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The plan of the research study is very important for its successful completion. Without an intelligent planning the difficulties to be encountered during the process of the work can not be anticipated .planning contributed to the possibility of better performance in all jobs. Procedure of the study is the index of the whole work. As for the proper construction of The massive building are blue prints prepared, in the same manner in the field of research clear and systematic statement of the researcher must lay out a clear and definite plan of the study before starting to look for the solution of the problem, because the success of any study largely depends on its study process. The procedure of study thus serves as the sailors compass needle which shows he correct direction and with the help of which the researcher is able to successfully arrive at his desired destination. It is at this stage that decisions regarding techniques to be adopted, defining the population and samples for the development of proper tools, control to be applied and statistical techniques to be used for collection of data are taken. Research design is needed as it facilitates the smooth sailing of the various research operations there by making research efficient and yielding maximum information with minimal expenditure of efforts time and money. The quality of research depends not only on the adequacy of the research design but also on the fruitfulness of the measurement procedures employed. According to Selltiz et. Al (1962) A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The present chapter is the description of actual procedure of the study followed by, the investigator, keeping in view the aims and objectives of the present study has been categorized under the following needs1. Method of the study 2. Sample and its selection 3. Selection and description of the tool 4. Administration of the tool

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed 5. Scoring of the tool 6. Statistical techniques for analyzing the data

Plan and Procedure of the Study

Method of Study

Sampling Procedure

Administration of Tools

Statistical Techniques Mean Standard Deviation t-test

Descriptive Survey Method

Selections of Institutions through Purposive sampling

Standardized Tools

Method of sample selection Systematic Random Sampling

Size of the sample N = 100

Veg students= 50

Non -veg students = 50

Fig: 3.1.0 showing Plan and Procedure of the Study


The quality of research depends not only on the adequacy of the research design but also on the fruitfulness of the method of the study. Keeping in the nature and objectives of the study the survey method of research has been adopted for the present study.

Spiritual WellBeing Scale (SWBS)

Mental Health Inventory (MHI):

C.M.I. Health Questionn aire

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed Descriptive research studies are designed to obtain pertinent and precise information concerning the current status of phenomenon and what ever possible to draw valid general conclusions from the facts discovered. It is used not just for the collection of data but for its measurement, classification, analysis, comparison and interpretation. George J. Mouley (1962), has explained the significance and nature of descriptive survey method as- No category of education research is more widely used than the type know.


Selection of sample is an integral part of every research project and its success depends upon the right selection of the sample, so great care must be taken in the selection of the sample. Good et al. (1952), have very rightly remarked, Sampling is an essential part of all scientific procedure. All experiments are nevertheless samples from a large universe of possible experimental situations.


Generalize ability of the research finding is of course depend upon the sample procedures being followed. Purposive sampling method is applied for selection of schools and colleges and random sampling selection of higher secondary students .The research work cannot be undertaken without using of any standardized sampling method. The concept of sampling makes economical and accurate because the study of the total population is not possible. Therefore, it becomes necessary for the researches to select sample from the population under study.


The present study deals with the health status of students. The detailed sampling procedure has been displayed in the further flow chart.

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed Sample Selection of Institution (Purposive Sampling)

Chandra Balika Vidyapith Inter College, Agra

Selection of class 11th students

Selection of class 12th Students

Fig. 3.3 Exhibiting the method of sample selection


3.3.1 C.M.I. Health Questionnaire: The Cornell Medical Index (C.M.I.) Questionnaire, in Hindi by Wig, Prasad and Verma, 1983 was used to assess health status of undergraduate students. The Cornell Medical Index is a four page sheet. This questionnaire contains 195 questions related to physical illness and psychological illness. Each yes answered items were counted and considered as a score. The CMI comprises 195 questions, which are answered "yes" or "no". Each "yes" response indicates that the subject claims the presence, currently or in some instances previously, of a stated symptom or disorder. The questionnaire consists of eight sections (A to H) which deal, respectively, with the eyes and ears, the respiratory system, the cardiovascular system, the digestive tract, the musculoskeletal system, the skin, the nervous system, and the genitourinary system; four sections which deal with fatigability, the frequency of illness, miscellaneous diseases, and habits; and six sections (M to R) which deal with mood and feeling patterns. There are two forms of the C.M.I, one for the men and other for women .The researcher use the female form of C.M.I, to conduct the study. The reason of selection of that the questionnaire contains question in informal language, so worded as to be understood easily by students with a reading knowledge. Technical terms are avoided. After each question a Yes and No appear, the student answers the question by circling only one. In every instance a Yes answer indicates that the student claims to have the symptom.

