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Ibrahim Kocabas
Chemical Engineering Department American University of Sharjah

Reservoir Engineering
Learning Objectives of Lecture 1:
Define/describe a reservoir Define Reservoir Engineering Describe/list role/functions of Res. Eng. D ib /li l /f i fR E State objectives of Res. Eng. Pet. R P t Res. Hyrdrocarbon (HC) fluids H d b fl id Classification based on phase diagram Types/forms reservoir energies

Definition of a Reservoir
A reservoir is that portion of a trap which contains oil and/or gas as a single hydraulically connected system. -it is a rock layer it -porous so that stores oil -permeable so that allows flow of oil it -it is part of a trap

Definition of a Trap
A trap is a combination of subsurface geological features that can promote accumulation and retention of petroleum in one location. Elements of a trap: a reservoir rock, base El t f t i k b and cap rocks and a sealing mechanism Types of traps: structural, straigraphic combination

Definition of a Trap
Nomenclature of a t N l t f trap.

How many reservoirs? What is/are the type of the t ( )? Wh t i / th t f th trap(s)?

Description OF a RESERVOIR
Pool d P l and reservoir may be used i b d synonymously ( Lake and Walsh, Selley). Pools are also referred to as P l l f dt different flow units within a reservoir such as a layer ( Cosse)


How many reservoirs? Type of trap?

How many reservoirs? yp p Type of trap ?


Colhoun Th phase of petroleum C lh The h f t l engineering which deals with/studies the transfer of fluids to, to from or through the reservoirs.


To continuously monitor the reservoir and collect/measure relevant data and develop models to be able to

2. 3. the movement of fluids through the g reservoir so that

Determine (present conditions)) Estimate ( future conditions) and ) Control

Objectives of reservoir engineering

we can a) enhance ( increase recovery factor) and b) accelerate ( increase production rate) the oil recovery in a most desirable fashion economically. ( y (.i.e. optimize reservoir p development and management.)

Scope of Reservoir engineering:

To be able to fulfill his role and achieve his objectives properly, the j p p y, reservoir engineer has to study: (1) the nature of reservoir fluids (2) the nature of reservoir rocks (3) the nature and behavior of rock fluid systems

Scope of Reservoir engineering:

In dealing with rock/fluid systems the reservoir engineer has to comprehend both theoretical concepts and operating variables.

Scope of Reservoir engineering:

Among the basic concepts reservoir fluid flow fundamentals multiphase fluid flow, capillary behavior and fluid displacement are to name a few.

Scope of Reservoir engineering:

Operating variables: spacing of wells rates at which oil is produced or pressure allowed to change i the well ll dt h in th ll The sequence of operations q p undertaken, i.e. whether pressure depletion is permitted before or after injection of water

Scope of Reservoir engineering:

Operating variables contd: Types and characters of the reservoir yp fluids involved, i.e. 1. amount of gas space allowed to develop, 2. 2 the water injected or 3. relative viscosities of oil and injected t i j t d water

Tools of Reservoir engineering:

Under the influence of these operating variables, determining how would a , g reservoir will perform requires: collecting the relevant data and using mathematical models based on the theoretical concepts for p performance evaluations i.e predictions and interpretations.

Data for Reservoir engineering:

Reservoir engineering data consist of: Data of reservoir properties geometry, area, thickness and so on. Data D t concerning th rock properties i the k ti Data concerning the reservoir fluids g Pressure history of the reservoir Production hi t P d ti history of the reservoir. f th i

Tools of Reservoir engineering:

The predictive and interpretation tools: MBE equation (zero dimensional), for q volumetric analysis Single phase fluid flow models Frontal advance equation (1D), and Numerical simulators, N i l i l t for fluid flow and fluid displacement efficiency.

Tools of Reservoir engineering:

Numerical simulators are multidimensional, N i l i l t ltidi i l Multiphase, dynamic material balance p , y programs for both volumetric and fluid displacement evaluation. di l t l ti The MBE approach is simple but well pp p worth studying as it provides valuable insight into l i i ht i t volumetric behavior of HC t i b h i f reservoirs

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