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MIMO Models in Standards

3GPP, 802.11N, 802.20 Tom McGiffen

Space Channel Model (SCM) Overview

SCM Text Description


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

! MS !MS

Same principles in 3 standards

!n, AoA

MS antenna array orientation, defined as the difference between the broadside of the MS array and the absolute North reference direction. Angle between the BS-MS LOS and the MS broadside. AoA for the nth (n = 1 N) path with respect to the LOS AoA !0,MS . Offset for the mth (m = 1 M) subpath of the nth path with respect to !n, AoA . Absolute AoA for the mth (m = 1 M) subpath of the nth path at the MS with respect to the BS broadside. MS velocity vector. Angle of the velocity vector with respect to the MS broadside: !v =arg(v).

! n ,m ,AoA

802.20 almost looks like 3GPP with new

10 11 12 13

!n ,m , AoA

v !v


The angles shown in Figure 3-2 that are measured in a clockwise direction are assumed to be negative in value.

Cluster n Subpath m BS array

#n ,m ,AoD !n ,m , AoA "n ,AoA #n ,m ,AoA

N $ MS !v v

Ray Tracing Model

14 15

N $ BS

Main path/subpaths Angle Spread at BS, MS; induces phase

!n ,m , AoD
! BS
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

"n, AoD

!MS MS array MS direction of travel

MS array broadside

BS array broadside

Figure 3-2. BS and MS angle parameters

For system level simulation purposes, the fast fading per-path will be evolved in time, although bulk parameters including angle spread, delay spread, log normal shadowing, and MS location will remain fixed during the its evaluation during a drop. The following are general assumptions made for all simulations, independent of environment: 1. Uplink-Downlink Reciprocity: The AoD/AoA values are identical between the uplink and downlink. 2. For FDD systems, random subpath phases between UL, DL are uncorrelated. (For TDD systems, the phases will be fully correlated.) 3. Shadowing among different mobiles is uncorrelated. In practice, this assumption would

Model Variants
3GPP - Suburban Macro, Urban Macro, ~3
M BS to BS) KM BS to BS; Urban Micro < 1KM BS to BS

802.20 - tweaked 3GPP + Indoor Pico (100 802.11N - 6 models. Indoor (ofce)/outdoor
(cafe/picocell) models.

5 to 30 meter range

Paths 1 to 20, depending on model

variant. Mode at 6 paths.


May 2004

doc.: IEEE 802.11-03/940r4

In [7] the number of clusters reported was found to be 2 for line-of-sight (LOS) and 5 for non-LOS (NLOS) conditions. Figure 1 shows Model D delay profile with clusters outlined by exponential decay (straight line on a log-scale).

Power, delay distribution. RMS delay spread ~ .15 - .65 uS outdoors, .05-.1 uS indoors. Power typically exponential with delay Dominant path only when close



B 20 d e v i t 15 a l e R 10


AOD, AOA distributions - typically

narrow outdoor BS AOD, uniform AOA, indoor AOD.

0 -50



Figure 1. Model D delay profile with cluster extension (overlapping clusters). Clearly, three clusters can be identified. For Models B, C, D, E, and F we identified (assigned) 2, 2, 3, 4 and 6 clusters, respectively. The number of clusters in each of the models B-F agrees well with the results reported in the literature. We recall that the model A consists of only one tap. Next, we extend each cluster in B-F models so that they overlap (see Fig.1). We use a straight-line extrapolation function (in dB) on the first few visible taps of each cluster. The powers of overlapping taps were calculated so that the total sum of the powers of overlapping taps corresponding to different clusters equals to the powers of the original B-F power delay profiles. The procedure is described in detail in Appendix A. In Table II we summarize the channel model parameters for both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions.

150 200 Delay in Nanoseconds






page 11

Vinko Erceg, Zyray Wireless; et al.

3GPP/802.20 20 subpaths per path Angle spread over subpaths. Again, small
for BS AOD outdoors, large else.

A word of caution: Path/subpath is 3GPP/

802.20 notation. 802.11N uses clusters

Random phases on subpaths

Some Assembly Required

Just sum up individual subpaths
Pn ,SF M

Text Description


cients for one of N multipath components are given by a U -by- S matrix of co tudes. We denote the channel matrix for the nth multipath component (n = 1, Phased Array characteristics . The (u,s)th component (s = 1,,S; u = 1,,U) of H n (t ) is given by

h u,s,n (t ) =

' G BS ( n ,m , AoD )exp(j kd s sin ( n ,m , AoD )+ + n ,m )* $ ( ( % " M % " ) G MS ( n ,m , AoA )exp(jkdu sin ( n ,m , AoA ) * ( ( % " m =1% " ( t % exp jk v cos ( n ,m , AoA ) (v ) " & #

e is the power of the nth path (Step 5). Shadowing not discussed paths for a given drop.


is the lognormal shadow fading (Step 3), applied as a bulk parameter to

Eigenvalues - 6x6, Rich Scattering

Eigenvalues - 6x6, 3GPP, Suburban Macro

Eigenvalues - 6x6, 3GPP, Urban Macro8

Eigenvalues - 6x6, 3GPP, Urban Macro15

Eigenvalues - 6x6, 3GPP, Urban Micro

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