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GHS Student Management Flow Chart

Observe Problem Behavior

Is the behavior teacher / staff managed or administrator managed?

Staff Managed
Staff managed offenses of serious intensity or frequency will be referred to administrators.

Administrator Managed
Using Online Office (Admin) Managed Referral Form, write referral to appropriate administrator

Staff states consequence or directions

i.e. Joe, please use appropriate language.

Staff Managed

Automatic Administrator Managed

Student is noncompliant Student follows direction

Cheating/Plagiarism Computer/Internet Abuse Disrespect Disruptive Conduct Inappropriate Dress Inappropriate Language or Gestures

Alcohol Drugs Fighting Forgery Harassment Insubordination Intimidation Off Campus Violations Theft or Attempted Theft Threats Tobacco Vandalism / Graffiti Weapons

Administrator determines consequence

Staff acknowledges student cooperation

i.e. Thank you, I appreciate it, Good choice

Staff re-states directions and gives student choice for compliance (one-on-one conversation) i.e.Joe, this is not respectful. Please follow directions otherwise Ill need to write referral to your administrator.

Leaving without permission Lying/Dishonesty Misuse of Electronic Devices Refusal to Participate (including non-dress)

Administrator follows through on consequence

Situation Resolved: Staff documents intervention using Staff Managed Referral Form

Rough-housing Skipping (1-2 incidents)

Student is again noncompliant or escalates situation

Administrator communicates with teacher / staff regarding outcomes of referral

Tardiness Violations of teacher generated

Staff refers student to consequences with written referral i.e. Joe, you have chosen a referral.

contracts (ie. attendance, behavior)

Using Online Staff Managed Referral Form or Online Staff Managed Referral Form W/Detention assign consequence. Inform student of detention date.
i.e. You will need to report to the ISS room on (date).


Using Online Office/Admin Managed Referral Form, staff refers student to administrator. Please note any Staff Managed Referrals that relate to the incident.
i.e. Please go to the main office to see administrator.

GHS Descriptions of Staff and Office (Admin) Managed Behaviors

The GHS Corrections flowchart indicates which behaviors should be managed by staff and which should be managed by administrators. The descriptions below are intended to support staff with instances where the management of the behavior is unclear. Staff recognizes the need to develop a tracking system for repeated instances of staff managed behaviors across classes.


Staff Managed
Referred to Admin if frequent
Copying peer homework or test answers Using cheat sheets on assessments Using internet resources to cut and paste information without citations Swearing, name-calling, using disrespectful language or gestures in conversations with peers--the tone does not appear malicious, but needs correction

Office Managed
Immediate Referral to Admin
Taking pictures of tests Sharing test content with others Repeated plagiarism within a class or across classes


Inappropriate Language or Gestures

Speaking or gesturing maliciously towards students or staff--may include swearing, name-calling, or other abusive language and gestures Accessing profane, obscene, pornographic, or degrading sites Hacking into the network, staff email, or Esis (includes password theft/use) Uploading virus or sabotaging school software Intentionally sabotaging school hardware; including widespread pranks on hardware Uploading profane, obscene pornographic or degrading desktop backgrounds

Internet or Computer Misuse

Accessing personal programs or sites during instructional time (i.e. Facebook, Myspace, Craigslist, online games) Participating in minor pranks on hardware like unplugging a keyboard or mouse Uploading desktop backgrounds that are of inappropriate tone


Giving misleading info to staff

Forging teacher or parent/guardian signatures related to grades, passes, permission slips, etc. Forging attendance notes False fire alarms or emergency calls

Personal Electronics (cell phones, music players, handheld games)

Using electronics inappropriately during instructional time

Sexting Cyber-bullying

Refusal to Participate

Refusing to interact in class Slacking off Arriving at class with a tardy slip Complies with teacher developed consequences related to tardiness

Repeated instances within a class or across classes Defiance escalates to insubordination Arriving to class without a slip and refusing to get a slip--disrupting class with refusal to get a slip Excessive tardiness


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