You are on page 1of 92

-- Configuration variables config = { button_font button_font_size button_size_x button_size_y control_size desc_padding desc_width_max menu_auto_collapse menu_indent plugin_safe_mode shortcut_keys_enabled tool_menu_length

tool_sounds_enabled tween_panel_enabled tween_speed }

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Enum.Font.Legacy; Enum.FontSize.Size10; 80; 20; 16; 40; 300; true; 16; true; true; 8; true; true; 0.25;

-- Plugin locations plugins = { -- add asset IDs or script locations here; -56563025; -- Circles by Anaminus } -- Key remapping shortcuts = { ["Move.Axis"] ["Move.AxisSnap"] ["Move.First"] ["Move.FirstSnap"] ["Move.Object"] ["Rotate.Object"] ["Rotate.ObjectSnap"] ["Rotate.Pivot"] ["Rotate.PivotSnap"] ["Rotate.Group"] ["Resize.Object"] ["Resize.ObjectSnap"] ["Resize.Center"] ["Weld.Join"] ["Weld.Break"] ["Scale.Scale"] ["Other.Delete"] ["Other.Slope"] ["Other.Midpoint"] ["Control.Expand"] ["Control.Help"] ["Control.Close"] }

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"r"; ""; "t"; ""; "y"; "f"; ""; "g"; ""; "h"; "v"; ""; "b"; ""; ""; ""; "-"; ""; ""; "q"; "?"; "";


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Begin CmdUtl ----- check for valid lua version assert( function() return _VERSION == "Lua 5.1" end, "CmdUtl cannot run in ".._VERSION ) -- check for valid security context assert( pcall(function() return game:GetService("Selection"):Get() and game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetChildren() end), "CmdUtl cannot run in the current security context! See the Documentatio n for a proper setup" ) -- Close other CmdUtls if type(_G.CloseCmdUtl) == "function" then pcall(_G.CloseCmdUtl) end -- remove any remaining panels for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("CoreGui"):GetChildren()) do if v.Name == "CmdUtl" then v:Remove() end end -- management for resource disposal local Disposal = { normal = {}; -- items here will be recursively removed and ha ndled limited = {}; -- items here will simply be unreferenced with n

o recursion or handles } -- Add Disposal Reference: adds item to disposal management function ADR(item,limit) if limit then table.insert(,item) else table.insert(Disposal.normal,item) end end -- Remove Disposal Reference: removes item from disposal management function RDR(item,limit) if limit then for i,v in pairs( do if v == item then table.remove(,i) break end end else for i,v in pairs(Disposal.normal) do if v == item then table.remove(Disposal.normal,i) break end end end end -- notes: any globally set variables are available to built-in plugin -- create panel Screen ="ScreenGui"); ADR(Screen) Screen.Name = "CmdUtl" Screen.Parent = game:GetService("CoreGui") Panel ="Frame"); ADR(Panel) Panel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 Panel.Position =, 0, 0.05, 0) Panel.Name = "Panel" Panel.Parent = Screen Div ="Frame"); ADR(Div) Div.Position =, 0, 0, config.control_size) Div.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound Div.Name = "Items" Div.Parent = Panel Resource = { control_color =,0,0); control_selected_color =,0.5,0.5); output_color =,1,1); warning_color =,0.8,0); error_color =,0,0); } ADR(Resource) ID = {}; ADR(ID) -- identity table for panel elements Control = {}; ADR(Control) -- identity table for panel controls ControlData = {}; ADR(ControlData) -- holds control data

Commands = {} -- holds command line functions Shortcut = {}; ADR(Shortcut) -- holds key/tool shortcut associations ToolSelectListener = {}; ADR(ToolSelectListener) -- ondown ToolDeselectListener = {}; ADR(ToolDeselectListener) -- onup ButtonDescription = {}; ADR(ButtonDescription) ToolWarnings = {}; ADR(ToolWarnings) ToolSafeMode = {}; ADR(ToolSafeMode) ToolState = {}; ADR(ToolState) ValueState = {}; ADR(ValueState) MenuState = {}; ADR(MenuState) PluginDataFromName = {}; ADR(PluginDataFromName) PluginDataFromButton = {}; ADR(PluginDataFromButton) PluginResources = {}; ADR(PluginResources) ToolsFromMenu = {}; ADR(ToolsFromMenu) MenuFromTool = {}; ADR(MenuFromTool) Mode = { Enabled = true; PanelExpanded = true; DivTweenEnabled = true; HelpModeEnabled = false; } ADR(Mode) version = "3.0.0" local local local local local local floor = math.floor cframe = Selection = game:GetService("Selection") ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider") SoundService = game:GetService("SoundService") GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")

local restrict_mt = { __newindex = function(t,k,v) if getfenv(2) == getfenv() then -- only this env is allowed to s et new values rawset(t,k,v) else error("Cannot set value \""..tostring(k).."\"",2) end end; } ADR(restrict_mt) -- holds sound objects referenced by sound id local SoundRef = {}; ADR(SoundRef) -- create default overlay objects local DefaultOverlay ="Part"); ADR(DefaultOverlay) DefaultOverlay.Name = "SelectionOverlay" DefaultOverlay.Anchored = true DefaultOverlay.CanCollide = false DefaultOverlay.Locked = true DefaultOverlay.formFactor = "Custom" DefaultOverlay.TopSurface = 0 DefaultOverlay.BottomSurface = 0

DefaultOverlay.Transparency = 1 local OverlayAdornments = {}; ADR(OverlayAdornments) OverlayAdornments.Handles ="Handles"); ADR(OverlayAdornments.Handl es) OverlayAdornments.Handles.Adornee = DefaultOverlay OverlayAdornments.Handles.Visible = false OverlayAdornments.ArcHandles ="ArcHandles"); ADR(OverlayAdornments .ArcHandles) OverlayAdornments.ArcHandles.Adornee = DefaultOverlay OverlayAdornments.ArcHandles.Visible = false OverlayAdornments.SelectionBox ="SelectionBox"); ADR(OverlayAdornm ents.SelectionBox) OverlayAdornments.SelectionBox.Adornee = DefaultOverlay OverlayAdornments.SelectionBox.Visible = false OverlayAdornments.SurfaceSelection ="SurfaceSelection"); ADR(Overl ayAdornments.SurfaceSelection) OverlayAdornments.SurfaceSelection.Adornee = DefaultOverlay OverlayAdornments.SurfaceSelection.Visible = false -- go-to for outputting info function Log(...) local out = "" local inp = {...} local n = #inp for i,msg in pairs(inp) do out = out .. tostring(msg) end ---------------print("LOG:",out) end function LogWarning(...) local out = "" local inp = {...} local n = #inp for i,msg in pairs(inp) do out = out .. tostring(msg) end ---------------print("LOG_WARNING:",out) end function LogError(...) local out = "" local inp = {...} local n = #inp for i,msg in pairs(inp) do out = out .. tostring(msg) end ---------------print("LOG_ERROR:",out) end -- checks if the value is a positive integer function IsPositiveInteger(n) return type(n) == "number" and n > 0 and math.floor(n) == n end -- checks if the table contains a sequence of keys function IsSequential(array, m)

for i=1,m do if array[i] == nil then return false end end return true end -- checks if a table is an array function IsArray(array) local m = 0 for k, _ in pairs(array) do if not IsPositiveInteger(k) then return false end if k > m then m = k end end return IsSequential(array, m) end -- checks if the string contains only letters, numbers, and underscores, with th e first character not being a number function IsVarName(name) return name:match("^[%a_][%w_]-$") == name end local valid_protocols = { ["http"] = true; ["https"] = true; ["rbxhttp"] = true; ["rbxasset"] = true; ["rbxassetid"] = true; } ADR(valid_protocols) -- checks if the value is a Content string function IsContent(link) if type(link) == "string" then local protocol = link:match("^(.+)://(.+)$") return valid_protocols[protocol] or false else return false end end -- recursive for GetFilteredSelection local function RecurseSelectionFilter(object,class,out) if object:IsA(class) then table.insert(out,object) end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do RecurseSelectionFilter(child,class,out) end end local points = {,-1,-1); 1,-1,-1);, 1,-1); 1, 1,-1);,-1, 1); 1,-1, 1);, 1, 1); 1, 1, 1);

} ADR(points) -- recursive for GetBoundingBox local function RecurseGetBoundingBox(object,sides,out) if object:IsA"BasePart" then local mod = object.Size/2 local rot = object.CFrame for _,mult in pairs(points) do local point = rot*cframe(mod*mult).p if point.x > sides[1] then sides[1] = if point.x < sides[2] then sides[2] = if point.y > sides[3] then sides[3] = if point.y < sides[4] then sides[4] = if point.z > sides[5] then sides[5] = if point.z < sides[6] then sides[6] = end table.insert(out,object) end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do RecurseGetBoundingBox(child,sides,out) end end

point.x point.x point.y point.y point.z point.z

end end end end end end

function GetBoundingBox(objects) local sides = {-math.huge;math.huge;-math.huge;math.huge;-math.huge;math .huge} local out = {} for _,object in pairs(objects) do RecurseGetBoundingBox(object,sides,out) end return[1]-sides[2],sides[3]-sides[4],sides[5]-sides[6 ]),[1]+sides[2])/2,(sides[3]+sides[4])/2,(sides[5 ]+sides[6])/2), out end local ToolEnvMetadata = {}; ADR(ToolEnvMetadata) local ToolButtonMetadata = {}; ADR(ToolButtonMetadata) -- gets metadata from a button or the env calling the function calling this function GetToolMetadata(button) local md if button then md = ToolButtonMetadata[button] else md = ToolEnvMetadata[getfenv(3)] end if not md then error("Invalid call",3) end return md end local CommandEnvMetadata = {}; ADR(CommandEnvMetadata) -- gets metadata from the env calling the function calling this function GetCommandMetadata() local md = CommandEnvMetadata[getfenv(3)] if not md then error("Invalid call",3) end

return md end function SetDescription(button,visible) local desc = ButtonDescription[button] if desc then if visible then local y = button.AbsolutePosition.y local m,s = y + desc.AbsoluteSize.y,Screen.AbsoluteSize. y-4 if m > s then y = y-(m-s) end desc.Position =,0,0,y-DescriptionFrame.Absol utePosition.y) desc.Visible = true elseif not state then desc.Visible = false end end end -- selects a tool using its button function SelectTool(button,stop_prev) local prev if not stop_prev then for button,b in pairs(ToolState) do if b then DeselectTool(button) prev = button end end end ToolState[button] = true button.Selected = true local listener = ToolSelectListener[button] local md = GetToolMetadata(button) local overlay = md.Overlay local env = md.Env for i,v in pairs(overlay) do v:Remove() overlay[i] = nil env["Overlay"..i] = nil end overlay.Part = DefaultOverlay:Clone() overlay.Part.archivable = false env["OverlayPart"] = overlay.Part for i,v in pairs(OverlayAdornments) do local c = v:Clone() c.Adornee = overlay.Part c.archivable = false overlay[i] = c c.Parent = Screen.Parent env["Overlay"..i] = c end md.PreviousTool = prev local e,o = pcall(listener) if not e then LogError("Tool:",button.Name,": ",o) end end

-- deselects a tool using its button function DeselectTool(button) ToolState[button] = false button.Selected = false local listener = ToolDeselectListener[button] if listener then local e,o = pcall(listener) if not e then LogError("Tool:",button.Name,": ",o) end end local md = GetToolMetadata(button) local overlay = md.Overlay local env = md.Env for i,v in pairs(overlay) do v:Remove() overlay[i] = nil env["Overlay"..i] = nil end local connections = md.Connections for i,v in pairs(connections) do v:disconnect() connections[i] = nil end end -- toggles the visibility of a menu with its menu button; optional force true or false function ToggleMenu(button,force) local state = MenuState[button] if Mode.Enabled and Mode.PanelExpanded then if force == nil then state[1] = not state[1] else state[1] = not not force end if not state[1] then -- if menu is collapsing for i,tool in pairs(ToolsFromMenu[state[2]]) do -- desel ect tools of that menu if ToolState[tool] then DeselectTool(tool) end end end button.Selected = state[1] state[2].Visible = state[1] end end -- holds various environments that will be set or copied Environment = { Source = { -- plugin source Safe = { Axes = Axes; BrickColor = BrickColor; CFrame = CFrame; C olor3 = Color3; Faces = Faces; Instance = Instance; Ray = Ray; Region3 = Region3 ; UDim = UDim; UDim2 = UDim2; Vector2 = Vector2; Vector3 = Vector3; math = math; string = string; table = table; Enum = Enum; };

Unsafe = { _VERSION = _VERSION; ipairs = ipairs; next = next; pairs = pairs; pcall = pca ll; print = print; select = select; tonumber = tonumber; tostring = tostring; ty pe = type; unpack = unpack; xpcall = xpcall; coroutine = coroutine; math = math; string = string; tab le = table; Delay = Delay; delay = delay; LoadLibrary = LoadLibrary; LoadRobloxLibrary = LoadRobloxLibrary; printidentity = printidentity; Spawn = S pawn; tick = tick; time = time; Version = Version; version = version; Wait = Wai t; wait = wait; game = game; Game = Game; workspace = workspace; Workspa ce = Workspace; assert = assert; collectgarbage = collectgarbage; dofile = dofile; error = error; gcinfo = gcinfo; getfenv = getfenv; getmetatable = get metatable; load = load; loadfile = loadfile; loadstring = loadstring; newproxy = newproxy; rawequal = rawequal; rawget = rawget; rawset = rawset; setfenv = setf env; setmetatable = setmetatable; _G = _G; shared = shared; crash__ = crash__; settings = settings; Stats = Stats; s tats = stats; UserSettings = UserSettings; }; }; Listener = { -- tool listeners Global = { Safe = { _VERSION = _VERSION; ipairs = ipairs; next = next; pairs = pairs; pca ll = pcall; print = print; select = select; tonumber = tonumber; tostring = tost ring; type = type; unpack = unpack; xpcall = xpcall; coroutine = coroutine; math = math; string = str ing; table = table; Delay = Delay; delay = delay; LoadLibrary = Load Library; LoadRobloxLibrary = LoadRobloxLibrary; printidentity = printidentity; S pawn = Spawn; tick = tick; time = time; Version = Version; version = version; Wa it = Wait; wait = wait; Axes = Axes; BrickColor = BrickColor; CFrame = C Frame; Color3 = Color3; Faces = Faces; Instance = Instance; Ray = Ray; Region3 = Region3; UDim = UDim; UDim2 = UDim2; Vector2 = Vector2; Vector3 = Vector3; Enum = Enum; game = game; Game = Game; workspace = workspace; Workspace = Workspace; }; Unsafe = { assert = assert; collectgarbage = collectgarbage ; dofile = dofile; error = error; gcinfo = gcinfo; getfenv = getfenv; getmetatab le = getmetatable; load = load; loadfile = loadfile; loadstring = loadstring; ne wproxy = newproxy; rawequal = rawequal; rawget = rawget; rawset = rawset; setfen v = setfenv; setmetatable = setmetatable; _G = _G; shared = shared; crash__ = crash__; settings = settings; Stats = Stats; stats = stats; UserSettings = UserSettings; }; }; API = { Safe = { WrapOverlay = function(object,isbb) local md = GetToolMetadata() local overlay = md.Overlay.Part

if type(object) == "table" then local size,pos = GetBoundingBox( object) overlay.Size = size overlay.CFrame = overlay.Parent = workspace elseif object:IsA"BasePart" then if isbb then local size,pos = GetBoun dingBox{object} overlay.Size = size overlay.CFrame = CFrame. new(pos) else overlay.Size = object.Si ze overlay.CFrame = object. CFrame end overlay.Parent = workspace end end; GetOverlaySize = function() local md = GetToolMetadata() return md.Overlay.Part.Size end; GetOverlayCFrame = function() local md = GetToolMetadata() return md.Overlay.Part.CFrame end; SetOverlaySize = function(v) local md = GetToolMetadata() local overlay = md.Overlay.Part local cf = overlay.CFrame overlay.Size = v overlay.CFrame = cf end; SetOverlayCFrame = function(cf) local md = GetToolMetadata() md.Overlay.Part.CFrame = cf end; SetOverlay = function(v,cf) local md = GetToolMetadata() local overlay = md.Overlay.Part overlay.Size = v overlay.CFrame = cf end; Round = function(number,by) if by == 0 then return number else return floor(number/by+0.5)*by end end; Resource = function(key) local md = GetToolMetadata() local resource = md.Resource[key] if resource then return resource else

error("\""..key.."\" is not a va lid resource key",2) end end; Config = function(key) return config[key] end; GetSelection = function() return Selection:Get() end; SetSelection = function(set) Selection:Set(set) end; GetFilteredSelection = function(class) local out = {} for _,object in pairs(Selection:Get()) d o RecurseSelectionFilter(object,cl ass,out) end return out end; GetFiltered = function(class,objects) local out = {} for _,object in pairs(objects) do RecurseSelectionFilter(object,cl ass,out) end return out end; GetBoundingBox = GetBoundingBox; GetSelectionBoundingBox = function() local size,pos,out = GetBoundingBox(Sele ction:Get()) return out,size,pos end; GetMidpoint = function(set) local mid = for i,v in pairs(set) do mid = mid+v.Position end return mid/#set end; GetButtonValue = function(id) local md = GetToolMetadata() local vbutton = md.ButtonFromId[id] if vbutton then local vstate = ValueState[vbutto n] if vstate then return vstate[1] else error("cannot get value of button \"""\"",2) end else error("\"""\" is not a def ined button",2) end end;

