charter iI a charter school has Iailed to: (1) Comply with the
terms oI probation, including the Iailure to Iile or implement a corrective action plan; (2) demonstrate satisIactory
student progress, as determined by the commissioner; (3) comply with the terms oI its charter or applicable laws
and regulations; or (4) manage its public Iunds in a prudent or legal manner. Unless an emergency exists, prior to
revoking a charter, the State Board oI Education shall provide the governing council oI the charter school with a
written notice oI the reasons Ior the revocation, including the identiIication oI speciIic incidents oI noncompliance
with the law, regulation or charter or other matters warranting revocation oI the charter. It shall also provide the
governing council with the opportunity to demonstrate compliance with all requirements Ior the retention oI its
charter by providing the State Board oI Education or a subcommittee oI the board, as determined by the State
Board oI Education, with a written or oral presentation. Such presentation shall include an opportunity Ior the
governing council to present documentary and testimonial evidence to reIute the Iacts cited by the State Board oI
Education Ior the proposed revocation or in justiIication oI its activities. Such opportunity shall not constitute a
contested case within the meaning oI chapter 54. The State Board oI Education shall determine, not later than
thirty days aIter the date oI an oral presentation or receipt oI a written presentation, whether and when the
charter shall be revoked and notiIy the governing council oI the decision and the reasons thereIor. A decision to
revoke a charter shall not constitute a Iinal decision Ior purposes oI chapter 54. In the event an emergency exists
in which the commissioner Iinds that there is imminent harm to the students attending a charter school, the State
Board oI Education may immediately revoke the charter oI the school, provided the notice concerning the
reasons Ior the revocation is sent to the governing council not later than ten days aIter the date oI revocation and
the governing council is provided an opportunity to make a presentation to the board not later than twenty days
Irom the date oI such notice.
(j) The governing council oI a local or state charter school may apply to the State Board oI Education Ior a
waiver oI the requirements oI the enrollment lottery described in subsection (d) oI this section, provided such
waiver is Ior the purpose oI allowing preIerence to be given to students Irom among the Iollowing populations:
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(1) Students with a history oI low academic perIormance, (2) students who receive Iree or reduced priced
lunches pursuant to Iederal law and regulations, (3) students with a history oI behavioral and social diIIiculties, (4)
students identiIied as requiring special education, or (5) students who are English language learners.
Sec. 53. Section 10-95 oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The State Board oI Education may establish and maintain a state-wide system oI regional vocational-technical
schools to be known as the Connecticut Technical High School System. The Connecticut Technical High School
System shall be governed by a board oI education. Such board shall consist oI eleven members as Iollows: (1)
Four executives oI Connecticut-based employers who shall be nominated by the regional chambers oI commerce
and business associations and appointed by the Governor, (2) Iive members appointed by the State Board oI
Education, (3) the Commissioner oI the Economic and Community Development, and (4) the Labor
Commissioner. The Governor shall appoint the chairperson. The chairperson oI the Connecticut Technical High
School System board shall serve as a nonvoting ex-oIIicio member oI the State Board oI Education.
(b) The Connecticut Technical High School System board shall oIIer [oIIering Iull-time, part-time and evening
programs in vocational, technical and technological education and training. The board may make regulations
controlling the admission oI students to any such school. The Commissioner oI Education, in accordance with
policies established by the board, may appoint and remove members oI the staIIs oI such schools and make rules
Ior the management oI and expend the Iunds provided Ior the support oI such schools. The board may enter into
cooperative arrangements with local and regional boards oI education, private occupational schools, institutions
oI higher education, job training agencies and employers in order to provide general education, vocational,
technical or technological education or work experience.
[(b) (c) II the New England Association oI Schools and Colleges places a regional vocational-technical school
on probation or otherwise notiIies the superintendent oI the vocational-technical school system that a regional
vocational-technical school is at risk oI losing its accreditation, the Commissioner oI Education, on behalI oI the
Connecticut Technical High School System board, shall notiIy the joint standing committee oI the General
Assembly having cognizance oI matters relating to education oI such placement or problems relating to
[(c) (d) The [State Board oI Education Connecticut Technical High School System board shall establish
speciIic achievement goals Ior students at the vocational-technical schools at each grade level. The board shall
measure the perIormance oI each vocational-technical school and shall identiIy a set oI quantiIiable measures to
be used. The measures shall include Iactors such as perIormance on the state-wide tenth grade mastery
examination under section 10-14n, trade-related assessment tests, dropout rates and graduation rates.
