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Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 The World House From the article The World House by Martin Luther

King, Jr. Dr. King use the image of a house to promote the concept of people in the world being family that is humans come from different places, different nationalities, different races and different believes, but we can live together in the same globe like relatives live together in a big house, where we are all affected by what we do and what goes on around us, so we should accept the differences and live together in peace. Dr. King also use the example that Thomas Edison, the Wright brothers and Einstein all made significant contributions to technological developments that changed peoples lives in the 20th century (the world today has changed from the past because of scientific and technology revolution), and he also sees the future as one of dramatic innovation. He had optimistic about technology because no one can overlook the wonders that science has brought, but there is a need to make sure that we place a premium on moral and spiritual development Dr. King also refers to a world wide freedom revolution. The examples of recent revolution are Arab spring*, legalization of gay marriage in some countries and the fall of the Berlin Wall. According to Dr. King, the thing that Moses had in common with the Negro people is that he had to free his people and lead them to freedom, similar to the situation of Negro people (Negro people also lack of freedom). Dr. King also mentioned to Rip Van Winkle and use the metaphor to say that if we sleep like Rip Van Winkle did, life will pass us by and we will not be able to adapt, so we need to awake and aware of what is going on in the world. Some revolution occurs in very short period of time, so the person who is not familiar with that events might not understand the changes. Dr. King also stated, Together we must learn to live as brother or together we will be forced to perish as fools that means unless we learn to live together in harmony and peace, we will not be able to survive. Another statement is When the external of mans nature subjugates the internal, dark storm clouds begin to form that means when we are too influenced by the material things in life and do not pay attention to our inner selves; such as conscience, feelings and morals then we are inviting catastrophe (a disaster) into our lives. *Arab spring or the Arab Awakening is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on Saturday, 18 December 2010.

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 The protests have shared techniques of civil resistance in sustained campaigns involving strikes, demonstrations, marches and rallies, as well as the use of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter to organize, communicate, and raise awareness in the face of state attempts at repression and Internet censorship. Many demonstrations have met violent responses from authorities, as well as from progovernment militias and counter-demonstrators. A major slogan of the demonstrators in the Arab world has been ash-shab yurid isqat an-nizam that means "the people want to bring down the regime".

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Theme 1: Freedom and Security There are many different meaning of freedom. At first, I think that freedom is the rights to do anything without worrying and caring anyone. After the lesson, I learnt that freedom is the ability for citizen (a person who belongs to the country) to act independently within their countries laws and regulations, and those action do not break others rights (What about refugees?). For example, you cannot go out to the public without any piece of cloth because the laws prohibit that action, so you may be arrested. There are four basic freedoms, which are freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom from fear, and freedom from want. When people have more freedom, they have to have more responsibilities for their actions. If they do not, no one will give freedom for them anymore. Moreover, more or less freedom when you get older is depends on the circumstance. In addition, sometimes the relationship leads to the limiting of freedom according to the reading The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. The country that is the most freedom in my opinion is USA because there are a lot of different people there. They have freedom to think and have actions. For example, they have a mimic president cartoons or models. People can have a protestation because no laws, regulations or systems are perfect!!! Everyone could use their rights in democracy to ask for the thing that they want and should have, but sometimes they have to think about the others rights. Sometimes, you should tolerate people who do not, but not too much because everybody cannot think exactly the same, you have to open your mind to accept others. However, if it too much, you just ignore them. Moreover, technology can be both positive and negative tools for expression. For the positive way, people have the ways to give feedbacks or have chance to say something that cannot say by face to face. For the negative way, some body may use technology in the wrong ways, such as say something that are not true to make others look badly. Each person is in different freedom ranking. I think the positive factors for freedom are maturity and knowledge, and the negative factors are parents, Visa, money, security, students, age, time, gender, responsibility, thinking, status, nationalities, expectations. For me, I ranked the level of my freedom in 7 out of 10 because I have maturity enough to stay at dorm and can make a decision for my every life. I can spend money for reasonable things that I want because I have responsibility enough to manage my own money. Anyway, limited money also limits my action. Sometimes I have

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 to choose between eating or traveling. In addition, gender also limit the time that I have to come back to my dorm and the places that I can go because of my security. Form the topic who are more free men or women?. Actually, I think men have more freedom because they are stronger. They are safer to do many things. Even though many people might say that men and women are equal and have the same rights, in fact, deeply, people still stick with the traditional norms. I was assigned to find information- such as geography, history and political backgroundabout the countries in Asia and show the levels of freedom in each country in the Asias continent. Most of the Asia is not free, such as China, Burma, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Vietnam and North Korea. Moreover, some countries are partially free, such as Thailand, Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. In addition, some countries are fee, such as Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, India and Mongolia. Form the article A farmer and his wife by Pira Sudham. Thai people in rural areas, such as Isan (the Northeast of Thailand) always move to the city in order to find the jobs and gain more money. When they come to the city, they were influenced by a technology and a society in the city that is very different from where they were from, so these things changed those people thought a lot in a negative way. For example, they leave their parents and ignore their families.

