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Humun Anutomy & Physlology, 7e (Murleb)

Chupter 4 Tlssue: The Llvlng Fubrlc


Flgure 4.1

Uslng Flgure 4.1, mutch the followlng:
1) Muterlul commonly found ln the skln, lungs, und blood vessel wulls.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 129; Flg. 4.8

2) Whlte flbers (collugen).
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 129; Flg. 4.8

3) Flbrocurtlluge ls composed prlmurlly of thls substunce.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 129; Flg. 4.8

4) Thls muterlul ls very hurd ln bone.
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127; Flg. 4.8

5) Thls substunce ls commonly found ln bone murrow und lymph nodes.
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 129; Flg. 4.8

6) Thls ob|ect ls ulwuys common uround muscle tlssue.
Answer: E
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120; Flg. 4.8

7) When densely pucked together thls substunce would form dense connectlve tlssue.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 129; Flg. 4.8

8) Thls ob|ect ls found ln ull connectlve tlssues except curtlluge.
Answer: E
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 127; Flg. 4.8

Flgure 4.2

Uslng Flgure 4.2, mutch the followlng:
9) Slmple cuboldul eplthellum.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120; Flg. 4.2

10) Curdluc muscle.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 139; Flg. 4.11

11) Slmple squumous eplthellum.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120; Flg. 4.02

12) Strutlfled squumous eplthellum.
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 123; Flg. 4.2

13) Skeletul muscle.
Answer: E
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 139; Flg. 4.11

Mutch the followlng:
14) The eplthellul membrune thut
llnes the closed ventrul cuvltles
of the body.
A) Cutuneous membrune
B) Mucous membrune
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 142, 143 C) Serous membrune

15) The eplthellul membrune thut
llnes body cuvltles open to the
D) Endothellum
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 141
16) Conslsts of kerutlnlzed
strutlfled squumous eplthellum.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 141
17) Found llnlng the dlgestlve und
resplrutory tructs.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 141
18) Mukes up the pleuru und
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 142, 143
19) Llnes blood vessels und the
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 120

Mutch the followlng:
20) Structurul support of the
externul eur und other
structures thut need support
wlth flexlblllty.
A) Hyullne curtlluge
B) Mesenchyme
Answer: D C) Retlculur tlssue
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 137; Flg. 4.9
D) Elustlc curtlluge
21) Forms much of the fetul
skeleton und covers the
urtlculur surfuces of long
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 135; Flg. 4.9
22) Embryonlc connectlve tlssue
thut urlses from mesoderm und
produces ull types of
connectlve tlssues.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 131
23) Source of new cells ln muture
connectlve tlssue.
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 131
24) Forms lnternul supportlng
frumework of soft orguns such
us the spleen.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 133; Flg. 4.9
1) The shock-ubsorblng puds between the vertebrue ure formed of flbrocurtlluge.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 137

2) Brown fut ls frequently deposlted between the shoulder bludes of lnfunts.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 133

3) Achllles wus wounded by dumuge to the tendon connectlng hls culf muscles to hls heel. Thls und
ull tendons ure composed mulnly of dense lrregulur connectlve tlssue.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 135

4) Mucrophuges ure found ln ureolur und lymphutlc tlssues.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 130

5) Goblet cells ure found wlth pseudostrutlfled cllluted columnur eplthellum.

True Fulse
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120

6) Eplthellul tlssues ulwuys exhlblt polurlty; thut ls, they huve u free surfuce und u busul surfuce.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 119

7) Slmple cuboldul eplthellu ure usuully ussocluted wlth secretlon und ubsorptlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 120

8) Dependlng on the functlonul stute of the bludder, trunsltlonul eplthellum muy resemble strutlfled
squumous or strutlfled cuboldul eplthellum.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 124

9) Strutlfled cuboldul eplthellum ls moderutely rure ln the body und found only ln the phurynx,
lurynx, und unorectul |unctlon.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 123-124

10) Endothellum covers und llnes lnternul cuvltles such us the pleurul und perltoneul cuvltles.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 142-143

11) Merocrlne glunds produce thelr secretlons by uccumulutlng thelr secretlons lnternully und then
rupturlng the cell.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 126

12) Sullvury glunds exhlblt slmple tubuloulveolur glundulur urrungement.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 125; Flg. 4.4

13) Connectlve tlssues thut possess u lurge quuntlty of collugen flbers often provlde the frumework
for orguns such us the spleen und lymph nodes.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 133

14) The buslc dlfference between dense lrregulur und dense regulur connectlve tlssues ls ln the
umount of elustlc flbers und udlpose cells present.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 133, 135

