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Flux Vector Control with Space Vector Modulation for PWM Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

Marian P. Kazmierkowski
Institute of Control and Ind. Electronics Warsaw University of Technology Warsaw, Poland e-mail:
AbstractThis paper presents a simple Direct Flux Vector Control with Space Vector Modulation (DFVCSVM) scheme for induction motor drives. Developed algorithm has several advantages like: simplicity (coordinate transformations, current and flux controller are eliminated), wide speed operation range, good dynamics, low torque ripples, constant switching and low sampling frequency. The DFVCSVM can be used in various applications like electric vehicles, where field weakening operation is required. Drive operation ranges including field weakening region are described. Selected experimental results measured on the 7,5kW induction motor drive which illustrates steady state and dynamic performances of the developed system are given.

Pawel Wjcik
Department of Drive Control (NNO) Electrotechnical Institute (IEl) Warsaw, Poland e-mail: switching losses), Sinusoidal phase current, Unipolar inverter output voltage (reduced IGBT switching stress), Low torque ripples, Robustness to motor parameter changes. The above requirements are not fulfilled in scalar control, where only angular speed (frequency) and magnitudes of flux, current and voltage vectors are adjusted. Instantaneous positions of these vectors are not controlled. Therefore, vector control methods have been strongly developed. In this case, not only angular speed (frequency) and magnitudes of flux, current and voltage vectors, but also instantaneous position of these vectors is controlled. This ensures excellent dynamic and stable steady state operation of vector control methods. Vector control appeared at the end of 60s and early 70s. The Field Oriented Control - FOC was first proposed by K. Hasse (Indirect FOC) [4] and F. Blaschke (Direct FOC) [5]. In FOC stator current components are controlled in rotor oriented coordinates. These components are responsible for torque production and magnetizing. Next, in the middle of 80s, a novel torque control methodology was presented. I. Takahashi and T. Noguchi proposed Switching Table based Direct Torque Control STDTC algorithm [6]. In this method the instantaneous values of electromagnetic torque and stator flux is controlled directly by hysteresis controllers. These controllers choose from the switching table an appropriate voltage vector which reduces instantaneous torque and flux errors. As result, the dynamics is very high. Parallel, M. Depenbrock presented his control algorithm referred as Direct Self Control - DSC [7]. Instantaneous stator phase flux values are controlled by hysteresis controllers. Application time and duration of zero voltage vectors are chosen by hysteresis torque controller. An advantage of DSC is ability to work in wide speed range including field weakening region. Joining classical STDTC and FOC methods a novel Direct Torque Control with Space Vector Modulation DTCSVM algorithm have been developed [1, 8]



Nowadays, in electrical vehicle drives mostly AC motors are used. It is because of theirs well known advantages like simplicity, reliability, lack of mechanical commutator and brushes, ability to work under unfriendly conditions (dust, humidity, etc.) and low cost. The most popular AC machines are induction motors - IM and permanent magnet synchronous motors - PMSM. These motors can be supplied from power electronics converters (like VSI inverters). Therefore, are used in various applications like electric vehicles EV, public transport, machine tools drives, etc. Some of these applications have to work above nominal speed. This is essential in EV and public transport drives. High speed operation can be achieved either by increasing supply voltage (not always possible) or by field weakening. In the IM field weakening operation can be easily performed. The IM based adjustable speed drives used in electric vehicles have to follow several basic requirements [3]: Wide range of speed adjustment, High dynamics of flux and torque control, Maximum torque generation at zero speed, Operation in the field weakening region with torque maximization, Constant and low switching frequency (reduced

978-1-4244-5795-3/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE


Fig. 1 Block scheme of Direct Flux Vector Control with Space Vector Modulation DFVCSVM

In this algorithm advantages of both methods are combined and their main drawbacks are eliminated. DTC-SVM algorithm uses linear PI torque and flux for control instead of stator current components. Recently, robust torque and flux control algorithm can be executed simpler by direct stator flux vector control [9,11]. Algorithms like FOC, STDTC or DTCSVM are based on current and/or voltage regulation and hence, available DC link voltage. In Direct Flux Vector Control with Space Vector Modulation DFVCSVM only stator flux vector is used as torque control quantity (the torque is controlled via stator flux vector). Unlike the rotor flux vector, the stator flux vector can be changed rapidly, and IM torque which is proportional to displacement between these two vectors can be fast regulated by changing the stator flux vector position. II. DTC-SFVM CONTROL SCHEME The block scheme of DFVCSVM is shown in Fig. 1. In this control strategy, a PI slip angular frequency controller is used. Reference and estimated slip is calculated from the reference and estimated electromagnetic torque using Eq. (1):

r =

RR 3 pb R 2

Me .


