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Managers Guide: How can I make it easier for a new hire to transition in my group?

(Part 2)
by Bhavin Gandhi

In my last blog post, I have discussed few ways through which you can make your new hire understand your companys goals and objectives. In this blog, I will provide you some tips on how you can make your new hire acquainted to your team culture and communication channels.

Talk about the rules: After you have explained your strategic
objectives and work culture, now its time for you to explain her about your expectations. Some of the managers leave it unsaid. But I prefer to talk to all of my employees about the performance expectations. In this way, they can specifically know what they have signed up for, and you can avoid having performance improvement talks later. You can start this conversation by establishing clear goals and priorities for her; and then you can progress towards expected employees behavior, your feedback process, and how her work will be evaluated. Dont forget to outline the path through which you will help her to be successful.

The Team: Providing an understanding of the teams roles and

responsibilities is very key to the new hires success. This will make sure that she doesnt step on someones foot, and she can know who is ultimately responsible and who has the decision making authority. During this discussion, you should explain her how your team supports companys goals and objectives. This will give her the overall picture of your team, and where it fits in to the organization. And yeah! Dont forget to discuss the procedures & norms under which your team operates. For example: Our team follows an agile development process, where each engineer is paired with one another team member for the development of a particular feature. Last but not the least, identify the people who can help her during her first few months in the company, and how they prefer to communicate.

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Communication: Being a software development manager for

years, I have seen various managers failed to provide this information to their employees. As a result, you have a new geeky employee who got herself acquainted to only e-mails, and you have to wait for her e-mail response for feedback. Thus, I would advise you to have these conversations beforehand. Convey to your new employee how you would prefer to be communicated, and what should be the frequency of those communications. For example: I expect an e-mail response within 1-2 hours. In case of a blocking issue, I want you to call me up instead of waiting for me to reply to your e-mail. And yeah! Explain how your employees prefer to communicate with themselves.

I hope these tips will help you to become a better manager by providing a clear direction for your newly hired employee. In the next blog post, I will be discussing about how to familiarize your new hire with the growth opportunities within your organization.

Let me know, if you have any other ideas through which you can help your employees to easily transition to your company. Thanks. Bhavin Gandhi

Bhavin Gandhi | March 5, 2012 at 3:11 PM | Tags: 21st century, Building Trust, Challenges,Change Management, Collaboration, Communication, Cultural Change, Delegation, E-mail Communications, Employees, First time manager, Hire someone, Hiring Manager, Leaders of Tomorrow, Leadership, Management, Manager, Manager Training, Manager's Guide, Manager's Note, New hire, Organization's Culture, Team work, Work culture, Written Communication | Categories: 21st Century, Leadership, Management | URL:


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