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May 20/1916



Page 11

How the Camerons Defied the Enemy. GAS CLOUDS OVERCOME.'
One of the most thrilling incidents described in the narrative of the battlfe of Loos, prepared by the Histori(;al Section of llie Committee of Imperial Defence from such official records as are at present available^ is that of the rally to two pieces of Cameron tartan iii the later stages of the battle at Hill 70. ,
Soon after t h e loading l i n e , says tlic n a r r a t i v e , - h a d - g o t cheeked on t h e further side of H i l l 70 a senior oiReer arrived on Aho hill, t h e comm a n d i n g officer of t h e 7tli Cameroiis, who b r o u g h t with h i m a couple of e o m p a u i e s of t h e 7th Scots F u s i l i e r s of' t h e 45th Brigade. On the h e a d q u a r t e r Jfag carried hy tlie 7th Caiiierons a couple of pieces of Caineion t a r t a n h a d b e e n sewn. R o u n d t h i s tlic men rallied, a n d t h o u g h m o r e t h a n once thS liae shook before the G e r m a n counter-attacks, every t i m e the flag went forw a r d the m e n followed it u p the hill, a n d before long the r e m n a n t s of t h e 44th B r i g a d e h a d settled down a n d checked the coiuitcr-attacks. T h e only o t h e r troops at h i s disposal were d e t a c h m e n t s of all u n i t s of t h e 44th Brigade, m e n who h a d fought their way t]3rouBh Loos a n d collected o n t h e r e a r slope of t h e h i l l . Realising t h a t as . t h i n g s stood t h e forward position over t h e crest of t h e hill was untejiable, lie at once set to work to o r g a n i s e a defensive l i n e some 200 to 300 y a r d s back on the western slope, and on .this l i n e the r e m n a n t s of t h e m e n who h a d gone on a g a i n s t Cite St. L a u r e n t were rallied when at last they fell back. T H E S I T U A T I O N WAS CRITICAL. F o r a t i m e t h e s i t u a t i o n was critical. The G e r m a n s were following u p t h e retreat of tlie e x h a u s t e d survivors of the a d v a n c e d troops : the h i l l .wa.s.under heavy fire; t h e u n i t s , except for t h e Scots Fu.'iiliGrs, were all mixed u p a n d t h e r e were very few officers left. B u t t h e German counter-attacks were cheeked on t h e crest of t h e hill, and. t h o u g h a r e d o u b t on t h e crest u n f o r t u n a t e l y passed i n t o t h e i r keeping agaizi, t h e position just below t h e crest was m a i n t a i n e d against all attacks. The frontage on which t h e m a i n attack of the British forces was to be delivered was t h a t between t h e B e t h u n e - L a Bassfie Canal a n d tiie p o i n t j u s t s o u t h of Grenay where the r i g h t of t h e F i r s t A r m y joined the left "of t h e F r e n c h a r m i e s under General Foch. At the appointed liour, 5.60, the discharge of gas a n d s m o k e began a n d c o n t i n u e d d u r h i g t h e last forty m i n u t e s ' o f t h e b o m b a r d m e n t . On t h e left t h e 2nd South Staffordshires suf fered p a r t i c u l a r l y heavily from flanking fire from t h e E n i b a n k u i e n t B.edoubt, and t h o u g h such was t h e vigour a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n w h i c h they p u t i n t o their attack t h a t one c o m p a n y effected a Uiilguicnt in t h e G e r m a n lines, it was held u p by enfilade fire and h a d in t h e e n d to fall b a c k w l i e n our boniba]'do!ent was renewed. GERMAN F n O N T TAKEN. By m i d d a y t h e First Corps, tbougli cheeked on the left, h a d s e c u i e d the whole of t h e G e r m a n front from t h e llohenol]ern R e d o u b t s o n t h , h a d c a p t u r e d n i n e field Kuns (eight h i G u n T r e n c h a n d one t a k e n by t h e a\inth Division at Fosse V I I I . ) a n d m a n y p r i s o n e r s , a n d b a d p u s h e d forward to the seeond l i n e The F o u r t h , on its right, h a d attacked with n o less d a s h a n d gained equally s t r i k i n g successes. Dealing witii another ])nrtion of the attack, t h e a c c o u n t says :Gas a n d smoke were let loose from 5.50 onwards, a n d very soon the G e r m a n front lino was coini)letely blotted out from t h e view of t h e British, On t h e whole the gas worked well, b u t t h e wind was light a n d fitful, and i n one or two places the cloud drifted back cm our lines, c a u s i n g sonte casualties and a little confusion. I t was t h e n t h a t at a p o i n t where t h e gas was h a n g i n g thickest P i p e r Laidlaw, of t h e 7tii K.O.S.B.'s, jiLUiped out of b i s t r e n c h , a n d moved u p a n d down p l a y i n g the r e g i m e n t a l m a r c h , a n d b i s e x a m p l e at once steadied the men,