Sec. 54. Section 10-1 oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective
Jul 1, 2012):
(a) (1) Prior to July 1, 1998, the State Board oI Education shall consist oI nine members. On and aIter July 1,
1998, but prior to July 1, 2010, the State Board oI Education shall consist oI eleven members, two oI whom
shall be nonvoting student members.
(2) On and aIter July 1, 2010, but prior to April 1, 2011, the State Board oI Education shall consist oI thirteen
members, at least two oI whom shall have experience in manuIacturing or a trade oIIered at the regional
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caia-echica ch be ai f hae eed a edca a a egia caia-echica
ch ad f h ha be ig de ebe. O he ebe ih eeiece i
afacig a ade ffeed a he egia caia-echica ch ae ai f hae eed a
edca a a egia caia-echica ch ha be eigibe ee a he chaie f he egia
caia-echica ch bciee f he bad.
(3) O ad afe Ai 1, 2011, b i J 1, 2012, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha ci f hiee
ebe, (A) a ea f h ha hae eeiece i afacig a ade ffeed a he egia
caia-echica ch be ai f hae eed a edca a a egia caia-echica
ch, (B) a ea e f h ha hae eeiece i agice be a ai f hae eed a a
edca a a egia agica ciece ad echg edcai cee, ad (C) f h ha be
ig de ebe. O he ebe decibed i baagah (A) f hi bdiii ha be
eigibe ee a he chaie f he egia caia-echica ch bciee f he bad.
(4) O ad afe J 1, 2012, he Sae Bad f Edcai ha ci f fee ebe, (A) a ea
f h ha hae eeiece i afacig a ade ffeed a he echica high ch be ai f
hae eed a edca a a echica high ch, (B) a ea e f h ha hae eeiece i agice
be a ai f hae eed a a edca a a egia agica ciece ad echg edcai
cee, ad (C) f h ha be ig de ebe.
(b) The Ge ha ai, ih he adice ad ce f he Geea Aeb, he ebe f aid
bad, ided each de ebe (1) i he i bied he Ge a eci 10-2a, (2)
i eed i a bic high ch i he ae, (3) ha ceed eeeh gade i he cecee f
hi e, (4) ha a ea a B aeage, ad (5) ide a ea hee efeece f eache i he ch
he i aedig. The de ebe ha ee f e f f ea cecig Mach fi i he
ea f hei aie. The de ebe ha ee f e f e ea cecig J fi i he
ea f hei aie. The eide f he Bad f Rege f Highe Edcai ad he chaie f he
Cecic Techica High Sch Se bad ha ee a a e-ffici [ebe ebe ih a e.
A acac i aid Sae Bad f Edcai ha be fied i he ae ided i eci 4-19.
Sec. 55. Sbeci (b) f eci 3-20f f he 2012 ee he geea ae i eeaed ad he
fig i bied i ie heef (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(b) Nihadig eci 3-20, he ee hee i a fficie baace f bd aed b he Geea
Aeb a a bd ac f he e f geea aieace ad ade ad caia eie f
a ch i he [egia caia-echica ch e Cecic Techica High Sch Se, b
acaed b he Sae Bd Cii, aid cii ha e hehe ahie he iace f
a ea ii da f ch bd f ch aieace ad eie a each f aid cii'
ega cheded eeig ccig i Ag ad Feba f each ea. If eeig i hed i aid h,
aid cii ha e hehe ahie he iace f ch bd a i e ega cheded
eeig. T he ee hee i a fficie baace f bd aed b he Geea Aeb ad hee ae
edig geea aieace ad ade ad caia eie aaci i ece f ii da, he
[eiede chaie f he [egia caia-echica ch e Cecic Techica High
Sch Se a ee, ad he Sae Bd Cii ha e hehe ahie he iace f,
bd i ece f ii da. T he ee he baace f bd aed b he Geea Aeb
i be ii da a he ie f aid cii' Ag Feba eeig, aid cii ha
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vote on whether to authorie the issuance of the remaining balance of such bonds.
