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Whats wrong with Premarital Sex?

Most couples have asked themselves whether or not sex is the next step in their relationship. It enters into both teenage and adult relationships, creating pressure for teenagers to be considered cool by peers and pressure for adults to make a commitment. For some, sex is the basis of the relationship; for others, it is not even an issue until marriage vows are proclaimed. One may conclude that people's views of premarital relations stem from their parents' teachings, from their siblings' influences, from their peer or social groups, from their religious background, or from the era in which they were raised. As sexually transmitted diseases plague America, conversation about sex and its consequences has reached new heights. As the [Catholic] church's view of sexual relations before the sacrament of marriage has not changed over the years, neither has its followers' view. According to the Church, the Bible tells you to wait, so you need to waitsexual relationships are only for married couples. Historically, generations have been noted as having specific characteristics unique to their era, and not until recent generations was premarital sex even mentioned. As there are many views on whether or not sexual intercourse is acceptable before the commitment of marriage, what is important to note are the viewer's religiosity and generation classification? Most Christian denominations (and many other religious traditions) consider sex outside of marriage to be sinful, or at the very least, frowned upon. Many pastors and priests wont marry couples (or wont let them use the church for their wedding), unless they claim theyve never lived together or had sex. Christian churches and ministries are behind the strong push in the US for abstinence-only sex education, which has continued to garner support despite conclusive studies that indicate the programs are not only ineffective they decrease the chances that teenagers will use birth control and STI protection. While even conservative Christianity has gradually eased restrictions on many activities formerly considered sinful (dancing, working on Sundays, gambling, movies and television, divorce/annulments, etc), Id argue that one area thats remained black and white in most churches is the chastity/abstinence issue. Why is that? Its a common observation that many conservative Christian groups seem obsessed with sex. Their response to the sexual revolution, continued evolution of feminism, and the gay rights movement has been to condemn sex more and more loudly, and sometimes to resort to outright lying (another sin) in order to discourage it. They support sex-negative legislation that bans sodomy, bans adultery, and limits or underfunds sex education and Planned Parenthood services. Christian missionaries, both Protestant and Catholic, have lied to people in Africa about the effectiveness of condoms. Under Bush, the US even had a policy of refusing funding to international aid programs completely if they offered any abortion information or services. Teens often dont have the impulse control to overcome their raging hormones, peer pressure, or curiosity (or perhaps they dont believe sex needs to be saved for marriage), and statistics show that the vast majority end up having sex before marriage. Abstinence-only education makes it more likely the girls involved will get pregnant out of wedlock (even while

still in high school) and that both parties will contract and transmit STIs. Do the girls get abortions (bad!) or become single mothers (children need mothers AND fathers!) or risk the physical trauma and social stigma of pregnancy, spending months with the evidence that theyve sinned right there for their whole church to see and judge? The religious belief that all sex outside a straight marriage is sinful seems to be contributing to a world with less sexual protection, more abortions, and more teen pregnancies. All the evidence points towards sexpositivity as a more health, beneficial attitude, so why do so many churches and denominations still condemn sex outside marriage? Having sex before marriage is like going into a grocery store and choosing an apple by taking a bite out of it, then leaving it for the next person. Sure it's ok to pick it up and look at it, but taking a bite out of it is pretty selfish, (i.e., having sex with someone else's future wife.) That is only one reason not to have sex before getting married. There are many others. Ugly statistics: y The National Post reports that 25% of girls 15-25 years old have venereal warts (HPV). Transmission is not prevented by condoms. It is a pre-cursor to cervical cancer. The daughter of a friend of mine developed cervical cancer from HPV and may never be able to have children. HPV is incurable. The virus is permanent and the vaccine, Gardasil, doesn't fix it. y In the first 5,000 years of civilization, fewer than 20 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) became common. That's about one every 250 years. In the last 40 years the number of common STIs has skyrocketed to over 60. That's a rate of 1 STI/year since North American young people started having sex before marriage, a rate increase of 25,000%. (That's not a typo) In the 1960s, one in 50 teens had a STI. Now over 1 in 4 does. That's an increase of more than 1250% if infected teens. Teenage girls who have sex are twice as likely to commit suicide as girls who practice abstinence. Teenage boys who have sex are seven times more likely to commit suicide than boys who are sexually abstinent. (ibid) Girls who have abortions are six times more likely to commit suicide than those who don't.

