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Total Health Breakthroughs Presents:

How to Cancer Proof Your Body with Five All-Natural Solutions

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Published by: Total Health Breakthroughs 245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 201B Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 800-718-5638 Fax: 561-819-0336 Website: E-Mail: Visit us on the web at

Activate Your Bodys Healing Forces to Defeat Cancer

Theres nothing more unimaginableor more commonplacethan hearing a diagnosis of cancer. It is a global problem, affecting millions of lives every year. Money is poured into research, and yet cancer remains a scourge of the human race, ravishing lives of patients and their families. When conventional treatmentslike chemotherapy, surgery, and radiationdont rid the body of cancer, it seems that conventional doctors throw up their hands in defeat and send the patient home to die. But what has been too long overlooked are the treatments and cures that are being used in different parts of the worldwith positive results. These alternative options are ignored, even though their positive results come about without adding unnecessary strain to the body. There are also preventive measures that can help reduce the risk of cellular mutations that lay the platform for cancerous cell growth, leaving you vulnerable to developing cancer in the first place. The benefits of these therapies have been suppressed, keeping them out of the hands of people whose lives could be drastically improved if only they had access to or knowledge of them. The gold standard in cancer treatment should be a therapy that boosts the body rather than causing such a detrimental depletion. What has been shown over and over is that one size does not fit all, and not every treatment or preventive measure will work for everyone.


Your immune system is your bodys internal army that defends against disease and helps fight existing problems. A weakened immune system can play a leading role in cancer activation. All of the alternative treatments covered in this report will boost your bodys immune response. Heres how to stack the deck in your favor. 1- Adopt a Healthy, Organic Eating Plan A poor diet can affect your overall health, including creating a chronic state of deficiency that downgrades your bodys ability to fend off threatsincluding cancer. Look for meat from animals that have been raised on organic, grass-fed diets. Instead

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of meat overburdened with omega-6 fatty acids, a grass-fed diet boosts the healthier omega-3 fatty acids, which has the opposite effect of omega-6: it reduces inflammation.1 Boost your intake of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids with flaxseed oil and ground flaxseed. You can use the oil as a base for salad dressing and the ground flaxseed mixed into baked goods, smoothies and cereal, and on top of yogurt. Flaxseed is an excellent source of the essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which in turn contain lignans that have an antioxidative effect.2 Avoid overly-processed foods and foods with additives and preservatives. Eliminate sugar. Cancer cells sop up glucose, so a diet heavy in sugar is the equivalent of feeding the enemy.3 Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. A study found a link between a diet based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy and an overall improved prognosis and survival in women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer.4 Increase your intake of laetrile. Although it has not received approval by the FDA for cancer treatment use in the U.S., this compound has been found to specifically kill cancer cells. You can get laetrile (also known as B175) from food sources like seeds and nuts, berries, greens (like spinach and watercress), sprouts, beans (like lima and mung beans and lentils), and grains (like millet, barley, brown rice, and buckwheat). To begin making lasting changes, gradually substitute into your meals healthier versions of foods you already eat. 2- Get Plenty of Sunshine While many have been scared off of getting any sun with threats of getting skin cancer as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, a major component of sunlight has been overlooked: it helps in the manufacture of vitamin D in the skin. And vitamin D deficiency is something that many people have. Vitamin D is necessary for the absorption of calcium, so a deficiency also leads to a leaching of calcium from bones. Vitamin D is also needed to help regulate and maintain a healthy immune response, and contributes to the normal growth and maturation of cells. This is why vitamin D is important in regards to preventing cancer. Low levels can increase the risk of developing cancer, and have been linked to cancers such as breast, colon and prostate, with evidence that vitamin D can ward off growth of breast and prostate cancer cells.6 It has been found that taking 2-4 times the daily recommended of 200 IU to 600 IU vitamin D3 (along with calcium) reduced the expected rate of cancer incidence by 5577% in post-menopausal women over a four-year period.7 This is strong evidence that

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should prompt you to have your level of vitamin D checked. Your doctor can test your 25(OH)D levels, which measure your serum levels of this essential vitamin. One study found that keeping your level just above 20 ng/mL could cut cancer risk by 30-50%, while other research supports keeping serum levels between 55-60 ng/mL.8 When going into the sun, weve all heard the advice to only do so once youve slathered all exposed skin with sunblock. But that advice is being tweaked in favor of getting a daily natural dose of vitamin D: go outdoors with 40% of skin exposure (face and forearms are a common recommendation) and get 15-20 minutes of direct sun.9 3- Detoxify and Practice Chemical Avoidance The body naturally functions to flush away toxins. However, adding an overload of environmental and ingested toxins and chemicals places a strain on your system. There are natural, gentle means to help the bodys detoxification process. When looking at diet, weve already noted that one way to avoid chemicals is to be selective in the types of meat you choose to eat: avoid meat from animals that have been fed a questionable diet and administered hormones. Another is to choose organic fruits and vegetables especially when it comes to the pesticide-laden Dirty Dozen, 10 which includes peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, kale, lettuce, grapes, carrots, and pears. You can also boost your bodys natural detoxification process. A properly functioning liver is necessary to help with ridding the body of toxins. Milk thistle is an herb that has long been used to stimulate liver function. Taken as a supplement, recommended doses of milk thistle range from 70 to 210 mg three times a day.11 One cancer therapy that is not approved by the FDA is Gerson Therapy. Developed by Dr. Max B. Gerson in the early to middle part of the last century, this regimen makes use of vitamins, minerals and enzymes to boost the immune systems ability to flush toxins produced by tumors. Gerson was a proponent of boosting the immune system through several methods intended to detoxify the system so it can better fight off cancer and other diseases. These methods include enemas, castor oil, and digestive enzymes. 4- Engage in Exercise Regular exercise has been long known to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation. A robust immune system helps fend off cancer cells from forming, and attacks cells that have turned cancerous. Exercise can also help reduce stress which is yet another undermining influence on the health of the immune response. People who exercise have a lower incidence of cancer. Very active postmenopausal women who engaged in vigorous activity for at least six hours a week were found to have lowered their risk of breast cancer by 30%.12 Also, the risk of colorectal cancer