Sec. 56. Section 4-124gg of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is
substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
Not later than October 1, 2012, the Labor Commissioner, with the assistance of the Office of Workforce
Competitiveness and in consultation with the [superintendent chairperson of the [regional vocational-technical
school sstem Connecticut Technical High School Sstem, shall create an integrated sstem of state-wide
industr advisor committees for each career cluster offered as part of the [regional vocational-technical school
technical high school and regional communit-technical college sstems. Said committees shall include industr
representatives of the specific career cluster. Each committee for a career cluster shall, with support from the
Labor Department, [regional vocational-technical Connecticut Technical High School Sstem and regional
communit-technical college [sstems sstem and the Department of Education, establish specific skills
standards, corresponding curriculum and a career ladder for the cluster which shall be implemented as part of the
schools' core curriculum.
Sec. 57. Section 10-4r of the general statutes is repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
On or before Jul 1, 2011, the State Board of Education shall develop recommendations regarding the definition
of region for purposes of attendance in the [regional vocational-technical school sstem Connecticut Technical
High School Sstem. The board shall submit such recommendations, in accordance with the provisions of section
11-4a, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembl having cogniance of matters relating to
Sec. 58. Subsection (a) of section 10-20a of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
following is substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Local and regional boards of education, the [regional vocational-technical school sstem Connecticut
Technical High School Sstem, postsecondar institutions and regional educational service centers, ma (1) in
consultation with regional workforce development boards established pursuant to section 31-3k, local
emploers, labor organiations and communit-based organiations establish career pathwa programs leading to
a Connecticut career certificate in accordance with this section, and (2) enroll students in such programs based
on entr criteria determined b the establishing agenc. Such programs shall be approved b the Commissioner
of Education and the Labor Commissioner. Applications for program approval shall be submitted to the
Commissioner of Education in such form and at such time as the commissioner prescribes. All programs leading
to a Connecticut career certificate shall provide equal access for all students and necessar accommodations and
support for students with disabilities.
Sec. 59. Section 10-95h of the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the following is
substituted in lieu thereof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Not later than November thirtieth each ear, the joint standing committees of the General Assembl having
cogniance of matters relating to education, higher education and emploment advancement and labor shall meet
with the [superintendent chairperson of the [regional vocational-technical school sstem Connecticut Technical
High School Sstem, the Labor Commissioner, the Commissioner of Economic and Communit Development
and such other persons as the deem appropriate to consider the items submitted pursuant to subsection (b) of
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this section.
(b) On or beIore November IiIteenth, annually:
(1) The Labor Commissioner shall submit the Iollowing to the joint standing committees oI the General Assembly
having cognizance oI matters relating to education, higher education and employment advancement and labor:
(A) InIormation identiIying general economic trends in the state; (B) occupational inIormation regarding the public
and private sectors, such as continuous data on occupational movements; and (C) inIormation identiIying
emerging regional, state and national workIorce needs over the next thirty years.
(2) The [superintendent chairperson oI the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical
High School System shall submit the Iollowing to the joint standing committees oI the General Assembly having
cognizance oI matters relating to education, higher education and employment advancement and labor: (A)
InIormation ensuring that the curriculum oI the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut
Technical High School System is incorporating those workIorce skills that will be needed Ior the next thirty
years, as identiIied by the Labor Commissioner in subdivision (1) oI this subsection, into the [regional vocational-
technical schools technical high schools; (B) inIormation regarding the employment status oI students who
graduate Irom the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System; (C)
an assessment oI the adequacy oI the resources available to the [regional vocational-technical school system
Connecticut Technical High School System as the system develops and reIines programs to meet existing and
emerging workIorce needs; and (D) recommendations to the State Board oI Education to carry out the
provisions oI subparagraphs (A) to (C), inclusive, oI this subdivision.
(3) The Commissioner oI Economic and Community Development shall submit the Iollowing to the joint standing
committees oI the General Assembly having cognizance oI matters relating to education, higher education and
employment advancement and labor: (A) InIormation regarding the relationship between the Department oI
Economic and Community Development and the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut
Technical High School System, (B) inIormation regarding coordinated eIIorts oI the department and the [regional
vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System to collaborate with the business
community, (C) inIormation on workIorce training needs identiIied by the department through its contact with
businesses, (D) recommendations regarding how the department and the [regional vocational-technical school
system Connecticut Technical High School System can coordinate or improve eIIorts to address the workIorce
training needs identiIied in subparagraph (C) oI this subdivision, (E) inIormation regarding the eIIorts oI the
department to utilize the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School
System in business assistance and economic development programs oIIered by the department, and (F) any
additional inIormation the commissioner deems relevant.
