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Working together to strengthen democracy in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin

For years, the citizens of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and Wisconsin have been subjected to political systems that have not lived up to their expectations. The people of these five states, like many others across the country, have endured political corruption that has reached the highest levels of government. They have witnessed million-dollar campaigns that have been bought and paid for by special interests. They have been left out in the cold as their governments have opted to do critical business behind closed doors. All the while, they have seen little progress on the things that matter most jobs, health care and education. But instead of giving up or giving in, Midwesterners have chosen to do what theyve always done. Theyre rolling up their sleeves and doing the work necessary to make government honest, accountable and responsive. They are harnessing collective resources and working together to change the way the peoples business is conducted.

something special is happening in the heartland.

cindi canary illinois campaign for political reform

The Midwest Democracy Network was created to bring together statebased reform organizations, academic institutions and national research and policy organizations to improve the condition of democracy in the Midwest. Knowing that it is nearly impossible to make progress on kitchen table issues without fundamental political reforms, Network partners have long led the fight to end the politics-as-usual cultures within their individual states. Together, they are working across state lines to pool resources, share solutions, and learn from each others successes and failures.

rich robinson michigan campaign nance network

The Network is creating the first-ever set of analysis and recommendations for governments in a region that has served as an electoral battleground, encompasses a good mix of urban, suburban and rural areas, and is home to more than 40 million people.

the midwest democracy network is establishing a stronger presence on the public-policy stage than any single state-based organization could.

The Midwest Democracy Network understands that no single reform will cure what ails democracy and government. Change will come from on-the-ground activism tailored to local needs, issues and interests. Whats sorely needed in Illinois is, in some cases, already law elsewhere in the region. What may be possible in Minnesota or Wisconsin might not work in Ohio or Michigan. Rather than seeking a one-size-fits-all approach, the Network is addressing the interconnectivity of political reform issues. Problems surrounding campaign finance, election administration, redistricting, judicial impartiality and open government all contribute to dysfunctional political systems that, too often, put politics before people.

dan mcgrath take action minnesota

Since its inception in 2005, the Network has produced vital resources that offer state-specific solutions aimed at unlocking the firm political grip that is stifling real and sustainable progress in the Midwest.

campaign finance
Special interest money has flooded our political system and has led to a growing mistrust of government. The influence of money in politics must be diminished by promoting honesty, accountability and transparency.

election law and voting rights

Election administration systems across the country are glaringly flawed. Oversight of election authorities must be strengthened to ensure they are nonpartisan in their administration, while promoting full participation in our electoral process.

judicial independence
The influence of money in politics has spread to our judicial systems, threatening the publics perception of impartial justice. A fair and unprejudiced judiciary is essential to preserving our rights.

catherine turcer ohio citizen action

media reform
The news industry is in turmoil. Access to accurate information about our government and elections, as well as public affairs and policy issues is critical to a robust democratic conversation.

open and ethical government

The public has a right to know how government is run. Public access to government records and meetings is necessary in order to maintain honesty, responsiveness and accountability.

Gerrymandered election districts deprive voters of meaningful choices and heighten partisanship. New laws and processes must be put in place to create legislative bodies that are representative of the population.

The influence of the Midwest Democracy Network can be seen in state capitols and town halls across the region. By working together, Network partners have ushered in important legal improvements in campaign finance disclosure, government ethics, lobbying regulation and voter protection. In the months and years to come, the Network will continue to build a coalition centered on the Midwestern ethics of optimism and determination. With shared challenges, visions, values and goals, there is no need to go it alone.

the midwest democracy network is working together to strengthen democracy for everyone.
Join the movement at, where you can share your thoughts, view a list of Network partners and browse key publications and resources.

mike mccabe wisconsin democracy campaign

325 West Huron Street, Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60654 email: phone: 312-235-2855

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