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Theme 2: Genocide The differences between Genocide and Mass Murder. The word Genocide means having purpose to kill or get rid of the species that he/she does not like or for revenge. For example, Hitler killed many Jew people in order to revenge because he hates what they did to his family. However, Mass Murder means just kill a large number of people. In my opinion, genocide is an innate condition of our species because people fight for their own security. For example, people kill people in other people who are in different religion to make their religion to survive. The circumstances that I might be capable to murder someone are revenge and kill for protecting the society and the one who I love. Moreover, if I were a prime minister, would prepare to take country to the war when other countries break our country security. Genocide is a process that develops in eight stages that are predictable but not impossible to stop or prevent. The first stage is CLASSIFICATION. All cultures have categories to distinguish people into us and them by ethnic, race, religion, or nationality, such as German and Jew. Moreover, bipolar societies that lack of mixed categories, such as Rwanda and Burundi, are the most likely to have genocide. The main preventive measure at this early stage is to develop universalistic institutions that actively promote tolerance and understanding, and promote classifications that go beyond ethnic or racial divisions. For example, the Catholic Church could have played this role in Rwanda, which might lead to have not been riven by the same ethnic cleavages as Rwandan society. Another example is promotion of a common language in countries, like Tanzania has, also promoted go beyond national identity. The second stage of genocide is SYMBOLIZATION that is giving names or other symbols to the classifications. We name people Jews or Gypsies, or distinguish them by colors or dress; and apply the symbols to the members of the groups. Classification and symbolization are commonly use in human lives and do not necessary to result in genocide unless they lead to the next stage, which is dehumanization. When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of undesirable groups, such as the yellow star for Jews under Nazi rule, and the blue scarf for the people from the Eastern Zone in Khmer Rouge Cambodia. Some ways to combat with symbolization are that hate symbols can be legally forbidden as hate speech, and group marking like gang clothing can be outlawed. The problem is that legal limitations will fail if they are not supported by the popular

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 cultural enforcement. For example, although Hutu and Tutsi were forbidden words in Burundi until the 1980s, code-words replaced them. However, if widely supported, denial of symbolization can be powerful, as it was in Bulgaria, where the government denied to supply yellow badges (a sign of memberships) and at least eighty percent of Jews did not wear them, denying the yellow star of its significance as a Nazi symbol for Jews. The third stage of genocide is DEHUMANIZATION that is one group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of denied humanity groups are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. Dehumanization overcomes the normal human feeling to against murder because they do not think that those people are human anymore. At this stage, hate also use to promote in misleading advertisement in print and on hate radios is used to say something bad and look down to the victim groups. The way to combat with dehumanization is the local and international leaders should disapprove the use of hate speech and make it culturally unacceptable. Leaders who provoke genocide should be banned from international travel and froze their foreign finances. Hate radio stations should be shut down, and hate publicity should be banned. Moreover, hate crimes and cruel acts should be immediately punished. The forth stage of genocide is ORGANIZATION. Genocide is always organized by the state and often uses military forces to deny the state responsibility. Sometimes organization is informal, such as Hindu mobs led by local RSS military forces, or decentralized, such as terrorist groups. Special army units or military forces are often trained and armed. To combat with this stage, memberships in these military forces should be outlawed. Their leaders should be denied visas for foreign travels. The U.N. should ban weapons on trade to governments and citizens of the countries that are involved in genocidal killings, and create commissions to investigate violations, as was done in post-genocide Rwanda. The fifth stage of genocide is POLARIZATION. People who hold extreme political or religious views drive the groups apart. Hate groups broadcast polarizing publicity. Laws may prohibit marriage between people of the different races, castes, or religions or not allow social interaction. Extremist terrorism targets moderates, intimidating and silencing the center. The way to stop genocide from this stage is using moderate people from the people who commit illegal actings own group, but those moderate people might be the first to be arrested and killed, so security protection for moderate leaders have to be prepared. Moreover, assets of extremists may be seized, and their visas for international travel should be denied. Coups dtat by extremists should be opposed by international sanctions to prevent genocide.