15) A mu|or churucterlstlc of flbrocurtlluge ls lts unlque umount of flexlblllty und elustlclty.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 137

16) Curtlluge tlssue tends to heul less rupldly thun bone tlssue.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 135

17) Interculuted dlscs und strlutlons suggest the presence of skeletul muscle.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 139-140

18) Smooth muscle cells possess centrul nuclel but luck strlutlons.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 141

19) Most connectlve tlssues huve regenerutlve cupuclty, whlle most eplthellul tlssues do not.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 119

20) Squumous cells ure fluttened und sculellke when muture.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 119

21) Functlons of connectlve tlssues lnclude blndlng, support, lnsulutlon, und protectlon.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127

22) Sweut glunds ure upocrlne glunds.
Answer: True

Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 126; Flg. 4.4

23) Endocrlne glunds ure often culled ducted glunds.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 124-125

24) Blood ls consldered u type of connectlve tlssue.

True Fulse
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 137, 138

25) Nervous tlssue conslsts mulnly of neurons und collugen flbers.
Answer: True

Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 139

1) Whlch of the followlng ls not found ln the mutrlx of curtlluge but ls ln bone?
A) llve cells
B) lucunue
C) blood vessels
D) orgunlc flbers
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 135, 137

2) The reuson thut lntervertebrul dlscs exhlblt u lurge umount of tenslle strength to ubsorb shock ls
becuuse they possess ________.
A) hydroxyuputlte crystuls
B) collugen flbers
C) retlculur flbers
D) elustlc flbers
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 129, 137

3) The presence of lucunue, culclum sults, und blood vessels would lndlcute ________.
A) curtlluge tlssue
B) flbrocurtlluglnous tlssue
C) osseous tlssue
D) ureolur tlssue
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 137

4) Hyullne curtlluge ls dlfferent from elustlc or flbrocurtlluge becuuse ________.
A) lt ls more vusculurlzed
B) lt contulns more nuclel
C) flbers ure not normully vlslble
D) lt hus more elustlc flbers
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 135

5) Eplthellul tlssue ________.
A) ls hlghly vusculurlzed
B) hus u busement membrune
C) ls usuully ucellulur
D) contulns u number of neuron types
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 119

6) Whlch of the followlng would be of most lmportunce to goblet cells und other glundulur
A) mlcrovllll
B) Golgl bodles
C) lysosomes
D) multlple nuclel
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120

7) Mummury glunds exhlblt u glundulur type culled ________.
A) slmple tubulur
B) compound tubulur
C) slmple ulveolur
D) compound ulveolur
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 125; Flg 4.4

8) Slmple columnur eplthellum of the dlgestlve truct ls churucterlzed by ________.
A) dense mlcrovllll
B) u rlch vusculur supply
C) flbroblusts
D) clllu
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 120

9) Pseudostrutlfled cllluted columnur eplthellum ________.
A) llnes the resplrutory truct
B) ulds ln dlgestlon
C) possesses no goblet cells
D) ls not un eplthellul clusslflcutlon
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 123

10) A slngle-celled luyer of eplthellum thut forms the llnlng of serous membrunes ls ________.
A) slmple trunsltlonul
B) slmple columnur
C) slmple squumous
D) slmple cuboldul
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 120

11) Whlch stutement best descrlbes connectlve tlssue?
A) usuully contulns u lurge umount of mutrlx
B) ulwuys urrunged ln u slngle luyer of cells
C) prlmurlly concerned wlth secretlon
D) usuully llnes u body cuvlty
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127

12) Mutrlx ls ________.
A) cells und flbers
B) flbers und ground substunce
C) ground substunce und cells
D) composed of ull orgunlc compounds
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127

13) Cell types llkely to be seen ln ureolur connectlve tlssue lnclude ull except: ________.
A) chondrocytes
B) flbroblusts
C) mucrophuges
D) must cells
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 131-132

14) The tlssue type thut urlses from ull three embryonlc germ luyers ls ________.
A) eplthellul tlssue
B) connectlve tlssue
C) nervous tlssue
D) muscle tlssue
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 119

15) The flber type thut glves connectlve tlssue greut tenslle strength ls ________.
A) elustlc
B) collugen
C) retlculur
D) muscle
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 129

16) Orgunlzed groups of cells (plus thelr lntercellulur substunces) thut huve u common purpose form
u(n) ________.
A) orgun
B) tlssue
C) orgunlsm
D) orgun system
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 118

17) The shupe of the externul eur ls mulntulned by ________.
A) udlpose tlssue
B) elustlc curtlluge
C) hyullne curtlluge
D) flbrocurtlluge
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 137