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed Description of the CMI Health Questionnaire;


Name of the test Author Year No . of test items Age range Group/ individual Nature Reliability coefficient of test Validity coefficient of test

N.N Wig, D. Prasad and S.K. Verma.

1982 195 Adolescent & adults Individual Verbal .77 to .87 .57

3.3.2. Mental Health Inventory (MHI): In this study the MHI developed by Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A. K. Srivastava (1983) was used to measure mental health of students. Six components of mental health ,Positive selfevaluation, Perception of reality , Integration of personality, Autonomy, Group oriented attitudes, Environmental mastery, were covered in the 56 test items constitute the test. Each item in the form of a statement and provides four alternatives response option graded of a four point scale i.e. always, often, rarely, never. the reliability of the inventory was determined by spilt half method using odd-even procedure. Construct validity of the inventory is determined by finding coefficient of correlation between scores on mental health inventory and general health questionnaire (Goldberg 1978). The reason for selection it that the scale as been found suitable in Indian conditions and has been used in studies by several researchers. Description of the MHI;S.N. Dr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the test Author Year No . of test items Age range Group/ individual

Mental Health Inventory (MHI):

Dr. Jagdish and Dr. A. K. Srivastav

1983 56 Adolescent & adults Individual

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed

7 8 9 Nature Reliability coefficient of test Validity coefficient of test Verbal .73 .57

3.3.3. Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) The Spiritual Well Being Scale (SWBS), developed by Paloutzian and Ellison(1982), is a 20item questionnaire. It was designed to measure two dimensions of spirituality: A religious dimension was based on the individual's relationship with God, and an existential dimension based on the individual's satisfaction with life. To assess these two dimensions, the scale has two subscales: Ten of the statements assess (religious well-being) RWB and contain the word "God." The remaining 10 statements assess (existential well-being) EWB and have no religious connotation; they asked about satisfaction with life and relationship to others. Thus, the SWBS provides an overall measure of the perception of spiritual quality of life and will act as the operational definition of "spiritual Health " for this investigation. Test-retest reliability coefficients were obtained from 100 student volunteers over a 12-week period at the University of Idaho (Paloutzian & Ellison,1982) and were reported as .93 (SWB), .96 (RWB) and .86 (EWB). Coefficient alphas, indices of internal consistency were reported by Paloutzian and Ellison: .89 (SWB), .87,(RWB) and .78 (EWB). The magnitude of such coefficients suggested that the SWB had high reliability and internal consistency. Paloutzian and Ellison (1982) reported, in a second study, test-retest reliability coefficients of .93 for the SWB, 36 for the EWB and .96 for RWB when the test was administered to 206 college students within 1 to 10 weeks between testings. Coefficient alpha were reported to be . 89 for the SWB, .89 for the RWB, and .78 for the EWB Description of the Spiritual well being scale;S.N. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name of the test Author Year No . of test items Age range Group/ individual

TOOL PROFILE Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) Dr. Ellison and Dr. Paloutzian
1982 20 Adolescent & adults Individual

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed

7 8 9 Nature Reliability coefficient of test Validity coefficient of test Verbal .93 .67


Administration f the tool being a very crucial step thus should be performed with great care. Thus after getting permission f the principle of selected schools, the researcher administrated the three tools on the sample in him following manner:1. First of all, an introductory and orientation address was given by the investigator to establish rapport. 2. Test booklets were distributed among the students and were asked to fill up the required information in the proper place. 3. The investigator read the main instruction given n the cover page of the questionnaires for marking the answers. 4. During test, investigator supervised the proper seating arrangements and saw whatever each student was marking properly or not. 5. After completion the researcher collected the test answer sheet and felt obliged for cooperation.


