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Denise Vasquez
Intercessory Missionary Worship Leader
This months scripture meditation: Psalm 119

What I do!
Nissis Notes
A lot is happening at the missions base. There are many people getting saved, delivered, and who are going deeper in the Lord then ever before. The children are beginning to have real relationships with God, not just Sunday school bible story kind of stuff. L eading worship has become such a joy that I can not imagine doing anything else. I do what I do simply because He is worthy. My heart is stirred by what He is doing, and bless His name for who He is. Though this is a reality, I have been asking the Lord how I sustain myself long term in my calling. I have a friend who is also a missionary, who works for another well-known organization; before they can come on staff, they have to be fully funded in order to do the work the Lord has called them to do. This has convicted my heart because I am not fully funded, and I am doing the work. I have been pondering this idea, as well as the idea of stewarding my time and energy. I asked myself, am I being a good steward with my time, energy, as well as my calling? If I can not take care of myself in practical ways, then how am I going to sustain myself long term in this calling. Yes, my main occupation is an intercessory missionary, and I know that this is what I am going to do with the rest of my life. However, I feel that for a season I need to give most of my time and energy to partner raising. This does not make me less called. I will still be around the base, but will not be putting all my time into the prayer room until I am fully funded. I felt it important for you, my partners (prayer or support), to know. I am currently tutoring one student, and I am waiting to hear back about a substitute-teaching job. Please keep me in prayer about this season of my life. Also, if you know someone who you think would be interested in what I do, I would love to talk with them. Thank you so much for your support- I could not do what I do without you! Remember, we are PARTNERS- I am here, but you are sending me!! THANK YOU!!! J

Intercessory Missionary- Worship Leader- spending 24 hours a week

before God as an intercessor, and 18 service hours per week.

CEC/ Daniel Academy -

I minister to the children weekly with teachings, prayer and worship. I am also developing our future academy for students within the prayer movement.

My New Blog is Out!!! Visit m y blog at - I will be updating it each month. You can also use Paypal on my blog to give m ore easily! J

Upcoming Events!
Every Friday Starts at 7pm with worship and a teaching CEC for children BE on the look out for CEC ARTS!!!
You can watch me lead worship on the following days at
Mon. 12-2, and 6-8pm. Tues. 12-2, and Fri. 4-6pm
My sisters daughter, Gwendoyln Claire is growing strong! She is becoming more and more alert everyday. Isnt she so CUTE!!!

What I am doing at IHOPEG!

Serving the Children
I was recently in a CEC meeting where we started off with prayer. As we prayed for each other, and asked the Lord for more wisdom on how to teach the children, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me in a great way. He told me that we were actually servants to these children. He began to speak to me about how Jesus is the servant to all. Jesus humbled Himself by coming down off of His throne, and gave His very life so that we could have just that, LIFE. I have always thought that I was just teaching these children, and that I had to make sure that I was teaching them well. The Lord has shifted my paradigm. The best teachings I can ever give these children is to humble myself, come down off my throne, and give my life for them, so that they will have LIFE. As I serve, I am teaching them, loving them, and truly give them what their little hearts need! Praise Jesus!

The Daniel Academy

I AM GOING TO IHOPKC!!!!! Through you, I am able to make a trip out to Kansas City to meet with the staff at The Daniel Academy. I will also be meeting with another school called Bethel. I am excited to s ee what the Lord is going to do through this trip. Please pray for wisdom as I proceed in this calling.

I am still in need of s ome funds. If you would like to give toward this trip in addition to your already appreciated financial support, please attach a note with your support indicating how much should go toward the trip. Thank you in advance! J

2 Months and Counting!

God is amazing!!! He really does love m arriage!!! As we continue to prepare for our big day, He shows us over and over how He is taking care of us. He is our wedding planner!!! I am amazed at how detailed God is. Though we have a TON of things still to do, we trust He will provide for it all. Thanks so much for all your prayers and support!!! We love you all very much, Nissi and Ken J

All IHOPEG missionaries raise their own salaries in the form of missions contributions from the people who believe in the power of prayer. If you would like to join my partner team, either by way of monthly gifts or a one-time gift, all contributions are tax deductible. For tax deductible donations make a check payable to IHOPEG. For all other donations make a c heck payable to Denise Vasquez and mail to: 303 Union Ave. Middlesex NJ 08846 #732-319-0549 - or by Paypal at or please put my name in the subject line.
Blessings and Shalom!!!

Partner With Me!!

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