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PROJECT:: Library management system

Software requirement specification for Library management system

R1: Login Description: Once the user types the URL of the portal in the browser the login page is displayed in it, from where the user can log-in into the application. The user id and password both are mandatory. The user can log in as administrator as well as a normal user(student). The page would display the error message if the incorrect user id or password is entered. Upon successful login the user will be directed to the home page of the application. R1.1: Enter user credentials(certificates OR info.) State: The log in page is opened in the browser. Input: User Id and Password. Output: Depending on the type of the user the home page is displayed upon successful login i.e. the administrator will be allowed to add/edit book, member, publisher, supplier etc. as well as issuing and returning of the books whereas the normal user will be allowed only to edit profile, search book and view checked in books. Processing: The user credentials are compared with the one in the database and result is passed on as a message.

R2: Sign-up (Add a new account) Description: Once the log in page is displayed in the browser the user can choose the sign up option from the page for creating a new member profile. Upon clicking on the Sign up option the user will be directed to the sign up for a new account page where he can enter the details like : User Name, password, full Name, address, e-mail id, contact no., sex, security question and security answer etc. where user name, password, security question and security answer are mandatory field. After entering the details one should click on the sign up button to make a new entry in the database and thereby a new account is created. Now the user will be redirected to the login page from where he can log-in into the application. R2.1: Click on the Sign up option State: The login page is displayed in the browser. Input: Sign up option clicked. Output: The create a new member account form is displayed in the page.

R2.2: Click on the Sign up button State: The create a new member account is displayed and the user has filled up the registration form. Input: The user information such as User name, password, security question and security answer etc. Output: A prompt message that a new user account is created. And the user will be redirected to the login page. Processing: User details validation and a new entry in the respective database table.

R3: Edit Member Description: Once the user has logged in he will be redirected to the home page depending on his status as administrator or a user. When user clicks the Edit profile option the edit member page will be displayed where in the user details along with the registration no.(member Id) will be displayed. The user can modify this details as per his requirements and he would be asked to conform the password he has entered when he clicks on the update profile button the database table will be updated accordingly. R3.1: Click on Edit profile option State: The main menu has been displayed on the home page. Input: Select Edit profile option Output: The Edit profile form is displayed. R3.2: Click on Update profile button State: The Edit profile form has been displayed and the user has filled up his details for updating. Input: Click on the Update profile button. Output: The page will validate the details and the database table information related to that particular user will be updated and the prompt message will be displayed. Processing: User details modification validation and update in the respective table in the database.

R4: Add Book Description: If the user is administrator he can use this option from the home page. Upon clicking this option the Add book form would be displayed along with the main menu. Here the new Id is given to the book programmatically for reference. In this page the information regarding the author, category, publisher and supplier are fetched from the database and are populated in the dropdown list for selection. Here the user will be asked to enter a new book information such as: Book Name, author name, category, publisher, supplier, ISBN no., quantity, price etc. After entering the full details the user should click on the Add book button which will make a new entry to the Book master table in the database and a prompt message will be displayed that the book has been added to the library. R4.1: Click on the Add book option State: The main menu has been displayed in the home page. Input: Click on the Add book option. Output: The Add book form is displayed along with the main menu. Wherein the details related to author, category, publisher and supplier are populated in dropdown list for selection. The details are fetched from the database. R4.2: Click on the Add book button in the Add book page. State: The user has entered all the details for the adding a new book in the Add book form. Input: Click on the Add book button. Output: The book details are validated at the client side programmatically and upon successful validation a new book the message is displayed that the book has been added else it would show the error message in the case of invalid details. Processing: A new entry in the respective database table for a new book.

R5: Edit Book Description: Once the main menu is displayed after login into the application depending on the type of the user the main menu options are displayed. Here the book Id is given to the book programmatically for reference. In this page the information regarding the author, category, publisher and supplier are fetched from the database and are populated in the dropdown list for selection as per the book ID. Here the user will be asked to edit a book information such as: Book Name, author name, category, publisher, supplier, ISBN no., quantity, price etc. After

entering the full details the user should click on the Edit book button which will update the Book master table in the database and a prompt message will be displayed that the book details has been updated to the library. R4.1: Click on the Edit book option State: The main menu has been displayed in the home page. Input: Click on the Edit book option. Output: The Edit book form is displayed along with the main menu. Wherein the details related to author, category, publisher and supplier are populated in dropdown list for that particular book ID. Processing: The details related to the book is fetched from the respective table in the database and populated in dropdown list boxes. R4.2: Select Book Id from the dropdown list State: The Edit book form is displayed along with the main menu. Input: Selection of a Book Id from the dropdown list. Output: The details such as: author, category, publisher, supplier are fetched from the database for the selected Book Id and populated in the dropdown list for editing. Processing: Population of the book details by fetching the information from the database. R4.3: Click on the Edit book button in the Edit book page. State: The user has entered all the details for the editing a book in the Edit book form. Input: Click on the Edit book button. Output: The book details are validated at the client side programmatically and upon successful validation of the details for that book the message is displayed that the book details have been updated else it would show the error message in the case of invalid details. Processing: Validation of the book details and updating in the respective table in the database.

R4.4: Click on the Delete book button in the Edit book page. State: The user has entered a Book Id in the Edit book form. Input: Click on the Delete book button. Output: The message is displayed that the book has been updated else it would show the error message. Processing: Deletion of the book from the respective table in the database based on the Book Id selected.