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 The sixth stage of genocide is PREPARATION. Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnics or religious identities, and they are forced to wear identifying symbols. Death lists are prepared. Their property is taken away. They are often set apart into small isolated region and starved. At this stage, a Genocide Emergency must be declared, or at least humanitarian assistance should be organized by the U.N. and provide areas for the refugees to come. The seventh stage of genocide is EXTERMINATION because the killers believe that their victims are not fully human. When it is sponsored by the state, the armed forces often work with military forces to do the killing. Sometimes the reason of genocide is for revenge. The only thing to stop this stage of genocide is rapid and huge amount armed intervention. The real safe areas for refugees should be established with heavily armed international protection because if an safe areas are not really safe, they are worse than do not have the safe areas at all. The last stage of genocide is DENIAL. This stage always follows genocide that is committed. The murderers of genocide dig up the mass graves, burn the bodies and try to cover up the evidence. They always deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force and exiled. The response to denial is punishment by international or national courts. From the article in the book, we read about techniques of genocide, which are political, social, cultural, religious, moral, economic, biological and physical. The purpose of political technique is to weaken the victims by divided them into zones, such as the four zones of France, and create boundaries to prevent communication and mutual assistance by the national group. Social technique is the technique that focuses on attacking the intelligentsia (intelligent people) because this group largely provides leadership. The purpose of cultural technique is to destroy every reminder of former or former cultural patterns, such as languages, place names, personal names and public signs. For example, French was not permitted to study in primary schools in Germany. Religious technique is to support activities to wanted religion, but make the obstrucles for others. The purpose of moral technique is to make the races or groups of people that you do not like looked badly by encourage them to do bad or immoral things. For example, Germans do not like

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Poles and want others to look Poles as bad, such as drunk, pornography and gambling addicted. German set alcohol drinking as low-price beverages, and set food and water with high price for Poles to encourage them to get drunk. Moreover, German allowed pornographic publication and gambling to Poles. The purpose of economic technique is to destroy the economic foundation of victim groups by lower the standards of living, so those people might have no energies remain for cultural or national life. The purposes of biological technique are to increase the birth rate of wanted races (their races) and decrease the birth rate of unwanted race (other races). For example, in occupied country, German offered subsidies for the children who were born from German military men with related blood woman, such as Dutch, and obstruct war prisoners and forced labors to not contact to their wives. Physical technique, the most direct genocide technique, is simply murder by slow and scientific murder like mass starvation, or in the quick way like mass extermination in chambers. The important genocides in the history. Firstly, genocide of the Native Americans in 1830. The U.S. undertook a policy of removing all native people in the east of the Mississippi River area. Secondly, the Herero Genocide between 1904-1907. The Herero territory was attached as a part of German South West Africa in 1885. After Herero soldiers attacked German farmers in 1904, German troops implemented a policy to eliminate all Hereros from the region, including women and children. Thirdly, the Armenian Genocide was carried out by the "Young Turk" government of the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1923. Fourthly, the Holocaust. By 1945, close to two out of every three European Jews had been killed as part of the "Final Solution" that is the Nazi policy (Hitler) to murder the Jews of Europe. Fifthly, the Killing Fields or the Cambodian Genocide. By 1975, the U.S. had withdrawn its troops from Vietnam, and Cambodia. Pol Pots Khmer Rouge seized control of Cambodia, and attempted to purify Cambodia of western culture, city life, and religion. Different ethnic groups and all those considered to be the old society, intelligent people, former government officials, and Buddhist monks were murdered. What is rotten must be removed was a slogan proclaimed throughout the Khmer Rouge era. Sixthly, genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, conflict between the three main ethnic groups - the Serbs, Croats, and Muslims - resulted in genocide committed by the Serbs (Slobodan Milosevi) against Bosnian Muslims. Seventhly, The Rwandan Genocide. Since February 2003, government-sponsored militias known as the Janjaweed have conducted a campaign of slaughter, rape, starvation and displacement

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 in Darfur. It is estimated that 400,000 people have died due to violence, starvation and disease. The United States Congress and President George W. Bush recognized the situation in Darfur as "genocide", and has been declared the worst humanitarian crisis in the world today. The Colonel article by Carolyn Forche tells us to be aware of things because some people are still listening and some are listening more carefully.

Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Theme 3: Human Rights The human rights are basic rights to live. Human rights are conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone), which is commonly understood as inalienable (unable to taken away) fundamental rights to a person because she or he is a human being. The civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from unwarranted infringement by governments and private organizations, and ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the state without discrimination or repression. The civil rights are the basic rights that ensure peoples' physical integrity and safety. It is the protection of discrimination, such as physical or mental disability, gender, religion, race, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Each country has their own civil rights. Moreover, this right includes individual rights such as privacy, the freedoms of thought and conscience, speech and expression, and religion. The political rights are the minor rights of the civil rights because it only relate to political, such as the rights of the accused, including the right to a fair trial and rights of participation in civil society and politics such as freedom of association, the right to assemble, the right to petition, the right of self-defense, and the right to vote. For example, Saudi Arabian woman do not have the political rights because of the civil rights. From the question Do some humans have or deserve more rights than others?, I think, yes they do because although the human rights says that everyone is equal, it cannot be 100% equal in reality. The rights that each person is received are depended on gender, social status, age, occupation and also financial status. For example, the richer have more right to access to higher and better education than the poorer because they have ability to pay for it. The United Nation (UN) is an international organization of countries that was set up in 1945 after World War 2, to replace the League of Nations, to stop wars of the countries, and to promote international peace, security, and cooperation. In my opinion, the UN is useful in some cases because it is an international organization that can help to solve problems between the countries, but sometimes the UN does not really understand cultures and conflicts of those countries, and sometimes some powerful countries use the UN as a tool to intervene or to take control other countries. The UDHR or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at Palais de Chaillot, Paris. The UDHR is


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 the first global expression of rights to all human beings, and it consists of 30 articles. Those articles say about equalities (no discrimination between races, color, gender, languages, religion, political thinking, etc.) and right to access education, not to be a slave, to be recognized as a person everywhere by the law, etc. Magna Carta is an English Charter. It is the great Charter that reduces Kings power, and give more power to people. The similarities between Magna Carta and UDHR are about the human rights and freedom. ICCPR or the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16 December 1966 and entered into force on 23 March 1976. It commits its parties to respect the civil and political rights of individuals, including the right to life, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, electoral rights and rights to due process and a fair trial. As of October 2011, the Covenant had 74 signatories and 167 parties. Some countries like China (1998) and Cuba (2008) signed for the ICCPR, but not ratified (means signed or accepted the ICCPR, but did not change the laws to follow the ICCPR yet because they do not agree all the things in the ICCPR). Moreover, some countries did not sign and ratify the ICCPR because of many reasons. For example, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Fiji, Kiribati, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Oman, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Solomon

Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates and Vatican City might do not signed because the ICCPR is not suit for their countries policies, and some of their national policy might break some article in the ICCPR. In addition, some countries like Taiwan cannot sign the ICCPR because Taiwan is not currently a member of the UN. The ROC lost its United Nations seat in 1971 (replaced as the representative of China by the People's Republic of China under Resolution 2758). The Republic of China government signed the Covenant in 1967 but not ratified; in 2009 Taiwan finally ratified it, but the UN rejected the deposit. My presentation is The Rohingya Human Rights Violation that related to this theme. The Rohingya, a stateless population, is a Muslim ethnic group who live in Northern Rakhine State in western Burma (near Bangladeshs boarder). Population about two million people. They use Indic Language, not Burmese. There are three main parts in my presentation, which are the causes of the Rohingya Problems, the Rohingya Human Rights Violation in Burma, the Rohingya s Problems in


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 other countries. The main causes of the rohingyas problems came from the differences in race and religion between the Rohingyas and Burmeses. There are a lot of the ICCPR violation for the Rohingya. Although Burma did not sign ICCPR Covenant, if we look at the article in ICCPR, not giving Burmese nationality violate Article 24.3 in ICCPR that is the rights for children to acquire nationality. Moreover, the Rohingya need authorization to leave their villages and are not allowed to travel beyond Northern Rakhine State (no nationality- no passport), and if the Rohingya leaves his or her village without permission, he or she is removed from official residency lists, and can be subject to arrest if found. Those action violate Article 12 of the ICCPR which are the right to liberty and freedom of Movement because every person has tor rights to leave their country. In addition, religious freedom is restricted, and the Rohingya have been prohibited from maintaining or repairing crumbling religious buildings that violates the article 18, which is the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Plus, the Rohingya human trade also breaks the article 8 in the ICCPR.


