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Second Mid-Term Exam with Model Answer Question 1:a. What is evaluation? b. What are the goals of evaluation? c. Discuss the heuristic evaluation? d. To aid the evaluators in discovering usability problems, a set of ten heuristics are provided which are called Nielsen's ten heuristics. Discuss these heuristics. Answer:-Evaluation: Evaluation shouldn't be thought of as a single phase in the process. - Ideally evaluation should occur through at the design life cycle with result of the evaluation feeding back into the modification to the design. -Main goals of evaluation: 1. To assise the axed on the accessibility of the system functionality. 2. To assise user's experience of the interaction. 3. To identify any specific problem with the system. -Heuristic evaluation: Is a method for structuring the critique of a system using a set of relatively simple & general heuristic. - Heuristic evaluation can be performed on a design specification, so it's useful for evaluating early design. -Nielsen's ten heuristics: 1. Visibility of system status. 2. Match between system & the real world. 3. User control & freedom. 4. Consistency & standard. 5. Error prevention. 6. Recognition rather than recall make object, action & option visible. 7. Flexibility & efficiency of use allow user to tailor frequent action. 8. Aesthetic & Minimalistic design. (dialog should not contain information that it irrelevant and not needed). 9. Help user recognize diagnose & recover from errors. 10. Help & documentation. .(View systems can be used with no instruction so it may be necessary)

Question 2:a. Shneiderman's eight golden rules provide a convenient and succinct summary of the key principles of interface design. Discuss these rules of interface design. b. Norman suggest seven principles for transforming difficult tasks into simple ones. Discuss these principles. Answer:Shneiderman's eight golden rules of interface design: 1. Strive for consistency in action sequences, layout, terminology, command use, 2. Enable frequent user to use short cuts such as: abbreviation, special key sequences & macros, to perform regular, familiar action more quickly. 3. Offer information feedback foe every user action. 4. Design dialogue to yield. 5. Offer error prevention. 6. Permit easy reversal of action. 7. Support internal locus of control. 8. Reduce short-term memory load. Norman's seven principles for transforming difficult Task into simple ones: 1. Use both knowledge in word & knowledge in the head. 2. Simplify the structure of task: Tasks need to be simple in order to avoid complex problem solving & excessive memory load. There are number of a ways to simplify the structure of tasks: 1. Provide mental aids to help the user keep track of stages in a more complex task. 2. Use technology to provide the user with more information about the task. 3. Automatic the task or part of it. 4. Change the nature of the task so that it becomes something more simple. 3. Make things visible. 4. Get the mapping right: User intentions should map clearly on to system controls. 5. Exploit the power of constraints, both natural & artificial. (Constraints are things in the world that makes it impossible to do anything but the correct action in the correct way). 6. Design for error. .When all else fails, standardize .7

Question 3:Design a graphical user interface containing the necessary objects and a C# methods for determining the maximum value among three different numbers. Answer:For You

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