SetButtonValue = function(id,value) local md = GetToolMetadata() local vbutton = md.ButtonFromId[id] if vbutton then local vstate = ValueState[vbutto n] if vstate then vstate[2](value) else error("cannot get value of button \"""\"",2) end else error("\"""\" is not a def ined button",2) end end; Deselect = function() local md = GetToolMetadata() DeselectTool(md.Button) end; SetWarning = function(index) local md = GetToolMetadata() DeselectTool(md.Button) local warnings = md.Warnings if warnings then local msg = warnings[index or 1] LogWarning("Tool \"",md.ID,"\": ",msg) end end; Connect = function(event,listener) local md = GetToolMetadata() local connections = md.Connections table.insert(connections,event:connect(l istener)) end; SelectPreviousTool = function() local md = GetToolMetadata() DeselectTool(md.Button) local prev = md.PreviousTool if prev then SelectTool(prev) end end; PlaySound = function(key) if config.tool_sounds_enabled then local md = GetToolMetadata() local resource = md.Resource[key ] if resource then if IsContent(resource) t hen local sound = So undRef[resource] if not sound the n sound ="StockSound") sound.Na

me = "CmdUtl:"..key sound.So undId = resource chivable = false sound.Pa rent = SoundService SoundRef [resource] = sound end sound:Play() end end end end; }; Unsafe = {}; }; }; Command = { Global = { Safe = { _VERSION = _VERSION; assert = assert; error = error; ipairs = ipairs; next = next; pairs = pairs; pcall = pcall; print = print; select = select; tonu mber = tonumber; tostring = tostring; type = type; unpack = unpack; xpcall = xpc all; coroutine = coroutine; math = math; string = str ing; table = table; Delay = Delay; delay = delay; LoadLibrary = Load Library; LoadRobloxLibrary = LoadRobloxLibrary; printidentity = printidentity; S pawn = Spawn; tick = tick; time = time; Version = Version; version = version; Wa it = Wait; wait = wait; Axes = Axes; BrickColor = BrickColor; CFrame = C Frame; Color3 = Color3; Faces = Faces; Instance = Instance; Ray = Ray; Region3 = Region3; UDim = UDim; UDim2 = UDim2; Vector2 = Vector2; Vector3 = Vector3; Enum = Enum; game = game; Game = Game; workspace = workspace; Workspace = Workspace; }; Unsafe = { collectgarbage = collectgarbage; dofile = dofile ; gcinfo = gcinfo; getfenv = getfenv; getmetatable = getmetatable; load = load; loadfile = loadfile; loadstring = loadstring; newproxy = newproxy; rawequal = ra wequal; rawget = rawget; rawset = rawset; setfenv = setfenv; setmetatable = setm etatable; _G = _G; shared = shared; crash__ = crash__; settings = settings; Stats = Stats; stats = stats; UserSettings = UserSettings; }; }; API = { Safe = { Round = function(number,by) if by == 0 then return number else return floor(number/by+0.5)*by end end;

Resource = function(key) local md = GetCommandMetadata() local resource = md.Resource[key] if resource then return resource else error("\""..key.."\" is not a va lid resource key",2) end end; Config = function(key) return config[key] end; GetSelection = function() return Selection:Get() end; SetSelection = function(set) Selection:Set(set) end; GetFilteredSelection = function(class) local out = {} for _,object in pairs(Selection:Get()) d o RecurseSelectionFilter(object,cl ass,out) end return out end; GetFiltered = function(class,objects) local out = {} for _,object in pairs(objects) do RecurseSelectionFilter(object,cl ass,out) end return out end; GetBoundingBox = GetBoundingBox; GetSelectionBoundingBox = function() local size,pos,out = GetBoundingBox(Sele ction:Get()) return out,size,pos end; GetMidpoint = function(set) local mid = for i,v in pairs(set) do mid = mid+v.Position end return mid/#set end; }; Unsafe = {}; }; }; BuiltIn = getfenv(); } ADR(Environment.Listener.API) ADR(Environment.Command.API) ADR(Environment,true) ADR(Environment.Source,true) ADR(Environment.Source.Safe,true)

ADR(Environment.Source.Unsafe,true) ADR(Environment.Listener,true) ADR(Environment.Listener.Global,true) ADR(Environment.Listener.Global.Safe,true) ADR(Environment.Listener.Global.Unsafe,true) ADR(Environment.Command,true) ADR(Environment.Command.Global,true) ADR(Environment.Command.Global.Safe,true) ADR(Environment.Command.Global.Unsafe,true) -----notes: icon theme: all-white over transparent no curves 1/8 padding (32/256) 5/32 weight (40/256)

-- most of the style is controlled here local frame_width = 8 -- RobloxRound

-- tags that change text color local ColorTags = { ["h"] =,0.6,1); } MakeGuiObject = { ["tool"] = function(name,text) local button ="TextButton"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.Text = text or button.Text button.Font = config.button_font button.FontSize = config.button_font_size button.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) button.Size =, 0, 1, 0) button.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) return button end; ["field"] = function(name,text) local button ="TextBox"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.Text = text or button.Text button.Font = config.button_font button.FontSize = config.button_font_size button.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) button.Size =, 0, 1, 0) button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 return button end; ["label"] = function(name,text) local button ="TextLabel"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.Text = text or button.Text button.Font = config.button_font button.FontSize = config.button_font_size button.Size =, 0, 1, 0) button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1)

button.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) button.Position =, 0, 3, 0) button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 return button end; ["toggle"] = function(name,value,text) local button ="TextButton"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.Text = text or name or button.Name button.Font = config.button_font button.FontSize = config.button_font_size button.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) button.Selected = value or false button.Size =, 0, 1, 0) button.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) return button end; ["container"] = function(name) local button ="Frame"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.BorderSizePixel = 0 button.Size =, 0, 1, 0) button.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 button.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) return button end; ["title"] = function() local title ="TextLabel"); ADR(button) title.Name = "Title" title.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) title.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3 title.BorderSizePixel = 0 title.Font = config.button_font title.FontSize = config.button_font_size title.TextColor3 =,1,1) title.Size =,0,0,config.control_size) title.Position =,0,0,-config.control_size-frame_widt h) return title end; ["descframe"] = function() local frame ="Frame"); ADR(frame) frame.Name = "Descriptions" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Position =,frame_width+config.control_size+con fig.desc_padding,0,0) return frame end; ["description"] = function() local desc ="TextLabel"); ADR(desc) desc.Name = "Description" desc.Font = config.button_font desc.FontSize = config.button_font_size desc.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) desc.BorderColor3 =, 1, 1)

desc.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) desc.TextTransparency = 1 desc.ZIndex = 2 return desc end; ["paragraph"] = function() local pad ="Frame"); ADR(pad) pad.Name = "Padding" pad.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local para ="TextLabel"); ADR(para) para.Name = "Paragraph" para.BackgroundTransparency = 1 para.Font = config.button_font para.FontSize = config.button_font_size para.TextXAlignment = "Left" para.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) para.TextWrap = true para.Position =,4,0,0) para.Size =,-4,1,0) para.ZIndex = 2 para.Parent = pad return pad,para end; ["controlframe"] = function() local frame ="Frame"); ADR(frame) frame.Name = "Controls" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Position =,frame_width,0,0) frame.Size =,config.control_size,0,config.control_si ze) return frame end; ["controlbutton"] = function(name,image) local button ="ImageButton"); ADR(button) button.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) button.BackgroundTransparency = 0.3 button.BorderSizePixel = 0 button.Name = name or button.Name button.Image = image or "" button.Size =,0,1,0) return button end; ["menubutton"] = function(name,text) local button ="TextButton"); ADR(button) button.Name = name or button.Name button.Text = text or button.Text button.Font = config.button_font button.FontSize = config.button_font_size button.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) button.Size =, config.button_size_x, 0, config.butto n_size_y) button.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton button.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) button.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) local tag ="StringValue"); ADR(tag) tag.Name = "ElementType" tag.Value = "MenuButton" tag.Parent = button return button end;

["menu"] = function(name,x,y) local menu ="Frame"); ADR(menu) menu.Size =, x, 0, y) menu.BackgroundTransparency = 1 menu.Position =, config.menu_indent, 0, 20) menu.Name = name or menu.Name local item ="Frame"); ADR(item) item.Size =, config.button_size_x, 0, config.button_ size_y) item.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) item.BackgroundTransparency = 1 item.Name = "Items" item.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) item.Parent = menu local tag ="StringValue"); ADR(tag) tag.Name = "ElementType" tag.Value = "Menu" tag.Parent = menu return menu end; ["seperator"] = function(y) local sep ="Frame"); ADR(sep) sep.BorderSizePixel = 0 sep.Size =, 0, 0, 7) sep.BorderColor3 =, 0, 0) sep.BackgroundTransparency = 1 sep.Position =, 0, 0, 0) sep.Name = "Seperator" sep.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0) local line ="Frame"); ADR(line) line.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 line.Size =, 8, 0, 1) line.BorderSizePixel = 0 line.Position =, -4, 0.5, 0) line.Name = "Line" line.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) line.Parent = sep local tag ="StringValue"); ADR(tag) tag.Name = "ElementType" tag.Value = "Seperator" tag.Parent = sep return sep end; } ADR(MakeGuiObject) -- handles specific element types found in div local HandleElementType = { [true] = { -- tween ["MenuButton"] = function(element,length) if element.Visible then local abs = element.AbsoluteSize local x = abs.x + element.AbsolutePosition.x element:TweenPosition(,0,0,length),"O ut","Quad",config.tween_speed,true) return abs.y,x end end; ["Menu"] = function(element,length,object) if element.Visible then if element == object then

element.Items.Visible = false end local abs = element.AbsoluteSize local x = abs.x + element.AbsolutePosition.x element:TweenPosition(,config.menu_in dent,0,length),"Out","Quad",config.tween_speed,true,function() element.Items.Visible = true end) return abs.y,x end end; ["Seperator"] = function(element,length) if element.Visible then local abs = element.AbsoluteSize local next = element.Position element:TweenPosition(,0,0,length),"O ut","Quad",config.tween_speed,true) return abs.y,0 end end; }; [false] = { -- no tween ["MenuButton"] = function(element,length) if element.Visible then element.Position =,0,0,length) local abs = element.AbsoluteSize local x = abs.x + element.AbsolutePosition.x return abs.y,x end end; ["Menu"] = function(element,length) if element.Visible then element.Position =,config.menu_inden t,0,length) local abs = element.AbsoluteSize local x = abs.x + element.AbsolutePosition.x return abs.y,x end end; ["Seperator"] = function(element,length) if element.Visible then element.Position =,0,0,length) local abs = element.AbsoluteSize return abs.y,0 end end; }; } ADR(HandleElementType) -makes the frame arrange its contents so that they stack -Notes on menu arrangement: -Content is ordered by child order -So, buttons and menus should be paired up when parented (1=butto n1, 2=menu1, 3=button2, 4=menu2, etc) local function MakeDiv(frame) local children = {} local types = {} local connections = {} local in_con = {}

local function recalculate(object) -- recalculates panel's size if Mode.Enabled then Mode.Enabled = false local width = 0 local length = 0 local tweening = config.tween_panel_enabled and Mode.Div TweenEnabled local handles = HandleElementType[tweening] for i,child in pairs(children) do local l,w = handles[types[child]](child,length,o bject) if l then width = w > width and w or width length = length + l end end if tweening then if #children > 0 then frame:TweenSize(,width - fram e.AbsolutePosition.x+frame_width,0,length+frame_width*2),"Out","Quad",config.twe en_speed,false,function() Mode.Enabled = true end) else frame:TweenSize(,0,0,length), "Out","Quad",config.tween_speed,false,function() Mode.Enabled = true end) end else if #children > 0 then frame.Size =,width - frame.A bsolutePosition.x+frame_width,0,length+frame_width*2) else frame.Size =,0,0,length) end Mode.Enabled = true end end end local function add(object) local type_tag = object:FindFirstChild("ElementType") if type_tag and type_tag.className == "StringValue" then if HandleElementType[config.tween_panel_enabled][type_ta g.Value] then table.insert(children,object) types[object] = type_tag.Value connections[object] = object.Changed:connect(fun ction(p) if not Mode.Enabled and p == "AbsoluteSi ze" or p == "Visible" then recalculate(object) end end) recalculate(object) end end end in_con.add = frame.ChildAdded:connect(add)

in_con.remove = frame.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if types[object] then types[object] = nil if connections[child] then connections[child]:disconnect() connections[child] = nil end for i,v in pairs(children) do if v == child then table.remove(children,i) break end end recalculate() end end) for _,child in pairs(frame:GetChildren()) do add(child) end recalculate() local function dispose() -- undos everything for i,con in pairs(in_con) do con:disconnect() in_con[i] = nil end for i,v in pairs(children) do if connections[v] then connections[v]:disconnect() connections[v] = nil end types[v] = nil children[i] = nil end for i,con in pairs(connections) do con:disconnect() connections[i] = nil end children = nil types = nil connections = nil in_con = nil recalculate = nil add = nil dispose = nil end return dispose end local function MakeStackingList(frame) local children = {} local connections = {} local in_con = {} local function recalculate(object) -- recalculates panel's size local width = 0 local length = 0