WAK WIIITEE ACCUSED. Ex-Lieutenant H. G. Woods Summoned for Being an Absentee.

Ex-Lientenaiit H . Charles Woods, formerly of the Grenadier Guards, a correspondent and writer on m i l i t a r y topics, was s u m m o n e d a t Marlborough-street yesterday before Mr. Mead for being an a b s e n t e e u n d e r t h e Military Service Act. Captain V a n s i t t a r t , r e c r u i t i n g officer for "Westminster, said t h a t Woods h a d been called u p b u t h a d not p r e s e n t e d himself. Mr. H c w a r t : Did you know t h a t h e was a lieut e n a n t in t h e G r e n a d i e r Guard.s from 1900 to 1907 a n d t h a t in N o v e m b e r . 1907, t h e r e was a c o u r t of inquiry" a n d t h a t as t h e I'esult h e was directed to forward an a p p l i c a t i o n to resign h i s c o m m i s s i o n ? ! c a n n o t speak as to t h a t . Mr, Hewart, for t h e defence, a r g u e d t h a t as d e f e n d a n t h a d a l r e a d y served in t h e Army h e eoiild not be called u p . Counsel read a letter from L o r d H a l d a n e , w i l t t e n in 1907, saying it was i m p o s s i b l e in t h e puhiic i n t e r e s t t h a t L i e u t e n a n t Woods should r e m a i n in t h e Army a n d t h a t h e obviously possessed t a l e n t s w h i c h m i g h t be used i n o t h e r s p h e r e s o"f life. T h e m a g i s t r a t e decided to a d j o u r n t h e ease for a week, and suggested an a p p e a l to the W a r Office.

" This ia to Certify that the ' \ ' . R . ' a n d ' Special Liqueur' Brands of Irish W h i s k y of Messrs. Dunville & Co,, Ltd., of Belfast, have been passed by the Examining Board of the and them." the Incorporated Institute of Hygiene as of (ulfilting Purity by standard

" T * * V.


A special perfoi'manoe of Georgian plays (1913-15), u n d e r the "direction of Miss Vioia Tree, took plaee at J l i s Majesty's T h e a t r e yesterday. The t h r e e plays given were written by t h r e e m o d e r n ^ o e t s , a n d for the g r e a t e r p a r t t h e y were distinctly gloomy i n t e x t u r e . Still " L i t h u a n i a , " a d r a m a in one act by tlie late R u p e r t Brooke, h a s a t h r i l l i n it, a n d was distinguhshed by a piece of tragically b e a u t i ful acting by Miss Lillah McCarthy. T h i s a n d the iierforrnance of Miss J u H a .Tanies in " K i n g L e a r ' s Wife," a t r a g e d y in one act, by Ml'. G()rdon E,ottomley, were t h e o u t s t a n d ing features of t h e afternoon. Miss J a m e s , who h a s frequently hecn- urged to phiy in poetic d r a m a , fully justified the exp e c t a t i o n s of h e r friends. Lady Tree h a d a most trying p a r t to p e r f o r m she was dying t h r o u g h o u t the d u r a t i o n of the play, b u t Miss Yiola Tree looked s u p e r b as Goneril. The p r o c e e d s of the m a t i n e e w^ere d i v i d e d between the City of W e s t m i n s t e r H e a l t h Society a n d a day n u r s e r j ' for t h e o h i h l r e n of our sold i e r s a n d .sailors.

