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(SUN) From:Hay,Brian Sent:TueAug 04 12:44:45 2009 To: Haden, Steven Robinson, K; Steve (Alaska); GaryE; Bartholomew, W Thierens, Harry

Christman, H; (TRD); Vincent AndyJ; Barr,Robin; Frazelle, Andrew Smith, E; Hine, Davies, Kevan Cocking, P; David; Brock, Richard (Aberdeen); lS Mike;Barker, (TRD); Tim Barker, (AtlanticlNG) Tim Cc: Yilmaz, Barbara Subject:D&CControl WorkReview of Kickoff lmportance: Normal Attachments: Of Hay,Brian(SUN).vcf D&CControl WorkKickoff.ppt; Control WorkToR.doc; of DC
Folks Pickingup on the ToRfor the D&C CoWReview I whichwassentout by Steve HadenlastFriday(copyattached), presentation how ryecan deliverthe review. The purpose the havesetout my initial thoughtsin the attached of on presentation to outline how I seethe projectmay develop, emphasise tight schedule completion is for andto to the solicityour thoughtsat this time. Theintentis lhat Mike Brook& I will cornplete datarevier,v feedbackour analysis 24th Augustto rveek the and youselves(Steering Work team)by a teleconference. this time we will alsosetout horvrveproposo to At & undertake BaseLine Assessment horvCoW is beingappliedwithin D&C activities. the of Initial rvorkby Mike Brook on the Major Incidentdatabase indicates that over the last two yearstherehasbeena HiPo's wlrich92 arc relaled D&C aclivilies.Of tlre221E&P HiPo's, tolalof 221ESLP MajorIncident lo there I l7 are of with a CoW element. The corresponding numberfor the 92D&C HiPo'sis 65 with a CoW elernent. The otherpart of the datareviewrelatesto collationof individual SPUD&C CoW practices.Can I askthatyou forw'ard me any copiesof your CoW practices to which you haveavailable(I havecopiesfrom Trinidad and Angola presently).atn alsolookingfor how our Drilling Conlraclors T Tf rnanage Syslerns. you CoWrvitlrintheirManagernenl hale copiesof thesecanyou alsoforward to me. Oncewe get into the BaseLine Assessmentwill requireyour supportto assist I with gatheringhow \r arecurrently implementingCoW in the field, horvdo the siteteamsdeliverCoW andwhat doesthe bestlmk like. Follorvingon from this phase, your support will be required identifi'howyour SPUis doingagainst the to whatwe consider best looltslike and then the generation recommendations closethe gap, Finally settingout how rvewill sustain an of to improvingapplicationof CoW in future D&C activities. We havebeenseta significantchallenge identit/ how rvecan improre the applicationof CoW in D&C activities. to Frornpreviousconversations of with you I know that you alreadyhar.eideason how we catrimprovethe application CoW in the field. I look fonvardto collatingtheseand generating of othersrvith you over the course the next three monthssothat we candeliver a greatsetof recommendations will setup a stepchangeimprovement the in that application CoWwithin our operations. of I am lookingforwardto your feedback. Regards

Brian Hay ProjectManager,Rig Design& Constmction Tel: +44 193277404'l Mob: +44 7827A834'77 Email: Brian.Hay(@uk.bp. com

Exhibit No. $"'crldt,idc Court Rcporlers,Iue.


7 BP-HZN -217 SMDLOO3T 31 2


3773 13 BP-HZN -217 ?MDLOO

ffi# RecentD&C Safetyincidents during2Q09 have highlighted varia bilityof implem entatio n of the Controlof Work (CoW)Standard 7Ao/o all MajorIncidentD&C HiPo'sin the lasttwo ol yearshave had a CoW element Terms of Referenceestablished undertake to reviewof CoW implementation Ei".q



""ffiJn?t D&C CoW Review established to: qualityof CoW implementation Establish across BP's D&C operations ldentifyGaps an lmplement actionplanto closethe gaps Planto assesscompliance with the CoWon an ongoing basis


EP Croup Defired Practie for Control of Vork The l2 Eleoenls of lhe Control of llork Standard Standgd conprises of 12 elemrts :upported by Gu:des r lhe Standsd detaiLs th: bouniaries within vhirh of vork ,:ro:esses must exist locel cortrcl . It builds on learning and eristi:g good ora:iices 1. 2. ed ' Supporting guidos provide advice on ho* to achieve effe:tive "*hat good contro: con-,roI :f a6r{ - they define worir Loo[s lihc" ' Appli:s -.o tlre BF wrrkforce, irrcluding cantua:tors, ctrrying ou; cons;ructicrL maintenance, cenal.iticn, lashs url reucdiaLiurr ouLivilics while operatinS of 4 -.asks ond