for i,child in pairs(children) do if child.Visible then child.Position =,0,0,length) local abs = child.AbsoluteSize local x = abs.x + child.AbsolutePosition.x width = x > width and x or width length = length + abs.y end end if #children > 0 then frame.Size =,width - frame.AbsolutePosition. x,0,length) else frame.Size =,0,0,length) end end local function add(object) if object:IsA"GuiObject" then table.insert(children,object) connections[object] = object.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "AbsoluteSize" or p == "Visible" then recalculate(object) end end) recalculate(object) end end in_con.add = frame.ChildAdded:connect(add) in_con.remove = frame.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child) if connections[child] then connections[child]:disconnect() connections[child] = nil end for i,v in pairs(children) do if v == child then table.remove(children,i) break end end recalculate() end) for _,child in pairs(frame:GetChildren()) do add(child) end recalculate() local function dispose() -- undos everything for i,con in pairs(in_con) do con:disconnect() in_con[i] = nil end for i,v in pairs(children) do if connections[v] then connections[v]:disconnect() connections[v] = nil end children[i] = nil

end for i,con in pairs(connections) do con:disconnect() connections[i] = nil end children = nil connections = nil in_con = nil recalculate = nil add = nil dispose = nil end return dispose end local InitData = { Main = { Tools = {}; Menus = {}; Controls = {}; Commands = {}; }; Plugins = { Tools = {}; Menus = {}; Commands = {}; }; } ADR(InitData) local ColorTags = { ["h"] =,0.6,1); } -- creates a description label for an object local function SetupDescription(button,text) if text and #text > 0 then local desc = MakeGuiObject["description"]() desc.Parent = Screen for line in text:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do local pad,para = MakeGuiObject["paragraph"]() pad.Parent = desc para.Size =,0,0,0) local tag,text = line:match("^{(.+)}(.-)$") if tag then local c = ColorTags[tag:lower()] if c then para.TextColor3 = c end para.Text = text else para.Text = line end local bounds = para.TextBounds local x,y = bounds.x,bounds.y if x > config.desc_width_max then x = config.desc_width_max y = 100*y end x,y = math.ceil(x),math.ceil(y) para.Position =,4,0,2)

para.Size =,x,0,y) local tb = para.TextBounds tb =,math.ceil(tb.y)) para.Size =,tb.x,0,tb.y) pad.Size =,tb.x+8,0,tb.y+4) end desc.Visible = false desc.Name = button.Name.."Description" desc.Parent = DescriptionFrame ADR(MakeStackingList(desc)) ButtonDescription[button] = desc ADR(button.MouseEnter:connect(function() if Mode.HelpModeEnabled then SetDescription(button,true) end end)) ADR(button.MouseLeave:connect(function() if Mode.HelpModeEnabled then SetDescription(button,false) end end)) end end local function SetupToolState(button) ADR(button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if ToolState[button] then DeselectTool(button) else SelectTool(button) end end)) end local function SetupMenuState(menubutton,state) ADR(menubutton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() ToggleMenu(menubutton) end)) end local SetupValueState = { ["field"] = function(button,state,safe) local stype = type(state) local function update(input) button.Text = tostring(input) end if stype == "string" then local vstate = {state,update} ValueState[button] = vstate ADR(button.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" then vstate[1] = button.Text end end)) button.Text = vstate[1] elseif stype == "number" then local vstate = {state,update} ValueState[button] = vstate ADR(button.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" then

local check = tonumber(button.Text) if check then vstate[1] = check else button.Text = vstate[1] end end end)) button.Text = vstate[1] elseif stype == "boolean" then local vstate = {state,update} ValueState[button] = vstate ADR(button.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" then local check = button.Text:lower() if check == "false" or check == "0" then vstate[1] = false elseif check == "true" or check == "1" t hen vstate[1] = true else button.Text = vstate[1] and "tru e" or "false" end end end)) button.Text = state[1] and "true" or "false" elseif stype == "table" then local vstate = {state[1],update} ValueState[button] = vstate local func = state[2] local env = {}; ADR(env,true) for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.Global.Safe) do env[i] = v end if not safe then for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.Global.Uns afe) do env[i] = v end end if safe then setmetatable(env,{__newindex = function(t,k) err or("Cannot set value \""..tostring(k).."\"",2) end}) end setfenv(func,env) local con = button.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" then local e,s,v = pcall(func,button.Text) if e then if s then vstate[1] = v else button.Text = tostring(v state[1]) end else con:disconnect(); RDR(con) vstate[2] = function()end LogError("Field \"",button.Name,

"\" listener: ",s) LogWarning("Disconnected listene r from field \"",button.Name,"\"") end end end) ADR(con) button.Text = tostring(state[1]) end end; ["label"] = function(button,state) local vstate = {state,function(input) button.Text = tostring(input) end} ValueState[button] = vstate ADR(button.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Text" then vstate[1] = button.Text end end)) button.Text = state end; ["toggle"] = function(button,state) local vstate = {state,function(input) if type(input) == "boolean" then vstate[1] = input button.Selected = input end end} ValueState[button] = vstate ADR(button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() local state = not vstate[1] vstate[1] = state button.Selected = state end)) button.Selected = state end; } local MakeButton MakeButton = { ["tool"] = function(info) return MakeGuiObject["tool"](info[1],info[3]) end; ["field"] = function(info) if type(info[3]) == "table" then return MakeGuiObject["field"](info[1],info[3][1]) else return MakeGuiObject["field"](info[1],info[3]) end end; ["label"] = function(info) return MakeGuiObject["label"](info[1],info[3]) end; ["toggle"] = function(info) return MakeGuiObject["toggle"](info[1],info[3],info[4] and tostr ing(info[4]) or info[1]) end; ["container"] = function(info,data,id) local container = MakeGuiObject["container"](info[1])

local n = #info[3] for i,sub in pairs(info[3]) do local button = MakeButton[sub[2]](sub,data,id) SetupDescription(button,data.ButtonDescription[sub[1]]) button.Size =,0,1,0) button.Position =,0,0,0) button.Parent = container if SetupValueState[sub[2]] then SetupValueState[sub[2]](button,sub[3],data.SafeM ode) end id[sub[1]] = button end return container end; } local function PositionButtonsAsGrid(tools,l) local x,y = 0,0 local sx,sy = 0,0 for i=1,#tools do tools[i].Position =,0,y,0) sx = x > sx-1 and x+1 or sx sy = y > sy-1 and y+1 or sy if (i-1)%l+1 == l then x = x + 1 y = 0 else y = y + 1 end end return sx,sy end local InitDataType InitDataType = { ["tool"] = function(data,ref) for i,v in pairs(data.Resources) do if IsContent(v) then ContentProvider:Preload(v) end end local button = MakeGuiObject["tool"](data.Name,data.Text) ToolState[button] = false ToolWarnings[button] = data.Warnings ToolSafeMode[button] = data.SafeMode SetupDescription(button,data.Description) ToolSelectListener[button] = data.SelectListener local env = {}; ADR(env,true) local metadata = { Button = button; ID = data.Name; Resource = data.Resources; Warnings = data.Warnings; Connections = {}; Overlay = {}; Env = env; PreviousTool = nil; } ADR(metatdata)

ToolEnvMetadata[env] = metadata ToolButtonMetadata[button] = metadata if data.BuiltIn then for i,v in pairs(Environment.BuiltIn) do env[i] = v end end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.Global.Safe) do env[i] = v end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.API.Safe) do env[i] = v end if not data.SafeMode then for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.Global.Unsafe) do env[i] = v end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Listener.API.Unsafe) do env[i] = v end end if data.SafeMode then setmetatable(env,restrict_mt) end setfenv(data.SelectListener,env) if data.DeselectListener then ToolDeselectListener[button] = data.DeselectListener setfenv(data.DeselectListener,env) end SetupToolState(button) local key = data.ShortcutKey if key then if Shortcut[key] then LogWarning("Tool \"""\": shortcut k ey \""..key.."\" was already bound") else Shortcut[key] = button end end ref[data.Name] = button return button,metadata end; ["menu"] = function(data,ref) for i,v in pairs(data.Resources) do if IsContent(v) then ContentProvider:Preload(v) end end local id = {} ref[data.Name] = id local menubutton = MakeGuiObject["menubutton"](data.Name.."MenuB utton",data.MenuText) local menu = MakeGuiObject["menu"](data.Name.."Menu",0,0) SetupDescription(menubutton,data.MenuDescription) menu.Visible = false id.MenuButton = menubutton id.Menu = menu local tools = {}; ADR(tools) ToolsFromMenu[menu] = tools local mds = {}

local X,Y = 0,#data.MenuLayout for y,row in pairs(data.MenuLayout) do for x,info in pairs(row) do local button if info[2] == "tool" then local tdata = { Name = info[1]; Type = "tool"; SafeMode = data.SafeMode; BuiltIn = data.BuiltIn; Resources = data.Resources; Text = info[3]; SelectListener = data.SelectList ener[info[1]]; DeselectListener = data.Deselect Listener[info[1]]; Description = data.ButtonDescrip tion[info[1]]; Warnings = data.ToolWarnings[inf o[1]]; ShortcutKey = data.ShortcutKey[i nfo[1]]; } ADR(tdata) button,md = InitDataType["tool"](tdata,i d) table.insert(tools,button) MenuFromTool[button] = menubutton table.insert(mds,md) else button = MakeButton[info[2]](info,data,i d) if SetupValueState[info[2]] then SetupValueState[info[2]](button, info[3],data.SafeMode) end SetupDescription(button,data.ButtonDescr iption[info[1]]) id[info[1]] = button end button.Position =,0,y-1,0) button.Parent = menu.Items X = x > X and x or X end end -- add the list of ids to buttons to each tool's metadata for _,md in pairs(mds) do md.ButtonFromId = id end menu.Size =,X*config.button_size_x,0,Y*config.button _size_y) local state = {false;menu}; ADR(state) MenuState[menubutton] = state SetupMenuState(menubutton) menubutton.Parent = Div menu.Parent = Div end; ["command"] = function(data,ref,doc,help) for i,v in pairs(data.Resources) do if IsContent(v) then

ContentProvider:Preload(v) end end if ref[data.CommandName] then LogError("Command \"",data.CommandName,"\" already exist s") else local env = {}; ADR(env,true) local metadata = { Resource = data.Resources; } ADR(metadata) CommandEnvMetadata[env] = metadata if data.BuiltIn then for i,v in pairs(Environment.BuiltIn) do env[i] = v end end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Command.Global.Safe) do env[i] = v end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Command.API.Safe) do env[i] = v end if not data.SafeMode then for i,v in pairs(Environment.Command.Global.Unsa fe) do env[i] = v end for i,v in pairs(Environment.Command.API.Unsafe) do env[i] = v end end setfenv(data.CommandFunction,env) local h = {name = data.Name} if data.ArgDoc then h.args = table.insert(doc, else h.args = data.CommandName.."( )" table.insert(doc,data.CommandName.."( )") end local d = {} if data.Description then for line in data.Description:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do table.insert(d,line) end end h.desc = d help[data.CommandName] = h help[data.CommandFunction] = h ref[data.CommandName] = data.CommandFunction end end; ["control"] = function(data,ref) for i,v in pairs(data.Resources) do if IsContent(v) then ContentProvider:Preload(v)

end end ContentProvider:Preload(data.ControlIcon) local control = MakeGuiObject["controlbutton"](data.ControlName, data.ControlIcon) for i,v in pairs(data.Resources) do Resource[i] = v end ref[data.Name] = control local listener = data.ControlListener if listener then setfenv(listener,Environment.BuiltIn) control.MouseButton1Click:connect(listener) end SetupDescription(control,data.Description) ControlData[control] = data local key = data.ShortcutKey if key then if Shortcut[key] then LogWarning("Control \"""\": shortcu t key \""..key.."\" was already bound") else Shortcut[key] = control end end return control end; } -- uses element data to generate the panel's meat local function InitializePanel() wait(1) -- give gui time to initialize abs size/pos -- create title Title = MakeGuiObject["title"]() Title.Text = "CmdUtl" Title.Parent = Div -- Change title text based on size; neat! ADR(Title.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "AbsoluteSize" then Title.Text = "Command Utility" if not Title.TextFits then Title.Text = "CmdUtl" end end end)) -- create frame for description DescriptionFrame = MakeGuiObject["descframe"]() DescriptionFrame.Parent = Div -- create control frame if #InitData.Main.Controls > 0 then local controlframe = MakeGuiObject["controlframe"]() for i,data in pairs(InitData.Main.Controls) do local control = InitDataType["control"](data,Control) control.Position =,0,i-1,0) control.Parent = controlframe end controlframe.Parent = Div end -- create menus for main tools for i,data in pairs(InitData.Main.Menus) do

InitDataType["menu"](data,ID) end -- create menu for other tools if #InitData.Main.Tools > 0 then local tools = {}; ADR(tools) local id = {}; ADR(id) ID.Other = id for i,data in pairs(InitData.Main.Tools) do local button = InitDataType["tool"](data,id) table.insert(tools,button) end local sx,sy = PositionButtonsAsGrid(tools,config.tool_menu_lengt h) local menubutton = MakeGuiObject["menubutton"]("OtherMenuButton" ,"Other") local menu = MakeGuiObject["menu"]("OtherMenu",sx*config.button_ size_x,sy*config.button_size_y) SetupDescription(menubutton,"{h}Other Menu\nContains miscellaneo us tools.") menu.Visible = false id.MenuButton = menubutton id.Menu = menu for i,tool in pairs(tools) do tool.Parent = menu.Items MenuFromTool[tool] = menubutton end ToolsFromMenu[menu] = tools local state = {false;menu}; ADR(state) MenuState[menubutton] = state SetupMenuState(menubutton,state) menubutton.Parent = Div menu.Parent = Div end -- create menu for plugin tools if #InitData.Plugins.Tools > 0 then local tools = {}; ADR(tools) local id = {}; ADR(id) ID.PluginTools = id for i,data in pairs(InitData.Plugins.Tools) do local button = InitDataType["tool"](data,id) table.insert(tools,button) end local sx,sy = PositionButtonsAsGrid(tools,config.tool_menu_lengt h) local menubutton = MakeGuiObject["menubutton"]("PluginToolsMenuB utton","Plugins") local menu = MakeGuiObject["menu"]("PluginToolsMenu",sx*config.b utton_size_x,sy*config.button_size_y) SetupDescription(menubutton,"{h}Plugin Menu\nContains tools gene rated by plugins.") menu.Visible = false id.MenuButton = menubutton id.Menu = menu for i,tool in pairs(tools) do tool.Parent = menu.Items MenuFromTool[tool] = menubutton end ToolsFromMenu[menu] = tools local state = {false;menu}; ADR(state) MenuState[menubutton] = state

SetupMenuState(menubutton,state) menubutton.Parent = Div menu.Parent = Div end -- make plugin menus if #InitData.Plugins.Menus > 0 then -- add a seperator local sep = MakeGuiObject["seperator"]() sep.Parent = Div ID.Plugins = {}; ADR(ID.Plugins) -- add the menus for i,data in pairs(InitData.Plugins.Menus) do InitDataType["menu"](data,ID.Plugins) end end -- start div Mode.DivTweenEnabled = false ADR(MakeDiv(Div)) Mode.DivTweenEnabled = true -- start up shortcut keys if config.shortcut_keys_enabled then local go = false for key in pairs(Shortcut) do go = true GuiService:AddKey(key) end if go then ADR(GuiService.KeyPressed:connect(function(key) local button = Shortcut[key] if button then if ToolState[button] ~= nil then if Mode.PanelExpanded then if ToolState[button] the n DeselectTool(but ton) if config.menu_a uto_collapse then ToggleMe nu(MenuFromTool[button],false) end else SelectTool(butto n) ToggleMenu(MenuF romTool[button],ToolState[button]) end end elseif ControlData[button] then ControlData[button].ControlListe ner() end end end)) end end end local CommandShortcuts = { G = game;