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for both men and women was found to be reduced between 40% to 50% for those who exercised vigorously on a regular basis.13 A Finnish study followed a group of middle-aged men for almost two decades. None of the study participants had cancer at the start, and by the end of the study, 181 had died from cancer. Results showed that those men who exercised strenuously at least 30 minutes a day were the least likely to develop cancer, reducing their risk of dying from cancer by 50%, especially from cancer of the lung or gastrointestinal tract.14 People who are currently coping with cancer can also receive benefit from incorporating an exercise regimen. About 70% of cancer patients who are receiving conventional means of treatment report experiencing fatigue.15 For women with breast cancer who are receiving radiation, it is common for there to be a decrease in erythrocytes levels following treatment. This leads to fatigue, depression and reduced physical functioning. For those who participated in a program of moderate-level aerobic exercise, erythrocyte levels actually increased as a result of this exercise regimen.16 Exercise may cut the risk of dying from cancer, as well. For men with prostate cancer, a vigorous exercise regimen can reduce their risk of dying from the cancer by 12 percent.17 5- Supplement your Diet Your diet may need a little support in the form of supplements. Look first to antioxidants, a set of nutrients that evidence supports being a strong weapon to have in the anti-cancer arsenal. They are responsible for taking the bite out of free radicals that would otherwise cause cellular damage. Antioxidants also protect DNA and cellular membranes from the devastating effects of carcinogens, rein in the reproduction of altered cells, fight the efforts of cancer-promoting agents, and boost immune functioning. A 40% reduction in cancer risk was found for people with the highest intakes of antioxidants vitamin C and beta carotene.18 Vitamin C has also been used to treat cancer. It is administered via IV, with very promising results. One study found that tumors shrunk from this treatment, with vitamin C working to selectively target and kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone.19 Low levels of vitamin E, another antioxidant, have been linked to the development of a variety of cancers. Gamma-tocopherol, one form of vitamin E and a powerful anti-inflammatory, may help prevent cancer.20 Use a supplement that contains mixed tocopherols, and take up to 400 IUs per day. Selenium is a mineral and antioxidant that many are deficient in. It has been found to have cancer-preventing properties, stopping the chemical process that creates celldamaging free radicals. It also prevents tumors from developing, as it acts to prevent

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damaged DNA from replicating. In addition, it has been linked to the prevention of several types of cancer.21 The current recommended dose is 200 micrograms per day. Vitamin A is another antioxidant, boosting immune system function. Its recommended for adult males to get 3,000 IUs per day, and for adult females to get 2,333 IUs per day. Curcumin, which is the active compound found in turmeric and used extensively in curry dishes, is also available in supplement form. Curcumin has been found to help regulate the functioning of tumor-suppressing genes. A study found that curcumin can halt cancer cell invasion and metastasis in the lung by activating a tumor-suppressor.22

Find a Treatment That Works for You And Get Your Doctor on Board!
If you are diagnosed with cancer, it is important that you work closely with a practitioner who has experience in a variety of therapies, and to consult your doctor regarding anything you are doing in relation to your health. It cant be emphasized enough that a treatment regimen should be tailored to you as an individual, as not every therapy works for every person due to the variety of hereditary, environmental and lifestyle factors that affect each individual. One of the most critical elements in medical care is having a doctor who is willing to listen to and work with you through your treatment plan, whichever path you choose.

Who Ever Heard of Burning Cancer Out Of Your Body?

Can the cure for cancer really be a simple as heat? Youll be amazed by these simple but powerful health solutions: A simple cure for heart disease that could eliminate the need for anyone to ever have bypass surgery again. An amazing breakthrough that can make you look and feel up to 20 years younger A way to eliminate your emotional cravings for food.

But read on because the craziest part is where our health research team found them

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9., accessed online 12/09/09. Reavley N. New encyclopedia of vitamins, minerals, supplements, and herbs. Lanham, Maryland: Bookman Press, 1998. p. 151.

10. 11. Murray, Michael, N.D., Pizzorno, Joseph, N.D. Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. Prima Publishing, 1998. p. 124 12. Cancer_Risk.asp 13. Cancer_Risk.asp 14. 15. asp?sitearea=MIT 16. 17. 18. Reavley, Nicola. p. 544. 19. 20. ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=3 21. ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=5 22.

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Published by: Total Health Breakthroughs 245 NE 4th Avenue, Suite 201B Delray Beach, FL 33483 Phone: 800-718-2269 Fax: 561-819-0336 Website: E-Mail: Visit us on the web at

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