Sec. 60. Section 10-95i oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Not later than January 1, 1990, and every Iive years thereaIter, the State Board oI Education shall adopt a
long-range plan oI priorities and goals Ior the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut
Technical High School System. The plan shall address coordination with other providers oI vocational, technical
or technological education or training and shall include (1) an analysis oI the activities described in subsections
(b) and (c) oI this section and how such activities relate to the long-range plan oI priorities and goals, and (2) a
summary oI activities related to capital improvements and equipment pursuant to subsection (d) oI this section.
Upon adoption oI the plan, the state board shall Iile the plan with the joint standing committees oI the General
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Assembly having cognizance oI matters relating to education, Iinance, revenue and bonding and appropriations
and the budgets oI state agencies. The state board shall use the plan in preparing its Iive-year comprehensive
plan pursuant to subsection (c) oI section 10-4.
(b) During the Iive-year period beginning January 1, 1990, and during each Iive-year period thereaIter, the State
Board oI Education shall evaluate each existing [regional vocational-technical school technical high school trade
program in accordance with a schedule which the state board shall establish. A trade program may be
reauthorized Ior a period oI not more than Iive years Iollowing each evaluation on the basis oI: The projected
employment demand Ior students enrolled in the trade program, including consideration oI the employment oI
graduates oI the program during the preceding Iive years; anticipated technological changes; the availability oI
qualiIied instructors; the existence oI similar programs at other educational institutions; and student interest in the
trade program. As part oI the evaluation, the state board shall consider geographic diIIerences that may make a
trade program Ieasible at one school and not another and whether certain combinations oI program oIIerings
shall be required. Prior to any Iinal decision on the reauthorization oI a trade program, the state board shall
consult with the craIt committees Ior the trade program being evaluated.
(c) The state board shall consider the addition oI new trade programs. Decisions by the state board to add such
programs shall at a minimum be based on the projected employment demand Ior graduates oI the program, the
cost oI establishing the program, the availability oI qualiIied instructors, the existence oI similar programs at other
educational institutions and the interest oI students in the trade. The state board shall authorize new trade
programs Ior a maximum oI Iive years. The state board shall provide a process Ior the public, including, but not
limited to, employers, parents, students or teachers, to request consideration oI the establishment oI a new trade
(d) The State Board oI Education shall maintain a rolling Iive-year capital improvement and capital equipment
plan that identiIies: (1) Alterations, renovations and repairs that each [vocational-technical school technical high
school is expected to need, including, but not limited to, grounds and athletic Iields, heating and ventilation
systems, wiring, rooIs, and windows, and the cost oI such projects, (2) recommendations Ior energy eIIiciency
improvements to each school and the cost oI such improvements, and (3) the speciIic equipment each [regional
vocational-technical school technical high school is expected to need, based on the useIul liIe oI existing
equipment and projections oI changing technology and the estimated cost oI the equipment. The State Board oI
Education shall submit such plan, annually, to the joint standing committees oI the General Assembly having
cognizance oI matters relating to education, Iinance, revenue and bonding and appropriations and the budgets oI
state agencies.
Sec. 61. Section 10-95k oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Not later than January 1, 1995, and biennially thereaIter, the State Board oI Education shall prepare a
summary report concerning the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School
System and shall submit the report to the joint standing committee oI the General Assembly having cognizance oI
matters relating to education. The report shall include demographic inIormation Ior the preceding two school
years on applicants Ior admission, students enrolled and graduates, and a summary oI the capital and operating
expenditures. Such inIormation shall be provided Ior the [regional vocational-technical school system
Connecticut Technical High School System and Ior each [regional vocational-technical school technical high
school and satellite Iacility. Enrollment inIormation shall be reported by race and sex and by speciIic trade
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programs. Applicant inIormation shall include the number oI applicants, the number accepted and the number
enrolled reported by race and sex. Enrollment capacity Ior each school and projected enrollment capacity Ior the
subsequent school year shall be developed on the basis oI a standardized Iormat and shall be reported Ior each
school and satellite Iacility. The report shall also include assessment oI student outcomes including, but not limited
to, mastery examination results pursuant to section 10-14n, retention and completion rates, and postsecondary
education or employment based on graduate Iollow-up and, Ior purposes oI employment placement, state
unemployment insurance wage records.
