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Germination of a form within form

The objective world is full of propagating forms which are taking steps of
Conception, Evolution and Termination to be re-evolved. The world of
thoughts precedes the world of Forms and the Perceptions interplay
between Objects and Thoughts. This makes object an embodiment of
germinating thought. Contemporary art in India is also extending its
limits and participating in this evolution and germination of forms and
ideas. It is placing its signature in the perceptive development of 21st

The Modern Abstract and Symbolic art in India is vibrant, it is taking its
twists and turns with influx of new ideas and, skewed perceptions.
Different groups of new artists joining the momentum in this stream of
multiplying perceptions created by Indian painters of previous decades.
The painters of Progressive art group, Raza, Suza, Hussain, the
metaphysical symbolists J. Swaminathan, Ambadas Social
commentators like Gulam Mohammad sheikh Gaitonde, Nalini
malani, vivan sunderam and number of talented artist of west Bengal
have given new meanings to forms and Abstraction.

Canvasses of purist Akhilesh sensuous works of Anil Gaikwad,

chandan singh Bhatty erotic sculptors of Devilal patidar, Nidhi chopra
are inviting and are possessed by the feminine urge of multiplicity and
diversity. Fusion ceramics amelgemating world of architecture pottery
and poetry by Nirmala sharma and aura of abstract spaces created
by pramod Gaikwad, accidental juxtapositions of evolving forms of
Deepak sonar and several other artists who are trying their hands and
creating new forms which although fall in category of Abstracts but are
highly Stylized and have been inspired by Nature. The observation of
nature has Never been so Intense in Indian art.
While Indian installation artists like Anish Kapoor and Subodh Gupta,
and painter like Tyeb Mehta have made their presence felt
internationally, by reflections of contemporary society. The artists
observing the Interiors of Nature whose works are presented here are
more closely trying to feel the inner dynamics associated with Nature in
every iota of the Mool Prakrati as defined in Indian thought.
Nature as great teacher never strives to give any explanation of her
vision. She invites us to participate in its multicolor sensuous
experience. The experience which is simultaneously erotic and inherently
tragic. This is the key of her propagation which is inbuilt in every Form.
This key is never lost it is transmitted or transmuted but It is never
transgressed it remains.

For Creative Participation in this Dynamic Process of Nature we

heave to be intensely aware of each moment of life. This can be arrived
at if we indulge in Floating Perceptions without any preconceived
notions and melting our rigidity towards acceptance of existence as it
comes. We can live the Beauty of co existence of each Form by
entering this word of forms which require striping of successive layers of
condensed thoughts and every vestige of inertia and falsehood of lower
nature around us. In this state of intense awareness as told by an Indian

Time demolishes the steps

We climb to reach the present.
There is no going back _
Only going forward is possible,
Forward and forward _
And the journey is endless!
There is no goal, no destination,
Only resting places,
Where the tents are dismantled
As soon as they are pitched.

These forms can be better enjoyed with intense observation and

sensitivity towards fullness of Nature. This can be understood through
Japanese Haiku by Basho it goes like this.
Dying Cricket
How Full Of Life
His Song
The cricket in dying but still singing a song full of life. A part of us
intensely alert and aware can only catch this movement of life at each
There is no Death these Forms are always growing, there is a Form
hidden like embryo within a form. These Forms are always continuously
multiplying in intimate intercourse to make every moment in life always
a bliss.
The truth of art is that there is no Truth. There is only the Truth within
each moment. We have to be intensely aware about this truth to see
ourselves a new possibility of each form, which can not be superseded.

Shailendra Tiwari

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