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Happiness is having a large loving caring close-knit family in another city.

George Burns Nature of ConflictFinancial worries Affection Personal habits Risk factors for affairs: Impulsive behavior Long separation Narcissistic personality- all about themselves Domestic violence Habit of making friends online Knowledge of a parents past infidelity

Challenges of marriages staying together takes work! Every couple os vulnerable to infedelity- sexual or emotional 60% of men and 20% of women will have an affair How do you guard against an affair in your relationships? Recognize your vulnerable: temptation will approach anyone Communicate on a deeper level-share attractions in a mature way. Eliminating secrecy Keep focused on your partner-call, text, or serve them Satisfy sexual intimacy with your partner How can you guard against an affair in your relationship? Avoid connections with people on the Internet. Mention your spouse, family often in your Online interactions Keep professional boundries-lunch in groups Always wear your wedding ring-sign to the world that you are committed to your spouse 3-07-12 Infedelities Main Ingredient- any outside relationship with a sexual or emotional connection that is kept secret can be defined as a true blue affair- Ashley Madison

Parental duties Protect from emotional harm Provide moral and ethical guidelines 93% said that parents were most to blame for incivility Children will model behavior they see. Parents who openly display hostility teach the lesson to think only of themselves. Parental duties: provide for physical needs, protect from physical harm, fulfill needs for love, attention, and affection = national center on addiction and substance abuse National phone survey of a thousand teens and 800 parents of teens Better grades, and kept them away from cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana, and more Extra Credit: Powerpoint p. #, references 3 q for all chpts

No seniors, comm disabled and intellectual racism Chpt 8: talks about improving relationships 10,11 discuss conflict. 3-9-12 Working relationships Significance- just to be accused can cause harm to career and personal pain Cost- Loss of: financial, loss of physical health, emotional wellbeing, time of productivity, loss of job and career Why do we need to look at this area? May own small business, may be faces with harassment charges, advice others Important: the overwhelming majority of sexual harassment claims are filed against small business with fewer than 100 employees. Significance: studies estimate 1 women in 4 will experience sexual harassment on the job

Significance: the majority of sexual harassment complaints are against co-workers not managers New problems for employees: employees could be liable, if the victim never complained to the company New problems: if the harasser is a customer, employer could be liable, if the investigating supervisor did not pursue the investigation out of respect for the victims request for confidentiality Types of sexual harassment: Hostile work environment: an unwelcome sexual advances, request for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature Third party- sexual conduct welcomed, but creates a hostile environment of others. Sexual favoritisms- sexual conduct welcomes, but results in unfair treatment of others Sexual based- any harassing conduct based on gender EX: crude jokes, nasty pictures Title VII of the 1964 Civil rights act, emended in 1991- 1.Criteria and terminology provided by the eeoc, sexual advances or favors are made either implicitly or explicitly a condition of employment, employment decisions, including promotion are made based on the acceptance of the advances. 1 and 2- ex of quid pro quo 3. conduct has the direct purpose of unreasonably interfering with an individual work performance creating a intimidating hostile of offensive work environment. A hostile work environment Equal Employment opportunity commission Quid pro quo harassment: implied, this for that Sex discrimination:

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