Quality required

Certificate Incorporated

awarded by Institute of

H y g i e n e , (or len consecutive years since above date.

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C o r k a n d Capsule.

DUNVSLLE & CO., Ltd.. gPs^fi^Sg BELFAST.


Saying s h e would go s t r a i g h t h o m e , the seventeen-year-old d a u g h t e r of ,a widow liamed H a r rison, living at 85, H i g h - r o a d , K i l b u r n , left h e r m o t h e r i n Beisize-road n e a r l y four m o n t h s ago a n d h a s not been h e a r d of since. She is described as a tall a n d fine girl for her age, with r u d d y c h e e k s ' a n d b l u e eyes. JIMMY WILDE'S ENGAGEMENTS.

.Jimmy Wilde, wlio is meetins; Tommy Harrison at Set, l i b , at the Oxiord. Music Hall on Moiiclay svcek, has been inalched witli 'ranoy Lee for tlie Lonsdale fly-weight belt a t the National Sporting Club on June 26. 'I'he stakes will ha 1,500. Wilde will meet sii: opponents on June 13threo a t Wakefiohi in the afternoon, and three at Castleloid at night. On the day piior to that he wOl oppose -Johnny HuBhes. N E W Y O R K , Friday.A ten round " n o decisioii " boxing contest between M.ikti Gibbons and Kid Lewis took place here last night. Aioording to the conscnswi of opinion of the sporting' writers present, Gibbons slightly outpointed his opponent.Ileuter.