(b) Reports prepared and submitted pursuant to subsection (a) oI this section on and aIter January 1, 1995, shall
identiIy each [regional vocational-technical school technical high school Ior which enrollment on the preceding
October Iirst was less than seventy per cent oI the enrollment capacity identiIied in the report pursuant to this
section Ior the prior year. For each such school the report shall include an analysis oI: (1) The reasons Ior such
enrollment, including, but not limited to, the interest in the speciIic trade programs oIIered, the resources needed
to serve special education students, demographic changes and the existence oI alternative vocational, technical
and technological educational training programs in the region in which the school is located; (2) the likelihood that
enrollment will increase or decrease in the Iuture; (3) any alternative uses Ior unused space in the Iacility; and (4)
a recommendation on the steps to be taken to improve enrollment or a timetable Ior closing the school. In
preparing the analysis, the State Board oI Education shall provide an opportunity Ior public comment.
Sec. 62. Section 10-95m oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The Department oI Education shall conduct a study oI the relationship between admissions scores and
perIormance within the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System
using the classes graduating in 2003, 2004 and 2005.
(b) The department shall report periodically, in accordance with this subsection and section 11-4a, on the study
to the joint standing committee oI the General Assembly having cognizance oI matters relating to education.
(1) On or beIore January 1, 2002, the department shall describe (A) the number and distribution oI students by
class in each oI the [regional vocational-technical schools technical high schools, (B) the Iormat and contents oI
the initial data base developed to carry out the study, (C) the measures, such as the scores on the state-wide
tenth grade mastery examination under section 10-14n, grade point average, class rank, dropout rates, or trade
speciIic assessment tests, selected to assess the ability oI the individual components oI the admissions score to
predict success in the [vocational-technical school technical high school, and (D) any other Iactors the
department deems relevant to conducting the study or understanding the results oI the study;
(2) On or beIore January 1, 2003, the department shall present preliminary results oI the study based on data
analysis through the Iirst quarter oI the school year commencing in 2002, including the relevance oI the individual
components oI the admissions score to the assessment measures, and shall provide statistics on the number oI
students Irom each class Ior the classes graduating in 2003, 2004 and 2005 who have withdrawn Irom a
[vocational-technical school technical high school;
(3) On or beIore January 1, 2004, the department shall (A) present Iinal results Ior the class oI 2003, including
graduation rates and the results oI the postgraduation survey, (B) using such results, predict the probability oI a
[vocational-technical school technical high school student's being successIul based on the components oI the
student's admissions score, and (C) evaluate the results and discuss whether it Ieels any changes are needed in
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he admiion policie;
(4) On o befoe Jana 1, 2005, he depamen hall peen he final el fo he cla of 2004, and eplain
an diffeence beeen aid cla and he cla of 2003; and
(5) On o befoe Jana 1, 2006, he depamen hall bmi i final epo, inclding (A) final el fo he
cla of 2005, (B) ing ch el, pedic he pobabili of a [ocaional-echnical chool echnical high
chool den being ccefl baed on he elemen of he den' admiion coe, and (C) decibe an
change i inend o make in he em' admiion policie.
Sec. 63. Secion 10-96c of he 2012 pplemen o he geneal ae i epealed and he folloing i
bied in lie heeof (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
The Commiione of Edcaion ma indemnif and hold hamle an peon, a defined in ecion 1-79, ho
make a gif of angible pope o popeie ih a fai make ale in ece of one hoand dolla o he
Depamen of Edcaion o he [egional ocaional-echnical chool em Connecic Technical High School
Sem fo incional ppoe. An indemnificaion nde hi ecion hall be olel fo an damage caed
a a el of he e of ch angible pope, poided hee hall be no indemnificaion fo an liabili eling
fom (1) inenional o ilfl micondc b he peon poiding ch angible pope o he depamen o he
[egional ocaional-echnical chool em Connecic Technical High School Sem, o (2) hidden defec
in ch angible pope ha ae knon o and no dicloed b he peon poiding ch angible pope o
he depamen o he [egional ocaional-echnical chool em Connecic Technical High School Sem
a he ime he gif i made.
Sec. 64. Secion 10-97a of he geneal ae i epealed and he folloing i bied in lie heeof
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
On o befoe Jl 15, 2010, and annall heeafe, he Sae Boad of Edcaion hall aange fo he
inpecion, in accodance ih he poiion of ecion 14-282a, of hoe chool be, a defined in ecion
14-275, in opeaion in he [egional ocaional-echnical chool em Connecic Technical High School
Sec. 65. Secion 10-97b of he geneal ae i epealed and he folloing i bied in lie heeof
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) On and afe Jl 1, 2010, he Sae Boad of Edcaion hall eplace an chool b ha (1) i ele ea
o olde and i in eice a an [egional ocaional-echnical chool echnical high chool, o (2) ha been
bjec o an o-of-eice ode, a defined in ecion 14-1, fo o conecie ea fo he ame eaon.