God wants to keep us from horrendous problems which marriage? ("Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."1) Does God merely want to spoil people's fun or to insure that a couple enjoys the deepest level of intimacy possible, reserved for only each other? When God gives us guidance his motives are pure and prompted by his love for us. People get used sexually for momentary fun and excitement, but what if there is something more valuable than momentary pleasure? Like dignity, self-esteem, knowing that you're also treating that other person with greater value? Perhaps God thinks relationships can be more intimate, secure and stronger if they are built on something more substantial than sexual involvement. Whatever God's reasons, his wisdom surpasses ours and he can be trusted. And quite often we later see the value of following him ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source:


Statement of the problem

The purpose of the study is to know what is wrong with Premarital Sex. This research seeks to answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. What is Premarital Sex? What are the causes of Premarital Sex? What are the effects of Premarital Sex? How to avoid Premarital Sex?


Importance of the study

The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a correlation between acceptance of sexual relations before marriage and religiosity or generation. The results of this study indicate that very religious people are more inclined to view premarital sexual relations as always wrong. When compared to the three generation categories, no significant correlation existed. It is important to not use sex as the determining factor for whether or not the relationship will survive. Remember to work on all areas of the relationship and not just the physical aspect. Bonding and intimacy are about far more than just sexual relations. True intimacy involves the emotional need and desire to share with a life partner and to be a part of the total experience of sharing each others lives. While there is sexual intimacy involved, true intimacy involves every aspect of an individuals being. Bonding is intimacy and that involves letting another person into our lives completely and allowing love, tenderness, warmth, compassion, acceptance and a feeling of closeness to enter into our hearts and lives. Knowing whether or not premarital sex should be included in the mix is not always a simple question to answer. Look back into your past and ask yourself if premarital sex has helped or hinder your past relationships and then make the decision that is right for you.


Scope and Limitation

This research started on January 24. 2012 to February 16, 2012.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Basic Assumptions
That research on premarital sex needs to move beyond identification of rates of activity. The numbers of individual engaging in premarital sex would minimize. Everyone would know the risks brought by premarital sex. Well be able to avoid premarital sex. We would know how important and what sex really mean is.


Definition of Terms

Oral Sex - Oral sex is sexual activity involving the stimulation of the genitalia of a sex
partner by the use of the mouth, tongue, teeth or throat.


Mutual masturbation - Masturbation refers to the sexual stimulation of a person's

genitals, usually to the point of orgasm.[1] The stimulation can be performed manually, by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods.[2] Masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism, providing sexual pleasure or orgasm in the absence of a partner. The act, when performed with a partner, is called mutual masturbation and is sometimes used as an alternative to sexual intercourse.


Anal sex - Anal sex is the sex act in which the penis is inserted into the anus of a sexual
partner.[1][2] The term can also include other sexual acts involving the anus, including pegging, anilingus, fingering, and object insertion.[1][2]


Fornication - typically refers to consensual sexual intercourse between two people not
married to each other.[1] For many people, the term carries a moral or religious association, but the significance of sexual acts to which the term is applied varies between religions, societies and cultures. The definition is often disputed. In modern usage, the term is often replaced with the more judgement neutral terms premarital sex, sex before marriage or extramarital sex.


Ambiguity - Ambiguity of information, in words, pictures, or other media, is the ability

to express more than one interpretation. It is generally contrasted with vagueness, in that specific and distinct interpretations are permitted (although some may not be immediately apparent), whereas with information that is vague it is difficult to form any interpretation at the desired level of specificity.


Syphilis - Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. The primary route of transmission is through sexual contact; however, it may also be transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy or at birth, resulting in congenital syphilis. Gonorrhea - Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Gonorrhea is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a bacterium that can grow and multiply easily in the warm, moist areas of the reproductive tract, including the cervix (opening to the womb), uterus (womb), and fallopian tubes (egg canals) in women, and in the urethra (urine canal) in women and men. The bacterium can also grow in the mouth, throat, eyes, and anus.



Review of Related Literature

I. What is Premarital Sex?

A. Also called non-marital sex, youthful sex, adolescent sex, and young-adult sex. B. A sexual activity, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, mutual masturbation, and anal sex, practiced by persons who are unmarried. C. A sexual contact between two opposite sex normally between lovers outside or before the blessing of marriage.

D. It gives you a guilty feeling for having violated the ordinance in the Holy Scriptures. You become unfair with your future life partner because of the absence of purity that you could have offered him or her.

II. What are the causes of Premarital Sex?

A. Pressure 1. Parents 2. Friends 3. Peer group 4. Lecturer 5. Boss 6. Future partners Curiosity 1. They thought they were searching for reality, but they ended up destroying themselves. 2. They are not satisfied with what their parents, pastors and Christian friends told them concerning sex, they want to experience it themselves. Electronic media 1. Television 2. Film 3. Radio 4. Video Books and Magazines 1. Some satanic authors write some sexual stories in books and magazines. 2. Authors bring out many pictures that stimulate the youth to think about sex always.