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

game:GetService("Workspace"); game:GetService("Players"); game:GetService("Lighting"); game:GetService("Selection"); game:GetService("InsertService"); game:GetService("BadgeService"); game:GetService("CollectionService"); game:GetService("ScriptContext"); game:GetService("ContentProvider"); game:GetService("CoreGui"); game:FindFirstChild("JointsService"); game:GetService("Debris"); game:GetService("StarterPack"); game:GetService("StarterGui"); game:GetService("SoundService"); game:GetService("RunService");

} ADR(CommandShortcuts,true) local function InitializeCommands() local Doc = {}; ADR(Doc) local Help = {}; ADR(Help) Commands["list"] = function() for _,line in pairs(Doc) do print(line) end end; Help["list"] = { name = "ListCommands"; args = "list( )"; desc = {"Shows a list of commands with their possible arguments, along with any shortcut variables."}; } Help[Commands["list"]] = Help["list"] Commands["help"] = function(f) ft = type(f) if ft == "nil" then local ordered = {} for i in pairs(Help) do if type(i) == "string" then table.insert(ordered,i) end end table.sort(ordered) print("---- Type \"help(command)\" for help on that spec ific command.") for i,v in pairs(ordered) do local line = Help[v].desc[1] if line then print(v .. " : " .. line) else print(v) end end else local h = Help[f] if h then if #h.desc > 0 then print("---- Command \"""\" ---------------")

if h.args then print("> "..h.args) end for i,v in pairs(h.desc) do print(v) end else print("No help information was found for \""..f.."\".") end else print("\""..tostring(f).."\" is not a valid comm and.") end end end; Help["help"] = { name = "Help"; args = "help( * command = nil )"; desc = {"Shows help information for a command.";"'command' may b e a string (the command's name), or a function (the command function itself).";" If 'command' is not specified, then a list of possible commands will be displaye d."}; } Help[Commands["help"]] = Help["help"] Commands["close"] = function() DisposeResources() end; Help["close"] = { name = "CloseCmdUtl"; args = "close( )"; desc = {"Closes CmdUtl.";"nMost resources taken up by CmdUtl are released and collected."}; } Help[Commands["help"]] = Help["help"] table.insert(Doc,[[---- Commands ----------------]]) table.insert(Doc,[[list( )]]) table.insert(Doc,[[help( string command = nil )]]) table.insert(Doc,[[close( )]]) for i,v in pairs(CommandShortcuts) do Commands[i] = v end for i,data in pairs(InitData.Main.Commands) do InitDataType["command"](data,Commands,Doc,Help) end for i,data in pairs(InitData.Plugins.Commands) do InitDataType["command"](data,Commands,Doc,Help) end table.insert(Doc,[[---- Shortcut Variables ----------------]]) -- alphabetize shortcut docs local shortcuts = {} for i in pairs(CommandShortcuts) do table.insert(shortcuts,i) end table.sort(shortcuts) for _,i in pairs(shortcuts) do local v = CommandShortcuts[i] table.insert(Doc,i .. " = " .. v.className) end local CommandEnv

local function add() CommandEnv = getfenv(2) for i,v in pairs(Commands) do CommandEnv[i] = v end print [[---- CmdUtl has been loaded -------------------------------]] print [[-- Type "list()" for a list of commands]] print [[-- or "help()" for help on commands]] end local function dispose() if CommandEnv then for i,v in pairs(Commands) do if CommandEnv[i] == v then CommandEnv[i] = nil end Commands[i] = nil end end end ADR(dispose) settings().Diagnostics:LegacyScriptMode() game:GetService("ScriptContext"):SetCollectScriptStats(true) game:GetService("InsertService"):SetFreeModelUrl(" Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?type=fm&q=%s&pg=%d&rs=%d") game:GetService("InsertService"):SetFreeDecalUrl(" Game/Tools/InsertAsset.ashx?type=fd&q=%s&pg=%d&rs=%d") _G.CmdUtl = add = add _G.CloseCmdUtl = function() DisposeResources() end end local AddInitDataType = { ["tool"] = function(data,built_in) if built_in then table.insert(InitData.Main.Tools,data) else table.insert(InitData.Plugins.Tools,data) end end; ["menu"] = function(data,built_in) if built_in then table.insert(InitData.Main.Menus,data) else table.insert(InitData.Plugins.Menus,data) end end; ["control"] = function(data) table.insert(InitData.Main.Controls,data) end; ["command"] = function(data,built_in) if built_in then table.insert(InitData.Main.Commands,data) else table.insert(InitData.Plugins.Commands,data)

end end; } ADR(AddInitDataType) function BuildElement(data,built_in) if not built_in then PluginDataFromName[data.Name] = data PluginResources[data.Name] = data.Resources end for key,value in pairs(data.Resources) do if type(value) == "string" then if IsContent(value) then ContentProvider:Preload(value) end end end AddInitDataType[data.Type](data,built_in) end local HandleButtonInfo local button_type = { ["tool"] = function(value) if type(value) ~= "string" then return false,"must be a string" end return true end; ["field"] = function(value) local vtype = type(value) if vtype ~= "string" and vtype ~= "number" and vtype ~= "boolean " and vtype ~= "table" then return false,"must be a string, number, or boolean" elseif vtype == "table" then if type(value[2]) ~= "function" then return false,"2nd entry in table must be a funct ion" end end return true end; ["label"] = function(value) if type(value) ~= "string" then return false,"must be a string" end return true end; ["toggle"] = function(value) if type(value) ~= "boolean" then return false,"must be a boolean " end return true end; ["container"] = function(value,uids) if type(value) ~= "table" then return false,"must be a table" en d if not IsArray(value) then return false,"must be an array" end for i,button in pairs(value) do local e,o = HandleButtonInfo(button,uids,{"tool";"contai ner"}) if not e then return false,o

end end return true end; } ADR(button_type) HandleButtonInfo = function(button,uids,invalid_types) local id,btype,value = button[1],button[2],button[3] if type(id) ~= "string" then return false,"1st index of button info must be a string (ButtonId)" end if #id == 0 then return false,"ButtonId cannot have 0 characters" end if uids[id] then return false,"Button \"""\" already exists" end if id == "Menu" or id == "MenuButton" then return false,"ButtonId cannot be \"Menu\" or \"MenuButton\"" end if type(btype) ~= "string" then return false,"2nd index of button info \ """\" must be a string (ButtonType)" end button[2] = btype:lower() btype = button[2] invalid_types = invalid_types or {} local type_handle = button_type[btype] if type_handle and not invalid_types[btype] then local e,o = type_handle(value,uids) if e then uids[id] = button return true else return false,"3rd index of button info \"""\" (".. btype.."):[ "..o.." ]" end else return false,"2nd index of button info \"""\" is not a val id button type" end end local EnvMetadata = {}; ADR(EnvMetadata) local function GetSourceMetadata() local env = getfenv(3) local md = EnvMetadata[env] if not md then error("Invalid call",3) end if md.context.Validated then error("Function is no longer active",3) end return md.context, end ---- Source Processing Framework -----------local SourceAPI = {}; ADR(SourceAPI) -contains declarations for processing the element source -comes in two parts: -Main: declares the initial environment that the source will use -Type: declares the environment added by SetPluginType -contexts: contexts that must be present in order to pass validation -data_init: initial data values that should be added when the environment is added -validate: custom validates the data; called by Validate -env: contains the functions that will be added to the source

SourceAPI.Type = { ["tool"] = { contexts = {"ButtonText";"ToolSelect"}; data_init = function() end; validate = function(data) if data.Name == "Menu" or data.Name == "MenuButton" then return false,"Tool cannot have a name of \"Menu\ " or \"MenuButton\"" else return true end end; env = { SetButtonText = function(text) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ButtonText then error("$SetButtonText : Button text has already been set",2) end if type(text) ~= "string" then error("$SetButton Text: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.Text = text context.ButtonText = true end; SetOnSelect = function(listener) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ToolSelect then error("$SetOnSelect: Selection has already been set",2) end if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("$Set OnSelect: 1st argument must be a function",2) end data.SelectListener = listener context.ToolSelect = true end; SetOnDeselect = function(listener) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ToolDeselect then error("$SetOnDesele ct: Deselection has already been set",2) end if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("$Set OnDeselect: 1st argument must be a function",2) end data.DeselectListener = listener context.ToolDeselect = true end; SetDescription = function(desc) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ToolDescription then error("$SetDescr iption: Description has already been set",2) end if type(desc) ~= "string" then error("$SetDescri ption: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.Description = desc context.ToolDescription = true end; SetWarnings = function(warn) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ToolWarnings then error("$SetWarnings : Warnings have already been set",2) end if type(warn) == "string" then warn = {warn} elseif type(warn) == "table" then if not IsArray(warn) then error("$SetWar nings: Table must be an array",2) end for i,v in pairs(warn) do if type(v) ~= "string" then erro

r("$SetWarnings: Table may only contain strings",2) end end else error("$SetWarnings: 1st argument must b e a string or table",2) end data.Warnings = warn context.ToolWarnings = true end; SetShortcutKey = function(key) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ShortcutKey then error("$SetShortcutK ey: Shortcut key has already been set",2) end if type(key) ~= "string" then error("$SetShortcu tKey: 1st argument must be a string",2) end local map = shortcuts[key] if type(map) == "string" and #map == 1 then key = map end if #key == 1 then data.ShortcutKey = key end context.ShortcutKey = true end }; }; ["menu"] = { contexts = {"MenuText";"MenuLayout"}; data_init = function(data) data.SelectListener = {} data.DeselectListener = {} data.ButtonDescription = {} data.ToolWarnings = {} data.ShortcutKey = {} end; validate = function(context,data) local bids = data.ButtonIDs -- check if layout has all needed fields for id,button in pairs(bids) do local btype = button[2] if btype == "tool" then if not data.SelectListener[id] then retu rn false,"Button \"""\" (tool) does not have a tool select listener" end else if data.SelectListener[id] then return f alse,"Button \"""\" ("..btype..") cannot have a tool select listener" end if data.DeselectListener[id] then return false,"Button \"""\" ("..btype..") cannot have a tool deselect listener" end if data.ToolWarnings[id] then return fal se,"Button \"""\" ("..btype..") cannot have tool warnings" end if data.ShortcutKey[id] then return fals e,"Button \"""\" ("..btype..") cannot have a shortcut key" end end end -- check if fields have existing layout for id in pairs(data.SelectListener) do if not bids[id] then return false,"SetOnToolSelect: \""

"\" was not defined in layout" end end for id in pairs(data.DeselectListener) do if not bids[id] then return false,"SetOnToolDeselect: \"" .."\" was not defined in layout" end end for id in pairs(data.ButtonDescription) do if not bids[id] then return false,"SetButtonDescription: \"". .id.."\" was not defined in layout" end end for id in pairs(data.ToolWarnings) do if not bids[id] then return false,"SetToolWarnings: \"" "\" was not defined in layout" end end for id in pairs(data.ShortcutKey) do if not bids[id] then return false,"SetToolShortcutKey: \""..i d.."\" was not defined in layout" end end return true end; env = { SetMenuText = function(text) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.MenuText then error("$SetMenuText: Te xt has already been set",2) end if type(text) ~= "string" then error("$SetMenuTe xt: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.MenuText = text context.MenuText = true end; SetMenuDescription = function(desc) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.MenuDescription then error("$SetMenuD escription: Description has already been set",2) end if type(desc) ~= "string" then error("$SetMenuDe scription: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.MenuDescription = desc context.MenuDescription = true end; SetLayout = function(layout) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.MenuLayout then error("$SetLayout: Me nu layout has already been set",2) end if type(layout) ~= "table" then error("$SetLayou t: 1st argument must be a table",2) end if not IsArray(layout) then error("$SetLayout: L ayout must be an array") end local unique_ids = {} for i,row in pairs(layout) do if type(row) ~= "table" then error("$Set Layout: Layout may only contain tables (rows)",2) end

if not IsArray(row) then error("$SetLayo ut: Row ("..i..") must be an array",2) end for i,button in pairs(row) do local e,o = HandleButtonInfo(but ton,unique_ids) if not e then error("$SetLayout: "..o, 2) end end end data.MenuLayout = layout data.ButtonIDs = unique_ids context.MenuLayout = true end; SetOnSelect = function(id, listener) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(id) ~= "string" then error("$SetOnSelect : 1st argument must be a string",2) end if data.SelectListener[id] then error("$SetOnSel ect: The \"""\" tool's selection has already been set",2) end if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("$Set OnSelect: 2nd argument must be a function",2) end data.SelectListener[id] = listener end; SetOnDeselect = function(id, listener) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(id) ~= "string" then error("$SetOnDesele ct: 1st argument must be a string",2) end if data.DeselectListener[id] then error("$SetOnD eselect: The \"""\" tool's deselection has already been set",2) end if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("$Set OnDeselect: 2nd argument must be a function",2) end data.DeselectListener[id] = listener end; SetButtonDescription = function(id, text) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(id) ~= "string" then error("$SetButtonDe scription: 1st argument must be a string",2) end if data.ButtonDescription[id] then error("$SetBu ttonDescription: The \"""\" button's description has already been set",2) end if type(text) ~= "string" then error("$SetButton Description: 2nd argument must be a string",2) end data.ButtonDescription[id] = text end; SetWarnings = function(id,warn) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(id) ~= "string" then error("$SetWarnings : 1st argument must be a string",2) end if data.ToolWarnings[id] then error("$SetWarning s: The \"""\" tool's warnings have already been set",2) end if type(warn) == "string" then warn = {warn} elseif type(warn) == "table" then if not IsArray(warn) then error("$SetWar nings: Table must be an array",2) end for i,v in pairs(warn) do if type(v) ~= "string" then erro r("$SetWarnings: Table may only contain strings",2) end

end else error("$SetWarnings: 2nd argument must b e a string or table",2) end data.ToolWarnings[id] = warn end; SetShortcutKey = function(id,key) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(id) ~= "string" then error("$SetShortcut Key: 1st argument must be a string",2) end if data.ShortcutKey[id] then error("$SetShortcut Key: The \"""\" tool's shortcut key has already been set",2) end if type(key) ~= "string" then error("$SetShortcu tKey: 2nd argument must be a string",2) end local map = shortcuts[key] if type(map) == "string" and #map == 1 then key = map end if #key == 1 then data.ShortcutKey[id] = key end end; }; }; ["command"] = { contexts = {"CommandName";"CommandFunction"}; data_init = function()end; validate = function() return true end; env = { SetCommandName = function(name) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.CommandName then error("$SetCommandNa me: Command name has already been set",2) end if type(name) ~= "string" then error("$SetComman dName: 1st argument must be a string",2) end if #name == 0 then error("$SetCommandName: 1st a rgument cannot have 0 characters",2) end if not IsVarName(name) then error("$SetCommandNa me: Name must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores, with the first cha racter not being a number") end if #name > 16 then error("$SetCommandName: Name should not contain more than 16 characters",2) end data.CommandName = name context.CommandName = true end; SetFunction = function(func) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.CommandFunction then error("$SetFunct ion: Command function has already been set",2) end if type(func) ~= "function" then error("$SetFunc tion: 1st argument must be a function",2) end data.CommandFunction = func context.CommandFunction = true end; SetDescription = function(desc) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.Description then error("$SetDescripti on: Command description has already been set",2) end if type(desc) ~= "string" then error("$SetDescri

