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Technology Hints Dr. Steven M.

STAT 312 Case Western Reserve University

Technology options used in this course TI 83/84 graphing 2-variable statistics calculator TI 89 has same stats functions but I am not sure how to access them Minitab There are others not used in this course SAS SPSS NCSS R and S packages other

TI 83/84
Data Entry: STAT EDIT 1:EDIT Cursor to L1, CLEAR, ENTER Cursor to L2, CLEAR, ENTER In L1, enter data To choose x and y scales for plots: Window
Xmin, xmax, xscl Ymin, ymax, yscl Xres

Graph Or to use defaults, use ZOOM, 9:ZOOMSTAT TRACE Puts an X on the graph somewhere Shows value corresponding to the point Cursor left, right to see values at other points

TI 83/84
Statistics STAT, CALC 1: 1-VAR Stats, L1, ENTER Will provide various numerical descriptions
Mean Std dev 5-point summary

Grouped data Mid values in L1 Frequencies in L2 STAT, CALC 1: 1-VAR Stats L1, L2, ENTER
MUST specify BOTH L1 and L2 or calculator will just use L1 as if it were ungrouped data

TI 83/84
Histogram, Boxplot, etc.
Once data entered in a LIST, STAT PLOT (2nd Y=) Select plot number to set up/turn on/off (e.g. 1)
Turn on/off Select type (3rd is histogram, 4th is boxplot) Xlist where is data? Enter L1 or wherever Freq: 1 (means each number in Xlist represents one data value)

Freq: L2 means List 2 contains the number of times each value in L1 occurs)

Mark: choose symbol to plot ZOOM, 9: ZOOMSTAT

Use of Minitab
Must be on campus or VPN into network Go to Case Software site and download VPN, Minitab clients as needed you probably already have some of these loaded. Windows-only. Sorry, but we Mac users must endure the scourge of Redmond Only need to download and install Minitab once System will check if a license is available to run on your pc NOTE Minitab is purchased by the number of simultaneous licenses that can be checked out. During busy periods, such as just before a project or major homework is due, there may be a lot of contention for licenses. If there are no licenses available you will get a message saying something to that effect. Do not re-download Minitab. Wait a little bit and try again. Eventually you will be able to grab a license that somebody else finally releases. I know this can become a pain, but IT only has a limited budget and makes best judgments on how many licenses to buy.

Alcohol content in wine depends on the grape variety, the way in which the wine was produced, the weather, and various other influences. Below is data on percent alcohol in wine produced from the same grape variety, in the same year, in the same region of Italy. In most cases, the wine is labeled as being 13% alcohol, although there is obviously a natural variability in percent. Determine a 95% confidence interval for the mean alcohol percent for all these wines, assuming all the wineries produce very closely the same amount of wine.
12.86 12.93 13.50 12.36 12.20 12.88 13.36 12.79 13.69 12.77 12.81 13.52 13.11 12.85 14.16 12.70 13.62 13.23 12.96 13.71 12.51 12.25 12.58 13.78 13.40 12.60 13.16 13.17 13.73 13.27 12.25 13.88 13.84 13.45 13.17 12.53 12.87 12.45 12.82 14.13 13.49 13.32 14.34 13.58 12.84 13.08 13.48 13.40

X = 13.154 sx = .530 t47,.975 t50,.975 = 2.009 = E ts 2.009*.530 = = .154 n 48 X E 13.154 .154 (13.000,13.308) = =
Inference Overview


Double click Minitab icon opens new worksheet Data Enter variable name and data. Stat Basic Statistics Graphical Summary Type Pct Alc here Then 12.86 here 12.93 here, etc


Manufacturing of Injection Molded Parts

Injection molding is a manufacturing process used to form many types of parts. Injected material usually shrinks as it cools, so the parts cavity must be oversized. Shrinkage is influenced by many factors, including
Injection velocity (ft/sec) Mold temperature (deg C)

A comparative experiment is performed where mold temperature is held at a low value and injection velocity is observed at two levels (low and high). Shrinkage of cooled parts is measured (cm x 104) for 10 specimens at each velocity.


