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General Audience Research We surveyed 10 people on general questions about themselves and music to identify our target market.

We asked those who matched our target market another set of specific questions about there expectations of music in that genre . 1) Are you male or female? They were approximately five women and five men, we wanted to make an even sample for the questionnaire to be representative 2) How old are you? Seven where 17 while another three were 18 3) What ethicality are you? Four said White British, Two said Asian British, Four said of black British , 4) Whats your preferred genre you listen to out of?

a) RNB and Hip Hop : Five b) Pop : Zero c) Indie : Three d) Rock : One e) Dance : Zero f) Other : Zero

5) All respondents said that videos mattered to them.

From this questionnaire we narrowed down who we felt would most likely listen to our song so it was important to find out what their ideal RNB/Hip Hop video would be like. This included five respondents 1) What attracts you to RNB/Hip Hop

Two people said they liked the load base and beats in the song , while all the other respondents had different views to each other . One stated they like their fashion and style, another said it allows them to interact with ghetto folks, the last person said they like the lyrical content . We found the answers about the beat resassuring because our song uses a strong and

promitnent beat.

2) Do you prefer RNB/Hip Hop videos that confirm or challenge your typical video ?

One respondent said they didnt care aslong as the visuals were nice , Two said they prefer unique videos while two said they like traditional videos with love stories. We were also happy to hear this from the respondents as we feel our video challenges and conveys to its genres sterotype which pleases more than one segement in our targert. For example the club scenes and love story is their to cofirm to conevtnions but the tackling of another culture in the video challeneges conventions although it has been done before.

3) Have you heard of any videos that combine two or more cultures together ? If so , please state

Three said they hadnt heard any musicians do this kind of combination and the two that had said it was the Akons charah chello remix . This shows that more people havent heard of this kind of combination but some have , which will make our video seem more unique .

4) What do you think of these videos ?

One said they have interesting view and the other said good in a different way . Although one out of the two didnt specifiy if they really liked the combonation this hasnt deterred us and we have decided to still stick to our themes

5) When viewing a video do you largely notice the locations and props used to make the video

All five said definitely and one added the jewllerry is espically something they look out for. This evidence really helped us re-think about the locations of our video. Earlier it was mentioned that visuals was very

important to our markert so we this led us to try and use as many different locations as we coiuld witout it looking over the top and the narrative scenes being overwhelmed by the abstract shots in the video. As only one respodent mentioned that jewellwery was important to them we felt we may take it into consideration but not view it as a big deal.

6) Do you feel the use of a rapper is important in your typicial RNB video ?

Four said definitely and one stated no it feels fake

We were already held bent on using a rapper to help reinforce conevtnions on our video . This questionnaire rubber-stamped our decision , although one said it made it feel fake we believed wed go with the majority view alongside with what we thought would be best aswell.

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