ption: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.Description = desc context.Description = true end; SetArgumentDoc = function(args) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.Arguments then error("$SetArgumentDoc : Argument documentation has already been set",2) end if type(args) ~= "table" then error("$SetArgumen tDoc: 1st argument must be a table",2) end if not IsArray(args) then error("$SetArgumentDoc : Argument doc must be an array",2) end local doc = {} for i,arg in pairs(args) do if type(arg) ~= "table" then error("$Set ArgumentDoc: Argument doc may only contain tables (args)",2) end local atype,name,default = arg[1],arg[2] ,arg[3] if type(atype) ~= "string" then error("$ SetArgumentDoc: 1st entry to Argument must be a string",2) end if #atype == 0 then error("$SetArgumentD oc: 1st entry to Argument cannot have 0 characters",2) end if atype:match("*") then if #atype ~= 1 then error("$SetArgumentDoc: If 1st enty contains \"*\", it must have a length of 1",2) end elseif atype:match("[^%w _]") then error("$SetArgumentDoc: 1st entr y contains invalid characters",2) end if #atype > 32 then error("$SetArgumentD oc: 1st entry to Argument cannot contain more than 32 characters",2) end if type(name) ~= "string" then error("$S etArgumentDoc: 2nd entry to Argument must be a string",2) end if #name == 0 then error("$SetArgumentDo c: 2nd entry to Argument cannot have 0 characters",2) end if not IsVarName(name) then error("$SetA rgumentDoc: 2nd entry to Argument must contain only letters, numbers, and unders cores, with the first character not being a number",2) end if #name > 16 then error("$SetArgumentDo c: 2nd entry to Argument cannot contain more than 16 characters",2) end local d = atype .. " " .. name if default ~= nil then if type(default) ~= "string" the n error("$SetArgumentDoc: 3rd entry to Argument must be a string",2) end if default:match("%c") then erro r("$SetArgumentDoc: 3rd entry to Argument cannot contain non-printable character s",2) end if #default > 64 then error("$Se tArgumentDoc: 3rd entry to Argument cannot contain more than 64 characters",2) e nd d = d .. " = " .. default end table.insert(doc,d) end local final = "( " .. table.concat(doc,", ") .. (#doc > 0 and " " or "") .. ")" data.ArgDoc = final end;

}; }; ["control"] = { contexts = {"ControlName";"ControlIcon"}; data_init = function()end; validate = function(context,data) if data.BuiltIn then return true else return false,"Controls may only be built-in" end end; env = { SetControlName = function(name) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ControlName then error("$SetControlNa me: Control name has already been set",2) end if type(name) ~= "string" then error("$SetContro lName: 1st argument must be a string",2) end if #name == 0 then error("$SetControlName: 1st a rgument cannot have 0 characters",2) end data.ControlName = name context.ControlName = true end; SetDescription = function(desc) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.Description then error("$SetDescripti on: Control description has already been set",2) end if type(desc) ~= "string" then error("$SetDescri ption: 1st argument must be a string",2) end data.Description = desc context.Description = true end; SetIcon = function(icon) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ControlIcon then error("$SetIcon: Con trol icon has already been set",2) end if not IsContent(icon) then error("$SetIcon: 1st argument must be a valid Content string",2) end data.ControlIcon = icon context.ControlIcon = true end; SetOnClick = function(listener) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ControlListener then error("$SetOnCli ck: Control listener has already been set",2) end if type(listener) ~= "function" then error("$Set OnClick: 1st argument must be a function",2) end data.ControlListener = listener context.ControlListener = true end; SetShortcutKey = function(key) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.ShortcutKey then error("$SetShortcutK ey: Shortcut key has already been set",2) end if type(key) ~= "string" then error("$SetShortcu tKey: 1st argument must be a string",2) end local map = shortcuts[key] if type(map) == "string" and #map == 1 then key = map

end if #key == 1 then data.ShortcutKey = key end context.ShortcutKey = true end }; }; } SourceAPI.Main = { contexts = {"PluginName";"PluginType"}; data_init = function(data) data.Name = "<unknown>" data.SafeMode = true; data.Resources = {}; end; validate = function(context,data) if context.Version then -- if plugin has opted in to version con trol, verify plugin version local major,minor,revision,extra = version:match("^(%d+) %.(%d+)%.(%d+)(.-)$") local vmajor,vminor,vrevision,vextra = data.Version:matc h("^(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)(.-)$") if vmajor == major then -- major matches if vminor == minor then -- minor matches; succes s -- revisions do not need checking; they should always be compatible -- extra can be ignored; generally used for beta releases return true elseif vminor < minor then -- minor less th an; incompatible return false,"version "" is not compatible with the current version of CmdUtl ("..version..")" elseif vminor > minor then -- minor greater than; possibly incompatible LogWarning("Plugin \"""\" ( v"") may not be compatible with the current version of CmdUtl (v "..version..")") end elseif vmajor < major then -- major thess than; inc ompatible return false,"version "" is not compatible with the current version of CmdUtl ("..version..")" elseif vmajor > major then -- major greater than; p ossible incompatible LogWarning("Plugin \"""\" (v" .Version..") may not be compatible with the current version of CmdUtl (v"..versi on..")") end end return true end; env = { SetPluginName = function(name) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.PluginName then error("$SetPluginName: Plugin name has already been set",2) end if type(name) ~= "string" then error("$SetPluginName: 1s

t argument must be a string",2) end if #name == 0 then error("$SetPluginName: 1st argument c annot have 0 characters",2) end if not IsVarName(name) then error("$SetPluginName: 1st a rgument may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores, and cannot start wit h a number",2) end if PluginDataFromName[name] then error("$SetPluginName: There is already a plugin with the name of \"""\"",2) end data.Name = name context.PluginName = true end; SetPluginType = function(extype) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.PluginType then error("$SetPluginType: Plugin type has already been set",2) end if type(extype) ~= "string" then error("$SetPluginType: 1st argument must be a string",2) end extype = extype:lower() local ctype = SourceAPI.Type[extype] if not ctype then error("$SetPluginType: "..extype.." is not a valid plugin type",2) end data.Type = extype ctype.data_init(data) local env = getfenv(2) for i,v in pairs(ctype.env) do env[i] = v end context.PluginType = true end; SetPluginSafe = function(safe) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.SafeMode then error("$SetPluginSafe: Safe mod e has already been set",2) end if type(safe) ~= "boolean" then error("$SetPluginSafe: 1 st argument must be a boolean",2) end data.SafeMode = safe if not safe then local env = getfenv(2) setmetatable(env,nil) for i,v in pairs(Environment.Source.Unsafe) do env[i] = v end end context.SafeMode = true end; AddResource = function(key,value) local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if type(key) ~= "string" then error("$AddResource: 1st a rgument must be a string",2) end if data.Resources[key] then error("$AddResource: Index \ ""..key.."\" has already been added",2) end if type(value) == "function" then error("$AddResource: 2 nd argument cannot be a function",2) end if type(value) == "thread" then error("$AddResource: 2nd argument cannot be a thread",2) end if type(value) == "nil" then error("$AddResource: 2nd ar gument cannot be nil",2) end data.Resources[key] = value end; SetVersion = function(vers)

local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() if context.Version then error("$Version: Version has alr eady been set",2) end if type(vers) ~= "string" then error("$Version: 1st argument must be a string o r table",2) end if not vers:match("^%d+%.%d+%.%d+.-$") then error("$Version: \""..vers.."\" is not a valid v ersion number") end data.Version = vers context.Version = true end; Validate = function() local context,data = GetSourceMetadata() for _,key in pairs(SourceAPI.Main.contexts) do if not context[key] then error("$Validate: validation failed (\"" ..tostring(key).."\" was not set)",2) end end local mval = SourceAPI.Main.validate local e,o = mval(context,data) if not e then error("$Validate: "..tostring(o),2) end for _,key in pairs(SourceAPI.Type[data.Type].contexts) d o if not context[key] then error("$Validate: validation failed (\"" ..tostring(key).."\" was not set)",2) end end local tval = SourceAPI.Type[data.Type].validate local e,o = tval(context,data) if not e then error("$Validate: "..tostring(o),2) end context.Validated = true end; }; } -- processes plugin sources and whatnot function ProcessElementSource(init,built_in) local context = {}; ADR(context) -- contains values for controlli ng what functions may and may no longer be called local data = { -- contains the data generated by the source BuiltIn = built_in; } ADR(data) SourceAPI.Main.data_init(data) local env = {}; ADR(env,true) local metadata = { context = context; data = data; } ADR(metadata) EnvMetadata[env] = metadata

for i,v in pairs(Environment.Source.Safe) do env[i] = v end for i,v in pairs(SourceAPI.Main.env) do env[i] = v end if built_in then for i,v in pairs(Environment.BuiltIn) do env[i] = v end end setmetatable(env,restrict_mt) setfenv(init,env) local e,o = pcall(init) if e then if context.Validated then if config.plugin_safe_mode then if data.SafeMode or built_in then -- Built In overrides SafeMode BuildElement(data,built_in) else LogWarning("Plugin:",data.Name," was not loaded because Safe Mode is on") end else BuildElement(data,built_in) end else LogError("Plugin ",data.Name,": plugin was not validated ") end else LogError("Plugin ",data.Name,": "..o) end EnvMetadata[env] = nil end -- attempts to find plugin locations from 'plugins' table local function GetPluginSources() local InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService") for _,id in pairs(plugins) do local children = {} -- gets children from asset or object path if IsPositiveInteger(id) then local asset = InsertService:LoadAsset(id) if asset then children = asset:GetChildren() asset.Parent = nil else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": cannot acce ss asset") end elseif pcall(function() return id:IsA"Instance" end) then -- that type check would be useful children = {id} else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": not an asset id or Object path") end -- if the 1st child is a model; make the children the model's ch

ildren local first = children[1] if first then if first.className == "Model" or first.className == "Bac kpack" then if #children == 1 then local fchildren = first:GetChildren() if #fchildren > 0 then children = fchildren else LogError("plugin source: \"",id, "\": model does not contain any scripts") end else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": mod el contains invalid objects") end end else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": model contains no o bjects") end -- finally process children for _,child in pairs(children) do if child.className == "Script" then if #child:GetChildren() == 0 then local func,msg = loadstring(child.Source ,"") if func then ProcessElementSource(func) else LogError("plugin source: \"",id, "\": syntax error: ",msg) end else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": mod el contains invalid objects") end else LogError("plugin source: \"",id,"\": model conta ins invalid objects") end end end end local HandleConnection local HandleObject local HandleTable local function LimitRecurse(item) if item ~= getfenv() then for i,v in pairs(item) do if type(v) == "table" then LimitRecurse(v) end item[i] = nil end end

end local function LimitedHandle(item) local itype = type(item) if itype == "userdata" then if pcall(function() return item.disconnect end) then -- Conne ction item:disconnect() else -- try Instance pcall(item.Remove,item) end elseif itype == "table" and item ~= getfenv() then -- table for i,v in pairs(item) do item[i] = nil end end end local function GetHandle(item) local itype = type(item) if itype == "userdata" then if pcall(function() return item.GetChildren end) then -- Insta nce return HandleObject elseif pcall(function() return item.disconnect end) then -- Connection return HandleConnection end elseif itype == "table" then -- table return HandleTable end end HandleConnection = function(item) item:disconnect() end HandleObject = function(item) pcall(item.Remove,item) end HandleTable = function(item,dis) if item ~= getfenv() then for i,v in pairs(item) do if type(v) == "function" and dis then v() -- call custom disposal function end local handle = GetHandle(v) if handle then handle(v) end item[i] = nil end end end -- attempts to get rid of everything function DisposeResources() -- deselect tools for button,b in pairs(ToolState) do if b then

DeselectTool(button) end end -- activate disposal management for _,item in pairs( do LimitedHandle(item) end HandleTable(Disposal.normal,true) -- clear out command env if CommandEnv then for i,v in pairs(Commands) do if CommandEnv[i] == v then CommandEnv[i] = nil end end end _G.CmdUtl = nil = nil _G.CloseCmdUtl = nil -- clear out top env local env = getfenv() for i in pairs(env) do env[i] = nil end -- attempt to collect garbage pcall(collectgarbage) -- all done! print("CmdUtl removed") end ---- Generate built-in goods ------------- controls ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Expand") SetPluginType("control") SetControlName("ExpandButton") SetDescription("{h}Show/Hide Panel\nShows or hides the Utility Panel.") SetIcon("") AddResource("collapse_icon","") AddResource("expand_icon","") SetShortcutKey("Control.Expand") SetOnClick(function() if Mode.Enabled then Mode.Enabled = false Mode.PanelExpanded = not Mode.PanelExpanded for _,desc in pairs(ButtonDescription) do desc.Visible = false end for button,b in pairs(ToolState) do if b then DeselectTool(button) end end if Mode.PanelExpanded then if config.tween_panel_enabled then Panel:TweenPosition(,0,0.05,0 ),"Out","Quad",config.tween_speed,true,function() Control.Expand.Image = Resource. collapse_icon

Mode.Enabled = true end) else Control.Expand.Image = Resource.collapse _icon Panel.Position =,0,0.05,0) Mode.Enabled = true end else if config.tween_panel_enabled then Panel:TweenPosition(,-Div.Abs oluteSize.x,0.05,0),"Out","Quad",config.tween_speed,true,function() Control.Expand.Image = Resource. expand_icon Mode.Enabled = true end) else Panel.Position =,-Div.Absolu teSize.x,0.05,0) Control.Expand.Image = Resource.expand_i con Mode.Enabled = true end end end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Help") SetPluginType("control") SetControlName("HelpButton") SetDescription("{h}Help\nToggles Help Mode.\nIf Help Mode is on, descrip tions will be displayed when a button is hovered over.") SetIcon("") SetShortcutKey("Control.Help") SetOnClick(function() for _,desc in pairs(ButtonDescription) do desc.Visible = false end if Mode.HelpModeEnabled then Control.Help.BackgroundColor3 = Resource.control_color Mode.HelpModeEnabled = false else Control.Help.BackgroundColor3 = Resource.control_selecte d_color Mode.HelpModeEnabled = true end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Close") SetPluginType("control") SetControlName("CloseButton") SetDescription("{h}Close\nCloses CmdUtl.\nThis includes the Utility Pane l and Command functions.\nMost resources taken up by CmdUtl are released and col lected.")