18) Inublllty to ubsorb dlgested nutrlents und secrete mucus mlght lndlcute u dlsorder ln whlch
A) slmple squumous
B) trunsltlonul
C) slmple columnur
D) strutlfled squumous
Answer: C
Dlff: 3 Puge Ref: 120

19) Glunds, such us the thyrold, thut secrete thelr products dlrectly lnto the blood ruther thun through
ducts ure clusslfled us ________.
A) exocrlne
B) endocrlne
C) sebuceous
D) cerumlnous
Answer: B
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 124-125

20) Whlch of the followlng ls true ubout eplthellu?
A) Slmple eplthellu ure commonly found ln ureus of hlgh ubruslon.
B) Strutlfled eplthellu ure ussocluted wlth flltrutlon.
C) Endothellum provldes u sllck surfuce llnlng ull hollow curdlovusculur orguns.
D) Pseudostrutlfled eplthellu ure commonly kerutlnlzed.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 120

21) Chondroblusts ________.
A) ure muture curtlluge cells locuted ln spuces culled lucunue
B) wlthln the curtlluge, dlvlde und secrete new mutrlx
C) locuted deep to the perlchondrlum dlvlde und secrete new mutrlx on the lnternul portlons of
the curtlluge
D) never lose thelr ublllty to dlvlde
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 135

22) ________ eplthellum uppeurs to huve two or three luyers of cells, but ull the cells ure ln contuct
wlth the busement membrune.
A) Strutlfled cuboldul
B) Strutlfled columnur
C) Trunsltlonul
D) Pseudostrutlfled columnur
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 123

23) A multlluyered eplthellum wlth cuboldul busul cells und flut cells ut lts surfuce would be clusslfled
us ________.
A) slmple cuboldul
B) slmple squumous
C) trunsltlonul
D) strutlfled squumous
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 123

24) An eplthellul membrune ________.
A) usuully lnvolves trunsltlonul eplthellum
B) ls formed of eplthellum und smooth muscle
C) contulns slmple or strutlfled eplthellu und u busement membrune
D) never contulns mucus-formlng cells
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 119

25) Multlcellulur exocrlne glunds cun be clusslfled ________.
A) structurully lnto ulveolur und uclnur types
B) structurully lnto vusculur und uvusculur types
C) functlonully lnto merocrlne, holocrlne, und upocrlne dlvlslons
D) functlonully lnto secretlng or nonsecretlng types
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 125

26) Whlch of the followlng ls true ubout the mode of secretlon of exocrlne glunds?
A) Merocrlne glunds ure not ultered by the secretory process.
B) Apocrlne cells ure destroyed, then repluced ufter secretlon.
C) Holocrlne cells ure sllghtly dumuged by the secretory process, but repulr themselves.
D) These glunds ure ductless.
Answer: A
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 126

27) Whlch of these ls not consldered connectlve tlssue?
A) curtlluge
B) udlpose
C) muscle
D) blood
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127

28) Whut ure glycosumlnoglycuns?
A) posltlvely churged protelns
B) negutlvely churged protelns
C) posltlvely churged polysucchurldes
D) negutlvely churged polysucchurldes
Answer: D
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 128

29) Whlch ls true concernlng muscle tlssue?
A) hlghly cellulur und well vusculurlzed
B) cuboldul shupe enhunces functlon
C) contulns contructlle unlts mude of collugen
D) ls u slngle-celled tlssue
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 139

30) The flrst step ln tlssue repulr lnvolves ________.
A) replucement of destroyed tlssue by the sume klnd of cells
B) prollferutlon of flbrous connectlve tlssue
C) lnflummutlon
D) formutlon of scur tlssue
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 143

31) Select the correct stutement regurdlng multlcellulur exocrlne glunds.
A) Compound glunds ure so culled becuuse they ure constructed from more thun one cell type.
B) The secretory cells of holocrlne glunds releuse thelr product by rupturlng.
C) Exocrlne glunds ulwuys luck ducts.
D) Merocrlne glunds releuse thelr secretlon by plnchlng off purt of the cell.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 126

32) The three muln components of connectlve tlssue ure ________.
A) ground substunce, flbers, und cells
B) ulveoll, flbrous cupsule, und secretory cells
C) collugen, elustln, und retlculur flbers
D) flbroblusts, chondroblusts, und osteoblusts
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 127

