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Time:45Minutes Sub:PHYSICSMax.Marks:50 its speed to 5 times its initial value, will be a 100 1. 1, 2 and 3 are three transparent media. If 13 1.2 Joule b 131.4Joule c 1.314Joule d 0.131Joule and 23 0.8,then 21isequalto a 3/2 b 2/3 c 15. Davisson and Germer's experiment shows that, like 24/25 d 25/24 waves electron beam also can a produce 2. The dimensions of mutual induction are a ML2T 2A2 b MLT2A2 c M2L1T2A1 d MLT3 interference b be polarized c be diffracted d producephotoelectriceffect. 3. Zener diode is used as a voltage regulator in a a 16. The correct graph between the square of time period reverse bias b forward bias c reverse or forward andcubeofthedistanceoftheplanetfromthesunis bias d neitherreversenorforwardbias 4. The SI unit of self inductance is Ccoulomb a


N /m N s joule sec volt m b c d CA CA C ampere


Allcondensersintheadjacentcircuitareidenticaland eachisofcapacityC.Theequivalentcapacitybetween points B and D is a C b 5C c 2 c d 3 C



8. 9.






Aballissuspendedfromtheceilingofacarwiththe help of a string. If the car turns toward left, then the ballwillmove a towardsleft b towardsright c willnotmove d dependinguponitsmass Asinglyionizedheliumionrevolvesincircularorbitof radius r with orbital velocity V. The magnitude and directionofthemagneticmomentoftheorbitis a evr b 1/2 evr c 1/4 evr d 2evr The extraction of cream from milk when it is churned depends upon a centrifugal force b centripetal force c cohesiveforce d gravitationalforce Theplaneofacoilisverticalandisinclinedatanangle of 30 with the plane of magnetic meridian. n is number of turns, A is area of cross section and H is horizontal component of earth's magnetic field. If the coilisrotatedtoapositionwhereitsplaneisinclined at 120 with the magnetic meridian, in 0.5 s, induced emfacrossthecoilis a 1 3 nAH b 1 3 nAH c 31 nAH d d 31 nAH ForarigidbodythequantityJ2/2Iisequivalentto J angular momentum and I moment of inertia a Rotational kinetic energy b torque c Linear momentum d acceleration Agraphbetweenanoutputvoltageofaninductioncoil andtimetisobtained;Followingarethecharacteristics ofthegraph. I theoutputisalternating II theoutput is not sinusoidal III positive and negative peaks are not equal IV time durations of make and break are equal. Which of the above characteristics is/are NOT true? a allthefour b II,IIIandIV c I d IV If the radius of a rotating disc is suddenly reduced to halfitsinitialvalue massremainingconstant thenits newangularvelocitywillbecome a fourtimes b twotimes c onethird d half A mill voltmeter has a range of 800 millvolt and a resistance of 80 ohm. A shunt resistance which will convertitintoamilliammeterofrange410mAis a 2ohm b 20ohm c 200ohm d 0.2ohm Awheelofmomentofinertiaof10kgm2isrotatingat 10 rotations per minute. The work done in increasing

ab cd 17. When transistor amplifies a voltage a only amplitude of the voltage is increased b only frequencyofthevoltageisincreased c amplitudeand frequency both are increased d amplitude is increasedbutfrequencyisdecreased. 18. At what height from the surface of earth the gravitationalforcewillbereducedby10%iftheradius ofearthis6370km. a 750km b 650km c 450 km d 344km 19. Average output voltage in half wave rectifier is a greater than that for a full wave rectifier b smaller thanthatforafullwaverectifier c equaltothatfora full wave rectifier d incomparable with that for full waverectifier. 20. The correct relation between a, and k is a

3K 2 6 K + 2 b = 3K 2 6 K + 2 3K + 2 3K + 2 d = = 6 K 2 6 K + 2

21. Two tangent galvanometers have coils of radii rland r2 and number of turns nl and n2. They are connected in series in a circuit carrying current. DeflectioninthefirstTGis.ThatofsecondTGis a r1/r2 n1/n2 b tan1 r1/r2 n2/n1 tan c tan1 r2/r1 n1/n2 tan d 22. A steel wire of uniform crosssection of 2mm2 is heated upto 50c and clamped rigidly at two ends. If thetemperatureofwirefallsto30ctensioninthewire willbe coefficientoflinearexpansionofsteelis1.1x 105 C and Youngs modulus of elasticity of steel is 2 1011N/m2 ..... a 44newton b 88newton c 132 newton d 22newton 23. In a biprism experiment intensity at a point of constructiveinterferenceisI.Theupperhalfpartofthe biprism is blackened Intensity at the same point will be a I/4 b I/2 c I d 4I 24. Theratioofexcesspressuresintwosoapbubblesis3: 1.Theratiooftheirvolumeswillbe a 3:1 b 1:3 c 1:27 d 1:9 25. Magnetic properties of a specimen are found to be inversely proportional to absolute temperature. The specimen is a ferromagnetic b diamagnetic c

