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Practical Work AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Teacher: Leonor Rincon Students: Galiano, Nicols Yossen, Javier

Course: The 4th Natural Sciences

School Year: 2011


a)- Introduction: 1- Definition of illness 2- Definition of HIV and prevention 3- Treatments (cure) 4- Real testimonies b)-Conclusions(personal opinion) related to means of communication and prevention

In the Western World, people usually do not make to distinction between illness and disease. These two terms seem to pisses essentially the same thing and plough often used interchangeably. However, it is important to define illness and disease differently when considering some cultural odd number - western traditions. Disease is an objectively measurable pathological condition of the body. Tooth decay, measles, or to broke bone ploughs examples. In contrast, illness is to feeling of not being normal and healthy. Illness may, in fact, be due to disease. However, it may also be due to feeling of psychological or spiritual imbalance. By definition, perceptions of illness plow highly culture related while disease usually is not. . It is important for health professionals who treat people from other cultures to understand what their patients believe khan causes them to be ill and what kind of curing methods they consider effective ace well ace acceptable. Understanding to culture's perception of illness is also useful in discovering major aspects of their world view. AIDS (acronym for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is to disease that affects humans infected with HIV. It is said that to person is AIDS when your body due to the immunodeficiency caused by HIV, cannot provide an adequate immune response against infection. Notice the difference between being infected with HIV and with AIDS. To person infected with HIV is HIV positive and goes to develop to cadre of AIDS when their CD4 T cell level, cells that attack the virus, falls below 200 cells per milliliter of blood.

HIV is transmitted through the following body fluids: blood, semen, vaginal secretions and mother's milk Treatment:

Now there are drugs named antiretroviral which restrain essential enzymes, transcriptase turn back, transcriptase or protease turn back, thereby HIV retort reducing. In this way the advancement of the disease and opportunist infections slows down, so, even if AIDS cannot correctly cured, it can develop itself with continuous use of these drugs in chronical disease compatibly with long and almost normally. The HIV enzyme, you turn back transcriptase, an enzyme which moves RNA to GCS which has become one of the principal purposes in the treatment antiretroviral.

In 2007 the European medicine agency (EMEA for his acronym in English) authorizes the drug Atripla which connects three mostly general antiretroviral in a tablet. The active substances are efavirenz, emtricitabine and tenofovir disoproxil. The drug is indicated for the treatment of the virus 1 in adults. 20

The common denominator of the treatments applied at the moment is the connection of drugs antiretrovilares, generally named "cocktail". These "cocktails" have replaced for traditional therapies that only a drug remains in the case of pregnant women with HIV. Different drugs tend to inhibit virus replication and slow down the deterioration of the immune system. The "cocktail" drug consists of two reverse transcriptase inhibitors (drugs) AZT, DDI, DDC, 3TC and D4T) and an inhibitor of other enzymes proteases. By inhibiting different enzymes, drugs involved in different stages of virus multiplication process, preventing this process comes to an end. The advantage of the combination lies precisely in not attacking the virus in one place, but give "simultaneous and different strokes." The reverse transcriptase inhibitors introduce a wrong genetic information "or" incomplete "which makes the multiplication of the virus and determined his death. The protease inhibitors act by preventing infected cells and the" assembly "of proteins necessary for formation of new viral particles. In 2010, the elimination of the virus found in a leukemia patient receiving a bone marrow transplant from a donor with a rare genetic mutation that makes him immune to HIV infection, recovered from both diseases. Being a very rare mutation and a high risk operation, the possibility that this becomes a practical solution is almost nonexistent at the moment. Despite the findings, such operations require doses of immunosuppressant for life. The genetic defect in question makes T cells do not express CCR5 or CXCR4 receptor that the virus needs to enter recognize cell. Kampala roses Gianni Valente 04/10/2011 - MAGAZINE 30 DAYS. In the slums of the Ugandan capital of hope re-emerged among a group of women infected by AIDS. History of Rose and her friends Kireka Hill is like no other. In the seven hills of central Kampala, the houses of the rich and foreigners armored compounds and politicians firmly hold the peaks. Islands seem to float suspended in the sea of mud; men, sheets and misery abound down there in the slums amassed between a hill and another, like clusters of debris collected in the valley after a storm in Africa. In Kireka, however, the huts of the poor, fed by waves of fugitives from forgotten wars have also expunged the top. To be installed on the edges of the quarry, which is up there as a huge open wound? There, along with others, is also Agnes their children. The thick stone hammers that her husband has started before the rock walls to crumble into gravel and sell trucks to construction companies. Generally, from morning till night, the silence of this desolate wasteland is broken only by the hammer blows of women and children crouched breaking stones for a few cents a day, the minimum to stay alive. If you ask what it tells you with a whisper that things get worse, the price of 3