SetIcon("") SetOnClick(function() DisposeResources() end) Validate() end,true) -- tools and menus ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Move") SetPluginType("menu") SetMenuText("Movement") SetMenuDescription("{h}Movement Menu\nContains tools for moving parts ar ound.") AddResource("HandleColor","Br. yellowish orange")) AddResource("SnapSound","rbxasset://Sounds/snap.wav") SetLayout{ { -- row 1 {"Inc","field",1}; {"AxisSnap","container",{ {"XButton","toggle",true,"X"}; {"YButton","toggle",true,"Y"}; {"ZButton","toggle",true,"Z"}; }} -- row 2 {"AxisButton","tool","Axis"}; {"AxisSnapButton","tool","Snap"}; -- row 3 {"FirstButton","tool","First"}; {"FirstSnapButton","tool","Snap"}; -- row 4 {"ObjectButton","tool","Object"}; {"Delta","label","0"};

}; { }; { }; { }; }

SetButtonDescription("AxisButton","{h}Move on Axis\nThis tool moves part s on the world axis.\nWhen selected, axis-aligned Handles will appear around all selected parts. When dragged, all the parts will move on the world axis.\nWhen dragging, parts will be snapped by the current Movement Increment.") SetButtonDescription("AxisSnapButton","{h}Snap on Axis\nThis tool rounds the position of all selected parts to the nearest Movement Increment. This tool depends on the Axis Lock toggle buttons.\nFor example, if a part has a position of (2.6, 3.4, 3.8), and the Movement Increment were 2, it would get snapped to (2, 4, 4). If the Y Axis Lock was deselected, it would be round to (2, 3.4, 4), ignoring the Y axis.") SetButtonDescription("FirstButton","{h}Move by First\nThis tool moves pa rts based on the rotation of one part.\nWhen selected, part-aligned Handles will appear around the first selected part. When dragged, the first part will move i n the direction of its rotation, and all other parts will move relative to it.\n For example, if the first part faced upward and to the left, not only would it b e dragged upward and left, but so would every other part.") SetButtonDescription("FirstSnapButton","{h}Snap by First\nThis tool is v ery similar to the Snap on Axis tool. The only difference is that only the first selection gets snapped. The rest of the selection is moved relative to that par t.")

SetButtonDescription("ObjectButton","{h}Move by Object\nThis tool moves parts in the direction of their rotation. When selected, part-aligned Handles wi ll appear around the first selection. When dragged, every part will move based o nly on it's own rotation, independant of any other part.") SetButtonDescription("Inc","{h}Movement Increment\nThis number defines h ow many studs to snap by when moving parts. For example, if it were 3, parts wou ld move every 3 studs.\nIt is used to tell what to round a part's position by wh en using a snap tool. For example, if it were 3, a part's position would round t o the nearest 3rd.") SetButtonDescription("XButton","{h}X Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the X axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the X axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the X axis." ) SetButtonDescription("YButton","{h}Y Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Y axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the Y axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Y axis." ) SetButtonDescription("ZButton","{h}Z Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Z axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the Z axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Z axis." ) SetButtonDescription("Delta","{h}Movement Delta\nThis number displays th e distance that parts have been dragged, in studs.") SetWarnings("AxisButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("AxisSnapButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("FirstButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("FirstSnapButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("ObjectButton","No parts selected") SetShortcutKey("AxisButton","Move.Axis") SetShortcutKey("AxisSnapButton","Move.AxisSnap") SetShortcutKey("FirstButton","Move.First") SetShortcutKey("FirstSnapButton","Move.FirstSnap") SetShortcutKey("ObjectButton","Move.Object") local facevector = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] k); [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bot tom); [Enum.NormalId.Front] nt); [Enum.NormalId.Left] t); [Enum.NormalId.Right] ht); [Enum.NormalId.Top] alId.Top); } SetOnSelect("AxisButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then OverlayHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayHandles.Visible = true WrapOverlay(selection,true) local origin = {} local ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.Norm = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Rig = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Lef = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Fro = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bac

Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(face) inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = part.CFrame end ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseDrag,function(face,distance) local rdis = Round(distance,inc) local pos = facevector[face]*rdis for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = cframe + pos end SetOverlayCFrame(ocf+pos) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("AxisSnapButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local incx = GetButtonValue("XButton") and inc or 0 local incy = GetButtonValue("YButton") and inc or 0 local incz = GetButtonValue("ZButton") and inc or 0 for _,part in pairs(selection) do local pos = part.CFrame.p part.CFrame = (part.CFrame-pos) + und(pos.x,incx),Round(pos.y,incy),Round(pos.z,incz)) end PlaySound("SnapSound") SelectPreviousTool() else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("FirstButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then OverlayHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayHandles.Visible = true local center = selection[1] WrapOverlay(center) local origin = {} local corigin = center.CFrame local ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(face) inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") corigin = center.CFrame for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = corigin:toObjectSpace(par t.CFrame) end ocf = corigin:toObjectSpace(GetOverlayCFrame()) SetButtonValue("Delta",0)

end) Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseDrag,function(face,distance) local rdis = Round(distance,inc) local cf = corigin *[face] *rdis) for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = cf:toWorldSpace(cframe) end SetOverlayCFrame(cf:toWorldSpace(ocf)) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("FirstSnapButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local pos = corigin.p local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local incx = GetButtonValue("XButton") and inc or 0 local incy = GetButtonValue("YButton") and inc or 0 local incz = GetButtonValue("ZButton") and inc or 0 local new = (corigin-pos) +,incx ),Round(pos.y,incy),Round(pos.z,incz)) for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin:toObjectS pace(part.CFrame)) end PlaySound("SnapSound") SelectPreviousTool() else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("ObjectButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then OverlayHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayHandles.Visible = true WrapOverlay(selection[1]) local origin = {} local ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(face) inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = part.CFrame end ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseDrag,function(face,distance) local rdis = Round(distance,inc) local cf =[face]*rdis) for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = cframe * cf end

SetOverlayCFrame(ocf*cf) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Rotate") SetPluginType("menu") SetMenuText("Rotation") SetMenuDescription("{h}Rotation Menu\nContains tools for rotating parts. ") AddResource("HandleColor","Bright green")) AddResource("SnapSound","rbxasset://Sounds/snap.wav") SetLayout{ { -- row 1 {"Inc","field",45}; {"RotateSnap","container",{ {"XButton","toggle",true,"X"}; {"YButton","toggle",true,"Y"}; {"ZButton","toggle",true,"Z"}; }} -- row 2 {"ObjectButton","tool","Object"}; {"ObjectSnapButton","tool","Snap"}; -- row 3 {"PivotButton","tool","Pivot"}; {"PivotSnapButton","tool","Snap"}; -- row 4 {"GroupButton","tool","Group"}; {"Delta","label","0"};

}; { }; { }; { }; }

SetButtonDescription("ObjectButton","{h}Rotate by Object\nThis tool rota tes parts. When selected, ArcHandles will appear around the first selected part. When dragged, each selected part will rotate around it's own center, independan t of any other part.\nThe angle of each part will be snapped by the Rotation Inc rement.") SetButtonDescription("ObjectSnapButton","{h}Snap Angle by Object\nThis t ool rounds the angle of all selected parts to the nearest Rotation Increment.\nF or example, if a part had one axis rotated by 80 degrees, and the Rotation Incre ment was 45, that axis would be rounded to 90 degrees.\nThis tool depends on the Axis Lock toggle buttons. For example, If the X Axis Lock was deselected, only the Y and Z axes would be rounded.") SetButtonDescription("PivotButton","{h}Rotate by First\nThis tool rotate s parts around one part.\nWhen selected, ArcHandles will appear around the first selected part. When dragged, the first part will be rotated, and the rest of th e selected will keep their relative positions and rotations to it.") SetButtonDescription("PivotSnapButton","{h}Snap Angle by First\nThis too

l is very similar to the Snap Angle by Object tool. The difference is that only the first selected part is snapped, and the rest of the selection is moved relat ive to it.") SetButtonDescription("GroupButton","{h}Rotate as Group\nThis tool rotate s parts as a group, around the center of the group.\nWhen selected, ArcHandles w ill appear around all selected parts. When dragged, these parts will be rotated around the center of the group.\nNote that the rotation of the ArcHandles resets every time you select the tool.") SetButtonDescription("Inc","{h}Rotation Increment\nThis number defines h ow many degrees to snap an angle by when rotating parts. For example, if it were 45, parts would rotate every 45 degrees\nIt is also used to tell what to round a part's rotation by when using a snap tool. For example, if it were 45, a part' s position would round to the nearest 45th degree.") SetButtonDescription("XButton","{h}X Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the X axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the X axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the X axis." ) SetButtonDescription("YButton","{h}Y Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Y axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the Y axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Y axis." ) SetButtonDescription("ZButton","{h}Z Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Z axis will be considered when using a snap tool. If selected, parts wil l be snapped on the Z axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Z axis." ) SetButtonDescription("Delta","{h}Rotation Delta\nThis number displays th e anglular distance that parts have been dragged, in degrees.") SetWarnings("ObjectButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("ObjectSnapButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("PivotButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("PivotSnapButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("GroupButton","No parts selected") SetShortcutKey("ObjectButton","Rotate.Object") SetShortcutKey("ObjectSnapButton","Rotate.ObjectSnap") SetShortcutKey("PivotButton","Rotate.Pivot") SetShortcutKey("PivotSnapButton","Rotate.PivotSnap") SetShortcutKey("GroupButton","Rotate.Group") local axisnum = { [Enum.Axis.X] = 1; [Enum.Axis.Y] = 2; [Enum.Axis.Z] = 3; } SetOnSelect("ObjectButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then OverlayArcHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayArcHandles.Visible = true WrapOverlay(selection[1]) local origin = {} local ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(axis ) for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = part.CFrame end

ocf = GetOverlayCFrame() inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseDrag,function(axis,angle) local rdis = Round(math.deg(angle),inc) local input = {0;0;0} input[axisnum[axis]] = math.rad(rdis) local new = CFrame.Angles(unpack(input)) for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = cframe * new end SetOverlayCFrame(ocf * new) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("ObjectSnapButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local incx = GetButtonValue("XButton") and inc or 0 local incy = GetButtonValue("YButton") and inc or 0 local incz = GetButtonValue("ZButton") and inc or 0 if inc >= 360 then for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame = end elseif inc ~= 0 then for _,part in pairs(selection) do local x,y,z = part.CFrame:toEulerAnglesX YZ() part.CFrame = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(Round(math.deg(x),incx) ), math.rad(Round(math.deg(y),incy) ), math.rad(Round(math.deg(z),incz) ) ) + part.CFrame.p end end PlaySound("SnapSound") SelectPreviousTool() else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("PivotButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then OverlayArcHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayArcHandles.Visible = true local center = selection[1] WrapOverlay(center) local origin = {} local corigin = center.CFrame

local ocf = corigin:toObjectSpace(GetOverlayCFrame()) local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(axis ) corigin = center.CFrame for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = corigin:toObjectSpace(par t.CFrame) end ocf = corigin:toObjectSpace(GetOverlayCFrame()) inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseDrag,function(axis,angle) local rdis = Round(math.deg(angle),inc) local input = {0;0;0} input[axisnum[axis]] = math.rad(rdis) local new = corigin * CFrame.Angles(unpack(input )) for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(cframe) end SetOverlayCFrame(new:toWorldSpace(ocf)) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("PivotSnapButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local x,y,z = corigin:toEulerAnglesXYZ() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local incx = GetButtonValue("XButton") and inc or 0 local incy = GetButtonValue("YButton") and inc or 0 local incz = GetButtonValue("ZButton") and inc or 0 local new = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(Round(math.deg(x),incx)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(y),incy)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(z),incz)) ) + corigin.p for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin:toObjectS pace(part.CFrame)) end PlaySound("SnapSound") SelectPreviousTool() else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("GroupButton",function() local selection,bbsize,bbpos = GetSelectionBoundingBox() if #selection > 0 then OverlayArcHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayArcHandles.Visible = true SetOverlay(bbsize,

local origin = {} local corigin = GetOverlayCFrame() local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(axis ) corigin = GetOverlayCFrame() for _,part in pairs(selection) do origin[part] = corigin:toObjectSpace(par t.CFrame) end inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayArcHandles.MouseDrag,function(axis,angle) local rdis = Round(math.deg(angle),inc) local input = {0;0;0} input[axisnum[axis]] = math.rad(rdis) local new = corigin * CFrame.Angles(unpack(input )) for part,cframe in pairs(origin) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(cframe) end SetOverlayCFrame(new) SetButtonValue("Delta",Round(math.abs(rdis),0.00 001)) end) else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Resize") SetPluginType("menu") SetMenuText("Resizing") SetMenuDescription("{h}Resizing Menu\nContains tools for resizing parts. ") AddResource("HandleColor","Cyan")) AddResource("SnapSound","rbxasset://Sounds/snap.wav") SetLayout{ { -- row 1 {"Inc","field",1}; {"ResizeSnap","container",{ {"XButton","toggle",true,"X"}; {"YButton","toggle",true,"Y"}; {"ZButton","toggle",true,"Z"}; }} -- row 2 {"ObjectButton","tool","Object"}; {"ObjectSnapButton","tool","Snap"}; -- row 3 {"CenterButton","tool","Center"}; {"Delta","label","0"};

}; { }; { };

} SetButtonDescription("ObjectButton","{h}Resize by Object\nThis tool resi zes parts. When selected, Handles will appear around the first selected part. Wh en dragged, each selected part will be resized accordingly.\nThe amount a part i s snapped is described in the description of the Resize Increment.\nRemember tha t multiple selected parts can have different FormFactors. All parts will be resi zed depending only on their own FormFactor.") SetButtonDescription("ObjectSnapButton","{h}Snap Size by Object\nThis to ol rounds the size of all selected parts. Unlike the other tools, this tool only rounds the size of each selected part to the nearest Resize Increment.\nThis to ol depends on the Axis Lock toggle buttons. For example, If the X Axis Lock was deselected, only the Y and Z axes would be rounded.") SetButtonDescription("CenterButton","{h}Resize from Center\nThis tool is is similar to the Resize by Object tool. The difference is that it resizes each part from the center of that part, instead of from the face.") SetButtonDescription("Inc","{h}Resize Increment\nThis number defines how many studs to snap by when resizing parts. How much a part is snapped is an amo unt depending on the part's FormFactor, multiplied by the Resize Increment.\nFor example, if the Resize Increment were 2, and you were to resize the top face of a part with the Brick FormFactor (1.2), the part would be snapped every 2.4 stu ds.\nIf the FormFactor is Custom, this is ignored, and it is simply snapped by t he Resize Increment.") SetButtonDescription("XButton","{h}X Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the X axis will be considered when snapping. If selected, parts will be snap ped on the X axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the X axis.") SetButtonDescription("YButton","{h}Y Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Y axis will be considered when snapping. If selected, parts will be snap ped on the Y axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Y axis.") SetButtonDescription("ZButton","{h}Z Axis Lock\nThis button toggles whet her the Z axis will be considered when snapping. If selected, parts will be snap ped on the Z axis. If not selected, snapping is ignored on the Z axis.") SetButtonDescription("Delta","{h}Resize Delta\nThis number displays the size distance a part has been dragged, in studs.") SetWarnings("ObjectButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("ObjectSnapButton","No parts selected") SetWarnings("CenterButton","No parts selected") SetShortcutKey("ObjectButton","Resize.Object") SetShortcutKey("ObjectSnapButton","Resize.ObjectSnap") SetShortcutKey("CenterButton","Resize.Center") local facevector = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] k); [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bot tom); [Enum.NormalId.Front] nt); [Enum.NormalId.Left] t); [Enum.NormalId.Right] ht); [Enum.NormalId.Top] alId.Top); } local facemult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] = 1; [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] = -1; = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.Norm = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Rig = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Lef = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Fro = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bac

[Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } local facesize = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] }