E. Environmental influence

1. 2. F.

They see it as a normal thing. Premarital sex has become the norm of the society

Covetousness 1. Greed for money, wealth and position


Indiscipline 1. Lack of discipline has led many singles into the dungeon of premarital sex.


Wrong association 1. This has led many youth into destruction.


Ignorance 1. Lack of good sex education has led many youth into premarital sex.


Wrong information 1. Parents have refused to educate their children on the subject and the church is not forth coming with anything meaningful.


Bad parenting 1. Children that are not well brought up are likely to fall into wrong hands.

L. M.

Idleness Loneliness 1. Some claim they went into fornication due to loneliness.


Broken homes 1. Children from broken homes can fall into wrong hands due to the situation of their homes.


III. What are the effects of Premarital Sex?

A. Physical Effects 1. You have sinned against your body. 2. Having STD: syphilis and gonorrhea

B. Spiritual Effects 1. Sexual sin. 2. God will judge fornicators and adulterers 3. Separates us from God

C. Emotional 1. Their value and dignity is lost. 2. Many end up in counseling or therapy to deal with problems related to "teenage" sex. 3. Guilt:

Moral guilt (tells us specifically when we have stepped outside God's boundaries of conduct).

y Floating sense of guilt (there is no absolute right and wrong). 4. Leads to mental and emotional stress for couples who are not ready to bear the responsibility of having children.
D. Will lead to unwanted pregnancies and children born out of wedlock. E. Children born to young couples who are not married might suffer physical, mental or sexual abuse.

IV. How to avoid Premarital Sex?

A. To Those Who Have Not Stumbled
1. You must remain vigilant against the possibility 2. Watch out for the signs!

y y y y y y

Mystification with sex. Your curiosity gets the better of you. Look out for is spiritual pride. You lonely, depressed, or dissatisfied with your life. You spend a lot of time in introspection. You found church attendance is becoming less important to you.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source:


To Those Who Have Stumbled

1. 2. 3. Your chastening will need to be stronger to prevent you from sinning. Realize how bad you will feel when chastening from the Holy Spirit will come upon you even stronger. Realize there is no option to continue in sexually immoral relationships; they will inevitably fail.

C. Sexual sin starts in the mind, so win the war there first by studying the Bible. 1. Fill your mind with God's Word.

D. Stay in church. 1. The more you hear the Word and stay close to other Christians, the better you will keep your focus on spiritual things.

E. Don't ever go out alone with a person you know will tempt you or easily give in to sexual sin.

F. Don't allow yourself to be alone with the opposite sex in a place where temptation is easily fostered.

G. Stay away from sexually suggestive books, magazines, photos, or Web sites that will stir up sexual desires.

H. Build relationships of accountability with parents and strong Christian friends.


When going through a trying time, let them know and ask for their help.

I. Make up your mind. Never retreat. Let every new friend you meet know you are committed to sexual purity. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Source:


Many topics were explored by the researchers.

The researchers thought of an interesting topic that the readers can truly relate.

To further explain the topic, we made the internet research. In the internet research method, the researchers put altogether the related topics through INTERNET to substantiate the study.

So many people has violated the traditional belief of people to have sexual experience before marriage and has come to think that premarital sex has now been integrated in to the family structures. The numbers of men having sexual intercourse before marriage has not increased in the last three generations, and that the patronage of prostitutes has also decreased, but more premarital intercourse is taking place between about to married couples. However, the mass media made us aware of AIDS and began to the seriousness of the AIDS problem and other sexual transmitted disease. Marriage is considered as one of the holiest things owned by mankind. Having marriage once in life, without divorce, is their absolute dream, whereas allowing teenagers to have sex before marriage can degrade the holy values of marriage and such dream as it leads teenagers to be sex addicts and construct a wrong, misleading perception of marriage. Firstly, sex before marriage for teenagers constructs habits of being sex addicts. Indeed, sex education should be given in the early age to provide a comprehensive understanding of sex, including the bad, good effects for teenagers. However, that is not the best way to do that. At first time somebody has sex; he/she will be addicted to search another chance to have it with anyone else. Additionally, in the long term goal, marriage unites a couple of man and woman to build a peacefully harmonious family regardless all the differences, such as family background, education, hobbies, that they have. Sex is not only about having intercourse, but, more, about living happily with children, educating them, and regenerating to balance our life. Sadly enough, sex before marriage prompts teenagers to construct a wrong, misleading perception of marriage. Young people are being blinded. In the moment of lust and passion young peoples lives are destroyed. In the moment of foolishness and self-gratification young people are led to deep darkness. The more they have sex the more they want it. Sexual desire is like a fire and wont stop until it burns itself. Our youth are slowly but surely destroying their future. Premarital sex seems to be a norm in nowadays. You can see from media as well, which portray such behavior as normal. Im worried about most of the soaps and movies we watch on our TV. In other instant they portray cheating, divorce and falling in love as normal happenings. Indirectly this has influenced a number of young people, who are starting to be sexually active at an early age. Immorality is increasing at an alarming rate and young people should be taught about the consequences of premarital sex. Sex is for married couples and when done out of marriage it cause a lot of harm to the doers. The results are not immediate but later in life they are devastating. That is why one feels guilty, dirty, sadness and regrets after having sex outside marriage boundaries. Hence; many people are looking for excuses to justify their wrongs in order to clear their conscious. The scars of premarital sex are painful and difficult to get rid off. They will follow you even in your marriage. They will shame you, degrade you and interfere with your life. Imagine meeting your previous sex partners whilst with your husband and children. How would you feel? You will wish to hide but youll have no place to do so. You will wish you have remained a virgin but it would be too late.