(b) On o befoe Jl 1, 2011, and annall heeafe, he [peinenden chaipeon of he [egional
ocaional-echnical chool em Connecic Technical High School Sem hall bmi, in accodance ih
he poiion of ecion 11-4a, o he Secea of he Office of Polic and Managemen and o he join
anding commiee of he Geneal Aembl haing cogniance of mae elaing o edcaion and finance,
eene and bonding a epo on he eplacemen of chool be in eice in he [egional ocaional-echnical
chool em Connecic Technical High School Sem, pan o becion (a) of hi ecion. Sch
epo hall inclde he nmbe of chool be eplaced in he peio chool ea and a pojecion of he
nmbe of chool be anicipaed o be eplaced in he pcoming chool ea.
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Sec. 66. Section 10-99I oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
For the Iiscal year ending June 30, 2011, and each Iiscal year thereaIter, the budget Ior the [regional vocational-
technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System shall be a separate budgeted agency Irom
the Department oI Education.
Sec. 67. Section 10-99g oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The [superintendent chairperson oI the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical
High School System shall biannually submit the operating budget and expenses Ior each individual [regional
vocational-technical school technical high school, in accordance with section 11-4a, to the Secretary oI the
OIIice oI Policy and Management, the director oI the legislative OIIice oI Fiscal Analysis and to the joint standing
committee oI the General Assembly having cognizance oI matters relating to education.
(b) The [superintendent chairperson oI the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical
High School System shall make available and update on the [regional vocational-technical school system
Connecticut Technical High School System web site and the web site oI each [regional vocational-technical
school technical high school the operating budget Ior the current school year oI each individual [regional
vocational-technical school technical high school.
Sec. 68. Section 10-215b oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) The State Board oI Education is authorized to expend in each Iiscal year an amount equal to (1) the money
required pursuant to the matching requirements oI said Iederal laws and shall disburse the same in accordance
with said laws, and (2) ten cents per lunch served in the prior school year in accordance with said laws by any
local or regional board oI education, the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical
High School System or governing authority oI a state charter school, interdistrict magnet school or endowed
academy approved pursuant to section 10-34 that participates in the National School Lunch Program and
certiIies pursuant to section 10-215I, as amended by this act, that the nutrition standards established by the
Department oI Education pursuant to section 10-215e shall be met.
(b) The State Board oI Education shall prescribe the manner and time oI application by such board oI education,
the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System, such governing
authority or controlling authority oI the nonpublic schools Ior such Iunds, provided such application shall include
the certiIication that any Iunds received pursuant to subsection (a) oI this section shall be used Ior the program
approved. The State Board oI Education shall determine the eligibility oI the applicant to receive such grants
pursuant to regulations provided in subsection (c) oI this section and shall certiIy to the Comptroller the amount
oI the grant Ior which the board oI education, the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut
Technical High School System, the governing authority or the controlling authority oI a nonpublic school is
eligible. Upon receipt oI such certiIication, the Comptroller shall draw an order on the Treasurer in the amount, at
the time and to the payee so certiIied.
(c) The State Board oI Education may adopt such regulations as may be necessary in implementing sections 10-
215 to 10-215b, inclusive, as amended by this act.
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(d) The Commissioner oI Education shall establish a procedure Ior monitoring compliance by boards oI
education, the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High School System, or
governing authorities with certiIications submitted in accordance with section 10-215I, as amended by this act,
and may adjust grant amounts pursuant to subdivision (2) oI subsection (a) oI this section based on Iailure to
comply with said certiIication.
Sec. 69. Section 10-215I oI the general statutes is repealed and the Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI
(Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) Each local and regional board oI education, the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut
Technical High School System, and the governing authority Ior each state charter school, interdistrict magnet
school and endowed academy approved pursuant to section 10-34 that participates in the National School
Lunch Program shall certiIy in its annual application to the Department oI Education Ior school lunch Iunding
whether, during the school year Ior which such application is submitted, all Iood items made available Ior sale to
students in schools under its jurisdiction and not exempted Irom the nutrition standards published by the
Department oI Education pursuant to section 10-215e will meet said standards. Except as otherwise provided in
subsection (b) oI this section, such certiIication shall include Iood not exempted Irom said nutrition standards and
oIIered Ior sale to students at all times, and Irom all sources, including, but not limited to, school stores, vending
machines, school caIeterias, and any Iundraising activities on school premises, whether or not school sponsored.