The researcher has used three tools in the study to measured three depended variables. Scoring procedure of these tools are as follows;3.5.1 SCORING OF C.M.I. HEALTH QUESTIONNIRE C.M.I Hindi form can be used as a test or as an objective interview technique. Since the language is simple unambiguous and self explanatory, it can be used in any form of administration. Each yes answered item is counted and may be considered as score. 3.5.2 SCORING OF THE MENTAL HEALT INVENTORY [MHI] In the present scale, 4 alternatives responses have been given to each statement, i.e. Always, Often, Rarely, and Never. The subject has to choose only one alternatives .The scale contains

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed both positive and negative statements.4 scores to Always, 3 scores to Often, 2 scores to Rarely and 1 score to Never, marked responses as to be assigned for true keyed (positive) statements where as 1, 2, 3, and 4 scores for Always, Often, Rarely, and Never respectively in case of false keyed (negative) statements. 3.5.3 SCORING OF SPIRITUAL WELL -BEING SCALE (SWBS) The scale contains 20 items which measures spiritual health of students. All items were

worded positively and they began with a phrase such as: I dont, I feel, or I believe . A decision was made to use a 6-point anchor system with responses ranging from Strongly Agree (6) to Strongly Disagree (1), as this does not allow for a neutral response. Even numbered items assessed existential well-being. The sum of the even numbered items indicated the EWB subscale score. Odd numbered items assessed religious wellbeing, the sum of which indicated the RWB subscale score. The overall SWBS score was computed by summing responses to all 20 items. The value of the total score was obtained by adding the responses for each item and ranged from 20 to 120 with higher scores.


The role of statistics in research is to function as a tool designing research, analyzing the data and drawing conclusion from them. The researcher was employed various measure of statistics in order to arrange and thresh out the essence from the collected data to make the data meaningful.

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed

Fig: 3.5.0 showing Use of statistical techniques 3.6.1 DESCRIPTIVE STTISTICS Descriptive statistics concern the development of certain indices from the row data. Certain descriptive statistics will be computed in order to describe the nature and distribution of scores obtained through various tests and as a basis for inferential statistics. The techniques will use are as follows; (A) Measures of Central Tendency In order to diagnose the nature and characteristics of data on independent variable and Depended variable, the researcher will calculate the measure of central tendency i.e. Mean in present study it is also summarizing the data in consolidated form which is ready to be attacked by higher order of statistical techniques. (B) Measures of Dispersion Further to analysis homogeneity/Heterogeneity nature of the data on different independent variables and Dependent variables the researcher will follow standard deviation it also works as Regression equation. 3.6.2 INFERENTIAL STATISTICS

Pooja rajput 113516 m.ed Inferential statistics are also known as sampling statistics and mainly Concerned with two major types of problems, first, the estimation of population parameters. Second, the testing of statistics hypotheses. To test the various hypotheses of the study as well as draw conclusion, following inferential statistics will used. (A) Measures of Significant Difference: t-test The t-test will be calculated to test the difference of means scores of different groups of more than two random samples are different in their attributes and to know the effect of independed variable on dependents variables. In this study, t- test will use to compare the health status of vegetarian and non vegetarian students. 3.6.3 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTAION OF DATA Graphical representation of data facilitates better understanding of a set of data. It makes easier to read and interpreted data. So following graphs will be prepared by the researcher. (A) Bar Diagram Bar diagram are plotted to compare the scores of different areas in relation to various level of health status. (B) Frequency Polygon Frequency polygon is drawn to study the nature of distribution of the scores as well as their scattered ness or concentration towards the mean of the samples. 3.7.0 OVER VIEW OF THE CHAPTER In this chapter, the design of the study is out lined. A sequential schedule of the steps involved was given. Selected institution for the data collection is described and reasons of the selection are mentioned. The methodology of the study was descriptive survey method. The purposive sampling method was found suitable for selection of data. Mental health inventory (MHI), C.M.I. Health questionnaire and Spiritual Well-Being Scale are justified as the most suitable for examine the higher secondary students. Statistical techniques Mean, Standard deviation, ttest, Regression equation are used for analysis of data to drive conclusions.

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