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AEC Global Teamwork CEE222/122

Dr. Renate Fruchter

Intermediary milestones and deliverables One of the learning experiences in the AEC Global Teamwork class is for YOU as a TEAM to learn to define your step-by-step tasks and task interdependencies to achieve your project deliverables and meet the intermediary and Quarter milestones. Please find enclosed detailed information some teams last year requested a more micro-managed list of dead lines and deliverables to track their progress and stay on target - beyond the Milestones, Schedule, and Winter Quarter Requirements included in your Project Package. Kind reminder Milestones and Schedule have been posted on the Class Web page Monday January 23 Can the profession be saved? asynchronous discussion Executive summary due midnight PST Friday January 27 first intermediary milestone Deliverables: YOUR Team process - ppt (5 slides max) 1st Architecture Concept ppt containing: 1. floor plans with dimensions showing ALL required functional spaces 2. two key sections to show key spaces and floor heights 3. 3D architecture Sketchup model Check to ensure you did not miss any functional space (e.g., mechanical room, restrooms, functional spaces) and their required sqft. A+E+MEP determine grid, floor heights, overall building height MEP HVAC choices pros/cons Key data collection completed by all disciplines Initial cost estimates per building subsystem to establish target value baselines Initial construction site logistics Friday Feb 3 Finalize 1st concept building orientation on site as a function of sun, space allocation in building, access, construction logistics, etc. Initial structural system solutions and HVAC choice for 1st architectural concept - floor plans for structural systems and MEP overlay on top of architectural floor plans - at least one structural concept integrated into the architecture Sketchup model Identify cross-disciplinary issues to be reconciled between A+E +MEP e.g., wall and column alignment with architectural spaces, columns in the middle of the auditorium or corridor or any other room are not acceptable. Alternative floor section/sandwich as a function of A+E+MEP sketch at least two alternative A+E+MEP floor sections and indicate pros/cons inform client of options to choose preferred floor height and MEP Target Value initial allocation by team

AEC Global Teamwork CEE222/122

Dr. Renate Fruchter

Revised cost estimate Construction methods and initial construction sequencing/schedule Revise Sketchup construction site logistics 2nd architectural concept - floor plans with dimensions showing ALL required functional spaces - two key sections to show key spaces and floor heights - 3D architecture Sketchup model Start to schedule interactions with mentors (mentor list and contacts to be released Week of Jan 30) Friday Feb 9-10 - Peer Review sessions in 3D ICC by discipline more detailed logistics regarding meeting locations to be announced - intermediary milestone Deliverables pdf of ppt presentation with specific content to be exchanged 1st concept by Wednesday February 8 noon PST 2nd concept by Thursday February 9 at noon PST to allow for project peer review Revised integrated 1st building concept - A+E+MEP+C+LCFM (MEP and LCFM for teams where you have a team member) - Revised floor plans with dimensions showing ALL required functional spaces, structural and MEP initial dimensions - two key sections to show key spaces and floor heights - 3D Sketchup building model - Revised cost estimate/TVD, construction site logistic - Schedule - LCFM initial life cycle costs, risks Initial 2nd building concept - A+E+MEP+C+LCFM (MEP and LCFM for teams where you have a team member) Initial integrated 2nd building concept - A+E+MEP+C+LCFM (MEP and LCFM for teams where you have a team member) - Initial floor plans with dimensions showing ALL required functional spaces, initial structural and MEP initial dimensions - two key sections to show key spaces and floor heights - 3D Sketchup building model - initial cost estimate/TVD, construction site logistic - initial Schedule - initial LCFM initial life cycle costs, risks Meeting times per professional community: All LCFMs meet February 9 - 8:00-9:00am Weimar time (23:00-24:00 PST California time) Data exchange in form of pdf file of ppt presentation and peer review document: Island Central River Central Island Ridge

AEC Global Teamwork CEE222/122

Dr. Renate Fruchter

MEPs Meet February 10 8:30am-9:30am PST Data exchange in form of pdf file of ppt presentation and peer review document: Atlantic Ridge Ridge Island Island Ridge Architects Meet February 10 9:30-noon PST Data exchange in form of pdf file of ppt presentation and peer review document: River Ridge River Pacific Pacific Atlantic Atlantic Express Express Island Island Central Central Ridge Construction Managers meet February 10 12:15-14:00 Data exchange in form of pdf file of ppt presentation and peer review document: Ridge River River Pacific Pacific Atlantic Atlantic Express Express Island Island Central Central Ridge Structural Engineers meet February 10 14:15-16:00 Data exchange in form of pdf file of ppt presentation and peer review document: Ridge River River Pacific Pacific Atlantic Atlantic Express Express Island Island Central Central Ridge February 24 Project critique session with AEC+MEP mentors key milestone Logistics we will have parallel sessions each with its AEC mentor team and three AEC student teams details to be announced that week GoToMeeting etc. Deliverables: progress report and presentation of 1st and 2nd concept ppt and Sketchup models to include

AEC Global Teamwork CEE222/122

Dr. Renate Fruchter

A+E+MEP+C+LCFM (MEP and LCFM for teams where you have a team member) - Site and local hazards - floor plans with dimensions showing ALL required functional spaces, structural and MEP initial dimensions - two key sections to show key spaces and floor heights - 3D Sketchup building model - Revised cost estimate/TVD, construction site logistic - Schedule - LCFM initial life cycle costs, risks Each team will have one hour 30min presentation and 30 min feedback from mentors. This will require planning. The more you will have done the more feedback you will receive. March 2 Decision Matrix Examples, From AEC to CEA Road Map for Coordinating BIM Teamwork Mentor assessment, learning experience -1st CTL assessment Deliverables: Integrate mentors feedback, revise and finalize 1st building concept March 9 no class finish project work Deliverables: Integrate mentors feedback, revise and finalize 2nd building concept, work on ppt presentation March 12-15 each team schedule two project presentation dry runs (dress rehearsal) Deliverable: your ppt presentation, coaching on effective presentation of your projects in a geographically distributed setting March 16 Winter Quarter Cyber AEC Team project presentation Each team presents four concepts and decision matrix justifying selection of concept for next project phase project development in Spring Quarter. AEC industry and faculty mentors provide feedback and evaluate concepts. Deliverable: cyber team presentation ppt and pdf of project presentation

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