(b) Each board oI education, the [regional vocational-technical school system Connecticut Technical High
School System and each governing authority that certiIies pursuant to this section compliance with the
department's nutrition standards Ior Iood may exclude Irom such certiIication the sale to students oI Iood items
that do not meet such standards, provided (1) such sale is in connection with an event occurring aIter the end oI
the regular school day or on the weekend, (2) such sale is at the location oI such event, and (3) such Iood is not
sold Irom a vending machine or school store.
Sec. 70. Subsection (a) oI section 10-283b oI the 2012 supplement to the general statutes is repealed and the
Iollowing is substituted in lieu thereoI (Effective Jul 1, 2012):
(a) On and aIter July 1, 2011, the Commissioner oI Construction Services shall include school building projects
Ior the [regional vocational-technical schools technical high schools on the list developed pursuant to section 10-
283. The adoption oI the list by the General Assembly and authorization by the State Bond Commission oI the
issuance oI bonds pursuant to section 10-287d shall Iund the Iull cost oI the projects. On or aIter July 1, 2011,
the Commissioner oI Construction Services, in consultation with the Commissioner oI Education, may approve
applications Ior grants to assist school building projects Ior the [regional vocational-technical school system
Connecticut Technical High School System to remedy damage Irom Iire and catastrophe, to correct saIety,
health and other code violations, to replace rooIs, to remedy a certiIied school indoor air quality emergency, or
to purchase and install portable classroom buildings at any time within the limit oI available grant authorization
and to make payments on such a project within the limit oI appropriated Iunds, provided portable classroom
building projects do not create a new Iacility or cause an existing Iacility to be modiIied so that the portable
buildings comprise a substantial percentage oI the total Iacility area, as determined by the Commissioner oI
Construction Services. Such projects shall be subject to the requirements oI chapters 59 and 60.
Sec. 71. (NEW) (Effective Jul 1, 2012) (a) Whenever the term "regional vocational-technical school" or
"regional vocational-technical schools" is used or reIerred to in the Iollowing sections oI the general statutes, the
term "technical high school" or "technical high schools" shall be substituted in lieu thereoI: 4-124II, 4a-11a, 4d-
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83, 5-275, 8-265pp, 10-9, 10-19d, 10-19e, 10-21g, 10-66p, 10-67, 10-74d, 10-76q, 10-95a, 10-95j, 10-
95n, 10-95o, 10-97, 10-98a, 10-233d, 10-235, 10-264l, as amended by this act, 10-283, 10-287d, 10a-55e,
10a-55g, 10a-72d, 17b-610, 31-3c, 31-3h, 31-3k, 31-11p, 32-4i, 32-6j and 32-475.
(b) Whenever the term "vocational-technical school" or "vocational-technical schools" is used or reIerred to in
the Iollowing sections oI the general statutes, the term "technical high school" or "technical high schools" shall be
substituted in lieu thereoI: 1-79, 1-84d, 1-91, 4-67g, 4-124z, 4-124hh, 4a-2, 10-15d, 10-19e, 10-21g, 10-69,
10-95a, 10-95l, 10-235, 10-262n, 10-284, 10a-25b, 17b-688i, 31-3ee and 31-51ww.
(c) Whenever the term "vocational school" or "vocational schools" is used or reIerred to in the Iollowing sections
oI the general statutes, the term "technical high school" or "technical high schools" shall be substituted in lieu
thereoI: 4-29, 10-13, 10-55, 10-64, 10-97, 10-186, 10a-123, 10a-166, 14-36, 20-90, 31-23, 31-24, 38a-
682 and 48-9.
Sec. 72. (Effective from passage) Notwithstanding the provisions oI subsections (a) and (b) oI section 10-264l
oI the general statutes, Ior the Iiscal years ending June 30, 2012, the requirement that not more than seventy-Iive
per cent oI the pupils attending an approved interdistrict magnet school program be Irom a participating town
and the requirement that the pupils enrolled in such programs who are pupils oI racial minorities, as deIined in
section 10-226a oI the general statutes, comprise at least twenty-Iive per cent but not more than seventy-Iive per
cent oI the total pupil enrollment shall not apply to the approved interdistrict magnet school program, Big Picture
Magnet School, operated by BloomIield. Such interdistrict magnet school program shall reopen as a new school
program, The Global Experience Magnet School, on or aIter July 1, 2012, pursuant to an operation plan as
approved by the Commissioner oI Education and shall begin operations as oI that date Ior purposes oI
subsections (a) and (b) oI section 10-264l oI the general statutes.