LONDON AMUSEMENTS. ADELPH1, (229th perfce.) .The Musical Play, TINA. To-day, a t 2 and 8. Mats., Weds, and .Sal'^., a t 2. GODFREY 'J'KARLE, MABJiL SKALBY, W. 11. B.EERY. Tel., 2645 Ger, E V K - E V E ly EVE n i n g - E V E . APOLLO. (Ger, 3243.) MABEL RUSSELL. TO-DAY'S ATHLETIC MEETINGS. "TOTO" A New All-British Musical Pluy. " TOTO." "TOTO." TO-DAY, a t 2:30 and 8.20. ' TOTO." Mats., Jlons., Tliuis.. Bats., 2.30. " TOTO." Neweastle: Nor thorn Cmimaud Cross^Country and " TOTO." COMEDY, Sole Lessee, Arthur Cliuilleigh. Evenings, a t 9.3D Physical I''itness Association I'lianipionsliips. ' HALF-PAST EIGHT." Mat., Uoa., f r i . , Sat., a t 2.30. Bovingtoii: Fifteen-miles Marathon race. A L I T T L E B I T OF F L U F F . lilaciiheath; Metropolitan Athletic (Joinmittee mceling CRI'TERION. and sports. To-day, 2.S0 and 8.30. Mats., Weds., Tlmrs., Sats., 2.30. Kdinljnvgii: Scottish inter-schoiastic sports. " Tlifi hmnitjst .faice for ytiirs."" Daily Teleifrapl)." To-day, 2 and 8. THE HAPPV DAY. Barrow-in-Fiirncsf: Barrow NortliCrn Union F,C. sports. DALY'S. Tiie Geo. Edwardes new produttion. JIats., Weds., Sats., 2. A splendid programme has been arranged for the Ring G P Huntley, Lauri do i''recc, Arthur Wontucr, Jose Collins, Rosiiia Filippi, Unity More, Winilred Rarncs. this evejiiny, when t h e chief event is a twenty rounds Evenings, 8.0. Mats., Sats., 2.0. contest bfttween ,Sid Smith, the ex-flywci^ht champion, and GAIETY TO-NIGHT'S T H E NIGHT. Lance-Corporal Dido Gains. A t ^Vool^vi,ch, in' the afterGARRiCK At 2.30 and S.30. " T I G E R ' S CUB." noon. Jim Watts moots Bergeant Zimraer in a fifteen BASIL GILL and MADGE TITilERADGE. Mats., Mon rounds bout. Wed , I'ri., Sat., 2.30; EVRS., Tuc?.. Wed., Tlitirs., Sat., B.30. GLOBE. Every Evening, a t 8.30, THE SHOW SHOP. Matinee, Wed.?, and Sata., at .30. MONTSF.R.RA'l', like, moft'; tilings, costs more than before HOW TO HEDTJOK YOUU WKA'i' !!IL1.!Make dcliMARTIEJ HARVEY. Shakespeare's rLoiis and. nutritious pudtiinns willi apple?, fitss, liates, the War. I t s (jviality remains, as ever, superlative. ' I t is HIS MAJESTY'S. golden syvu]!, i;i!, etc.. .i.nd Pliirdded-ATORA Dcuf .^uft. still necessary to insist on MONTBERRAT L I M E F i u i r r J U I C E Tercentenary Festival-, TO-DAY, 2.15 and 8. Mat,"^., Wed.s.. Sal- 2 15. ' T H E TAMING OE T H E SHREW. Ne-it week; Alivay=^ ready Eoi iiws and saves all llifi troubio iif chiip- if you wish the cheapest and best of all drinks.~(Advt.) Richard H I . " i l a y 29 to .Juni: 3. " H e n r y V." ping, Atk your grocer (or it; re[u?e hiiljsHtiites. SijUi in KIHGSWAY. " VE GODS!" New Farce. 1 lb. ravtoiis lOJd. srui I, ll>-i-arton; 5id.(Advt.) SMALL ADVEKTiSi'MEiNTS To-nirfit. 8 30. Mat., Wed., Thurs., Bat., 2.30. Oor. 4032, LYRIC. DORIS KEANE in ROMANCE. are leccived a t thu olliccs oi " T h e Daily Mirror" PEiKSONAL. 2329, IJouverie-st, V-.C, between llif hours ol 10 ajid To-dav 2.30 and 8.15. Matinees, Wed. and Sat,, a t 2.30, 6 (Saturdays. 10 to 11, Fiiianoial, i'artnerebips and PJiKASK KceiifOoH, dear, n,rraiiB(;, avoid iiii^talic.W. OWliN NARES. A. E. ANSON. I'ublin NotrcoB, 53, per lijie, iiiiiiimum 2 lines. Trade A I'UZZiJ^.Wanted ftxplain, .v.iicertain speak. Blael; Hdvertisenients. 2s, 6d, per lirLe.lniuiiniiin 2 lines, NEW. TO-DAY, a t 2.30 and 8.30. CAROLINE. Cat. .SR.'^KJDJi: AND COU.NTliy AfAitTMENXa, Mis'; Irene Vanbrugli and M.-. J.eonard Boyne. 