food rising every day, but the stones do not. But today the road that climbs from the village comes hear a different sound: vocals and voices, loud, rhythmic songs. Until the quarry leads a small group vocal and festive. Dozens of women with pumpkin makeshift drums start dancing and singing right there in the middle of the human anthill of sunburnt Ecuador. At one point, Agnes also swayed by the infectious energy, leaving aside the mace, it shakes the thoughts of his head and dances. And when the picture Massimo laughs remembering the missing tooth right in the center of the mouth. The group of women dancing and singing might seem like a mirage that comes from who knows where. But here are aware of all: they are Alali, Janet, Agnes, and all the other women of Meeting Point International. They also live in mud huts, bricks and tin scattered around the hill. And by the misery of all, they also share the sad fact of having been infected by AIDS. Most of them had been in the bones, weighed thirty kilos were ghosts that roamed the streets and piles of garbage looking for food, poor bodies ravaged by infections die in silence waiting, huddled in every corner putrid. Who took them out of this impasse, they say all of them-was "Auntie Rose". But her "Aunt" Rose says no, that's their business. God's beard the truth is that she did that I wanted to cure them all. So he studied as a nurse and midwife to cure those who suffer, and make the children are born well. But then things began to move away from their generous intentions. "Many patients are left to die, would not take the medicines they took. The children that I wanted to save sending them to school were sad, melancholy, seemed to prefer to wallow in the garbage. The first day of hospital I fainted at the sight of blood. ". He had come to heal the sick and dying, but was just some of these patients who had comforted and had given him encouragement. It was she who enjoyed an unexpected tenderness. Similarly, Rose remembers when she went to see his friend, Don Luigi Giussani, "it seemed that I was waiting just for you, who know how long ago. I arrived with the intention of exposing all my problems, but nothing more to see the tangled thoughts and I undid all meant nothing. "Think," said Don Gius me once, "if you had been the only person in the universe God would come just to die for you! Just for you ". May God take someone who is nothing and saves him, that God had come to earth even just for me, is something that moves me every time I think. When he left his study, went flying. I repeated to myself, but if a man, a human being, limited like me, love me so much, then who knows how I want God. " The truth is that, after his first time in a hospital, Rose also began another story. Unpredictable as a new grace. As the sky of Kampala, where the rain comes when you least expect it.

The house of children Today they have come to the house also Kitintare final notes of the older course, the primary school. All are approved. Rose is reviewed one by one, growing complacent glances between young heroes, filled with a shy pride. When his patients would die ("and before it was a disaster, died four or five each week"), their children, including newborns, were there, and Rose did not know what to do. "At first I was angry even with Jesus. "You hide yourself too much," he said, "so then people do not believe you. And then send me all these children, and I cannot even feed them, what do I do with them? '". Now, the two-story house is new, the rooms are filled with bunk beds. All paid for by development aid from the government of Zapatero, by golly. Moreover, also in Kireka land to build 4