= -1; = -1; = 1; = 1; = = = = = "z"; "y"; "z"; "x"; "x"; = "y";

local FFXZ = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local FFY = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local formfactormult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } = = = = = FFXZ; FFY; FFXZ; FFXZ; FFXZ;

= = = =

1; 1; 1; 0.2; = 2;

= = = =

1; 1.2; 0.4; 0.2; = 2;

= FFY;

local function GetFormFactor(object) if object:IsA"FormFactorPart" then return object.formFactor elseif object:IsA"TrussPart" then return "TrussPart" else return Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric end end SetOnSelect("ObjectButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local first = selection[1] OverlayHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayHandles.Visible = true WrapOverlay(first) local origin = {} Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(face) for _,part in pairs(selection) do local ff = GetFormFactor(part)

origin[part] = {part.CFrame,part.Size,ff ,formfactormult[face][ff]} end SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseDrag,function(face,distance) local fm,fs = facemult[face],facesize[face] local dis = distance*fm local fvec = facevector[face] local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local cinc = inc if inc == 0 then inc = 1 else inc = Round(inc,1) end for part,info in pairs(origin) do local sz,ff,ffm = info[2],info[3],info[4 ] local mult if ff == Enum.FormFactor.Custom then mult = Round(dis,cinc) else mult = Round(dis,inc*ffm) end local mod = fvec*mult local fsize = sz[fs] mod = fsize + mult*fm < ffm and fvec*((f fm-fsize)*fm) or mod part.Size = sz + mod part.CFrame = info[1] **f m/2) if part == first then SetButtonValue("De lta",Round(mod.magnitude,0.00001)) end end SetOverlay(first.Size,first.CFrame) end) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("ObjectSnapButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local incx = GetButtonValue("XButton") and inc or 0 local incy = GetButtonValue("YButton") and inc or 0 local incz = GetButtonValue("ZButton") and inc or 0 for _,part in pairs(selection) do local cf = part.CFrame part.Size = Round(part.Size.x,incx), Round(part.Size.y,incy), Round(part.Size.z,incz) ) part.CFrame = cf end PlaySound("SnapSound") SelectPreviousTool() else

SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("CenterButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local first = selection[1] OverlayHandles.Color = Resource("HandleColor") OverlayHandles.Visible = true WrapOverlay(first) local origin = {} Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseButton1Down,function(face) for _,part in pairs(selection) do local ff = GetFormFactor(part) origin[part] = {part.CFrame,part.Size,ff ,formfactormult[face][ff]} end SetButtonValue("Delta",0) end) Connect(OverlayHandles.MouseDrag,function(face,distance) local fm,fs = facemult[face],facesize[face] local dis = distance*2*fm local fvec = facevector[face] local inc = GetButtonValue("Inc") local cinc = inc if inc == 0 then inc = 1 else inc = Round(inc,1) end for part,info in pairs(origin) do local sz,ff,ffm = info[2],info[3],info[4 ] local mult if ff == Enum.FormFactor.Custom then mult = Round(dis,cinc) else mult = Round(dis,inc*ffm) end local mod = fvec*mult local fsize = sz[fs] mod = fsize + mult*fm < ffm and fvec*((f fm-fsize)*fm) or mod part.Size = sz + mod part.CFrame = info[1] if part == first then SetButtonValue("De lta",Round(mod.magnitude,0.00001)) end end SetOverlay(first.Size,first.CFrame) end) else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Weld") SetPluginType("menu")

SetMenuText("Welding") SetMenuDescription("{h}Welding Menu\nContains tools for handling welds." ) AddResource("JoinSound","rbxasset://Sounds/splat.wav") AddResource("BreakSound","rbxasset://Sounds/snap.wav") -- row 1 {"Type","field",{"Motor6D"; function(text) local e,o = pcall(,text) check by attempting to create an instance of the classname if e and o and o:IsA"JointInstance" then only instancable JointInstances are valid return true,o.className success; set value to className else if invalid return false fail; use previous value end end}; }; }; { -- row 2 {"JoinButton","tool","Join"}; }; { -- row 3 {"BreakButton","tool","Break"}; }; } SetLayout{ {


SetButtonDescription("JoinButton","{h}Join Objects\nWhen this tool is se lected, the first selected part is weld to each remaining selected part with a j oint of the current Weld Type.\nThe relative positions between each object are m aintained.\nThe resulting joint object is placed under the first selected part." ) SetButtonDescription("BreakButton","{h}Break Objects\nWhen this tool is selected, one of two things will happen, depending on how many parts are selecte d.\nIf multiple parts are selected, then any joints of any involved parts, and o f the current Weld Type, are removed. That is, if a joint in the first selection is joined with another selected part, that joint is removed.\nIn other words, a reverse of the Join Button occurs.\nIf only one part is selected, then the last weld found, of the current Weld Type, is removed from that part.") SetButtonDescription("Type","{h}Weld Type\nThis defines what kind of wel d to use when joining or breaking.\nThe only valid classes are those that inheri t from the JointInstance class, and are instancable.") SetWarnings("JoinButton",{"No parts selected","Not enough valid selectio ns"}) SetWarnings("BreakButton","No parts selected") SetShortcutKey("JoinButton","Weld.Join") SetShortcutKey("BreakButton","Weld.Break") SetOnSelect("JoinButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local x = table.remove(selection,1)

local c = local xcf = x.CFrame:toObjectSpace(c) local type = GetButtonValue("Type") for _,y in pairs(selection) do local w = w.Part0 = x w.Part1 = y w.C0 = xcf w.C1 = y.CFrame:toObjectSpace(c) w.Parent = x end PlaySound("JoinSound") Deselect() elseif #selection > 0 then SetWarning(2) else SetWarning() end end) SetOnSelect("BreakButton",function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local part = table.remove(selection,1) local type = GetButtonValue("Type") local joints = {} for _,joint in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do if joint.className == type then table.insert(joints,joint) end end if #selection > 0 then local joined = {} for i,v in pairs(selection) do joined[v] = true end for _,joint in pairs(joints) do if joined[joint.Part1] then joint:Remove() end end else local joint = joints[#joints] if joint then joint:Remove() end end PlaySound("BreakSound") Deselect() else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Scale") SetPluginType("menu") SetMenuText("Scaling") SetMenuDescription("{h}Scaling Menu\nContains tools for scaling objects.

") AddResource("ScaleSound","rbxasset://Sounds/electronicpingshort.wav") SetLayout{ { }; { }; } SetButtonDescription("ScaleButton","{h}Scale Objects\nThis tool scales a group of objects up or down.\nWhen selected, a copy of the selection is made, w hich is scaled depending o the Scale Factor.\nTo keep relative sizes, parts have their FormFactor automatically converted to Custom. Note that parts that do not inherit from the FormFactorPart class cannot be converted, so they may not scal e properly.\nAs well as parts, a few other things are scaled:\n- A mesh's Offset \n- A SpecialMesh's Scale\n- A BevelMesh's Bevel\n- A Texture's StudsPerTile(U/V )\nNote that the selection must contain parts in order to be scaled.") SetButtonDescription("Factor","{h}Scale Factor\nThis is the factor that the selection will be scaled by. For example, a factor of 2 produces a copy twic e the size, while a factor of 0.5 produces a copy half the size.") SetWarnings("ScaleButton","No parts selected") SetShortcutKey("ScaleButton","Scale.Scale") SetOnSelect("ScaleButton",function() local function RecurseScale(object,scale,center) if object:IsA"BasePart" then if object:IsA"FormFactorPart" then object.formFactor = "Custom" end local cf = center:toObjectSpace(object.CFrame) object.Size = object.Size*scale object.CFrame = center:toWorldSpace(cf + cf.p * (scale - 1)) elseif object:IsA"DataModelMesh" then object.Offset = object.Offset * scale if object:IsA"FileMesh" then if object:IsA"SpecialMesh" then if object.MeshType == Enum.MeshT ype.FileMesh then object.Scale = object.Sc ale * scale end else object.Scale = object.Scale * sc ale end elseif object:IsA"BevelMesh" then object.Bevel = object.Bevel * scale end elseif object:IsA"Texture" then object.StudsPerTileU = object.StudsPerTileU * sc ale object.StudsPerTileV = object.StudsPerTileV * sc ale -- row 1 {"Factor","field",0.5}; -- row 2 {"ScaleButton","tool","Scale"};

end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do RecurseScale(child,scale,center) end end local selection = GetSelection() local parts = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #parts > 0 then local center = local scale = GetButtonValue("Factor") local model ="Model",workspace) model.Name = "ScaledModel" for _,object in pairs(selection) do local new = object:Clone() RecurseScale(new,scale,center) new.Parent = model end PlaySound("ScaleSound") Deselect() else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) -- other menu ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("DeleteButton") SetPluginType("tool") SetButtonText("Delete") SetDescription("{h}Delete Selection\nDeletes the entire selection.\nThe idea is that deleting doesn't work outside of Studio Mode.") AddResource("DeleteSound","rbxasset://Sounds/pageturn.wav") SetShortcutKey("Other.Delete") SetOnSelect(function() local selection = GetSelection() if #selection > 0 then for i,object in pairs(selection) do object:Remove() end PlaySound("DeleteSound") end Deselect() end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SlopeButton") SetPluginType("tool") SetButtonText("Slope") SetDescription("{h}Slope Objects\nWhen this tool is selected, the first and second selected parts are used as points. The rest of the selection will be rotated to the slope between those two points. Their positions remain the same." ) SetWarnings{"Invalid 1st selection";"Invalid 2nd selection";"Not enough

valid selections"} AddResource("SlopeSound","rbxasset://Sounds/electronicpingshort.wav") SetShortcutKey("Other.Slope") SetOnSelect(function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 2 then local p1 = table.remove(selection,2) local p0 = table.remove(selection,1) for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame =,part.CFra me.p+(p1.CFrame.p-p0.CFrame.p)) end PlaySound("SlopeSound") Deselect() elseif #selection > 1 then SetWarning(3) elseif #selection > 0 then SetWarning(2) else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("MidpointButton") SetPluginType("tool") SetButtonText("Midpoint") SetDescription("{h}Move to Midpoint\nWhen this tool is selected, the fir st selected part will be moved to the center of the rest of the selection.") SetWarnings{"No parts selected";"Not enough valid selections"} AddResource("MidpointSound","rbxasset://Sounds/electronicpingshort.wav") SetShortcutKey("Other.Midpoint") SetOnSelect(function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local center = table.remove(selection,1) center.CFrame = (center.CFrame-center.CFrame.p) + GetMid point(selection) PlaySound("MidpointSound") Deselect() elseif #selection > 0 then SetWarning(2) else SetWarning() end end) Validate() end,true) -- commands ProcessElementSource(function()

SetPluginName("GetSelection") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("get") SetFunction( function() return GetSelection() end ) SetDescription("Returns the current selection.") Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SetSelection") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("set") SetFunction( function(objects) SetSelection(objects or {}) end ) SetDescription("Sets the current selection.\n'objects' should be a table that contains Instances. If 'object' is not specified, the selection will be se t to nothing.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"table";"objects";"{}"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("PropertySet") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("pset") SetFunction( function(property,value,selection) if type(property) ~= "string" then error("1st argument n eeds a string",0) end local function precurse(object,property,value,out) local e,o = pcall(function() return object[prope rty] == value end) if e and o then table.insert(out,object) end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do precurse(child,property,value,out) end end local out = {} if selection then for _,object in pairs(GetSelection()) do precurse(object,property,value,out)

end else precurse(game,property,value,out) end SetSelection(out) return out end ) SetDescription("Recurses through the game and selects Instances with spe cified properties.\nObjects whose 'property' has a value of 'value' are selected .\nIf the optional 'selection' argument is true, this function will recurse thro ugh the current selection instead.\nThis function will also return the resulting selection.\nThis function does not select objects that are not part of the game hierarchy.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"property"}; {"*";"value"}; {"bool";"selection";"false"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("ClassSet") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("cset") SetFunction( function(class_name,selection) if type(class_name) ~= "string" then error("1st argument needs a string",0) end local function crecurse(object,class_name,out) if object:IsA(class_name) then table.insert(out,object) end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do crecurse(child,class_name,out) end end local out = {} if selection then for _,object in pairs(GetSelection()) do crecurse(object,class_name,out) end else crecurse(game,class_name,out) end SetSelection(out) return out end ) SetDescription("Recurses through the game and selects Instances that inh erit from a specified class.\nObjects that inherit from 'class_name' are selecte d.\nIf the optional 'selection' argument is true, this function will recurse thr ough the current selection instead.\nThis function will also return the resultin g selection.\nThis function does not select objects that are not part of the gam e hierarchy.")

SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"class_name"}; {"bool";"selection";"false"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("FunctionSet") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("fset") SetFunction( function(check,selection) if type(check) ~= "function" then error("1st argument ne eds a function",0) end local function frecurse(object,check,out) if check(object) then table.insert(out,object) end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do frecurse(child,check,out) end end local out = {} if selection then for _,object in pairs(GetSelection()) do frecurse(object,check,out) end else frecurse(game,check,out) end SetSelection(out) return out end ) SetDescription("Recurses through the game and selects Instances that pas s a specified test.\nAny instance to which 'check' returns true are selected.\n' check' receives an object, and should return a bool, indicating whether the obje ct should be added.\nIf the optional 'selection' argument is true, this function will recurse through the current selection instead.\nThis function will also re turn the resulting selection.\nThis function does not select objects that are no t part of the game hierarchy.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"function";"check"}; {"bool";"selection";"false"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Query") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("q") SetFunction( function(test,scope)

if type(test) ~= "function" then error("1st argument mus t be a function",0) end if type(scope) ~= "table" then error("2nd argument must be a table",0) end local function recurse(object,test,results) if test(object) then table.insert(results,object) end local ot = type(object) if ot == "userdata" then local e,o = pcall(function() return obje ct:IsA"Instance" end) if e and o then for _,child in pairs(object:GetC hildren()) do recurse(child,test,resul ts) end end elseif ot == "table" then for i,v in pairs(object) do recurse(v,test,results) end end end local results = {} for i,v in pairs(scope) do recurse(v,test,results) end return results end ) SetDescription("Gathers a list of results from a scope of values based o n provided criteria.\n'test' is a function that receives a value, and returns a bool.\n'scope' is a table of values to be recursively searched through.\nIf a va lue is a table, it's contents are searched.\nIf a value is an Instance, it's chi ldren are searched.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"function";"test"}; {"table";"scope"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("WorldPosition") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("wp") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = object.CFrame +,y, z) end end )