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Theme 4: Democracy and Good Governance Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. From the popular quote by Abraham Lincoln, he said that Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The purest or most ideal form of Democracy would be a society in which all adult citizens have an equal say in the decisions that affect their lives. In the past, we use to have direct democracy or pure democracy that is all citizens can directly participate in the decision-making process. For example, the democracy in the ancient Greece. However, there are some cons because all citizens must be actively involved on all issues all of the time, so it hard to be done in the real situation if they have a lot of citizens. Those cons lead to representative democracy that we choose our representative to the congress to make a decision for us. There are two types of representative democracy, which are parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy. There are some differences between parliamentary and presidential democracy. Firstly, for presidential democracy, president and members of congress are elected separately. The president is not one of the members of congress whereas the government and members of parliament are elected at the same time. PM Yingluck is also a member of parliament because in parliament, the parties that have more seats in the congress will be the government. Secondly, parliament also has the power to vote the government out of office. In contrast, under normal circumstances Congress cannot force the president out of office because it holds a different opinion or because the ruling majority in Congress has changed. Only if the president commits a criminal offence, can the House of Representatives and Congress force the president out of office following a vote. Thirdly, the president cannot introduce legislative initiatives. The president is only permitted to veto legislative initiatives from Congress, but in a parliamentary system the government may introduce legislation and sometimes has an absolute right to veto expenditure laws. In the past, we use newspaper to express our feeling about democracy, but we currently use Internet as a media to show our thought. Using newspaper, there are filters to choose the good or reasonable things before publishing. On the other hand, on the online cyber, we rarely have any filters. Everybody can be a publisher, who can write everything that they want. The published information on the Internet sometimes good and reasonable, sometimes just a fault claims, or sometimes it is rubbish.


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 According to the debate, This house believes that the Internet is not inherently a force for democracy, some people think that the Internet is not necessary tool for promote the democracy. It can be expressed via other way, but some said that it help to the political revolution. In my opinion, the Internet is a useful tool for people to seek different point of views, and it help for democracy. People can get more knowledge and information that might not be existed in their countries before. For example, Chinese have better lives, although they are still Communism, after they can use Internet, even though it has a lot of restriction, because they see more about the freedom and rights from people inside or outside their countries. Moreover, people are more dare to express their real feeling about democracy (positive/ negative) that they cannot tell others with face-to-face through the blog and it can spread all around countries and the world. Democracy index, created by Economist Intelligence Unit, is a tool to measure the levels of democracy in each countries within 5 factors, which are electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, functioning of government, political participation and political culture, and result in 0 to 10. The result in democracy levels will be divided into 4 groups. Firstly, full democracies (8-10) happen to the country that have political freedom and civil liberties, and governments are good, and media and court are independent. However, full democracies do not mean 100% democracy, but It means that people understand and fully participate in the countries political activities. Secondly, flawed democracies (6-7.9) happen to the countries that proclaim themselves as the democratic countries, but people in those countries still do not have enough knowledge and people do not have fully political participation. Thirdly, hybrid regimes (4-5.9) are the countries that are not only democracy, but they blend with others types of governing forms. These countries have less free and fair elections because of not following the rules, and the court is not independent, and have more political participation problems, corruption, and weak laws. The last one is authoritarian regimes (lower than 4) that is the dictatorship type of government, but there may have some democracy, for example they may have some elections, but it is not fair, such as in Burma. Thailand is in the fifty-eighth rank in 2011 and received 6.55 points, which means Thailand is in flawed democracy group. Why some people say that there are no democracy in the real world? In my opinion, we have democracy, but not 100 percent because there are some limitation in the system, and some people does not really know about the right that they have and the things that they choose do. Another governance form is a dictatorship that is a system under which a single, unelected leader uses force or coercion to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control of the


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 nation. Typically, little attention is paid to individuals, personal freedoms, or public opinion. The example of dictators is Suharto who is the 2nd president of Indonesia after he took power from Sukarno, and was one of the most brutal and corrupt dictator of the 20th century. He was driven from office in 1998 by widespread rioting, economic paralysis and political chaos. His rule was not without accomplishment; he led Indonesia to stability and nurtured economic growth. But these successes were ultimately overshadowed by pervasive and large-scale corruption; repressive, militarized rule; and a convulsion of mass bloodletting when he seized power in the late 1960s that took at least 500,000 lives. However, He was never charged with the killings committed under his command. In my opinion, democracy is not the best choice for every country because it will work well with the region that people really have knowledge, know their rights and know the thing they should do. The question Is democracy proper for Thailand is still on my mind, or there might have some governance form that is more appropriate for us.


