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MOTTO: My motto is to help people, plants, animals and birds to live a happy and healthy life without polluting the environment but save more for the future and make it brighter. NOTE: Without tree there is no life. A mother gives us life by giving us birth and a tree is even greater than a mother as it gives us birth every day, every second to numerous living beings in this earth.

IDEA: The idea about my plan is regarding a social service that is helpful to the environment in reducing pollution in the atmosphere by planting saplings and making sure that they grow into big and health trees. It is important for me to mention that this is totally a non-profitable organization and the main motto is to give life to birds and animals as trees are considered to be a shelter to living beings. This organization is named as, Tree God. This name is inspired because a tree gives us life every second and everyday just as God does. Without trees, there is no life on Mother Earth.

Plant trees to save the life of all living beings and mother earth.[ include latest survey which says India has the most toxic air in the world.Only 3 other countries are below us.- Refer to TOI Friday edition]

Save your lungs. Do not pollute the environment. If you do, this is what you will go through...

Without a tree it is not possible for a human being to even survive for even a second as trees breathe in carbon dioxide that we release and breathe out oxygen that we inhale. This oxygen is very essential to human beings or any animal. The beauty about a tree is that, it absorbs poison that we release and gives us life by releasing oxygen in the air. It is very selfish on our part to not give importance to tree at all or not even bothered to think about mother earth that is suffering for all our ill causes. We humans are only cutting down trees only for a selfish motto which is nothing but a LUXURY and not even bothered about the remaining living creatures that consider tree as their home. For almost all living creatures like animals, birds, etc, trees are home and food. Without trees, there is not going to be any chance for any the living beings to survive. A bird builds nest on a tree because it is its home, finds food on tree and takes shelter from a tree. So is the case of most of the animals as well. Shelter is most important for them. We cannot imagine any animal surviving if there are no trees because, if there are rains, where can an animal that is tiny or large take shelter from? They cannot take shelter from buildings that we (humans) construct. A tree helps us by in increasing the force of wind when there is no breeze and when there is extra breeze, it takes the pain of forceful breeze then reduces the speed of breeze so that we (humans, birds and all kinds of animals) do not get hurt by forceful breeze. If there are no trees, there is no rain, climatic changes occur which hurts all living beings, more number of death rate of birds, animal and humans (any creature). No supply of natural water will be available and all beings will eventually die. For example, let us take a butterfly that survives only on trees. A butterfly lays eggs on a tree, they hatch as worms, eat leaves, grow in size, form a cocoon on a tree itself, emerge out of it in the form of a beautiful butterfly. If we see a butter that is ready to lay eggs but not a single tree available, do you think this whole process from hatching to forming a butterfly is possible? There is no way at all for the eggs to even hatch if there is no tree. Because the eggs of a butterfly when laid on a surface, gets dried (dehydrated) as

they will be exposed to the sun directly, gets blown away by the wind, washed away by rain etc. Every little creature needs trees. It can never survive without trees. So is the case with us humans too. We use a tree to convert it into paper and use paper only to make notes on it and throw away the paper after use (in most cases), make a beautiful sofa set by killing a tree. We can understand that paper and wood is useful to us, but we also need to understand that the earth and the living creatures need it more than us. However, there is always a solution to a problem. Therefore, when we chop off a tree we need to plant four to five saplings in return so that by the time these trees grow big it is not going to be a problem to the environment. And even in future, there will be more number of trees available along with healthy environment. Sometimes even if we plant five trees, there any be instances where only one tree can survive due to climatic effects or any other such reasons. And in this world, beauty is got from plants and trees. Trees attract colourful birds and animals that sing, dance, enjoy nature, attract other species and attract us too. If we also notice, paintings that are done are mostly of landscape and remaining are of still objects and portraits. Happiness to all living being is got only when nature protects us. If there is no nature, there is no happiness. Every human being must understand this importance of nature and never destroy it. In fact, we are supposed to take care of our beautiful nature instead of destroying it.

Do not encourage deforestation.

If we go encourage, this will be our future...

I would like to spread this awareness to each and every person in this world. I will start from the place that I am aware of well which is Hyderabad so that it will be easy for me to expand my service to various other cities, then countries, continents and the whole world itself. To do this, I need to start by covering a small area and expand this service. As I will start with Hyderabad first, by cover the radius of minimum thirty kilometres and ask people to volunteer in a social service activity. In this awareness programme, I will explain all the importance of trees so that people first understand what my motto is about. This job (service) is to just plant saplings along the side of the roads in every lane, barren land, forest areas where there is deforestation, any place that is supposed to have trees. Then, we are going to form a group of volunteers who are going to plant saplings without any intention of earning profits.

Reference: skT_GmAc_PrQe_qYX2BQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&ved=0CBoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1066& bih=582#hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=deforestation&pbx=1&oq=deforestation&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=& gs_sm=e&gs_upl=247396l253167l0l253604l13l13l0l6l6l0l179l1013l1.6l7l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r _qf.,cf.osb&fp=ad6390dc9a627d51&biw=1066&bih=582

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