R6: Search Book Description: Once the user selects the search option, the search book page will open and it will populate the book name in the select book dropdown box where the book names are fetched form the database and the user would be asked to select the book name from it. The system would search the book in the book list based on the book name entered. After making the search, the system should output the details of the book whose title or author name match any of the key words entered. The book details to be displayed include: BookID, title, author name, publisher name, publishing year, publishing house, publisher edition, category name, supplier name, ISBN no. and the location in the book-store. R6.1: Select Book name from the dropdown list State: The dropdown list with book names has been populated. Input: Select Book Name. Output: The book details will be displayed in the Grid which includes: Book ID, title, author name, publisher name, publishing year, publishing house, publisher edition, category name, supplier name, ISBN no. and the location in the book-store. Processing: The book details are fetched from the database by using the Book Name from the respective table.

R7: Issue Book Description: Once the user has logged in as the administrator he can select the issue book option. After the selection of the issue book option the user would be prompted to select the member ID and book ID from the list. After the selection of Book ID, the details related to that would be displayed in the page along with the issue date which is todays date and the administrator can enter the Return date and click on the issue button which will issue that particular book to that member automatically and display the message that the book is issued.

R7.1: Select Issue book option State: The user has logged in and the main menu has been displayed. Input: Issue book option selection. Output: The page for selecting the book details for the book to be issued is displayed. R7.1.1: Select the member Id in the list State: The page for selecting the book details for the book to be issued is displayed. Input: Selection of the member Id. Output: None. R7.1.2: Select the book Id in the list State: The page for selecting the book details for the book to be issued is displayed. Input: Selection of the book Id. Output: Details of the book for which the book Id is selected. R7.1.3: Select the Return date for the book which is issued. State: The member Id and book Id are selected from the dropdown list. Input: Return date selection from the calendar. Output: The error message is displayed if the Return date is not entered.

R7.2: Click on the issue button. State: The details related to book are filled up. Input: Issue button clicked. Output: The prompt message to the user that the book is issued to that member provided that the particular book is available. Processing: The application checks for the book reservation and if it is available then the book is issued and the database table is updated for the particular book transaction.

R8: Renew Book Description: When the Renew option is selected, the user is asked to enter his member Id and the books borrowed by him is displayed. The user can renew any of his borrowed books by indicating them. A requested book cannot be renewed if it is reserved by another user. In this case, an error message is displayed. R8.1: Select Renew Book option State: The user has logged in and the main menu has been displayed. Input: Renew Book option selection Output: Prompt message to the user to enter his membership number and password. R8.2: Login State: The renew option has been selected. Input: Membership number and password. Output: List of the books borrowed by the user is displayed, and the user is prompted to select the books to be renewed, if the password is valid. If the password is invalid, the user is asked to reenter the password. Processing: Password validation, search the books issued to the user from the borrowers list and display. Next Function R8.3 if password is valid and R8.2 if password is invalid.

R8.3 Renew selected books Input: User choice for books to be renewed out of the books borrowed by him. Output: Confirmation of the books successfully renewed and apology message for the books that could not be renewed. Processing: Check if anyone has reserved any of the requested books. Renew the books selected by the user in the borrowers list, if no one has reserved those books. And updates the book transaction table for that particular book.

R9: Return Book Description: Once the user has logged in as the administrator he can select the Return book option. After the selection of the Return book option the user would be prompted to select the member ID and book ID from the list. After the selection of Book ID, it would check if that book is issued to the selected member otherwise it would display the prompt message that no book is issued to this member. Upon positive output it would prompt user to enter the Actual return date and calculate the Late fee as per the following formula: Late fee = (Actual return date return date)*10. (In Rs.). Then upon selection of the Return button it would return that book and display the message that the book is returned to the book-store. R9.1: Select Return book option State: The user has logged in and the main menu has been displayed. Input: Return book option selection. Output: The Return book form for selecting the book details for the book to be returned is displayed. Processing: The various Book Id and Member Id are fetched from the respective table in the database.

R9.1.1: Select the member Id from the list State: The page for selecting the book details for the book to be returned is displayed. Input: Selection of the member Id. Output: None. R9.1.2: Select the book Id from the list State: The page for selecting the book details for the book to be returned is displayed. Input: Selection of the book Id. Output: Details of the book for which the book Id is selected. And a prompt error message if the selected book is not issued to the member who wishes to return the book.

R9.1.3: Enter the Actual return date for the book which is issued. State: The Return date is displayed in the form. Input: Actual return date selection from the calendar. Output: The Late fee is calculated which will be paid as a penalty by the user for the late submission of the book. R9.2: Click on the Return button. State: The details related to book are filled up. Input: Return button clicked. Output: The prompt message to the user that the book is returned to that member provided that the particular book was issued to that member only. Processing: The book transaction table is updated for returning the book and also the late fee is calculated if necessary by using the formula: Late fee = (Actual return date return date)*10. (In Rs) and stored in the respective table.

R10: Log Out Description: Once the user has logged into the application he would be allowed to click on the Log out option from the home page. Clicking on this button will allow him to log out of the application. R10.1: Select Log out option. State: The user has logged in and the home page is displayed. Input: Click on the Log out option. Output: The user will logged out of the application and the page will be displayed form where he can log in again if he wishes so. Processing: The user credentials are set to null and the session is abandoned.

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