paramagnetic d either a ferromagnetic or a paramagnetic. Whatwillbethevalueofexcesspressureinsideasoap bubbleofradius2103m,ifthesurfacetensionofsoap solutionis0.03N/m? a 20N/m2 b 60N/m2 c 30 N/m2 d zero Aglasssphereofradiusrplacedinairisgivenacharge Q at a point. The mechanical force per unit area at another point diametrically opposite to the first point is a Q/4r2 /2 b Q2/20 c Q/4r2 /0 d zero Which of the following motions of perfect gas moleculesisresponsibleforthetemperatureofperfect gas? a rotatory motion b vibratory motion c translatorymotion d rollingmotion A ray of light is incident normally on a right angle prismofangle30.IfRIofprismis1.52thenangleof deviationis a 20. b 30. c 50. d 60. Thepossiblevaluesofspecificheatofgasarebetween a and0 b 0and c and d 1and 1 Sisamonochromaticsourceoflightofwavelength. Aconvexlensgivesoutaparallelbeamasshowninthe figure.IfdisseparationbetweentworaysMandN.The path difference between them is a d b d/ c released,thenthetimeperiodofliquidcolumnwillbe a 1.1sec b 1.9sec c 0.11sec d 2sec. 41. There is some contact resistance only at left end of a meterbridgewire.WhenaresistanceXisconnectedin the left gap and 6 ohm resistance in right gap the balancing length is 50 cm. When the two resistances are interchanged the balancing length is 60 cm. The contact resistance is a 1.2 ohm b 2.4 ohm c 6 ohm d 3ohm 42. The equation of displacement of a harmonic oscillator is x 15 sin 20t meter. Its amplitude and angular velocity respectively as a 15 m and 20 rad/sec. b 20rad/secand15m c 15mand10 rad/sec d 15m.20rad/sec 43. An electron passes through a space in which a mag. fieldBandelectricfieldEaresoappliedthatitpasses in undeflected path with constant velocity V through the space. If the direction of mag. field is reversed in this space the electron will pass through the space along a the same direction with constant velocity b thesamedirectionwithincreasingvelocity c the parabolic path with acceleration




29. 30. 31.

e( E + Bv ) m

perpendicular to direction of E d the parabolic path /d d zero. 32. The rms velocity of ideal gas molecules at a constant temperature is a directly proportional to the squareofmolecularweight b directlyproportionalto molecular weight c inversely proportional to molecularweight d inverselyproportionaltosquare rootofmolecularweight. 33. Three condensers of capacities 3 F, 10F and 15 F aretobecombinedtogiveequivalentcapacityof9F. The proper combination is a all in series b l0F and 15F in series and 3F in parallel c 15F and 3Finseriesand10Finparallel d l0Fand3Fin seriesand15Finparallel. 34. Temperature of a gas can be changed by changing a only pressure b only volume c both pressure andvolume d allthethreea,bandc 35. P and Q are two particles of ether on a spherical wavefrontoflight.EquationofSHMofPisY1 0.03sin t 1000 . The equation of SHM of Q is Y2 a 0.03sin t1001 b 0.04sin t1001 c 0.03 sin t999 d 0.04sin t1000 36. The wavelength of radiations emitted by a perfectly black body depends on a temperature of body b mass of body c speed of body d distance of body fromsun 37. Whenaphotonofenergy3eVstrikesametalsurface, photo electrons with maximum KE of Tmaxare ejected. Whenaphotonof5eVstrikesthesamemetalsurface, maximum KE is doubled. The work function of the metalis a 1eV b 1.5eV c 2eV d 2.5eV 38. Thegraphbetweenvelocity v anddisplacementxfor aharmonicoscillatorisa a parabola b circle c ellipse d straightline 39. Shortest wavelength in Paschen series is R is Rydgerg'sconstant a 16/R b 25/R c R/9 d 9/R 40. TheheightofliquidcolumninaU,tubeis0.3meter.If the liquid in one of the limbs is depressed and then with acceleration

e( E Bv ) antiparallel to direction m

ofE. 44. Thespeedofsoundinaperfectlyrigidrodis a zero b infinite c 332m/s d 664m/s 45. InthecircuitshownBisabulbconnectedwithanAC source.Thebulbwill a notglowatallasdiodesare reversedbiased b glowforcompletecycleofAC. c glow for only half cycle of AC. d glow for 3/4 th of

cycle. 46. The ratio of overtones in a closed pipe with a n:3n:5n b n:2n:3n c 3n:5n:7n d n:2n:4n 47. The power factor of a series LR circuit is 3/2. The resistance R 50 ohm and frequency of AC is 25Hz TheinductanceLisequalto a 1/3 henry b 3 henry c 2/3 henry d 3/2 henry 48. In a wave motion the distance between two consecutive crests is 5cm and two cycles per second pass any point in the medium. The wave velocity will be a 20cm/s b 10cm/s c 150cm/s d 5cm/s 49. Theresolvingpowerofatelescopehavingobjectiveof diameterof100cmandusinglightof5000AUis a 106 b 106 c 2106 d 2106 50. A cold junction of a thermocouple is placed at 00c by coveringitwithiceandhotjunctionisheated.TnandTi are neutral and inversion temperature. Then a Tn 1/2 Ti b Tn 2Ti c Tn 2Ti d Tn 1/2 Ti

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