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Stefanie Fleenor Term IV: Everyday Math Lesson Plan Goals/ Objectives o Students will know how Ashantis

eat (The food they eat). o Students will revisit fractions and units of measure. o Students will review time. o Students will be able to explain how the Ashanti prepare their food. Standards o 2.3.4.A.Use concrete objects to demonstrate an understanding of measurement quantities (e.g., length, weight, temperature). o 2.3.5.A.Use concrete objects to demonstrate the meaning of measurement quantities (e.g., perimeter, area, weight, capacity). o 2.3.4.B.Select and use appropriate tools and units for measuring quantities (e.g., length, time, weight, temperature). Material and preparation o Promethean board so that students see the recipe. o Food in recipe o Tools for measuring (measuring cups, watch) o Tools for cooking (pans, oven) o Recipe for Bananas Ghana. Ritual or routine o I will be using the schedule/ routine already in place o Students will be seated at the carpet for instructional time. o Students will then be dismissed to go to groups to help prepare the recipe. The steps will be placed on the Promethean board. Classroom arrangement and management issues o This lesson will be taught on the carpet, where students are accustomed to having math lessons. o I have chosen this location and these routines because they have been effective for the students and lead teacher thus far. Plan Hook (10 minutes) o I will ask students if they can think of any of the foods that Ashanti/ Ghanaians would eat? o I will then tell students we will be eating a traditional Ghana 1

dessert. The body of the lesson o We will review fractions, measurements, sequences, and kitchen safety(50 minutes). o Students will then be broken into groups and will begin to prepare the food. Assessment of the goals/ objectives listed above o Students will be assessed based on their ability to recall previous information about measurement and fractions. o Students will also be assessed on their ability to work effectively in a group and on participation Anticipating students response Management issues o I do not anticipate time management issues. The food shall not take that long to prepare. The actual cooking time can be time that we move on to writing. Response to content of the lesson o Some students may struggle with recalling previous information. In this case, I will reduce fractions to more reasonable amounts. Also, students may have issues working in groups. If this is the case, the entire group will be asked to sit down and do fraction worksheets. Accommodations Accommodations for students who may find the material too challenging o Some students may struggle with recalling previous information. In this case, I will reduce fractions to more reasonable amounts. Also, students may have issues working in groups. If this is the case, the entire group will be asked to sit down and do fraction worksheets. Accommodations for students who may need a greater challenge and/or finish early o For groups that finish early, I will ask them to join other groups and help them. o Students who require a greater challenge will be asked to invent a recipe using the same ingredients. o

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