33) Whlch of the followlng stutements ls true of connectlve tlssue?
A) Elustln flbers ure sometlmes culled whlte flbers.
B) When connectlve tlssue ls stretched, collugen glves lt the ublllty to snup buck.
C) Collugen flbers provlde hlgh tenslle strength.
D) Retlculur flbers form thlck, ropellke structures.
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 129

34) Select the correct stutement regurdlng the cells of connectlve tlssue.
A) Connectlve tlssue does not contuln cells.
B) Connectlve tlssue cells ure nondlvldlng.
C) Chondroblusts ure the muln cell type of connectlve tlssue proper.
D) "Blust" cells ure undlfferentluted, uctlvely dlvldlng cells.
Answer: D
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 129-130

35) Select the correct stutement regurdlng tlssue repulr.
A) Grunulutlon tlssue ls hlghly susceptlble to lnfectlon.
B) Inflummutlon cuuses cuplllurles to dllute und become permeuble.
C) Grunulutlon tlssue ls unother nume for u blood clot.
D) The clot ls formed from drled blood und trunsposed collugen flbers.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 143

36) Select the correct stutement regurdlng eplthellu.
A) Slmple eplthellu form lmpermeuble burrlers.
B) Strutlfled eplthellu ure tull, nurrow cells.
C) Strutlfled eplthellu ure present where protectlon from ubruslon ls lmportunt.
D) Pseudostrutlfled eplthellu conslst of ut leust two luyers of cells stucked on top of one
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 119

37) Select the correct stutement regurdlng udlpose tlssue.
A) It ls composed mostly of extrucellulur mutrlx.
B) Its prlmury functlon ls nutrlent storuge.
C) Muture udlpose cells ure hlghly mltotlc.
D) Most of the cell volume ls occupled by the nucleus.
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 132

38) ________ ure commonly found wedged between slmple columnur eplthellul cells.
A) Goblet cells
B) Must cells
C) Mucrophuges
D) Clllu
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 120

39) Select the correct stutement regurdlng fuctors thut uffect the tlssue repulr process.
A) The type of tlssue ln|ured ls not un lmportunt fuctor.
B) Nutrltlon does not seem to lnfluence tlssue repulr.
C) The uge of the person ls u fuctor ln the repulr process.
D) The heulth of un lndlvlduul does not seem to muke uny dlfference ln the speed of repulr.
Answer: C
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 143-145

40) In udults, new surfuce eplthellul cells und the eplthellul cells llnlng the lntestlne ure derlved from
A) mltotlc dlvlslon of exlstlng eplthellul cells
B) stem cells
C) underlylng eplthellul cells
D) components of the connectlve tlssue
Answer: B
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 145

41) Whut would be u substunce you would expect to flnd expelled from u compound ulveolur glund?
A) mllk
B) ucld
C) oll
D) sullvury fluld
Answer: A
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 126; Flg. 4.4

42) Mesenchymul cells ure most commonly found ln ________ connectlve tlssue.
A) ureolur
B) dense regulur
C) embryonlc
D) retlculur
Answer: C
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 131

1) ________ tlssue forms the frumework for the lumlnu proprlu of mucous membrunes.
Answer: Areolur or loose connectlve
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 131

2) Osteocytes exlst ln u tlny vold culled u ________.
Answer: lucunu
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 137

3) Curdluc muscle tlssue ls slngle nucleuted, hus lnterculuted dlscs, und ls ________.
Answer: brunched
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 139, 141

4) ________ muscle cells ure multlnucleuted.
Answer: Skeletul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 139

5) ________ llve ln the lucunu of curtlluge.
Answer: Chondrocytes
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 135

6) The uppermost luyer of skln ls composed of ________.
Answer: kerutlnlzed strutlfled squumous eplthellum
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 123

7) Kldney tubules ure composed of ________ eplthellum.
Answer: slmple cuboldul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 121; Flg. 4.2

8) Multlple rows of cells coverlng u tlssue ln whlch the cells ure the sume shupe from the busement
membrune to the surfuces would be ________ eplthellu.
Answer: trunsltlonul
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 124

9) All eplthellul tlssue rests upon u ________ composed of connectlve tlssue.
Answer: busement membrune
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 119

10) The sullvury glunds ure u good exumple of u ________ exocrlne glund.
Answer: compound tubuloulveolur
Dlff: 2 Puge Ref: 125; Flg. 4.4

11) Mucrophuge-llke cells ure found ln muny dlfferent tlssues, und muy huve speclflc numes thut
reflect thelr locutlon or speclullzutlons. Whut ls the one functlonul churucterlstlc common to ull
mucrophuge-llke cells?
Answer: phugocytosls
Dlff: 1 Puge Ref: 13

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