where: r slip angular speed, RR rotor resistance, R rotor flux magnitude (from flux estimator), pb number of pole pairs, Me electromagnetic torque Position of the stator flux vector is determined by Eq. (2):

S = S (k 1) + S stat + S dyn


Where: S(k-1) stator flux vector position in the previous sampling time, S stat = STS static change of the stator flux vector position, S dyn dynamic change of the stator flux vector position Calculated displacement of the stator flux vector S is added to the actual vector angle S(k-1). Angle S consists of static Sstat and dynamic Sdyn parts. The static increase of the stator flux vector angle in one sampling period Sstat is determinated by synchronous speed calculated from mechanical speed (IM pole pairs have to be taken into account) and reference slip angular speed taken from reference torque (see Eq.(1)). Dynamic change of the stator flux vector position Sdyn is obtained by PI controller (tuned according to symmetry optimum criteria) from error between reference and estimated slip angular speed. This error is proportional to the torque error and, therefore, Sdyn is generated only during dynamic operation. In steady state S =Sstat and Sdyn=0. The stator flux vector magnitude is selected in two steps. Firstly, so called static field weakening, is adjusting stator flux vector magnitude. Therefore, below base speed the stator flux vector magnitude is set to its nominal value and above base speed the magnitude is weakened. Secondly, so called dynamic field weakening is performed. Dynamic field weakening is performed at every torque change. It is used for fast torque production. Dynamic changes of the stator flux vector magnitude produces voltage reserve for fast torque production. When the torque has to be increased the stator flux magnitude is dynamically decreased. Opposite, when the torque has to be decreased the stator flux magnitude is increased.




Induction machine operation range under rated stator flux magnitude is limited. To achieve speed higher than base speed, the flux weakening algorithm has to be applied. Maximum mechanical speed of the IM is limited by available DC link voltage and modulation strategy. In constant torque region, the stator flux magnitude and electromagnetic torque are constant. The stator voltage is proportional to mechanical speed. Maximum mechanical speed in this case is called base speed. Stator voltage magnitude cannot be enlarged any more. To achieve speed higher than base speed flux weakening algorithm has to be applied. The simplest way for field weakening operation is stator flux magnitude reduction in inverse proportion to mechanical speed. This is known as conventional 1/ method. In flux weakening region the electromagnetic torque capability is decreased, whereas stator voltage is kept constant. In constant power region maximum torque is inverse proportional to mechanical speed. The power is constant. In constant slip frequency region maximum torque is equal to critical torque, so is inverse proportional to square of the mechanical speed. It is shown in Fig. 2. The power is inverse proportional to the mechanical speed.
Tk T R S uS p

where: m mechanical speed, RS stator resistance, LS stator inductance,Sref referenced stator flux vector magnitude, pb number of pole pairs, USmax maximum stator voltage vector, leakage factor.

M lim 1 = e

3 1- 2 pb S 2 2 LS


lim2 e

2 U Smax S - p b m S 3 = pb 2 RS


In the field weakening region voltage, current and torque limits have to be examined. Equations (4a) and (4b) include these limits. So, for control the lower value from (4a) and (4b) is chosen. Optimal value of stator flux vector magnitude is obtained by comparing Eqs. (4a) and (4b) resulting in formula represented by Eq. (3). In block scheme shown in Fig.1 also dynamic field weakening algorithm for fast torque production is applied. Instantaneously decreasing stator flux vector magnitude provides stator voltage reserve at any speed. Thanks to this voltage reserve the IM torque can be generated rapidly, hence the dynamics of the drive is increased. IV. STATOR FLUX ERROR BASED SPACE VECTOR MODULATION


p uS
Sbase Scritical

In classical approach, like FOC or DTCSVM, stator voltage modulator was widely implemented. In DFVC SVM stator flux error based space vector modulator was used. Presented Space Vector Modulator can operate in three regions: Linear region Overmodulation region Sixstep operation region In linear region on times of inverter power transistors are calculated from sine rule in triangular section presented in Fig. 3. as follows (1):
constant power region constant slip frequency region

constant electromagnetic torque region

Fig. 2. Induction machine characteristics with high speed region (T electromagnetic torque, Tk critical torque, R mechanical speed, S stator flux magnitude, uS stator voltage, p power)

In block scheme of Fig. 1 Optimized Capability Field Weakening algorithm is used [2, 3]. In this algorithm not only optimum stator flux vector magnitude Eq. (3) is selected but also torque limits in high speed operation are defined Eqs. (4a and 4b).