2s. ed, |ipr line, minimum 2 lino-, M\.TINEF..S, EVERY DAY, a t 2.30. LAST WILL Mr. v.. C- Crceii, lovmcrly I.ivri|>ci>l ijeeiment, AdveitiiCiiients if sent by ]iost must be aecomr.omraui;i(.'atfi wil-li Messrs, l^irtli and Co., Boli.'itoiP, 5, EVENINGS- Tburs. and Sata, only, at 8.30, WEEKS. jiaiiicd by POSTAL .ORDERS CltOfiSFD COUTTa Chaneery-lnnc, PLAYHOUSE. 2.40 and 8.^30. PLEASE HELP EMILY. D(i(i CO. STAMPS WILL NOT UK ACCFI'TFD. 'iAIU permanently remover] from fnt v.iLh cicctrieily; CHARLES liAWTREY and GLADYS COO.PER. la.dies only,Floreni-.e Wood, 105. Reaciii-st. W ETCS (Mon excepted), 8.10. Hats., Wed., Tliurs., ISat,, 2.40, S I T U A T I O N S VACANT. OF WALES'. Every Evening, * j * Tlie above advcitisements are charged a t llie rate of ii.NFMA or Stage.Beginner*' Guide .(free); eTCrvthing PRINCS H R . MANHATTAN, a new musical play. a t 8.15. pigbt, -words 1?. and 66. per word attervfaids. Trade advertjplHined.Orahaih and Co,, 29S, Kennington-rd. Matineo, Weds, and Sats,, a t 2.30. liaemonts in I'ersciiial Col-umu eight "woids s, 8d. an(i lod, QUEEN'S {Gerr. 9437). Every Evening, at 8.30. per word after; name ami -address of sender must also tao M O U S E S T O LET. ^ BOOMS WITH LAUGHTER. sent.Address. Advertisement Manager, " Daily Mirror," G N T waste more money in rent; send for "Personal Altred Butt presents T H E BOOMERANG. 23-29, Bouyerie-st, .J.ondon. Ownership," and see lio\i you can make the house your Matinee, Weds, and Sats., a t 2.30. own: post free on application to the Managers, The Pro- ROYALTY. DISRAELI, by LOUiS N. Parker. MUSICAl. I N S T R U M E N T S , ETC. vident Association of .London, l t d , , 246, Bishopsgate, DENNIS EADIE. GABRIELLE DOR.ZIAT. B.AMOPHONE.Beautilnl dra,winff-room' ca.binet, in- London, K,0. Mention " Daily Mirror." D^ILY, a t 2.30; Evenings, Thurs. and Sat?., a t 8,15. laid Sheraton; Iieight, fit.; record i^upboard enclosed; ST. JAMES'S. TO-DAY and DAILY, a t 2.30. powerjul motor; tiuantity celebrated records; approval FINANCIAL, TO-NIGHT and Weds,, Fris. and Sats,, a t 8,15. wiliinglv; aecept 5 i guineas.3, Aiibett .I'ark, lligljbury p..X,Ioi' -E-'^ 5?, promptly aiidprivately: essy repayments; Miss MOYA MANNERING in P E G O ' MY HEART. Park, Loudon, N. * 3ijtJ' olher amounts in prcportion.-^British aiiji Foreign SCALA,-a.30 and 7.3J. THE WORLD AT WAR, The Loan and Investment , Co., 6,. WtHon-rd, Victoria, S.W arrival and reeeption of the Russian France. ReARTfFICIAI. " T E E t H . QK to 5 000 Lp.nt; Interest la, : Special Ladies' Dept. cent Scenes in Dublin. Our Enemies. Latest Irom All - C a l l or write B. B. I-yle, 39, New Osford-st, W.O, Fronts. I'he Russians All About Z E r P E L I N S . etc. ADY Reid'a 'I'ecth Society, WiJ.Gas, 2s.; teeth, at lios- * t i SAVOY. A t 2.30 and 8.15. Mr. H. B. IRVING. .pital pricea, weekly i! desired.Call or write, Sec, THE BARTON MYSTEEY, by Walter Hackett. Every 624, Osiord-st, MarWe Arch, Tele,, .yayfajr .5559. M O T O R S A N D CYCLES. Eve. Mats., Mon Wed. and Rat.. 2.30, Tel,, Gerr. 2602. ENTLEMAN'S 191S Mode! De Luxe Cycle, fitted with SH/i^TESBURY. At 2.15, 8.1 S. Mats., Weds,, Sats., 2.15. AVIAR.tES) {POULTRY A N O P E T S . B.S.A.-3-speed gear, perfect condition; must sell; acRobert Courtneidgo's Production, :, i AI.KING Parrots, from 12s. -63.; 3 months' t^ifl.l.~Fa^ cept 5 ; anproTal willinely. IS, Upper Porchester-st, Hyde MY LADY FRAYLi:. ticulars. Chapman, I'arrot Aviaries, Birminghain, I'ark, London. ^ STRAND, A t 2.30 and 8.20. KULTUR AT HOME. Daily, at 2.30, Evenings, Wedp., Thurs,, Sats,, a t 3.20.