5. 6,


20o Auel Kickoff Telew 15rh Oct Corplete Base Lile Assessmnt Znd Nov D&C ELT Reviw 13th Nov Arrdy Ir5lis Reviry


!al,a col-ec-,iorr & re.rier

Base Line Assessmn: Draft Fecomnendetin Finalire Reccnnnjat:m Implemen: & lilonito:-ogress

F e v i e r H i P o d a t a c i t L . C a Wi s s u e r Cu:rert SPU practlce for Coil Ajsessm?nt Idertify areas with good / 9ad perforfiance
Agree Conduct P,lse site Line Assessnen-. for Coli Revier poor a{C CoI/ traits


establ:sh{ocd,/ Pracl,iceS

DuW EesL Es.ablislr rrgilrfluiliilnsirflnrnil

cLt!elt taps gruuirstomrruiiiltrs'ts. SPi io out assess dr^fl & Recomendation irrl'ruve D&0 CuY

Fina] i se Reconnefdation To deliuer iroproved D&C Co$


-2179MD10037736 1 BP-HZN

,M W,W ryw
Data Collection Period Duration:Now - 25th August Reviewlast 2 yearsE&P MajorIncident HiPo'swith CoW issues- 117 (lncludes D&C) 65 (Forcomparison 2 yearstotal E&P MajorIncident last HiPo's- 221, including D&C) 92 Reviewlast 2 yearsTraction D&C Recordable Injuries& DAFWC'swith CoW issues- 300 per annum ReviewIndustrySafety benchrnark data Purpose:ldentifytrends & groupings, identifypotentialsites for in-depth differentiate performance, sile CoW investigation, identifywhich OperatormanagesCoW best Lead:Mike Brock (including Collate currentSPU practice forCoW assessment D&Coperations training) in Purpose;EstablishcurrentSPU practicesfor CoW and how key individuals trained are Lead: Brian Hay in liaisonwith ToR Work Team CollatecurrentDrillingContraclorCoW process& BP audit reports Purpose:EstablishcurrentContractorpracticesforCoW and how these match BP's expectations Lead: Brian Hay in liaisonwith ToR WorkTeam



7 BP-H ZN -217 ?MDLOO3T 31 7

Base Line Assessment Period Duration:26thAugust - 14thOctober From Data ReviewoutlineBase LineAssessmentprogramme kickoff at call teleconference on 26thAugust Gain Steering& Work Team approvalfor the Base LineAssessment Reviewscope, resource& schedule Potentialprogramme: good / poortraits of CoW application (B Site visitsto both Contractor& BP teams to establish Hay, M Brock & SPU WorkTeam support) ExternalD&C coaching/challenge what good looks like elsewherein E&P (T Barker) on Codifygood CoW practice& what does the best look like (B Hay, M Brock) ldentifyhow the lndustrybenchmarkleadermanagesCoW (B Hay, M Brock) Establishgaps betweenexistingSPU and the best CoW practice(B Hay, SPU WorkTeam support) Developplan to close gaps & sustainbest CoW practice(WorkTeam)



1 BP-HZN-217eMD1003773 I

Draft Recommendation Period - 2nd November Duration:1Sth October programme: Potential DescribeD&C / E&P CoW Best practice Describe Gap to Best Practiceby SPU / DrillingContractor Develop COW lmproved Application recommendations closegap to Prioritize recommendations Programme splitby E&P,D&C & SPU Actions resource schedule & Outline requirements Rollout Recommendation D&C ELT & Seekfeedback to




19 1 BP.HZN-2 79MDLOO3773


ffiw W*ff
Period FinalizeRecommendation - Mid November Duration3rdNovember programme: Potential, D&C CoW lmproved Application feedback from ELT Develop Planfollowing planto deliver Planto includeresourced scheduled & lmprovedapplication CoW standardfor DrillingContractors of to by Sustained improvement CoW application Drilling Contractors Gain Wider E&P supportfor the recommendation TVP's via Rollout recommendation E&P CEO to



"M wffi
lmplementationPeriod D u ra ti o n :Mi d N o v e mb e r programme: Potential Assign resource support/ undertake to recommendations feedback EPT to SPU D&C teams monitor and measure CoW performance, EPT D&C monitor and measure overall CoW performance Auditsundertaken ensurerecommendations to are: Credible BeingApplied lmprovement application of Delivering against Benchmark non D&C appliers plan Site feedbackreviewedfor enhancements the CoW Application to



7 BP-HZN-2179MDLOO37321

M" ww
4; ;iil"



7 BP-HZN-217?MDLO037 322

BP D&C Control of Work Review -7109 Terms of Reference Purpose of RecentD&C safetyincidents of have highlighted variability implementation the Controlof Work (CoV\| Standard.This reviewis to: o o . . qualityof CoW implementation Establish acrossBP's D&C operations gaps ldentify lmplement actionplanto closethe gaps an Planto assesscompliance with the CoW on an ongoingbasis