The data
Low velocity: High velocity
72.68 72.55 71.62 71.52 72.62 72.42 71.68 71.71 72.58 72.84 71.74 71.56 72.48 72.58 71.48 71.70 73.07 72.92 71.55 71.50

(1) The shrinkage is variable from specimen to specimen (2) It appears the low velocity numbers tend to be larger than the high velocity numbers. What would you like to know more about this experiment before you jump to the conclusion that high velocity injection seems to shrink less?



Dot Plots in Minitab

1-Data 4-Select vars, OK

2-Graph, Dotplot


3-Multiple ys, OK



Results at High Temperature

Lo Vel
76.20 75.94 76.09 76.12 93.19 93.47 75.98 76.18 92.87 93.75 76.15 76.25 93.29 93.89 76.17 75.82 93.37 91.62

Hi Vel
93.25 92.98

NOTE scales different than previous plot



Value plots in Minitab

1-Data 2-Graph menu 4-Select variables

3-With Groups, OK



TI and Minitab Basic Inferences

TI 83/84
Normal distribution probabilities, w/o shading
Press 2nd + VARS Press 2

Enter the minimum number, the maximum number, the mean, and the standard deviation. Example: NORMALCDF(-1, 1, 0, 1) Press ENTER Answer: Area = 0.682689 Low = -1, Up = 1 -1 E 99 = - (Minus Infinity ) / 1 E 99 = + (Plus Infinity) Clear the calculations before using NORMALCDF again To Clear: Press 2nd + PRGM, Press 1, and then Press CLEAR twice Find x for a given normal distribution %
Press DISTR (2nd + VARS) Press 3
You should see the following: invNorm(

You should see the following: NORMALCDF(

Enter the desired numbers with commas followed by )

Enter the area to the left of the unknown number, the mean, and the standard deviation.

Press ENTER Answer: - 0.5244 (30% of the area is below -0.5244) Clear the calculations before using invNorm again To Clear: Press CLEAR

Enter the desired numbers with commas followed by ) Example: invNORM(0.3, 0, 1)

Other probability distributions

Students t tcdf (lower , upper ,= P (lower tdf upper ) df ) Chi-squared 2 2 cdf (lower , upper , df ) P (lower df upper ) = F-distribution
Fcdf (lower , upper , numdf , denomdf ) P (lower F upper ) = Binomial binomcdf (numtrials, p, x) P ( X x) =

Poisson poissoncdf ( , x) P ( X x) =

NOTE TI 89 function arguments are slightly different for a couple of distributions. You really should check the pdf user manual downloadable from TI web site.

TI 83/84 Tests, estimation

STAT, cursor right to TESTS
Select desired Test/Interval, ENTER Fill in appropriate values, then Calculate (or Draw)

Example one sample mean

STAT -> 1: EDIT -> enter data in L1 STAT -> TESTS ->
Z-Test, T-Test, ZInterval, TInterval as appropriate, select/fill in template e.g., ZTest
DATA Mu0= Sigma= LIST: Freq:1 Mu option Calculate or Draw

Example bile acid

Eighteen subjects had their gall bladder removed surgically. Just prior to surgery, their level of a marker for bile acid was measured, and then one month after surgery it was re-measured. The decrease (prior after) values observed were:
19.89 21.1 2.64 12.26 9.25 14.67 20.74 28.91 13.69 25.98 18.34 13.81 7.2 3.11 9.45 10.08 4.79 14.78

What can we say about the mean decrease?



Example bile acid

First, examine the distribution assumption: TI: Enter data (say in L1), 2nd STATPLOT, select last graph icon and List containing data, ZOOM 9

Minitab: Graph Probability plot select normal



Bile Acid, Interval Using z-distribution

Store data in a list, say L1 Assume we can use sample standard deviation estimate in place of sigma STAT TESTS 7: ZInterval Inpt : Data : 7.502 List : L1 Freq :1 C Level :.95 Calculate Result, :

Conclusion: the mean change is somewhere inside the above interval with a probability of .95 we are correct.