Sref =

U Smax 1- RS pb m + 2 LS


Fig. 3. SVM linear range.


* S (k ) sin 3 t1 = 3 U DC


t2 = 3

S (k ) sin( )



t 07 = TS t 1 t 2

Fig. 4. Steady state no load operation at 500 rpm. (From the top: phase to phase voltage, electromagnetic torque, stator flux vector magnitude, phase current)

When linear region of the SVM ends, the nonlinear region begins. In literature [12,13] two main overmodulation (OVM) strategies were studied. In [12] nonlinear region is divided into two subregions. In OVM I the length of referenced vector is reduced where it extend hexagon constructed by active voltage vectors and enlarged in the rest part of the sector to keep constant average value of the reference vector in sector. In OVM II there is no enough area to compensate this voltage drop inside hexagon and reference vector has to be accelerated and decelerated in sector. This is performed up to sixstep operation. In [13] overmodulation was realized in other way. As long as reference vector is inside hexagon, it is modulated. But when this vector cross the hexagon boundary, is hold until return. This method gives more distorted phase current and electromagnetic torque. In this paper the first method is implemented, but unlike [12] no approximation was done. On times for transistors are calculated based on referenced stator flux error vector in similar way as it was shown in [9], however, in this approach normalization was not used. V. RESULTS
Experiment was performed for 7,5 kW PWM inverter fed IM drive. Parameters of the machine are given in Table 1.

Fig. 5. Reference torque step changes at /+20 Nm with dynamic flux weakening operation below base speed. (From the top: mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, stator flux vector magnitude, dynamic change of the stator flux vector position)

PN IN fN N MN Usupply p

7,5 kW 15,4 A 50 Hz 1450 rpm 50 Nm 3 x 380 V 2


1,27 1,27 40,0 mH 40,0 mH 38,0 mH 2 1,5 kgm

1000 rpm/div

Me real

20 Nm/div

1 Wb/div

s dyn

In Fig. 4 steady state operation at 500 rpm are shown. As shown in Fig. 4, at steady state electromagnetic torque is approximately equal to zero. Low torque ripples occur. Phase current is sinusoidal and is used for magnetization. Stator flux is kept constant and is equal to 1,035 Wb (rated value).

0.1 rad/div

Fig. 6. Reference torque step changes at /+20 Nm with dynamic flux weakening field weakening operation. (From the top: mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, stator flux vector magnitude, dynamic change of the stator flux vector position


In Fig. 5 torque tracking performance below base speed is shown. Field weakening algorithm is not active. Dynamic field weakening is applied. Similarly, in Fig. 6 torque tracking performance above base speed is shown.



In this paper a simple DFVCSVM algorithm for PWM inverter fed induction motor drive is presented. The coordinate transformations, current controllers and flux controller are eliminated and only two PI controllers: speed and slip frequency are used. So, the final configuration is very simple. Electrical drives, especially for electrical vehicles and traction, often work above base speed, in field weakening region. Therefore, flux weakening algorithm with torque maximization is examined. Also, torque limits for reference torque are taken into account. The laboratory results measured on 7,5 kW experimental drive are attached. It confirms that DFVCSVM can operate in wide region including high speeds with field weakening what are typical requirements for electrical drives. The drive control performance in stationary and dynamic states is satisfactory. In high speed region, because of stator flux magnitude reduction, also electromagnetic torque has to be limited. If so, the electromagnetic torque is kept lower than breakdown torque what ensure stable operation at high speed. REFERENCES
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Fig. 7. Speed reversal at /+500 rpm operation below base speed. (From the top: alpha component of the stator flux vector, mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, phase current)
340 rpm/div


1 Wb/div 20 Nm/div


Me real omega_m




20 A/div

[8] Fig. 8. Speed reversal at /+900 rpm field weakening operation. (From the top: alpha component of the stator flux vector, mechanical speed, electromagnetic torque, phase current)




0.2 Wb/div 0.2 Wb/div

S est S ref


Fig. 9. DFVCSVM stator flux tracking performance at 0 rpm.


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