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: Dr.


:(General Data) : : Married or single or divorced : : (?) : : : According to patient himself or family (who?)



: RUQ pain and fever for 3 days Chest tightness and palpitation since 6/10, 730pm (Bad example) Chest tightness and palpitation for 1 hour


past illnesses & previous hospitalizations chief complaint


(Your differential diagnosis) (negative findings)


(Concurrent diseases) (Co-morbidity)

: This 46-year-old woman has a history of diabetes mellitus and stroke with left-sided weakness, and has been taking medication for 10 years as doctors prescription. She has suffered from flatulence and epigastric distress sometimes accompanied by mild fever since January 23, 2007. Her distress was often precipitated by fatty foods or eggs with accompanying right upper quadrant pain lasting several minutes sometimes. The distress or pain could refer to the homolateral infraclavicular region accompanied by vomiting and prostration. Three days before entry to our ER, a sharp, knife-like pain burst abruptly in the right upper quadrant region about one hour after taking fried rough food. The colic lasted about 20 minutes and vanished spontaneously then relapsed twice with spiking fever, chills and radiation to the infrascapular area upward.

She was admitted to a local hospital and received some blood tests and radiological examination. With the impression of acute cholecystitis, she received IV fluid supplement and pain control, but her symptoms were not relieved. She was then transferred to our ER as family requested. In our ER, physical examinations revealed RUQ tenderness with positive Murphys sign. Laboratory findings revealed leuokocytosis and slightly elevated liver enzymes (AST ?? U/L AlK-P ?? U/L). Total bilirubin was within normal limit. Sonography disclosed multiple gallstones, distended gallbladder and wall thickening. The common bile duct and intrahepatic duct were not dilated. Under the impression of gallstones with acute cholecystitis, she was admitted to GI ward for continuing the antibiotic treatment and observe if the progression will need surgical intervention.

Throughout the whole course of present illness, there were fever, nausea, vomiting and abdominal fullness, but no tea-colored urine.


DM / under control with OHA , NPH [ ]


Hypertension / regular / irregular medical control with Doxaben , Norvac etc [ ] or other cardiovascular disorders / CAD with TVD , DVD , s/p PTCA[]

3. 4. 5. 6.

Denied history of pulmonary TB, COPD or other pulmonary diseases Denied history of liver diseases. / Child Denied history of surgery Previous operations: [] active inactive problems

1. 2. 3.

Denied history of smoking : nil/1 pack/day for 20 years Denied history of alcohol drinking Denied history of allergy to food or drugs

FAMILY HISTORY : DO NOT USE Non-contributory, Nil or Nothing particular pedigree tree non-contributory

Review of System: Review of Systems (ROS)

positive findings General Consciousness (Drowsy) E2V2M4 Drowsy positive finding Coma scale Dehydration (Yes) Dry tongue and poor skin turgor Dehydration Consciousness (+) or (-) !!

PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS: 1. 2. , Ex., Pitting edema (+) or (++), Gr. II/VI Pansystolic murmur over left lower sternal border with radiating to left axilla GENERAL: Well-/ Moderate / Poor nourished and normal-developed adult No skin yellowish discoloration. HEENT: No Deformity No Icteric Sclera

No Pale Conjunctiva.

NECK: No Stiffness No Palpable LN. No Limitation of Movement. No Carotid Bruit.

No Jugular Vein Engorgement. CHEST and HEART: Symmetrical and Full Expansion of Bilateral Chest Wall. No Wheezing. No Cardiac Murmur ABDOMEN: Local Tenderness over RUQ area of abdomen No Rebounding Pain No Muscle Guarding. No Rales. No Cardiac Arrhythmia., irregular HR

Positive /negativeMurphys Sign (+) No Hepatomegaly. No Palpable Mass Normoactive Bowel Sound BACK : No deformity EXTREMITY : No Limitation of Movement. No Deformity. No Peripheral Cyanosis. No Pitting Edema. DIGITAL EXAM : Prostate: Smooth, rubbery, no hard nodule, size: 3x3cm Normal anal tone, no rectal shelf ,no hemorrhoid/internal , external hemorrhoid EXOGENITALIA: No genital lesion No Clubbing Finger. No CV Angle Knocking Pain. No Shifting Dullness.

Laboratory Findings: ()

( , Cultures, , KUB, Sonography of abdomen, abdominal CT scan) &

IMPRESSION: active inactive problems etiological diagnosis anatomical diagnosis, symptomatic diagnosis

Duodenal ulceranatomical diagnosis NSAID induced ulceretiological diagnosis Abdominal pain, caused to be determinedsymptomatic diagnosis


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