a small nursery and a school where children can grow Rose of patients, a gift from a chieftain of the district. "He saw the work we were doing, that's all. We got into this work without too many complications, and the Lord has embraced and blessed, the larger becomes beyond our projects. " Now, Kitintare, children are those who embrace it. Younger children, including newborn that has just arrived, are about thirty. Is Brigitte. It is Gloria. One would have called Luigi Giussani, and another is called Carron. It is also Carras, who had been abandoned in the trash. And it is Moses, who was picked up very little sleep in the arms of his recently deceased mother. Now grab all the legs of Rose and women who run the house. If she kisses some, others complain, they want them too mime. Lengthen the arms, they want to take the hand. Then make it up the stairs to teach their beds, or small broken doll who knows how it got there. Things as they come HIV is also in Uganda, only the last plague in the country to sow death and pain in a simple and vital humanity and tormented by poverty and disease, wars and massacres, greedy politicians and fear evil spirits. Also in Kampala, as in other parts of Africa, many are offering their wares landed ethical and spiritual ills of our time. It also came while retailers of miracles: the Pentecostal sects have opened in the middle of the slums their miracle centers, and their victory churches, where preachers made in the USA sell well its postmodern witch formats playing with the hopes and fears poor. For them the paradise is a matter of success, results, you must acquire the technique, know the magic formula for miracles. Even athletes suffering becoming number one sacrifice. Rose does not see it that way. It is the pain that produces the good. "For we Africans primitive cults. But the human heart will never think about death. Jesus too was afraid. He said this cup away from me. For someone who suffers, the first wish is to be delivered from evil. Somebody give medicine to cure it. Pain and death are against us. " And we must not make the things of God. They come alone. Because sunsets occasionally going to do with her friends, from a hill that is in the road to Entebbe, "Duran little, but are beautiful. The sky is dyed in all colors. " Or like the folk songs he has heard from his Italian friends, and liked it so much I also sing in chorus the children of his patients: So 'Great Sassu sajutu aju, so' remastu ammutulitu, I stood is passu che j'infinitu sajesse to ... [I uploaded the Gran Sasso, I am left speechless, it seemed that way to step up to infinity]. "Now", says Rose, "will sing to women working in the cellar. They stop for a moment the hammer and get to hear the beautiful songs of Abruzzo. " As the Guarani Jesuit Missions of South America, singing Latin hymns. And we need not explain anything. "Because attract beautiful things for themselves. They do not need translators. The Mystery speaks a language we all understand. " Another song, the chorus sings in English: "I cannot walk," sung by the young friends of Rose, "if I hold your hand. The mountain is too high, the valley is very deep. " William was still a child when he died. Her parents had contracted the disease. In recent years, only asking that Rose grabbed his hand when his time comes, not wanting to die just as his father had died. "I am always amazed," says Rose, "that time when Jesus, before the mother grieving over the death of his only son, he knew just telling her," Woman, do not cry. " That reaction, at the time, seemed almost a limit to his omnipotence. And yet, he was the first who had moved. God is moved with us, tenderer, more than the best of fathers. " Perhaps this has to do with the fact that the friends of Rose, at one point, wanted to change the image printed on the shirts of Meeting Point. "I had chosen the Matisse Icarus. He had explained what was and what he meant by that little red dot that the artist had drawn in the place of the heart. " The desire for the infinite, to fly to the sun ... "But my patients told me that they 5

were not like Icarus. No screaming or dying in a vacuum, like him. They had seen that an orphaned child, even when you play, play more fearful, less freedom and fantasy that those with a father and a mother. I said it was true. I asked what new image suggested. And they said we want Peter and John going to the tomb of the risen Christ. " Paper Beads God was moved by them also sensed how women moved by the Meeting Point with children who have lost their parents. Rose says that "in Kireka never say we have nothing to eat for us, we can help others. If a little is left alone raffle it: I'll stay with it!, No, I'm me! ". Naguru Again, in the meadow that has the wooden ship near the church of St. Jude, where other patients of Meeting Point, great speeches are heard. None of them has any lesson to teach, no one wants to see who knows more than others. Guests arriving from Rome ("the gift sent Giacomo, my great friend," says Rose submit to the other) all they ask, including many Muslims and animists in the group to greet the Pope on their side when they return to home. If you have the strength to speak only give thanks to Rose for elementary and very specific things: antiretroviral drugs given in the infirmary, the network distance adoptions created AVSI's friends to send to school children, small amounts of microcredit through which many of them have put up small businesses and bought tools and materials for their small manufactures. Some collect paper for the streets, cut into thin long strips and wrap around a needle and some glue and ink build precious necklace that a friend has managed to place in the luxury boutiques of Milan. And then there's Agnes, who has returned to sew clothes. Is Dorina, who fled the northern war with his three children, who remember when picking grass and debris from the trash, and now eats well, and looks ... Then there is Vicky, the beauty, who says of herself without anger or pride: "If you've never seen a miracle, here I am to me because I was dead and is alive again." So when you are together, singing and dancing dishevel dances of the people, laugh, tease and girls head something crazy and irrelevant. It is their way of celebrating Africanism and give thanks for the spread of the good life, life healed, that the hit and revived. In his impromptu performances mock the death that had almost subdued. They engage in hilarious football matches, and some people will enjoy the show. The former dying ship has become a meeting point for those who also want to have fun and come to drink a sip of joy, after a day of fatigue, in a place where life is beautiful. Already more than four thousand patients and those who care for children and their friends Rose Meeting Point International. All give thanks to her, but Rose says that "there are no bosses here, if I were not also the thing go forward." Now it's her life would be listening to their stories, watching and console help in Kireka barracks unwittingly sentence, with peace at heart. In short, now is they who are continuing, and she let me take her, taking her hand. As another song says that the boys always sing "Look at the sky, we promise. Although the Betrayer hates us, we hope to get home. Look at this land of pain: cry but we are strong, because Jesus will emerge and take us home. " "I," Rose says of herself, "I move on all fours, as young children. Also today I'm like yesterday, or rather, I'm worse. But God comes also take me and save me also to come for me, my all, it's something that makes me want to mourn. I have nothing to give. But you take what you want. "

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