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 Theme 5: Non-violent Resistance From the reading Three Ways of Meeting Oppression by Martin Luther King, Jr., there are 3 forms of resistance to injustice, which are violent resistance, non-violent resistance and acquiescence, which means to be silent and accept the oppressed. Dr. King also said that violent resistance is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because in the end, it will damage every body, and it never brings permanence peace. The more using violence, the more those violence back, so the situation is getting worst and worst. Plus, it is immoral because it destroys rather than change; create hate rather than love; force people to obey without expressing their thought. Violent resistance will end by defeating itself, so it will create a lot of bitter for the survivors and destroys almost everything. Some of the violent action is coup d etat or strike (against the) state that is the success in illegal removal, done by military, of a person of authority (government) from political power. There are 10 coup d etat in Thailand, which are in 20 June 1933, 8 November 1947, 6 April 1948, 29 November 1951, 16 September 1957, 20 October 1958, 17 November 1971, 20 October 1977, 23 February 1991 and 19 September 2006 (coup d etat form PM Thaksin). I think there will have more coup d etat because democracy in Thailand is not fully developed and politicians do for themselves more than for citizens. Moreover, there are a lot of corruptions in Thailand. The other example of coup d etat in other countries is Chile in the seventies. Chile was ruled by General Augusto Pinochet who overthrew the elected government in 1973. He destroyed the existing political system, engaged in human rights abuses, and took service away from the lower class people by privatizing the industry. Peoples liberties and democracy was taken away. He also murdered the opposition leaders and had all the power to run the country. Non-violent resistance is the practice of achieving goals through symbolic protests, civil disobedience, economic or political noncooperation, and other methods, without using violence. The examples of non-violent resistance leaders are Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Nelson Mandela is the first South African president who was elected in a fully representative democratic election (1994-1999). He was born on 18 July 1918 in Transkei, South Africa. Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and he is a leader of African National Congress (ANC). He called for independence of Native people. He was a peaceful struggle, but became the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the ANC in 1961 because when they fight with peace, the government use


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 violence, so they have no choice to give the violence back. He was a political prisoner for 27 years on Robben Island (1962- 11 February 1990). He introduced the policy that helps to solve poverty and inequality in South Africa. He received Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. Aung San Suu Kyi, non- violent pro-democracy social activist of Burma, is a Burmese opposition politician and the General Sacretary of the National League for Democracy. She was under house arrest in Burma from 20 July 1989 to 13 November 2010 (21 years), and she was arrested before the election. Her ideology inspires others to go against military government. She fight with peace by writing letters, books and using tape record to pass on her request for the Burmese military government to the world community. She was willing to be arrested and still proclaiming in her house in order to change the political form. She received Noble Peace Prize in 1991 when she was under house arrest in Burma. I have a dream is a 17-minute public speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. that delivered on 28 Augustn1963 at the Lincoln Memorial. In that speech, he called for racial equality and the ending of discrimination. He told that he had a dream that white and black children would one day walk hand in hand, and one day sons of farmer slaves and sons of slave owners would be able to agree to live together. This speech is so famous because it brought greater attention to the Civil Rights Movement (in that time, African-Americans still were not treated as equal), it was given in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial (Abraham Lincoln who freed slaves in the Southern States), it brought his message of non-violent to a nationwide audiences, and it made the Congress move faster in processing the Civil Right Act that made African-American are more equal than they ever had before. The interesting thing in I have a dream speech is that Martin Luther king, Jr. use a lot of metaphors. For example, In a sense weve come to our nations capital to cash a check, he compare a check to the freedom, liberty and the security of justice. He meant that the Negro came to the Capital to ask for their freedom and the security of justice because although there are the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they also have color discrimination. Another metaphor is Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred that means do not use the hatred and anger as the drive to fight or achieve the goals. The processes to achieve their freedom have to be clean, and no any guilty or do the wrong things. They have to fight with non-violent and wait for the acceptance with love, not forced that will create hatred and another consequent problems. In Thailand, we do not have the pure non-violent protests, but the nearest non-violent protests in recent years is, the Yellow shirts (Peoples Alliance for Democracy: PAD) in 2008. They were


Khemmaporn Prasongsup (Eyes) ID 5280737 assembly in many importance places, such as Suvarnnabhumi Airport, with peace to press PM Somchai to step down.


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