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Chapter 7 Vocabulary Words

electrolyte-A substance that disassociates in solution into postively and negativiely charged ions and is thus capable of carrying an electrical current. Ion- Any electric charged particle, either positively or negatively charged. Solvent-A substance that is capable of mixing with and breaking apart a variety of compounds. Water is an excellient solvent. Blood volume- The amount of fluid in blood. Osmosis- The movement of water(or any solvent) through a semipermeable membrane from an area where solutes are less concentrated to areas where they are highly concentrated. Thirst mechanism- cluster of nerve cells in the hyper thalamus that stimulate our conscious desire to drink fluids in response to an increase in the concentration of salt in our blood or a decrease in blood pressure and blood volume. Metabolic water- The water formed as a by-product of our body's metabolic reactions. Sensible water loss- Water loss that is noticed by a person, such as through urine output and visible sweating. Insensible water loss- The loss of water not noticeable by a person, such as through evaporation from the skin and exhalation from the lungs during breathing. Diuretic- A substance that increases fluid loss via the urine. Common diuretics, include alcahol, some prescription medications, and many over-the-counter wieght-loss pills. Hypernatriemia- A condition in which blood sodium levels are dangerously high. Hyponatremia- A condition in which blood sodium levels are dangeroisly-low. Hyperkalemia- A condition in which blood potassium levels are dangerously high. Hypokalemia- A condition in which blood potassium levels are dnagerously low. Phyic acid- The form of phosphorus stored in plants. Dehydration- Depletion of body fluid that results when fluid excretion exceeds fluid intake.

Heat Stroke- A potentially fatal responce to high temperature characterized by failure of the body's heat-regulationg mechanisms. Symtoms include rapid pulse; reduced sweating; hot, dry skin; high temperature; headache; weakness; and sudden loss of consciousness. Commonly called sunstroke or heatstroke. Hypertension- A chronic condition charaterized by above-average blood pressure readings, specifically, systolic blood pressure over 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood Overhydration- Dilution of body fluid. It results when water intake or retention is excessive. Seizures- Uncontrollable muscle spasms caused by increased nervous system excitability that can result from electrolyte imbalances. Muscle cramps- involuntary, spasmodic, and painful muscle contrations that last for many seconds or even minutes; electolyte inbalances are often the cause of muscle cramps.

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