After we have gathered all related topics about premarital sex, we came up into different conclusions. If you engage in pre-marital sex, you will have lost something irrevocably, that is, the state of virginity you could have offered a marriage partner. It is a very bad trade to make. If you have made this mistake already, you will have to live with whatever consequences come your way. However, you can confess the sin to God and repent of it, and continue in your Christian walk. Premarital sex has detracted in many relationships. It has caused several relationships to stall in development rather continue to grow and prosper prior to the deed being done. Instead of a growing relationship, possibly leading to love and marriage it became all about the sex and has found that to be unfulfilling. Sex should be saved until marriage. Premarital sex has no moral grounds, it is against God, and it is unsafe physically and emotionally. Although sex is pleasurable, it is designed by God to be enjoyed by two married people. Also, it is important to remember that God can and does forgive the sin of premarital sex. When a person places his or her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, desiring to turn away from the old life of sin, all sins are forgiven. Sex before marriage has also been one of the major causes of teen pregnancy. Teens often think that pregnancy just cannot happen to them, yet teen pregnancy grows each year, and shows no stop.... Well actually, in some instances, many people undergone these activitiespremarital-sex.... especially teenagers... But they should have known that these activities were mortal sins to God. Lots of teenagers were addicted to sex. Why they should?? Is it because they just love doing it? Maybe yes they love it but it should be on time. They should undergo this activity after marriage. Sex is a holy gift from God wherein we celebrate it after marriage. Teenagers should be informed the bad side of this premarital sex. They should be in matured mind. These are not a joke. Just believe in God and God will always protect and guide you. Premarital sex is a sin and it is bad... You can wait for sex after marriage, But if you are a teenager, just wait and you never notice, time will past and the right time will come.

What we want to stress is that convincing young people that sexual intercourse before marriage is not enough; they need some very practical instruction on how to maintain chastity. The advice to "just say no" is not enough; young people have quite unbelievable freedom and the opportunities that present themselves make "just saying no" inadequate. They need to save sexual intercourse until marriage and if they have been having sexual intercourse they should stop and to figure out why it was so wrong to be having sexual intercourse. Studies show quite clearly that those who remain virgins until have a much lower incidence of divorce. They should get married in a Church and go to Church regularly and to pray together often. Actually I suspect this one practice would save most marriages; God really does supply the sacramental graces to those who seek it. Studies clearly show that the most lasting marriages and happiest marriages are between those who share religious convictions and act upon them. They should tithe; they should give at least 10% of their earnings to charity. Fourth, if they need to limit their family size, they should use natural family planning and never use contraception. The divorce rate among couples who use natural family planning is nearly non-existence. Consider of consequences of Premarital Sex. Sixth, know your partner well. Be sure that the feelings between the two of you are mutual. Discuss the future and how sex will change things. Ponder about how you would handle anything that might arise from a sexual encounter. Pregnancy outside of a marriage requires extra thought and planning because of the lack of union. Think about your opinion on pregnancy out of wedlock and if you would be ready to raise a child or comfortable terminating a pregnancy. To stay away from the harmful effects of premarital sex, teenagers must maintain standards and understand their responsibilities. Understand that sex can make the relationship more intense than it was in the beginning. Talk to other couples who have taken this step and discuss how it changed the dynamic of the relationship. Weigh the pros and cons, and envision yourself in that position.


Source: 0/05/04/whats-wrong-with-premarital-sex




Source: TheEffectsOfPreMaritalSex.html


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