This act shall take eIIect as Iollows and shall amend the Iollowing sections:
Section 1 Jul 1, 2012 10-262I
Sec. 2 Jul 1, 2012 10-262h(a)(6)
Sec. 3 Jul 1, 2012 10-262h(d)
Sec. 4 Jul 1, 2012 10-262i(I) and (g)
Sec. 5 Jul 1, 2012 New section
Sec. 6 Jul 1, 2012 New section
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Sec. 7 Jul 1, 2012 10-66ee
Sec. 8 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 9 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 10 from passage Ne section
Sec. 11 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 12 Jul 1, 2012 10-65(b)
Sec. 13 Jul 1, 2012 10-264l(c)
Sec. 14 Jul 1, 2012 10-266p
Sec. 15 Jul 1, 2012 10-76d(e)(4)
Sec. 16 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 17 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 18 Jul 1, 2012 10-223e
Sec. 19 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 20 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 21 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 22 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
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Sec. 23 Jul 1, 2012 10-266aa(g)
Sec. 24 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 25 Jul 1, 2012 Ne section
Sec. 26 Jul 1, 2013 10-144o
Sec. 27 Jul 1, 2013 10-145a(e)
Sec. 28 Jul 1, 2013 10-145b
Sec. 29 Jul 1, 2013 10-151
Sec. 30 Jul 1, 2012 10-151b
Sec. 31 Jul 1, 2013 10-153d
Sec. 32 Jul 1, 2012 10-183b(26)
Sec. 33 Jul 1, 2012 10-157(b) and (c)
Sec. 34 Jul 1, 2012 10-65a
Sec. 35 Jul 1, 2012 10-16bb(b)
Sec. 36 Jul 1, 2012 10-220d
Sec. 37 Jul 1, 2013 10-145f
Sec. 38 Jul 1, 2013 10-145h(c)
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Sec. 39 Jul 1, 2013 10-145o(b)(1)
Sec. 40 Jul 1, 2013 10-145o(e)(3)
Sec. 41 Jul 1, 2013 10-145o(f)
Sec. 42 Jul 1, 2013 10-146b(a)
Sec. 43 Jul 1, 2013 10-66dd(b)(2)
Sec. 44 Jul 1, 2013 10-145a(a)
Sec. 45 Jul 1, 2013 10-149b(c)
Sec. 46 Jul 1, 2013 10-149c(b)
Sec. 47 Jul 1, 2013 10-221d(e) o (g)
Sec. 48 Jul 1, 2013 17a-101i(a)
Sec. 49 Jul 1, 2013 20-195(d)
Sec. 50 Jul 1, 2012 10-74f
Sec. 51 Jul 1, 2012 10-223f(a)
Sec. 52 Jul 1, 2012 10-66bb
Sec. 53 Jul 1, 2012 10-95
Sec. 54 Jul 1, 2012 10-1
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Sec. 55 Jul 1, 2012 3-20f(b)
Sec. 56 Jul 1, 2012 4-124gg
Sec. 57 Jul 1, 2012 10-4
Sec. 58 Jul 1, 2012 10-20a(a)
Sec. 59 Jul 1, 2012 10-95h
Sec. 60 Jul 1, 2012 10-95i
Sec. 61 Jul 1, 2012 10-95k
Sec. 62 Jul 1, 2012 10-95m
Sec. 63 Jul 1, 2012 10-96c
Sec. 64 Jul 1, 2012 10-97a
Sec. 65 Jul 1, 2012 10-97b
Sec. 66 Jul 1, 2012 10-99f
Sec. 67 Jul 1, 2012 10-99g
Sec. 68 Jul 1, 2012 10-215b
Sec. 69 Jul 1, 2012 10-215f
Sec. 70 Jul 1, 2012 10-283b(a)
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Sec. 71 Jul 1, 2012 Ne ecion
Sec. 72 from passage Ne ecion
Statement of Purpose:
To implemen he Goeno' bdge ecommendaion.
[Proposed deletions are enclosed in brackets. Proposed additions are indicated b underline, ecept that
hen the entire tet of a bill or resolution or a section of a bill or resolution is ne, it is not underlined.]

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