EXCEPTIONAL. FOOD VALUE.' VAUDEVILLE, At 8.15. " S A M P L E S ! " Alwa>8 new, II. Grattan's Revue, 8.!5. MATS., Weds., Tliurs., Sals., 3.30. WYNDHAM'S. 2.30 and 8.30. Mats., Wed., Sat., 2.30. . A KISS FOtt GL\DEiU':LLA, bv .1. M. Jlarric. Gerald du Maiirior. Ililda Trcvelyan.

ALHAMBRA. " T H E RING BOYS ARE HERE." GE0R(;E ALFRED VIOMCT ROBEY. I,i'".RTER. I:OnAlNE. Kvgs,, 8,30. Varieties, 6,li), Mia Wed., Thtivs., Sat., 2.15, HIPPODROME, London,- Twice Daily, 2,30, 8.30, -^cw R,vn>^ "JOY-LAND!" MAlKiV; Ll';sHIN(i, HARRY I'ATI^, YT/ITA RIAN/.A, iil^lfl^liftJI W A I J J S , CilARLlW flEUKKLl'LV, ond Siipcr-lk^auty Ghorus. PALACE.-" B H I C - A - B R A C " (at 8.3.';), wltli GERTIE MILLAIJ,' Airi'!II7lf I'l.AYl.'AI R. NELSON KEYS, (URARD, GINA PALERM E. Varieties at B. M i t . , Wed, and Sat., at 2. . PALLAOIUM.--2.30, 6.10 and 9, ChaB. Gulliver presents Albert (ic Courtillo'-i i'rodn.tiiin, " F U N A M ) BEAUTY," featuring JOtiN l l U M F i i U i l l S , IDA CRISPJ, Ekie Spain, George Manton, Garry Lyneh, Gordon Slii'rry, etc. Varieties^ bv "BILLY MEIiSON. iictli 'I'atc. Mad^e Glilton. FLYING AT HENDON TO-DAY. Special disijiays every Tiiurs., Sat and Run. from i (weather pcrniitt.l. Aifmi'^s. Ls. and 2s. 6d. Open-air L'alc, Passcn^ier flight? Ironi 2 s. Dailv. IVIASKELYNE'S MYSTERIES, St GcorfiO's Halt, W.At 3 and 8. ls.-5a. Cbildren Imlf-iirico 'Plioiio, LiiflB May. DAILY MAIL ACTIVE SEflVtCE EXHIBITION. KniElitsbridse" Hall, KniBhtshridRc, on hc.bnU of tha liritish Red Cross and Order ol St. ,Tt]ni. Daily, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. One sbilling till 5 p.m.; 5 to 9 p.m., Gd. M A R K E T I N G BY P O S T . Rate, 2s. 6d. per line; miuimuni, 3 lines. AMS and liai-oii,Pariott and .Tnmcs' " Meadow Brand."Have you <>vcc heard iliis name with rcli^renee to Baoon and Uanis? When you ROC the I'arrott Mul James Brand on iSaeon or Ham you Iniow it is the finest quality, proeurable, specially pr.uiared Irom t h e (Inc&t hoRS grown, unusually delicate and sweet. Wo otter .'Unsmokcd " M e a d o w " Sides, about 18 lbs. each, JOJd. per lb ; Smoked Sides, id. r ^ r lb. more. Wliite Dried or Smoked Streaky Sides, about 12 lbs. each, absoliLtely fre .Irom bone. n j d . per lb., four sides lli'.d. per lb. 12-Ib. " M e a d o w " Hams, Smoked or While Dried, Is", )ier lb., lour Hams 11 Jd. per lb. lOlb. Gooked llonoless Ham, with frili ready lor table, 1B. 31d. per lb., 3 Hams Is. 3d. nr lb. Rail paid to any address in tbn United KiriS'dom. ct us send you our illustrated price list, which seti out the various joints we oficr.Parrott and James, Bacon Factory, Bristol.


MISCELLAIMEOUS. Rate, 2s. 6d, per lino; minimum, 2 linoa. NEW Cure !or Deafncsfi.Full parliculata ol a certnio Cure for Deainnsa and Noises will be sent post Itee by, D, c:|llton. 15, Hread-st Hill. London, E.O. ORNS Destroyed in B days by Needlmm's Corn Bilk, Bia, Needbam'fl, 297. IWKware-rd. I/indon. W, V I T A D A T I O , the Marvellous Blood Purifier and Tonio, cwrcs Gastric Ulcers, Tumours, TuhercHlo.?ie and Intirn.ftl Growths when other treatmonts fail; sold b y Boots', , Taylors', most chemists aiicl ctoren; Is. 3(1., 2. 6d.ftilUBB. bottles; send p.c. lor Free I'rial Dottle and Rookiet to Viladatio, Ltd. (Dept. D.M.), Park-squaro, Leeds.


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