BoundaryConditions . . BP Controlof Work Standardis in place Contractor SMS is to be used and rulesonsite

Deliverables . Baselineof wherewe are today o ls Controlof Work beingimplemented all of our sites? at guidelines) (needto defineassessment o What is the qualityof implementation? o Whose SMS (BP or Contractor) in force onsite? is to o Wherethe Contractor's SMS is in force,is it bridged BP's SMS? (BestPractice) Description what "goodlookslike"from base lineassessment of Gaps identified Planto closethe gaps Auditprocess ongoingassessment CoW for of

. . . .

Timing . . . . . Team ' . VinceB. Team - SteveHaden,SteveRobinson, HarryThierens, Gary Christman, Steering Andy Frazelle, Work Team- BrianHay (Lead), Andy Hine,RobinBan, KevinDavies,DaveCocking, Richard Smith,Mike Brock in for Reviewlast2 yearsworthof HIPOsand determine currentSPU practice CoW assessment D&C operations end of August Kickof telecomin Augustto reviewincident data,currentpracticesand agreebase lineassessment process end of August baseline assessment mid-October Complete DraftRecommendation D&C ELT - end of October for Review withAndy Inglis mid-November

Things to Consider . . o o Reviewof RecentHIPOs and understanding. Doeseveryoneknowwhat Contolof Work is? Commondefinition What does good look like?(in D&C and/oroutsideD&C) SMS? Do peopleknow,follow,and understand theircompany's


7 BP-HZN-2179MDLOO37323

a o

o o o o o a o o

SMS audits,are they done today? Contractor knowthe Contractor's SMS? Do they knowtheirrole Do our WSLs and Operations Superintendents in this area? Clarityof who's SMS is to be used of Behaviors the Well Site Leadership? to Bridging 12 elements CoW Standard of (survey,participation the team) Contractorinvolvement on How muchwork is beingcontrolled and what kindof work? What work is not contolled? to How do we drivecompliance? What are we prepared do? Strength of contract language What do some of our competitors do in CoW (e.g., Chevron)


7 BP-HZN-2179MDLO037 324

BP D&C Control of Work Review -7l0g Terms of Reference

Purpose of RecentD&C safetyincidents have highlighted variability implementation the Controlof Work (CoW) of Standard,This reviewis to: . . . . qualityof CoW implementation acrossBP's D&C operations Establish gaps ldentify an lmplement actionplan to closethe gaps Planto assesscompliance with the CoW on an ongoingbasis

BoundaryConditions . . BP Controlof Work Standardis in place Contractor SMS is to be used and rulesonsite

Deliverables Base line of where we are today o ls Controlof Work being implemented all of our sites? at guidelines) (needto defineassessment o What is the quality implementation? of is o Whose SMS (BP or Contractor) in forceonsite? o Where the Contractor's SMS is in force,is it bridgedto BP's SMS? (Best Practice) Description what "good lookslike"from base line assessment of Gaps identified Planto closethe gaps Audit processfor ongoingassessment CoW of

a a a o


o a o

in Reviewlast2 yearsworth of HIPOsand determine currentSPU practicefor CoW assessment - end of August D&C operations Kickof telecorn Augustto reviewincident in data,currentpracticesand agree base line assessment process- end of August baselineassessment mid-October Complete for DraftRecommendation D&C ELT - end of October Reviewwith Andy Inglis- mid-November

Team . . Vince B. Team - Steve Haden,Steve Robinson, HarryThierens, Gary Christman, Steering Andy Frazelle, Work Team - BrianHay (Lead),Andy Hine,RobinBarr,KevinDavies,Dave Cocking, Richard Smith,Mike Brock

Things to Consider . . ' e Reviewof RecentHIPOs and understanding. Doeseveryoneknow what Contolof Work is? Commondefinition What does good look like? (in D&C and/oroutsideD&C) theircompany's SMS? Do peopleknow,follow,and understand


7 BP-HZN-217?MDLA037 325

o a

a o o a a o a a

Contractor SMS audits,are they done today? Do our WSLs and Operations knowthe Contractor's SMS? Do they knowtheir role Superintendents in this area? Clarityof who's SMS is to be used Behaviors the Well Site Leadership? of to Bridging 12 elementsof CoW Standard on Contractorinvolvement(survey,participation the team) How muchwork is being controlled and what kind of work? What work is not contolled? to How do we drivecompliance?What are we prepared do?

of language Strength contract do Whatdo some ourcompetitors in CoW(e g.,Chevron) of


7 BP-HZN-2179MDLOO37326

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