SetDescription("Moves each selected part based on it's location, but not its rotation.\n'x', 'y', and 'z' represent how many studs to move on their resp ective axes.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SnapPosition") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sp") SetFunction( function(xinc,yinc,zinc) xinc,yinc,zinc = xinc or 0,yinc or 0,zinc or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local pos = object.CFrame.p object.CFrame = (object.CFrame-pos) + w(Round(pos.x,xinc),Round(pos.y,yinc),Round(pos.z,zinc)) end end ) SetDescription("Snaps the position of each selection on each axis by its respective increment.\nFor example, if 'xinc' were 1, each part would be snappe d to the nearest 1 on the X axis.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"xinc";"0"}; {"number";"yinc";"0"}; {"number";"zinc";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("FirstPosition") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("fp") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local new = corigin *,y,z) for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin:t oObjectSpace(part.CFrame)) end else error("no vaild selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Moves the first selection, then moves the rest relative

to it.\nThe first selection is moved based on its rotation.\nThe position and ro tation of the rest of the selection is kept relative to the first.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SnapFirstPosition") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sfp") SetFunction( function(xinc,yinc,zinc) xinc,yinc,zinc = xinc or 0,yinc or 0,zinc or 0 local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local pos = corigin.p local new = (corigin-pos) + s.x,xinc or 0),Round(pos.y,yinc or 0),Round(pos.z,zinc or 0)) for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin:t oObjectSpace(part.CFrame)) end else error("no vaild selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Snaps the position of the first selection, then moves th e rest relative to it.\nThe position and rotation of the rest of the selection i s kept relative to the first.\nThe first selection is snapped on each axis by it s respective increment.\nFor example, if 'xinc' were 1, each part would be snapp ed to the nearest 1 on the X axis.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"xinc";"0"}; {"number";"yinc";"0"}; {"number";"zinc";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("ObjectPosition") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("op") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = object.CFrame *,y,z

) end end ) SetDescription("Moves each selection based on its rotation.\nEach part i s moved in the direction of its rotation, independent of any other part.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Position") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("p") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = (object.CFrame-object.CFrame.p) +,y,z) end end ) SetDescription("Directly sets the position of each selection.\n'x', 'y', and 'z' represent their respective positions on each axis.\nThe rotation of eac h selection is not affected.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("RelativeRotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("rr") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = object.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(ma th.rad(x),math.rad(y),math.rad(z)) end end )

SetDescription("Rotates each selection based on its current rotation.\n' x', 'y', and 'z' represent their respective rotational axes, in degrees.\nRotati on by this command is accumulative.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SnapRotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sr") SetFunction( function(xinc,yinc,zinc) xinc,yinc,zinc = xinc or 0,yinc or 0,zinc or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local x,y,z = object.CFrame:toEulerAnglesXYZ() object.CFrame = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(Round(math.deg(x),xinc)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(y),yinc)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(z),zinc)) ) + object.CFrame.p end end ) SetDescription("Snaps the rotation of each selection on each axis by its respective increment.\nFor example, if 'xinc' were 45, each part's rotation wou ld be snapped to the nearest 45th degree on the X axis.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"xinc";"0"}; {"number";"yinc";"0"}; {"number";"zinc";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("PivotRotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("pv") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local new = corigin * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x), math.rad(y),math.rad(z)) for _,object in pairs(selection) do object.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin :toObjectSpace(object.CFrame))

end else error("no vaild selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Rotates the first selection, then moves the rest of the selection relative to it.\nThe position and rotation of the rest of the selectio n is kept relative to the first.\nRotation by this command is accumulative.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SnapPivotRotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("spv") SetFunction( function(xinc,yinc,zinc) xinc,yinc,zinc = xinc or 0,yinc or 0,zinc or 0 local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local corigin = selection[1].CFrame local x,y,z = corigin:toEulerAnglesXYZ() local new = CFrame.Angles( math.rad(Round(math.deg(x),xinc)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(y),yinc)), math.rad(Round(math.deg(z),zinc)) ) + corigin.p for _,object in pairs(selection) do object.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin :toObjectSpace(object.CFrame)) end else error("no vaild selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Snaps the rotation of the first selection, then moves th e rest relative to it.\nThe position and rotation of the rest of the selection i s kept relative to the first.\nThe first selection is snapped on each rotational axis by its respective increment.\nFor example, if 'xinc' were 45, the first pa rt would be snapped to the nearest 45th degree on the X axis.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"xinc";"0"}; {"number";"yinc";"0"}; {"number";"zinc";"0"}; }) Validate() end)

ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("GroupRotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("gr") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local corigin = )) local new = corigin * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(x), math.rad(y),math.rad(z)) for _,object in pairs(selection) do object.CFrame = new:toWorldSpace(corigin :toObjectSpace(object.CFrame)) end else error("no vaild selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Rotates the entire selection around the center of that s election.\n'x', 'y', and 'z' represent their respective rotational axes, in degr ees.\nRotation by this command is accumulative.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Rotation") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("r") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = * CF rame.Angles(math.rad(x),math.rad(y),math.rad(z)) end end ) SetDescription("Directly sets the rotation of each selection, in degrees .\n'x', 'y', and 'z' represent their respective rotational axes, in degrees.\nRo tation is set indenpendently of the part's current rotation.\nFor example, if 'x inc' were 90 degrees, the part's rotation would be reset, then rotated to 90 deg rees.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"};

{"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Resize") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("rs") local facevector = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] k); [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bot tom); [Enum.NormalId.Front] nt); [Enum.NormalId.Left] t); [Enum.NormalId.Right] ht); [Enum.NormalId.Top] alId.Top); } local facemult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } local facesize = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.Norm = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Rig = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Lef = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Fro = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bac

= = = = =

1; -1; -1; -1; 1; = 1;

= = = = =

"z"; "y"; "z"; "x"; "x"; = "y";

local FFXZ = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local FFY = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local formfactormult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] = FFXZ;

= = = =

1; 1; 1; 0.2; = 2;

= = = =

1; 1.2; 0.4; 0.2; = 2;

[Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] }

= = = =


local function GetFormFactor(object) if object:IsA"FormFactorPart" then return object.formFactor elseif object:IsA"TrussPart" then return "TrussPart" else return Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric end end SetFunction( function(face,distance) if type(face) ~= "string" a string",0) end local stringface = { ["back"] = ["bottom"] = ["front"] = ["left"] = ["right"] = ["top"] = } distance = distance or 0 face = stringface[face]

then error("1st argument needs Enum.NormalId.Back; Enum.NormalId.Bottom; Enum.NormalId.Front; Enum.NormalId.Left; Enum.NormalId.Right; Enum.NormalId.Top;

local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") local fm,fs = facemult[face],facesize[face] local dis = distance*fm local fvec = facevector[face] for i,part in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local cf,sz,ff = part.CFrame,part.Size,GetFormFa ctor(part) local ffm = formfactormult[face][ff] local mult if ff == Enum.FormFactor.Custom then mult = dis else mult = Round(dis,ffm) end local mod = fvec*mult local fsize = sz[fs] mod = fsize + mult*fm < ffm and fvec*((ffm-fsize )*fm) or mod part.Size = sz + mod part.CFrame = cf **fm/2) end end ) SetDescription("Resizes each selection on a specified face by a specifie d distance.\n'face' should be a string that represents the face resize on.\n\"to p\", \"bottom\", \"front\", \"back\", \"right\", and \"left\" are valid spelling s.\nCapitalization does not matter.\n'distance' is the distance to resize by.\nN

ote that a part's size may be rounded, depending on its FormFactor.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"face"}; {"number";"distance";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("SnapSize") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("ss") SetFunction( function(xinc,yinc,zinc) xinc,yinc,zinc = xinc or 0,yinc or 0,zinc or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local cf = object.CFrame object.Size = Round(object.Size.x,xinc), Round(object.Size.y,yinc), Round(object.Size.z,zinc) ) object.CFrame = cf end end ) SetDescription("Snaps the size of each selection on each axis by its rep ective increment.\nFor example, if 'xinc' were 1, each part's size would be snap ped to the nearest 1 on the X axis.\nNote that a part's size may be rounded depe nding on its FormFactor.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"xinc";"0"}; {"number";"yinc";"0"}; {"number";"zinc";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("CenterResize") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("crs") local facevector = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] k); [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bot tom); [Enum.NormalId.Front] nt); [Enum.NormalId.Left] t); [Enum.NormalId.Right] ht); [Enum.NormalId.Top] = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.Norm = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Rig = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Lef = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Fro = Vector3.FromNormalId(Enum.NormalId.Bac

alId.Top); } local facemult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } local facesize = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] }

= = = = =

1; -1; -1; -1; 1; = 1;

= = = = =

"z"; "y"; "z"; "x"; "x"; = "y";

local FFXZ = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local FFY = { [Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric] [Enum.FormFactor.Brick] [Enum.FormFactor.Plate] [Enum.FormFactor.Custom] ["TrussPart"] } local formfactormult = { [Enum.NormalId.Back] [Enum.NormalId.Bottom] [Enum.NormalId.Front] [Enum.NormalId.Left] [Enum.NormalId.Right] [Enum.NormalId.Top] } = = = = = FFXZ; FFY; FFXZ; FFXZ; FFXZ;

= = = =

1; 1; 1; 0.2; = 2;

= = = =

1; 1.2; 0.4; 0.2; = 2;

= FFY;

local function GetFormFactor(object) if object:IsA"FormFactorPart" then return object.formFactor elseif object:IsA"TrussPart" then return "TrussPart" else return Enum.FormFactor.Symmetric end end SetFunction( function(face,distance) if type(face) ~= "string" then error("1st argument needs a string",0) end local stringface = { ["back"] = Enum.NormalId.Back;

["bottom"] ["front"] ["left"] ["right"] ["top"] } distance = distance or 0 face = stringface[face]

= = = = =

Enum.NormalId.Bottom; Enum.NormalId.Front; Enum.NormalId.Left; Enum.NormalId.Right; Enum.NormalId.Top;

local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") local fm,fs = facemult[face],facesize[face] local dis = distance*2*fm local fvec = facevector[face] for i,part in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local cf,sz,ff = part.CFrame,part.Size,GetFormFa ctor(part) local ffm = formfactormult[face][ff] local mult if ff == Enum.FormFactor.Custom then mult = dis else mult = Round(dis,ffm) end local mod = fvec*mult local fsize = sz[fs] mod = fsize + mult*fm < ffm and fvec*((ffm-fsize )*fm) or mod part.Size = sz + mod part.CFrame = cf end end ) SetDescription("Resizes each selection on a specified face by a specifie d distance, out from the center of the selection.\n'face' should be a string tha t represents the face resize on.\n\"top\", \"bottom\", \"front\", \"back\", \"ri ght\", and \"left\" are valid spellings.\nCapitalization does not matter.\n'dist ance' is the distance to resize by.\nNote that a part's size may be rounded, dep ending on its FormFactor.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"face"}; {"number";"distance";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Size") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("s") SetFunction( function(x,y,z) x,y,z = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0 for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do local cf = object.CFrame object.Size =,y,z) object.CFrame = cf

end end ) SetDescription("Directly sets the size of each selection.\n'x', 'y', and 'z' represent their respective size axes on a part.\n") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("JoinWeld") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("jw") SetFunction( function(type) type = type or "Motor6D" local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local x = table.remove(selection,1) local c = local xcf = x.CFrame:toObjectSpace(c) for _,y in pairs(selection) do local w = w.Part0 = x w.Part1 = y w.C0 = xcf w.C1 = y.CFrame:toObjectSpace(c) w.Parent = x end elseif #selection > 0 then error("not enough valid selections",0) else error("no valid selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Welds each selection to the first selection using a spec ified joint.\n'type' can be the ClassName of any Instance that inherits from the JointInstance, as long as it's instancable.\n'type' is case-sensitive.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"type";"Motor6D"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("BreakWeld") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("bw") SetFunction(

function(type) type = type or "Motor6D" local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 0 then local part = table.remove(selection,1) local joints = {} for _,joint in pairs(part:GetChildren()) do if joint.className == type then table.insert(joints,joint) end end if #selection > 0 then local joined = {} for i,v in pairs(selection) do joined[v] = true end for _,joint in pairs(joints) do if joined[joint.Part1] then joint:Remove() end end else local joint = joints[#joints] if joint then joint:Remove() end end else error("no valid selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Removes joints, depending on how many parts are selected .\nIf multiple parts are selected, then any joints of any involved parts, and of 'type', are removed.\nThat is, if a joint in the first selection is joined with another selected part, that joint is removed.\nIn other words, a reverse of the JoinWeld command occurs.\nIf only one part is selected, then the last weld of ' type' found, is removed from that part.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"string";"type";"Motor6D"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Scale") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sc") SetFunction( function(factor) local function RecurseScale(object,factor,center) if object:IsA"BasePart" then if object:IsA"FormFactorPart" then object.formFactor = "Custom" end local cf = center:toObjectSpace(object.C Frame)

object.Size = object.Size*factor object.CFrame = center:toWorldSpace(cf + cf.p * (factor - 1)) elseif object:IsA"DataModelMesh" then object.Offset = object.Offset * factor if object:IsA"FileMesh" then if object:IsA"SpecialMesh" then if object.MeshType == En um.MeshType.FileMesh then object.Scale = o bject.Scale * factor end else object.Scale = object.Sc ale * factor end elseif object:IsA"BevelMesh" then object.Bevel = object.Bevel * fa ctor end elseif object:IsA"Texture" then object.StudsPerTileU = object.StudsPerTi leU * factor object.StudsPerTileV = object.StudsPerTi leV * factor end for _,child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do RecurseScale(child,factor,center) end end local selection = GetSelection() local parts = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #parts > 0 then local center = local model ="Model",workspace) model.Name = "ScaledModel" for _,object in pairs(selection) do local new = object:Clone() RecurseScale(new,factor,center) new.Parent = model end else error("no valid selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Copies then scales the entire selection as a group by a specified factor.\n'factor' is a number that scales the selection up or down.\nF or example, if the factor were 0.5, then the result would be half the size.\nIf the factor were 2, then the result would be twice the size.") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"factor";"1"}; }) Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Slope")

SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sl") SetFunction( function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 2 then local p1 = table.remove(selection,2) local p0 = table.remove(selection,1) for _,part in pairs(selection) do part.CFrame =,p art.CFrame.p+(p1.CFrame.p-p0.CFrame.p)) end elseif #selection > 1 then error("not enough valid selections",0) elseif #selection > 0 then error("invalid second selection",0) else error("invalid first selection",0) end end ) SetDescription("Rotates the selection by using the slope between the fir st and second selections.\nThe first and second selected parts are used as point s.\nThe rest of the selection will then be rotated to the slope between those tw o points. Their positions remain the same.") Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Midpoint") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("mp") SetFunction( function() local selection = GetFilteredSelection("BasePart") if #selection > 1 then local center = table.remove(selection,1) center.CFrame = (center.CFrame-center.CFrame.p) + GetMidpoint(selection) elseif #selection > 0 then error("not enough valid selections",0) else error("no valid selections",0) end end ) SetDescription("Moves the first selection to the center of the rest of t he selection.\nThe part's rotation is not affected.") Validate() end) ProcessElementSource(function() SetPluginName("Skew") SetPluginType("command") SetCommandName("sk")

SetFunction( function(x,y,z,precision) x,y,z,precision = x or 0,y or 0,z or 0, precision or 1 x,y,z = math.rad(x*precision),math.rad(y*precision),math .rad(z*precision) for _,object in pairs(GetFilteredSelection("BasePart")) do object.CFrame = object.CFrame * CFrame.Angles( math.random(-x,x)/precision, math.random(-y,y)/precision, math.random(-z,z)/precision ) end end ) SetDescription("Rotates each selection with random angles.\n'x', 'y', an d 'z' represent the maximum possible amount to skew by on each axis.\n'precision ' represents the number of decimal places possible.\n(1 yields results like 0 or 1, 100 yields results like 0.01 or 0.99)") SetArgumentDoc({ {"number";"x";"0"}; {"number";"y";"0"}; {"number";"z";"0"}; {"number";"precision";"1"}; }) Validate() end) -- Start! GetPluginSources() InitializePanel() InitializeCommands() -- All done! print("CmdUtl v"..version.." loaded")

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