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King Saud medical city Academic and training affairs

Written exam NAME OF INTERN:QUESTION :- CIRCLE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1- patient who is lying in bed suddenly becomes short of breath. After calling for help, the nurse aide next action should be to
(A) ask the patient to take deep breaths. (B) take the resident s vital signs. (C) raise the head of the bed. (D) elevate the resident s feet.


2-When giving a backrub, the nurse aide should

(A) apply lotion to the back directly from the bottle. (B) keep the patient covered as much as possible. (C) leave extra lotion on the skin when completing the procedure. (D) expect the patient to lie on his/her stomach.

3- patient who is inactive is at risk of constipation which of the following actions helps to prevent constipation?
(A) Adequate fluid intake (B) Regular mealtimes (C) High protein diet

4-patient has an indwelling urinary catheter. While making rounds, the nurse aide notices that there is no urine in the drainage bag. The nurse aide should first
(A) ask the patient to try urinating. (B) offer the patient fluid to drink. (C) check for kinks in the tubing. (D) obtain a new urinary drainage bag

5-patient who is incontinent of urine has an increased risk of developing

(A) dementia. (B) urinary tract infections. (C) pressure sores.

(D) dehydration

6-To help prevent resident falls, the nurse aide should

(A) always raise side rails when any patient is in his/her bed. (B) leave patients beds at the lowest level when care is complete. (C) encourage patient to wear larger-sized, loose-fitting clothing. (D) remind patient who use call lights that they need to wait patiently for staff.

7-To help prevent the spread of micro-organism between patients, nurse aides should
(A) wear gloves when touching residents. (B) hold supplies and linens away from their uniforms. (C) wash hands for at least two minutes after each resident contact. (D) warn residents that holding hands spreads germs

8-When a sink has hand-control faucets, the nurse aide should use
(A) a paper towel to turn the water on. (B) a paper towel to turn the water off. (C) an elbow, if possible, to turn the faucet controls on and off. (D) bare hands to turn the faucet controls both on and off

9-When moving a resident up in bed who is able to move with assistance, the nurse aide should
(A) position self with knees straight and bent at waist. (B) use a gait or transfer belt to assist with the repositioning. (C) pull the patient up holding onto one side of the draw sheet at a time. (D) bend the patient s knees and ask the patient to push with his/her feet.

10-The resident s weight is obtained routinely as a way to check the resident s

(A) growth and development. (B) adjustment to the facility. (C) nutrition and health. (D) activity level

11-The purpose for padding side rails on the patients bed is to:
(A) use them as a restraint (B) have a place to connect the call signal (C) protect the patient from injury (D) keep the patient warm

12-The Heimlich maneuver (abdominal thrust) is used for patient who has:
(A) a bloody nose (B) a blocked airway (C) fallen out of bed (D) impaired eye sign

13-To prevent the spread of infection, how should the nurse aide handle the soiled linens removed from a patients bed?
(A) Shake them in the air (B) Place them in a neat pile on the floor (C) Carry them close to the nurse aides body (D) Put them in the dirty linen Container

14-A client needs to be repositioned but is heavy, and the nurse aide is not sure she can move the client alone. The nurse aide should:
(A) try to move the client alone (B) have the family do it (C) ask another nurse aide to help (D) go on to another task

15-To prevent dehydration of the patient, the nurse aide SHOULD:

(A) offer fluids frequently while the patient is awake (B) wake the client hourly during the night to offer fluids (C) give the client frequent baths (D) feed the patient salty food to increase thirsty

16-BEFORE taking the oral temperature of patient who has just finished a cold drink, the nurse aide should wait:
(A) 10 to 20 minutes (B) 25 to 35 minutes (C) 45 to 55 minutes (D) at least 1 hour

17-If a nurse aide needs to wear a gown to care for patient in isolation, the nurse aide MUST:
(A) wear the same gown to care for all other assigned patient (B) leave the gown untied (C) take the gown off before leaving the patients room (D) take the gown off in the dirty utility room

18-Which temperature is considered ,MOST accurate?

(A) Oral (B) Axillary (C) Groin (D) Recta

19-What is a beginning sign of pressure sore?

(A) Swelling (B) Numbness (C)redness discoloration (D) Coolness

20-Vital signs not include a person's A- pulse B-body temperature C- respiration D-weight

21-When a person has a normal body temperature it is called

A. B. C. D. a febrile febrile pyrexia hyperpyrexia

22-If the nurse aide discovers fire in patient s room, theFIRST thing do is:
(A) call the nurse in charge (B) try to put out the fire (C) open a window (D) remove the patient

23-The following are correct nursing actions when taking the radial pulse EXCEPT
A) Put the palms downward B) Use the thumb to palpate the artery

C) Use two to three fingertips to palpate the pulse at the inner wrist D) Assess the pulse rate, rhythm, volume and bilateral equality

23- nurse MUST wear gloves when:

(A) feeding a client (B) doing peri-care (C) giving a back rub (D) doing range of motion

24- When measuring the blood pressure, the following are nursing considerations EXCEPT:
A.) Ensure that the client is rested B.) Use appropriate size of BP cuff C) support arm above heart level D) Initiate and deflate BP cuff 2-3 mm Hg/sec

25-The following are contraindications to oral temperature taking EXCEPT

A) Dyspnea B) Diarrhea C) Nasal-packing D) Nausea and vomiting

26-Which of the following is inappropriate nursing action when collecting urine specimen for routine urinalysis?
A.) Collect early morning, first voided specimen B.) Do perinea care before collection of specimen C.) Collect 5 ml of urine D.) Discard the first flow of urine

27-The following are independent nursing interventions for a febrile PATIENT EXCEPT
A)administer paracetamol 500 mg. tab every 4hours PRN for temperature 38.5 C B) Increase fluid intake C) Promote bed rest D) Keep the clients clothing clean

28-The following are appropriate nursing interventions to promote normal respiratory function EXCEPT:
A.) Adequate fluid intake B.) increase cigarette smoking C.) Deep breathing and coughing exercises D.) Frequent change of position among bedridden clients

29-During insertion of NGT, which of the following is best position

A.) Low-Fowlers B.) Semi-Fowlers C.) High-Fowlers D.) Lateral

30-The length of NGT to be inserted is correctly measured;

A.) From the tip of the nose to the umbilicus B.) From the tip of the nose to the xiphoid process C.) From the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the umbilicus D.) From the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process.)

31-Constipation is best described as:

A) Irregular passage of stool B.) Passage of stool every other day C.) Passage of hard, dry stool D.) Seepage of liquid feces

32-The following are appropriate nursing measures to relieve diarrhea EXCEPT:

A.) Provide high-fiber diet B.) Promote rest C.) Include banana in the diet D.) Avoid fatty or fried food

33-The best position for female during urinary catheterization is:

A.) Supine B.) Dorsal recumbent C.) Laterl D.) Semi-Fowler

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