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Creative Arts

Creative Arts Term 1 This term this KLA will be covered via whole stage activities, via small groups run across Stage 3 and whole school celebrations. Music shall focus on singing, both for personal enjoyment and liturgical celebration. Drama and Dance shall be elements contained within the RE curriculum. The children will be given the opportunity to express themselves via the outcomes stated in this KLA across all curriculum areas.

Visual Arts Wave Representation & Block Printing

Art forms and substran ds
Visual Arts Making

Stage 2

Stage 3

VAS2.1 Represents the qualities of

experiences and things that are interesting or beautiful by choosing among aspects of subject matter. VAS2.2 Uses the forms to suggest the qualities of subject matter.

VAS3.1 Investigates subject matter in an

attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world.

VAS3.2 Makes artworks for different

audiences, assembling materials in a variety of ways. VAS3.3 Acknowledges that audiences respond in different ways to artworks and that there are different opinions about the value of artworks. VAS3.4 Communicates about the ways in which subject matter is represented in artworks.


VAS2.3 Acknowledges that artists make

artworks for different reasons and that various interpretations are possible.

VAS2.4 Identifies connections between

subject matter in artworks and what they refer to, and appreciates the use of particular techniques.

Children will be shown a picture of the Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. . They will observe then record their answers to the following questions. What narrative does the piece of art have? When and where do you think the artwork is set? How do you think the art was made? What do you think about the piece of art? Justify your opinion!

Students will share observations in pairs/pairs (Think/Pair/Pair Strategy). Teacher will use random selector to build up an overview of the students thoughts. Students will group read a brief history of the artist and the methodology behind the art work (Wood Block printing). Discuss difficulties and possible problems with using such a method.

1. Block Printing Making stamp (Potato)

2. Observation and reflection 3. Wave Representation Line Drawing 4. Wave Representation Water colours 5. Observation and reflection Block Printing- Making a stamp (Potato) Students create 2 block prints out of a potato (see separate worksheet for methodology and student support). When the stamps are made the students then use them to create a personal pattern on art paper. They can utilise other tool s to assist with their printing to complete their art work. Observation and Reflection Students use a teacher produced outline to assist with a close viewing of another students artwork as well as a personal reflection of the processes involved and their own end product. Wave Representation Line Drawing Students view a presentation of waves ocean, coastal, wave (wind) topography. Discuss elements contained within each photograph key lines, tonal regions. Students select an image and recreate key lines and highlight through shading differing tonal areas using A4 art paper. Repeat with other photographs. Observational drawings are secured within their creative arts exercise books. Wave Representation Water Colours

Students select one image (or may choose to use their imagination) and using A3 art paper sketch out the key lines found within it. The students use water colours to initially colour the sketch. After the painting has dried the teach will demonstrate using sponges etc how the differing tonal areas can be blended together to create a smoother transition. Key lines are then outlined to accentuate areas of demarcation. Observation and Reflection Students use a teacher produced outline to assist with a close viewing of another students artwork as well as a personal reflection of the processes involved and their own end product. Assessment: The following criteria shall be used when observing a piece of art work, (Waves + Block Prints) as well as when viewing their personal reflections on their own work (Waves + Block Prints) and the work of others (Waves + Block Prints)

Stage 3 Visual Arts


Term 1 Waves & Block Printing

Making VAS3.1 Investigates subject matter in an attempt to represent likenesses of things in the world. VAS3.2 Makes artworks for different audiences assembling materials in a variety of ways. Appreciating VAS3.3 Acknowledges that audiences respond in different ways to artworks and that there are different opinions about the value of artworks. VAS3.4 Communicates about the ways in which subject matter is represented in artworks.

Capturing the technique being studied

No attempt has been made to create an artwork that is consistent with the techniques being studied Needed teacher assistance throughout the making of their artwork Unable to reflect on own work, state reasons for choices or describe how it was made

The artwork has been created in a manner that is reasonably consistent with the techniques being studied Poor artist skills that require further guidance development Made an attempt to reflect on reasons for their choice of artwork, how it was made and how it meets the criteria of representing waves Made an attempt to describe how an why an artwork was made and

The artwork has been created in a manner that is consistent with the techniques being studied Show some degree of artistic skills that require further development Adequately reflected on reasons for their choice of artwork, how it was made and how it meets the of representing waves Adequately describes how and why artwork was made and offers

The artwork has been created in a manner that is very consistent with the techniques being studied Shows a high degree of artist skill in the making of their artwork Able to reflect on their artwork, detailing their reasons for their choice of artwork, how it was made and how it meets the criteria of representing waves Able to describe with some detail how and why an artwork was made

The artwork has been created that accurately captures the technique studied.

Artistic Skill

Shows exceptional artist skills in the making of their artwork Independently reflects with great detail on their artwork including why is was chosen, how it was made and how it meets the criteria of representing waves Independently describes with detail how another artwork

Reflects on own work

Appreciates another students artwork

Needed teacher assistance to describe another artwork and offer

and opinion

give a brief opinion

an opinion about the artwork with reason

and states their opinion about the artworks with reasons

has been made and gives a thorough opinion of the artwork with reasons.

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