Bile Acid, Test Using z-distribution

Store data in a list, say L1 Assume we can use sample standard deviation estimate in place of sigma STAT TESTS 1: Z-Test
Inpt : Data

0 : 0 : 7.502
List : L1 Freq :1 : 0 Calculate


z = 7.876

= 3.40 E 15 p

Conclusion: the p-value is much smaller than any reasonable significance level, so we conclude there is a statistically significant effect of gall bladder removal on bile marker.
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Bile Acid, Interval Using t-distribution instead of z

Store data in a list, say L1 STAT TESTS 8: T-Interval
Inpt : Data List : L1 Freq :1 C Level :.95 Calculate


Conclusion: the mean change is somewhere inside the above interval with a probability of .95 we are correct. Note the result is fairly close to that assuming sigma known.
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Bile Acid, Test Using t-distribution

Store data in a list, say L1 Assume we can use sample standard deviation estimate in place of sigma STAT TESTS 2: t-Test Inpt : Data 0 : 0 List : L1 Freq :1 : 0 Calculate Result:
t = 7.8768

= 4.51E 7 p

Conclusion: the p-value is much smaller than any reasonable significance level, so we conclude there is a statistically significant effect of gall bladder removal on bile marker.
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Example - Bacteria
Researchers in a hospital wanted to determine if rooms with carpeting contained more bacteria than un-carpeted rooms. They selected 8 rooms at random from a part of the hospital that had carpeting, and 8 other rooms at random from a part without carpeting. In each room they set up apparatus to pass room air over a Petri dish for 15 minutes at a flow rate of 1 cubic foot per minute. The Petri dishes were then incubated for 48 hours. The number of bacteria colonies per cubic foot of air was computed, obtaining:
Carpeted Uncarpeted 11.8 12.1 8.2 8.3 7.1 3.8 13.0 7.2 10.8 12.0 10.1 11.1 14.6 10.1 14.0 13.7

Let us examine these results under the temporary assumption the levels of bacteria colonies would be the same for each type of room.



Example Bacteria contd.

If we assume the bacteria levels have the same (normal) distribution, then
2 Carpeted : Mean 1 , Variance 1 2 Un carp : Mean 2 , Variance 2 2 2 Where we assume 1 2 and 1 2 2 = = =

Then X1 X 2 is normally distributed with

X X = 1 2 = 0,


( X1 X 2 ) ( 0 )
/ n1 + / n2
2 2

2 X X = 2 / n1 + 2 / n2
1 2

distributed n( z;0,1)

Unfortunately we do not know the standard deviation.



Example - Bacteria
The two samples can be examined for conformance to following a normal distribution via normal probability plots of the samples:



Example Bacteria
From the data, suppose we were to assume both samples came from normal distributions with the same standard deviation of 3. Then:

(11.20 9.79 ) =
(3) / 8 + (3) / 8
2 2


It seems the difference between the two sample means is pretty close to zero, compared to the variability expected, which is pretty consistent with the population means being close to each other. Our temporary assumption of equal means seems reasonable on the basis of this data. Perhaps it is OK to behave as if the two means are the same until or unless we obtain more data.



Example capital punishment

In the past 40% of adults favored capital punishment. If a r.s. of n=150 adults yields X=80 in favor, is that evidence (at the .05 level) that the population proportion has increased? By hand

H 0 : p = p0 H1 : p > p0 desired = .05 p = X / n n( p0 , p0 q0 / n ) when H 0 is true Determine critical value pc such that P( p pc ) That is, pc = p0 q0 / n = (.4)(.6) /150 = p0 + z.95 .40 + 1.645 .4658 = 80 /150 .5333 > pc so we reject H 0 = p
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Capital Punishment

STAT-->TESTS-->5:1-PropZTest p 0 :.4 x : 80 n :150 prop :> p 0 Calculate prop > .4 z = 3.33333 = 4.29 E 4 p p .5333

P-value of 4.29E-4 is way smaller than .05, so REJECT H0

Capital Punishment

STAT-->TESTS-->A:1-PropZInt x : 80 n :150 C Level :.90 Calculate (.4535,.61317) p .5333 n = 150

NOTE: We used a one-sided test with significance level .05. Since TI only calculates two-sided intervals, we needed to use the 90% level, and should only pay attention to the left end of the interval. We infer p>.45.

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